net.bytebuddy.asm.Advice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.bytebuddy.asm;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.ClassFileVersion;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.enumeration.EnumerationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDefinition;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.ClassFileLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.TargetType;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.FieldLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.InstrumentedType;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.SuperMethodCall;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.*;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.collection.ArrayAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.collection.ArrayFactory;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.*;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.FieldAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodInvocation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodVariableAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.CompoundList;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaType;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.OpenedClassReader;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.visitor.ExceptionTableSensitiveMethodVisitor;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.visitor.LineNumberPrependingMethodVisitor;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.visitor.StackAwareMethodVisitor;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isAnnotatedWith;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.named;
* Advice wrappers copy the code of blueprint methods to be executed before and/or after a matched method. To achieve this, a {@code static}
* method of a class is annotated by {@link OnMethodEnter} and/or {@link OnMethodExit} and provided to an instance of this class.
* A method that is annotated with {@link OnMethodEnter} can annotate its parameters with {@link Argument} where field access to this parameter
* is substituted with access to the specified argument of the instrumented method. Alternatively, a parameter can be annotated by {@link This}
* where the {@code this} reference of the instrumented method is read when the parameter is accessed. This mechanism can also be used to assign a
* new value to the {@code this} reference of an instrumented method. If no annotation is used on a parameter, it is assigned the {@code n}-th
* parameter of the instrumented method for the {@code n}-th parameter of the advice method. All parameters must declare the exact same type as
* the parameters of the instrumented type or the method's declaring type for the {@link This} reference respectively if they are not marked as
* read-only. In the latter case, it suffices that a parameter type is a super type of the corresponding type of the instrumented method.
* A method that is annotated with {@link OnMethodExit} can equally annotate its parameters with {@link Argument} and {@link This}. Additionally,
* it can annotate a parameter with {@link Return} to receive the original method's return value. By reassigning the return value, it is possible
* to replace the returned value. If an instrumented method does not return a value, this annotation must not be used. If a method returns
* exceptionally, the parameter is set to its default value, i.e. to {@code 0} for primitive types and to {@code null} for reference types. The
* parameter's type must be equal to the instrumented method's return type if it is not set to read-only where it suffices to declare the
* parameter type to be of any super type to the instrumented method's return type. An exception can be read by annotating a parameter of type
* {@link Throwable} annotated with {@link Thrown} which is assigned the thrown {@link Throwable} or {@code null} if a method returns normally.
* Doing so, it is possible to exchange a thrown exception with any checked or unchecked exception.Finally, if a method annotated with
* {@link OnMethodEnter} exists and this method returns a value, this value can be accessed by a parameter annotated with {@link Enter}.
* This parameter must declare the same type as type being returned by the method annotated with {@link OnMethodEnter}. If the parameter is marked
* to be read-only, it suffices that the annotated parameter is of a super type of the return type of the method annotated by
* {@link OnMethodEnter}. If no such method exists or this method returns {@code void}, no such parameter must be declared. Any return value
* of a method that is annotated by {@link OnMethodExit} is discarded.
* If any advice method throws an exception, the method is terminated prematurely. If the method annotated by {@link OnMethodEnter} throws an exception,
* the method annotated by {@link OnMethodExit} method is not invoked. If the instrumented method throws an exception, the method that is annotated by
* {@link OnMethodExit} is only invoked if the {@link OnMethodExit#onThrowable()} property is set to {@code true} what is the default. If this property
* is set to {@code false}, the {@link Thrown} annotation must not be used on any parameter.
* Byte Buddy does not assert the visibility of any types that are referenced within an inlined advice method. It is the responsibility of
* the user of this class to assure that all types referenced within the advice methods are visible to the instrumented class. Failing to
* do so results in a {@link IllegalAccessError} at the instrumented class's runtime.
* Advice can be used either as a {@link AsmVisitorWrapper} where any declared methods of the currently instrumented type are enhanced without
* replacing an existing implementation. Alternatively, advice can function as an {@link Implementation} where, by default, the original super
* or default method of the instrumented method is invoked. If this is not possible or undesired, the delegate implementation can be changed
* by specifying a wrapped implementation explicitly by {@link Advice#wrap(Implementation)}.
* When using an advice class as a visitor wrapper, native or abstract methods which are silently skipped when advice matches such a method.
* Important: Since Java 6, class files contain stack map frames embedded into a method's byte code. When advice methods are compiled
* with a class file version less then Java 6 but are used for a class file that was compiled to Java 6 or newer, these stack map frames must be
* computed by ASM by using the {@link ClassWriter#COMPUTE_FRAMES} option. If the advice methods do not contain any branching instructions, this is
* not required. No action is required if the advice methods are at least compiled with Java 6 but are used on classes older than Java 6. This
* limitation only applies to advice methods that are inlined. Also, it is the responsibility of this class's user to assure that the advice method
* does not contain byte code constructs that are not supported by the class containing the instrumented method. In particular, pre Java-5
* try-finally blocks cannot be inlined into classes with newer byte code levels as the jsr instruction was deprecated. Also, classes prior
* to Java 7 do not support the invokedynamic command which must not be contained by an advice method if the instrumented method targets an
* older class file format version.
* Note: For the purpose of inlining, Java 5 and Java 6 byte code can be seen as the best candidate for advice methods. These versions do
* no longer allow subroutines, neither do they already allow invokedynamic instructions or method handles. This way, Java 5 and Java 6 byte
* code is compatible to both older and newer versions. One exception for backwards-incompatible byte code is the possibility to load type references
* from the constant pool onto the operand stack. These instructions can however easily be transformed for classes compiled to Java 4 and older
* by registering a {@link TypeConstantAdjustment} before the advice visitor.
* Note: It is not possible to trigger break points in inlined advice methods as the debugging information of the inlined advice is not
* preserved. It is not possible in Java to reference more than one source file per class what makes translating such debugging information
* impossible. It is however possible to set break points in advice methods when invoking the original advice target. This allows debugging
* of advice code within unit tests that invoke the advice method without instrumentation. As a consequence of not transferring debugging information,
* the names of the parameters of an advice method do not matter when inlining, neither does any meta information on the advice method's body
* such as annotations or parameter modifiers.
* Note: The behavior of this component is undefined if it is supplied with invalid byte code what might result in runtime exceptions.
* Note: When using advice from a Java agent with an {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder}, it often makes sense to not include
* any library-specific code in the agent's jar file. For being able to locate the advice code in the context of the library dependencies, Byte
* Buddy offers an {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer.ForAdvice} implementation that allows registering the agent's
* class file locators for assembly of the advice class's description at runtime and with respect to the specific user dependencies.
* @see OnMethodEnter
* @see OnMethodExit
public class Advice implements AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods.MethodVisitorWrapper, Implementation {
* Indicates that no class reader is available to an advice method.
private static final ClassReader UNDEFINED = null;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodEnter#skipOn()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape SKIP_ON;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodEnter#prependLineNumber()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape PREPEND_LINE_NUMBER;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodEnter#inline()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape INLINE_ENTER;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodEnter#suppress()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape SUPPRESS_ENTER;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodExit#repeatOn()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape REPEAT_ON;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodExit#onThrowable()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape ON_THROWABLE;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodExit#backupArguments()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape BACKUP_ARGUMENTS;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodExit#inline()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape INLINE_EXIT;
* A reference to the {@link OnMethodExit#suppress()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape SUPPRESS_EXIT;
* Extracts the annotation values for the enter and exit advice annotations.
static {
MethodList enter = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(OnMethodEnter.class).getDeclaredMethods();
SKIP_ON = enter.filter(named("skipOn")).getOnly();
PREPEND_LINE_NUMBER = enter.filter(named("prependLineNumber")).getOnly();
INLINE_ENTER = enter.filter(named("inline")).getOnly();
SUPPRESS_ENTER = enter.filter(named("suppress")).getOnly();
MethodList exit = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(OnMethodExit.class).getDeclaredMethods();
REPEAT_ON = exit.filter(named("repeatOn")).getOnly();
ON_THROWABLE = exit.filter(named("onThrowable")).getOnly();
BACKUP_ARGUMENTS = exit.filter(named("backupArguments")).getOnly();
INLINE_EXIT = exit.filter(named("inline")).getOnly();
SUPPRESS_EXIT = exit.filter(named("suppress")).getOnly();
* The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon entering.
private final Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodEnter methodEnter;
* The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon exiting.
private final Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodExit methodExit;
* The assigner to use.
private final Assigner assigner;
* The exception handler to apply.
private final ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
* The delegate implementation to apply if this advice is used as an instrumentation.
private final Implementation delegate;
* Creates a new advice.
* @param methodEnter The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon entering.
* @param methodExit The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon exiting.
protected Advice(Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodEnter methodEnter, Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodExit methodExit) {
this(methodEnter, methodExit, Assigner.DEFAULT, ExceptionHandler.Default.SUPPRESSING, SuperMethodCall.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new advice.
* @param methodEnter The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon entering.
* @param methodExit The dispatcher for instrumenting the instrumented method upon exiting.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to apply.
* @param delegate The delegate implementation to apply if this advice is used as an instrumentation.
private Advice(Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodEnter methodEnter,
Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodExit methodExit,
Assigner assigner,
ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler,
Implementation delegate) {
this.methodEnter = methodEnter;
this.methodExit = methodExit;
this.assigner = assigner;
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
this.delegate = delegate;
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods. The advices binary representation is
* accessed by querying the class loader of the supplied class for a class file.
* @param advice The type declaring the advice.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(Class> advice) {
return to(advice, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(advice.getClassLoader()));
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods.
* @param advice The type declaring the advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(Class> advice, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return to(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(advice), classFileLocator);
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods. Using this method, a non-operational
* class file locator is specified for the advice target. This implies that only advice targets with the inline target set
* to {@code false} are resolvable by the returned instance.
* @param advice The type declaring the advice.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(TypeDescription advice) {
return to(advice, ClassFileLocator.NoOp.INSTANCE);
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods.
* @param advice A description of the type declaring the advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(TypeDescription advice, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return to(advice, classFileLocator, Collections.>emptyList());
* Creates a new advice.
* @param advice A description of the type declaring the advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @param userFactories A list of custom factories for user generated offset mappings.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
protected static Advice to(TypeDescription advice, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories) {
Dispatcher.Unresolved methodEnter = Dispatcher.Inactive.INSTANCE, methodExit = Dispatcher.Inactive.INSTANCE;
for (MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription : advice.getDeclaredMethods()) {
methodEnter = locate(OnMethodEnter.class, INLINE_ENTER, methodEnter, methodDescription);
methodExit = locate(OnMethodExit.class, INLINE_EXIT, methodExit, methodDescription);
if (!methodEnter.isAlive() && !methodExit.isAlive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No advice defined by " + advice);
try {
ClassReader classReader = methodEnter.isBinary() || methodExit.isBinary()
? OpenedClassReader.of(classFileLocator.locate(advice.getName()).resolve())
return new Advice(methodEnter.asMethodEnter(userFactories, classReader, methodExit), methodExit.asMethodExit(userFactories, classReader, methodEnter));
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error reading class file of " + advice, exception);
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods. The advices binary representation is
* accessed by querying the class loader of the supplied class for a class file.
* @param enterAdvice The type declaring the enter advice.
* @param exitAdvice The type declaring the exit advice.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(Class> enterAdvice, Class> exitAdvice) {
ClassLoader enterLoader = enterAdvice.getClassLoader(), exitLoader = exitAdvice.getClassLoader();
return to(enterAdvice, exitAdvice, enterLoader == exitLoader
? ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(enterLoader)
: new ClassFileLocator.Compound(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(enterLoader), ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(exitLoader)));
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods.
* @param enterAdvice The type declaring the enter advice.
* @param exitAdvice The type declaring the exit advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(Class> enterAdvice, Class> exitAdvice, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return to(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(enterAdvice), TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(exitAdvice), classFileLocator);
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods. Using this method, a non-operational
* class file locator is specified for the advice target. This implies that only advice targets with the inline target set
* to {@code false} are resolvable by the returned instance.
* @param enterAdvice The type declaring the enter advice.
* @param exitAdvice The type declaring the exit advice.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(TypeDescription enterAdvice, TypeDescription exitAdvice) {
return to(enterAdvice, exitAdvice, ClassFileLocator.NoOp.INSTANCE);
* Implements advice where every matched method is advised by the given type's advisory methods.
* @param enterAdvice The type declaring the enter advice.
* @param exitAdvice The type declaring the exit advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
public static Advice to(TypeDescription enterAdvice, TypeDescription exitAdvice, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return to(enterAdvice, exitAdvice, classFileLocator, Collections.>emptyList());
* Creates a new advice.
* @param enterAdvice The type declaring the enter advice.
* @param exitAdvice The type declaring the exit advice.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator for locating the advisory class's class file.
* @param userFactories A list of custom factories for user generated offset mappings.
* @return A method visitor wrapper representing the supplied advice.
protected static Advice to(TypeDescription enterAdvice,
TypeDescription exitAdvice,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories) {
Dispatcher.Unresolved methodEnter = Dispatcher.Inactive.INSTANCE, methodExit = Dispatcher.Inactive.INSTANCE;
for (MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription : enterAdvice.getDeclaredMethods()) {
methodEnter = locate(OnMethodEnter.class, INLINE_ENTER, methodEnter, methodDescription);
if (!methodEnter.isAlive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No enter advice defined by " + enterAdvice);
for (MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription : exitAdvice.getDeclaredMethods()) {
methodExit = locate(OnMethodExit.class, INLINE_EXIT, methodExit, methodDescription);
if (!methodExit.isAlive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No exit advice defined by " + exitAdvice);
try {
return new Advice(methodEnter.asMethodEnter(userFactories, methodEnter.isBinary()
? OpenedClassReader.of(classFileLocator.locate(enterAdvice.getName()).resolve())
: UNDEFINED, methodExit), methodExit.asMethodExit(userFactories, methodExit.isBinary()
? OpenedClassReader.of(classFileLocator.locate(exitAdvice.getName()).resolve())
: UNDEFINED, methodEnter));
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error reading class file of " + enterAdvice + " or " + exitAdvice, exception);
* Locates a dispatcher for the method if available.
* @param type The annotation type that indicates a given form of advice that is currently resolved.
* @param property An annotation property that indicates if the advice method should be inlined.
* @param dispatcher Any previous dispatcher that was discovered or {@code null} if no such dispatcher was yet found.
* @param methodDescription The method description that is considered as an advice method.
* @return A resolved dispatcher or {@code null} if no dispatcher was resolved.
private static Dispatcher.Unresolved locate(Class extends Annotation> type,
MethodDescription.InDefinedShape property,
Dispatcher.Unresolved dispatcher,
MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) {
AnnotationDescription annotation = methodDescription.getDeclaredAnnotations().ofType(type);
if (annotation == null) {
return dispatcher;
} else if (dispatcher.isAlive()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate advice for " + dispatcher + " and " + methodDescription);
} else if (!methodDescription.isStatic()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Advice for " + methodDescription + " is not static");
} else {
return annotation.getValue(property).resolve(Boolean.class)
? new Dispatcher.Inlining(methodDescription)
: new Dispatcher.Delegating(methodDescription);
* Allows for the configuration of custom annotations that are then bound to a dynamically computed, constant value.
* @return A builder for an {@link Advice} instrumentation with custom values.
* @see OffsetMapping.Factory
public static WithCustomMapping withCustomMapping() {
return new WithCustomMapping();
* Returns an ASM visitor wrapper that matches the given matcher and applies this advice to the matched methods.
* @param matcher The matcher identifying methods to apply the advice to.
* @return A suitable ASM visitor wrapper with the compute frames option enabled.
public AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods on(ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher) {
return new AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods().invokable(matcher, this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public MethodVisitor wrap(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
TypePool typePool,
int writerFlags,
int readerFlags) {
return instrumentedMethod.isAbstract() || instrumentedMethod.isNative()
? methodVisitor
: doWrap(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, methodVisitor, implementationContext, writerFlags, readerFlags);
* Wraps the method visitor to implement this advice.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to write to.
* @param implementationContext The implementation context to use.
* @param writerFlags The ASM writer flags to use.
* @param readerFlags The ASM reader flags to use.
* @return A method visitor that applies this advice.
protected MethodVisitor doWrap(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
int writerFlags,
int readerFlags) {
methodVisitor = methodEnter.isPrependLineNumber()
? new LineNumberPrependingMethodVisitor(methodVisitor)
: methodVisitor;
if (!methodExit.isAlive()) {
return new AdviceVisitor.WithoutExitAdvice(methodVisitor,
exceptionHandler.resolve(instrumentedMethod, instrumentedType),
} else if (methodExit.getThrowable().represents(NoExceptionHandler.class)) {
return new AdviceVisitor.WithExitAdvice.WithoutExceptionHandling(methodVisitor,
exceptionHandler.resolve(instrumentedMethod, instrumentedType),
} else if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot catch exception during constructor call for " + instrumentedMethod);
} else {
return new AdviceVisitor.WithExitAdvice.WithExceptionHandling(methodVisitor,
exceptionHandler.resolve(instrumentedMethod, instrumentedType),
* {@inheritDoc}
public InstrumentedType prepare(InstrumentedType instrumentedType) {
return delegate.prepare(instrumentedType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteCodeAppender appender(Target implementationTarget) {
return new Appender(this, implementationTarget, delegate.appender(implementationTarget));
* Configures this advice to use the specified assigner. Any previous or default assigner is replaced.
* @param assigner The assigner to use,
* @return A version of this advice that uses the specified assigner.
public Advice withAssigner(Assigner assigner) {
return new Advice(methodEnter, methodExit, assigner, exceptionHandler, delegate);
* Configures this advice to call {@link Throwable#printStackTrace()} upon a suppressed exception.
* @return A version of this advice that prints any suppressed exception.
public Advice withExceptionPrinting() {
return withExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler.Default.PRINTING);
* Configures this advice to execute the given stack manipulation upon a suppressed exception. The stack manipulation is executed with a
* {@link Throwable} instance on the operand stack. The stack must be empty upon completing the exception handler.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to apply.
* @return A version of this advice that applies the supplied exception handler.
public Advice withExceptionHandler(StackManipulation exceptionHandler) {
return withExceptionHandler(new ExceptionHandler.Simple(exceptionHandler));
* Configures this advice to execute the given exception handler upon a suppressed exception. The stack manipulation is executed with a
* {@link Throwable} instance on the operand stack. The stack must be empty upon completing the exception handler.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to apply.
* @return A version of this advice that applies the supplied exception handler.
public Advice withExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {
return new Advice(methodEnter, methodExit, assigner, exceptionHandler, delegate);
* Wraps the supplied implementation to have this advice applied around it.
* @param implementation The implementation to wrap.
* @return An implementation that applies the supplied implementation and wraps it with this advice.
public Implementation wrap(Implementation implementation) {
return new Advice(methodEnter, methodExit, assigner, exceptionHandler, implementation);
* Represents an offset mapping for an advice method to an alternative offset.
public interface OffsetMapping {
* Resolves an offset mapping to a given target offset.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method for which the mapping is to be resolved.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param argumentHandler The argument handler to use for resolving offsets of the local variable array of the instrumented method.
* @param sort The sort of the advice method being resolved.
* @return A suitable target mapping.
Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort);
* A target offset of an offset mapping.
interface Target {
* Resolves a read instruction.
* @return A stack manipulation that represents a reading of an advice parameter.
StackManipulation resolveRead();
* Resolves a write instruction.
* @return A stack manipulation that represents a writing to an advice parameter.
StackManipulation resolveWrite();
* Resolves an increment instruction.
* @param value The incrementation value.
* @return A stack manipulation that represents a writing to an advice parameter.
StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value);
* An adapter class for a target that only can be read.
abstract class AbstractReadOnlyAdapter implements Target {
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only value");
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only value");
* A target for an offset mapping that represents a non-operational value. All writes are discarded and a value's
* default value is returned upon every read.
abstract class ForDefaultValue implements Target {
* The represented type.
protected final TypeDefinition typeDefinition;
* A stack manipulation to apply after a read instruction.
protected final StackManipulation readAssignment;
* Creates a new target for a default value.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param readAssignment A stack manipulation to apply after a read instruction.
protected ForDefaultValue(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
this.typeDefinition = typeDefinition;
this.readAssignment = readAssignment;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveRead() {
return new StackManipulation.Compound(DefaultValue.of(typeDefinition), readAssignment);
* A read-only target for a default value.
public static class ReadOnly extends ForDefaultValue {
* Creates a new writable target for a default value.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
public ReadOnly(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
this(typeDefinition, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new -writable target for a default value.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param readAssignment A stack manipulation to apply after a read instruction.
public ReadOnly(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
super(typeDefinition, readAssignment);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only default value");
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only default value");
* A read-write target for a default value.
public static class ReadWrite extends ForDefaultValue {
* Creates a new read-only target for a default value.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
public ReadWrite(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
this(typeDefinition, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new read-only target for a default value.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param readAssignment A stack manipulation to apply after a read instruction.
public ReadWrite(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
super(typeDefinition, readAssignment);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
return Removal.of(typeDefinition);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
return StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE;
* A target for an offset mapping that represents a local variable.
abstract class ForVariable implements Target {
* The represented type.
protected final TypeDefinition typeDefinition;
* The value's offset.
protected final int offset;
* An assignment to execute upon reading a value.
protected final StackManipulation readAssignment;
* Creates a new target for a local variable mapping.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param offset The value's offset.
* @param readAssignment An assignment to execute upon reading a value.
protected ForVariable(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, int offset, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
this.typeDefinition = typeDefinition;
this.offset = offset;
this.readAssignment = readAssignment;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveRead() {
return new StackManipulation.Compound(MethodVariableAccess.of(typeDefinition).loadFrom(offset), readAssignment);
* A target for a read-only mapping of a local variable.
public static class ReadOnly extends ForVariable {
* Creates a read-only mapping for a local variable.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param offset The value's offset.
public ReadOnly(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, int offset) {
this(typeDefinition, offset, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a read-only mapping for a local variable.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param offset The value's offset.
* @param readAssignment An assignment to execute upon reading a value.
public ReadOnly(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, int offset, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
super(typeDefinition, offset, readAssignment);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only parameter " + typeDefinition + " at " + offset);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only variable " + typeDefinition + " at " + offset);
* A target for a writable mapping of a local variable.
public static class ReadWrite extends ForVariable {
* A stack manipulation to apply upon a write to the variable.
private final StackManipulation writeAssignment;
* Creates a new target mapping for a writable local variable.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param offset The value's offset.
public ReadWrite(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, int offset) {
this(typeDefinition, offset, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new target mapping for a writable local variable.
* @param typeDefinition The represented type.
* @param offset The value's offset.
* @param readAssignment An assignment to execute upon reading a value.
* @param writeAssignment A stack manipulation to apply upon a write to the variable.
public ReadWrite(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, int offset, StackManipulation readAssignment, StackManipulation writeAssignment) {
super(typeDefinition, offset, readAssignment);
this.writeAssignment = writeAssignment;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
return new StackManipulation.Compound(writeAssignment, MethodVariableAccess.of(typeDefinition).storeAt(offset));
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
return typeDefinition.represents(int.class)
? MethodVariableAccess.of(typeDefinition).increment(offset, value)
: new StackManipulation.Compound(resolveRead(), IntegerConstant.forValue(1), Addition.INTEGER, resolveWrite());
* A target mapping for an array of all local variables.
abstract class ForArray implements Target {
* The compound target type.
protected final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* The stack manipulations to apply upon reading a variable array.
protected final List extends StackManipulation> valueReads;
* Creates a new target mapping for an array of all local variables.
* @param target The compound target type.
* @param valueReads The stack manipulations to apply upon reading a variable array.
protected ForArray(TypeDescription.Generic target, List extends StackManipulation> valueReads) {
this.target = target;
this.valueReads = valueReads;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveRead() {
return ArrayFactory.forType(target).withValues(valueReads);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot increment read-only array value");
* A target mapping for a read-only target mapping for an array of local variables.
public static class ReadOnly extends ForArray {
* Creates a read-only target mapping for an array of all local variables.
* @param target The compound target type.
* @param valueReads The stack manipulations to apply upon reading a variable array.
public ReadOnly(TypeDescription.Generic target, List extends StackManipulation> valueReads) {
super(target, valueReads);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only array value");
* A target mapping for a writable target mapping for an array of local variables.
public static class ReadWrite extends ForArray {
* The stack manipulations to apply upon writing to a variable array.
private final List extends StackManipulation> valueWrites;
* Creates a writable target mapping for an array of all local variables.
* @param target The compound target type.
* @param valueReads The stack manipulations to apply upon reading a variable array.
* @param valueWrites The stack manipulations to apply upon writing to a variable array.
public ReadWrite(TypeDescription.Generic target,
List extends StackManipulation> valueReads,
List extends StackManipulation> valueWrites) {
super(target, valueReads);
this.valueWrites = valueWrites;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
return ArrayAccess.of(target).forEach(valueWrites);
* A target for an offset mapping that loads a field value.
abstract class ForField implements Target {
* The field value to load.
protected final FieldDescription fieldDescription;
* The stack manipulation to apply upon a read.
protected final StackManipulation readAssignment;
* Creates a new target for a field value mapping.
* @param fieldDescription The field value to load.
* @param readAssignment The stack manipulation to apply upon a read.
protected ForField(FieldDescription fieldDescription, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
this.fieldDescription = fieldDescription;
this.readAssignment = readAssignment;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveRead() {
return new StackManipulation.Compound(fieldDescription.isStatic()
? StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE
: MethodVariableAccess.loadThis(), FieldAccess.forField(fieldDescription).read(), readAssignment);
* A read-only mapping for a field value.
public static class ReadOnly extends ForField {
* Creates a new read-only mapping for a field.
* @param fieldDescription The field value to load.
public ReadOnly(FieldDescription fieldDescription) {
this(fieldDescription, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new read-only mapping for a field.
* @param fieldDescription The field value to load.
* @param readAssignment The stack manipulation to apply upon a read.
public ReadOnly(FieldDescription fieldDescription, StackManipulation readAssignment) {
super(fieldDescription, readAssignment);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only field value");
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to read-only field value");
* A mapping for a writable field.
public static class ReadWrite extends ForField {
* An assignment to apply prior to a field write.
private final StackManipulation writeAssignment;
* Creates a new target for a writable field.
* @param fieldDescription The field value to load.
public ReadWrite(FieldDescription fieldDescription) {
this(fieldDescription, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE, StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE);
* Creates a new target for a writable field.
* @param fieldDescription The field value to load.
* @param readAssignment The stack manipulation to apply upon a read.
* @param writeAssignment An assignment to apply prior to a field write.
public ReadWrite(FieldDescription fieldDescription, StackManipulation readAssignment, StackManipulation writeAssignment) {
super(fieldDescription, readAssignment);
this.writeAssignment = writeAssignment;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
StackManipulation preparation;
if (fieldDescription.isStatic()) {
preparation = StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE;
} else {
preparation = new StackManipulation.Compound(
return new StackManipulation.Compound(writeAssignment, preparation, FieldAccess.forField(fieldDescription).write());
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
return new StackManipulation.Compound(
* A target for an offset mapping that represents a read-only stack manipulation.
class ForStackManipulation implements Target {
* The represented stack manipulation.
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
* Creates a new target for an offset mapping for a stack manipulation.
* @param stackManipulation The represented stack manipulation.
public ForStackManipulation(StackManipulation stackManipulation) {
this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation;
* Creates a target for a {@link Method} or {@link Constructor} constant.
* @param methodDescription The method or constructor to represent.
* @return A mapping for a method or constructor constant.
public static Target of(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) {
return new ForStackManipulation(MethodConstant.of(methodDescription));
* Creates a target for an offset mapping for a type constant.
* @param typeDescription The type constant to represent.
* @return A mapping for a type constant.
public static Target of(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
return new ForStackManipulation(ClassConstant.of(typeDescription));
* Creates a target for an offset mapping for a constant value or {@code null}.
* @param value The constant value to represent or {@code null}.
* @return An appropriate target for an offset mapping.
public static Target of(Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return new ForStackManipulation(NullConstant.INSTANCE);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return new ForStackManipulation(IntegerConstant.forValue((Boolean) value));
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
return new ForStackManipulation(IntegerConstant.forValue((Byte) value));
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return new ForStackManipulation(IntegerConstant.forValue((Short) value));
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return new ForStackManipulation(IntegerConstant.forValue((Character) value));
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return new ForStackManipulation(IntegerConstant.forValue((Integer) value));
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return new ForStackManipulation(LongConstant.forValue((Long) value));
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return new ForStackManipulation(FloatConstant.forValue((Float) value));
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
return new ForStackManipulation(DoubleConstant.forValue((Double) value));
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return new ForStackManipulation(new TextConstant((String) value));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a constant value: " + value);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveRead() {
return stackManipulation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveWrite() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to constant value: " + stackManipulation);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolveIncrement(int value) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to constant value: " + stackManipulation);
* Represents a factory for creating a {@link OffsetMapping} for a given parameter for a given annotation.
* @param The annotation type that triggers this factory.
interface Factory {
* Returns the annotation type of this factory.
* @return The factory's annotation type.
Class getAnnotationType();
* Creates a new offset mapping for the supplied parameter if possible.
* @param target The parameter description for which to resolve an offset mapping.
* @param annotation The annotation that triggered this factory.
* @param adviceType {@code true} if the binding is applied using advice method delegation.
* @return A resolved offset mapping or {@code null} if no mapping can be resolved for this parameter.
OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType);
* Describes the type of advice being applied.
enum AdviceType {
* Indicates advice where the invocation is delegated.
* Indicates advice where the invocation's code is copied into the target method.
* {@code true} if delegation is used.
private final boolean delegation;
* Creates a new advice type.
* @param delegation {@code true} if delegation is used.
AdviceType(boolean delegation) {
this.delegation = delegation;
* Returns {@code true} if delegation is used.
* @return {@code true} if delegation is used.
public boolean isDelegation() {
return delegation;
* A simple factory that binds a constant offset mapping.
* @param The annotation type that represents this offset mapping.
class Simple implements Factory {
* The annotation type being bound.
private final Class annotationType;
* The fixed offset mapping.
private final OffsetMapping offsetMapping;
* Creates a simple factory for a simple binding for an offset mapping.
* @param annotationType The annotation type being bound.
* @param offsetMapping The fixed offset mapping.
public Simple(Class annotationType, OffsetMapping offsetMapping) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.offsetMapping = offsetMapping;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType) {
return offsetMapping;
* A factory for an annotation whose use is not permitted.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
class Illegal implements Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* Creates a factory that does not permit the usage of the represented annotation.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
public Illegal(Class annotationType) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Usage of " + annotationType + " is not allowed on " + target);
* Describes the sort of the executed advice.
enum Sort {
* Indicates that an offset is mapped for an enter advice.
public boolean isPremature(MethodDescription methodDescription) {
return methodDescription.isConstructor();
* Indicates that an offset is mapped for an exit advice.
public boolean isPremature(MethodDescription methodDescription) {
return false;
* Checks if an advice is executed in a premature state, i.e. the instrumented method is a constructor where the super constructor is not
* yet invoked. In this case, the {@code this} reference is not yet initialized and therefore not available.
* @param methodDescription The instrumented method.
* @return {@code true} if the advice is executed premature for the instrumented method.
public abstract boolean isPremature(MethodDescription methodDescription);
* An offset mapping for a given parameter of the instrumented method.
abstract class ForArgument implements OffsetMapping {
* The type expected by the advice method.
protected final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
protected final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply when assigning values.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for a parameter of the instrumented method.
* @param target The type expected by the advice method.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
protected ForArgument(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
ParameterDescription parameterDescription = resolve(instrumentedMethod);
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(parameterDescription.getType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + parameterDescription + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(parameterDescription.getType(), argumentHandler.argument(parameterDescription.getOffset()), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, parameterDescription.getType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + parameterDescription + " to " + target);
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(parameterDescription.getType(), argumentHandler.argument(parameterDescription.getOffset()), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* Resolves the bound parameter.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @return The bound parameter.
protected abstract ParameterDescription resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod);
* An offset mapping for a parameter of the instrumented method with a specific index.
public static class Unresolved extends ForArgument {
* The index of the parameter.
private final int index;
* {@code true} if the parameter binding is optional.
private final boolean optional;
* Creates a new offset binding for a parameter with a given index.
* @param target The target type.
* @param argument The annotation that triggers this binding.
protected Unresolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, Argument argument) {
this(target, argument.readOnly(), argument.typing(), argument.value(), argument.optional());
* Creates a new offset binding for a parameter with a given index.
* @param parameterDescription The parameter triggering this binding.
protected Unresolved(ParameterDescription parameterDescription) {
this(parameterDescription.getType(), true, Assigner.Typing.STATIC, parameterDescription.getIndex());
* Creates a non-optional offset binding for a parameter with a given index.
* @param target The type expected by the advice method.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param index The index of the parameter.
public Unresolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, int index) {
this(target, readOnly, typing, index, false);
* Creates a new offset binding for a parameter with a given index.
* @param target The type expected by the advice method.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param index The index of the parameter.
* @param optional {@code true} if the parameter binding is optional.
public Unresolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, int index, boolean optional) {
super(target, readOnly, typing);
this.index = index;
this.optional = optional;
protected ParameterDescription resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
ParameterList> parameters = instrumentedMethod.getParameters();
if (parameters.size() <= index) {
throw new IllegalStateException(instrumentedMethod + " does not define an index " + index);
} else {
return parameters.get(index);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
if (optional && instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size() <= index) {
return readOnly
? new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadOnly(target)
: new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadWrite(target);
return super.resolve(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, assigner, argumentHandler, sort);
* A factory for a mapping of a parameter of the instrumented method.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Argument.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot define writable field access for " + target + " when using delegation");
} else {
return new ForArgument.Unresolved(target.getType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping for a specific parameter of the instrumented method.
public static class Resolved extends ForArgument {
* The parameter being bound.
private final ParameterDescription parameterDescription;
* Creates an offset mapping that binds a parameter of the instrumented method.
* @param target The type expected by the advice method.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param parameterDescription The parameter being bound.
public Resolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, ParameterDescription parameterDescription) {
super(target, readOnly, typing);
this.parameterDescription = parameterDescription;
protected ParameterDescription resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
if (!parameterDescription.getDeclaringMethod().equals(instrumentedMethod)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(parameterDescription + " is not a parameter of " + instrumentedMethod);
return parameterDescription;
* A factory for a parameter argument of the instrumented method.
* @param The type of the bound annotation.
public static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* The bound parameter.
private final ParameterDescription parameterDescription;
* {@code true} if the factory should create a read-only binding.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to use.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new factory for binding a parameter of the instrumented method with read-only semantics and static typing.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param parameterDescription The bound parameter.
public Factory(Class annotationType, ParameterDescription parameterDescription) {
this(annotationType, parameterDescription, true, Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
* Creates a new factory for binding a parameter of the instrumented method.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param parameterDescription The bound parameter.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the factory should create a read-only binding.
* @param typing The typing to use.
public Factory(Class annotationType, ParameterDescription parameterDescription, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.parameterDescription = parameterDescription;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
return new Resolved(target.getType(), readOnly, typing, parameterDescription);
* An offset mapping that provides access to the {@code this} reference of the instrumented method.
class ForThisReference implements OffsetMapping {
* The type that the advice method expects for the {@code this} reference.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* {@code true} if the parameter should be bound to {@code null} if the instrumented method is static.
private final boolean optional;
* Creates a new offset mapping for a {@code this} reference.
* @param target The type that the advice method expects for the {@code this} reference.
* @param annotation The mapped annotation.
protected ForThisReference(TypeDescription.Generic target, This annotation) {
this(target, annotation.readOnly(), annotation.typing(), annotation.optional());
* Creates a new offset mapping for a {@code this} reference.
* @param target The type that the advice method expects for the {@code this} reference.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param optional {@code true} if the parameter should be bound to {@code null} if the instrumented method is static.
public ForThisReference(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, boolean optional) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
this.optional = optional;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
if (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() || sort.isPremature(instrumentedMethod)) {
if (optional) {
return readOnly
? new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadOnly(instrumentedType)
: new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadWrite(instrumentedType);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot map this reference for static method or constructor start: " + instrumentedMethod);
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(instrumentedType.asGenericType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + instrumentedType + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(instrumentedType.asGenericType(), argumentHandler.argument(ArgumentHandler.THIS_REFERENCE), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, instrumentedType.asGenericType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + instrumentedType);
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(instrumentedType.asGenericType(), argumentHandler.argument(ArgumentHandler.THIS_REFERENCE), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for creating a {@link ForThisReference} offset mapping.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return This.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to this reference for " + target + " in read-only context");
} else {
return new ForThisReference(target.getType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping that maps an array containing all arguments of the instrumented method.
class ForAllArguments implements OffsetMapping {
* The component target type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* {@code true} if the array is read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for an array containing all arguments.
* @param target The component target type.
* @param annotation The mapped annotation.
protected ForAllArguments(TypeDescription.Generic target, AllArguments annotation) {
this(target, annotation.readOnly(), annotation.typing());
* Creates a new offset mapping for an array containing all arguments.
* @param target The component target type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the array is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForAllArguments(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
List valueReads = new ArrayList(instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size());
for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters()) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(parameterDescription.getType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + parameterDescription + " to " + target);
valueReads.add(new StackManipulation.Compound(MethodVariableAccess.of(parameterDescription.getType())
.loadFrom(argumentHandler.argument(parameterDescription.getOffset())), readAssignment));
if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForArray.ReadOnly(target, valueReads);
} else {
List valueWrites = new ArrayList(instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size());
for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters()) {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, parameterDescription.getType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + parameterDescription);
valueWrites.add(new StackManipulation.Compound(writeAssignment, MethodVariableAccess.of(parameterDescription.getType())
return new Target.ForArray.ReadWrite(target, valueReads, valueWrites);
* A factory for an offset mapping that maps all arguments values of the instrumented method.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return AllArguments.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (!target.getType().represents(Object.class) && !target.getType().isArray()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use AllArguments annotation on a non-array type");
} else if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot define writable field access for " + target);
} else {
return new ForAllArguments(target.getType().represents(Object.class)
? TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT
: target.getType().getComponentType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* Maps the declaring type of the instrumented method.
enum ForInstrumentedType implements OffsetMapping {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
return Target.ForStackManipulation.of(instrumentedType);
* Maps a constant representing the instrumented method.
enum ForInstrumentedMethod implements OffsetMapping {
* A constant that must be a {@link Method} instance.
protected boolean isRepresentable(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.isMethod();
* A constant that must be a {@link Constructor} instance.
protected boolean isRepresentable(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.isConstructor();
* A constant that must be a {@code java.lang.reflect.Executable} instance.
protected boolean isRepresentable(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
if (!isRepresentable(instrumentedMethod)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot represent " + instrumentedMethod + " as given method constant");
return Target.ForStackManipulation.of(instrumentedMethod.asDefined());
* Checks if the supplied method is representable for the assigned offset mapping.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method to represent.
* @return {@code true} if this method is representable.
protected abstract boolean isRepresentable(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod);
* An offset mapping for a field.
abstract class ForField implements OffsetMapping {
* The {@link FieldValue#value()} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape VALUE;
* The {@link FieldValue#declaringType()}} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape DECLARING_TYPE;
* The {@link FieldValue#readOnly()}} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape READ_ONLY;
* The {@link FieldValue#typing()}} method.
private static final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape TYPING;
* Looks up all annotation properties to avoid loading of the declaring field type.
static {
MethodList methods = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(FieldValue.class).getDeclaredMethods();
VALUE = methods.filter(named("value")).getOnly();
DECLARING_TYPE = methods.filter(named("declaringType")).getOnly();
READ_ONLY = methods.filter(named("readOnly")).getOnly();
TYPING = methods.filter(named("typing")).getOnly();
* The expected type that the field can be assigned to.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* {@code true} if this mapping is read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates an offset mapping for a field.
* @param target The target type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if this mapping is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForField(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
FieldDescription fieldDescription = resolve(instrumentedType);
if (!fieldDescription.isStatic() && instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read non-static field " + fieldDescription + " from static method " + instrumentedMethod);
} else if (sort.isPremature(instrumentedMethod) && !fieldDescription.isStatic()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access non-static field before calling constructor: " + instrumentedMethod);
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(fieldDescription.getType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + fieldDescription + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForField.ReadOnly(fieldDescription, readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, fieldDescription.getType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + fieldDescription);
return new Target.ForField.ReadWrite(fieldDescription.asDefined(), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* Resolves the field being bound.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @return The field being bound.
protected abstract FieldDescription resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType);
* An offset mapping for a field that is resolved from the instrumented type by its name.
public abstract static class Unresolved extends ForField {
* The name of the field.
private final String name;
* Creates an offset mapping for a field that is not yet resolved.
* @param target The target type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if this mapping is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param name The name of the field.
public Unresolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, String name) {
super(target, readOnly, typing);
this.name = name;
protected FieldDescription resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
FieldLocator.Resolution resolution = fieldLocator(instrumentedType).locate(name);
if (!resolution.isResolved()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot locate field named " + name + " for " + instrumentedType);
} else {
return resolution.getField();
* Returns a field locator for this instance.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @return An appropriate field locator.
protected abstract FieldLocator fieldLocator(TypeDescription instrumentedType);
* An offset mapping for a field with an implicit declaring type.
public static class WithImplicitType extends Unresolved {
* Creates an offset mapping for a field with an implicit declaring type.
* @param target The target type.
* @param annotation The annotation to represent.
protected WithImplicitType(TypeDescription.Generic target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation) {
* Creates an offset mapping for a field with an implicit declaring type.
* @param target The target type.
* @param name The name of the field.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the field is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public WithImplicitType(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, String name) {
super(target, readOnly, typing, name);
protected FieldLocator fieldLocator(TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
return new FieldLocator.ForClassHierarchy(instrumentedType);
* An offset mapping for a field with an explicit declaring type.
public static class WithExplicitType extends Unresolved {
* The type declaring the field.
private final TypeDescription declaringType;
* Creates an offset mapping for a field with an explicit declaring type.
* @param target The target type.
* @param annotation The annotation to represent.
* @param declaringType The field's declaring type.
protected WithExplicitType(TypeDescription.Generic target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
TypeDescription declaringType) {
* Creates an offset mapping for a field with an explicit declaring type.
* @param target The target type.
* @param name The name of the field.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the field is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param declaringType The field's declaring type.
public WithExplicitType(TypeDescription.Generic target,
boolean readOnly,
Assigner.Typing typing,
String name,
TypeDescription declaringType) {
super(target, readOnly, typing, name);
this.declaringType = declaringType;
protected FieldLocator fieldLocator(TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
if (!declaringType.represents(TargetType.class) && !instrumentedType.isAssignableTo(declaringType)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(declaringType + " is no super type of " + instrumentedType);
return new FieldLocator.ForExactType(TargetType.resolve(declaringType, instrumentedType));
* A factory for a {@link Unresolved} offset mapping.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return FieldValue.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.getValue(ForField.READ_ONLY).resolve(Boolean.class)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to field for " + target + " in read-only context");
} else {
TypeDescription declaringType = annotation.getValue(DECLARING_TYPE).resolve(TypeDescription.class);
return declaringType.represents(void.class)
? new WithImplicitType(target.getType(), annotation)
: new WithExplicitType(target.getType(), annotation, declaringType);
* A binding for an offset mapping that represents a specific field.
public static class Resolved extends ForField {
* The accessed field.
private final FieldDescription fieldDescription;
* Creates a resolved offset mapping for a field.
* @param target The target type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if this mapping is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
* @param fieldDescription The accessed field.
public Resolved(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing, FieldDescription fieldDescription) {
super(target, readOnly, typing);
this.fieldDescription = fieldDescription;
protected FieldDescription resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
if (!fieldDescription.isStatic() && !fieldDescription.getDeclaringType().asErasure().isAssignableFrom(instrumentedType)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(fieldDescription + " is no member of " + instrumentedType);
} else if (!fieldDescription.isAccessibleTo(instrumentedType)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access " + fieldDescription + " from " + instrumentedType);
return fieldDescription;
* A factory that binds a field.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
public static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* The field to be bound.
private final FieldDescription fieldDescription;
* {@code true} if this factory should create a read-only binding.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to use.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new factory for binding a specific field with read-only semantics and static typing.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param fieldDescription The field to bind.
public Factory(Class annotationType, FieldDescription fieldDescription) {
this(annotationType, fieldDescription, true, Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
* Creates a new factory for binding a specific field.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param fieldDescription The field to bind.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if this factory should create a read-only binding.
* @param typing The typing to use.
public Factory(Class annotationType, FieldDescription fieldDescription, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.fieldDescription = fieldDescription;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
return new Resolved(target.getType(), readOnly, typing, fieldDescription);
* An offset mapping for the {@link Advice.Origin} annotation.
class ForOrigin implements OffsetMapping {
* The delimiter character.
private static final char DELIMITER = '#';
* The escape character.
private static final char ESCAPE = '\\';
* The renderers to apply.
private final List renderers;
* Creates a new offset mapping for an origin value.
* @param renderers The renderers to apply.
public ForOrigin(List renderers) {
this.renderers = renderers;
* Parses a pattern of an origin annotation.
* @param pattern The supplied pattern.
* @return An appropriate offset mapping.
public static OffsetMapping parse(String pattern) {
if (pattern.equals(Origin.DEFAULT)) {
return new ForOrigin(Collections.singletonList(Renderer.ForStringRepresentation.INSTANCE));
} else {
List renderers = new ArrayList(pattern.length());
int from = 0;
for (int to = pattern.indexOf(DELIMITER); to != -1; to = pattern.indexOf(DELIMITER, from)) {
if (to != 0 && pattern.charAt(to - 1) == ESCAPE && (to == 1 || pattern.charAt(to - 2) != ESCAPE)) {
renderers.add(new Renderer.ForConstantValue(pattern.substring(from, Math.max(0, to - 1)) + DELIMITER));
from = to + 1;
} else if (pattern.length() == to + 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing sort descriptor for " + pattern + " at index " + to);
renderers.add(new Renderer.ForConstantValue(pattern.substring(from, to).replace("" + ESCAPE + ESCAPE, "" + ESCAPE)));
switch (pattern.charAt(to + 1)) {
case Renderer.ForMethodName.SYMBOL:
case Renderer.ForTypeName.SYMBOL:
case Renderer.ForDescriptor.SYMBOL:
case Renderer.ForReturnTypeName.SYMBOL:
case Renderer.ForJavaSignature.SYMBOL:
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal sort descriptor " + pattern.charAt(to + 1) + " for " + pattern);
from = to + 2;
renderers.add(new Renderer.ForConstantValue(pattern.substring(from)));
return new ForOrigin(renderers);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Renderer renderer : renderers) {
stringBuilder.append(renderer.apply(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod));
return Target.ForStackManipulation.of(stringBuilder.toString());
* A renderer for an origin pattern element.
public interface Renderer {
* Returns a string representation for this renderer.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @return The string representation.
String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod);
* A renderer for a method's internal name.
enum ForMethodName implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* The method name symbol.
public static final char SYMBOL = 'm';
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.getInternalName();
* A renderer for a method declaring type's binary name.
enum ForTypeName implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* The type name symbol.
public static final char SYMBOL = 't';
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedType.getName();
* A renderer for a method descriptor.
enum ForDescriptor implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* The descriptor symbol.
public static final char SYMBOL = 'd';
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.getDescriptor();
* A renderer for a method's Java signature in binary form.
enum ForJavaSignature implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* The signature symbol.
public static final char SYMBOL = 's';
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("(");
boolean comma = false;
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
if (comma) {
} else {
comma = true;
return stringBuilder.append(')').toString();
* A renderer for a method's return type in binary form.
enum ForReturnTypeName implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* The return type symbol.
public static final char SYMBOL = 'r';
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().asErasure().getName();
* A renderer for a method's {@link Object#toString()} representation.
enum ForStringRepresentation implements Renderer {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return instrumentedMethod.toString();
* A renderer for a constant value.
class ForConstantValue implements Renderer {
* The constant value.
private final String value;
* Creates a new renderer for a constant value.
* @param value The constant value.
public ForConstantValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String apply(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) {
return value;
* A factory for a method origin.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Origin.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (target.getType().asErasure().represents(Class.class)) {
return OffsetMapping.ForInstrumentedType.INSTANCE;
} else if (target.getType().asErasure().represents(Method.class)) {
return OffsetMapping.ForInstrumentedMethod.METHOD;
} else if (target.getType().asErasure().represents(Constructor.class)) {
return OffsetMapping.ForInstrumentedMethod.CONSTRUCTOR;
} else if (JavaType.EXECUTABLE.getTypeStub().equals(target.getType().asErasure())) {
return OffsetMapping.ForInstrumentedMethod.EXECUTABLE;
} else if (target.getType().asErasure().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
return ForOrigin.parse(annotation.loadSilent().value());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Non-supported type " + target.getType() + " for @Origin annotation");
* An offset mapping for a parameter where assignments are fully ignored and that always return the parameter type's default value.
class ForUnusedValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The unused type.
private final TypeDefinition target;
* Creates a new offset mapping for an unused type.
* @param target The unused type.
public ForUnusedValue(TypeDefinition target) {
this.target = target;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
return new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadWrite(target);
* A factory for an offset mapping for an unused value.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* A factory for representing an unused value.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Unused.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
return new ForUnusedValue(target.getType());
* An offset mapping for a parameter where assignments are fully ignored and that is assigned a boxed version of the instrumented
* method's return value or {@code null} if the return type is not primitive or {@code void}.
enum ForStubValue implements OffsetMapping, Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
return new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadOnly(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(), assigner.assign(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(),
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return StubValue.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (!target.getType().represents(Object.class)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use StubValue on non-Object parameter type " + target);
} else {
return this;
* An offset mapping that provides access to the value that is returned by the enter advice.
class ForEnterValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The represented target type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* The enter type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic enterType;
* {@code true} if the annotated value is read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for the enter type.
* @param target The represented target type.
* @param enterType The enter type.
* @param enter The represented annotation.
protected ForEnterValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription.Generic enterType, Enter enter) {
this(target, enterType, enter.readOnly(), enter.typing());
* Creates a new offset mapping for the enter type.
* @param target The represented target type.
* @param enterType The enter type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the annotated value is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForEnterValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription.Generic enterType, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.enterType = enterType;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(enterType, target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + enterType + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(target, argumentHandler.enter(), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, enterType, typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + enterType);
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(target, argumentHandler.enter(), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for creating a {@link ForEnterValue} offset mapping.
protected static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The supplied type of the enter advice.
private final TypeDefinition enterType;
* Creates a new factory for creating a {@link ForEnterValue} offset mapping.
* @param enterType The supplied type of the enter method.
protected Factory(TypeDefinition enterType) {
this.enterType = enterType;
* Creates a new factory for creating a {@link ForEnterValue} offset mapping.
* @param typeDefinition The supplied type of the enter advice.
* @return An appropriate offset mapping factory.
protected static OffsetMapping.Factory of(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
return typeDefinition.represents(void.class)
? new Illegal(Enter.class)
: new Factory(typeDefinition);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Enter.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use writable " + target + " on read-only parameter");
} else {
return new ForEnterValue(target.getType(), enterType.asGenericType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping that provides access to the value that is returned by the exit advice.
class ForExitValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The represented target type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* The exit type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic exitType;
* {@code true} if the annotated value is read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for the exit type.
* @param target The represented target type.
* @param exitType The exit type.
* @param exit The represented annotation.
protected ForExitValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription.Generic exitType, Exit exit) {
this(target, exitType, exit.readOnly(), exit.typing());
* Creates a new offset mapping for the enter type.
* @param target The represented target type.
* @param exitType The exit type.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the annotated value is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForExitValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription.Generic exitType, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.exitType = exitType;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(exitType, target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + exitType + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(target, argumentHandler.exit(), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, exitType, typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + exitType);
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(target, argumentHandler.exit(), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for creating a {@link ForExitValue} offset mapping.
protected static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The supplied type of the exit advice.
private final TypeDefinition exitType;
* Creates a new factory for creating a {@link ForExitValue} offset mapping.
* @param exitType The supplied type of the exit advice.
protected Factory(TypeDefinition exitType) {
this.exitType = exitType;
* Creates a new factory for creating a {@link ForExitValue} offset mapping.
* @param typeDefinition The supplied type of the enter method.
* @return An appropriate offset mapping factory.
protected static OffsetMapping.Factory of(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
return typeDefinition.represents(void.class)
? new Illegal(Exit.class)
: new Factory(typeDefinition);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Exit.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use writable " + target + " on read-only parameter");
} else {
return new ForExitValue(target.getType(), exitType.asGenericType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping that provides access to a named local variable that is declared by the advice methods via {@link Local}.
class ForLocalValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The variable's target type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* The local variable's type.
private final TypeDescription.Generic localType;
* The local variable's name.
private final String name;
* Creates an offset mapping for a local variable that is declared by the advice methods via {@link Local}.
* @param target The variable's target type.
* @param localType The local variable's type.
* @param name The local variable's name.
public ForLocalValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription.Generic localType, String name) {
this.target = target;
this.localType = localType;
this.name = name;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(localType, target, Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, localType, Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
if (!readAssignment.isValid() || !writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + localType + " to " + target);
} else {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(target, argumentHandler.named(name), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for an offset mapping for a local variable that is declared by the advice methods via {@link Local}.
protected static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The mapping of type names to their type that are available.
private final Map namedTypes;
* Creates a factory for a {@link Local} variable mapping.
* @param namedTypes The mapping of type names to their type that are available.
protected Factory(Map namedTypes) {
this.namedTypes = namedTypes;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Local.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
String name = annotation.loadSilent().value();
TypeDefinition namedType = namedTypes.get(name);
if (namedType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Named local variable is unknown: " + name);
return new ForLocalValue(target.getType(), namedType.asGenericType(), name);
* An offset mapping that provides access to the value that is returned by the instrumented method.
class ForReturnValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The type that the advice method expects for the return value.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for a return value.
* @param target The type that the advice method expects for the return value.
* @param annotation The annotation being bound.
protected ForReturnValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, Return annotation) {
this(target, annotation.readOnly(), annotation.typing());
* Creates a new offset mapping for a return value.
* @param target The type that the advice method expects for the return value.
* @param readOnly Determines if the parameter is to be treated as read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForReturnValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + instrumentedMethod.getReturnType() + " to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)
? new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadOnly(target)
: new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(), argumentHandler.returned(), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to " + instrumentedMethod.getReturnType());
return instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)
? new Target.ForDefaultValue.ReadWrite(target)
: new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType(), argumentHandler.returned(), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for creating a {@link ForReturnValue} offset mapping.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Return.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write return value for " + target + " in read-only context");
} else {
return new ForReturnValue(target.getType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping for accessing a {@link Throwable} of the instrumented method.
class ForThrowable implements OffsetMapping {
* The type of parameter that is being accessed.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* {@code true} if the parameter is read-only.
private final boolean readOnly;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates a new offset mapping for access of the exception that is thrown by the instrumented method..
* @param target The type of parameter that is being accessed.
* @param annotation The annotation to bind.
protected ForThrowable(TypeDescription.Generic target, Thrown annotation) {
this(target, annotation.readOnly(), annotation.typing());
* Creates a new offset mapping for access of the exception that is thrown by the instrumented method..
* @param target The type of parameter that is being accessed.
* @param readOnly {@code true} if the parameter is read-only.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForThrowable(TypeDescription.Generic target, boolean readOnly, Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.target = target;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation readAssignment = assigner.assign(TypeDescription.THROWABLE.asGenericType(), target, typing);
if (!readAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign Throwable to " + target);
} else if (readOnly) {
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadOnly(TypeDescription.THROWABLE, argumentHandler.thrown(), readAssignment);
} else {
StackManipulation writeAssignment = assigner.assign(target, TypeDescription.THROWABLE.asGenericType(), typing);
if (!writeAssignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + target + " to Throwable");
return new Target.ForVariable.ReadWrite(TypeDescription.THROWABLE, argumentHandler.thrown(), readAssignment, writeAssignment);
* A factory for accessing an exception that was thrown by the instrumented method.
protected enum Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The singleton instance.
* Resolves an appropriate offset mapping factory for the {@link Thrown} parameter annotation.
* @param adviceMethod The exit advice method, annotated with {@link OnMethodExit}.
* @return An appropriate offset mapping factory.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // In absence of @SafeVarargs
protected static OffsetMapping.Factory> of(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return adviceMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations()
.represents(NoExceptionHandler.class) ? new OffsetMapping.Factory.Illegal(Thrown.class) : Factory.INSTANCE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return Thrown.class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
if (adviceType.isDelegation() && !annotation.loadSilent().readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use writable " + target + " on read-only parameter");
} else {
return new ForThrowable(target.getType(), annotation.loadSilent());
* An offset mapping for binding a stack manipulation.
class ForStackManipulation implements OffsetMapping {
* The stack manipulation that loads the bound value.
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
* The type of the loaded value.
private final TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription;
* The target type of the annotated parameter.
private final TypeDescription.Generic targetType;
* The typing to apply.
private final Assigner.Typing typing;
* Creates an offset mapping that binds a stack manipulation.
* @param stackManipulation The stack manipulation that loads the bound value.
* @param typeDescription The type of the loaded value.
* @param targetType The target type of the annotated parameter.
* @param typing The typing to apply.
public ForStackManipulation(StackManipulation stackManipulation,
TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription,
TypeDescription.Generic targetType,
Assigner.Typing typing) {
this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation;
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
this.targetType = targetType;
this.typing = typing;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation assignment = assigner.assign(typeDescription, targetType, typing);
if (!assignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + typeDescription + " to " + targetType);
return new Target.ForStackManipulation(new StackManipulation.Compound(stackManipulation, assignment));
* A factory that binds a stack manipulation.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
public static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* The stack manipulation that loads the bound value.
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
* The type of the loaded value.
private final TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription;
* Creates a new factory for binding a type description.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param typeDescription The type to bind.
public Factory(Class annotationType, TypeDescription typeDescription) {
this(annotationType, ClassConstant.of(typeDescription), TypeDescription.CLASS.asGenericType());
* Creates a new factory for binding an enumeration.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param enumerationDescription The enumeration to bind.
public Factory(Class annotationType, EnumerationDescription enumerationDescription) {
this(annotationType, FieldAccess.forEnumeration(enumerationDescription), enumerationDescription.getEnumerationType().asGenericType());
* Creates a new factory for binding a stack manipulation.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param stackManipulation The stack manipulation that loads the bound value.
* @param typeDescription The type of the loaded value.
public Factory(Class annotationType, StackManipulation stackManipulation, TypeDescription.Generic typeDescription) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation;
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
* Creates a binding for a fixed {@link String} or primitive value.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param value The primitive (wrapper) value or {@link String} value to bind.
* @param The annotation type.
* @return A factory for creating an offset mapping that binds the supplied value.
public static OffsetMapping.Factory of(Class annotationType, Object value) {
StackManipulation stackManipulation;
TypeDescription typeDescription;
if (value == null) {
return new OfDefaultValue(annotationType);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Boolean) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(boolean.class);
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Byte) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(byte.class);
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Short) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(short.class);
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Character) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(char.class);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
stackManipulation = IntegerConstant.forValue((Integer) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(int.class);
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
stackManipulation = LongConstant.forValue((Long) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(long.class);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
stackManipulation = FloatConstant.forValue((Float) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(float.class);
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
stackManipulation = DoubleConstant.forValue((Double) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(double.class);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
stackManipulation = new TextConstant((String) value);
typeDescription = TypeDescription.STRING;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not a constant value: " + value);
return new Factory(annotationType, stackManipulation, typeDescription.asGenericType());
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target,
AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation,
AdviceType adviceType) {
return new ForStackManipulation(stackManipulation, typeDescription, target.getType(), Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
* A factory for binding the annotated parameter's default value.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
public static class OfDefaultValue implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* Creates a factory for an offset mapping tat binds the parameter's default value.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
public OfDefaultValue(Class annotationType) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType) {
return new ForStackManipulation(DefaultValue.of(target.getType()), target.getType(), target.getType(), Assigner.Typing.STATIC);
* A factory for binding an annotation's property.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
public static class OfAnnotationProperty implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* The annotation property.
private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape property;
* Creates a factory for binding an annotation property.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param property The annotation property.
protected OfAnnotationProperty(Class annotationType, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape property) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.property = property;
* Creates a factory for an offset mapping that binds an annotation property.
* @param annotationType The annotation type to bind.
* @param property The property to bind.
* @param The annotation type.
* @return A factory for binding a property of the annotation type.
public static OffsetMapping.Factory of(Class annotationType, String property) {
if (!annotationType.isAnnotation()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an annotation type: " + annotationType);
try {
return new OfAnnotationProperty(annotationType, new MethodDescription.ForLoadedMethod(annotationType.getMethod(property)));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find a property " + property + " on " + annotationType, exception);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType) {
Object value = annotation.getValue(property).resolve();
OffsetMapping.Factory factory;
if (value instanceof TypeDescription) {
factory = new Factory(annotationType, (TypeDescription) value);
} else if (value instanceof EnumerationDescription) {
factory = new Factory(annotationType, (EnumerationDescription) value);
} else if (value instanceof AnnotationDescription) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot bind annotation as fixed value for " + property);
} else {
factory = Factory.of(annotationType, value);
return factory.make(target, annotation, adviceType);
* An offset mapping that loads a serialized value.
class ForSerializedValue implements OffsetMapping {
* The type of the serialized value as it is used.
private final TypeDescription.Generic target;
* The class type of the serialized value.
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
* The stack manipulation deserializing the represented value.
private final StackManipulation deserialization;
* Creates a new offset mapping for a serialized value.
* @param target The type of the serialized value as it is used.
* @param typeDescription The class type of the serialized value.
* @param deserialization The stack manipulation deserializing the represented value.
public ForSerializedValue(TypeDescription.Generic target, TypeDescription typeDescription, StackManipulation deserialization) {
this.target = target;
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
this.deserialization = deserialization;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Target resolve(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler argumentHandler,
Sort sort) {
StackManipulation assignment = assigner.assign(typeDescription.asGenericType(), target, Assigner.Typing.DYNAMIC);
if (!assignment.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot assign " + typeDescription + " to " + target);
return new Target.ForStackManipulation(new StackManipulation.Compound(deserialization, assignment));
* A factory for loading a deserialized value.
* @param The annotation type this factory binds.
public static class Factory implements OffsetMapping.Factory {
* The annotation type.
private final Class annotationType;
* The type description as which to treat the deserialized value.
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
* The stack manipulation that loads the represented value.
private final StackManipulation deserialization;
* Creates a factory for loading a deserialized value.
* @param annotationType The annotation type.
* @param typeDescription The type description as which to treat the deserialized value.
* @param deserialization The stack manipulation that loads the represented value.
protected Factory(Class annotationType, TypeDescription typeDescription, StackManipulation deserialization) {
this.annotationType = annotationType;
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
this.deserialization = deserialization;
* Creates a factory for an offset mapping that loads the provided value.
* @param annotationType The annotation type to be bound.
* @param target The instance representing the value to be deserialized.
* @param targetType The target type as which to use the target value.
* @param The annotation type the created factory binds.
* @return An appropriate offset mapping factory.
public static OffsetMapping.Factory of(Class annotationType, Serializable target, Class> targetType) {
if (!targetType.isInstance(target)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(target + " is no instance of " + targetType);
return new Factory(annotationType, TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(targetType), SerializedConstant.of(target));
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public OffsetMapping make(ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape target, AnnotationDescription.Loadable annotation, AdviceType adviceType) {
return new ForSerializedValue(target.getType(), typeDescription, deserialization);
* An argument handler is responsible for resolving offsets of the local variable array in the context of the applied instrumentation.
public interface ArgumentHandler {
* The offset of the {@code this} reference.
* Resolves an offset relative to an offset of the instrumented method.
* @param offset The offset to resolve.
* @return The resolved offset.
int argument(int offset);
* Resolves the offset of the exit value of the exit advice.
* @return The offset of the exit value.
int exit();
* Resolves the offset of the enter value of the enter advice.
* @return The offset of the enter value.
int enter();
* Returns the offset of the local variable with the given name.
* @param name The name of the local variable being accessed.
* @return The named variable's offset.
int named(String name);
* Resolves the offset of the returned value of the instrumented method.
* @return The offset of the returned value of the instrumented method.
int returned();
* Resolves the offset of the thrown exception of the instrumented method.
* @return The offset of the thrown exception of the instrumented method.
int thrown();
* An argument handler that is used for resolving the instrumented method.
interface ForInstrumentedMethod extends ArgumentHandler {
* Resolves a local variable index.
* @param index The index to resolve.
* @return The resolved local variable index.
int variable(int index);
* Prepares this argument handler for future offset access.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to which to write any potential byte code.
* @return The minimum stack size that is required to apply this manipulation.
int prepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Binds an advice method as enter advice for this handler.
* @param adviceMethod The resolved enter advice handler.
* @return The resolved argument handler for enter advice.
ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription adviceMethod);
* Binds an advice method as exit advice for this handler.
* @param adviceMethod The resolved exit advice handler.
* @param skipThrowable {@code true} if no throwable is stored.
* @return The resolved argument handler for enter advice.
ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription adviceMethod, boolean skipThrowable);
* Returns {@code true} if the original arguments are copied before invoking the instrumented method.
* @return {@code true} if the original arguments are copied before invoking the instrumented method.
boolean isCopyingArguments();
* Returns a list of the named types in their declared order.
* @return A list of the named types in their declared order.
List getNamedTypes();
* A default implementation of an argument handler for an instrumented method.
abstract class Default implements ForInstrumentedMethod {
* The instrumented method.
protected final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
protected final TypeDefinition exitType;
* A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
protected final TreeMap namedTypes;
* The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
protected final TypeDefinition enterType;
* Creates a new default argument handler for an instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
* @param enterType The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
protected Default(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes,
TypeDefinition enterType) {
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.namedTypes = namedTypes;
this.exitType = exitType;
this.enterType = enterType;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int exit() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int named(String name) {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.headMap(name).values());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int enter() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int returned() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int thrown() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().getStackSize().getSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice.Default.ForMethodEnter(instrumentedMethod, adviceMethod, exitType, namedTypes);
* {@inheritDoc}
public ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription adviceMethod, boolean skipThrowable) {
return new ForAdvice.Default.ForMethodExit(instrumentedMethod,
skipThrowable ? StackSize.ZERO : StackSize.SINGLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public List getNamedTypes() {
List namedTypes = new ArrayList(this.namedTypes.size());
for (TypeDefinition typeDefinition : this.namedTypes.values()) {
return namedTypes;
* A simple argument handler for an instrumented method.
protected static class Simple extends Default {
* Creates a new simple argument handler for an instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
* @param enterType The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
protected Simple(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes,
TypeDefinition enterType) {
super(instrumentedMethod, exitType, namedTypes, enterType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int argument(int offset) {
return offset < instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
? offset
: offset + exitType.getStackSize().getSize() + StackSize.of(namedTypes.values()) + enterType.getStackSize().getSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int variable(int index) {
return index < (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1) + instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
? index
: index + (exitType.represents(void.class) ? 0 : 1) + StackSize.of(namedTypes.values()) + (enterType.represents(void.class) ? 0 : 1);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCopyingArguments() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int prepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
return 0;
* An argument handler for an instrumented method that copies all arguments before executing the instrumented method.
protected static class Copying extends Default {
* Creates a new copying argument handler for an instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
* @param enterType The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
protected Copying(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes,
TypeDefinition enterType) {
super(instrumentedMethod, exitType, namedTypes, enterType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int argument(int offset) {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ offset;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int variable(int index) {
return (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
+ instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
+ (exitType.represents(void.class) ? 0 : 1)
+ namedTypes.size()
+ (enterType.represents(void.class) ? 0 : 1)
+ index;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCopyingArguments() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int prepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
StackSize stackSize;
if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize());
stackSize = StackSize.SINGLE;
} else {
stackSize = StackSize.ZERO;
for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters()) {
Type type = Type.getType(parameterDescription.getType().asErasure().getDescriptor());
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), parameterDescription.getOffset());
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ parameterDescription.getOffset());
stackSize = stackSize.maximum(parameterDescription.getType().getStackSize());
return stackSize.getSize();
* An argument handler that is used for resolving an advice method.
interface ForAdvice extends ArgumentHandler {
* Resolves an offset of the advice method.
* @param offset The offset to resolve.
* @return The resolved offset.
int mapped(int offset);
* A default implementation for an argument handler for an advice method.
abstract class Default implements ForAdvice {
* The instrumented method.
protected final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* The advice method.
protected final MethodDescription adviceMethod;
* The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
protected final TypeDefinition exitType;
* A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
protected final TreeMap namedTypes;
* Creates a new argument handler for an enter advice.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param adviceMethod The advice method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
protected Default(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription adviceMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes) {
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod;
this.exitType = exitType;
this.namedTypes = namedTypes;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int argument(int offset) {
return offset;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int exit() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int named(String name) {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.headMap(name).values());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int enter() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values());
* An argument handler for an enter advice method.
protected static class ForMethodEnter extends Default {
* Creates a new argument handler for an enter advice method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param adviceMethod The advice method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
protected ForMethodEnter(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription adviceMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes) {
super(instrumentedMethod, adviceMethod, exitType, namedTypes);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int returned() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve the return value offset during enter advice");
* {@inheritDoc}
public int thrown() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve the thrown value offset during enter advice");
* {@inheritDoc}
public int mapped(int offset) {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
- adviceMethod.getStackSize() + offset;
* An argument handler for an exit advice method.
protected static class ForMethodExit extends Default {
* The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
private final TypeDefinition enterType;
* The stack size of a possibly stored throwable.
private final StackSize throwableSize;
* Creates a new argument handler for an exit advice method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param adviceMethod The advice method.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
* @param enterType The enter type or {@code void} if no enter type is defined.
* @param throwableSize The stack size of a possibly stored throwable.
protected ForMethodExit(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription adviceMethod,
TypeDefinition exitType,
TreeMap namedTypes,
TypeDefinition enterType,
StackSize throwableSize) {
super(instrumentedMethod, adviceMethod, exitType, namedTypes);
this.enterType = enterType;
this.throwableSize = throwableSize;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int returned() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int thrown() {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().getStackSize().getSize();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int mapped(int offset) {
return instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ exitType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ StackSize.of(namedTypes.values())
+ enterType.getStackSize().getSize()
+ instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().getStackSize().getSize()
+ throwableSize.getSize()
- adviceMethod.getStackSize()
+ offset;
* A factory for creating an argument handler.
enum Factory {
* A factory for creating a simple argument handler.
protected ForInstrumentedMethod resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition enterType,
TypeDefinition exitType,
Map namedTypes) {
return new ForInstrumentedMethod.Default.Simple(instrumentedMethod,
new TreeMap(namedTypes),
* A factory for creating an argument handler that copies all arguments before executing the instrumented method.
protected ForInstrumentedMethod resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition enterType,
TypeDefinition exitType,
Map namedTypes) {
return new ForInstrumentedMethod.Default.Copying(instrumentedMethod,
new TreeMap(namedTypes),
* Creates an argument handler.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param enterType The enter type or {@code void} if no such type is defined.
* @param exitType The exit type or {@code void} if no exit type is defined.
* @param namedTypes A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
* @return An argument handler for the instrumented method.
protected abstract ForInstrumentedMethod resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
TypeDefinition enterType,
TypeDefinition exitType,
Map namedTypes);
* A handler for computing the instrumented method's size.
protected interface MethodSizeHandler {
* Indicates that a size is not computed but handled directly by ASM.
* Records a minimum stack size required by the represented advice method.
* @param stackSize The minimum size required by the represented advice method.
void requireStackSize(int stackSize);
* Requires a minimum length of the local variable array.
* @param localVariableLength The minimal required length of the local variable array.
void requireLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength);
* A method size handler for the instrumented method.
interface ForInstrumentedMethod extends MethodSizeHandler {
* Binds a method size handler for the enter advice.
* @param adviceMethod The method representing the enter advice.
* @return A method size handler for the enter advice.
ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod);
* Binds the method size handler for the exit advice.
* @param adviceMethod The method representing the exit advice.
* @return A method size handler for the exit advice.
ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod);
* Computes a compound stack size for the advice and the translated instrumented method.
* @param stackSize The required stack size of the instrumented method before translation.
* @return The stack size required by the instrumented method and its advice methods.
int compoundStackSize(int stackSize);
* Computes a compound local variable array length for the advice and the translated instrumented method.
* @param localVariableLength The required local variable array length of the instrumented method before translation.
* @return The local variable length required by the instrumented method and its advice methods.
int compoundLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength);
* A method size handler for an advice method.
interface ForAdvice extends MethodSizeHandler {
* Requires additional padding for the operand stack that is required for this advice's execution.
* @param stackSizePadding The required padding.
void requireStackSizePadding(int stackSizePadding);
* Requires additional padding for the local variable array that is required for this advice's execution.
* @param localVariableLengthPadding The required padding.
void requireLocalVariableLengthPadding(int localVariableLengthPadding);
* Records the maximum values for stack size and local variable array which are required by the advice method
* for its individual execution without translation.
* @param stackSize The minimum required stack size.
* @param localVariableLength The minimum required length of the local variable array.
void recordMaxima(int stackSize, int localVariableLength);
* A non-operational method size handler.
enum NoOp implements ForInstrumentedMethod, ForAdvice {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundStackSize(int stackSize) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireStackSize(int stackSize) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireStackSizePadding(int stackSizePadding) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireLocalVariableLengthPadding(int localVariableLengthPadding) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void recordMaxima(int stackSize, int localVariableLength) {
/* do nothing */
* A default implementation for a method size handler.
abstract class Default implements MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod {
* The instrumented method.
protected final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes;
* The maximum stack size required by a visited advice method.
protected int stackSize;
* The maximum length of the local variable array required by a visited advice method.
protected int localVariableLength;
* Creates a new default meta data handler that recomputes the space requirements of an instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
protected Default(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes) {
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.initialTypes = initialTypes;
this.preMethodTypes = preMethodTypes;
this.postMethodTypes = postMethodTypes;
* Creates a method size handler applicable for the given instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param copyArguments {@code true} if the original arguments are copied before invoking the instrumented method.
* @param writerFlags The flags supplied to the ASM class writer.
* @return An appropriate method size handler.
protected static MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod of(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean copyArguments,
int writerFlags) {
if ((writerFlags & (ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES)) != 0) {
return NoOp.INSTANCE;
} else if (copyArguments) {
return new WithCopiedArguments(instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes);
} else {
return new WithRetainedArguments(instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes);
* {@inheritDoc}
public MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice(adviceMethod, instrumentedMethod.getStackSize() + StackSize.of(initialTypes));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireStackSize(int stackSize) {
Default.this.stackSize = Math.max(this.stackSize, stackSize);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
this.localVariableLength = Math.max(this.localVariableLength, localVariableLength);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundStackSize(int stackSize) {
return Math.max(this.stackSize, stackSize);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
return Math.max(this.localVariableLength, localVariableLength
+ StackSize.of(postMethodTypes)
+ StackSize.of(initialTypes)
+ StackSize.of(preMethodTypes));
* A method size handler that expects that the original arguments are retained.
protected static class WithRetainedArguments extends Default {
* Creates a new default method size handler that expects that the original arguments are retained.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
protected WithRetainedArguments(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes) {
super(instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes);
* {@inheritDoc}
public MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice(adviceMethod, instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ StackSize.of(postMethodTypes)
+ StackSize.of(initialTypes)
+ StackSize.of(preMethodTypes));
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
return Math.max(this.localVariableLength, localVariableLength
+ StackSize.of(postMethodTypes)
+ StackSize.of(initialTypes)
+ StackSize.of(preMethodTypes));
* A method size handler that expects that the original arguments were copied.
protected static class WithCopiedArguments extends Default {
* Creates a new default method size handler that expects the original arguments to be copied.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
protected WithCopiedArguments(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes) {
super(instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes);
* {@inheritDoc}
public MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice(adviceMethod, 2 * instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ StackSize.of(initialTypes)
+ StackSize.of(preMethodTypes)
+ StackSize.of(postMethodTypes));
* {@inheritDoc}
public int compoundLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
return Math.max(this.localVariableLength, localVariableLength
+ instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()
+ StackSize.of(postMethodTypes)
+ StackSize.of(initialTypes)
+ StackSize.of(preMethodTypes));
* A method size handler for an advice method.
protected class ForAdvice implements MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice {
* The advice method.
private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod;
* The base of the local variable length that is implied by the method instrumentation prior to applying this advice method.
private final int baseLocalVariableLength;
* The additional padding to apply to the operand stack.
private int stackSizePadding;
* The additional padding to apply to the local variable array.
private int localVariableLengthPadding;
* Creates a default method size handler for an advice method.
* @param adviceMethod The advice method.
* @param baseLocalVariableLength The base of the local variable length that is implied by the method instrumentation
* prior to applying this advice method.
protected ForAdvice(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod, int baseLocalVariableLength) {
this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod;
this.baseLocalVariableLength = baseLocalVariableLength;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireStackSize(int stackSize) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireLocalVariableLength(int localVariableLength) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireStackSizePadding(int stackSizePadding) {
this.stackSizePadding = Math.max(this.stackSizePadding, stackSizePadding);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requireLocalVariableLengthPadding(int localVariableLengthPadding) {
this.localVariableLengthPadding = Math.max(this.localVariableLengthPadding, localVariableLengthPadding);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void recordMaxima(int stackSize, int localVariableLength) {
Default.this.requireStackSize(stackSize + stackSizePadding);
- adviceMethod.getStackSize()
+ baseLocalVariableLength
+ localVariableLengthPadding);
* A handler for computing and translating stack map frames.
protected interface StackMapFrameHandler {
* Translates a frame.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to write the frame to.
* @param type The frame's type.
* @param localVariableLength The local variable length.
* @param localVariable An array containing the types of the current local variables.
* @param stackSize The size of the operand stack.
* @param stack An array containing the types of the current operand stack.
void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, int type, int localVariableLength, Object[] localVariable, int stackSize, Object[] stack);
* Injects a frame indicating the beginning of a return value handler for the currently handled method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor onto which to apply the stack map frame.
void injectReturnFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Injects a frame indicating the beginning of an exception handler for the currently handled method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor onto which to apply the stack map frame.
void injectExceptionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Injects a frame indicating the completion of the currently handled method, i.e. all yielded types were added.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor onto which to apply the stack map frame.
void injectCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* A stack map frame handler for an instrumented method.
interface ForInstrumentedMethod extends StackMapFrameHandler {
* Binds this meta data handler for the enter advice.
* @param adviceMethod The enter advice method.
* @return An appropriate meta data handler for the enter method.
ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod);
* Binds this meta data handler for the exit advice.
* @param adviceMethod The exit advice method.
* @return An appropriate meta data handler for the enter method.
ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod);
* Returns a hint to supply to a {@link ClassReader} when parsing an advice method.
* @return The reader hint to supply to an ASM class reader.
int getReaderHint();
* Injects a frame after initialization if any initialization is performed.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to write any frames to.
void injectInitializationFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Injects a frame before executing the instrumented method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to write any frames to.
void injectStartFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Injects a frame indicating the completion of the currently handled method, i.e. all yielded types were added.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor onto which to apply the stack map frame.
void injectPostCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* A stack map frame handler for an advice method.
interface ForAdvice extends StackMapFrameHandler {
/* marker interface */
* A non-operational stack map frame handler.
enum NoOp implements ForInstrumentedMethod, ForAdvice {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getReaderHint() {
return ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectReturnFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectExceptionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectInitializationFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectStartFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectPostCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* A default implementation of a stack map frame handler for an instrumented method.
abstract class Default implements ForInstrumentedMethod {
* An empty array indicating an empty frame.
protected static final Object[] EMPTY = new Object[0];
* The instrumented type.
protected final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
* The instrumented method.
protected final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes;
* A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes;
* {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected final boolean expandFrames;
* The current frame's size divergence from the original local variable array.
protected int currentFrameDivergence;
* Creates a new default stack map frame handler.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param expandFrames {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected Default(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean expandFrames) {
this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType;
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.initialTypes = initialTypes;
this.preMethodTypes = preMethodTypes;
this.postMethodTypes = postMethodTypes;
this.expandFrames = expandFrames;
* Creates an appropriate stack map frame handler for an instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param exitAdvice {@code true} if the current advice implies exit advice.
* @param copyArguments {@code true} if the original arguments are copied before invoking the instrumented method.
* @param classFileVersion The instrumented type's class file version.
* @param writerFlags The flags supplied to the ASM writer.
* @param readerFlags The reader flags supplied to the ASM reader.
* @return An appropriate stack map frame handler for an instrumented method.
protected static ForInstrumentedMethod of(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean exitAdvice,
boolean copyArguments,
ClassFileVersion classFileVersion,
int writerFlags,
int readerFlags) {
if ((writerFlags & ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES) != 0 || classFileVersion.isLessThan(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V6)) {
return NoOp.INSTANCE;
} else if (!exitAdvice) {
return new Trivial(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, (readerFlags & ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES) != 0);
} else if (copyArguments) {
return new WithPreservedArguments.UsingArgumentCopy(instrumentedType,
(readerFlags & ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES) != 0);
} else {
return new WithPreservedArguments.RequiringConsistentShape(instrumentedType,
(readerFlags & ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES) != 0);
* Translates a type into a representation of its form inside a stack map frame.
* @param typeDescription The type to translate.
* @return A stack entry representation of the supplied type.
protected static Object toFrame(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
if (typeDescription.represents(boolean.class)
|| typeDescription.represents(byte.class)
|| typeDescription.represents(short.class)
|| typeDescription.represents(char.class)
|| typeDescription.represents(int.class)) {
return Opcodes.INTEGER;
} else if (typeDescription.represents(long.class)) {
return Opcodes.LONG;
} else if (typeDescription.represents(float.class)) {
return Opcodes.FLOAT;
} else if (typeDescription.represents(double.class)) {
return Opcodes.DOUBLE;
} else {
return typeDescription.getInternalName();
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice bindEnter(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice(adviceMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, TranslationMode.ENTER);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getReaderHint() {
return expandFrames
: AsmVisitorWrapper.NO_FLAGS;
* Translates a frame.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to write the frame to.
* @param translationMode The translation mode to apply.
* @param methodDescription The method description for which the frame is written.
* @param additionalTypes The additional types to consider part of the instrumented method's parameters.
* @param type The frame's type.
* @param localVariableLength The local variable length.
* @param localVariable An array containing the types of the current local variables.
* @param stackSize The size of the operand stack.
* @param stack An array containing the types of the current operand stack.
protected void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
TranslationMode translationMode,
MethodDescription methodDescription,
List extends TypeDescription> additionalTypes,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
switch (type) {
case Opcodes.F_SAME:
case Opcodes.F_SAME1:
case Opcodes.F_APPEND:
currentFrameDivergence += localVariableLength;
case Opcodes.F_CHOP:
currentFrameDivergence -= localVariableLength;
if (currentFrameDivergence < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(methodDescription + " dropped " + Math.abs(currentFrameDivergence) + " implicit frames");
case Opcodes.F_FULL:
case Opcodes.F_NEW:
if (methodDescription.getParameters().size() + (methodDescription.isStatic() ? 0 : 1) > localVariableLength) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent frame length for " + methodDescription + ": " + localVariableLength);
int offset;
if (methodDescription.isStatic()) {
offset = 0;
} else {
if (!translationMode.isPossibleThisFrameValue(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, localVariable[0])) {
throw new IllegalStateException(methodDescription + " is inconsistent for 'this' reference: " + localVariable[0]);
offset = 1;
for (int index = 0; index < methodDescription.getParameters().size(); index++) {
if (!toFrame(methodDescription.getParameters().get(index).getType().asErasure()).equals(localVariable[index + offset])) {
throw new IllegalStateException(methodDescription + " is inconsistent at " + index + ": " + localVariable[index + offset]);
Object[] translated = new Object[localVariableLength
- (methodDescription.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
- methodDescription.getParameters().size()
+ (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
+ instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
+ additionalTypes.size()];
int index = translationMode.copy(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, methodDescription, localVariable, translated);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : additionalTypes) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodDescription.getParameters().size() + (methodDescription.isStatic() ? 0 : 1),
translated.length - index);
localVariableLength = translated.length;
localVariable = translated;
currentFrameDivergence = translated.length - index;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected frame type: " + type);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(type, localVariableLength, localVariable, stackSize, stack);
* Injects a full stack map frame after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor onto which to write the stack map frame.
* @param typesInArray The types that were added to the local variable array additionally to the values of the instrumented method.
* @param typesOnStack The types currently on the operand stack.
protected void injectFullFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
List extends TypeDescription> typesInArray,
List extends TypeDescription> typesOnStack) {
Object[] localVariable = new Object[instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
+ (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
+ typesInArray.size()];
int index = 0;
if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : typesInArray) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
index = 0;
Object[] stackType = new Object[typesOnStack.size()];
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : typesOnStack) {
stackType[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(expandFrames ? Opcodes.F_NEW : Opcodes.F_FULL, localVariable.length, localVariable, stackType.length, stackType);
currentFrameDivergence = 0;
* A translation mode that determines how the fixed frames of the instrumented method are written.
protected enum TranslationMode {
* A translation mode that simply copies the original frames which are available when translating frames of the instrumented method.
protected int copy(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription methodDescription,
Object[] localVariable,
Object[] translated) {
int length = instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size() + (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1);
System.arraycopy(localVariable, 0, translated, 0, length);
return length;
protected boolean isPossibleThisFrameValue(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Object frame) {
return instrumentedMethod.isConstructor() && Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS.equals(frame) || toFrame(instrumentedType).equals(frame);
* A translation mode for the enter advice that considers that the {@code this} reference might not be initialized for a constructor.
protected int copy(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription methodDescription,
Object[] localVariable,
Object[] translated) {
int index = 0;
if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
translated[index++] = instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()
: toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
return index;
protected boolean isPossibleThisFrameValue(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Object frame) {
return instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()
? Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS.equals(frame)
: toFrame(instrumentedType).equals(frame);
* A translation mode for an exit advice where the {@code this} reference is always initialized.
protected int copy(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription methodDescription,
Object[] localVariable,
Object[] translated) {
int index = 0;
if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
return index;
protected boolean isPossibleThisFrameValue(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Object frame) {
return toFrame(instrumentedType).equals(frame);
* Copies the fixed parameters of the instrumented method onto the operand stack.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param methodDescription The method for which a frame is created.
* @param localVariable The original local variable array.
* @param translated The array containing the translated frames.
* @return The amount of frames added to the translated frame array.
protected abstract int copy(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodDescription methodDescription,
Object[] localVariable,
Object[] translated);
* Checks if a variable value in a stack map frame is a legal value for describing a {@code this} reference.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param frame The frame value representing the {@code this} reference.
* @return {@code true} if the value is a legal representation of the {@code this} reference.
protected abstract boolean isPossibleThisFrameValue(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Object frame);
* A trivial stack map frame handler that applies a trivial translation for the instrumented method's stack map frames.
protected static class Trivial extends Default {
* Creates a new stack map frame handler that applies a trivial translation for the instrumented method's stack map frames.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param expandFrames {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected Trivial(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, boolean expandFrames) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(type, localVariableLength, localVariable, stackSize, stack);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect exit advice " + adviceMethod + " for " + instrumentedMethod);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectReturnFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect return frame for " + instrumentedMethod);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectExceptionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect exception frame for " + instrumentedMethod);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect completion frame for " + instrumentedMethod);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectPostCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect post completion frame for " + instrumentedMethod);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectInitializationFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectStartFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* A stack map frame handler that requires the original arguments of the instrumented method to be preserved in their original form.
protected abstract static class WithPreservedArguments extends Default {
* Creates a new stack map frame handler that requires the stack map frames of the original arguments to be preserved.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param expandFrames {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected WithPreservedArguments(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean expandFrames) {
super(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes, expandFrames);
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice bindExit(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
return new ForAdvice(adviceMethod,
CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes),
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectReturnFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
if (instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME1, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, 1, new Object[]{toFrame(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().asErasure())});
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes), instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)
? Collections.emptyList()
: Collections.singletonList(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType().asErasure()));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectExceptionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME1, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, 1, new Object[]{Type.getInternalName(Throwable.class)});
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes), Collections.singletonList(TypeDescription.THROWABLE));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
Object[] local = new Object[postMethodTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : postMethodTypes) {
local[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_APPEND, local.length, local, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes), Collections.emptyList());
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectPostCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes), Collections.emptyList());
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectInitializationFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!initialTypes.isEmpty()) {
if (!expandFrames && initialTypes.size() < 4) {
Object[] localVariable = new Object[initialTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : initialTypes) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_APPEND, localVariable.length, localVariable, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
Object[] localVariable = new Object[(instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
+ instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
+ initialTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
localVariable[index++] = Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS;
} else if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : initialTypes) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(expandFrames ? Opcodes.F_NEW : Opcodes.F_FULL, localVariable.length, localVariable, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
* A stack map frame handler that expects that the original argument frames remain preserved throughout the original invocation.
protected static class RequiringConsistentShape extends WithPreservedArguments {
* Creates a new stack map frame handler that expects the original frames to be preserved.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param expandFrames {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected RequiringConsistentShape(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean expandFrames) {
super(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes, expandFrames);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectStartFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
CompoundList.of(initialTypes, preMethodTypes),
* A stack map frame handler that expects that an argument copy of the original method arguments was made.
protected static class UsingArgumentCopy extends WithPreservedArguments {
* Creates a new stack map frame handler that expects an argument copy.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param initialTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are explicitly added before any code execution.
* @param preMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available before the instrumented method is executed.
* @param postMethodTypes A list of virtual method arguments that are available after the instrumented method has completed.
* @param expandFrames {@code true} if the meta data handler is expected to expand its frames.
protected UsingArgumentCopy(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> initialTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> preMethodTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> postMethodTypes,
boolean expandFrames) {
super(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, initialTypes, preMethodTypes, postMethodTypes, expandFrames);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectStartFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic() || !instrumentedMethod.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
if (!expandFrames && (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1) + instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size() < 4) {
Object[] localVariable = new Object[(instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1) + instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()];
int index = 0;
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
localVariable[index++] = Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS;
} else if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_APPEND, localVariable.length, localVariable, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
Object[] localVariable = new Object[(instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 2)
+ instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size() * 2
+ initialTypes.size()
+ preMethodTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
localVariable[index++] = Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS;
} else if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : initialTypes) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : preMethodTypes) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
localVariable[index++] = Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS;
} else if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
localVariable[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(expandFrames ? Opcodes.F_NEW : Opcodes.F_FULL, localVariable.length, localVariable, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
currentFrameDivergence = (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1) + instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size();
* {@inheritDoc}
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "RC_REF_COMPARISON_BAD_PRACTICE", justification = "Reference equality is required by ASM")
public void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
switch (type) {
case Opcodes.F_SAME:
case Opcodes.F_SAME1:
case Opcodes.F_APPEND:
currentFrameDivergence += localVariableLength;
case Opcodes.F_CHOP:
currentFrameDivergence -= localVariableLength;
case Opcodes.F_FULL:
case Opcodes.F_NEW:
Object[] translated = new Object[localVariableLength
+ (instrumentedMethod.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)
+ instrumentedMethod.getParameters().size()
+ initialTypes.size()
+ preMethodTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
boolean uninitializedThis = false;
for (int variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < localVariableLength; variableIndex++) {
if (localVariable[variableIndex] == Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS) {
uninitializedThis = true;
translated[index++] = uninitializedThis
: toFrame(instrumentedType);
} else if (!instrumentedMethod.isStatic()) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(instrumentedType);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : instrumentedMethod.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures()) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : initialTypes) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : preMethodTypes) {
translated[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
System.arraycopy(localVariable, 0, translated, index, localVariableLength);
localVariableLength = translated.length;
localVariable = translated;
currentFrameDivergence = localVariableLength;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected frame type: " + type);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(type, localVariableLength, localVariable, stackSize, stack);
* A stack map frame handler for an advice method.
protected class ForAdvice implements StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice {
* The method description for which frames are translated.
protected final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod;
* The types provided before execution of the advice code.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> startTypes;
* The types provided after execution of the advice code.
protected final List extends TypeDescription> endTypes;
* The translation mode to apply for this advice method. Should be either {@link TranslationMode#ENTER} or {@link TranslationMode#EXIT}.
protected final TranslationMode translationMode;
* Creates a new meta data handler for an advice method.
* @param adviceMethod The method description for which frames are translated.
* @param startTypes The types provided before execution of the advice code.
* @param endTypes The types provided after execution of the advice code.
* @param translationMode The translation mode to apply for this advice method. Should be
* either {@link TranslationMode#ENTER} or {@link TranslationMode#EXIT}.
protected ForAdvice(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod,
List extends TypeDescription> startTypes,
List extends TypeDescription> endTypes,
TranslationMode translationMode) {
this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod;
this.startTypes = startTypes;
this.endTypes = endTypes;
this.translationMode = translationMode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void translateFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
int type,
int localVariableLength,
Object[] localVariable,
int stackSize,
Object[] stack) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectReturnFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
if (adviceMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME1, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, 1, new Object[]{toFrame(adviceMethod.getReturnType().asErasure())});
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, startTypes, adviceMethod.getReturnType().represents(void.class)
? Collections.emptyList()
: Collections.singletonList(adviceMethod.getReturnType().asErasure()));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectExceptionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME1, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, 1, new Object[]{Type.getInternalName(Throwable.class)});
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, startTypes, Collections.singletonList(TypeDescription.THROWABLE));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void injectCompletionFrame(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
if (!expandFrames && currentFrameDivergence == 0 && endTypes.size() < 4) {
if (endTypes.isEmpty()) {
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, EMPTY.length, EMPTY, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
Object[] local = new Object[endTypes.size()];
int index = 0;
for (TypeDescription typeDescription : endTypes) {
local[index++] = toFrame(typeDescription);
methodVisitor.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_APPEND, local.length, local, EMPTY.length, EMPTY);
} else {
injectFullFrame(methodVisitor, CompoundList.of(startTypes, endTypes), Collections.emptyList());
* An exception handler is responsible for providing byte code for handling an exception thrown from a suppressing advice method.
public interface ExceptionHandler {
* Resolves a stack manipulation to apply.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @return The stack manipulation to use.
StackManipulation resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, TypeDescription instrumentedType);
* Default implementations for commonly used exception handlers.
enum Default implements ExceptionHandler {
* An exception handler the suppresses the exception.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
return Removal.SINGLE;
* An exception handler that invokes {@link Throwable#printStackTrace()}.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public StackManipulation resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
try {
return MethodInvocation.invoke(new MethodDescription.ForLoadedMethod(Throwable.class.getMethod("printStackTrace")));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot locate Throwable::printStackTrace");
* A simple exception handler that returns a fixed stack manipulation.
class Simple implements ExceptionHandler {
* The stack manipulation to execute.
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
* Creates a new simple exception handler.
* @param stackManipulation The stack manipulation to execute.
public Simple(StackManipulation stackManipulation) {
this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StackManipulation resolve(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, TypeDescription instrumentedType) {
return stackManipulation;
* A dispatcher for implementing advice.
protected interface Dispatcher {
* Indicates that a method does not represent advice and does not need to be visited.
MethodVisitor IGNORE_METHOD = null;
* Expresses that an annotation should not be visited.
AnnotationVisitor IGNORE_ANNOTATION = null;
* Returns {@code true} if this dispatcher is alive.
* @return {@code true} if this dispatcher is alive.
boolean isAlive();
* The type that is produced as a result of executing this advice method.
* @return A description of the type that is produced by this advice method.
TypeDefinition getAdviceType();
* A dispatcher that is not yet resolved.
interface Unresolved extends Dispatcher {
* Indicates that this dispatcher requires access to the class file declaring the advice method.
* @return {@code true} if this dispatcher requires access to the advice method's class file.
boolean isBinary();
* Returns the named types declared by this enter advice.
* @return The named types declared by this enter advice.
Map getNamedTypes();
* Resolves this dispatcher as a dispatcher for entering a method.
* @param userFactories A list of custom factories for binding parameters of an advice method.
* @param classReader A class reader to query for a class file which might be {@code null} if this dispatcher is not binary.
* @param methodExit The unresolved dispatcher for the method exit advice.
* @return This dispatcher as a dispatcher for entering a method.
Resolved.ForMethodEnter asMethodEnter(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories, ClassReader classReader, Unresolved methodExit);
* Resolves this dispatcher as a dispatcher for exiting a method.
* @param userFactories A list of custom factories for binding parameters of an advice method.
* @param classReader A class reader to query for a class file which might be {@code null} if this dispatcher is not binary.
* @param methodEnter The unresolved dispatcher for the method enter advice.
* @return This dispatcher as a dispatcher for exiting a method.
Resolved.ForMethodExit asMethodExit(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories, ClassReader classReader, Unresolved methodEnter);
* A suppression handler for optionally suppressing exceptions.
interface SuppressionHandler {
* Binds the suppression handler for instrumenting a specific method.
* @param exceptionHandler The stack manipulation to apply within a suppression handler.
* @return A bound version of the suppression handler.
Bound bind(StackManipulation exceptionHandler);
* A bound version of a suppression handler that must not be reused.
interface Bound {
* Invoked to prepare the suppression handler, i.e. to write an exception handler entry if appropriate.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to apply the preparation to.
void onPrepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Invoked at the start of a method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor of the instrumented method.
void onStart(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* Invoked at the end of a method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor of the instrumented method.
* @param implementationContext The implementation context to use.
* @param methodSizeHandler The advice method's method size handler.
* @param stackMapFrameHandler A handler for translating and injecting stack map frames.
* @param returnType The return type of the advice method.
void onEnd(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType);
* Invoked at the end of a method if the exception handler should be wrapped in a skipping block.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor of the instrumented method.
* @param implementationContext The implementation context to use.
* @param methodSizeHandler The advice method's method size handler.
* @param stackMapFrameHandler A handler for translating and injecting stack map frames.
* @param returnType The return type of the advice method.
void onEndWithSkip(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType);
* A non-operational suppression handler that does not suppress any method.
enum NoOp implements SuppressionHandler, Bound {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Bound bind(StackManipulation exceptionHandler) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onPrepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onStart(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onEnd(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onEndWithSkip(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType) {
/* do nothing */
* A suppression handler that suppresses a given throwable type.
class Suppressing implements SuppressionHandler {
* The suppressed throwable type.
private final TypeDescription suppressedType;
* Creates a new suppressing suppression handler.
* @param suppressedType The suppressed throwable type.
protected Suppressing(TypeDescription suppressedType) {
this.suppressedType = suppressedType;
* Resolves an appropriate suppression handler.
* @param suppressedType The suppressed type or {@link NoExceptionHandler} if no type should be suppressed.
* @return An appropriate suppression handler.
protected static SuppressionHandler of(TypeDescription suppressedType) {
return suppressedType.represents(NoExceptionHandler.class)
: new Suppressing(suppressedType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public SuppressionHandler.Bound bind(StackManipulation exceptionHandler) {
return new Bound(suppressedType, exceptionHandler);
* An active, bound suppression handler.
protected static class Bound implements SuppressionHandler.Bound {
* The suppressed throwable type.
private final TypeDescription suppressedType;
* The stack manipulation to apply within a suppression handler.
private final StackManipulation exceptionHandler;
* A label indicating the start of the method.
private final Label startOfMethod;
* A label indicating the end of the method.
private final Label endOfMethod;
* Creates a new active, bound suppression handler.
* @param suppressedType The suppressed throwable type.
* @param exceptionHandler The stack manipulation to apply within a suppression handler.
protected Bound(TypeDescription suppressedType, StackManipulation exceptionHandler) {
this.suppressedType = suppressedType;
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
startOfMethod = new Label();
endOfMethod = new Label();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onPrepare(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
methodVisitor.visitTryCatchBlock(startOfMethod, endOfMethod, endOfMethod, suppressedType.getInternalName());
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onStart(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onEnd(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType) {
methodSizeHandler.requireStackSize(1 + exceptionHandler.apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext).getMaximalSize());
if (returnType.represents(boolean.class)
|| returnType.represents(byte.class)
|| returnType.represents(short.class)
|| returnType.represents(char.class)
|| returnType.represents(int.class)) {
} else if (returnType.represents(long.class)) {
} else if (returnType.represents(float.class)) {
} else if (returnType.represents(double.class)) {
} else if (!returnType.represents(void.class)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onEndWithSkip(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
MethodSizeHandler.ForAdvice methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForAdvice stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDefinition returnType) {
Label skipExceptionHandler = new Label();
methodVisitor.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, skipExceptionHandler);
onEnd(methodVisitor, implementationContext, methodSizeHandler, stackMapFrameHandler, returnType);
* A relocation handler is responsible for chaining the usual control flow of an instrumented method.
interface RelocationHandler {
* Binds this relocation handler to a relocation dispatcher.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param relocation The relocation to apply.
* @return A bound relocation handler.
Bound bind(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation);
* A relocator is responsible for triggering a relocation if a relocation handler triggers a relocating condition.
interface Relocation {
* Applies this relocator.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to use.
void apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* A relocation that unconditionally jumps to a given label.
class ForLabel implements Relocation {
* The label to jump to.
private final Label label;
* Creates a new relocation for an unconditional jump to a given label.
* @param label The label to jump to.
public ForLabel(Label label) {
this.label = label;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
methodVisitor.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label);
* A bound {@link RelocationHandler}.
interface Bound {
* Indicates that this relocation handler does not require a minimal stack size.
* Applies this relocation handler.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to use.
* @param offset The offset of the relevant value.
* @return The minimal required stack size to apply this relocation handler.
int apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, int offset);
* A disabled relocation handler that does never trigger a relocation.
enum Disabled implements RelocationHandler, Bound {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Bound bind(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, int offset) {
* A relocation handler that triggers a relocation for a default or non-default value.
enum ForValue implements RelocationHandler {
* A relocation handler for an {@code int} type or any compatible type.
INTEGER(Opcodes.ILOAD, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ, 0) {
protected void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* A relocation handler for a {@code long} type.
LONG(Opcodes.LLOAD, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ, 0) {
protected void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
* A relocation handler for a {@code float} type.
FLOAT(Opcodes.FLOAD, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ, 2) {
protected void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
* A relocation handler for a {@code double} type.
DOUBLE(Opcodes.DLOAD, Opcodes.IFNE, Opcodes.IFEQ, 4) {
protected void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
* A relocation handler for a reference type.
REFERENCE(Opcodes.ALOAD, Opcodes.IFNONNULL, Opcodes.IFNULL, 0) {
protected void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
/* do nothing */
* An opcode for loading a value of the represented type from the local variable array.
private final int load;
* The opcode to check for a non-default value.
private final int defaultJump;
* The opcode to check for a default value.
private final int nonDefaultJump;
* The minimal required stack size to apply this relocation handler.
private final int requiredSize;
* Creates a new relocation handler for a type's default or non-default value.
* @param load An opcode for loading a value of the represented type from the local variable array.
* @param defaultJump The opcode to check for a non-default value.
* @param nonDefaultJump The opcode to check for a default value.
* @param requiredSize The minimal required stack size to apply this relocation handler.
ForValue(int load, int defaultJump, int nonDefaultJump, int requiredSize) {
this.load = load;
this.defaultJump = defaultJump;
this.nonDefaultJump = nonDefaultJump;
this.requiredSize = requiredSize;
* Resolves a relocation handler for a given type.
* @param typeDefinition The type to be resolved for a relocation attempt.
* @param inverted {@code true} if the relocation should be applied for any non-default value of a type.
* @return An appropriate relocation handler.
protected static RelocationHandler of(TypeDefinition typeDefinition, boolean inverted) {
ForValue skipDispatcher;
if (typeDefinition.represents(long.class)) {
skipDispatcher = LONG;
} else if (typeDefinition.represents(float.class)) {
skipDispatcher = FLOAT;
} else if (typeDefinition.represents(double.class)) {
skipDispatcher = DOUBLE;
} else if (typeDefinition.represents(void.class)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot skip on default value for void return type");
} else if (typeDefinition.isPrimitive()) { // anyOf(byte, short, char, int)
skipDispatcher = INTEGER;
} else {
skipDispatcher = REFERENCE;
return inverted
? skipDispatcher.new Inverted()
: skipDispatcher;
* Applies a value conversion prior to a applying a conditional jump.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor to use.
protected abstract void convertValue(MethodVisitor methodVisitor);
* {@inheritDoc}
public RelocationHandler.Bound bind(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation) {
return new Bound(instrumentedMethod, relocation, false);
* An inverted version of the outer relocation handler.
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true)
protected class Inverted implements RelocationHandler {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Bound bind(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation) {
return new ForValue.Bound(instrumentedMethod, relocation, true);
* A bound relocation handler for {@link ForValue}.
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true)
protected class Bound implements RelocationHandler.Bound {
* The instrumented method.
private final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* The relocation to apply.
private final Relocation relocation;
* {@code true} if the relocation should be applied for any non-default value of a type.
private final boolean inverted;
* Creates a new bound relocation handler.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param relocation The relocation to apply.
* @param inverted {@code true} if the relocation should be applied for any non-default value of a type.
protected Bound(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation, boolean inverted) {
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.relocation = relocation;
this.inverted = inverted;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, int offset) {
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot skip code execution from constructor: " + instrumentedMethod);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(load, offset);
Label noSkip = new Label();
? nonDefaultJump
: defaultJump, noSkip);
return requiredSize;
* A relocation handler that is triggered if the checked value is an instance of a given type.
class ForType implements RelocationHandler {
* The type that triggers a relocation.
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
* Creates a new relocation handler that triggers a relocation if a value is an instance of a given type.
* @param typeDescription The type that triggers a relocation.
protected ForType(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
* Resolves a relocation handler that is triggered if the checked instance is of a given type.
* @param typeDescription The type that triggers a relocation.
* @param checkedType The type that is carrying the checked value.
* @return An appropriate relocation handler.
protected static RelocationHandler of(TypeDescription typeDescription, TypeDefinition checkedType) {
if (typeDescription.represents(void.class)) {
return Disabled.INSTANCE;
} else if (typeDescription.represents(OnDefaultValue.class)) {
return ForValue.of(checkedType, false);
} else if (typeDescription.represents(OnNonDefaultValue.class)) {
return ForValue.of(checkedType, true);
} else if (typeDescription.isPrimitive() || checkedType.isPrimitive()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot skip method by instance type for primitive return type " + checkedType);
} else {
return new ForType(typeDescription);
* {@inheritDoc}
public RelocationHandler.Bound bind(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation) {
return new Bound(instrumentedMethod, relocation);
* A bound relocation handler for {@link ForType}.
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true)
protected class Bound implements RelocationHandler.Bound {
* The instrumented method.
private final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* The relocation to use.
private final Relocation relocation;
* Creates a new bound relocation handler.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param relocation The relocation to apply.
protected Bound(MethodDescription instrumentedMethod, Relocation relocation) {
this.instrumentedMethod = instrumentedMethod;
this.relocation = relocation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, int offset) {
if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot skip code execution from constructor: " + instrumentedMethod);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, offset);
methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.INSTANCEOF, typeDescription.getInternalName());
Label noSkip = new Label();
methodVisitor.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, noSkip);
* Represents a resolved dispatcher.
interface Resolved extends Dispatcher {
* Binds this dispatcher for resolution to a specific method.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod The instrumented method.
* @param methodVisitor The method visitor for writing the instrumented method.
* @param implementationContext The implementation context to use.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param argumentHandler A handler for accessing values on the local variable array.
* @param methodSizeHandler A handler for computing the method size requirements.
* @param stackMapFrameHandler A handler for translating and injecting stack map frames.
* @param exceptionHandler The stack manipulation to apply within a suppression handler.
* @param relocation A relocation to use with a relocation handler.
* @return A dispatcher that is bound to the instrumented method.
Bound bind(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod argumentHandler,
MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod stackMapFrameHandler,
StackManipulation exceptionHandler,
RelocationHandler.Relocation relocation);
* Represents a resolved dispatcher for entering a method.
interface ForMethodEnter extends Resolved {
* Returns {@code true} if the first discovered line number information should be prepended to the advice code.
* @return {@code true} if the first discovered line number information should be prepended to the advice code.
boolean isPrependLineNumber();
* Returns the named types declared by this enter advice.
* @return The named types declared by this enter advice.
Map getNamedTypes();
* Represents a resolved dispatcher for exiting a method.
interface ForMethodExit extends Resolved {
* Returns the type of throwable for which this exit advice is supposed to be invoked.
* @return The {@link Throwable} type for which to invoke this exit advice or a description of {@link NoExceptionHandler}
* if this exit advice does not expect to be invoked upon any throwable.
TypeDescription getThrowable();
* Returns a factory for creating an {@link ArgumentHandler}.
* @return A factory for creating an {@link ArgumentHandler}.
ArgumentHandler.Factory getArgumentHandlerFactory();
* An abstract base implementation of a {@link Resolved} dispatcher.
abstract class AbstractBase implements Resolved {
* The represented advice method.
protected final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod;
* A mapping from offset to a mapping for this offset with retained iteration order of the method's parameters.
protected final Map offsetMappings;
* The suppression handler to use.
protected final SuppressionHandler suppressionHandler;
* The relocation handler to use.
protected final RelocationHandler relocationHandler;
* Creates a new resolved version of a dispatcher.
* @param adviceMethod The represented advice method.
* @param factories A list of factories to resolve for the parameters of the advice method.
* @param throwableType The type to handle by a suppression handler or {@link NoExceptionHandler} to not handle any exceptions.
* @param relocatableType The type to trigger a relocation of the method's control flow or {@code void} if no relocation should be executed.
* @param adviceType The applied advice type.
protected AbstractBase(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod,
List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> factories,
TypeDescription throwableType,
TypeDescription relocatableType,
OffsetMapping.Factory.AdviceType adviceType) {
this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod;
Map> offsetMappings = new HashMap>();
for (OffsetMapping.Factory> factory : factories) {
offsetMappings.put(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(factory.getAnnotationType()), factory);
this.offsetMappings = new LinkedHashMap();
for (ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape parameterDescription : adviceMethod.getParameters()) {
OffsetMapping offsetMapping = null;
for (AnnotationDescription annotationDescription : parameterDescription.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
OffsetMapping.Factory> factory = offsetMappings.get(annotationDescription.getAnnotationType());
if (factory != null) {
OffsetMapping current = factory.make(parameterDescription,
(AnnotationDescription.Loadable) annotationDescription.prepare(factory.getAnnotationType()),
if (offsetMapping == null) {
offsetMapping = current;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(parameterDescription + " is bound to both " + current + " and " + offsetMapping);
this.offsetMappings.put(parameterDescription.getOffset(), offsetMapping == null
? new OffsetMapping.ForArgument.Unresolved(parameterDescription)
: offsetMapping);
suppressionHandler = SuppressionHandler.Suppressing.of(throwableType);
relocationHandler = RelocationHandler.ForType.of(relocatableType, adviceMethod.getReturnType());
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return true;
* A bound resolution of an advice method.
interface Bound {
* Prepares the advice method's exception handlers.
void prepare();
* Initialized the advice's methods local variables.
void initialize();
* Applies this dispatcher.
void apply();
* An implementation for inactive devise that does not write any byte code.
enum Inactive implements Dispatcher.Unresolved, Resolved.ForMethodEnter, Resolved.ForMethodExit, Bound {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isBinary() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypeDescription getAdviceType() {
return TypeDescription.VOID;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isPrependLineNumber() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map getNamedTypes() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypeDescription getThrowable() {
return NoExceptionHandler.DESCRIPTION;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ArgumentHandler.Factory getArgumentHandlerFactory() {
return ArgumentHandler.Factory.SIMPLE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Resolved.ForMethodEnter asMethodEnter(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories,
ClassReader classReader,
Unresolved methodExit) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Resolved.ForMethodExit asMethodExit(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories,
ClassReader classReader,
Unresolved methodEnter) {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void prepare() {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void initialize() {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void apply() {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Bound bind(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod argumentHandler,
MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod stackMapFrameHandler,
StackManipulation exceptionHandler,
RelocationHandler.Relocation relocation) {
return this;
* A dispatcher for an advice method that is being inlined into the instrumented method.
class Inlining implements Unresolved {
* The advice method.
protected final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod;
* A mapping of all available local variables by their name to their type.
private final Map namedTypes;
* Creates a dispatcher for inlined advice method.
* @param adviceMethod The advice method.
protected Inlining(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod) {
this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod;
namedTypes = new HashMap();
for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : adviceMethod.getParameters().filter(isAnnotatedWith(Local.class))) {
String name = parameterDescription.getDeclaredAnnotations().ofType(Local.class).loadSilent().value();
TypeDefinition previous = namedTypes.put(name, parameterDescription.getType());
if (previous != null && !previous.equals(parameterDescription.getType())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Local variable for " + name + " is defined with inconsistent types");
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isBinary() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypeDescription getAdviceType() {
return adviceMethod.getReturnType().asErasure();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map getNamedTypes() {
return namedTypes;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodEnter asMethodEnter(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories,
ClassReader classReader,
Unresolved methodExit) {
return Resolved.ForMethodEnter.of(adviceMethod, namedTypes, userFactories, methodExit.getAdviceType(), classReader, methodExit.isAlive());
* {@inheritDoc}
public Dispatcher.Resolved.ForMethodExit asMethodExit(List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> userFactories,
ClassReader classReader,
Unresolved methodEnter) {
Map namedTypes = methodEnter.getNamedTypes();
for (Map.Entry entry : this.namedTypes.entrySet()) {
TypeDefinition typeDefinition = this.namedTypes.get(entry.getKey());
if (typeDefinition == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(adviceMethod + " attempts use of undeclared local variable " + entry.getKey());
} else if (!typeDefinition.equals(entry.getValue())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(adviceMethod + " does not read variable " + entry.getKey() + " as " + typeDefinition);
return Resolved.ForMethodExit.of(adviceMethod, namedTypes, userFactories, classReader, methodEnter.getAdviceType());
* A resolved version of a dispatcher.
protected abstract static class Resolved extends Dispatcher.Resolved.AbstractBase {
* A class reader to query for the class file of the advice method.
protected final ClassReader classReader;
* Creates a new resolved version of a dispatcher.
* @param adviceMethod The represented advice method.
* @param factories A list of factories to resolve for the parameters of the advice method.
* @param throwableType The type to handle by a suppression handler or {@link NoExceptionHandler} to not handle any exceptions.
* @param relocatableType The type to trigger a relocation of the method's control flow or {@code void} if no relocation should be executed.
* @param classReader A class reader to query for the class file of the advice method.
protected Resolved(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape adviceMethod,
List extends OffsetMapping.Factory>> factories,
TypeDescription throwableType,
TypeDescription relocatableType,
ClassReader classReader) {
super(adviceMethod, factories, throwableType, relocatableType, OffsetMapping.Factory.AdviceType.INLINING);
this.classReader = classReader;
* Resolves the initialization types of this advice method.
* @param argumentHandler The argument handler to use for resolving the initialization.
* @return A mapping of parameter offsets to the type to initialize.
protected abstract Map resolveInitializationTypes(ArgumentHandler argumentHandler);
* Applies a resolution for a given instrumented method.
* @param methodVisitor A method visitor for writing byte code to the instrumented method.
* @param implementationContext The implementation context to use.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param argumentHandler A handler for accessing values on the local variable array.
* @param methodSizeHandler A handler for computing the method size requirements.
* @param stackMapFrameHandler A handler for translating and injecting stack map frames.
* @param instrumentedType A description of the instrumented type.
* @param instrumentedMethod A description of the instrumented method.
* @param suppressionHandler A bound suppression handler that is used for suppressing exceptions of this advice method.
* @param relocationHandler A bound relocation handler that is responsible for considering a non-standard control flow.
* @return A method visitor for visiting the advice method's byte code.
protected abstract MethodVisitor apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor,
Implementation.Context implementationContext,
Assigner assigner,
ArgumentHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod argumentHandler,
MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod methodSizeHandler,
StackMapFrameHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod stackMapFrameHandler,
TypeDescription instrumentedType,
MethodDescription instrumentedMethod,
SuppressionHandler.Bound suppressionHandler,
RelocationHandler.Bound relocationHandler);
* A bound advice method that copies the code by first extracting the exception table and later appending the
* code of the method without copying any meta data.
protected class AdviceMethodInliner extends ClassVisitor implements Bound {
* A description of the instrumented type.
protected final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
* The instrumented method.
protected final MethodDescription instrumentedMethod;
* The method visitor for writing the instrumented method.
protected final MethodVisitor methodVisitor;
* The implementation context to use.
protected final Implementation.Context implementationContext;
* The assigner to use.
protected final Assigner assigner;
* A handler for accessing values on the local variable array.
protected final ArgumentHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod argumentHandler;
* A handler for computing the method size requirements.
protected final MethodSizeHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod methodSizeHandler;
* A handler for translating and injecting stack map frames.
protected final StackMapFrameHandler.ForInstrumentedMethod stackMapFrameHandler;
* A bound suppression handler that is used for suppressing exceptions of this advice method.
protected final SuppressionHandler.Bound suppressionHandler;
* A bound relocation handler that is responsible for considering a non-standard control flow.
protected final RelocationHandler.Bound relocationHandler;
* A class reader for parsing the class file containing the represented advice method.
protected final ClassReader classReader;
* The labels that were found during parsing the method's exception handler in the order of their discovery.
protected final List