Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.anotheria.anoprise.metafactory.MetaFactory;
import net.anotheria.anoprise.metafactory.MetaFactoryException;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.ApprovalStatus;
import net.anotheria.anosite.photoserver.shared.PhotoServerConfig;
import net.anotheria.moskito.aop.annotation.Accumulate;
import net.anotheria.moskito.aop.annotation.Accumulates;
import net.anotheria.moskito.aop.annotation.Monitor;
import net.anotheria.util.StringUtils;
import net.anotheria.util.concurrency.IdBasedLock;
import net.anotheria.util.concurrency.IdBasedLockManager;
import net.anotheria.util.concurrency.SafeIdBasedLockManager;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory;
* {@link StorageService} implementation.
* @author Alexandr Bolbat
* @version $Id: $Id
@Monitor(category = "service", subsystem = "photostorage")
@Accumulate(valueName = "Avg", intervalName = "5m"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Avg", intervalName = "1h"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Req", intervalName = "5m"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Req", intervalName = "1h"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Err", intervalName = "5m"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Err", intervalName = "1h"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Time", intervalName = "5m"),
@Accumulate(valueName = "Time", intervalName = "1h")
public class StorageServiceImpl implements StorageService {
* Logger instance for StorageServiceImpl class.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageServiceImpl.class);
* Lock manager for safe operations.
private static final IdBasedLockManager LOCK_MANAGER = new SafeIdBasedLockManager<>();
* Album lock suffix.
private static final String ALBUM = "_ALBUM";
* User lock suffix.
private static final String USER = "_USER";
* Photo lock suffix.
private static final String PHOTO = "_PHOTO";
* {@link StoragePersistenceService} instance.
private final StoragePersistenceService persistenceService;
* {@link AlbumPersistenceService} instance.
private final AlbumPersistenceService albumPersistenceService;
* {@link StorageServiceCache} cache.
private final StorageServiceCache cache;
* {@link PhotoServerConfig} instance.
private final PhotoServerConfig configuration;
* Events announcer.
private final EventAnnouncer announcer;
* Constructor.
protected StorageServiceImpl() {
try {
persistenceService = MetaFactory.get(StoragePersistenceService.class);
albumPersistenceService = MetaFactory.get(AlbumPersistenceService.class);
} catch (MetaFactoryException mfe) {
LOG.error(MarkerFactory.getMarker("FATAL"), "Can't init StoragePersistenceService", mfe);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't init StoragePersistenceService", mfe);
cache = new StorageServiceCache();
announcer = new EventAnnouncer();
configuration = PhotoServerConfig.getInstance();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AlbumBO getAlbum(final long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
try {
AlbumBO album = cache.getCachedAlbumById(albumId);
if (album != null)
return album;
album = albumPersistenceService.getAlbum(albumId);
// put to cache
return album;
} catch (AlbumNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
throw new AlbumNotFoundServiceException(albumId);
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getAlbum(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
public String getAlbumOwnerId(long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
return cache.getAlbumOwnerId(albumId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getAlbums(final String userId) throws StorageServiceException {
try {
List result = cache.getAllAlbums(userId);
if (result != null)
return result;
result = albumPersistenceService.getAlbums(userId);
// cache data
cache.cacheAlbums(userId, result);
return result;
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getAlbums(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
public boolean hasPhotos(String userId) {
if (!cache.isAllUserAlbumsLoaded(userId)) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
result = albumPersistenceService.getAlbums(userId);
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "hasPhotos(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
cache.cacheAlbums(userId, result);
return cache.hasPhotos(userId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AlbumBO getDefaultAlbum(final String userId) throws StorageServiceException {
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(userId + USER);
try {
AlbumBO defaultAlbum = cache.getDefaultAlbum(userId);
if (defaultAlbum != null)
return defaultAlbum;
return albumPersistenceService.getDefaultAlbum(userId);
} catch (DefaultAlbumNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
AlbumBO defaultAlbum = new AlbumBO();
return createAlbumInternally(defaultAlbum);
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getDefaultAlbum(" + userId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AlbumBO createAlbum(final AlbumBO album) throws StorageServiceException {
if (album == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null album");
if (album.isDefault())
throw new StorageServiceException("For retrieving default album use getDefaultAlbum(userId) method.");
return createAlbumInternally(album);
* Creates album.
* @param album
* {@link AlbumBO}
* @return created {@link AlbumBO}
* @throws StorageServiceException
* on errors
private AlbumBO createAlbumInternally(final AlbumBO album) throws StorageServiceException {
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(album.getId() + ALBUM);
try {
AlbumBO created = albumPersistenceService.createAlbum(album);
// cache
return created;
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "createAlbumInternally(" + album + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AlbumBO updateAlbum(final AlbumBO album) throws StorageServiceException {
if (album == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null album");
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(album.getId() + ALBUM);
try {
// removing album from cache! -- afterwards it will be placed back!
return getAlbum(album.getId());
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "updateAlbum(" + album + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AlbumBO removeAlbum(final long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
AlbumBO albumToRemove = getAlbum(albumId);
List albumPhotos = getPhotos(albumToRemove.getUserId(), albumToRemove.getId());
if (!albumPhotos.isEmpty())
throw new AlbumWithPhotosServiceException(albumId);
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(albumId + ALBUM);
try {
// removing album from cache!
return albumToRemove;
} catch (AlbumPersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "removeAlbum(" + albumId + ") fail.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO getPhoto(final long photoId) throws StorageServiceException {
try {
PhotoBO photo = cache.getPhotoById(photoId);
if (photo != null)
return photo;
photo = persistenceService.getPhoto(photoId);
// put to cache
return photo;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
LOG.warn("getPhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Photo not found in persistence.", e);
throw new PhotoNotFoundServiceException(photoId);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getPhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService thrown exception.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO getDefaultPhoto(String ownerId) throws StorageServiceException {
return getDefaultPhoto(getDefaultAlbum(ownerId));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO getDefaultPhoto(String userId, long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
AlbumBO album = getAlbum(albumId);
if (album.getUserId().equals(userId))
return getDefaultPhoto(album);
// this is actually more runtime exception! then Checked!
throw new StorageServiceException("Album[" + albumId + "] does not belongs to User[" + userId + "]");
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getPhotos(final String userId, final long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
try {
AlbumBO album = getAlbum(albumId);
if (album == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
List result = cache.getAllAlbumPhotos(userId, albumId);
if (result != null)
return result;
result = persistenceService.getUserPhotos(userId, albumId);
cache.addAlbumPhotosToCache(userId, albumId, result);
return result;
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getPhotos(" + userId + ", " + albumId + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getPhotos(final String userId, final List photoIDs) throws StorageServiceException {
if (photoIDs == null || photoIDs.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null photos id's");
try {
return persistenceService.getUserPhotos(userId, photoIDs);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getPhotos" + userId + ", " + photoIDs + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getWaitingApprovalPhotos(int photosAmount) throws StorageServiceException {
if (photosAmount < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal photos amount selected amount[" + photosAmount + "]");
try {
List result = new ArrayList(photosAmount);
List fromService = persistenceService.getPhotosWithStatus(photosAmount, ApprovalStatus.WAITING_APPROVAL);
// sort by user
while (fromService.size() > 0 && result.size() < photosAmount) {
PhotoBO photo = fromService.remove(0);
String userID = photo.getUserId();
// get all photos of the same user
for (Iterator i = fromService.iterator(); i.hasNext() && result.size() < photosAmount;) {
PhotoBO toCheck =;
if (toCheck.getUserId().equals(userID)) {
return result;
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getWaitingApprovalPhotos(" + photosAmount + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int getWaitingApprovalPhotosCount() throws StorageServiceException {
try {
return persistenceService.getPhotosWithStatusCount(ApprovalStatus.WAITING_APPROVAL);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getWaitingApprovalPhotosCount() failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO createPhoto(final PhotoBO photo) throws StorageServiceException {
if (photo == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null photo");
AlbumBO photoAlbum = getAlbum(photo.getAlbumId());
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(photo.getId() + PHOTO);
try {
PhotoBO clonedPhoto = photo.clone();
PhotoBO result = persistenceService.createPhoto(clonedPhoto);
// put to cache
// updating album photos order - adding new photo to end of the order and saving album
return result;
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "createPhoto(" + photo + ") failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO updatePhoto(final PhotoBO photo) throws StorageServiceException {
if (photo == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null photo");
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(photo.getId() + PHOTO);
try {
PhotoBO oldPhoto = getPhoto(photo.getId());
// remove photo from cache!
PhotoBO result = getPhoto(photo.getId());
announcer.photoUpdated(result, oldPhoto);
return result;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
LOG.warn("updatePhoto(" + photo + ") failed. Photo not found in persistence.", e);
throw new PhotoNotFoundServiceException(photo.getId());
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "updatePhoto(" + photo + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized void updatePhotoApprovalStatuses(final Map statuses) throws StorageServiceException {
if (statuses == null || statuses.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal statuses, incoming param");
try {
// map with photo id to UserId mapping!
Map photoIdToUserId = new HashMap<>();
// map with current statuses of photos!
Map previousStatuses = new HashMap<>();
// real status update map! We should not execute update - if status which should be set - is already there :)
Map statusesToUpdate = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : statuses.entrySet()) {
PhotoBO photo = getPhoto(entry.getKey());
if (photo.getApprovalStatus() != entry.getValue()) {
photoIdToUserId.put(entry.getKey(), photo.getUserId());
previousStatuses.put(entry.getKey(), photo.getApprovalStatus());
statusesToUpdate.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (statusesToUpdate.isEmpty())
// update data in cache!!!
// sending events!
for (Map.Entry entry : statuses.entrySet()) {
String userId = photoIdToUserId.get(entry.getKey());
ApprovalStatus previous = previousStatuses.get(entry.getKey());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userId) && previous != null && entry.getValue() != null)
announcer.photoStatusChanged(userId, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), previous);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "updatePhotoApprovalStatuses(" + statuses + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Map getAlbumPhotosApprovalStatus(long albumId) throws StorageServiceException {
try {
// try from cache!
AlbumBO album = getAlbum(albumId);
List albumPhotos = cache.getAllAlbumPhotos(album.getUserId(), albumId);
if (albumPhotos != null) {
// build result
Map result = new HashMap<>();
for (PhotoBO photo : albumPhotos)
result.put(photo.getId(), photo.getApprovalStatus());
return result;
return persistenceService.getAlbumPhotosApprovalStatus(albumId);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "getAlbumPhotosApprovalStatus(" + albumId + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void removePhoto(final long photoId) throws StorageServiceException {
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(photoId + PHOTO);
try {
final PhotoBO photo = persistenceService.getPhoto(photoId);
announcer.photoDeleted(photoId, photo.getUserId());
// removing photo from photo album photos order list
AlbumBO photoAlbum = getAlbum(photo.getAlbumId());
} catch (PhotoNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
LOG.warn("removePhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Photo not found in persistence.", e);
throw new PhotoNotFoundServiceException(photoId);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "removePhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PhotoBO movePhoto(long photoId, long newAlbumId) throws StorageServiceException {
IdBasedLock lock = LOCK_MANAGER.obtainLock(photoId + PHOTO);
try {
PhotoBO oldPhoto = getPhoto(photoId);
AlbumBO newAlbum = getAlbum(newAlbumId);
persistenceService.movePhoto(photoId, newAlbum.getId(), System.currentTimeMillis());
// remove photo from cache!
PhotoBO result = getPhoto(photoId);
announcer.photoUpdated(result, oldPhoto);
return result;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundPersistenceServiceException e) {
LOG.warn("movePhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Photo not found in persistence.", e);
throw new PhotoNotFoundServiceException(photoId);
} catch (StoragePersistenceServiceException e) {
String message = "movePhoto(" + photoId + ") failed. Underlying StoragePersistenceService failed.";
LOG.warn(message, e);
throw new StorageServiceException(message, e);
} finally {
* Return id of the Default photo, which belongs to selected album.
* @param album
* {@link AlbumBO}
* @return id of the default photo if such exists
* @throws StorageServiceException
* DefaultPhotoNotFoundServiceException - if no such photo found, or on other errors
private PhotoBO getDefaultPhoto(AlbumBO album) throws StorageServiceException {
List orderedPhotoIdsList = album.getPhotosOrder();
// reading ordered photos! Searching and returning Default photo - if such will be found!
for (Long photoId : orderedPhotoIdsList) {
// just an additional NULL check!
if (photoId == null) {
LOG.warn("NULL photo id detected inside ordered photos list! album[" + album.getId() + "]");
try {
PhotoBO photo = getPhoto(photoId);
// if approving is disabled - returning photo!
if (!configuration.isPhotoApprovingEnabled())
return photo;
// if Approving is Enabled and photo is Approved returning it
if (configuration.isPhotoApprovingEnabled() && ApprovalStatus.APPROVED == photo.getApprovalStatus())
return photo;
} catch (PhotoNotFoundServiceException phfSe) {
LOG.warn("Corrupted data detected! photo[" + photoId + "] does not exists! But present inside photos order. SKIPPING!" + phfSe.getMessage());
List allPhotos = getPhotos(album.getUserId(), album.getId());
// checking that some photos really exists!
if (allPhotos.isEmpty())
throw new DefaultPhotoNotFoundServiceException(album.getId(), " Album does not contains photos.");
if (!configuration.isPhotoApprovingEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("PhotoApproving is disabled! there is nothing to filter out!");
return allPhotos.get(0);
// looking for first approved photo!
for (PhotoBO photo : allPhotos)
if (ApprovalStatus.APPROVED == photo.getApprovalStatus())
return photo;
// Exception in case - When there is no any approved photo found!
throw new DefaultPhotoNotFoundServiceException(album.getId(), " Album does not contains approved photos.");
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