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* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Daniel Alievsky, AlgART Laboratory (
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import net.algart.arrays.Arrays;
import net.algart.arrays.*;
import net.algart.math.IPoint;
import net.algart.math.IRectangularArea;
import net.algart.math.Range;
import net.algart.math.functions.LinearFunc;
import java.awt.*;
import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
public abstract class AbstractPlanePyramidSource implements PlanePyramidSource {
private static final int MAX_NON_TILED_READING_DIM = Math.max(16, Arrays.SystemSettings.getIntProperty(
"", 4096));
// 64 MB for packed int ARGB
private static final int READING_TILE_DIM = (int) Math.min(16384, Arrays.SystemSettings.getLongProperty(
private static final long TILE_CACHING_MEMORY = Math.max(16, Arrays.SystemSettings.getLongProperty(
"", 67108864));
// 64 MB (+1 possible additional tile)
public enum TileDirection {
IRectangularArea findTile(long tileDim, long dimX, long dimY, long x, long y) {
assert dimX > 0 && dimY > 0;
assert tileDim > 0;
assert x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < dimX && y < dimY;
long minX = x - x % tileDim;
long minY = y - y % tileDim;
long maxX = Math.min(minX + tileDim, dimX) - 1;
long maxY = Math.min(minY + tileDim, dimY) - 1;
return IRectangularArea.valueOf(
IPoint.valueOf(minX, minY),
IPoint.valueOf(maxX, maxY));
IRectangularArea findTile(long tileDim, long dimX, long dimY, long x, long y) {
assert dimX > 0 && dimY > 0;
assert tileDim > 0;
assert x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < dimX && y < dimY;
x = dimX - 1 - x;
long minX = x - x % tileDim;
long minY = y - y % tileDim;
long maxX = Math.min(minX + tileDim, dimX) - 1;
long maxY = Math.min(minY + tileDim, dimY) - 1;
return IRectangularArea.valueOf(
IPoint.valueOf(dimX - 1 - maxX, minY),
IPoint.valueOf(dimX - 1 - minX, maxY));
IRectangularArea findTile(long tileDim, long dimX, long dimY, long x, long y) {
assert dimX > 0 && dimY > 0;
assert tileDim > 0;
assert x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < dimX && y < dimY;
y = dimY - 1 - y;
long minX = x - x % tileDim;
long minY = y - y % tileDim;
long maxX = Math.min(minX + tileDim, dimX) - 1;
long maxY = Math.min(minY + tileDim, dimY) - 1;
return IRectangularArea.valueOf(
IPoint.valueOf(minX, dimY - 1 - maxY),
IPoint.valueOf(maxX, dimY - 1 - minY));
IRectangularArea findTile(long tileDim, long dimX, long dimY, long x, long y) {
assert dimX > 0 && dimY > 0;
assert tileDim > 0;
assert x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < dimX && y < dimY;
x = dimX - 1 - x;
y = dimY - 1 - y;
long minX = x - x % tileDim;
long minY = y - y % tileDim;
long maxX = Math.min(minX + tileDim, dimX) - 1;
long maxY = Math.min(minY + tileDim, dimY) - 1;
return IRectangularArea.valueOf(
IPoint.valueOf(dimX - 1 - maxX, dimY - 1 - maxY),
IPoint.valueOf(dimX - 1 - minX, dimY - 1 - minY));
abstract IRectangularArea findTile(long tileDim, long dimX, long dimY, long x, long y);
public enum LabelPosition {
private static final System.Logger LOG = System.getLogger(AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getName());
private MemoryModel memoryModel = Arrays.SMM;
private boolean skipCoarseData = false;
private double skippingFiller = 0.0;
private TileDirection tileCacheDirection = null;
private volatile long tileCachingMemory = TILE_CACHING_MEMORY;
private volatile RotatingPlanePyramidSource.RotationMode labelRotation =
private volatile Color labelRotationBackground = Color.GRAY;
private final AtomicReference tileCacheContainer = new AtomicReference();
// - here must be a reference, not a field: this object is usually cloned, and corrections in a clone
// do not affect the original; but this reference is shared with all clones
private final SpeedInfo speedInfo = new SpeedInfo();
protected AbstractPlanePyramidSource() {
public final MemoryModel getMemoryModel() {
return memoryModel;
public final void setMemoryModel(MemoryModel memoryModel) {
this.memoryModel = Objects.requireNonNull(memoryModel, "Null memoryModel");
* Enforces some plane pyramid sources to skip (usually to stay zero) coarse data, which should not
* be processed by image processing algorithms, like {@link SpecialImageKind#WHOLE_SLIDE}.
* @return the flag; false
by default.
public final boolean isSkipCoarseData() {
return skipCoarseData;
public final void setSkipCoarseData(boolean skipCoarseData) {
this.skipCoarseData = skipCoarseData;
public final double getSkippingFiller() {
return skippingFiller;
public final void setSkippingFiller(double skippingFiller) {
this.skippingFiller = skippingFiller;
public abstract int numberOfResolutions();
public int compression() {
return PlanePyramidTools.defaultCompression(this);
public abstract int bandCount();
public boolean isResolutionLevelAvailable(int resolutionLevel) {
return true;
public boolean[] getResolutionLevelsAvailability() {
boolean[] result = new boolean[numberOfResolutions()];
for (int k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
result[k] = isResolutionLevelAvailable(k);
return result;
public abstract long[] dimensions(int resolutionLevel) throws NoSuchElementException;
public abstract long dim(int resolutionLevel, int index);
public boolean isElementTypeSupported() {
return false;
public Class> elementType() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("elementType() method is not supported by "
+ super.getClass()); // avoiding IDEA bug
public List>> zeroLevelActualAreaBoundaries() {
final List rectangles = zeroLevelActualRectangles();
if (rectangles == null) {
return null;
final List>> result = new ArrayList>>();
for (IRectangularArea rectangle : rectangles) {
final List vertices = new ArrayList();
vertices.add(IPoint.valueOf(rectangle.max(0), rectangle.min(1)));
vertices.add(IPoint.valueOf(rectangle.min(0), rectangle.max(1)));
return result;
// Note: this implementation cannot read data outside the full matrix
public Matrix extends PArray> readSubMatrix(
int resolutionLevel, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY)
throws NoSuchElementException, NotYetConnectedException {
final int bandCount = bandCount();
final long[] dimensions = dimensions(resolutionLevel);
checkSubMatrixRanges(dimensions, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, false);
final long totalElements = Arrays.longMul(bandCount, toX - fromX, toY - fromY);
assert totalElements != Long.MIN_VALUE; // because of the check above
if (fromX == toX || fromY == toY
|| (!isTileCachingEnabled() && Math.max(toX - fromX, toY - fromY) <= MAX_NON_TILED_READING_DIM)) {
return readSubMatrixViaTileCache(resolutionLevel, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, null);
Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> result = null;
long readyElements = 0;
TileDirection direction = isTileCachingEnabled() ? getTileCacheDirection() : TileDirection.RIGHT_DOWN;
final long dimX = dimensions[1];
final long dimY = dimensions[2];
final int readingTileDim = readingTileDim();
IRectangularArea leftTile; // - the left tile in each row
for (long y = fromY; y < toY; y = leftTile.max(1) + 1) {
leftTile = direction.findTile(readingTileDim, dimX, dimY, fromX, y);
IRectangularArea tile;
for (long x = fromX; x < toX; x = tile.max(0) + 1) {
tile = direction.findTile(readingTileDim, dimX, dimY, x, y);
final long tileFromX = Math.max(tile.min(0), fromX);
final long tileFromY = Math.max(tile.min(1), fromY);
final long tileToX = Math.min(tile.max(0) + 1, toX);
final long tileToY = Math.min(tile.max(1) + 1, toY);
assert tileFromX <= tileToX;
assert tileFromY <= tileToY;
final Matrix extends PArray> m = readSubMatrixViaTileCache(
tileFromX, tileFromY, tileToX, tileToY,
if (fromX == tileFromX && fromY == tileFromY && toX == tileToX && toY == tileToY) {
// it is the only tile which should be loaded: we already have the final result
assert result == null : "Unexpected non-null result = " + result + " for tile "
+ tileFromX + ".." + tileToX + "x" + tileFromY + ".." + tileToY;
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.TRACE, () -> AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName()
+ " quickly returned result: " + m);
return m;
if (result == null) {
final MemoryModel mm = Arrays.sizeOf(m.elementType(), totalElements) <=
Arrays.SystemSettings.maxTempJavaMemory() ?
Arrays.SMM :
result = mm.newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class,
m.elementType(), bandCount, toX - fromX, toY - fromY);
if (!SimpleMemoryModel.isSimpleArray(result.array())) {
result = result.tile(bandCount, DEFAULT_TILE_DIM, DEFAULT_TILE_DIM);
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.TRACE, AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName()
+ " created result " + result);
final Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> subMatrix = result.subMatrix(
0, tileFromX - fromX, tileFromY - fromY,
bandCount, tileToX - fromX, tileToY - fromY);
if (!m.dimEquals(subMatrix)) {
throw new AssertionError("Internal bug in readSubMatrixViaCache: "
+ "incorrect dimensions of the result "
+ m.dim(0) + "x" + m.dim(1) + "x" + m.dim(2)
+ " instead of " + bandCount + "x" + (tileToX - tileFromX) + "x" + (tileToY - tileFromY));
readyElements += m.size();
return result;
public Matrix extends PArray> readFullMatrix(int resolutionLevel)
throws NoSuchElementException, NotYetConnectedException, UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!isFullMatrixSupported()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("readFullMatrix method is not supported");
final long[] dimensions = dimensions(resolutionLevel);
return readSubMatrix(resolutionLevel, 0, 0, dimensions[1], dimensions[2]);
public boolean isSpecialMatrixSupported(SpecialImageKind kind) {
return false;
public Optional> readSpecialMatrix(SpecialImageKind kind)
throws NotYetConnectedException {
Objects.requireNonNull(kind, "Null image kind");
if (kind == SpecialImageKind.SMALLEST_LAYER) {
int resolutionLevel = numberOfResolutions() - 1;
final long[] dimensions = dimensions(resolutionLevel);
return Optional.of(readSubMatrix(resolutionLevel, 0, 0, dimensions[1], dimensions[2]));
} else {
return Optional.empty();
public boolean isDataReady() {
return true;
* This implementation does nothing.
* If your implementation overrides this method, it must call super.loadResources
at the end —
* because it is possible that future version will do something useful.
public void loadResources() {
* This implementation frees the tile cache.
* @param flushMode possible strategy of freeing resources (ignored by this implementation).
public void freeResources(FlushMode flushMode) {
synchronized (tileCacheContainer) {
if (tileCacheContainer.get() != null) {
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () ->
AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName() + " is freeing tile cache");
public void fillBySkippingFiller(Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> matrix, boolean fillWhenZero) {
if (skipCoarseData) {
if (fillWhenZero || skippingFiller != 0.0) {
final double filler = skippingFiller * matrix.array().maxPossibleValue(1.0);
public Matrix extends PArray> constantMatrixSkippingFiller(Class> elementType, long dimX, long dimY) {
final Class arrayType = Arrays.type(PArray.class, elementType);
final double filler = skippingFiller * Arrays.maxPossibleValue(arrayType, 1.0);
return Matrices.constantMatrix(filler, arrayType, bandCount(), dimX, dimY);
public final boolean isTileCachingEnabled() {
return tileCacheDirection != null;
public final TileDirection getTileCacheDirection() {
if (this.tileCacheDirection == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Tile caching is disabled: cannot read tile cache direction");
return this.tileCacheDirection;
public final void enableTileCaching(TileDirection tileDirection) {
if (tileDirection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null tileCacheDirection argument");
this.tileCacheDirection = tileDirection;
public final void disableTileCaching() {
this.tileCacheDirection = null;
* Returns the size in bytes of the cache, used when {@link #isTileCachingEnabled()}.
* The real amount memory, used by this instance of this class, can me little greater (approximately
* by the size of 1 tile).
* The initial value is retrieved from the system property
* "
* if it exists and contains a valid integer number.
* If there is no such property, or if it contains not a number,
* or if some exception occurred while calling Long.getLong
* the default value 67108864
(64 MB) is used.
* @return the amount of memory in bytes, which is allowed to use for caching by this instance.
public final long getTileCachingMemory() {
return tileCachingMemory;
public final void setTileCachingMemory(long tileCachingMemory) {
if (tileCachingMemory < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative tileCachingMemory");
this.tileCachingMemory = tileCachingMemory;
public final RotatingPlanePyramidSource.RotationMode getLabelRotation() {
return labelRotation;
public final void setLabelRotation(RotatingPlanePyramidSource.RotationMode labelRotation) {
if (labelRotation == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null labelRotation");
this.labelRotation = labelRotation;
public final Color getLabelRotationBackground() {
return labelRotationBackground;
public final void setLabelRotationBackground(Color labelRotationBackground) {
if (labelRotationBackground == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null labelRotationBackground");
this.labelRotationBackground = labelRotationBackground;
public final void checkSubMatrixRanges(
int resolutionLevel, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY,
boolean require31BitSize) {
checkSubMatrixRanges(dimensions(resolutionLevel), fromX, fromY, toX, toY, require31BitSize);
* Returns the size (width and height) of a tile, used for cache (when {@link #isTileCachingEnabled()}
* and for splitting large submatrix for reading into smaller tiles, read by {@link #readLittleSubMatrix}.
The default implementation retrieves the value from the system property
* "
* if it exists and contains a valid integer number.
* If there is no such property, or if it contains not a number,
* or if some exception occurred while calling Long.getLong
* this method returns the default value 4096
The result must be positive.
The result must be stable (constant) for the given instance.
This method must work quickly.
* @return the width/height of tiles for caching and splitting large read submatrix.
protected int readingTileDim() {
protected abstract Matrix extends PArray> readLittleSubMatrix(
int resolutionLevel, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY)
throws NoSuchElementException, NotYetConnectedException;
protected final Matrix extends PArray> makeWholeSlideFromLabelAndMap(LabelPosition labelPosition) {
if (labelPosition == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null labelPosition");
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
final MapOrLabelParallelReader labelReader = new MapOrLabelParallelReader(SpecialImageKind.LABEL_ONLY_IMAGE);
final MapOrLabelParallelReader mapReader = new MapOrLabelParallelReader(SpecialImageKind.MAP_IMAGE);
final Thread labelReaderThread = new Thread(labelReader);
final Thread mapReaderThread = new Thread(mapReader);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
final long labelDimX =;
final long labelDimY =;
final long mapDimX =;
final long mapDimY =;
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
final long wholeSlideDimX = wholeSlideDimX(mapDimX, mapDimY, labelDimX, labelDimY);
final long wholeSlideDimY = mapDimY;
final int bandCount = bandCount();
final Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> result = Arrays.SMM.newByteMatrix(
bandCount, wholeSlideDimX, wholeSlideDimY);
// There is no sense to use better precision for a special matrix;
// at the same time, better precision can lead to problems while saving the generated
// whole slide image into some formats, for example, into BufferedImage or JPEG file
final long resultDimX = result.dim(DIM_WIDTH);
long t3 = System.nanoTime();
0, labelPosition == LabelPosition.RIGHT_OF_THE_MAP ? 0 : resultDimX - mapDimX, 0,
bandCount, mapDimX, mapDimY),
long t4 = System.nanoTime();
0, labelPosition == LabelPosition.RIGHT_OF_THE_MAP ? mapDimX : 0, 0,
bandCount, resultDimX - mapDimX, mapDimY),
long t5 = System.nanoTime();
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> String.format(Locale.US, "Combining MAP and LABEL: %.3f ms "
+ "(%.3f parallel reading "
+ "[%.3f reading LABEL + %.3f rotating LABEL + %.3f + "
+ "%.3f correcting LABEL || %.3f reading MAP] + "
+ "%.3f allocating result + %.3f inserting MAP + %.3f inserting resized LABEL)",
(t4 - t1) * 1e-6,
(t2 - t1) * 1e-6,
labelReader.readingTime * 1e-6,
labelReader.rotatingTime * 1e-6,
labelReader.correctingBitDepthTime * 1e-6,
labelReader.correctingBandCountTime * 1e-6,
mapReader.readingTime * 1e-6,
(t3 - t2) * 1e-6,
(t4 - t3) * 1e-6,
(t5 - t4) * 1e-6));
return result;
protected final Matrix newResultMatrix(long dimX, long dimY) {
Matrix result = memoryModel.newMatrix(
bandCount(), dimX, dimY);
if (!SimpleMemoryModel.isSimpleArray(result.array())) {
result = result.tile(result.dim(0), 1024, 1024);
return result;
protected final Matrix newFilledResultMatrix(long dimX, long dimY, Color backgroundColor) {
final Matrix result = newResultMatrix(dimX, dimY);
if (isSkipCoarseData()) {
fillBySkippingFiller(result, false);
} else {
PlanePyramidTools.fillMatrix(result, backgroundColor);
return result;
public static List defaultZeroLevelActualRectangles(PlanePyramidSource source) {
if (source == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null source argument");
final long[] dimensions = source.dimensions(0);
if (dimensions[DIM_WIDTH] == 0 || dimensions[DIM_HEIGHT] == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(IRectangularArea.valueOf(
IPoint.valueOf(0, 0),
IPoint.valueOf(dimensions[DIM_WIDTH] - 1, dimensions[DIM_HEIGHT - 1])));
public static void checkSubMatrixRanges(
long[] dimensions, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY,
boolean require31BitSize) {
if (Arrays.longMul(dimensions) == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new TooLargeArrayException("Product of all dimensions >Long.MAX_VALUE");
final long dimX = dimensions[1];
final long dimY = dimensions[2];
final long bandCount = dimensions[0];
if (fromX < 0 || fromY < 0 || fromX > toX || fromY > toY || toX > dimX || toY > dimY) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal fromX..toX=" + fromX + ".." + toX
+ " or fromY..toY=" + fromY + ".." + toY + ": must be in ranges 0.."
+ dimX + ", 0.." + dimY + ", fromX<=toX, fromY<=toY");
// Be careful: fromX == toX == dimX are NOT incorrect arguments, as any situation fromx < toX == dimX
if (require31BitSize) {
if (toX - fromX > Integer.MAX_VALUE || toY - fromY > Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
(toX - fromX) * (toY - fromY) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE / bandCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too large rectangle " + (toX - fromX) + "x" + (toY - fromY));
public static long wholeSlideDimX(long mapDimX, long mapDimY, long labelDimX, long labelDimY) {
return mapDimX + Math.round(labelDimX * (double) mapDimY / (double) labelDimY);
private Matrix extends PArray> readSubMatrixViaTileCache(
int resolutionLevel, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY, IRectangularArea containingTile)
throws NoSuchElementException, NotYetConnectedException {
if (fromX == toX || fromY == toY || !isTileCachingEnabled()) {
return callAndCheckReadLittleSubMatrix(resolutionLevel, fromX, fromY, toX, toY);
if (containingTile == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Internal bug in readSubMatrix implementation: "
+ "tile cache is enabled, by the containing tile is null (not calculated?)");
if (!(containingTile.min(0) <= fromX && toX <= containingTile.max(0) + 1
&& containingTile.min(1) <= fromY && toY <= containingTile.max(1) + 1
&& fromX < toX && fromY < toY)) {
throw new AssertionError("Internal bug in readSubMatrix implementation: "
+ "the containing tile " + containingTile + " does not contain the required area "
+ fromX + ".." + (toX - 1) + " x " + fromY + ".." + (toY - 1) + " or this area is negative");
Matrix extends PArray> tileData;
synchronized (tileCacheContainer) {
if (tileCacheContainer.get() == null) {
tileCacheContainer.set(new TileCache(readingTileDim(), tileCachingMemory));
tileData = tileCacheContainer.get().getTile(resolutionLevel, containingTile);
if (tileData == null) {
tileData = callAndCheckReadLittleSubMatrix(
containingTile.max(0) + 1,
containingTile.max(1) + 1);
if (!(SimpleMemoryModel.isSimpleArray(tileData.array()) || Arrays.isNCopies(tileData.array()))) {
tileData = tileData.matrix(tileData.array().updatableClone(Arrays.SMM));
tileCacheContainer.get().putTile(resolutionLevel, containingTile, tileData);
return tileData.subMatrix(
0, fromX - containingTile.min(0), fromY - containingTile.min(1),
tileData.dim(0), toX - containingTile.min(0), toY - containingTile.min(1));
private Matrix extends PArray> callAndCheckReadLittleSubMatrix(
int resolutionLevel, long fromX, long fromY, long toX, long toY)
throws NoSuchElementException, NotYetConnectedException {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
final Matrix extends PArray> m = readLittleSubMatrix(resolutionLevel, fromX, fromY, toX, toY);
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
if (m.dim(0) != bandCount() || m.dim(1) != toX - fromX || m.dim(2) != toY - fromY) {
throw new AssertionError("Illegal implementation of readLittleSubMatrix: "
+ "incorrect dimensions of the result " + m.dim(0) + "x" + m.dim(1) + "x" + m.dim(2)
+ " instead of " + bandCount() + "x" + (toX - fromX) + "x" + (toY - fromY));
final String averageSpeed = speedInfo.update(Matrices.sizeOf(m), t2 - t1);
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> String.format(Locale.US,
"%s has read (level %d): "
+ "%d..%d x %d..%d (%d x %d) in %.5f ms, %.3f MB/sec, average %s (reader: %s)",
resolutionLevel, fromX, toX, fromY, toY, toX - fromX, toY - fromY,
(t2 - t1) * 1e-6, Matrices.sizeOf(m) / 1048576.0 / ((t2 - t1) * 1e-9), averageSpeed,
return m;
private Matrix extends PArray> rotateLabelImage(final Matrix extends PArray> label) {
if (labelRotation == RotatingPlanePyramidSource.RotationMode.NONE) {
return label;
final Matrix extends PArray> rotated = labelRotation.asRotated(label);
long newWidth = rotated.dim(DIM_WIDTH);
long newHeight = rotated.dim(DIM_HEIGHT);
if (newWidth > label.dim(DIM_WIDTH)) {
newHeight *= (double) label.dim(DIM_WIDTH) / newWidth;
newWidth = label.dim(DIM_WIDTH);
if (newHeight > label.dim(DIM_HEIGHT)) {
newWidth *= (double) label.dim(DIM_HEIGHT) / newHeight;
newHeight = label.dim(DIM_HEIGHT);
assert newWidth <= label.dim(DIM_WIDTH);
assert newHeight <= label.dim(DIM_HEIGHT);
final Matrix result = Arrays.SMM.newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, label);
PlanePyramidTools.fillMatrix(result, labelRotationBackground);
final Matrix centralArea = result.subMatr(
0, (result.dim(DIM_WIDTH) - newWidth) / 2, (result.dim(DIM_HEIGHT) - newHeight) / 2,
result.dim(0), newWidth, newHeight);
Matrices.resize(null, Matrices.ResizingMethod.POLYLINEAR_AVERAGING, centralArea, rotated);
return result;
protected final class WholeSlideScaler {
private final int suitableWholeSlideLevel;
private final Matrix extends PArray> suitableWholeSlide;
private final double scaleX;
private final double scaleY;
Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> resultBackground = null;
volatile long fromXAtSlide;
volatile long fromYAtSlide;
volatile long toXAtSlide;
volatile long toYAtSlide;
long scalingTime = 0;
public WholeSlideScaler(List> wholeSlidePyramid, int resolutionLevel) {
if (wholeSlidePyramid == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null wholeSlidePyramid");
final long[] dim = dimensions(resolutionLevel);
final long levelDimX = dim[DIM_WIDTH];
final long levelDimY = dim[DIM_HEIGHT];
int suitableLevel = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < wholeSlidePyramid.size(); k++) {
Matrix extends PArray> m = wholeSlidePyramid.get(k);
if (m.dim(DIM_WIDTH) >= levelDimX && m.dim(DIM_HEIGHT) >= levelDimY) {
suitableLevel = k;
} else {
this.suitableWholeSlideLevel = suitableLevel;
Matrix extends PArray> matrix = wholeSlidePyramid.get(suitableLevel);
final Class> requiredElementType = elementType();
if (requiredElementType != matrix.elementType()) {
Class destType = Arrays.type(PArray.class, requiredElementType);
final Range srcRange = Range.valueOf(0.0, matrix.array().maxPossibleValue(1.0));
final Range destRange = Range.valueOf(0.0, Arrays.maxPossibleValue(destType, 1.0));
matrix = Matrices.asFuncMatrix(LinearFunc.getInstance(destRange, srcRange), destType, matrix);
this.suitableWholeSlide = matrix;
this.scaleX = (double) suitableWholeSlide.dim(DIM_WIDTH) / (double) levelDimX;
this.scaleY = (double) suitableWholeSlide.dim(DIM_HEIGHT) / (double) levelDimY;
public double scaleX() {
return scaleX;
public double scaleY() {
return scaleY;
public Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> scaleWholeSlide(IRectangularArea area) {
return scaleWholeSlide(area.min(0), area.min(1), area.max(0) + 1, area.max(1) + 1);
public Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> scaleWholeSlide(
final long fromX,
final long fromY,
final long toX,
final long toY) {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
this.resultBackground = newResultMatrix(toX - fromX, toY - fromY);
if (fromX == toX || fromY == toY) {
return resultBackground;
fromXAtSlide = Math.round(fromX * scaleX);
fromYAtSlide = Math.round(fromY * scaleY);
toXAtSlide = Math.round(toX * scaleX);
toYAtSlide = Math.round(toY * scaleY);
Matrix extends PArray> subMatrixAtWholeSlide = suitableWholeSlide.subMatrix(
0, fromXAtSlide, fromYAtSlide, bandCount(), toXAtSlide, toYAtSlide,
// - Continuation is necessary for a case of calling this method for area outside the whole slide.
// The background outside the whole image stays undefined (zero).
if (isSkipCoarseData()) {
fillBySkippingFiller(this.resultBackground, false);
} else {
Matrices.resize(null, Matrices.ResizingMethod.SIMPLE, this.resultBackground, subMatrixAtWholeSlide);
// null argument forces usage of all CPU kernels
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> String.format(Locale.US,
"Scaling background %s %d..%dx%d..%d (%d x %d), "
+ "at whole-slide pyramid: level %d, %d..%dx%d..%d (%d x %d): %.3f ms, %.3f MB/sec)",
isSkipCoarseData() ? "(filling)" : "(scaling whole-slide image)",
fromX, toX, fromY, toY, toX - fromX, toY - fromY,
fromXAtSlide, toXAtSlide, fromYAtSlide, toYAtSlide,
toXAtSlide - fromXAtSlide, toYAtSlide - fromYAtSlide,
(t2 - t1) * 1e-6, Matrices.sizeOf(this.resultBackground) / 1048576.0 / ((t2 - t1) * 1e-9)
this.scalingTime += t2 - t1;
return resultBackground;
public Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> resultBackground() {
return resultBackground;
public boolean done() {
return resultBackground != null;
public long scalingTime() {
return scalingTime;
private static final class TileCacheIndex {
final int resolutionLevel;
final IRectangularArea tile;
private TileCacheIndex(int resolutionLevel, IRectangularArea tile) {
assert tile != null;
this.resolutionLevel = resolutionLevel;
this.tile = tile;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof TileCacheIndex)) {
return false;
TileCacheIndex that = (TileCacheIndex) o;
return resolutionLevel == that.resolutionLevel && tile.equals(that.tile);
public int hashCode() {
int result = resolutionLevel;
result = 31 * result + tile.hashCode();
return result;
private class MapOrLabelParallelReader implements Runnable {
final SpecialImageKind kind;
Matrix extends PArray> data = null;
long readingTime = 0;
long rotatingTime = 0;
long correctingBandCountTime = 0;
long correctingBitDepthTime = 0;
private MapOrLabelParallelReader(SpecialImageKind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public void run() {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
data = PlanePyramidTools.readSpecialOrSmallestMatrix(AbstractPlanePyramidSource.this, kind);
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
if (data.elementType() != byte.class) {
final Matrix extends UpdatablePArray> newData = Arrays.SMM.newByteMatrix(data.dimensions());
final Range srcRange = Range.valueOf(0.0, data.array().maxPossibleValue(1.0));
final Range destRange = Range.valueOf(0.0, newData.array().maxPossibleValue(1.0));
Matrices.applyFunc(null, LinearFunc.getInstance(destRange, srcRange), newData, data);
data = newData;
long t3 = System.nanoTime();
if (kind == SpecialImageKind.LABEL_ONLY_IMAGE) {
data = rotateLabelImage(data);
long t4 = System.nanoTime();
final int requiredBandCount = bandCount();
if (data.dim(DIM_BAND) != requiredBandCount) {
final Matrix newData = Arrays.SMM.newMatrix(
UpdatablePArray.class, data.elementType(),
requiredBandCount, data.dim(DIM_WIDTH), data.dim(DIM_HEIGHT));
Matrices.resize(null, Matrices.ResizingMethod.SIMPLE, newData, data);
// - really it is not geometrical resizing, it is only the changing
// the number of color bands in the coordinate #0
data = newData;
long t5 = System.nanoTime();
this.readingTime += t2 - t1;
this.correctingBitDepthTime += t3 - t2;
this.rotatingTime += t4 - t3;
this.correctingBandCountTime += t5 - t4;
private static class TileCache {
final int tileDim;
final long tileCachingMemory;
final TileCacheHashMap tileCacheHashMap;
private TileCache(int tileDim, long tileCachingMemory) {
this.tileDim = tileDim;
this.tileCachingMemory = tileCachingMemory;
this.tileCacheHashMap = new TileCacheHashMap();
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> String.format(Locale.US,
+ " is creating tile cache for tiles %dx%d, memory limit %.2f MB",
tileDim, tileDim, tileCachingMemory / 1048576.0
Matrix extends PArray> getTile(int resolutionLevel, IRectangularArea tile) {
Matrix extends PArray> result = tileCacheHashMap.get(new TileCacheIndex(resolutionLevel, tile));
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> String.format(
" " + AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName()
+ " has " + (result != null ? "loaded data from the cache" : "NOT FOUND data in the cache")
+ " (level %d): %s",
resolutionLevel, tile
return result;
void putTile(int resolutionLevel, IRectangularArea tile, Matrix extends PArray> matrix) {
Matrix extends PArray> prev = tileCacheHashMap.put(new TileCacheIndex(resolutionLevel, tile), matrix);
if (prev == null) {
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.TRACE, () -> String.format(
" " + AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName()
+ " has stored data in the cache (level %d): %s",
resolutionLevel, tile
private class TileCacheHashMap extends LinkedHashMap> {
private TileCacheHashMap() {
super(16, 0.75f, true);
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry> eldest) {
boolean result = usedMemory() > tileCachingMemory;
if (result) {
LOG.log(System.Logger.Level.DEBUG, () -> AbstractPlanePyramidSource.class.getSimpleName()
+ " will remove the eldest entry from the cache");
return result;
private double usedMemory() {
double sum = 0.0;
for (Matrix extends PArray> m : values()) {
sum += Matrices.sizeOf(m);
return sum;
private static class SpeedInfo {
double totalMemory = 0.0;
double elapsedTime = 0.0;
public String update(long memory, long time) {
final String result;
synchronized (this) {
totalMemory += memory;
elapsedTime += time;
final long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = String.format(Locale.US,
"%.1f MB / %.3f sec = %.3f MB/sec",
totalMemory / 1048576.0,
elapsedTime * 1e-9,
totalMemory / 1048576.0 / (elapsedTime * 1e-9));
return result;