net.bootsfaces.component.navLink.AbstractNavLink Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.bootsfaces.component.navLink;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import net.bootsfaces.component.ajax.IAJAXComponent;
import net.bootsfaces.component.navLink.NavLinkCore.PropertyKeys;
import net.bootsfaces.render.IHasTooltip;
import net.bootsfaces.render.IResponsive;
public interface AbstractNavLink extends IHasTooltip, IAJAXComponent, IResponsive {
String getFamily();
boolean getRendersChildren();
* returns the subset of AJAX requests that are implemented by jQuery
* callback or other non-standard means (such as the onclick event of
* b:tabView, which has to be implemented manually).
* @return
Map getJQueryEvents();
Collection getEventNames();
String getDefaultEventName();
* Adds the active state to the link.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
boolean isActive();
* Adds the active state to the link.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setActive(boolean _active);
* Whether the Button submits the form with AJAX.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
boolean isAjax();
* Whether the Button submits the form with AJAX.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setAjax(boolean _ajax);
* An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a
* backing bean.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
javax.faces.component.UIComponent getBinding();
* An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a
* backing bean.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setBinding(javax.faces.component.UIComponent _binding);
* contentClass is optional: if specified, the content (i.e. the anchor tag)
* will be displayed with this specific class
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getContentClass();
* contentClass is optional: if specified, the content (i.e. the anchor tag)
* will be displayed with this specific class
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setContentClass(String _contentClass);
* Inline style of the content area (i.e the anchor tag).
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getContentStyle();
* Inline style of the content area (i.e the anchor tag).
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setContentStyle(String _contentStyle);
* The fragment that is to be appended to the target URL. The # separator is
* applied automatically and needs not be included.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getFragment();
* The fragment that is to be appended to the target URL. The # separator is
* applied automatically and needs not be included.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setFragment(String _fragment);
* If present, this element is rendered as Header in a menu with the text
* specifide by this attribute value: all other attributes will be ignored.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getHeader();
* If present, this element is rendered as Header in a menu with the text
* specifide by this attribute value: all other attributes will be ignored.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setHeader(String _header);
* URL to link directly to implement anchor behavior.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getHref();
* URL to link directly to implement anchor behavior.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setHref(String _href);
* Navigation Link Icon, can be one of the Bootstrap's Glyphicons icon
* names. Alignment can be specified with the iconAlign attribute.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getIcon();
* Navigation Link Icon, can be one of the Bootstrap's Glyphicons icon
* names. Alignment can be specified with the iconAlign attribute.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setIcon(String _icon);
* Alignment can right or left.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getIconAlign();
* Alignment can right or left.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setIconAlign(String _iconAlign);
* Navigation Link Font Awesome Icon, can be one of the Font Awesome icon
* names. Alignment can be specified with the iconAlign attribute.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getIconAwesome();
* Navigation Link Font Awesome Icon, can be one of the Font Awesome icon
* names. Alignment can be specified with the iconAlign attribute.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setIconAwesome(String _iconAwesome);
* Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
* notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
* immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase) rather than
* waiting until Invoke Application phase. Default is false.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
boolean isImmediate();
* Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user,
* notifications should be delivered to interested listeners and actions
* immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase) rather than
* waiting until Invoke Application phase. Default is false.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setImmediate(boolean _immediate);
* Return whether or not the view parameters should be encoded into the
* target url.
* @since 2.0
boolean isIncludeViewParams();
* Set whether or not the page parameters should be encoded into the target
* url.
* @param includeViewParams
* The state of the switch for encoding page parameters
* @since 2.0
void setIncludeViewParams(boolean includeViewParams);
* Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnblur();
* Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnblur(String _onblur);
* Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus and its
* value has been modified since gaining focus.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnchange();
* Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus and its
* value has been modified since gaining focus.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnchange(String _onchange);
* The onclick attribute.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnclick();
* The onclick attribute.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnclick(String _onclick);
* Javascript to be executed when ajax completes with success.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOncomplete();
* Javascript to be executed when ajax completes with success.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOncomplete(String _oncomplete);
* Client side callback to execute when input element is double clicked.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOndblclick();
* Client side callback to execute when input element is double clicked.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOndblclick(String _ondblclick);
* Client side callback to execute when input element receives focus.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnfocus();
* Client side callback to execute when input element receives focus.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnfocus(String _onfocus);
* Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed down over input
* element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnkeydown();
* Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed down over input
* element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnkeydown(String _onkeydown);
* Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed and released over
* input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnkeypress();
* Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed and released over
* input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnkeypress(String _onkeypress);
* Client side callback to execute when a key is released over input
* element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnkeyup();
* Client side callback to execute when a key is released over input
* element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnkeyup(String _onkeyup);
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is pressed
* down over input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnmousedown();
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is pressed
* down over input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnmousedown(String _onmousedown);
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* within input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnmousemove();
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* within input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnmousemove(String _onmousemove);
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* away from input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnmouseout();
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* away from input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnmouseout(String _onmouseout);
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* onto input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnmouseover();
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved
* onto input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnmouseover(String _onmouseover);
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is released
* over input element.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnmouseup();
* Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is released
* over input element.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnmouseup(String _onmouseup);
* Client side callback to execute when text within input element is
* selected by user.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOnselect();
* Client side callback to execute when text within input element is
* selected by user.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOnselect(String _onselect);
* The outcome to navigate to.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getOutcome();
* The outcome to navigate to.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setOutcome(String _outcome);
* Comma or space separated list of ids or search expressions denoting which
* values are to be sent to the server.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getProcess();
* Comma or space separated list of ids or search expressions denoting which
* values are to be sent to the server.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setProcess(String _process);
* Inline style
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getStyle();
* Inline style
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setStyle(String _style);
* CSS style class
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getStyleClass();
* CSS style class
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setStyleClass(String _styleClass);
* Optional target of the HTML anchor tag that's rendered. E.g. # opens the link in a new tag. This attribute is only evaluated if you provide an href.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
String getTarget();
* The text of the tooltip.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getTooltip();
* The text of the tooltip.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltip(String _tooltip);
* Where is the tooltip div generated? That's primarily a technical value
* that can be used to fix rendering error in special cases. Also see
* data-container in the documentation of Bootstrap. The default value is
* body.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getTooltipContainer();
* Where is the tooltip div generated? That's primarily a technical value
* that can be used to fix rendering error in special cases. Also see
* data-container in the documentation of Bootstrap. The default value is
* body.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltipContainer(String _tooltipContainer);
* The tooltip is shown and hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
int getTooltipDelay();
* The tooltip is shown and hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltipDelay(int _tooltipDelay);
* The tooltip is hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
int getTooltipDelayHide();
* The tooltip is hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltipDelayHide(int _tooltipDelayHide);
* The tooltip is shown with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
int getTooltipDelayShow();
* The tooltip is shown with a delay. This value is the delay in
* milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltipDelayShow(int _tooltipDelayShow);
* Where is the tooltip to be displayed? Possible values: "top", "bottom",
* "right", "left", "auto", "auto top", "auto bottom", "auto right" and
* "auto left". Default to "bottom".
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getTooltipPosition();
* Where is the tooltip to be displayed? Possible values: "top", "bottom",
* "right", "left", "auto", "auto top", "auto bottom", "auto right" and
* "auto left". Default to "bottom".
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setTooltipPosition(String _tooltipPosition);
* Component(s) to be updated with ajax.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
String getUpdate();
* Component(s) to be updated with ajax.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setUpdate(String _update);
* Boolean value to specify if the button is disabled.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been
* set by the JSF file.
boolean isDisabled();
* Boolean value to specify if the button is disabled.
* Usually this method is called internally by the JSF engine.
void setDisabled(boolean _disabled);
public Object getValue();
public boolean isRendered();
* Boolean value: if true the icon will spin.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconSpin();
* Flip the icon: can be H (horizontal) or V (vertical).
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public String getIconFlip();
* Rotate 90 degrees the icon: Can be L,R.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public String getIconRotate();
* Icon Size: legal values are lg, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or null, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public String getIconSize();
* Use the free brand font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconBrand();
* Switch the icon from black-on-white to white-on-black.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconInverse();
* Use the paid 'light' font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconLight();
* Boolean value: if true the icon will rotate with 8 discrete steps.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconPulse();
* Use the paid 'regular' font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconRegular();
* Use the free font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or , false, if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public boolean isIconSolid();
* Position of this element in the tabbing order for the current document. This value must be an integer between -1 and 32767. By default, Bootstrap uses 0, which means the tab order is relative to the position of the element in the document.
* @return Returns the value of the attribute, or "0", if it hasn't been set by the JSF file.
public String getTabindex();