net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.MethodGraph Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.Visibility;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDefinition;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.FilterableList;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Opcodes;
import java.util.*;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.*;
* A method graph represents a view on a set of methods as they are seen from a given type. Any method is represented as a node that represents
* a method, its bridge methods, its resolution state and information on if it was made visible by a visibility bridge.
public interface MethodGraph {
* Locates a node in this graph which represents the provided method token.
* @param token A method token that represents the method to be located.
* @return The node representing the given token.
Node locate(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token);
* Lists all nodes of this method graph.
* @return A list of all nodes of this method graph.
NodeList listNodes();
* A canonical implementation of an empty method graph.
enum Empty implements MethodGraph.Linked, MethodGraph.Compiler {
* The singleton instance.
public Node locate(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token) {
return Node.Unresolved.INSTANCE;
public NodeList listNodes() {
return new NodeList(Collections.emptyList());
public MethodGraph getSuperClassGraph() {
return this;
public MethodGraph getInterfaceGraph(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
return this;
public Linked compile(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
return this;
public Linked compile(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, TypeDescription viewPoint) {
return this;
* A linked method graph represents a view that additionally exposes information of a given type's super type view and a
* view on this graph's directly implemented interfaces.
interface Linked extends MethodGraph {
* Returns a graph representing the view on this represented type's super type.
* @return A graph representing the view on this represented type's super type.
MethodGraph getSuperClassGraph();
* Returns a graph representing the view on this represented type's directly implemented interface type.
* @param typeDescription The interface type for which a view is to be returned.
* @return A graph representing the view on this represented type's directly implemented interface type.
MethodGraph getInterfaceGraph(TypeDescription typeDescription);
* A simple implementation of a linked method graph that exposes views by delegation to given method graphs.
class Delegation implements Linked {
* The represented type's method graph.
private final MethodGraph methodGraph;
* The super class's method graph.
private final MethodGraph superClassGraph;
* A mapping of method graphs of the represented type's directly implemented interfaces to their graph representatives.
private final Map interfaceGraphs;
* Creates a new delegation method graph.
* @param methodGraph The represented type's method graph.
* @param superClassGraph The super class's method graph.
* @param interfaceGraphs A mapping of method graphs of the represented type's directly implemented interfaces to their graph representatives.
public Delegation(MethodGraph methodGraph, MethodGraph superClassGraph, Map interfaceGraphs) {
this.methodGraph = methodGraph;
this.superClassGraph = superClassGraph;
this.interfaceGraphs = interfaceGraphs;
public MethodGraph getSuperClassGraph() {
return superClassGraph;
public MethodGraph getInterfaceGraph(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
MethodGraph interfaceGraph = interfaceGraphs.get(typeDescription);
return interfaceGraph == null
: interfaceGraph;
public Node locate(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token) {
return methodGraph.locate(token);
public NodeList listNodes() {
return methodGraph.listNodes();
* Represents a node within a method graph.
interface Node {
* Returns the sort of this node.
* @return The sort of this node.
Sort getSort();
* Returns the method that is represented by this node.
* @return The method that is represented by this node.
MethodDescription getRepresentative();
* Returns a set of type tokens that this method represents. This set contains the actual method's type including the
* types of all bridge methods.
* @return A set of type tokens that this method represents.
Set getMethodTypes();
* Returns the minimal method visibility of all methods that are represented by this node.
* @return The minimal method visibility of all methods that are represented by this node.
Visibility getVisibility();
* Represents a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.MethodGraph.Node}'s state.
enum Sort {
* Represents a resolved node that was made visible by a visibility bridge.
VISIBLE(true, true, true),
* Represents a resolved node that was not made visible by a visibility bridge.
RESOLVED(true, true, false),
* Represents an ambiguous node, i.e. a node that might refer to several methods.
AMBIGUOUS(true, false, false),
* Represents an unresolved node.
UNRESOLVED(false, false, false);
* {@code true} if this sort represents a resolved node.
private final boolean resolved;
* {@code true} if this sort represents a non-ambiguous node.
private final boolean unique;
* {@code true} if this sort represents a node that was made by a visibility bridge.
private final boolean madeVisible;
* Creates a new sort.
* @param resolved {@code true} if this sort represents a resolved node.
* @param unique {@code true} if this sort represents a non-ambiguous node.
* @param madeVisible {@code true} if this sort represents a node that was made by a visibility bridge.
Sort(boolean resolved, boolean unique, boolean madeVisible) {
this.resolved = resolved;
this.unique = unique;
this.madeVisible = madeVisible;
* Verifies if this sort represents a resolved node.
* @return {@code true} if this sort represents a resolved node.
public boolean isResolved() {
return resolved;
* Verifies if this sort represents a non-ambiguous node.
* @return {@code true} if this sort represents a non-ambiguous node.
public boolean isUnique() {
return unique;
* Verifies if this sort represents a node that was made visible by a visibility bridge.
* @return {@code true} if this sort represents a node that was made visible by a visibility bridge.
public boolean isMadeVisible() {
return madeVisible;
* A canonical implementation of an unresolved node.
enum Unresolved implements Node {
* The singleton instance.
public Sort getSort() {
return Sort.UNRESOLVED;
public MethodDescription getRepresentative() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve the method of an illegal node");
public Set getMethodTypes() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve bridge method of an illegal node");
public Visibility getVisibility() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve visibility of an illegal node");
* A simple implementation of a resolved node of a method without bridges.
class Simple implements Node {
* The represented method.
private final MethodDescription methodDescription;
* Creates a simple node.
* @param methodDescription The represented method.
public Simple(MethodDescription methodDescription) {
this.methodDescription = methodDescription;
public Sort getSort() {
return Sort.RESOLVED;
public MethodDescription getRepresentative() {
return methodDescription;
public Set getMethodTypes() {
return Collections.emptySet();
public Visibility getVisibility() {
return methodDescription.getVisibility();
* A compiler to produce a {@link MethodGraph} from a given type.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "IC_SUPERCLASS_USES_SUBCLASS_DURING_INITIALIZATION", justification = "Safe initialization is implied")
interface Compiler {
* The default compiler for compiling Java methods.
Compiler DEFAULT = MethodGraph.Compiler.Default.forJavaHierarchy();
* Compiles the given type into a method graph considering the type to be the viewpoint.
* @param typeDescription The type to be compiled.
* @return A linked method graph representing the given type.
MethodGraph.Linked compile(TypeDescription typeDescription);
* Compiles the given type into a method graph.
* @param typeDefinition The type to be compiled.
* @param viewPoint The view point that determines the method's visibility.
* @return A linked method graph representing the given type.
MethodGraph.Linked compile(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, TypeDescription viewPoint);
* A flat compiler that simply returns the methods that are declared by the instrumented type.
enum ForDeclaredMethods implements Compiler {
* The singleton instance.
public Linked compile(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
return compile(typeDescription, typeDescription);
public Linked compile(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, TypeDescription viewPoint) {
LinkedHashMap nodes = new LinkedHashMap();
for (MethodDescription methodDescription : typeDefinition.getDeclaredMethods().filter(isVirtual().and(not(isBridge())).and(isVisibleTo(viewPoint)))) {
nodes.put(methodDescription.asSignatureToken(), new Node.Simple(methodDescription));
return new Linked.Delegation(new MethodGraph.Simple(nodes), Empty.INSTANCE, Collections.emptyMap());
* An abstract base implementation of a method graph compiler.
abstract class AbstractBase implements Compiler {
public Linked compile(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
return compile(typeDescription, typeDescription);
* A default implementation of a method graph.
* @param The type of the harmonizer token to be used for linking methods of different types.
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
class Default extends AbstractBase {
* The harmonizer to be used.
private final Harmonizer harmonizer;
* The merger to be used.
private final Merger merger;
* A visitor to apply to all type descriptions before analyzing their methods or resolving super types.
private final TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor;
* Creates a new default method graph compiler.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to be used.
* @param merger The merger to be used.
* @param visitor A visitor to apply to all type descriptions before analyzing their methods or resolving super types.
protected Default(Harmonizer harmonizer, Merger merger, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) {
this.harmonizer = harmonizer;
this.merger = merger;
this.visitor = visitor;
* Creates a default compiler using the given harmonizer and merger. All raw types are reified before analyzing their properties.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to be used for creating tokens that uniquely identify a method hierarchy.
* @param merger The merger to be used for identifying a method to represent an ambiguous method resolution.
* @param The type of the harmonizer token.
* @return A default compiler for the given harmonizer and merger.
public static Compiler of(Harmonizer harmonizer, Merger merger) {
return new Default(harmonizer, merger, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor.Reifying.INITIATING);
* Creates a default compiler using the given harmonizer and merger.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to be used for creating tokens that uniquely identify a method hierarchy.
* @param merger The merger to be used for identifying a method to represent an ambiguous method resolution.
* @param visitor A visitor to apply to all type descriptions before analyzing their methods or resolving super types.
* @param The type of the harmonizer token.
* @return A default compiler for the given harmonizer and merger.
public static Compiler of(Harmonizer harmonizer, Merger merger, TypeDescription.Generic.Visitor extends TypeDescription.Generic> visitor) {
return new Default(harmonizer, merger, visitor);
* Creates a default compiler for a method hierarchy following the rules of the Java programming language. According
* to these rules, two methods of the same name are only different if their parameter types represent different raw
* types. The return type is not considered as a part of the signature.
* Ambiguous methods are merged by considering the method that was discovered first.
* @return A compiler for resolving a method hierarchy following the rules of the Java programming language.
public static Compiler forJavaHierarchy() {
return of(Harmonizer.ForJavaMethod.INSTANCE, Merger.Directional.LEFT);
* Creates a default compiler for a method hierarchy following the rules of the Java virtual machine. According
* to these rules, two methods of the same name are different if their parameter types and return types represent
* different type erasures.
* Ambiguous methods are merged by considering the method that was discovered first.
* @return A compiler for resolving a method hierarchy following the rules of the Java programming language.
public static Compiler forJVMHierarchy() {
return of(Harmonizer.ForJVMMethod.INSTANCE, Merger.Directional.LEFT);
public MethodGraph.Linked compile(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, TypeDescription viewPoint) {
Map> snapshots = new HashMap>();
Key.Store> rootStore = doAnalyze(typeDefinition, snapshots, isVirtual().and(isVisibleTo(viewPoint)));
TypeDescription.Generic superClass = typeDefinition.getSuperClass();
List interfaceTypes = typeDefinition.getInterfaces();
Map interfaceGraphs = new HashMap();
for (TypeDescription.Generic interfaceType : interfaceTypes) {
interfaceGraphs.put(interfaceType.asErasure(), snapshots.get(interfaceType).asGraph(merger));
return new Linked.Delegation(rootStore.asGraph(merger),
superClass == null
: snapshots.get(superClass).asGraph(merger),
* Analyzes the given type description without checking if the end of the type hierarchy was reached.
* @param typeDefinition The type to analyze.
* @param key The type in its original form before applying the visitor.
* @param snapshots A map containing snapshots of key stores for previously analyzed types.
* @param relevanceMatcher A matcher for filtering methods that should be included in the graph.
* @return A key store describing the provided type.
protected Key.Store analyze(TypeDefinition typeDefinition,
TypeDefinition key,
Map> snapshots,
ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> relevanceMatcher) {
Key.Store store = snapshots.get(key);
if (store == null) {
store = doAnalyze(typeDefinition, snapshots, relevanceMatcher);
snapshots.put(key, store);
return store;
* Analyzes the given type description.
* @param typeDescription The type to analyze.
* @param snapshots A map containing snapshots of key stores for previously analyzed types.
* @param relevanceMatcher A matcher for filtering methods that should be included in the graph.
* @return A key store describing the provided type.
protected Key.Store analyzeNullable(TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription,
Map> snapshots,
ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> relevanceMatcher) {
return typeDescription == null
? new Key.Store()
: analyze(typeDescription.accept(visitor), typeDescription, snapshots, relevanceMatcher);
* Analyzes the given type description without checking if it is already presented in the key store.
* @param typeDefinition The type to analyze.
* @param snapshots A map containing snapshots of key stores for previously analyzed types.
* @param relevanceMatcher A matcher for filtering methods that should be included in the graph.
* @return A key store describing the provided type.
protected Key.Store doAnalyze(TypeDefinition typeDefinition,
Map> snapshots,
ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> relevanceMatcher) {
Key.Store store = analyzeNullable(typeDefinition.getSuperClass(), snapshots, relevanceMatcher);
Key.Store interfaceStore = new Key.Store();
for (TypeDescription.Generic interfaceType : typeDefinition.getInterfaces()) {
interfaceStore = interfaceStore.combineWith(analyze(interfaceType.accept(visitor), interfaceType, snapshots, relevanceMatcher));
store = store.inject(interfaceStore);
for (MethodDescription methodDescription : typeDefinition.getDeclaredMethods().filter(relevanceMatcher)) {
store = store.registerTopLevel(methodDescription, harmonizer);
return store;
* A harmonizer is responsible for creating a token that identifies a method's relevant attributes for considering
* two methods of being equal or not.
* @param The type of the token that is created by the implementing harmonizer.
public interface Harmonizer {
* Harmonizes the given type token.
* @param typeToken The type token to harmonize.
* @return A token representing the given type token.
S harmonize(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken);
* A harmonizer for the Java programming language that identifies a method by its parameter types only.
enum ForJavaMethod implements Harmonizer {
* The singleton instance.
public Token harmonize(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken) {
return new Token(typeToken);
* A token that identifies a Java method's type by its parameter types only.
protected static class Token {
* The represented type token.
private final MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken;
* Creates a new type token for a Java method.
* @param typeToken The represented type token.
protected Token(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken) {
this.typeToken = typeToken;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return this == other || (other instanceof Token && typeToken.getParameterTypes().equals(((Token) other).typeToken.getParameterTypes()));
public int hashCode() {
return typeToken.getParameterTypes().hashCode();
public String toString() {
return typeToken.getParameterTypes().toString();
* A harmonizer for the Java virtual machine's method dispatching rules that identifies a method by its parameter types and return type.
enum ForJVMMethod implements Harmonizer {
* The singleton instance.
public Token harmonize(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken) {
return new Token(typeToken);
* A token that identifies a Java method's type by its parameter types and return type.
protected static class Token {
* The represented type token.
private final MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken;
* Creates a new type token for a JVM method.
* @param typeToken The represented type token.
public Token(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken) {
this.typeToken = typeToken;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return this == other || other instanceof Token
&& typeToken.getReturnType().equals(((Token) other).typeToken.getReturnType())
&& typeToken.getParameterTypes().equals(((Token) other).typeToken.getParameterTypes());
public int hashCode() {
return typeToken.getReturnType().hashCode() + 31 * typeToken.getParameterTypes().hashCode();
public String toString() {
return typeToken.toString();
* Implementations are responsible for identifying a representative method for a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.MethodGraph.Node}
* between several ambiguously resolved methods.
public interface Merger {
* Merges two ambiguously resolved methods to yield a single representative.
* @param left The left method description, i.e. the method that was discovered first or was previously merged.
* @param right The right method description, i.e. the method that was discovered last.
* @return A method description compatible to both method's types that is used as a representative.
MethodDescription merge(MethodDescription left, MethodDescription right);
* A directional merger that always returns either the left or right method description.
enum Directional implements Merger {
* A merger that always returns the left method, i.e. the method that was discovered first or was previously merged.
* A merger that always returns the right method, i.e. the method that was discovered last.
* {@code true} if the left method should be returned when merging methods.
private final boolean left;
* Creates a directional merger.
* @param left {@code true} if the left method should be returned when merging methods.
Directional(boolean left) {
this.left = left;
public MethodDescription merge(MethodDescription left, MethodDescription right) {
return this.left
? left
: right;
* A key represents a collection of methods within a method graph to later yield a node representing a collection of methods,
* i.e. a method representative including information on the required method bridges.
* @param The type of the token used for deciding on method equality.
protected abstract static class Key {
* The internal name of the method this key identifies.
protected final String internalName;
* Creates a new key.
* @param internalName The internal name of the method this key identifies.
protected Key(String internalName) {
this.internalName = internalName;
* Returns a set of all identifiers of this key.
* @return A set of all identifiers of this key.
protected abstract Set getIdentifiers();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other == this || (other instanceof Key
&& internalName.equals(((Key) other).internalName)
&& !Collections.disjoint(getIdentifiers(), ((Key) other).getIdentifiers()));
public int hashCode() {
return internalName.hashCode();
* A harmonized key represents a key where equality is decided based on tokens that are returned by a
* {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.MethodGraph.Compiler.Default.Harmonizer}.
* @param The type of the tokens yielded by a harmonizer.
protected static class Harmonized extends Key {
* A mapping of identifiers to the type tokens they represent.
private final Map> identifiers;
* Creates a new harmonized key.
* @param internalName The internal name of the method this key identifies.
* @param identifiers A mapping of identifiers to the type tokens they represent.
protected Harmonized(String internalName, Map> identifiers) {
this.identifiers = identifiers;
* Creates a new harmonized key for the given method description.
* @param methodDescription The method description to represent as a harmonized key.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to use.
* @param The type of the token yielded by a harmonizer.
* @return A harmonized key representing the provided method.
protected static Harmonized of(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken = methodDescription.asTypeToken();
return new Harmonized(methodDescription.getInternalName(),
Collections.singletonMap(harmonizer.harmonize(typeToken), Collections.emptySet()));
* Creates a detached version of this key.
* @param typeToken The type token of the representative method.
* @return The detached version of this key.
protected Detached detach(MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken) {
Set identifiers = new HashSet();
for (Set typeTokens : this.identifiers.values()) {
return new Detached(internalName, identifiers);
* Combines this key with the given key.
* @param key The key to be merged with this key.
* @return A harmonized key representing the merger of this key and the given key.
protected Harmonized combineWith(Harmonized key) {
Map> identifiers = new HashMap>(this.identifiers);
for (Map.Entry> entry : key.identifiers.entrySet()) {
Set typeTokens = identifiers.get(entry.getKey());
if (typeTokens == null) {
identifiers.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
typeTokens = new HashSet(typeTokens);
identifiers.put(entry.getKey(), typeTokens);
return new Harmonized(internalName, identifiers);
* Extends this key by the given method description.
* @param methodDescription The method to extend this key with.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to use for determining method equality.
* @return The harmonized key representing the extension of this key with the provided method.
protected Harmonized extend(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
Map> identifiers = new HashMap>(this.identifiers);
MethodDescription.TypeToken typeToken = methodDescription.asTypeToken();
V identifier = harmonizer.harmonize(typeToken);
Set typeTokens = identifiers.get(identifier);
if (typeTokens == null) {
identifiers.put(identifier, Collections.singleton(typeToken));
} else {
typeTokens = new HashSet(typeTokens);
identifiers.put(identifier, typeTokens);
return new Harmonized(internalName, identifiers);
protected Set getIdentifiers() {
return identifiers.keySet();
* A detached version of a key that identifies methods by their JVM signature, i.e. parameter types and return type.
protected static class Detached extends Key {
* The type tokens represented by this key.
private final Set identifiers;
* Creates a new detached key.
* @param internalName The internal name of the method this key identifies.
* @param identifiers The type tokens represented by this key.
protected Detached(String internalName, Set identifiers) {
this.identifiers = identifiers;
* Creates a new detached key of the given method token.
* @param token The method token to represent as a key.
* @return A detached key representing the given method token..
protected static Detached of(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token) {
return new Detached(token.getName(), Collections.singleton(token.asTypeToken()));
protected Set getIdentifiers() {
return identifiers;
* A store for collected methods that are identified by keys.
* @param The type of the token used for deciding on method equality.
protected static class Store {
* A mapping of harmonized keys to their represented entry.
private final LinkedHashMap, Entry> entries;
* Creates an empty store.
protected Store() {
this(new LinkedHashMap, Entry>());
* Creates a new store representing the given entries.
* @param entries A mapping of harmonized keys to their represented entry.
private Store(LinkedHashMap, Entry> entries) {
this.entries = entries;
* Combines the two given stores.
* @param left The left store to be combined.
* @param right The right store to be combined.
* @param The type of the harmonized key of both stores.
* @return An entry representing the combination of both stores.
private static Entry combine(Entry left, Entry right) {
Set leftMethods = left.getCandidates(), rightMethods = right.getCandidates();
LinkedHashSet combined = new LinkedHashSet(leftMethods.size() + rightMethods.size());
for (MethodDescription leftMethod : leftMethods) {
TypeDescription leftType = leftMethod.getDeclaringType().asErasure();
for (MethodDescription rightMethod : rightMethods) {
TypeDescription rightType = rightMethod.getDeclaringType().asErasure();
if (leftType.equals(rightType)) {
} else if (leftType.isAssignableTo(rightType)) {
} else if (leftType.isAssignableFrom(rightType)) {
Key.Harmonized key = left.getKey().combineWith(right.getKey());
Visibility visibility = left.getVisibility().expandTo(right.getVisibility());
return combined.size() == 1
? new Entry.Resolved(key, combined.iterator().next(), visibility, Entry.Resolved.NOT_MADE_VISIBLE)
: new Entry.Ambiguous(key, combined, visibility);
* Registers a new top level method within this store.
* @param methodDescription The method to register.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to use for determining method equality.
* @return A store with the given method registered as a top-level method.
protected Store registerTopLevel(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
Harmonized key = Harmonized.of(methodDescription, harmonizer);
LinkedHashMap, Entry> entries = new LinkedHashMap, Entry>(this.entries);
Entry currentEntry = entries.remove(key);
Entry extendedEntry = (currentEntry == null
? new Entry.Initial(key)
: currentEntry).extendBy(methodDescription, harmonizer);
entries.put(extendedEntry.getKey(), extendedEntry);
return new Store(entries);
* Combines this store with the given store.
* @param store The store to combine with this store.
* @return A store representing a combination of this store and the given store.
protected Store combineWith(Store store) {
Store combinedStore = this;
for (Entry entry : store.entries.values()) {
combinedStore = combinedStore.combineWith(entry);
return combinedStore;
* Combines this store with the given entry.
* @param entry The entry to combine with this store.
* @return A store representing a combination of this store and the given entry.
protected Store combineWith(Entry entry) {
LinkedHashMap, Entry> entries = new LinkedHashMap, Entry>(this.entries);
Entry previousEntry = entries.remove(entry.getKey());
Entry injectedEntry = previousEntry == null
? entry
: combine(previousEntry, entry);
entries.put(injectedEntry.getKey(), injectedEntry);
return new Store(entries);
* Injects the given store into this store.
* @param store The key store to inject into this store.
* @return A store that represents this store with the given store injected.
protected Store inject(Store store) {
Store injectedStore = this;
for (Entry entry : store.entries.values()) {
injectedStore = injectedStore.inject(entry);
return injectedStore;
* Injects the given entry into this store.
* @param entry The entry to be injected into this store.
* @return A store that represents this store with the given entry injected.
protected Store inject(Entry entry) {
LinkedHashMap, Entry> entries = new LinkedHashMap, Entry>(this.entries);
Entry dominantEntry = entries.remove(entry.getKey());
Entry injectedEntry = dominantEntry == null
? entry
: dominantEntry.inject(entry.getKey(), entry.getVisibility());
entries.put(injectedEntry.getKey(), injectedEntry);
return new Store(entries);
* Transforms this store into a method graph by applying the given merger.
* @param merger The merger to apply for resolving the representative for ambiguous resolutions.
* @return The method graph that represents this key store.
protected MethodGraph asGraph(Merger merger) {
LinkedHashMap, Node> entries = new LinkedHashMap, Node>();
for (Entry entry : this.entries.values()) {
Node node = entry.asNode(merger);
entries.put(entry.getKey().detach(node.getRepresentative().asTypeToken()), node);
return new Graph(entries);
* An entry of a key store.
* @param The type of the harmonized token used for determining method equality.
protected interface Entry {
* Returns the harmonized key of this entry.
* @return The harmonized key of this entry.
Harmonized getKey();
* Returns all candidate methods represented by this entry.
* @return All candidate methods represented by this entry.
Set getCandidates();
* Returns the minimal visibility of this entry.
* @return The minimal visibility of this entry.
Visibility getVisibility();
* Extends this entry by the given method.
* @param methodDescription The method description to extend this entry with.
* @param harmonizer The harmonizer to use for determining method equality.
* @return This key extended by the given method.
Entry extendBy(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer);
* Injects the given key into this entry.
* @param key The key to inject into this entry.
* @param visibility The entry's minimal visibility.
* @return This entry extended with the given key.
Entry inject(Harmonized key, Visibility visibility);
* Transforms this entry into a node.
* @param merger The merger to use for determining the representative method of an ambiguous node.
* @return The resolved node.
Node asNode(Merger merger);
* An entry in its initial state before registering any method as a representative.
* @param The type of the harmonized key to determine method equality.
class Initial implements Entry {
* The harmonized key this entry represents.
private final Harmonized key;
* Creates a new initial key.
* @param key The harmonized key this entry represents.
protected Initial(Harmonized key) {
this.key = key;
public Harmonized getKey() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot extract key from initial entry:" + this);
public Set getCandidates() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot extract method from initial entry:" + this);
public Visibility getVisibility() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot extract visibility from initial entry:" + this);
public Entry extendBy(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
return new Resolved(key.extend(methodDescription.asDefined(), harmonizer),
public Entry inject(Harmonized key, Visibility visibility) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot inject into initial entry without a registered method: " + this);
public Node asNode(Merger merger) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot transform initial entry without a registered method: " + this);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return this == other || !(other == null || getClass() != other.getClass())
&& key.equals(((Initial>) other).key);
public int hashCode() {
return key.hashCode();
* An entry representing a non-ambiguous node resolution.
* @param The type of the harmonized key to determine method equality.
class Resolved implements Entry {
* Indicates that a type's methods are already globally visible, meaning that a bridge method is not added
* with the intend of creating a visibility bridge.
private static final int MADE_VISIBLE = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED;
* Indicates that the entry was not made visible.
private static final boolean NOT_MADE_VISIBLE = false;
* The harmonized key this entry represents.
private final Harmonized key;
* The non-ambiguous, representative method of this entry.
private final MethodDescription methodDescription;
* The minimal required visibility for this method.
private final Visibility visibility;
* {@code true} if this entry's representative was made visible by a visibility bridge.
private final boolean madeVisible;
* Creates a new resolved entry.
* @param key The harmonized key this entry represents.
* @param methodDescription The non-ambiguous, representative method of this entry.
* @param visibility The minimal required visibility for this method.
* @param madeVisible {@code true} if this entry's representative was made visible by a visibility bridge.
protected Resolved(Harmonized key, MethodDescription methodDescription, Visibility visibility, boolean madeVisible) {
this.key = key;
this.methodDescription = methodDescription;
this.visibility = visibility;
this.madeVisible = madeVisible;
* Creates an entry for an override where a method overrides another method within a super class.
* @param key The merged key for both methods.
* @param override The method declared by the extending type, potentially a bridge method.
* @param original The method that is overridden by the extending type.
* @param visibility The minimal required visibility for this entry.
* @param The type of the harmonized key to determine method equality.
* @return An entry representing the merger of both methods.
private static Entry of(Harmonized key, MethodDescription override, MethodDescription original, Visibility visibility) {
visibility = visibility.expandTo(original.getVisibility()).expandTo(override.getVisibility());
return override.isBridge()
? new Resolved(key, original, visibility, (original.getDeclaringType().getModifiers() & MADE_VISIBLE) == 0)
: new Resolved(key, override, visibility, NOT_MADE_VISIBLE);
public Harmonized getKey() {
return key;
public Set getCandidates() {
return Collections.singleton(methodDescription);
public Visibility getVisibility() {
return visibility;
public Entry extendBy(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
Harmonized key = this.key.extend(methodDescription.asDefined(), harmonizer);
Visibility visibility = this.visibility.expandTo(methodDescription.getVisibility());
return methodDescription.getDeclaringType().equals(this.methodDescription.getDeclaringType())
? Ambiguous.of(key, methodDescription, this.methodDescription, visibility)
: Resolved.of(key, methodDescription, this.methodDescription, visibility);
public Entry inject(Harmonized key, Visibility visibility) {
return new Resolved(this.key.combineWith(key), methodDescription, this.visibility.expandTo(visibility), madeVisible);
public MethodGraph.Node asNode(Merger merger) {
return new Node(key.detach(methodDescription.asTypeToken()), methodDescription, visibility, madeVisible);
* A node implementation representing a non-ambiguous method.
protected static class Node implements MethodGraph.Node {
* The detached key representing this node.
private final Detached key;
* The representative method of this node.
private final MethodDescription methodDescription;
* The node's minimal visibility.
private final Visibility visibility;
* {@code true} if the represented method was made explicitly visible by a visibility bridge.
private final boolean visible;
* Creates a new node.
* @param key The detached key representing this node.
* @param methodDescription The representative method of this node.
* @param visibility The node's minimal visibility.
* @param visible {@code true} if the represented method was made explicitly visible by a visibility bridge.
protected Node(Detached key, MethodDescription methodDescription, Visibility visibility, boolean visible) {
this.key = key;
this.methodDescription = methodDescription;
this.visibility = visibility;
this.visible = visible;
public Sort getSort() {
return visible
public MethodDescription getRepresentative() {
return methodDescription;
public Set getMethodTypes() {
return key.getIdentifiers();
public Visibility getVisibility() {
return visibility;
* An entry representing an ambiguous node resolution.
* @param The type of the harmonized key to determine method equality.
class Ambiguous implements Entry {
* The harmonized key this entry represents.
private final Harmonized key;
* A set of ambiguous methods that this entry represents.
private final LinkedHashSet methodDescriptions;
* The minimal required visibility for this method.
private final Visibility visibility;
* Creates a new ambiguous entry.
* @param key The harmonized key this entry represents.
* @param methodDescriptions A set of ambiguous methods that this entry represents.
* @param visibility The minimal required visibility for this method.
protected Ambiguous(Harmonized key, LinkedHashSet methodDescriptions, Visibility visibility) {
this.key = key;
this.methodDescriptions = methodDescriptions;
this.visibility = visibility;
* Creates a new ambiguous entry if both provided entries are not considered to be a bridge of one another.
* @param key The key of the entry to be created.
* @param left The left method to be considered.
* @param right The right method to be considered.
* @param visibility The entry's minimal visibility.
* @param The type of the token of the harmonized key to determine method equality.
* @return The entry representing both methods.
protected static Entry of(Harmonized key, MethodDescription left, MethodDescription right, Visibility visibility) {
visibility = visibility.expandTo(left.getVisibility()).expandTo(right.getVisibility());
return left.isBridge() ^ right.isBridge()
? new Resolved(key, left.isBridge() ? right : left, visibility, Resolved.NOT_MADE_VISIBLE)
: new Ambiguous(key, new LinkedHashSet(Arrays.asList(left, right)), visibility);
public Harmonized getKey() {
return key;
public Set getCandidates() {
return methodDescriptions;
public Visibility getVisibility() {
return visibility;
public Entry extendBy(MethodDescription methodDescription, Harmonizer harmonizer) {
Harmonized key = this.key.extend(methodDescription.asDefined(), harmonizer);
LinkedHashSet methodDescriptions = new LinkedHashSet(this.methodDescriptions.size() + 1);
TypeDescription declaringType = methodDescription.getDeclaringType().asErasure();
boolean bridge = methodDescription.isBridge();
Visibility visibility = this.visibility;
for (MethodDescription extendedMethod : this.methodDescriptions) {
if (extendedMethod.getDeclaringType().asErasure().equals(declaringType)) {
if (extendedMethod.isBridge() ^ bridge) {
methodDescriptions.add(bridge ? extendedMethod : methodDescription);
} else {
visibility = visibility.expandTo(extendedMethod.getVisibility());
if (methodDescriptions.isEmpty()) {
return new Resolved(key, methodDescription, visibility, bridge);
} else if (methodDescriptions.size() == 1) {
return new Resolved(key, methodDescriptions.iterator().next(), visibility, Resolved.NOT_MADE_VISIBLE);
} else {
return new Ambiguous(key, methodDescriptions, visibility);
public Entry inject(Harmonized key, Visibility visibility) {
return new Ambiguous(this.key.combineWith(key), methodDescriptions, this.visibility.expandTo(visibility));
public MethodGraph.Node asNode(Merger merger) {
Iterator iterator = methodDescriptions.iterator();
MethodDescription methodDescription = iterator.next();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
methodDescription = merger.merge(methodDescription, iterator.next());
return new Node(key.detach(methodDescription.asTypeToken()), methodDescription, visibility);
* A node implementation representing an ambiguous method resolution.
protected static class Node implements MethodGraph.Node {
* The detached key representing this node.
private final Detached key;
* The representative method of this node.
private final MethodDescription methodDescription;
* The node's minimal visibility.
private final Visibility visibility;
* @param key The detached key representing this node.
* @param methodDescription The representative method of this node.
* @param visibility The node's minimal visibility.
protected Node(Detached key, MethodDescription methodDescription, Visibility visibility) {
this.key = key;
this.methodDescription = methodDescription;
this.visibility = visibility;
public Sort getSort() {
return Sort.AMBIGUOUS;
public MethodDescription getRepresentative() {
return methodDescription;
public Set getMethodTypes() {
return key.getIdentifiers();
public Visibility getVisibility() {
return visibility;
* A graph implementation based on a key store.
protected static class Graph implements MethodGraph {
* A mapping of a node's type tokens to the represented node.
private final LinkedHashMap, Node> entries;
* Creates a new graph.
* @param entries A mapping of a node's type tokens to the represented node.
protected Graph(LinkedHashMap, Node> entries) {
this.entries = entries;
public Node locate(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token) {
Node node = entries.get(Detached.of(token));
return node == null
? Node.Unresolved.INSTANCE
: node;
public NodeList listNodes() {
return new NodeList(new ArrayList(entries.values()));
* A list of nodes.
class NodeList extends FilterableList.AbstractBase {
* The represented nodes.
private final List extends Node> nodes;
* Creates a list of nodes.
* @param nodes The represented nodes.
public NodeList(List extends Node> nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
public Node get(int index) {
return nodes.get(index);
public int size() {
return nodes.size();
protected NodeList wrap(List values) {
return new NodeList(values);
* Transforms this list of nodes into a list of the node's representatives.
* @return A list of these node's representatives.
public MethodList> asMethodList() {
List methodDescriptions = new ArrayList(size());
for (Node node : nodes) {
return new MethodList.Explicit(methodDescriptions);
* A simple implementation of a method graph.
class Simple implements MethodGraph {
* The nodes represented by this method graph.
private final LinkedHashMap nodes;
* Creates a new simple method graph.
* @param nodes The nodes represented by this method graph.
public Simple(LinkedHashMap nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
* Returns a method graph that contains all of the provided methods as simple nodes.
* @param methodDescriptions A list of method descriptions to be represented as simple nodes.
* @return A method graph that represents all of the provided methods as simple nodes.
public static MethodGraph of(List extends MethodDescription> methodDescriptions) {
LinkedHashMap nodes = new LinkedHashMap();
for (MethodDescription methodDescription : methodDescriptions) {
nodes.put(methodDescription.asSignatureToken(), new Node.Simple(methodDescription));
return new Simple(nodes);
public Node locate(MethodDescription.SignatureToken token) {
Node node = nodes.get(token);
return node == null
? Node.Unresolved.INSTANCE
: node;
public NodeList listNodes() {
return new NodeList(new ArrayList(nodes.values()));