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net.anthavio.httl.api.HttlApiBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Compact but tweakable REST client library you have been dreaming of
package net.anthavio.httl.api;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlBodyMarshaller;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlBuilderVisitor;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlConstants;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlExecutionFilter;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlResponseExtractor;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlSender;
import net.anthavio.httl.HttlSender.Multival;
import net.anthavio.httl.api.HttlBody.NullSurrogateHttlBodyWriter;
import net.anthavio.httl.api.HttlCall.HttpMethod;
import net.anthavio.httl.api.HttlVar.NoopParamSetter;
import net.anthavio.httl.api.VarSetter.BeanMetaVarSetter;
import net.anthavio.httl.api.VarSetter.FieldApiVarMeta;
import net.anthavio.httl.util.HttlUtil;
* @author martin.vanek
public class HttlApiBuilder {
public static HttlApiBuilder with(HttlSender sender) {
return new HttlApiBuilder(sender);
private final HttlSender sender;
private Multival headers;
private Multival params;
public HttlApiBuilder(HttlSender sender) {
if (sender == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null sender");
this.sender = sender;
params = new Multival();
* Add this header into every request
public HttlApiBuilder addHeader(String name, String value) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = new Multival();
headers.add(name, value);
return this;
* Add this parameter into every request
public HttlApiBuilder addParam(String name, String value) {
if (params == null) {
params = new Multival();
params.add(name, value);
return this;
public T build(Class apiInterface) throws HttlApiException {
return build(apiInterface, sender, headers, params);
public static T build(Class apiInterface, HttlSender sender) throws HttlApiException {
return build(apiInterface, sender, null, null);
public static T build(Class apiInterface, HttlSender sender, Multival headers, Multival params) {
final HttlApi httlApi = apiInterface.getAnnotation(HttlApi.class);
final String urlPathPrefix = (httlApi != null) ? getRestApiUri(httlApi) : "";
Map> sharedSetters = new HashMap>();
if (httlApi != null) {
//Initialize shared setters
Class extends VarSetter>[] setters = httlApi.setters();
if (setters.length != 0) {
for (Class extends VarSetter> setterClass : setters) {
ParameterizedType parametrized = (ParameterizedType) setterClass.getGenericInterfaces()[0];
Type targetType = parametrized.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
VarSetter setter;
try {
setter = setterClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new HttlApiException("Failed to instantiate shared VarSetter " + setterClass, apiInterface);
sharedSetters.put(targetType, setter);
Map methods = doApiMethods(apiInterface, urlPathPrefix, sharedSetters);
InvocationHandler handler = new HttlApiHandler(apiInterface, sender, headers, params, methods);
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(apiInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class>[] { apiInterface }, handler);
private static Map doApiMethods(Class> apiInterface, String urlPathPrefix,
Map> sharedSetters) {
Map metaMap = new HashMap();
for (Method method : apiInterface.getDeclaredMethods()) {
HttlCall operation = method.getAnnotation(HttlCall.class);
if (operation == null) {
String mname = method.getName();
if ("equals".equals(mname) || "hashCode".equals(mname)) {
//Maybe just ignore those ???
throw new HttlApiException("@RestCall not found ", method);
HttpMethod http = operation.method();
String urlPath = operation.value();
if (http == HttpMethod.PATH_DERIVED) {
String[] segments = urlPath.split(" ");
if (segments.length != 2) {
throw new HttlApiException("Invalid @RestCall format: " + urlPath, method);
//maybe nicer exceptions here
http = HttpMethod.valueOf(segments[0]);
urlPath = segments[1];
if (urlPathPrefix != null) {
urlPath = HttlUtil.joinUrlParts(urlPathPrefix, urlPath);
//@RestVar annotations
ApiVarMeta[] params = doApiParameters(method, sharedSetters);
Map paramMap = new HashMap();
for (ApiVarMeta param : params) {
paramMap.put(, param);
//search for {placehoders} in url path
int lastOpn = -1;
while ((lastOpn = urlPath.indexOf('{', lastOpn + 1)) != -1) {
int lastCls = urlPath.indexOf('}', lastOpn + 1);
if (lastCls == -1) {
throw new HttlApiException("Unpaired bracket in path " + urlPath, method);
String pathParam = urlPath.substring(lastOpn + 1, lastCls);
ApiVarMeta param = paramMap.get(pathParam);
if (param == null) {
throw new HttlApiException("Parameter '" + pathParam + "' not found for path placeholder", method);
} else {
//XXX maybe some prevention against duplicate path/header placeholders
//@Header annotations
ApiHeaderMeta[] headers = doApiHeaders(apiInterface, method);
Map headerMap = new HashMap();
for (ApiHeaderMeta header : headers) {
if (header.parameter != null) {
ApiVarMeta param = paramMap.get(header.parameter); //Templated @Header needs @Param with value
if (param != null) {
} else {
throw new HttlApiException("Templated Header '" + header.parameter + "' not found as parameter", method);
headerMap.put(, header);
//Some sanity checks...
ApiVarMeta body = paramMap.get(BODY);
if (body != null) {
if (http.getMethod().isBodyAllowed() == false) {
throw new HttlApiException("Body not allowed on HTTP " + http.getMethod(), method);
if (body.variable == null && headerMap.get(HttlConstants.Content_Type) == null) {
throw new HttlApiException("Content-Type not specified. Neither as a @Header nor as @Body parameter", method);
//maybe set priority instead of exception... maybe
if (body.variable != null && headerMap.get(HttlConstants.Content_Type) != null) {
throw new HttlApiException("Content-Type specified twice. As a @Header and as @Body parameter", method);
} else { // @Body param does not exist
if (paramMap.get("#" + HttlBodyMarshaller.class.getSimpleName()) != null) {
throw new HttlApiException("@Body parameter is required when using RequestBodyMarshaller", method);
// parameters not found as path or header placeholder are left as query parameters
//return type is Builder subinterface
BuilderMeta builderMeta = null;
if (method.getReturnType().isInterface() && method.getReturnType().getInterfaces().length > 0
&& method.getReturnType().getInterfaces()[0] == HttlCallBuilder.class) {
//XXX this will fail if user will build some hierarchy of interfaces
Class extends HttlCallBuilder> builderInterface = (Class extends HttlCallBuilder>) method.getReturnType();
ParameterizedType parametrized = (ParameterizedType) builderInterface.getGenericInterfaces()[0];
Type returnType = parametrized.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
Map builderMethods = doBuilderMethods(builderInterface);
builderMeta = new BuilderMeta(builderInterface, returnType, builderMethods);
ApiMethodMeta methodMeta = new ApiMethodMeta(method, http, urlPath, params, headers, builderMeta);
metaMap.put(method, methodMeta);
return metaMap;
private static Map doBuilderMethods(Class extends HttlCallBuilder> builderInterface) {
Map metaMap = new HashMap();
Method[] methods = builderInterface.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
if (method.getName().equals("execute") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
if (method.getReturnType() != builderInterface) {
throw new HttlApiException("Invalid return: " + method.getReturnType() + " expected: " + builderInterface,
//We may support more parameters in future if it makes sense
if (method.getParameterTypes().length != 1) {
throw new HttlApiException("Single parameter is expected", method);
String paramName = method.getName();
boolean replace = false;
if (paramName.startsWith("set")) {
replace = true;
paramName = toPropName(paramName);
} else if (paramName.startsWith("add")) {
replace = false;
paramName = toPropName(paramName);
ApiVarMeta varMeta = doParameter(0, method, null, paramName);
BuilderMethodMeta methodMeta = new BuilderMethodMeta(method, varMeta, replace);
metaMap.put(method, methodMeta);
return metaMap;
private final static String BODY = "#body";
private static ApiHeaderMeta[] doApiHeaders(Class> clazz, Method method) {
List headerList = new ArrayList();
Map headerMap = new HashMap();
//Process Type declared (global) annotations first
HttlHeaders cheaders = clazz.getAnnotation(HttlHeaders.class);
if (cheaders != null && cheaders.value().length != 0) {
for (String header : cheaders.value()) {
if (header.indexOf('{') != -1 && header.indexOf('}') != -1) {
throw new HttlApiException("Global headers cannot be templated: " + header, clazz);
int idx = header.indexOf(':');
if (idx == -1 || idx > header.length() - 2) {
throw new HttlApiException("Global header syntax error: " + header, clazz);
String name = header.substring(0, idx).trim();
String value = header.substring(idx + 1).trim();
ApiHeaderMeta metaHeader = new ApiHeaderMeta(name, value, null);
headerMap.put(name, headerList.size() - 1);
//Process Method declared (local) annotations now
HttlHeaders mheaders = method.getAnnotation(HttlHeaders.class);
if (mheaders != null && mheaders.value().length != 0) {
for (String header : mheaders.value()) {
int idx = header.indexOf(':');
if (idx == -1 || idx > header.length() - 2) {
throw new HttlApiException("Method header syntax error: " + header, method);
String name = header.substring(0, idx).trim();
String value = header.substring(idx + 1).trim();
String parameter = null;
int idxOpn = value.indexOf('{');
int idxCls = value.indexOf('}', idxOpn + 1);
if (idxOpn != -1) {
if (idxCls != -1) {
parameter = value.substring(idxOpn + 1, idxCls);
} else {
throw new HttlApiException("Unpaired brackets in method header: " + header, method);
ApiHeaderMeta metaHeader = new ApiHeaderMeta(name, value, parameter);
Integer index = headerMap.get(name);
if (index != null) {
headerList.set(index, metaHeader); //replace shared if exists
} else {
return headerList.toArray(new ApiHeaderMeta[headerList.size()]);
private static ApiVarMeta[] doApiParameters(Method method, Map> sharedSetters) {
Map map = new HashMap();//only for duplicate name checks
Class>[] types = method.getParameterTypes();
List metaList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
Class> type = types[i];
String name;
ApiVarMeta meta;
// interceptors/marshallers/extractors first - they need no annotation with name
if (HttlBuilderVisitor.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
name = "#" + HttlBuilderVisitor.class.getSimpleName() + "-" + i;
meta = new ApiVarMeta(i, type, name, true, null, null, null, VarTarget.BLDR_VISITOR);
} else if (HttlExecutionFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
name = "#" + HttlExecutionFilter.class.getSimpleName() + "-" + i;
meta = new ApiVarMeta(i, type, name, true, null, null, null, VarTarget.EXEC_FILTER);
} else if (HttlBodyWriter.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
name = "#" + HttlBodyWriter.class.getSimpleName();
if (map.containsKey(name)) { //TODO also add check if body writer is not defined via attribute
throw new HttlApiException("Multiple HttlBodyWriter parameters found", method);
meta = new ApiVarMeta(i, type, name, true, null, null, null, VarTarget.BODY_WRITER);
} else if (HttlResponseExtractor.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
//When parameter is declared as HttlResponseExtractor, generic information is erased...
if (type.getGenericInterfaces().length != 0) { //real implementation like DateExtractor
Type typeArg = ((ParameterizedType) type.getGenericInterfaces()[0]).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (typeArg != method.getReturnType()) {
throw new HttlApiException("Incompatible Extractor type: " + typeArg + " method returns : "
+ method.getReturnType(), method);
// versus method.getReturnType();
// unfortunately type check of method return type and ResponseExtractor generic parameter
// cannot be performed here...because of generic type erasure
name = "#" + HttlResponseExtractor.class.getSimpleName();
if (map.containsKey(name)) {
throw new HttlApiException("Multiple ResponseExtractor parameters found", method);
meta = new ApiVarMeta(i, type, name, true, null, null, null, VarTarget.RESP_EXTRACTOR);
} else {
// normal parameters here...
meta = doParameter(i, method, sharedSetters, null);
if (map.containsKey( {
throw new HttlApiException("Duplicate parameter named '" + + "' found", method);
map.put(, meta);
return metaList.toArray(new ApiVarMeta[metaList.size()]);
private static ApiVarMeta doApiParameter(int index, Method method) {
Annotation[][] mannotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
if (mannotations.length == 0) {
throw new HttlApiException("Cannot determine parameter's name on position " + (index + 1)
+ ". No annotation present", method);
return doParameter(index, method, null);
private static ApiVarMeta doParameter(int index, Method method, Map> sharedSetters,
String defaultName) {
String name = defaultName;
boolean required = false;
String nullval = null;
VarSetter setter = null;
HttlBodyWriter writer = null;
String variable = null;
VarTarget target = VarTarget.QUERY;
Annotation[] pannotations = method.getParameterAnnotations()[index];
for (Annotation annotation : pannotations) {
if (annotation instanceof HttlVar) {
HttlVar var = (HttlVar) annotation;
name = getRestVarName(var);
required = var.required();
if (!var.defval().equals(HttlVar.NULL_STRING_SURROGATE)) {
nullval = var.defval();
if (var.setter() != NoopParamSetter.class) {
try {
setter = var.setter().newInstance();
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new HttlApiException("Cannot create " + var.setter().getName() + " instance ", x);
} else if (annotation instanceof HttlBody) {
HttlBody body = (HttlBody) annotation;
name = BODY; //artificial parameter name
target = VarTarget.BODY;
if (!body.value().isEmpty()) {
variable = body.value(); //Content-Type header
if (body.writer() != NullSurrogateHttlBodyWriter.class) {
try {
writer = body.writer().newInstance();
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new HttlApiException("Cannot create " + body.writer().getName() + " instance ", x);
} else if (annotation.getClass().getName().equals("javax.inject.Named")) {
try {
Method mvalue = annotation.getClass().getMethod("value");
name = (String) mvalue.invoke(annotation);
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new HttlApiException("Reflective invocation javax.inject.Named.value()", x);
} else { // Any other annotation
String annoClassName = annotation.getClass().getName();
if (annoClassName.equals("javax.annotation.Nonnull")
|| annoClassName.equals("javax.validation.constraints.NotNull")) {
required = true;
Class> paramClass = method.getParameterTypes()[index];
if (setter != null) {
// check that VarSetter generic parameter type is compatible with parameter type
Type setterArgType = ((ParameterizedType) setter.getClass().getGenericInterfaces()[0]).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (isCompatible(paramClass, (Class>) setterArgType) == false) {
throw new HttlApiException("Incompatible VarSetter<" + setterArgType + "> for parameter '" + name + "' type "
+ paramClass.getSimpleName(), method);
} else {
if (paramClass.getAnnotation(HttlVar.class) != null) {
//Custom Bean with @RestVar class anotation
return doBeanParameter(index, paramClass, name, required);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) {
// Map are special
return doMapParameter(index, paramClass, name, required);
//still nothing -> try shared setter
if (setter == null && sharedSetters != null) {
setter = sharedSetters.get(paramClass);//can be null...
//fail if
if (name == null && setter == null) {
throw new HttlApiException("Missing parameter's name on position " + (index + 1), method);
ApiVarMeta meta = new ApiVarMeta(index, paramClass, name, required, nullval, setter, writer, target);
meta.variable = variable;
return meta;
private static ApiVarMeta doMapParameter(int index, Class> paramClazz, String paramName, boolean paramNotnull) {
return new ApiVarMeta(index, paramClazz, paramName, paramNotnull, null, VarSetter.MapVarSetter, null,
private static ApiVarMeta doBeanParameter(int index, Class> paramClazz, String paramName, boolean paramNotnull) {
List list = new ArrayList();
HttlVar paramVar = paramClazz.getAnnotation(HttlVar.class);
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
if (paramName != null && !paramName.equals(HttlVar.NULL_STRING_SURROGATE)) {
if (getRestVarName(paramVar) != null) {
Field[] fields = paramClazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
String localName = field.getName();
boolean notnull = false;
String nullval = null;
VarSetter setter = null;
HttlVar fieldVar = field.getAnnotation(HttlVar.class);
if (fieldVar != null) {
notnull = fieldVar.required();
if (!fieldVar.defval().equals(HttlVar.NULL_STRING_SURROGATE)) {
nullval = fieldVar.defval();
if (fieldVar.setter() != NoopParamSetter.class) {
try {
setter = fieldVar.setter().newInstance();
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new HttlApiException("Cannot create " + fieldVar.setter().getName() + " instance ", x);
if (getRestVarName(fieldVar) != null) {
localName = getRestVarName(fieldVar);
ApiVarMeta meta = new ApiVarMeta(index, field.getType(), name.toString() + localName, notnull, nullval, setter,
null, VarTarget.QUERY);
list.add(new FieldApiVarMeta(field, meta));
if (list.size() == 0) {
throw new HttlApiException("No fields discovered", paramClazz);
BeanMetaVarSetter setter = new BeanMetaVarSetter(paramClazz, list.toArray(new FieldApiVarMeta[list.size()]));
return new ApiVarMeta(index, paramClazz, paramName, paramNotnull, null, setter, null, VarTarget.QUERY);
* Converts method getter/setter/adder name to property name
private static String toPropName(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("set") || name.startsWith("add") || name.startsWith("get")) {
name = name.substring(3);
return Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
* Reason:
* value() is default Java annotation's value storage - allows nice default storage syntax @RestVar("myparam")
* but it's name - 'value' is very misleading, because it's semantic is 'name'
* Legal usage:
* @RestVar("myparam")
* @RestVar(name = "myparam")
* @RestVar(value = "myparam")
* Illegal use:
* @RestVar(name = "myparam", value = "wrong")
* This also copes with Java annotation inability to store null as value requiring null surrogates usage
private static String getRestVarName(HttlVar var) {
return getAnnotationValue(var.value(),, "name");
private static String getRestApiUri(HttlApi api) {
return getAnnotationValue(api.value(), api.uri(), "uri");
private static String getAnnotationValue(String value, String preferred, String preferredName) {
boolean blankValue = value == null || value.length() == 0 || value.equals(HttlVar.NULL_STRING_SURROGATE);
boolean blankName = preferred == null || preferred.length() == 0 || preferred.equals(HttlVar.NULL_STRING_SURROGATE);
if (blankName) {
if (blankValue) {
return null;
} else {
return value;
} else {
if (blankValue) {
return preferred;
} else {
throw new HttlApiException("Do not use both value='" + value + "' and " + preferredName + "='" + preferred
+ "' in annotation", (Exception) null);
static class BuilderMeta {
final Class extends HttlCallBuilder> interfacee;
final Type returnType;
final Map methods;
public BuilderMeta(Class extends HttlCallBuilder> interfacee, Type returnType,
Map methods) {
this.interfacee = interfacee;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.methods = methods;
static class BuilderMethodMeta {
final Method method;
final ApiVarMeta parameter;
final boolean replace;
public BuilderMethodMeta(Method method, ApiVarMeta parameter, boolean replace) {
this.method = method;
this.parameter = parameter;
this.replace = replace;
static class ApiMethodMeta {
final Method method;
final HttpMethod httpMethod;
final String urlPath;
final ApiVarMeta[] parameters;
final ApiHeaderMeta[] headers;
final Map headersMap;
final BuilderMeta builder;
public ApiMethodMeta(Method method, HttpMethod httpMethod, String urlPath, ApiVarMeta[] parameters,
ApiHeaderMeta[] headers, BuilderMeta builderMeta) {
this.method = method;
this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
this.urlPath = urlPath;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.headers = headers;
this.headersMap = new HashMap();
for (ApiHeaderMeta header : headers) {
headersMap.put(, header);
this.builder = builderMeta;
static enum VarTarget {
PATH, QUERY, HEADER, BODY, //normal value parameters
static class ApiHeaderMeta {
final String name;
final String value;
final String parameter; //value is {parameter}
public ApiHeaderMeta(String name, String value, String parameter) { = name;
this.value = value;
this.parameter = parameter;
static class ApiVarMeta {
final int index;
final String name;
final boolean killnull;
final String nullval;
final Type type;
final VarSetter setter;
final HttlBodyWriter writer; //only for @Body
VarTarget target;
String variable; //@Body content type or placeholder for urlpath
public ApiVarMeta(int index, Type type, String name, boolean killnull, String nullval, VarSetter setter,
HttlBodyWriter marshaller, VarTarget target) {
this.index = index;
this.type = type; = name;
this.killnull = killnull;
this.nullval = nullval;
this.setter = setter;
this.writer = marshaller; = target;
void setTarget(VarTarget target) { = target;
void setTargetHeader(String headerName) {
this.variable = headerName; = VarTarget.HEADER;
public static boolean isCompatible(Class> fromClass, Class> intoClass) {
if (fromClass.isPrimitive()) {
//autoboxing rules apply here
if (fromClass == Integer.TYPE && intoClass == Integer.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Long.TYPE && intoClass == Long.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Float.TYPE && intoClass == Float.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Double.TYPE && intoClass == Double.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Byte.TYPE && intoClass == Byte.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Character.TYPE && intoClass == Character.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Boolean.TYPE && intoClass == Boolean.class) {
return true;
} else if (fromClass == Short.TYPE && intoClass == Short.class) {
return true;
} else {
if (intoClass.isAssignableFrom(fromClass)) {
return true;
return false;