Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/** __ __
* _____ _/ /_/ /_ Computational Intelligence Library (CIlib)
* / ___/ / / / __ \ (c) CIRG @ UP
* / /__/ / / / /_/ /
* \___/_/_/_/_.___/
import java.util.Arrays;
import fj.F;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.algorithm.population.AbstractIterationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.controlparameter.ConstantControlParameter;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation.CreationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.creation.RandCreationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.entity.operators.crossover.CrossoverStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.ProbabilityDistributionFunction;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.UniformDistribution;
import net.sourceforge.cilib.math.random.generator.Rand;
* This is the Diversity Differential Evolution iteration strategy described by Mezura-Montes
* and Palomeque-Ortiz in their 2009 paper "Self-adaptive and Deterministic Parameter
* Control in Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization".
* For further details find:
* @incollection{Mezura09a,
* author = {Efr\'{e}n Mezura-Montes and Ana Gabriela Palomeque-Ortiz},
* title = {{Self-adaptive and Deterministic Parameter Control in Differential
* Evolution for Constrained Optimization}},
* booktitle = {Constraint-Handling in Evolutionary Computation},
* editor = {Efr\'{e}n Mezura-Montes},
* pages = {95--120},
* chapter = {5},
* publisher = {Springer. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 198},
* address = {Berlin},
* year = {2009},
* note = {ISBN 978-3-642-00618-0}
public class DDEIterationStrategy extends AbstractIterationStrategy {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8019668923312811974L;
protected Selector targetVectorSelectionStrategy; // x
protected CreationStrategy trialVectorCreationStrategy; // y
protected CrossoverStrategy crossoverStrategy; // z
private double selectorParameter; //Parameter introduced for DDE
private int totalOffspring; //Parameter introduced for DDE
private ProbabilityDistributionFunction scalingFactorRandom;
private Selector offspringSelectionStrategy;
private Selector nextGenerationSelectionStrategy;
* Create an instance of the {@linkplain DDEIterationStrategy}.
public DDEIterationStrategy() {
this.targetVectorSelectionStrategy = new RandomSelector();
this.trialVectorCreationStrategy = new RandCreationStrategy();
this.crossoverStrategy = new DifferentialEvolutionBinomialCrossover();
this.selectorParameter = 0.5;
this.totalOffspring = 2;
this.scalingFactorRandom = new UniformDistribution();
((UniformDistribution) scalingFactorRandom).setLowerBound(ConstantControlParameter.of(0.3));
((UniformDistribution) scalingFactorRandom).setUpperBound(ConstantControlParameter.of(0.9));
offspringSelectionStrategy = new FeasibilitySelector();
nextGenerationSelectionStrategy = new FeasibilitySelector();
* Copy constructor. Create a copy of the given instance.
* @param copy The instance to copy.
public DDEIterationStrategy(DDEIterationStrategy copy) {
this.targetVectorSelectionStrategy = copy.targetVectorSelectionStrategy;
this.trialVectorCreationStrategy = copy.trialVectorCreationStrategy.getClone();
this.crossoverStrategy = copy.crossoverStrategy.getClone();
this.selectorParameter = copy.selectorParameter;
this.totalOffspring = copy.totalOffspring;
this.scalingFactorRandom = copy.scalingFactorRandom;
this.offspringSelectionStrategy = copy.offspringSelectionStrategy;
this.nextGenerationSelectionStrategy = copy.offspringSelectionStrategy;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DDEIterationStrategy getClone() {
return new DDEIterationStrategy(this);
* Perform an iteration of the DDE algorithm
* @param ec The {@linkplain EC} on which to perform this iteration.
public void performIteration(EC ec) {
final topology = ec.getTopology();
//generate the scaling factor randomly each iteration
ec.setTopology( F(){
public Individual f(Individual current) {
Individual bestOffspring = current.getClone();
//take the best offspring from a set of offsprings created with the same trial vector
for(int o = 0; o < totalOffspring; o++) {
// Create the trial vector by applying mutation
Individual targetEntity = targetVectorSelectionStrategy.on(topology).exclude(current).select();
// Create the trial vector / entity
Individual trialEntity = trialVectorCreationStrategy.create(targetEntity.getClone(), current.getClone(), topology);
// Create the offspring by applying cross-over
Individual currentOffspring = crossoverStrategy
.crossover(Arrays.asList(current, trialEntity)).get(0); // Order is VERY important here!!
//Select the best offspring so far
if(o > 0) {
bestOffspring = offspringSelectionStrategy.on(Arrays.asList(bestOffspring, currentOffspring)).select();
} else {
bestOffspring = currentOffspring;
Individual result = current;
//select the best between the current entity and the offspring entity
if(Rand.nextDouble() > selectorParameter) {
if(bestOffspring.getFitness().compareTo(current.getFitness()) > 0 ){
result = bestOffspring;
} else {
bestOffspring = nextGenerationSelectionStrategy.on(Arrays.asList(bestOffspring, current)).select();
result = bestOffspring;
return result;
* Obtain the {@linkplain Selector} used to select the target vector.
* @return The {@linkplain Selector} of the target vector.
public Selector getTargetVectorSelectionStrategy() {
return targetVectorSelectionStrategy;
* Set the {@linkplain Selector} used to select the target vector within the DE.
* @param targetVectorSelectionStrategy The {@linkplain Selector} to use for the
* selection of the target vector.
public void setTargetVectorSelectionStrategy(Selector targetVectorSelectionStrategy) {
this.targetVectorSelectionStrategy = targetVectorSelectionStrategy;
* Get the {@linkplain CrossoverStrategy} used to create offspring entities.
* @return The {@linkplain CrossoverStrategy} used to create offspring.
public CrossoverStrategy getCrossoverStrategy() {
return crossoverStrategy;
* Set the {@linkplain CrossoverStrategy} used to create offspring entities.
* @param crossoverStrategy The {@linkplain CrossoverStrategy} to create entities.
public void setCrossoverStrategy(CrossoverStrategy crossoverStrategy) {
this.crossoverStrategy = crossoverStrategy;
* Get the current strategy for creation of the trial vector.
* @return The {@linkplain CreationStrategy}.
public CreationStrategy getTrialVectorCreationStrategy() {
return trialVectorCreationStrategy;
* Set the strategy to create trial vectors.
* @param trialVectorCreationStrategy The value to set.
public void setTrialVectorCreationStrategy(CreationStrategy trialVectorCreationStrategy) {
this.trialVectorCreationStrategy = trialVectorCreationStrategy;
* Gets the current value of the selector parameter
* @return selectorParamerer The value of the selector parameter
public double getSelectorParameter() {
return selectorParameter;
* Sets the current value of the selector parameter to the one provided as a parameter
* @param selectorParamerer The new value of the selector parameter
public void setSelectorParameter(double selectorParameter) {
this.selectorParameter = selectorParameter;
* Gets the current value of the total number of offspring to be generated
* @return totalOffspring The total number of offspring to be generated
public int getTotalOffspring() {
return totalOffspring;
* Sets the current value of the total number of offspring to be generated.
* @param totalOffspring The total number of offspring to be generated
public void setTotalOffspring(int totalOffspring) {
this.totalOffspring = totalOffspring;
* Get the probability distribution that will be used for the scaling factor.
* @return The {@linkplain ProbabilityDistributionFunction}.
public ProbabilityDistributionFunction getScalingFactorRandom() {
return scalingFactorRandom;
* Set the probability distribution that will be used for the scaling factor.
* @param random the {@linkplain ProbabilityDistributionFunction}.
public void setScalingFactorRandom(ProbabilityDistributionFunction random) {
this.scalingFactorRandom = random;
* Get the selection strategy that will be used to select between offspring
* @return The {@linkplain Selector}.
public Selector getOffspringSelectionStrategy() {
return offspringSelectionStrategy;
* Set the selection strategy that will be used to select between offspring
* @param offspringSelectionStrategy the {@linkplain Selector}.
public void setOffspringSelectionStrategy(Selector offspringSelectionStrategy) {
this.offspringSelectionStrategy = offspringSelectionStrategy;
* Get the selection strategy that will be used to select survivors for the next generation
* @return The {@linkplain Selector}.
public Selector getNextGenerationSelectionStrategy() {
return nextGenerationSelectionStrategy;
* Sets the selection strategy that will be used to select survivors for the next generation
* @param nextGenerationSelectionStrategy the {@linkplain Selector}.
public void setNextGenerationSelectionStrategy(Selector nextGenerationSelectionStrategy) {
this.nextGenerationSelectionStrategy = nextGenerationSelectionStrategy;
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