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org.polkadot.api.ApiBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Java Polkadot API, this is a clone of
package org.polkadot.api;
import com.onehilltech.promises.Promise;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.polkadot.api.Types.*;
import org.polkadot.api.derive.Index;
import org.polkadot.api.derive.Types.DeriveRealFunction;
import org.polkadot.api.rx.ApiRx;
import org.polkadot.common.EventEmitter;
import org.polkadot.common.ExecutorsManager;
import org.polkadot.rpc.core.IRpc;
import org.polkadot.rpc.core.RpcCore;
import org.polkadot.rpc.provider.IProvider;
import org.polkadot.rpc.rx.RpcRx;
import org.polkadot.types.Codec;
import org.polkadot.types.Types.ConstructorCodec;
import org.polkadot.types.TypesUtils;
import org.polkadot.types.codec.CodecUtils;
import org.polkadot.types.codec.Linkage;
import org.polkadot.types.codec.TypeRegistry;
import org.polkadot.types.metadata.Metadata;
import org.polkadot.types.primitive.Method;
import org.polkadot.types.primitive.Null;
import org.polkadot.types.primitive.StorageKey;
import org.polkadot.types.rpc.RuntimeVersion;
import org.polkadot.types.type.Event;
import org.polkadot.types.type.Hash;
import org.polkadot.utils.Utils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static org.polkadot.type.extrinsics.FromMetadata.fromMetadata;
public abstract class ApiBase implements Types.ApiBaseInterface {
public enum ApiType {
public static final int KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 15000;
private Derive derive;
private EventEmitter eventemitter;
private boolean isReady;
* An external signer which will be used to sign extrinsic when account passed in is not KeyringPair
public Signer signer;
public RpcCore rpcBase;
public RpcRx rpcRx;
protected DecoratedRpc decoratedRpc;
protected ApiOptions options = new ApiOptions();
private ApiInterfacePromiseDefault promisApi = new ApiInterfacePromiseDefault();
* The type of this API instance, either 'rxjs' or 'promise'
private ApiType type;
* Contains the genesis Hash of the attached chain. Apart from being useful to determine the actual chain, it can also be used to sign immortal transactions.
public Hash genesisHash;
* Yields the current attached runtime metadata. Generally this is only used to construct extrinsics & storage, but is useful for current runtime inspection.
private Metadata runtimeMetadata;
* Contains the version information for the current runtime.
public RuntimeVersion runtimeVersion;
private Storage oriStorage;
private QueryableStorage storage;
private Method.ModulesWithMethods oriExtrinsics;
private SubmittableExtrinsics extrinsics;
* Create an instance of the class
* @param provider the Provider instance
* @param apiType the type of the API
* **Example**
* ```java
* import org.polkadot.api.ApiBase;
* ApiBase api = new ApiBase();
* api.rpc().subscribeNewHead((header) => {
* System.out.println("new block ");
* System.out.println(header.blockNumber);
* });
* ```
public ApiBase(IProvider provider, ApiType apiType) {
this(new ApiOptions(), provider, apiType);
public ApiBase(ApiOptions options, ApiType apiType) {
this(options, null, apiType);
private ApiBase(ApiOptions options, IProvider provider, ApiType apiType) {
IProvider thisProvider = provider;
if (options.getSource() != null) {
thisProvider = options.getSource().rpcBase.getProvider().clone();
} else if (options.getProvider() != null) {
thisProvider = options.getProvider();
this.options = options;
this.type = apiType;
this.rpcBase = new RpcCore(thisProvider);
this.rpcRx = new RpcRx(thisProvider);
this.eventemitter = new EventEmitter();
//this.rpcRx = new RpcRx(thisProvider);
//this.rpc = this.decoratedRpc(this.rpcRx, this::onCall);
this.decoratedRpc = decorateRpc(rpcBase, this::onCall);
this.promisApi.rpc = decorateRpc(rpcBase, this.promiseOnCall);
this.promisApi.signer = options.getSigner();
if (options.getSource() != null) {
static class ApiInterfacePromiseDefault implements ApiInterfacePromise {
Derive derive;
QueryableStorage query;
DecoratedRpc rpc;
SubmittableExtrinsics tx;
Hash genesisHash;
Metadata runtimeMetadata;
RuntimeVersion runtimeVersion;
Signer signer;
public Hash getGenesisHash() {
return genesisHash;
public RuntimeVersion getRuntimeVersion() {
return runtimeVersion;
public Derive derive() {
return derive;
public QueryableStorage query() {
return query;
public DecoratedRpc rpc() {
return rpc;
public SubmittableExtrinsics tx() {
return tx;
public Signer getSigner() {
return signer;
private OnCallDefinition rxOnCall = new OnCallDefinition() {
public Observable apply(OnCallFunction method, List params, boolean needCallback, IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback) {
//return method.apply(params.toArray(new Object[0]));
//TODO 2019-06-24 21:51
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private OnCallDefinition promiseOnCall = new OnCallDefinition() {
public Promise apply(OnCallFunction method, List params, boolean needCallback, IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback) {
List args = Lists.newArrayList();
if (params != null) {
if (callback != null) {
return method.apply(args.toArray(new Object[0]));
* Register additional user-defined of chain-specific types in the type registry
void registerTypes(Map types) {
if (types != null) {
protected DecoratedRpc decorateRpc(RpcCore rpcCore, OnCallDefinition onCall) {
DecoratedRpc ret = new DecoratedRpc();
for (String sectionName : rpcCore.sectionNames()) {
DecoratedRpcSection decoratedRpcSection = new DecoratedRpcSection();
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection section = rpcCore.section(sectionName);
for (String functionName : section.functionNames()) {
IRpcFunction function = section.function(functionName);
DecoratedRpcMethod decoratedRpcMethod = new DecoratedRpcMethod() {
public ApplyResult invoke(Object... params) {
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback cb = null;
List values = Lists.newArrayList(params);
if (function.isSubscribe()) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values)) {
Object o = values.get(values.size() - 1);
if (o instanceof IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback) {
Object remove = values.remove(values.size() - 1);
cb = (IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback) remove;
return onCall.apply(function::invoke, values, function.isSubscribe(), cb);
decoratedRpcSection.addFunction(functionName, decoratedRpcMethod);
ret.addSection(sectionName, decoratedRpcSection);
return ret;
protected void emit(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted type, Object... args) {
this.eventemitter.emit(type, args);
ScheduledFuture> healthTimer = null;
private void init() {
// let healthTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
this.rpcBase.getProvider().on(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.disconnected, (v) -> {
if (healthTimer != null && !healthTimer.isCancelled() && !healthTimer.isDone()) {
healthTimer = null;
this.rpcBase.getProvider().on(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.error, (error) -> {
this.emit(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.error, error);
this.rpcBase.getProvider().on(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.connected, args -> {
(result) -> {
if (result && !this.isReady) {
this.isReady = true;
this.emit(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.ready, this);
healthTimer = ExecutorsManager.schedule(() -> this.rpcBase.system().function("health").invoke(), KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return null;
)._catch(err -> {
return null;
private Promise loadMeta() {
// only load from on-chain if we are not a clone (default path), alternatively
// just use the values from the source instance provided
return Promise.all(
this.options.source == null || !this.options.source.isReady
? new Promise[]{ApiBase.this.rpcBase.state().function("getMetadata").invoke(),
: new Promise[]{
).then((results) -> {
ApiBase.this.runtimeMetadata = (Metadata) results.get(0);
ApiBase.this.runtimeVersion = (RuntimeVersion) results.get(1);
ApiBase.this.genesisHash = (Hash) results.get(2);
// const extrinsics = extrinsicsFromMeta(this.runtimeMetadata.asV0);
// const storage = storageFromMeta(this.runtimeMetadata.asV0);
Method.ModulesWithMethods modulesWithMethods = fromMetadata(ApiBase.this.runtimeMetadata.asV0());
Storage storage = FromMetadata.fromMetadata(ApiBase.this.runtimeMetadata.asV0());
ApiBase.this.oriStorage = storage; = decorateStorage(storage, this::onCall);
ApiBase.this.oriExtrinsics = modulesWithMethods;
ApiBase.this.extrinsics = decorateExtrinsics(modulesWithMethods, this::onCall);
ApiBase.this.derive = decorateDerive(this.promisApi, this::onCall);
this.promisApi.genesisHash = this.genesisHash;
this.promisApi.runtimeVersion = this.runtimeVersion;
this.promisApi.query = decorateStorage(storage, this.promiseOnCall);
this.promisApi.tx = decorateExtrinsics(modulesWithMethods, this.promiseOnCall);
this.promisApi.derive = decorateDerive(this.promisApi, this.promiseOnCall);
// only inject if we are not a clone (global init)
//if (this.options.source != null) {
//this.emit(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted.ready, this);
return Promise.value(true);
})._catch((err) -> {
return Promise.value(false);
private Pair parseArgs(Object... _args) {
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback = null;
Object[] args = null;
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(_args)
&& _args[_args.length - 1] instanceof IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback) {
callback = (IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback) _args[_args.length - 1];
if (_args.length == 1) {
args = new Object[0];
} else {
args = ArrayUtils.subarray(_args, 0, _args.length - 1);
} else {
args = _args;
return Pair.of(callback, args);
private Derive decorateDerive(ApiInterfacePromise apiInterfacePromise, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
Index.Derive derive = Index.decorateDerive(apiInterfacePromise, this.options.derives);
Derive apiDerive = new Derive<>();
for (String sectionName : derive.sectionNames()) {
Index.DeriveRealSection section = derive.section(sectionName);
DeriveSection deriveSection = new DeriveSection<>();
for (String functionName : section.functionNames()) {
DeriveRealFunction function = section.function(functionName);
DeriveMethod deriveMethod = new DeriveMethod() {
public ApplyResult call(Object... _args) {
Pair subscribeCallbackPair = parseArgs(_args);
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback = subscribeCallbackPair.getLeft();
Object[] args = subscribeCallbackPair.getRight();
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback finalCallback = callback;
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new OnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
//TODO 2019-06-16 17:32 just once
Promise call =;
return call.then(result -> {
return Promise.value(result);
callback != null,
deriveSection.addFunction(functionName, deriveMethod);
apiDerive.addSection(sectionName, deriveSection);
return apiDerive;
private SubmittableExtrinsics decorateExtrinsics(Method.ModulesWithMethods extrinsics, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
SubmittableExtrinsics ret = new SubmittableExtrinsics();
for (String sectionName : extrinsics.keySet()) {
Method.Methods section = extrinsics.get(sectionName);
SubmittableModuleExtrinsics submittableModuleExtrinsics = new SubmittableModuleExtrinsics();
for (String methodName : section.keySet()) {
Method.MethodFunction methodFunction = section.get(methodName);
SubmittableExtrinsicFunction submittableExtrinsicFunction = decorateExtrinsicEntry(methodFunction, onCallDefinition);
submittableModuleExtrinsics.addFunction(methodName, submittableExtrinsicFunction);
ret.addSection(sectionName, submittableModuleExtrinsics);
return ret;
private SubmittableExtrinsicFunction decorateExtrinsicEntry(Method.MethodFunction method, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
SubmittableExtrinsicFunction ret = new SubmittableExtrinsicFunction() {
public Method apply(Object... args) {
//TODO 2019-05-25 02:38
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object toJson() {
//TODO 2019-05-25 02:38
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public SubmittableExtrinsic call(Object... params) {
return SubmittableExtrinsic.createSubmittableExtrinsic(ApiBase.this.type, promisApi, method.apply(params), null, onCallDefinition);
return ret;
protected abstract ApplyResult onCall(OnCallFunction method, List params, boolean needCallback, IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback);
* Derived results that are injected into the API, allowing for combinations of various query results.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.derive.chain.bestNumber((number) => {
* System.out.print("best number ");
* System.out.println(number);
* });
* ```
public Derive derive() {
return this.derive;
* Contains all the chain state modules and their subsequent methods in the API. These are attached dynamically from the runtime metadata.
* All calls inside the namespace, is denoted by `section`.`method` and may take an optional query parameter. As an example, `` (current block timestamp) does not take parameters, while `api.query.system.accountNonce()` (retrieving the associated nonce for an account), takes the `AccountId` as a parameter.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.query.balances.freeBalance(, (balance) => {
* System.out.print("new balance ");
* System.out.println(balance);
* });
* ```
public QueryableStorage query() {
return storage;
* Contains all the raw rpc sections and their subsequent methods in the API as defined by the jsonrpc interface definitions. Unlike the dynamic `api.query` and `api.tx` sections, these methods are fixed (although extensible with node upgrades) and not determined by the runtime.
* RPC endpoints available here allow for the query of chain, node and system information, in addition to providing interfaces for the raw queries of state (usine known keys) and the submission of transactions.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHead((header) => {
* System.out.print("new header ");
* System.out.println(header);
* });
* ```
public DecoratedRpc rpc() {
return decoratedRpc;
* Contains all the extrinsic modules and their subsequent methods in the API. It allows for the construction of transactions and the submission thereof. These are attached dynamically from the runtime metadata.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.tx.balances
* .transfer(, )
* .signAndSend(, ({status}) => {
* System.out.print("tx status ");
* System.out.println(status.asFinalized.toHex());
* });
* ```
public SubmittableExtrinsics tx() {
return this.extrinsics;
* The type of this API instance, either 'rxjs' or 'promise'
public ApiType getType() {
return this.type;
* Attach an eventemitter handler to listen to a specific event
* @param type The type of event to listen to. Available events are `connected`, `disconnected`, `ready` and `error`
* @param handler The callback to be called when the event fires. Depending on the event type, it could fire with additional arguments.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.on('connected', () => {
* System.out.println("API has been connected to the endpoint");
* });
* api.on('disconnected', () => {
* System.out.println("API has been disconnected from the endpoint");
* });
* ```
public EventEmitter on(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted type, EventEmitter.EventListener handler) {
return this.eventemitter.on(type, handler);
* Attach an one-time eventemitter handler to listen to a specific event
* @param type The type of event to listen to. Available events are `connected`, `disconnected`, `ready` and `error`
* @param handler The callback to be called when the event fires. Depending on the event type, it could fire with additional arguments.
* **Example**
* ```java
* api.once('connected', () => {
* System.out.println("API has been connected to the endpoint");
* });
* api.once('disconnected', () => {
* System.out.println("API has been disconnected from the endpoint");
* });
* ```
public EventEmitter once(IProvider.ProviderInterfaceEmitted type, EventEmitter.EventListener handler) {
return this.eventemitter.once(type, handler);
private QueryableStorage decorateStorage(Storage storage, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
QueryableStorage queryableStorage = new QueryableStorage<>();
for (String sectionName : storage.sectionNames()) {
QueryableModuleStorage moduleStorage = new QueryableModuleStorage<>();
ModuleStorage section = storage.section(sectionName);
for (String functionName : section.functionNames()) {
StorageKey.StorageFunction function = section.function(functionName);
QueryableStorageFunction storageFunction = decorateStorageEntry(function, onCallDefinition);
moduleStorage.addFunction(functionName, storageFunction);
queryableStorage.addSection(sectionName, moduleStorage);
return queryableStorage;
protected static abstract class StorageOnCallFunction implements OnCallFunction {
private QueryableStorageFunction decorateStorageEntry(StorageKey.StorageFunction storageMethod, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
QueryableStorageFunction queryableStorageFunction = new QueryableStorageFunction() {
public byte[] apply(Object... args) {
return new byte[0];
public Object toJson() {
return null;
public ApplyResult call(Object... _args) {
Pair subscribeCallbackPair = parseArgs(_args);
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback = subscribeCallbackPair.getLeft();
Object[] args = subscribeCallbackPair.getRight();
if (storageMethod.getHeadKey() != null && args.length == 0) {
return ApiBase.this.decorateStorageEntryLinked(storageMethod, callback, onCallDefinition);
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction subscribeStorage = state.function("subscribeStorage");
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback finalCallback = callback;
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback packCallback = callback;
if (callback != null) {
packCallback = new IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback() {
IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback realCallback = finalCallback;
public void callback(Object o) {
Object result = ((List) o).get(0);
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new StorageOnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
return subscribeStorage.invoke(params)
.then((result) ->
//TODO 2019-06-16 15:29 promise api return first, rx api return list
if (finalCallback == null && result instanceof List) {
return Promise.value(((List) result).get(0));
IRpcFunction.Unsubscribe result1 = (IRpcFunction.Unsubscribe) result;
return Promise.value(result1);
)._catch(err -> {
return null;
Lists.newArrayList(new Object[]{new Object[]{new Object[]{storageMethod, args}}}),
//packCallback != null,
ApiBase.this instanceof ApiRx,
public ApplyResult at(Object hash, Object arg) {
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction getStorage = state.function("getStorage");
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new OnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
return getStorage.invoke(new Object[]{storageMethod, params}, hash);
//return getStorage.invoke(new Object[]{storageMethod, arg}, hash);
public ApplyResult hash(Object arg) {
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction getStorageHash = state.function("getStorageHash");
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new OnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
return getStorageHash.invoke(new Object[]{storageMethod, params});
public String key(Object arg) {
return Utils.u8aToHex(Utils.compactStripLength(storageMethod.apply(arg)).getRight());
public ApplyResult size(Object arg) {
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction getStorageSize = state.function("getStorageSize");
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new OnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
return getStorageSize.invoke(new Object[]{storageMethod, params});
return queryableStorageFunction;
// retrieve a value based on the key, iterating if it has a next entry. Since
// entries can be re-linked in the middle of a list, we subscribe here to make
// sure we catch any updates, no matter the list position
private Promise getNext(Codec head, Codec key, StorageKey.StorageFunction storageMethod) {
Map>> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
final Promise[] subject = {null};
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction subscribeStorage = state.function("subscribeStorage");
return subscribeStorage.invoke(
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{storageMethod, new Object[]{key}}
).then((data) -> {
List objects = CodecUtils.arrayLikeToList(data);
objects = CodecUtils.arrayLikeToList(objects.get(0));
Linkage linkage = (Linkage) objects.get(1);
result.put(key, Pair.of((Codec) objects.get(0), (Linkage) objects.get(1)));
// iterate from this key to the children, constructing
// entries for all those found and available
if (linkage.getNext().isSome()) {
return getNext(head, linkage.getNext().unwrap(), storageMethod);
List keys = Lists.newArrayList();
List values = Lists.newArrayList();
Codec nextKey = head;
// loop through the results collected, starting at the head an re-creating
// the list. Our map may have old entries, based on the linking these will
// not be returned in the final result
while (nextKey != null) {
Pair> entry = result.get(nextKey);
if (entry == null) {
Codec item = entry.getLeft();
Linkage linka = entry.getRight();
if (linka.getNext() != null) {
nextKey = (Codec) linka.getNext().unwrapOr(null);
Linkage.LinkageResult nextResult = values.isEmpty()
? new Linkage.LinkageResult(
TypesUtils.getConstructorCodec(Null.class), Lists.newArrayList(),
TypesUtils.getConstructorCodec(Null.class), Lists.newArrayList())
: new Linkage.LinkageResult(
TypesUtils.getConstructorCodec(keys.get(0).getClass()), Lists.newArrayList(keys),
TypesUtils.getConstructorCodec(values.get(0).getClass()), Lists.newArrayList(values));
if (subject[0] != null) {
subject[0].then((r) -> Promise.value(nextResult));
} else {
subject[0] = Promise.value(nextResult);
return subject[0];
private ApplyResult decorateStorageEntryLinked(StorageKey.StorageFunction storageMethod, IRpcFunction.SubscribeCallback callback, OnCallDefinition onCallDefinition) {
// this handles the case where the head changes effectively, i.e. a new entry
// appears at the top of the list, the new getNext gets kicked off
IRpcModule rpc = ApiBase.this.rpcBase;
IRpc.RpcInterfaceSection state = rpc.state();
IRpcFunction subscribeStorage = state.function("subscribeStorage");
AtomicReference head = new AtomicReference<>();
return onCallDefinition.apply(
new OnCallFunction() {
public Promise apply(Object... params) {
return subscribeStorage.invoke(params)
.then(result -> {
List list = CodecUtils.arrayLikeToList(result);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
head.set((Codec) list.get(0));
//return getNext(head.get(), head.get(), storageMethod);
Promise next = getNext(head.get(), head.get(), storageMethod);
if (callback != null) {
return next.then(ret -> {
return Promise.value(ret);
} else {
return next;
Lists.newArrayList(new Object[]{new Object[]{storageMethod.getHeadKey()}}),
ApiBase.this instanceof ApiRx,
* Contains the genesis Hash of the attached chain. Apart from being useful to determine the actual chain, it can also be used to sign immortal transactions.
public Hash getGenesisHash() {
return this.genesisHash;
* Contains the version information for the current runtime.
public RuntimeVersion getRuntimeVersion() {
return this.runtimeVersion;
public org.polkadot.api.Types.Signer getSigner() {
return this.signer;
* `true` when subscriptions are supported
public boolean hasSubscriptions() {
return this.rpcBase.getProvider().isHasSubscriptions();
* Yields the current attached runtime metadata. Generally this is only used to construct extrinsics & storage, but is useful for current runtime inspection.
public Metadata runtimeMetadata() {
return this.runtimeMetadata;
* Set an external signer which will be used to sign extrinsic when account passed in is not KeyringPair
public void setSigner(Signer signer) {
this.promisApi.signer = signer;
* Disconnect from the underlying provider, halting all comms
public void disconnect() {