net.bbmsoft.iocfx.Fxml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.bbmsoft.iocfx;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
import net.bbmsoft.iocfx.StageService.ExitPolicy;
* Service interface for components that need an FXML file to be loaded. Any
* component implementing this interface will be discovered by IoCFX and the
* FXML file referred to by the return value of {@link #getLocation()} will be
* loaded.
* If the {@code Fxml} instance implements the {@link Application} interface,
* IoCFX will automatically create and show a {@link Stage} containing the
* FXML's layout.
* If the {@code Fxml} instance implements the {@link Root} interface, it will
* be set as the root of the FXML object.
* If the {@code Fxml} instance implements the {@link Controller} interface, it
* will be set as the controller of the FXML object.
* If the {@code Fxml} instance implements the {@link Consumer} interface, the
* loaded object will be passed to its {@link Consumer#accept(Object) accept}
* method.
* If the {@code Fxml} instance implements the {@link Resources} interface, the
* provided {@link ResourceBundle} will be used while loading the FXML file.
* method.
* If a component needs to have direct control over the {@link FXMLLoader}
* instance, it might not be a good idea to implement this interface. Instead
* declare a dependency on an {@link FXMLLoader} prototype service like this:
* @Reference(scope = ReferenceScope.PROTOTYPE_REQUIRED)
* private FXMLLoader loader;
* IoCFX will provide the component with its own instance of an
* {@code FXMLLoader} that is able to access classes used in the FXML via OSGi
* compatible bundle imports, thus avoiding {@link ClassNotFoundException
* ClassNotFoundExceptions} which are otherwise a common problem when using an
* off-the-shelf {@code FXMLLoader} in an OSGi environment.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface Fxml {
* Marker interface for components that need to be set as the document root of
* the FXML file they want to be loaded.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface Root extends Fxml {
* Marker interface for components that need to be set as the controller of the
* FXML file they want to be loaded.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface Controller extends Fxml {
* Fxml components implementing the Resources interface can supply a
* {@link ResourceBundle} that will be used by the FXMLLoader.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface Resources extends Fxml {
* Provide a {@link ResourceBundle} that will be used to resolve resource key
* attribute values in the FXML file.
* @return a {@code ResourceBundle}
public ResourceBundle getResources();
* Fxml components implementing the Consumer interface will be passed the loaded
* object once the fxml file has been successfully loaded. This is guaranteed to
* happen on the on the JavaFX Application Thread.
* @author Michael Bachmann
* @param
* type of the FXML's root object
public interface Consumer extends Fxml {
* The root object loaded from the FXML file will be passed to this method on
* the JavaFX Application Thread.
* @param root
* the root object loaded from the FXML file
public void accept(T root);
* Interface for components that represent an application main window. If this
* interface is implemented, the FXML's root will automatically be put into a
* stage and shown once loaded.
* Before the Stage is shown, it will be passed into the
* {@link #prepareStage(Stage)} method, giving developers the opportunity to
* customize the stage, e.g. to {@link Stage#initStyle(StageStyle) initialize a
* stage style}. By default, {@code prepareStage()} does nothing.
* Additionally, an {@code Application} component can provide a customized
* {@link ExitPolicy} by overriding the {@link #getExitPolicy()} method. The
* default is {@link ExitPolicy#SHUTDOWN_ON_STAGE_EXIT}.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface Application extends Fxml, Standalone {
* If an {@code Fxml} instance implements this interface, any {@link IOException
* IOExceptions} that happen while loading the FXML file will be caught and
* propagated to the {@link #onError(IOException)} method.
* @author Michael Bachmann
public interface ErrorHandler {
* Handle {@link IOException} that happen while loading the FXML file.
* @param e
* the exception that needs to be handled
public void onError(IOException e);
* Provide a {@link URL} that points to the FXML file that needs to be loaded.
* Typically this would reside in the same bundle as the class implementing the
* {@code Fxml} interface.
* @return the FXML file resource to be loaded
public default URL getLocation() {
return this.getClass().getResource(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".fxml");