Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.APIException;
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.APIFinder;
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.APIInitException;
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.AbstractAPIImpl;
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.NoLoggedInUserException;
import net.anotheria.anoplass.api.generic.login.LoginAPI;
import net.anotheria.anoprise.metafactory.MetaFactory;
import net.anotheria.anoprise.metafactory.MetaFactoryException;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.api.access.AlbumAction;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.api.access.PhotoAction;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.api.blur.BlurSettingsAPI;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.api.blur.BlurSettingsAPIException;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.api.upload.PhotoUploadAPIConfig;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.ApprovalStatus;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.PhotoServerConfig;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.vo.PhotoVO;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.vo.PreviewSettingsVO;
import net.anotheria.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* {@link} main implementation.
* @author Alexandr Bolbat
public class PhotoAPIImpl extends AbstractAPIImpl implements PhotoAPI {
* Logger.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhotoAPIImpl.class);
* StorageService instance.
private StorageService storageService;
* {@link LoginAPI} instance.
private LoginAPI loginAPI;
* {@link BlurSettingsAPI} instance.
private BlurSettingsAPI blurSettingsAPI;
public void init() throws APIInitException {
try {
storageService = MetaFactory.get(StorageService.class);
} catch (MetaFactoryException e) {
throw new APIInitException("Failed to get StorageService!", e);
loginAPI = APIFinder.findAPI(LoginAPI.class);
blurSettingsAPI = APIFinder.findAPI(BlurSettingsAPI.class);
// album related method's ---------------------------------------------------------
public AlbumAO getAlbum(long albumId) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getAlbum(albumId, PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT);
public AlbumAO getAlbum(long albumId, PhotosFiltering filtering) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getAlbum(albumId, filtering, null);
public AlbumAO getAlbum(long albumId, PhotosFiltering filtering, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException{
try {
AlbumBO album = storageService.getAlbum(albumId);
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.VIEW, albumId, album.getUserId(), null); // security check
album.setPhotosOrder(filterNotApproved(album.getUserId(), album.getId(), album.getPhotosOrder(), filtering)); // filtering not approved photos from
// order
return new AlbumAO(album);
} catch (AlbumNotFoundServiceException e) {
throw new AlbumNotFoundPhotoAPIException(albumId);
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getAlbum(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public List getAlbums(String userId) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getAlbums(userId, PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT);
public List getAlbums(String userId, PhotosFiltering filtering) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getAlbums(userId, filtering, null);
public List getAlbums(String userId, PhotosFiltering filtering, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException{
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.VIEW, 0, userId, authorId); // security check
try {
List result = new ArrayList();
for (AlbumBO album : storageService.getAlbums(userId)) {
album.setPhotosOrder(filterNotApproved(album.getUserId(), album.getId(), album.getPhotosOrder(), filtering)); // filtering not approved photos
// from order
result.add(new AlbumAO(album));
return result;
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getAlbums(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public AlbumAO getDefaultAlbum(String userId) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
return getDefaultAlbum(userId, PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT);
public AlbumAO getDefaultAlbum(String userId, PhotosFiltering filtering) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getDefaultAlbum(userId, filtering, null);
public AlbumAO getDefaultAlbum(String userId, PhotosFiltering filtering, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException{
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
try {
AlbumBO album = storageService.getDefaultAlbum(userId);
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.VIEW, album.getId(), album.getUserId(), authorId); // security check
album.setPhotosOrder(filterNotApproved(album.getUserId(), album.getId(), album.getPhotosOrder(), filtering)); // filtering not approved photos from
// order
return new AlbumAO(album);
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getDefaultAlbum(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public AlbumAO createAlbum(AlbumAO album) throws PhotoAPIException {
return createAlbum(album, null);
public AlbumAO createAlbum(AlbumAO album, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (album == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null album");
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.CREATE, 0, album.getUserId(), authorId); // security check
try {
return new AlbumAO(storageService.createAlbum(new AlbumBO(album)));
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "createAlbum(" + album + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public AlbumAO updateAlbum(AlbumAO album) throws PhotoAPIException {
return updateAlbum(album, null);
public AlbumAO updateAlbum(AlbumAO album, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException{
if (album == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null album");
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.EDIT, album.getId(), album.getUserId(), authorId); // security check
try {
return new AlbumAO(storageService.updateAlbum(new AlbumBO(album)));
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "updateAlbum(" + album + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public AlbumAO removeAlbum(long albumId) throws PhotoAPIException {
return removeAlbum(albumId, null);
public AlbumAO removeAlbum(long albumId, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException{
AlbumAO result = getAlbum(albumId, PhotosFiltering.DISABLED);
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.EDIT, albumId, result.getUserId(), authorId); // security check
try {
return new AlbumAO(storageService.removeAlbum(albumId));
} catch (AlbumWithPhotosServiceException e) {
throw new AlbumWithPhotosPhotoAPIException(albumId);
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "removeAlbum(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
// "my" album related method's ---------------------------------------------------------
public List getMyAlbums() throws PhotoAPIException {
return getAlbums(getMyUserId(), PhotosFiltering.DISABLED);
public AlbumAO getMyDefaultAlbum() throws PhotoAPIException {
return getDefaultAlbum(getMyUserId(), PhotosFiltering.DISABLED);
// photo related method's ---------------------------------------------------------
public PhotoAO getMyDefaultPhoto() throws PhotoAPIException {
return getDefaultPhoto(getMyUserId());
public PhotoAO getDefaultPhoto(String userId) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
try {
PhotoBO photo = storageService.getDefaultPhoto(userId);
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.VIEW, photo.getId(), photo.getUserId(), userId, photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
PhotoAO result = new PhotoAO(photo);
// populate Blur settings!
result.setBlurred(blurSettingsAPI.readMyBlurSettings(photo.getAlbumId(), photo.getId()));
return result;
} catch (DefaultPhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
LOG.debug("getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + ") failed");
throw new DefaultPhotoNotFoundAPIException(e.getMessage());
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} catch (BlurSettingsAPIException e) {
String message = "getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public PhotoAO getDefaultPhoto(String userId, long albumId) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
try {
PhotoBO photo = storageService.getDefaultPhoto(userId, albumId);
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.VIEW, photo.getId(), photo.getUserId(), userId, photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
PhotoAO result = new PhotoAO(photo);
// populate Blur settings!
result.setBlurred(blurSettingsAPI.readMyBlurSettings(photo.getAlbumId(), photo.getId()));
return result;
} catch (DefaultPhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
LOG.error("getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + ", " + albumId + ") failed", e);
throw new DefaultPhotoNotFoundAPIException(e.getMessage());
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + "," + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} catch (BlurSettingsAPIException e) {
String message = "getDefaultPhoto(" + userId + "," + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public PhotoAO getPhoto(long photoId) throws PhotoAPIException {
try {
PhotoVO photo = storageService.getPhoto(photoId);
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.VIEW, photoId, photo.getUserId(), photo.getUserId(), photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
PhotoAO result = new PhotoAO(photo);
result.setBlurred(blurSettingsAPI.readMyBlurSettings(photo.getAlbumId(), photo.getId()));
return result;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
throw new PhotoNotFoundPhotoAPIException(photoId);
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getPhoto(" + photoId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} catch (BlurSettingsAPIException e) {
String message = "getPhoto(" + photoId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public List getPhotos(long albumId) throws PhotoAPIException {
return getPhotos(albumId, PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT, false);
public List getPhotos(long albumId, PhotosFiltering filtering, boolean orderByPhotosOrder) throws PhotoAPIException {
final String defaultPhotoOwnerId = "-10"; //remove after refactoring - for now it's actual for failing security check.
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.VIEW, 0, defaultPhotoOwnerId, defaultPhotoOwnerId, ApprovalStatus.DEFAULT); // security check
try {
AlbumAO album = getAlbum(albumId, filtering);
List photos = preparePhotos(album.getId(), storageService.getPhotos(album.getUserId(), album.getId()));
photos = filterNotApproved(photos, filtering);
if (orderByPhotosOrder)
photos = orderByPhotosOrder(photos, album.getPhotosOrder());
return photos;
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getPhotos(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} catch (BlurSettingsAPIException e) {
String message = "getPhotos(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
* Method for ordering photos by photoOrder stored in Album. First goes photos by photoOrder, other photos are added in the passed order.
* @param photos - photos that need ordering.
* @param ids - photoOrder from Album
* @return
private List orderByPhotosOrder(List photos, List ids) {
if (photos == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null list of photos received!");
if (photos.isEmpty() || ids == null || ids.isEmpty())
return photos;
Map photosMap = new LinkedHashMap();
List result = new ArrayList();
for (PhotoAO photo : photos)
photosMap.put(photo.getId(), photo);
for (Long id : ids) {
PhotoAO photo = photosMap.remove(id);
if (photo != null) {// list of photos can be already filtered by approval status or whatever.
} else {
long albumId = photos.get(0).getAlbumId();
LOG.warn("Album with ID=" + albumId + " contains photoID=" + id + " in photoOrder, but does not contain photo with such ID.");
return result;
* Create photoAO collection populated with BlurSettings, etc.
* @param albumId id of album
* @param photoVOs photoBO itself
* @return {@link java.util.List}
* @throws BlurSettingsAPIException on BlurSettingsAPI errors
private List preparePhotos(long albumId, List photoVOs) throws BlurSettingsAPIException {
if (photoVOs.isEmpty())
return new ArrayList();
List result = new ArrayList(photoVOs.size());
List ids = new ArrayList(photoVOs.size());
for (PhotoBO photo : photoVOs) {
result.add(new PhotoAO(photo));
Map blurSettingsMap = blurSettingsAPI.readMyBlurSettings(albumId, ids);
for (PhotoAO photoAO : result) {
Boolean blurred = blurSettingsMap.get(photoAO.getId());
if (blurred != null)
return result;
public PhotoAO createPhoto(String userId, File tempFile, PreviewSettingsVO previewSettings) throws PhotoAPIException {
return createPhoto(userId, tempFile, previewSettings, false);
public PhotoAO createPhoto(String userId, File tempFile, PreviewSettingsVO previewSettings, boolean restricted) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
if (tempFile == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null temp file");
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.ADD, 0, userId, userId, ApprovalStatus.DEFAULT); // security check
long albumId = getDefaultAlbum(userId, PhotosFiltering.DISABLED).getId();
return createPhoto(userId, albumId, restricted, tempFile, previewSettings);
public PhotoAO createPhoto(String userId, long albumId, File tempFile, PreviewSettingsVO previewSettings) throws PhotoAPIException {
return createPhoto(userId, albumId, false, tempFile, previewSettings);
public PhotoAO createPhoto(String userId, long albumId, boolean restricted, File tempFile, PreviewSettingsVO previewSettings) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
if (tempFile == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null temp file");
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.ADD, 0, userId, userId, ApprovalStatus.DEFAULT); // security check
AlbumAO album = getAlbum(albumId, PhotosFiltering.DISABLED, userId);
PhotoBO photo = new PhotoBO();
try {
// creating photo
photo = storageService.createPhoto(photo);
// writing photo file
StorageUtil.writePhoto(tempFile, photo, true);
// updating photo album
updateAlbum(album, userId);
return new PhotoAO(photo);
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "createPhoto(" + userId + ", " + tempFile + ", " + previewSettings + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} catch (StorageUtilException e) {
String message = "createPhoto(" + userId + ", " + tempFile + ", " + previewSettings + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public PhotoAO updatePhoto(PhotoAO photo) throws PhotoAPIException {
return updatePhoto(getMyUserId(), photo);
public PhotoAO updatePhoto(String userId, PhotoAO photo) throws PhotoAPIException{
if (photo == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null photo");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.EDIT, photo.getId(), photo.getUserId(), userId, photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
try {
return new PhotoAO(storageService.updatePhoto(new PhotoBO(photo)));
} catch (PhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
throw new PhotoNotFoundPhotoAPIException(photo.getId());
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "updatePhoto(" + photo + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public PhotoAO removePhoto(long photoId) throws PhotoAPIException{
return removePhoto(getMyUserId(), photoId);
public PhotoAO removePhoto(String userId, long photoId) throws PhotoAPIException{
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UserId is not valid");
PhotoAO photo = getPhoto(photoId);
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.EDIT, photo.getId(), photo.getUserId(), userId, photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
try {
return photo;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
throw new PhotoNotFoundPhotoAPIException(photo.getId());
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "removePhoto(" + photo + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
} finally {
AlbumAO album = getAlbum(photo.getAlbumId());
try {
storageService.updateAlbum(new AlbumBO(album));
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
LOG.warn("removePhoto(" + photo + ") fail. Failed to remove photo from albums photoOrder.", e);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get currently logged in user id.
* @return id of currently logged in user
private String getMyUserId() throws PhotoAPIException {
try {
return getLoggedInUserId();
} catch (NoLoggedInUserException e) {
throw new PhotoAPIException("User not logged in", e);
* Check is user can perform action on photo.
* @param photoAction - action that user tries to perform.
* @param photoId - photo id
* @param userId - user id that try to do action
* @param photoOwnerId - photo owner user id
* @throws PhotoAPIException
private void isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction photoAction, long photoId, String photoOwnerId, String userId, ApprovalStatus status) throws PhotoAPIException {
// TODO: fix this ugly method in future
boolean result;
switch (photoAction) {
case VIEW:
result = true; // all can see all photos
case ADD:
result = !StringUtils.isEmpty(userId) && photoOwnerId.equals(userId); // logged in users can add photos
result = !StringUtils.isEmpty(userId) && photoOwnerId.equals(userId); // logged in users can do anything with own photos
if (!result)
throw new NoAccessPhotoAPIException("No access.");
* Check is user can perform action on photo.
* @param albumAction - action that user tries to perform.
* @param albumId - album id
* @param albumOwnerId - album owner id
* @throws PhotoAPIException
private void isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction albumAction, long albumId, String albumOwnerId, String authorId) throws PhotoAPIException {
// TODO: fix this ugly method in future
boolean result = false;
switch (albumAction) {
case VIEW:
result = true; // all can see all photos
case CREATE:
result = !StringUtils.isEmpty(authorId) || loginAPI.isLogedIn(); // logged in users can add albums
result = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(authorId )&& albumOwnerId != null && authorId.equals(albumOwnerId) || loginAPI.isLogedIn() && albumOwnerId != null && getMyUserId().equals(albumOwnerId)); // logged in users can do anything with own albums
if (!result)
throw new NoAccessPhotoAPIException("No access.");
public int getWaitingApprovalPhotosCount() throws PhotoAPIException {
try {
return storageService.getWaitingApprovalPhotosCount();
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getWaitingApprovalPhotosCount() failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public List getWaitingApprovalPhotos(int amount) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (amount < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal photos amount selected amount[" + amount + "]");
try {
// use same method as for bulk change of approval statuses.
return map(storageService.getWaitingApprovalPhotos(amount));
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "getWaitingApprovalPhotos(" + amount + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
* Map {@link PhotoBO} collection to {@link PhotoAO} collection.
* @param waitingApprovalPhotos incoming PhotoBO collection
* @return mapped result
private List map(List waitingApprovalPhotos) {
List result = new ArrayList(waitingApprovalPhotos.size());
for (PhotoBO photoBO : waitingApprovalPhotos)
result.add(new PhotoAO(photoBO));
return result;
public void setApprovalStatus(long photoId, ApprovalStatus status) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (status == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null ApprovalStatus!");
try {
// using same method as for bulk change of approval statuses.
storageService.updatePhotoApprovalStatuses(Collections.singletonMap(photoId, status));
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "setApprovalStatus(" + photoId + ", " + status + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public void setApprovalStatuses(Map statuses) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (statuses == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument received!");
try {
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "setApprovalStatuses(" + statuses + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
public PhotoAO movePhoto(long photoId, long newAlbumId) throws PhotoAPIException{
PhotoAO photo = getPhoto(photoId);
AlbumAO album = getAlbum(newAlbumId);
AlbumAO oldAlbum = getAlbum(photo.getAlbumId());
throw new NoAccessPhotoAPIException("No access.");
isAllowedToMe(PhotoAction.EDIT, photo.getId(), photo.getUserId(), photo.getUserId(), photo.getApprovalStatus()); // security check
isAllowedToMe(AlbumAction.EDIT, album.getId(), album.getUserId(), photo.getUserId()); // security check
try {
PhotoAO updatedPhoto = new PhotoAO(storageService.movePhoto(photoId, newAlbumId));
storageService.updateAlbum(new AlbumBO(oldAlbum));
storageService.updateAlbum(new AlbumBO(album));
return updatedPhoto;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundServiceException e) {
throw new PhotoNotFoundPhotoAPIException(photo.getId());
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
String message = "updatePhoto(" + photo + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new PhotoAPIException(message, e);
private List filterNotApproved(List photos, PhotosFiltering filtering) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (filtering == null)
filtering = PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT;
if (!filtering.filteringEnabled || !PhotoServerConfig.getInstance().isPhotoApprovingEnabled())
return photos;
List result = new ArrayList();
try {
for (PhotoAO photo : photos) {
if (loginAPI.isLogedIn() && loginAPI.getLogedUserId().equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(photo.getUserId()))) {
if (filtering.allowedStatuses.contains(photo.getApprovalStatus()))
} catch (APIException e) {
throw new PhotoAPIException("filterNotApproved(" + photos + ") fail.", e);
return result;
private List filterNotApproved(String ownerId, long albumId, List photosIds, PhotosFiltering filtering) throws PhotoAPIException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ownerId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ownerId is not valid");
if (filtering == null)
filtering = PhotosFiltering.DEFAULT;
if (!filtering.filteringEnabled || !PhotoServerConfig.getInstance().isPhotoApprovingEnabled())
return photosIds;
try {
if (loginAPI.isLogedIn() && loginAPI.getLogedUserId().equalsIgnoreCase(ownerId))
return photosIds;
} catch (APIException e) {
throw new PhotoAPIException("filterNotApproved(" + albumId + ", " + photosIds + ") fail.", e);
try {
Map approvalStatuses = storageService.getAlbumPhotosApprovalStatus(albumId);
List result = new ArrayList();
for (long photoId : photosIds) {
ApprovalStatus status = approvalStatuses.get(photoId);
if (status != null && filtering.allowedStatuses.contains(status))
return result;
} catch (StorageServiceException e) {
throw new PhotoAPIException("filterNotApproved(" + albumId + ", " + photosIds + ") fail.", e);
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