en.babylon5.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This library is a improved port of JavaFaker (as well as Ruby's stympy/faker gem and Perl's Data::Faker library) that
generates fake data.
It's useful when you're developing a new project and need some pretty data for showcase.
- "Lyta Alexander"
- "Zack Allan"
- "Colonel Ari Ben Zayn"
- "Alfred Bester"
- "Branmer"
- "Byron"
- "Emperor Cartagia"
- "Doctor Sarah Chambers"
- "Morgan Clark"
- "Marcus Cole"
- "David Corwin"
- "Vir Cotto"
- "Delenn"
- "Draal"
- "Dukhat"
- "William Edgars"
- "Max Eilerson"
- "Richard Franklin"
- "Stephen Franklin"
- "G'Kar"
- "Galen"
- "Michael Garibaldi"
- "Garibaldi's Aide"
- "Captain Matthew Gideon"
- "General William Hague"
- "Lise Hampton"
- "Jason Ironheart"
- "Susan Ivanova"
- "Warren Keffer"
- "Kosh"
- "Benjamin Kyle"
- "General Robert Lefcourt"
- "Lennier"
- "Elizabeth Lochley"
- "Lorien"
- "Susanna Luchenko"
- "Lieutenant John Matheson"
- "Londo Mollari"
- "Morden"
- "Na'Toth"
- "Dureena Nafeel"
- "Neroon"
- "Number One"
- "Pius XV"
- "Lord Refa"
- "Catherine Sakai"
- "President Luis Santiago"
- "Senna"
- "Anna Sheridan"
- "David Sheridan"
- "John Sheridan"
- "Jeffrey Sinclair"
- "Laurel Takashima"
- "Ta'Lon"
- "Brother Theo"
- "Turhan"
- "Ulkesh"
- "Valen"
- "Dius Vintari"
- "Milo Virini"
- "Lou Welch"
- "Talia Winters"
- "Zathras"
- "\"I was there, at the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations, located deep in neutral space. It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats and travelers from a hundred worlds. It could be a dangerous place, but we accepted the risk because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace. Under the leadership of its final commander, Babylon 5 was a dream given form, a dream of a galaxy without war, where species from different worlds could live side-by-side in mutual respect, a dream that was endangered as never before by the arrival of one man on a mission of destruction. Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. This is its story.\" -- Ambassador Londo Mollari's opening in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"NAME: VARNER, DEL\" \"ORIGIN: EARTH\" \"DES/ATMOS: HUMAN/O2\" \"SEX: MALE\" \"DOB: 6/27/18\" \" PHYS CHR\" \"MEDICAL: NO DISTG\" \" TRANS REC\" \" VISAS\" -- Varner Identicard in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"NAME: ALEXANDER, LYTA\" \"ORIGIN: EARTH\" \"DES/ATMOS: HUMAN/O2\" \"SEX: FEMALE\" \"DOB: 12/10/25\" \" PHYS CHR\" \"MEDICAL: NO DISTG\" \" LICENSED PSI\" \" VISAS\" \" TRANS REC\" \"CRIM HIST: NONE\" -- Lyta Identicard in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"TIKI.. MOJO 073 .. 0708 .. McAuliffe NCC .. tMU77 ELVIS STILL LOVES YOU.. LILGUY 017017 .. NEILY \" -- Lyta Identicard (Left top) in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"ALEXANDER, LYTA\" \"PSIONIC INFO\" \"PSI LEVEL: P5\" \"GENERATION: 8\" \"REGISTERED PSI CORPS 10/18/52\" \"LICENSE N617CC860\" \"CURRENT ASSIGN: TIGRIS SEC BABYLON 5\" -- Lyta Identicard PSI MENU in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"The Narn Regime is dedicated to peace!\" -- G'Kar to LtCmdr. Laurel Takashima in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"If it makes you feel any better, I can send them a fruit basket.\" -- LtCmdr. Laurel Takashima to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5.\" -- Commander Sinclair to Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Babylons one, two and three were sabotaged and destroyed. Number four vanished without a trace 24 hours after becoming operational. To this day no one knows what happened to it.\" -- Sinclair to Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Notice the waves, each moving in its own order, predictable, unchanging. But drop in a single stone and see how the pattern changes. Everything around it is altered.\" -- Ambassador Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"On my world, there are books, thousands of pages, about the power of one mind to change the Universe, but none said it as clearly as this.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Do you not have files on the Vorlons?\" \"Absolutely. Very large files. There's nothing in them, of course. How much do *you* have?\" \"More than you it would seem. Naturally it's all classified.\" \"Naturally.\" -- Delenn and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Here is a copy of everything I have. It may be of use. If anyone asks, say it fell from the sky.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair about Vorlon files in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Commander, you know everything about your stone garden. But clearly, you have not spent nearly enough time looking at it.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Damn. You see, it's your fault. You're bad luck. I've always said that about him. Now, come on, come on. Look, you're a security chief. Shouldn't you be out *securing* something?\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"We have no telepaths among my people. A genetic oversight I suppose. One which you could help correct. I am empowered to compensate you quite handsomely for your genetic background.\" -- Ambassador G'Kar to Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during the mating? I would prefer conscious, but I don't know what your .. pleasure threshold is.\" -- G'Kar to Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"We were talking the other day about how nobody has seen a Vorlon before. And he said that according to legend, one human *did* see a Vorlon, and turned to stone.\" \"Well, that's just a legend.\" \"Probably.\" \"Probably.\" -- Takashima and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Even for an alien, this one is pretty alien.\" -- Dr. Kyle to Sinclair about Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"We have unlimited manpower and the will to use it! Can you imagine what we could achieve together?\" \"I can, which is why it must never be allowed to happen.\" -- G'Kar and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"I suppose there'll be a war now, hmm? All that running around and shooting at one another. You would've thought sooner or later it would go out of fashion.\" -- Ambassador Londo Mollari to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi. We were pretty good sharks ourselves once, but somehow, along the way, we forgot how to bite. There was a time when this whole quadrant belonged to us. What are we now? Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories. Living off memories and stories, selling *trinkets*.\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"My god, man. We've become a tourist attraction. 'See the great Centauri Republic -- open 9 to 5, Earth time.'\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Nice shark, .. pretty shark.\" -- Londo to his drink in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"I haven't broken the rules in a long time, doctor, so I guess .. I'm about due.\" -- Takashima to Dr. Kyle in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"That's not fair.\" \"No, it's not, but that's what we're stuck with.\" -- Lyta Alexander and Dr. Kyle in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"I don't trust telepaths. Never have; never will.\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Michael, I picked you because you are right for the job. You are not politicking, you are not subtle, and sometimes you are a pain in the ass. And I wouldn't have it any other way.\" -- Sinclair to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"We had to stop them, .. no matter what it cost. They came at us out of nowhere. We never had a chance. The sky was full of stars and every star an exploding ship -- one of ours.\" -- Sinclair about the Line in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"No, we were beaten. We didn't stop them, they stopped themselves. I wish the hell I knew why.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Tell them [Vorlons] to get stuffed.\" -- Takashima in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"There is a hole .. in your mind.\" -- The Assassin to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Commander, this little breach of security isn't going to affect my Christmas bonus, is it?\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"There we were, a fleet so large it nearly eclipsed the sun. Suddenly, we fell on them like a wave, foiling upon a shore--\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Delenn, just before he died, the Minbari assassin looked at me and said: 'There's a hole in your mind.'\" \"An old Minbari insult. Nothing you need worry about.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"I would never tell you anything that was not in your best interest.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"'To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.'\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"A poem: a story in meter or rhyme.\" \"Ahh. 'There once was a man from Nantucket..'\" \"You've been talking to Garibaldi again, haven't you?\" -- Delenn and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"This is Lieutenant Commander Laurel Takashima. Our docking bays stand ready to receive you. Babylon 5 is open for business.\" -- Takashima in Babylon 5:\"The Gathering\""
- "\"Commander, there's a problem.\" -- LtCmdr. Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"All I'm asking is that you trust me.\" \"Trust you? Londo, my brain will be five days dead before I ever trust a Centauri. The first time we met you people, the first time we met any other civilization, you told us you practically ran the entire galaxy.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Appearances aside, we are two completely different species.\" \"A clerical error.\" -- Garibaldi and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Okay, we made a mistake. I'm sorry. Here, open my wrist.\" \"Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrist.\" \"Of course we don't. What do you think, I'm stupid?\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"It was the Dawn of the Third Age of Mankind, ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal .. all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.\" -- Commander Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Your diligence is commendable. Anything else?\" \"No, I just--\" \"Then, if you'll excuse me, but I'm in the middle of 15 things, all of them annoying. Thank you for coming by.\" -- Ivanova to Winters in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Not the Minbari, it's not their way. They are too honorable to pull something like this.\" \"I'm surprised to hear you describe the Minbari that way. After all, you fought them during the war.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"My father always told me: 'The best way to understand someone is to fight him, make him angry. That's when you see the real person.'\" -- Sinclair to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"He taught me everything I know about flying, and combat. He said to ignore the propaganda, focus on what you see. I've never seen the Minbari fight dishonorably. They never pull a sneak attack.\" -- Sinclair to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"So, who are you voting for?\" \"I think I'll vote for Marie Crane. .. I do not like Santiago. I always thought that a leader should have a strong chin. He has no chin and his vice-president has several. This, to me, is not a good combination.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"You bastard! You won't get away with this. We'll strike back and we'll strike back hard!\" -- Londo to G'kar in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"The wheel turns, does it not, Ambassador?\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"We should've wiped out your kind when we had the chance.\" \"What happened? Run out of small children to butcher?\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Listen to me, Ambassador. Your time has come and gone. It's our turn now! One night you'll wake up and find our teeth at *your* throat. Sleep well, Ambassador. Sleep lightly.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"I apologize for the .. the incident with G'Kar, Commander. It was a mistake. *I* will not repeat it. I *will* kill him though. Sooner or later. Somewhere.\" \"Ambassador.\" \"My people.. We have a way you see. We know how, and sometimes even when, we are going to die. Comes in a dream. In my dream I am an old man, it's 20 years from now, and I *am* dying. My hands wrapped around someone's throat, and his around mine. We have squeezed the life out of each other. The first time I saw G'Kar I recognized him as the one from the dream. It *will* happen. 20 years from now, we'll die with hands around each others' throats.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Commander, please. On the issue of galactic peace, I'm long past innocence and fast approaching apathy. It's all a game -- a paper fantasy of names and borders. Only one thing matters, Commander. Blood calls out for blood.\" -- Londo to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"If Carn is dead, there will be war. Today, tomorrow, the day after, it doesn't matter. If it's the last thing I do, if it's the last breath I take, there will be war. This I swear to you, Commander. This I swear.\" -- Londo to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"You eat like a starving man.\" \"Seeing death has the way of doing that to me.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"If you ask me, the universe is going to hell in a handbasket.\" -- Garibaldi to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"They are alone. They are a dying people. We should let them pass.\" \"Who? The Narn or the Centauri?\" \"Yes.\" -- Kosh and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Mr. Garibaldi, you are sitting in *my* station, using *my* equipment. Is there a reason for this, or to save time should I just go ahead and snap your hands off at the wrist?\" -- Ivanova to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"The Council, the Council can go to hell. And the emergency session can go to hell. And you, you can go to hell too. I wouldn't want you to feel left out!\" -- Londo to Vir Cotto in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Londo, Londo, *why* are you doing this?\" \"Because, we are a race of lunatics and cowards.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Well, unlike me, the Lieutenant Commander takes a while to warm up to people, especially when she's working.\" -- Garibaldi to Winters in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"I will confess that I look forward to the day when we have cleansed the Universe of the Centauri and carved their bones into little flutes for Narn children. It is a dream I have.\" \"Be careful, Ambassador. Not every dream I've heard lately ends well for you.\" -- G'Kar and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"We've had plenty of experience with sneak attacks. Pearl Harbor, the terrorists' nuking of San Diego, the destruction of our first Mars colony. It's a long and bloody history. Do you know what we learned from it? That a sneak attack is the first resort of a coward.\" -- Sinclair to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"What's wrong, Ambassador? Don't have the guts for a fair fight?\" -- Sinclair to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"The Earth Alliance can't go around being the galaxy's policemen.\" -- The Senator to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"To start a war over blood spilled so long ago.. Where does it end? You kill them and take their land. They kill you and take the land back. On and on and on. The cycle of hatred.\" \"*Justice*, not hatred. We have no desire to start a war.\" -- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Mr. Garibaldi! Just now, would you really have killed *me*?\" \"Yes. Yes, I would've, but I'm just as glad I didn't have to. The paperwork's a pain in the butt.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Perhaps tomorrow we can start over on better terms.\" \"I very much doubt it. Good night.\" -- Talia and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Had the silly thing in reverse.\" -- Duck Dodgers in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Commander, there's a problem. Commander?\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Midnight on the Firing Line\""
- "\"Always this busy around here?\" \"Yes. We like it that way.\" -- Dr. Franklin and LtCmdr. Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"If I can't make it, you'll have to blow up that ship before it hits.\" \"Why not destroy it now?\" \"First contact protocol, Lieutenant Commander. Only when conditions present a clear and present danger. If this is a new technology, a new race, I want that ship intact.\" \"This *isn't* a clear and present danger? I must read the rulebook again.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Send it away, while you still can.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"No. I have been to your world. Can you feel it?\" \"Feel what?\" \"Low. Quick. Muffled. Terrified. It comes. It comes. It comes.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Quick flash. The deep blue of pain.\" \"Dull. Muffled. Slower now. Closer now. Over your shoulder. It comes. The transition. A shadow. The long exhalation of the spirit. Can you see it, healer? Can you see it?\" \"Gone. Gone now. Gone. Gone. Gone. If you could only see. If you could only see.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"We are not thieves. We are preservers.\" \"I thought that might get your attention.\" \"We act only for the greater good.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Minbari: pale, bloodless. Look in their eyes and see nothing but mirrors, infinities of reflection. Will not let us help them, no.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Minbari: jealous, selfish, private. We have saved only a few. Very rare. Rarest of all: their leader, Dukhat, dying. Your fault. Your war. The pinnacle of Minbari evolution. We came. I, others. They made a wall of bodies to stop us. He died .. and his dreams, his ideas .. all that he was, all that he could ever be .. gone, wasted. Jealous. Gone. Gone.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"It's all so brief, isn't it? Typical human lifespan is almost a hundred years, but it's barely a second compared to what's out there. It wouldn't be so bad if life didn't take so long to figure out. Seems you just start to get it right and then .. it's over.\" \"Doesn't matter. If we lived two hundred years, we'd still be human. We'd still make the same mistakes.\" \"You're a pessimist.\" \"I'm *Russian*, Doctor. We understand these things.\" -- Dr. Franklin and LtCmdr. Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"And what will you do then?\" \"Free them, release them.\" \"You mean kill them.\" \"They will join with the souls of all our people. Melt one into another until they are born into the next generation of Minbari. Remove those souls and the whole suffers. We are diminished. Each generation becomes less than the one before.\" \"A great lie. A pretty fantasy. The soul ends with death, unless react to preserve it. We *will* help you .. in spite of yourselves. I know you. You were there at the death of your leader Dukhat.\" \"We stopped you from taking what you had no right to take.\" \"You stopped me from saving him. That is where it began to go wrong. The lost souls. One after another after another. Voices still. I failed because you stopped me.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"I remember. They called you Satai Delenn of the Grey Council. Curious. Curious. What is one of the great leaders of the Minbari doing here playing ambassador?\" -- Soul Hunter #1 to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"I hate it when you get heroic. It cuts into my business. A man's gotta earn a living, you know?\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"You would plan such a thing? You would *do* such a thing? Incredible.\" -- Soul Hunter #1 to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Why do you fight for her? Don't you understand? She is Satai. She is Satai. I've seen her soul. They're using you. They're *using* *you*!\" -- Soul Hunter #1 to Sinclair about Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"We were right .. about you.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"It can wait. There's always time\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"If I may ask, what happened to my brother's collection?\" \"Life's full of mysteries. Consider this one of them.\" -- Soul Hunter #2 and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Hunter\""
- "\"Gentlemen, of all things in life, are females not the finest?\" \"On that, Mollari, we can at least agree.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"I am Ko'Dath, the new head of your diplomatic staff.\" \"Yes. I wasn't expecting you for several yea.. days.\" -- Ko'Dath and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"You know, sometimes I *almost* feel sorry for G'Kar.\" -- Londo to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"And after spending a day dealing with Ambassador G'Kar, I long to sink my teeth into something ..\" -- Londo to Adira in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"What if we are seen together? What will people say?\" \"They'll say.. they'll say Ambassador Mollari is a most fortunate man. We Centauri live our lives for appearances, possessions, status, title. These are the things by which we define ourselves. But when I look beneath the mask I am forced to wear, I see only emptyness. And then I think of you .. and I say: to hell with appearances.\" -- Adira and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"And Vir!\" \"Yes, sir?\" \"Don't give away the homeworld.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"Just don't give away the homeworld.\" -- G'Kar to Ko'Dath in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"Keep them talking. I'm going to find Londo and bring him here.\" \"What if he refuses?\" \"Then I hurt him.\" -- Sinclair and Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"I'll even seal it with a kiss.\" \"That should make G'Kar's day.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"How are we gonna find this friend of Adira's?\" \"I have a friend or two down here myself.\" \"I take it these are not them.\" -- Sinclair and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"Gold channel opened.\" \"All right lieutenant gremlim. This time your butt is mine.\" -- Computer and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"Oh, the gratitude of the Narn is well known throughout the galaxy.\" -- G'Kar to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"I never knew you could be so devious, Commander.\" \"Coming from you, Ambassador, that's a real compliment.\" -- G'Kar and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"My dear G'Kar. How can I ever thank you? *You* have saved my career, and the honor of the entire Centauri Republic.\" \"*What*?\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Born to the Purple\""
- "\"You still haven't told me when the commander is due back?\" \"Soon.\" \"How soon is soon?\" \"Longer than a little while, faster than later.\" -- Mary Ann Cramer and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Commander's a hands-on kind of guy. He'll grab any chance to take out a ship. He's like that.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Savor the mystery, Stephen. We don't get nearly enough of them.\" -- Vance Hendricks to Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Nothing in his personnel jacket to suggest a heart condition..\" \"Yes, and exactly which medical school did you attend, Mr. Garibaldi?\" -- Garibaldi and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"This is a blueprint for living machines. The Vorlons have one. Some people even say the Minbari have them. We haven't seen enough of them up close to get any idea of how they work.\" -- Vance Hendricks to Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"The last time I gave an interview they told me to just relax and say what I really felt. Ten minutes after the broadcast I got transferred to an outpost so far off the starmaps you couldn't find it with a hunting dog and an ouiji board.\" \"Don't sweat it. Just be that charming, efflorescent commander we've all come to know and love. What's the worst that could happen? They fire you, ship you off to the Rim and I get promoted to Commander. I don't see a problem here.\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Stephen. It's been 15 hours. We are gonna grow old and die in here. Stephen? Stephen, there's a Martian war machine parked outside. They'd like to have a word with you about the common cold.\" -- Vance Hendricks to Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"In the last five years, I've seen things off-world you can't even imagine. I've stood in the Abendi desert and watched all seven moons go into eclipse. I've walked in vaults that have been sealed longer than there's been a human race, breathing air that's five million years old. You call that a shortcut, if you will, but I've lived. By God, Stephen, I have *lived*.\" -- Vance Hendricks to Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Don't. You're too young to experience that much pain.\" -- Ivanova to ISN reporter Mary Ann Cramer in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Win, lose or draw, this thing's going to know it was in a fight.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"But people can be fooled. So to prevent them from being confused by any misleading instructions from the enemy, they hardwired the machine half of the weapons not to respond to anyone who wasn't pure Ikarran. There's one problem, Commander. How do you define a pure Ikarran, or a pure human? No one is pure. No one.\" -- Franklin to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"I'm gonna try and make it mad.\" \"Make it mad? Are you nuts? Commander!\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"You forgot the first rule of a fanatic. When you become obsessed with the enemy, you *become* the enemy.\" -- Sinclair to 'Tular' in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Interplanetary Expeditions, the corporation that financed the dig on Ikarra 7 is a front. A front for a bio weapons supplier.\" -- Vance Hendricks to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"I know a lot of guys who came out of the war changed. Some came out better, some came out worse. A lot of them had this problem. The war gave them definition, direction, purpose. Without it they don't know how to fit in anymore, so they keep looking for ways to go out in a blaze of glory. Some people call that being a hero, maybe so. I don't know, I've never been one. Me, I think they're looking for something worth dying for because it's easier than finding something worth living for.\" \"Finished?\" \"Yeah. I guess that covers it.\" \"Michael. I don't have an answer for you. And .. I think maybe I should. Thanks.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"If you'll excuse me. If you need me, I'll be over there, getting drunk with the rest of the aliens.\" -- Susan Ivanova to Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"Is it worth it? Should we just pull back, forget the whole thing as a bad idea and take care of our own problems at home?\" \"No. We have to stay here and there's a simple reason why. Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics and you'll get ten different answers, but there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe and Lao-Tzu and Einstein and Morobuto and Buddy Holly and Aristophenes .. and all of this .. all of this was for nothing unless we go to the stars.\" -- Mary Ann Cramer interviews Cmdr. Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Infection\""
- "\"I don't care if you're the Easter bunny. You're not bringing *this* [knife] on the station.\" -- Garibaldi to a pilgrim in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"I'm thinking of thinking of calling her right after my afternoon nap. I'm thinking of thinking of sending her flowers right after Bonnie gets back. So many fishies left in the sea. So many fishies, but no one for meee.. I'm thinking of thinking of hooking a love soon after supper is done.\" -- G'Kar's song in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Are you Ambassador G'Kar?\" \"This is Ambassador G'Kar's quarters. This is Ambassador G'Kar's table. This is Ambassador G'Kar's dinner. What part of this progression escapes you?\" -- Tu'Pari and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"It's a celebration of life. It comes from a time in our world history when two dominant species were fighting for supremecy. Our people, and a species we called Xon. At year's end we'd count how many of our people survived and we celebrated our good fortune.\" -- Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died? [Clutches heart] *AAAAAAAAAAAARGHHH!!!*\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Can I kill him now?\" \"Let me get back to you.\" \"Are you sure you don't want to see her?\" \"Absolutely.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Oh, come on, Commander! Loosen up! You are supposed to enjoy yourself!\" \"I *am*! Words just can't express how much I'm enjoying this.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Ah, our household gods. In a world where every day is a struggle for survival, you need all the gods you can get.\" -- Londo to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Gods by the bushel! Gods by the pound! Gods for all occasions!\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Did I ever tell you [Delenn] that you are very cute for a Minbari? Even you [Garibaldi] are cute, in an annoying sort of way. Everybody's cute! Everybody's cute! Even me. But in purple.. I'm stunning!\" [collapses] -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Ah! He has become one with his inner self!\" \"He's passed out.\" \"That too.\" -- Vir and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"I don't mean to alarm you, but your pants are talking to you.\" \"I know. I was just, uh--\" \"Yes, you're a very busy man. Well, I'll let you and your pants get back to your business and I'll get back to mine. Take care, Jeff.\" -- Catherine Sakai & Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"What would you say if I told you that councillor Du'Rog hired someone to kill me? Someone close to me.\" \"Ambassador, with all due respect, if it were me, you wouldn't be here for us to have this conversation.\" -- G'Kar and Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Ambassador, it is not my place to speculate on how anything gets into your bed.\" -- Na'Toth to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"I fight my own battles! I survived our war of independance, five years on the council and two prior assasination attempts. I can survive this.\" -- G'Kar to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Earthers have a phrase: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' I believe they stole it from us.\" -- G'Kar to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"I can not have an aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking into things.\" -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"You will not use my title Satai. You will address me only as Delenn. Do you understand?\" \"No, but understanding is not required, only obedience.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Is this a breach of protocol?\" \"I'm off duty.\" \"I thought you are never off duty.\" \"Maybe you didn't know me as well as you think.\" -- Sakai and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"The other half of the dance goes something like this: We meet, renew acquaintances, talk about old times at the academy, you ask about my aunt, I ask about your brother, we lie about not missing each other and we end up in bed together. And then you leave.\" \"Or you leave. Last time it was you.\" \"No it wasn't.\" \"Yes it was.\" \"No. .. Was it? .. You're right, last time it *was* me. Oh god, who can keep it all straight anymore.\" -- Sakai and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"I usually think about you in summer.\" \"I think about you in the fall.\" \"We never could agree on anything.\" -- Sakai and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Will you follow me into fire, into storm, into darkness, into death? And the nine said: 'yes.' Then do this in testimony to the one who will follow, will bring death couched into promise of new life, and renewal disguised as defeat. .. From birth, through death and renewal, you must put aside old things, old fears, old lives. This is your death, the death of flesh, the death of pain, the death of yesterday. Taste of it and be not afraid, for I am with you to the end of time. .. Taste of it. .. And so it begins.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Where is he?! I was told a bodyguard would be at the ceremony. I was all alone! Taste your own death indeed!\" -- G'Kar to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Just trying to get your story down, Ambassador.\" \"It's not my story, it's the truth!\" -- Garibaldi and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"And just let me say, Ambassador, from the bottom of my heart: Hot pink is definitely your color.\" -- Garibaldi to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Don't touch me unless you mean it!\" -- Catherine Sakai to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"My orders are quite specific. You are to know pain. You are to know fear. And then you are to die at the required hour. I confess I'll be happy when this assignment is finished. Delaying the target's suspicions can be so time-consuming.\" -- Tu'Pari to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"The pain must be overwhelming. Why hold it in? Cry out, Ambassador. With luck, someone will hear you.\" \"I would die before giving you that satisfaction.\" -- Tu'Pari and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"That hurt.\" \"Ambassador, it was the only way to disable the pain-givers. I had to hit them as hard as possible, as often as possible and still make it appear as though I were beating you into another incarnation.\" \"And you didn't enjoy it in the least.\" \"I didn't say that.\" -- G'Kar and Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"With luck, they may never find you, but if they do, you will know pain..\" \"..and you will know fear..\" \"..and then you will die. Have a pleasant flight.\" -- G'Kar & Na'Toth to Tu'Pari in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"Oh, it's a rebirth ceremony, all right. It also doubles as a marriage ceremony. Depending on how seriously anyone took it, somebody got married the other day.\" \"Maybe that's why G'Kar was smiling. Funny. I didn't think Londo was his type.\" -- Sakai and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"See you next Wednesday.\" -- Cmdr. Sinclair to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"The Parliament of Dreams\""
- "\"There's a problem, Commander. You missed a button.\" -- Sakai to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Get out of my head. You wanna talk to me, *talk* to me.\" -- Sinclair to Bester in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"There are rules and there are *Rules*, Commander.\" -- Psi Cop Kelsey to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Since we bear a greater responsibility, we are afforded greater latitude, in the interest of efficiency.\" -- Psi Cop Bester to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"And Psi Cops? What are you rated?\" \"P12. Someone has to keep an eye on the rest.\" \"Yes, but who watches the watchmen?\" -- Ivanova and Psi Cop Kelsey in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"What kind of *covert* operation?\" \"That information is on a need-to-know basis, Commander. And you don't need to know.\" -- Sinclair and Bester in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Let me pass on to you the one thing I've learned about this place. No one here is exactly what he appears. Not Mollari, not Delenn, not *Sinclair* .. and not me.\" -- G'Kar to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Because in this business, whoever has the strongest telepath, wins. The military wants to scan the enemy. The enemy wants a telepath strong enough to block the scan and we want someone who can cut through the block.\" -- Ironheart to Talia in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Only one in every thousand humans has telepathic abilities. Only one in every ten thousand telepaths has telekinetic abilities. And half of them are clinically insane.\" -- Ironheart to Talia in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Anatomically impossible, Mr. Garibaldi, but you're welcome to try .. anytime .. anywhere.\" -- Psi Cop Bester in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"What the hell?\" \"Mindquake.\" -- Sinclair and Psi Cop Kelsey in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"We had our orders.\" \"Mister, I don't care if you had a personal message from God complete with stone tablets. You lied to me. You held information and put this station at risk.\" -- Bester and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Mr. Ironheart is no longer what you or I would consider entirely human.\" \"Then what is he?\" \"We don't know.\" -- Bester and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Good ol' Psi Corps. You guys never cease to amaze me! All the moral fiber of Jack the Ripper. What do you do in your spare time? Juggle babies over a fire pit? Oops, there goes another calculated risk!\" \"You're not helping the situation.\" \"Lady, *you* are the situation.\" -- Ivanova to and Psi Cop Kelsey in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"The Psi Corps is dedicated to one thing, Commander: control. Control over telepaths, the economy, the courts, over matter, over thought itself.\" -- Jason Ironheart to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"That's a lie.\" \"Yes, it is. What's your point?\" -- Bester and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Be seeing you, Commander.\" -- Bester to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Just one question. Why?\" \"Why not?\" \"It's not an answer.\" \"Oh, yes it is. It's simply not an answer you like or the answer you expect. There's a difference.\" -- Sakai and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"Narns, Humans, Centauri .. we all do what we do for the same reason: because it seems like a good idea at the time.\" -- G'Kar to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"I told you before you left: 'No one here is entirely what they appear.' If I surprised you, all the better. Good day, Ms. Sakai.\" -- G'Kar to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"There are things in the Universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on.\" -- G'Kar to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the Universe. That we have not yet explained everything. Whatever they are, Miss Sakai, they walk near Sigma 957 and they must walk there .. alone.\" -- G'Kar to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Mind War\""
- "\"There was a time, Mr. Garibaldi, when one could walk through Green Sector without need of escort.\" \"I assure you, we're doing everything we can to correct that, Ambassador.\" \"Then you are required to do better, Commander. *Much* better.\" -- Delenn and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"You're a vicious man.\" \"I'm Head of Security. It's in the job description.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"What am *I* supposed to do with them?\" \"You're always saying the Centauri are an advanced race. *You* figure it out.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"Ugly and old, yes? Then their families must be both rich and powerful.\" -- Londo to Kiron and Aria in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"*Love*?! What does *love* have to do with marriage?\" -- Londo to Kiron and Aria in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"We take no interest in the affairs of others.\" -- Ambassador Kosh to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"That's quite a viewer. I've never seen anything quite like it before. What is it?\" \"Efficient.\" -- Sinclair and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"The Vorlons are very secretive. They don't want anyone to know what they look like, what they breathe or how their biology works. I mean, who knows how much that suit is really necessary and how much is just camouflage to keep us from seeing what's inside.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"Love? Pah. Overrated. Here, look, these are *my* three wives: Pestilence, Famine and Death. Do you think I married them for their personalities? Their personalities could *shatter* entire planets! Arranged marriages, every one, but they worked out. They inspired me. Knowing that they were waiting at home for me is what keeps me here -- 75 lights years away.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"So much for Babylon 5's highly vaunted justice.\" -- G'Kar to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"I could strangle that damn G'Kar.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"I would expect such logic from a poet. What can a Minbari know about Centauri feeling?\" -- Londo to Shaal Mayan in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"My shoes are too tight and I have forgotten how to dance.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"And we won. Not because we outfought them, not because we were luckier than them or stronger than them or smarter than them. We won because the damn Minbari *let* us win.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"We want to put Earth back at the center of the universe, *our* universe, get rid of alien influences, get rid of aliens, put Earth first. We *must* get back to our roots. Let humans *be* humans.\" -- Malcolm Biggs to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"Human ways are often unfathomable, but in time, one learns to live with them.\" \"If one has an exceedingly strong constitution.\" -- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The War Prayer\""
- "\"Everyone lies, Michael. The innocent lie because they don't want to be blamed for something they didn't do and the guilty lie because they don't have any other choice.\" -- Sinclair to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"What about you, Ambassador? What did you do during the war?\" \"A topic for another time. Good day, doctor.\" -- Franklin and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Stay in formation. Hold the Line. No one gets through, no matter what.\" -- Sinclair on the Line in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Maybe you're asleep. Maybe you're insane. Maybe you're dead. Maybe you're in Hell! Not that it matters much, Commander Sinclair, because wherever you are, wherever you go, you're mine.\" -- Knight Two in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Homeguard leader convicted. Lester Found Guilty In Attack on Minbari Embassy.\" \"Narns Settle Raghesh 3 Controversy.\" \"President Promises Balanced Budget by 2260.\" \"Psi-Corps in Election Tangle. Did Psi-Corps violate its charter by endorsing vice president?\" \"Special Section: Pros & Cons in Inter-Species Mating.\" \"San Diego Still Considered Too Radioactive for Occupancy.\" \"Copyright Trial Continues in Bookzap Flap.\" -- Universe Today front page in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Curious. We have the memories of your entire life to play around with, but your thoughts are rooted here in this station. It means a lot to you, doesn't it?\" -- Knight Two to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"My ship was damaged. I blacked out.\" \"So you testified. Just one problem: I don't believe you .. and I'm not the only one.\" -- Sinclair and Knight Two in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Mr. Garibaldi, there're days I'm very glad I don't have to think the way you do.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Your name is Jeffrey David Sinclair, rank commander, age 39, born on Mars colony May 3rd 2218, 9:15 AM Earth standard time. Enlisted in Earth Force Defense 2237, promoted to fighter pilot 2240, promoted again to squad leader less than a year later. A career officer like you father and his father and his father.\" -- Knight Two to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Smart money said you'd make admiral one day. So what happened, *Commander*? Where did you fall off the merry-go-round?\" -- Knight Two to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Well, well. Looks like the pain is real for both of us.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"The war was over! The Minbari had surrendered on the eve of their victory. They gave up, just like that. And you expect us to believe that you slept through the whole thing? Your ship was off the screens for 24 hours! You didn't just black out. Your ship disappeared.\" -- Knight Two to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Nobody wants to die, especially not out there in the cold of space, so you surrendered. They took you aboard their ship, fixed you some milk and cookies and asked you to work for them, be their eyes, their ears, their voice. You agreed. You and god knows how many other people. And then they let you go.\" -- Knight Two to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"When I looked at those ships, I didn't just see my death. I saw the death of the whole damn human race.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Not like this. Not like this! If I'm going out, I'm taking you bastards with me! Target main cruiser, set for full velocity ram, afterburners on my mark. Mark.\" -- Sinclair on the Line in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"What do you want? Why are you doing this? Who are you? I know you. I know who you are. I know you.\" -- Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"There's something in my head. It says .. maybe you're still inside. Maybe we're both still inside.\" -- Knight Two in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"He must never know what happened. If he should find out, he must be killed. Do you understand, Delenn?\" -- Council #1 about Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"And the Sky Full of Stars\""
- "\"Ambassador Kosh. Is there something I can do for you?\" \"I wish to engage your services.\" \"For what?\" \"Business.\" \"What sort of business?\" \"Important.\" \"Ambassador, I'd be happy to assist you, but there are certain details I must know before taking any commission. Not to mention getting clearances from the--\" \"All arranged, as is paint. We will meet in red 3 at the hour of scampering.\" \"The hour of scampering?\" -- Talia Winters and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Listen, sister. If she dies, you'll rotten in a cage until your spots turn grey.\" -- Garibaldi to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Understanding is a three-edged sword.\" -- Kosh to Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"He has no thoughts.. at all. It is as if his mind were empty.\" \"Excellent. We may now commence our business. Abbut.\" \"Crab .. Nebula.\" -- Talia Winters, Kosh and Abbut in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Commander Sinclair. All information in this matter is on a need-to-know basis. And you do *not* need to know. Have a pleasant day.\" -- Senator Hidoshi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"You know the way of command. Yes, the Windswords are right to fear you.\" \"What do you know about Windswords?\" \"They've sheltered me for many years, in return for certain services. They speak of you often, Sinclair. They say you have a hole in your mind.\" -- Jha'dur [Deathwalker] and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"And these .. these phrases you keep speaking in. They don't make any sense.\" \"Ah, you seek meaning?\" \"Yes.\" \"Then listen to the music, *not* the song.\" -- Kosh and Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Mr. Abbut, could you tell me what these negotiations are all about?\" \"I could, .. but it's not good to reflect too much.\" -- Talia Winters and Abbut in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Delicious irony, don't you think? That those who cursed us will have to thank us for the rest of time.\" -- Jha'dur to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"That's when the Council first learned she was with them. Of course we could not reveal it then. And like all secrets long kept, we can not bear the shame of admitting it now.\" -- Lennier to Sinclair about Jha'dur in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Vakar Ashok, our gun arrays are now fixed on your ship and will fire the instant you come into range. You will find their power quite impressive.. for a few seconds.\" -- Ivanova to a Drazi Sunhawk in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a Cuban.\" \"A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles. Do you understand, Miss Winters?\" -- Abbut and Kosh to Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"What is he? And what was on that data crystal he gave you?\" \"Reflection. Surprise. Terror. For the future.\" -- Talia Winters and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"You will fall upon one another like wolves. It'll make what we did pale by comparison. The billions who live forever will be a testimony to my work, and the billions who are murdered to buy that immortality will be the continuance of my work. Not like us, you will *become* us. That's my monument, Commander.\" -- Jha'dur [Deathwalker] in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Well, all's well that ends well?\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"You are not ready for immortality.\" -- Kosh to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"Ambassador Kosh has been a busy boy today.\" \"They say God works in mysterious ways.\" \"Maybe so, but He's a con-man compared to the Vorlon.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Deathwalker\""
- "\"You don't understand. Food animals are cut open. They don't have a soul, so it's all right. But Chosen of God may not be punctured.\" -- M'ola to Dr. Franklin about Shon in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"What?\" \"Nothing. I certainly have plenty of things to occupy myself here. Yes, sir. I think I'll just walk to and fro for a while. Maybe over to my console. After that maybe I'll try pacing fro and to just for the kick of it. Oh, then there is this view of course. Granted it's not quite the same as if you are outside .. with someone who's got over 100 hours of combat flying experience.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"One way or another, I'm gonna save that boy's life. Whatever it costs.\" -- Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"Just how much justice can you afford?\" -- Londo to M'ola in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.\" -- Kosh to M'ola in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"We are only trying to save our child.\" \"That is also what doctor Franklin believes he's doing. Whose belief is correct? And how do we prove it?\" -- M'ola and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"'Sure' is for people with nothing on the line. You and me, we just get on with it.\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"A Globitt-egg?\" \"Actually it's only a piece of .. industrial goo. But please don't tell doctor Franklin I said so. He still believes it's an egg.\" -- Sinclair and Shon in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"May God save us from false religion.\" \"What makes a religion false? If any religion is right, then maybe they all have to be right. Maybe God doesn't care how you say your prayers, just as long as you say them.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"Come on. Come on. Yes! Good. Good. .. *Not* good.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"Who asked you to play God?\" \"Every damn patient who comes through that door, that's who! People come to doctors because they want us to be gods. They want us to make it better .. or make it not so. They want to be healed and they come to me when their prayers aren't enough. Well, if I have to take the responsibility, then I claim the authority too. I did good. And we both know it. And no one is going to take that away.\" -- Sinclair and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"I'm waiting. For an apology.\" \"You better check the temperature in Hell first.\" -- Doctor Franklin and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't change anything. It can drive you crazy.\" \"It's all words. Just words.\" -- Sinclair and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"What happened out there?\" \"Nothing.\" \"*Nothing*? I just got back the repair-order on your fighter. It will be in the shop for a week, minimum. And on top of that, I hear you broke regs about leaving formation and engaging on combat without backup.\" \"It was an educated risk. .. Sometimes it works out.\" \"And sometimes it doesn't. It's a long story. Come on, I'll fill you in.\" -- Garibaldi and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Believers\""
- "\"Boy, I need a drink. Water, straight up.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"Grip Rail At All Times.\" -- A sign in a low-grav travel tube in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"You are going to resist, I hope.\" -- Ivanova to Major Lianna Kemmer in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"I demand you open a channel to Earth at once.\" \"I'm a Lieutenant Commander on Earth Force, Major. I don't take demands. If you will *request*, I will consider it.\" \"Very well, then. I *request* that you open a channel to Earthdome.\" \"Request denied. Have a nice day.\" -- Major Kemmer and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"Ilaros?\" \"Goddess of luck, patron of gamblers. She and I have had a long and rather dubious relationship.\" -- Garibaldi and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"Well, you have been talking to Mollari. It was inevitable he would send you to me.\" \"How?\" \"Oh, my people watch him, his people watch me, we *all* watch one another here, Mr. Garibaldi.\" -- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"Oh, you could serve us in any number of ways. Analyst, security expert, cryptographer..\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements: energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"It's not justice you are after, Major, it's blood.\" -- Sinclair to Lianna Kemmer in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"I'll see you the next time the president visits. He's fond of Babylon 5, you know.\" \"Then make sure nothing happens to him. We need all the friends we can get.\" \"I will.\" -- Major Kemmer and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Survivors\""
- "\"Ms. Connolly, we are not here to assign blame.\" \"Maybe you aren't, Commander, but my government will want to know who is responsible for damaging our ship.\" -- Sinclair and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"The accident was caused by equipment failure. Clustered effect, the microchips blew out.\" \"How is that possible?\" \"Looks like the contractor installed substandard chips throughout the entire system. That would explain how they managed such a low bid on the installation. We are checking it all now.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Oh, why does the universe hate me.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Accidents happen.\" -- Senator Hidoshi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"You left your door unlocked, Ambassador, how careless of you. I thought it best to sit here and guard your room until you return.\" \"And did you find anything of interest in my humble quarters while you were guarding it?\" \"No.\" \"No.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"We all believe in something .. greater than ourselves, even if it's just the blind forces of chance.\" \"Chance favors the warrior.\" -- G'Kar and Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"We have a right to defend ourselves, Neeoma.\" \"But not with violence.\" \"I beg your pardon, Commander, but if someone pushed you, wouldn't you push back?\" -- Eduardo Delvientos & Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Are you telling me this is about a flower?\" \"Not just a flower, Commander, the very symbol of my faith. All followers of G'Quan must perform a ritual once a year when our sun rises precisely behind the G'Quan mountain. Each year the celebrant must acquire a new plant for the ceremony.\" -- Sinclair and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"You should never hand someone a gun unless you are sure where they will point, and no mistake.\" -- Sinclair to Orin Zinto in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Commander, you are a far more spiritual man than I gave you credit for.\" \"There are a couple Jesuit teachers I know who might disagree with you.\" -- G'Kar and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Today, you have made new enemies. If I were you, Commander, I would watch things very carefully. You are not the most popular person in government circles right now.\" -- Senator Hidoshi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"The gift of time. The gift of life. The gift of wisdom. The gift of light. For these things we are thankful. For these things we pray.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"By Any Means Necessary\""
- "\"Good morning. The time is ou-four-thirty, Earth-standard, Wednesday, August third, 2258. Personal log shows no outstanding appointments. Shall I download station-logs for past six hours?\" \"Sure, grab it, store it, shove it.\" \"Clarification?\" \"Never mind. Why does my mouth always taste like old carpet in the morning?\" \"Unknown. Checking medical logs.\" -- Computer and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Sleep well?\" \"Sleeping is not the problem. Waking up.. that is a problem. I've always had hard time getting up when it's dark outside.\" \"But in space it's always dark.\" \"I know, I know.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"I've been out of circulation. Spent the last few years doing some exploration out on the rim.\" \"Find anything interesting?\" \"Yes.\" -- Morden and a customs guard in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Not long ago something happened. I've been keeping it to myself, but the truth is, I need some help. Mostly, I need a friend.\" \"You've got both. What's the deal?\" \"I told you about the Battle of the Line, 24 hours of my life I couldn't remember. Lately I've started to piece together a few things. Not all of if, just enough to know that something .. happened to me back there. I've gone as far as I can with my own investigation, but this is more your area of expertise. I need your help. Try and find out what happened and why.\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"This is not a piece of jewelry, this is not 'the merchandise'. This is the Eye, the oldest symbol of Centauri nobility, the property of the very first emperor.\" -- Londo to Trader in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"But to me, it's just another commission. My job is to find things, objects, people, you name it.\" -- Trader to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Take the famine as a blessing, Ambassador: a weeding out of the excess population.\" \"One more comment like that, Mollari, and you will become part the excess population.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"What do I want? The Centauri stripped my world. I want justice.\" \"But *what* do you want?\" \"To suck the marrow off their bones, and grind their skulls to powder.\" \"What do you want?\" \"To tear down their cities, blacken their sky, sow their ground with salt. To completely, utterly erase them.\" \"And then what?\" \".. I don't know. As long as my home world's safety is guaranteed, I don't know that it matters.\" \"I see. Well, thank you very much for your time, Ambassador. Good day.\" \"Nonsense.\" [to himself] -- G'Kar and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Oh! This place. Great Makers, this place! No! See this: destruction, fire. Babylon will fall, this place will be destroyed. Fire, death, pain, fire, death, pain. No. No!\" -- Lady Ladira in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Then you don't believe her vision?\" \"She's been wrong before. On my first birthday she said that someday I would be killed by .. the shadows.\" \"Shadows?\" \"Doesn't exactly make sense, does it?\" -- Londo and Lord Kiro in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"They are here.\" -- Delenn about Morden's visit in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Ambassador, I was just on my way to see you. My name is--\" \"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to chat right now. I suggest you make an appointment.\" \"I did.\" \"Then make another one. Never a transport tube when you need it..\" \"Ambassador, I was authorized to speak to you--\" \"Yes, yes! Look, what do you want?\" \"That's just what I was gonna ask you. What do you want?\" \"You are a lunatic, go away. Pester someone else.\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"All right. Fine. You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to look back or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I *want* .. I want it all back, the way that it was. Does that answer your question?\" [leaves] \".. Yes. Yes it does.\" [to himself] -- Londo to Morden in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Leave this place. They are not for you. Go. Leave. Now.\" -- Ambassador Kosh to Morden in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"The station took some minor damage, we've got maintenance bots working on it. Few injuries here and there, nothing major. It seems Ambassador Kosh's encounter suit was damaged, but he's not telling how, just asked for some equipment to have it fixed.\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Let me buy you a drink! Let me buy you an entire *fleet* of drinks!\" -- Londo shouts after Morden in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"You probably know you weren't the first in line to run this place.\" \"I suspected as much. I was surprised when they called me. How far down the list was I?\" \"Pretty far. Despite the problems this is still a high-profile job, a real plum. Admirals, generals, the whole brass was lined up hoping to get it, but every name was rejected until they got to you.\" \"Rejected by whom?\" \"The Minbari government. They were the first to sign on to support Babylon 5 on the condition they had approval over who was assigned to run this place. They wanted you.\" \"Why?\" \"Unknown.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"The future is always changing. We create the future: with our words, our deeds and with our beliefs. This is a possible future, Commander, and it is my hope that you may yet avoid it.\" -- Lady Ladira to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Signs and Portents\""
- "\"Liner White Star arriving from Earth is now docking in bay 5. Passangers will disembark through customs area 7.\" -- An Announcement in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"One of these days, Garibaldi, you are gonna learn to watch your back.\" -- Walker Smith to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"So they told me it wasn't my time yet. They said they'd make it worth my while to retire for a few years.\" \"So you told them to stuff it.\" \"And I wasn't that polite about it.\" -- Walker Smith and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"What did you say this was again?\" \"It's treel. It's .. sort of fish, Centauri-raisen.\" \"Treel? It's kosher?\" \"That I can't say.\" \"Well, I don't recall treel being mentioned in Tora, so.. Ah, wonderful!\" -- Rabbi Yossel Koslov and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"So, how are things back home?\" \"They change, they stay the same. Russia is Russia. Your father used to say: 'If regret could be harvested, Russia would be the world's fruit-basket.'\" -- Ivanova and Rabbi Yossel Koslov in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"May I return to my post?\" \"No, you may not. Have a chair.\" \"I prefer to stand.\" \"That's an order.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"You are the best officer I've ever served with, Ivanova. I couldn't run this station without you. But I also consider you a friend. And as your friend, I'm telling you it does no good to bottle up your feelings. Your father is dead. You need to express your grief or it'll eat you up.\" \"I appreciate your concern, Commander, and your friendship, but .. my feelings are my own, and how I display them, or not, is my choice. Now, if I may return to my duty.\" \"Susan, before you make that choice, make sure you know what it is you are really feeling.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"Then the tragedy is greater than I thought. Without forgiveness you can not mourn, and without mourning you can never let go of the pain.\" -- Rabbi Yossel Koslov to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"Earth-registered liner White Star is now in final boarding for departure to Earth. All outbound passangers must proceed to docking bay 7.\" -- An announcement in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"Does he've got a chance?\" \"He will fight bravely.\" -- Garibaldi and Caliban in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"In sports Babylon 5 is about to be the site of a history-making event as ex-SportCorp boxing star Walker Smith appears to be the first human to fight in the Mutai.\" \"What did I tell you, Mike -- history.\" \"Well, just hope you don't wind up history.\" -- Sports Announcer, Walker Smith and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"That's what the game is all about. To be the best you have to *face* the best.\" -- Walker Smith to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"I'm ready to go back on duty, sir.\" \"Good, I've had my fill of double shifts.\" \"Perhaps we'll remember that the next time Ms. Sakai visits the station.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"Garibaldi, thanks. See you when I come back for the rematch.\" \"Oh, give me a break.\" \"Watch your back.\" -- Garibaldi and Walker Smith in Babylon 5:\"TKO\""
- "\"They say food digests better if you chew it first.\" \"Don't talk, I've seen you eat. Does the term Doppler-effect ring a bell?\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Why is it Ombuds Zimmerman never gets these cases? Only me.\" -- Ombuds Wellington in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"On Earth the Grail is nothing but a myth. It's a nice story to tell your kids. For someone who spends his entire life looking for it .. is .. well, it's not often taken very seriously.\" \"How sad. He is a holy man, a true seeker. Among my people a true seeker is treated with the outmost reverence and respect. It doesn't matter that his Grail may or may not exist, what matters is that he strives for the perfection of his soul and the salvation of his race and that he has never wavered a lost faith.\" \"I wish him luck. He's probably the only true seeker we have.\" \"Then perhaps you don't know yourself .. as well as you think.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Make me a happy man. Let me clean out down-below. If I put all my teams out, I can wipe 9/10 of the crime rate in one sweep.\" \"Most of them are just people with nowhere else to go. They come here looking for a new life, a new job, and when they don't find it, they can't afford transport back. What are you gonna do, Mr. Garibaldi? Shove them out an airlock?\" \"Don't tempt me.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"My brother's burdens are my own. What I want to know is *why* you believe you can't leave the station.\" \"Because if I do, it'll blow up, or disappear, or something else awful like that will happen. Come on, laugh. Everyone else does. It's real, the Babylon curse.\" \"I'm not laughing, Thomas. I understand obsession very well. I've spent the better part of my life searching for something that no one else believes in. And I will continue searching until I die.\" -- Aldous Gajic and Jinxo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"I'd say you have the wrong nickname. They should've called you Lucky.\" \"How do you figure?\" \"To have escaped the worst each time, that's a blessing. You are a very lucky man. Perhaps each time you were exactly where you were meant to be.\" \"I've never thought of it like that.\" \"We never do.\" -- Aldous Gajic and Jinxo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"You need to find another witness.\" \"When the word gets out about Miriam, I've got as much chance of doing that as seeing a Vorlon doing strip-tease.\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Hideous creatures, hideous. We came across them in our colonizing days. We lost an *entire* colony before we threw up a quarantine. The only good na'ka'leen is a dead na'ka'leen. .. This is of course a purely theoretical question? A whim of yours that .. that you might ask? Yes?\" \"Well, not really.\" \"They're not. They couldn't be, here? I'll have the files transferred to you immediately. If you want me, I'll be in my quarters, under top security. I strongly suggest you do the same.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"There are two castes of Minbari. The warrior caste and the religious caste. The warrior caste would not understand. It is not their way.\" \"So we will not tell them, and spare them the confusion.\" -- Lennier and Delenn to Jinxo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"These two sides of your culture, do they ever agree on anything?\" \"Yes. And when they do, it is a terrible thing. A terrible power, as recent events have shown us. Let us hope it never again happens in our lifetime.\" -- Aldous Gajic and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"You think he's genuine.\" \"Aldous? Yes. Question is: a genuine what? One man's lunatic is another's true seeker.\" \"You have been hanging around Delenn too much.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Vir! What are you doing?\" \"Why, I'm being efficient, sir.\" \"A few more like you, Vir, and the entire Centauri Republic will *efficient* itself to extinction.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Fools to the left of me, *feeders* to the right. I need to find a *real* job.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"And then I met a man. He said he was the last of his kind. He told me that I was a man of infinite promise and goodness. When he was dying, he gave me this staff. Now I am the last. The numbers add up again, Thomas. The numbers *do* add up.\" -- Aldous Gajic to Jinxo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Hey, can I learn to do that?\" \"You can learn whatever you want to learn, because you are a man of infinite promise and goodness.\" -- Jinxo and Aldous Gajic in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"See yourself for what you *are*, not what others try to make you.\" -- Aldous Gajic to Jinxo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Why?\" \"Deuce wanted the people to think that he had the Vorlons working for him. Figured it would add to his image and intimidate people.\" \"Why?\" \"Well, after all, no one knows exactly what you look like. That makes some people .. a little nervous.\" \"Good.\" -- Kosh and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"It's a hard thing to live your life searching for something and never find it.\" \"Are you speaking of Aldous .. or someone else?\" \".. Aldous.\" \"But there you are wrong. He *found* what he was looking for. What we're all looking for: a reason.\" \"For what?\" \"Everything, Commander. Everything.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Are you sure it's dead?\" \"I'm positive. It's dead as a rock. I saw it with my own eyes.\" \"How do you know it's not just resting? Feeders are sneaky, you know.\" \"Londo, trust me.\" \".. Hah. Well, there you are, Vir. I told you there is nothing to worry about. He's young, sometimes he panics, you know how it is.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"The doc's dissecting it, wants to try to figure out how it can move so fast. He's learning all kinds of things about it.\" \"Such as?\" \"Well, when they are about to attack they get quiet, so the key is: as long as you can hear them, as long as there is noise around, you're safe. But if you ever hear nothing, .. worry.\" -- Garibaldi and Vir with Londo in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"No boom?\" \"No boom.\" \"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's *always* a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. *BOOM*!\" -- Garibaldi, Sinclair, and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Grail\""
- "\"Antique. Mint condition. The Kawasaki engine ZX-11, vintage 1992. And we are talking liquid-cool dual-overhead-cam 16-valve 1052-cc inline-four, twin-ram air induction, six-speed gear-box and 320-millimeter front disc with four-piston calibers. It's the best-performance bike of its time. Or it will be when I figure out how to put the damn thing together.\" \"Well, sounds most impressive. What exactly does it do?\" \"What does it do? It's a motorcycle. You ride it. Wrooom!..\" \"Ah, a vehicle.\" \"Oh, it's more than just a vehicle. This baby's a piece of Earth history.\" \"History? That is an interest of mine.\" -- Garibaldi and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"You're starting to irritate me, Mr. Franks, and I don't like being irritated. It gives me gas.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"I will not submit to a telephatic scan, Commander. It's against my person and my principles. \"I don't like it any better than you do. Enough people have played with my brain already this year.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"Mr. Gray, I'm grateful the Psi Corps give you purpose in life, but when that purpose includes scanning *my* mind to prove *my* loyalty, it's not only an invasion of my privacy, but my honor. As for fear, if you enter my mind for any reason I will twist your head off and use it for a chamber pot. If you'll excuse me.\" -- Ivanova to Mr. Gray in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"Protests are as much useful with the Vorlons as fairie-wings on a cement-truck.\" -- Garibaldi to Colonel Ari Ben Zayn in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"If I knew who God was, I would thank her.\" -- Garibaldi to Ari Ben Zayn in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"It looks like you and Ben Zayn have something in common.\" \"What?\" \"You were both considered for command of Babylon 5. Now, he was in the top ten, you were .. well, somewhere below that.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- " [Sinclair knocks out Colonel Ben Zayn.] \"I assume the investigation is concluded.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"Behold. The Ninja ZX-11.\" \"What have you done?\" \"You are not pleased?\" \"I said you could work on it a little, not .. *finish* it.\" \"I do not understand.\" \"I wanted to build it myself. It was kind of a purpose in my life. Now it's .. done.\" -- Lennier and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"Too bad we can't ride it.\" \"Oh, it's quite ridable.\" \"Don't tell me you came up with some gas too.\" \"Gasoline is harmful to both living beings and the atmosphere, as your people discovered. I have installed a Minbari power source instead. Clean, and efficient.\" \"Get out of here.\" \"Yes. Of course.\" -- Garibaldi and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"And Mr. Bester?\" \"Mr. Bester is not the type to come too far out of the shadows and there are bound to be some questions raised over this.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- " [Garibaldi and Lennier driving a motorcycle in the Central Corridor.] \"It's good to have things back to normal.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Eyes\""
- "\"Mitchell, stay in formation, it might be a .. Oh my God. It's a trap. *Mitchell*!\" \"I've got a clear shot. I can take him, I can take him.\" \"Break off!\" \"I'm hit. Ejecting. *Aaargh*!\" -- Sinclair and Mitchell in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Commander, we've just finished a security scan. The Minbari's coming with its gun ports open. She's armed for a fight.\" -- Corwin to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"We are on a peaceful mission, Commander.\" \"Then why are your gun ports open?\" \"We have no interest in explaining our ways to you.\" -- Alyt Neroon and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"You are not being reasonable.\" \"Fine. It's my call and I'm making it.\" -- Talia Winters and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"You know, Jeff, I can't believe you are really going to attend the ceremony. I mean this Branmer guy planned and led the attack on the Line.\" \"I know, he commanded one of the ships that splashed my team, but the war is over. At least that's what I keep telling myself.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Alyt Neroon. I welcome you on behalf of all Minbari on this station. It is an unhappy journey on which you travel.\" \"For a warrior there is no other end to the journey.\" -- Delenn and Alyt Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"You don't like it, do you?\" \"My preferences are not under discussion, Commander.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Earth Central Data Center\" \"Beldon, Alisa\" \"Born: 12 July 2244\" \"Place of Birth: Los Angeles Incorporated\" \"Father: Eliot Beldon, Born: Earth, Assigned to B5 construction 2256, terminated 2258. Work file closed. No further data.\" \"Mother: Esparanza Beldon, Maiden name: Pintro, Born: Earth, Deceased 2250, Cause: Statford's plague\" \"Education: Graduated Malcolm X Elementary Earth 2256, Registered B5 JH April 2257, Last Attendance March 10 2258, Grade level 3.\" \"Religion: Obeah\" \"Current status: Dependent Minor\" \"No further data available.\" -- EA Data Display in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"That will suffice for now. These are my *requirements*, Commander.\" \"This is my station. I don't take orders here.\" \"Impetuous. Is this how you reacted on the Line, Commander?\" \"This isn't the Line.\" \"No. *We* were in control there.\" -- Neroon and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"This was the greatest of us. Warrior, leader, the hero of the Line. He fought with honor, bravery, and with vision. Now, he belongs to the ages.\" -- Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"This is a grave offense, Commander. Unforgivable. Minbari warriors are heedless of their own lives in battle, but the body of a warrior must be treated with extreme reverence.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"No matter how great the loss, it is not our way to let a single clan dictate Minbari policy.\" -- Delenn to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"There is nothing more annoying than Mr. Garibaldi when he's right.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Great general, yes. The last thing he wanted to be. Before he became a warrior in the Star Riders clan, Branmer was a high priest of the religious caste. The holy war against Earth forced him to became a war leader. He was a brilliant tactician. He believed in the rightness of the war. He fought as if it was a matter of conscience, never ceased to be a priest in his heart.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"I'm afraid I don't have a choice. I'll have to make a deeper inquiry.\" -- Garibaldi to a Pak'ma'ra in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Oh, by the way. Do you know what they say Narn taste like?\" \"Yeah, chicken. Man, I *really* need a vacation.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Stop it. Stop it, both of you. You keep arguing over what you want. You don't care about what I want. You don't even ask.\" \"All right, Alisa. What *do* you want?\" -- Alisa Beldon and Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"For the Minbari psi-ability is considered a gift and their use is extended as a gift to those who have need for them.\" \"They are not paid?\" \"Only with the high regard of our people. It is not a job, it is a calling. It is enough for them to be of service.\" -- Delenn and Alisa Beldon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Those who wish to help others, to serve others, are greatly respected within our culture.\" -- Delenn to Alisa Beldon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Is there something going on around here by a dead body?\" \"Yes, why?\" \"I saw something about the body. I know what happened to it.\" -- Alisa Beldon and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"You see, a rift between the religious and warrior castes begun when our warriors were ordered to surrender. If what happened to the body were to become general knowledge, it would further that rift.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"There is no shame in wanting to honor him, Alyt Neroon. I've fought on the Line against Branmer. I saw his valor and leadership first hand. Because his body .. disappeared and I .. feel some responsibility toward the Minbari people. There is no higher testimony to a warrior's courage and skill than praise from his enemy. I would like to send that message to your homeworld, and a personal message; a testimony to the Shai Alyt.\" -- Sinclair to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"We fought long enough. Maybe it's time we started talking with one another.\" -- Sinclair to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Branmer's life was more significant than his battles. Let the warrior caste praise his courage in the war, and let the rest praise him for what he truly was: a man of peace.\" \"You talk like a Minbari, Commander. Perhaps there was some *small* wisdom in letting your species survive.\" \"We'd like to think so.\" \"Until another day, then.\" -- Sinclair and Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Alisa could become an instrument of great communication between Humans and Minbari. We suffer a lack there, as you know, Commander.\" \"The future in exchange for the past. I think that's very workable.\" -- Delenn and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"There was one other thing. A word. 'Chrysalis'. I don't know what it means.\" \"It's a cocoon, I think.\" -- Alisa Beldon to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Legacies\""
- "\"Problem with the transfer tube?\" \"No, not really. It seems like every time I get into the tube, Mr. Garibaldi is there. It's like he knows.\" \"Talia, Mr. Garibaldi is many things, but he's not omniscient.\" [Garibaldi appears] \"I think I'll take the stairs.\" \"I think I'll join you.\" -- Sinclair and Winters in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"An interesting riddle, Commander. I thought the planet beneath us was uninhabited.\" \"That's what we thought. None of our prior surveys found any sign of life down there.\" -- Londo and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Perhaps not now, but in the past, someone or something might have lived down there.\" \"If that's true. It would seem you may have awaken something.\" -- Delenn and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"I would suggest that there is a difference between being unreasonable and being angry. Ambassador G'Kar is *angry* most of the time, but even the greatest anger fades with time.\" \"My dear ambassador Delenn, I'm sure that for you this is true, but for G'Kar and his people; they will all that they can to destroy us, until the universe itself decays and collapses. If the Narns all stood together in one place and hated, all at the same time, that hatred could *fly* across dozens of light-years and reduce Centauri Prime to a ball of ash. That's how much they hate us.\" -- Delenn and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"You don't have to respond unkind.\" \"Of course we do. There's a natural law. Physics tells us that for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. They hate us, we hate them, they hate us back. And so, here we are: victims of mathematics.\" -- Sinclair and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"He never listens.\" \"He will, sooner or later.\" \"How can you be sure?\" \"Because the alternative is too terrible to consider. Without the hope that things will get better, that our inheriters will know a world that is fuller and richer than our own, life is pointless, and evolution is vastly overrated. Good day, Commander.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Incorrect answer. The third principle of sentient life is the capacity for self-sacrifice, the conscious ability to override evolution and self-preservation for a cause, a friend, a loved one.\" -- Draal to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"It has been too long, Delenn. You have forgotten your training. Soon you will have forgotten all about your old friend, Draal.\" \"Not if I live to be a thousand and one.\" -- Draal and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"A curious answer from one who taught me that a half truth is the worst kind of lie.\" -- Delenn to Draal in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"If you can't get through, how I'm--\" \"The Psi Corps has an intelligence and training operation in Syria Planum.\" \"How did you know about the center? That's supposed to be classified.\" \"It is, but it has never stopped me before.\" -- Talia and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"And just one more thing. On your trip back I'd like you to take the time to learn the Babylon 5 mantra: 'Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.' Babylon Control out. .. Civilians! [Looks up] I was just kidding about the God part -- no offense.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"It's also a potential first-contact situation. I'd say we pretty much have to go down there and check it out. Wouldn't you agree, Lt.Commander?\" \"Absolutely.\" -- Sinclair and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Ah, Mr. Garibaldi, off duty I see. Ahm. Water, fascinating! I *never* touch the stuff myself.\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Suddenly, I looked up and this beautiful dancer is leaning down over the stage, and looking right into my eyes. And she said: 'Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.' And then she kissed me, right here.\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Mr. Garibaldi. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.\" \"You try to kiss me and I'll break your arm.\" \"We are not that close, Mr. Garibaldi.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. It's a terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it.\" -- Londo to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- " [Sinclair throws a rock to a laser defense system] \"Well, that'll cut down on tourism.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Commander?\" \"Yeah?\" \"I think I've gotta go to the bathroom.\" \"Tell me about it.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"I rather enjoyed the song.\" \"Don't tell him.\" \"You're sure?\" \"Trust me.\" -- Draal and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"They're not happy about you knowing about the center either.\" \"Well, it's an imperfect universe.\" -- Talia and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Help me, or your people, *all* your people will die. You must help me.\" -- Varn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"I know, I know. It's a russian thing. When we're about to do something stupid, we like to catalog the full extent of our stupidity for future reference.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #1\""
- "\"Like my granddad used to say: 'Nuke them until they glow and shoot them in the dark.' That'll take care of them, just like magic.\" \"Magic? Want to see magic? I've got a little magic trick for you.\" -- Mars Hater and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"But it didn't work, did it? Because you can't get near the planet's surface without a properly encoded jamming device.\" \"What? Why wasn't I informed?\" \"You didn't ask.\" \"Commander, I demand you turn over this jamming device at once.\" \"It's being repaired, but I'll see what I can do. Babylon Control out.\" -- Sinclair and Pierce in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Commander, we didn't use a jamming device. We don't even *have* a jamming device.\" \"I know, but he doesn't know that.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"So, if we go down there, it blows. If we don't it blows anyway, just a little later. It's a good thing I'm russian, we're used to hopeless situations.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"You did find something down there, didn't you? Something valuable perhaps. I wish to remind you that my government has contributed substantial amounts of money to this station. We are entitled to an equal share of *anything* you find down there.\" -- Londo to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Ambassador. Do you really want to know what's going on down there right now?\" \"Yes, absolutely.\" \"Boom. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom. *BOOM*! Have a nice day.\" -- Ivanova and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"No. You. Help. Planet below. Do not land. Do not approach. Will explode. Destroy you .. all. Without the heart. Without another.\" -- Varn to Draal in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Babylon 5 Public Archive: Earth English\" \"Subject More Melancholy Uxorious\" \"Hell Mutilate Suppose Erupt\" \"Orak Forbin Nomad Skynet\" \"Baby Elephant Zoom Chickpea\" \"Humble Squeeze Impress Starchy\" \"Human Metaphor Similar Larch\" \"Sourdough Hardly Mcauliffe Light\" \"Assert Chocolate Special Rumor\" \"Hole Upbeat Buzzards South\" \"Gasket Sack Ironic Epoch\" \"Gelding Apathy Uniform Religion\" \"Rubber Easy Stringy Love\" \"Each Compress Slip Canonical\" \"Eye Inability Clothes Middle\" \"Am Uterous Hold Cartridge\" \"Knot Nod Receptive Copyright\" \"A Stringer Ligate Caught\" \"Number Complete Scrim Whalebone\" \"Aye Mutilate Canon Webbed\" \"Ama Respite Floor Cuprous\" \"Free Prime Frank Scrim\" \"Man Plaintiff Suspicious Aloud\" \"Scribble Dichotomy Atom Trigger\" \"Cricket Modify Unreal Fauna\" \"Mallet Oscillate Jowl Obsession\" -- B5 Public Archive in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- " [about Captain Ellis Pierce] \"Worst case of testosterone poisoning I have ever seen.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"No. Outcast. Violent. My people cast them out centuries ago. Signal was not meant for them. Was put here to hide from them. Given to me when the rest of my people died. Sacred trust, legacy for the future. I am guardian, protector. I live in the heart of the machine. We are one. 500 of your years have I waited in the machine.\" -- Varn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Please, you must stop them. Do not let them take the machine. It's not for them. It's not for this time.\" -- Varn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"You know what Varn meant by 'another', don't you?\" \"Yes. Varn could not ask it, could not say the words. But it was in his eyes. He's probably forbidden to ask directly. But the answer is there if you had ears to hear it.\" -- Delenn and Draal in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Now, landing thrusters.. landing thrusters, hmm. Now if I were a landing thruster, which one of these would I be?\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"There is no other way. Please believe me. All my life I've searched for a way to serve others. To me there is no higher calling, no greater destiny than to live for another, and if necessary, to die for another. To somehow make the world a better place. I've done all I could on my world. I came looking for a reason, a way to live out my remaining years with direction and purpose. Here I've found it. I will save lives.\" -- Draal to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"I am sending this message to all three parties involved in the struggle for the control of this planet. It belongs to none of you. It belongs only to itself .. and to the future. Commander Sinclair, the secrets buried here must remain secrets. They would give any race an advantage over all others, thus it is in the interest of all races that *none* should gain exclusive control of it. We entrust the safekeeping of this place to the Babylon 5 Advisory Council. We will rely upon your guidance, Commander, and the enlightened self-interest of the Council to make sure that this world is left alone until the time is right.\" -- Draal in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"The third principle of sentient life is it's capacity for self-sacrifice. For a cause, a loved one, for a friend.\" -- Delenn to Draal in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Why didn't you come to us, and let us handle it?\" \"Because if I had, I know in my heart that Commander Sinclair would be the one down there right now. He's looking for a purpose. But his destiny lies elsewhere.\" -- Garibaldi and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"Franz? What the hell kind of a name is Franz?\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Voice in the Wilderness #2\""
- "\"God I hate mornings.\" \"We noticed. Personally I find it the best part of the day.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"We all have our cross to bear.\" \"The time I learned to really appreciate mornings was during the three years I spent being taught by Jesuits. We used to get up at five o'clock every morning for sunrise mass, then one hour of meditation before class. We'd sit, quiet, in peace. Breathing in, breathing out. Breathing in, breathing out. Breathing in, breathing out.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"I'll notify your next of kin.\" -- Sinclair to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Some things one must do alone.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Well, Commander, it's hard to explain. There's no damage to the body, no shock, no trauma. Everything points to death by natural causes.\" \"So, why is that hard to explain?\" \"Because in this case the natural cause was old age.\" -- Garibaldi and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"B4 as in Babylon 4?\" \"Well, I can't figure out why. B4 vanished without a trace over four years ago. I don't get it.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Earth Alliance Vessel ID Archive\" \"Babylon 4: 0010835-081677\" -- Babylon 4 Vessel ID in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"This is nuts. The station just doesn't disappear and reappear four years later like some kind of a flying Dutchman.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"You're so serious all the time. Not every conversation has to be the end of the world as we know it.\" -- Garibaldi to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"[sigh] Fasten, then zip. You?\" \"Fasten, zip!\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"How much longer?\" \"One hour, fifty-seven minutes. .. Wanna talk socks?\" \"No!\" \"It's just a question.\" \"I'm not having this conversation.\" -- Sinclair and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Summoned, I come. In Valen's name I take the place that has been prepared for me. I'm Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness .. and the light.\" -- Delenn in Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"It has been ten cycles since Dukhat has left this world to take his place with Valen and the nine who were. Ten cycles since our people have had a leader. The time of mourning is complete. We must now choose another.\" -- A Grey Council Member to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"My calling is to serve, not to lead.\" -- Delenn to Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Prophecy will attend to itself.\" -- Grey Council Spokesman to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Commander, they've broken through level seven and eight! Can't stop them, they're everywhere.\" \"Garibaldi!\" \"Look, I've rigged the fusion reactors but there's not much time. Get going, I'll hold them as long as I can. Move it! Come on, this isn't a conversation. Jeff, it's okay, I finally understand. This is the moment I was born for. Now go. Go!\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"I wish to reconvene the Council. I must speak to them.\" \"That has *never* been done! .. But, if it were to be done at all, this is as good and as bad a time as any.\" -- Delenn and A Grey Council Member in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Oh. Not the one, no.\" \"Not the one what?\" \"Not the one. Won't talk. Can't talk. Not the one. They told me, they did. Zathras listens, he does, yes. Zathras listens and does what he's told.\" -- Zathras and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"The One is hurt. Must find. Zathras must find help.\" \"What are you doing here?\" \"*Need* this place. Need this. Used to fight. They told Zathras, biggest of all Babylon stations we need. Needing we take. There is no more to telling.\" -- Zathras and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Zathras tells, maybe we don't break Zathras' scrawny little neck.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Great War. Terrible War. There is much killings. Everyone fighting. A great darkness. It is the end of everything. Zathras warned but, oh no, no one listened to poor Zathras, no. Great War, but great hope of peace. Need place. Place to gather, to fight, to organize.\" \"You need Babylon 4 as a base of operations in a war, is that it?\" \"To help save galaxy, on the side of light. So they tell me. Must have. Or it is the end of all. The One leads us. The One tells us to go, we go. We live for the One. We would die for the One. We pull this place through time to save us all.\" -- Zathras and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Much apologizing. Mathematics not Zathras' skill.\" -- Zathras to Major Krantz in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"They fight, they argue, they are ruled by passions and fears.\" \"Yes, and that is their strength. They do not seek conformity. They do not surrender. Out of their differences comes symmetry, the unique capacity to fight against impossible odds. Hurt them .. and they only come back stronger. The passions we deplore have taken them to their place in the stars and will propel them to a great destiny. Their only weakness is that they do not recognize their own greatness. They forget that they have come to this place through two million years of evolution, struggle and blood. That they are better than they think, and nobler than they know. They carry within them the capacity to walk among the stars, like giants. They are the future. And we have much to learn from them.\" -- Grey Council and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"What happens to you when it jumps?\" \"Zathras die. But Zathras die for cause. Maybe stop great war. Maybe Zathras great hero. Maybe build statue to Zathras. Others come, remember Zathras.\" -- Krantz and Zathras in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Zathras not of this time. You take, Zathras die. You leave, Zathras die. Either way, it is bad for Zathras.\" -- Zathras to Major Louis Krantz in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Zathras does not want to die. But if it is the only way, then Zathras dies. It is life.\" -- Zathras to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"I don't understand you Michael. We have got a good life here, we've got history. You have met this Sinclair twice and now you are off to Babylon 5, just like that. Doesn't what we have mean anything to you?\" -- Lise Hampton to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Go. You must. Listen to Zathras. You have a destiny. Go. Please. Go for Zathras.\" -- Zathras to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"I tried. I tried to warn them. But it all happened, just the way I remembered.\" \"I know. It's time. We have to go. They are waiting for us.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"These are curious times, Delenn. I feel a great change in my bones. A new beginning, an end, I can not say. We are surrounded by signs and portents. And I feel a darkness pressing on our backs. If ever you have needed me, I am here. Now, Valen go with you and light your way.\" -- Delenn's friend to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"Great, and I missed it.\" \"Not necessarily, Lt.Commander. We don't know where Babylon 4 was going, or when it was going. Who knows, it may show up again sometime.\" \"Well, if it does, this time *I'm* going and Garibaldi is staying here.\" -- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Babylon Squared\""
- "\"I hardly know anything about you.\" \"From birth I was raised in the temple and studied the ways of the religious caste. Six months ago I came here. There is nothing else.\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Reading is no substitute for experience.\" -- Londo to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"I will show you the Babylon 5 that *I* know. You will find that a revelation of the highest order.\" \"I don't know, Ambassador.\" \"Oh, my good *dear* friend. Trust me!\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Next! We start by removing your clothes.\" \"Not without dinner and flowers.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"That's why I didn't tell you.\" \"I don't like having to hear about this in the grapevine, doctor. I'm in charge of station operations. This is a station and *this* is certainly for operations.\" -- Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Spacing is only invoked under conditions of mutiny or treason. For the crime of murder, there are only three penalties legally open to us.\" -- Ombuds Wellington in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"I don't want to do this again. I was inside a killer's mind before, on the Mars colony. There's gotta be another way.\" -- Talia to Ombuds Wellington in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"It works all right. It restores, renews, envigorates. It is good for ailments of the flesh, the blood and the bone.\" -- Laura Rosen to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Here, my friend, *here* you will *see* the heart and soul of Babylon 5. Also, its spleen, its kidnies, a veritable parade of internal organs. Sit. Sit.\" -- Londo to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"There's no alcohol in here, is there?\" \"Alcohol? No, of course not. Here, drink up.\" \"Because my people do not react well at all to alcohol. Even a small quantity causes psychotic impulses and violent, homicidal rages.\" -- Lennier and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"All her life the only thing that mattered to my mother was being a doctor, a healer. She worked days, nights, weekends, but she could never keep up with it all so she .. started taking stims to stay up nights working. Pretty soon she was taking them all the time. She was addicted. She wouldn't admit it and she wouldn't listen to anyone. Until one day she made a mistake. .. Someone died.\" \"I'm sorry.\" \"When they took away her license, they took away her reason for living.\" -- Janice Rosen and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"So, you're going to walk around my head, eh? I'd think twice if I were you. Something might just jump out of the shadows and bite you.\" -- Karl Edward Mueller to Talia in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"How many? How many?\" \"How many worlds are there? How many banquets? How many flowers waiting to be harvested? How many new voices waiting to be recruited into my choir?\" -- Talia and Karl Mueller in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Interesting. Do you know that the odds of this particular combination are 5000 to 1 against?\" \"Lennier!\" \"Yes, Londo?\" \"Stop that.\" \"Ah, does that mean I won again?\" -- Lennier and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Hrm. Is it cold in here, or is it just me?\" \"Actually, the temperature appears to be quite moderate.\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"You heard Mr. Garibaldi. You did the right thing.\" \"Darling, I did the *necessary* thing. That is not always the same as the right thing.\" -- Janice and Laura Rosen in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"I'm still waiting for an explanation, gentlemen.\" \"Yes, and I'm prepared to give you one, Commander, as soon as the room stops spinning.\" \"This station creates gravity by rotation. It never stops spinning.\" \"Well, you begin to see my problem.\" -- Sinclair and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Why?\" \"In Minbari culture we are taught that it is an honor to help another save face.\" \"But Delenn?\" \"Will know better, but will not inquire out of respect. Good day, Ambassador.\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Yes, it's true. Yes. Here, Li, Goddess of passion, a synthesis of male and female Centauri. Did you think these were just decorations?\" \"I'm going to take a vow of silence concerning this entire conversation. Good day.\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"They are a strange people, .. but they're okay.\" -- Londo to Li about Minbari in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"The first thing is to *study* it to find out how and why it works. And who knows, it might be able to preserve someone's life when nothing else works. Volunteers, who donate a little life energy the way people used to donate blood before synthetics were perfected.\" -- Franklin to Laura Rosen in Babylon 5:\"The Quality of Mercy\""
- "\"Our patrols are necessary for Narn planetary security.\" \"Keep this up, G'Kar and soon you won't have a planet to protect.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"You've gotta stop them. They're gonna kill him. They're gonna kill him.\" -- Petrov to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Must've been something *really* big to make him come all this way hurting like that. The last thing he said was: 'They're going to kill him.'\" \"Kill who?\" \"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out.\" -- Garibaldi and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"--after which the president and his escort left the Mars colony on a good will tour of the outer planet colonies. Sources close to the president have hinted that he'll give a major policy speech new year's day from the jump point on Io. The speech is likely to concern human-alien relations over the remainder of his five year term.\" -- ISN in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"So, now with the new year coming I've been going over it in my head, and-- Look, do you want to get married or don't you?\" \"Yes.\" -- Sinclair and Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Vir, how many gods are there in our pantheon? I've lost count since the last emperor was elevated to godhood. \"48. No, no, 49, 50 if you count Zuug but, you know, I never thought you should--\" \"All right, let's say 50.\" \"50.\" \"Now out of that 50, how many gods do you think *I* must have offended to have ended up with G'Kar's teeth buried so deeply in my throat that I can barely breathe?\" \"All of them?\" \"Sounds right. And now I have to go back to the Council and explain to them that in the interest of peace the Centauri government will agree to *give* quadrant 37 to the Narns. I think I will stick my head in the station's fusion reactor. It would be quicker. And I suspect, after a while I might even come to enjoy it. But this .. this, this, this is like being nibbled to death by .. what are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet .. go 'quack'?\" \"Cats.\" \"Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by *cats*.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Did you see ambassador Kosh?\" \"I did.\" \"Did you relay my question precisely, word for word.\" \"I did.\" \"His reaction?\" \"Just one word. He said: 'Yes.'\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Mr. Morden. You never gave me a chance to thank you after you rescued the Eye from those triple-damn raiders.\" \"Unnecessary, I'm here to be of service, Ambassador. My associates believe that you are a person of great potential.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you'll ever be. Then you accept it .. or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking into mirrors. No, nothing can be changed.\" -- Londo to Morden in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"And you don't want credit for this grand endeavour?\" \"No. We're simply here to help. Good day, Ambassador.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Yes. Thank you. Now I will keep the promise. Goodbye. You will not see me again .. as I am now.\" -- Delenn to Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Big mistake, hot-shot. You shouldn't poke around in things you don't understand. This is too big for you.\" \"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm shaking in my boots.\" -- Devereaux and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Is there something wrong with your hearing?\" \"No, just for a moment I thought I had entered an alternate universe or such. Ambassador, are you sure you are *feeling* all right?\" \"Vir. I'm quite sober.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"I'm afraid the Ambassador is resting. He is rather fatigued from his *heavy* schedule. Perhaps if you came back-- .. I believe the Ambassador can see you now.\" -- Na'Toth to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"In order to be free you had to learn to fight. No one questions that. But you've overcompensated. You are like abused children who have grown big enough to do the same thing to someone else as if it would somehow balance the scales. It won't. If you let the anger cloud your judgement, it will destroy you.\" -- Sinclair to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Just that I've had this feeling lately. That we are standing at a crossroads, and I don't like where we're going. But there's still time to choose another path. You can be part of that process, G'Kar. Choose wisely. Not just for the Centauri but for the good of your own people as well.\" \"We'll all do what we have to do.\" -- Sinclair and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"So, what's the occasion?\" \"Who says there has to be an occasion to invite you to join us for dinner?\" \"I didn't get to be a head of security for my good looks.\" -- Garibaldi and Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"What's the frequency on that transmitter?\" \"Can't make it out.\" \"Here, let me see that. 1010105? That's the Gold channel frequency for Earth Force One. Why would someone want to jam president's.. Oh my god!\" -- Garibaldi and Jack in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Come to my quarters and I'll tell you as much as I can. .. But don't wait too long, Commander. Some things have been set in motion. And I do not have much time.\" -- Delenn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Ten thousand of our best warriors dead. As if some great hand reached out of space and .. just erased them.\" \"It wasn't the Humans. The Centauri don't have the will. And the Vorlons don't care. The Minbari wouldn't do it. The other worlds aren't powerful enough for a strike like this. .. There's someone else out there, Na'Toth.\" -- Na'Toth and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Are you sure there's no other way?\" \"What must happen will happen. Valen said this day would come. Were we to stand in the way of prophecy?\" \"But.. What if you are wrong?\" \"Then speak well of me when I'm gone.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"All I'm getting is a recorded message from the tachion relay station from Proxima.\" -- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Ambassador. You wanted to see me.\" \"Yes. What have you done?\" \"Only what you asked me to do. You had a problem with quadrant 37, we took care of it for you.\" \"Yes, but you killed ten thousand Narns!\" \"I didn't know you cared. Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, what's the difference? They are Narns, Ambassador, your sworn enemy.\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"And so it begins. You have forgotten something.\" -- Kosh to Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Lennier?\" \"You are too late.\" \"What is it?\" \"A chrysalis. She is .. changing.\" \"Into what?\" \"I don't know.\" -- Sinclair and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"And one more thing. Tell the commander .. he was right. We *were* at a crossroads, and there is no going back. Expect me .. when you see me.\" -- G'Kar [recording] to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Yes. I think he's ready. He's perfect for our needs. No. No. He suspects *nothing*. And when the time is right, Ambassador Mollari will do exactly as we wish. Destiny is on *our* side.\" -- Morden to his associates in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"Nothing's the same anymore.\" -- Sinclair to Sakai in Babylon 5:\"Chrysalis\""
- "\"I can only conclude that I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"Lieutenant Commander. This may be breaking the chain of command, but I have some news and I felt I should deliver that news myself. Your commanding officer, commander Sinclair will not be returning to Babylon 5. He's being reassigned, permanently.\" -- General William Hague to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"The Babylon project was our last best hope for peace. A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space, all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, the year the great war came upon us all. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2259, the name of the place is Babylon 5.\" -- Captain John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"So, she's done it, hasn't she. She's in there. We told her to wait. Prophesy will attend to itself, we told her. Now we are committed to the path.\" -- Hedronn to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"What's our status?\" \"Chief of security is in critical condition in medlab. He thinks there's a conspiracy concerning the president's death. Ambassador G'Kar has mysteriously vanished. After two years we still don't know what Ambassador Kosh looks like inside his encounter suit. And Ambassador Delenn is in a cocoon.\" \"A cocoon? As in a moth or a butterfly?\" \"Yes, sir. About yea high.\" \"Interesting place you have here.\" -- Captain Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"And this will be your quarters. I hope it's satisfactory.\" \"It's fine, fine. Certainly a lot bigger than what I'm used to. Does this place come with a shower? I mean, a real live honest-to-god shower with running water and everything?\" \"Executive suites and command quarters all have showers with live honest-to-god water. The rest get vibe showers. Our water reclamation system can't handle much more than that.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"They tell us *Sinclair* is now on our world.\" \"He's an ambassador.\" \"So you say. But the Grey Council never tells anyone the whole truth, does it.\" -- Kalain and Hedronn in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"Well, the human body is an amazing thing. It can cure itself, or it can simply decide one day that the world is too painful to deal with and won't cooperate no matter how hard you try to heal it.\" -- Franklin to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"If you are going to kill me, then do so. Otherwise, I have considerable work to do.\" -- Lennier to Kalain in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"Ambassador Delenn is indisposed at the moment. Perhaps you would come back later, *much* later.\" -- Lennier to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"They fight bravely. They can not harm our ships, but they continue to try.\" \"Whether they fight or not, they know they will die anyway. So, really, is this bravery or simple desperation?\" \"Perhaps they are the same thing.\" -- Delenn and Hedronn in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"We should bring one of them aboard for questioning. If our next step is a final assault on their world, we must know their defenses.\" \"Very well, Delenn. Choose. But quickly. We are fast running out of candidates.\" \"That one.\" -- Delenn and Hedronn in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"It is our belief that every generation of Minbari is reborn in each following generation. Remove those souls and the whole suffers. We are diminished. Over the last 2000 years there have been fewer Minbari born into each generation. And those who are born.. do not seem equal to those who came before. It is almost as if our greater souls have been .. disappearing.\" -- Lennier to Sheridan & Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"And I thought *I* was a pessimist!\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"I spoke with the president. He is the only other human who knows why the Minbari surrendered. He doesn't believe the stuff about our sharing of Minbari souls, and I can't say that I do either. But they [Minbari] believe it.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"I learned a while ago that there's enough guilt in the world to go around without grabbing for more. Give yourself benefit of a doubt.\" -- Ivanova to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"I told them, Delenn, as I was ordered. I only wish I could've told them the rest. About the great enemy that is returning. About the prophesy that the two sides of our spirit must unite against the darkness or be destroyed. They say it will take both of our races to stop the darkness.\" -- Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"Five minutes to spare.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Points of Departure\""
- "\"DANGER Biohazard DANGER\" -- A sign in a transport ship in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Warning: Hazardous materials storage facility\" -- A sign in a transport ship in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Caution: Magnetic surfaces\" -- A sign in a transport ship in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Ambassador Delenn remains indisposed.\" \"'Indisposed'! She's in a cocoon!\" \"Yes?\" -- Lennier and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"There you see: one deserts his post without any explanation, the other one picks the most breathtakingly inconvenient moment possible to explore new career options, like becoming a butterfly!\" -- Londo about G'Kar and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"The destruction of the Narn base in quadrant 37 is drawing quite a lot of attention.\" \"Yes, that was the intent.\" \"And you are absolutely certain that it can not be traced back to me?\" \"Oh, beyond a shadow of a doubt.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Yes. But what happens if I may ask for another of these .. little demonstrations?\" \"Then we'll provide it. Simply choose your target. A colony, an outpost..\" \"Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld while you're at it?\" \"One thing at a time, Ambassador. One thing at a time.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"It's better you are running it and someone else is at this end.\" \"He's my patient.\" \"When I took over B5, he became my responsibility. I don't think losing my head of security two weeks into the job will look good in my resume.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Weep for the future, Na'Toth. Weep for us all.\" \"Are you all right?\" \"I have looked into the darkness, Na'Toth. You can not do that and never be quite the same again. When you told me about the destruction of our base at quadrant 37, I knew that only a major power could attempt an assault of that magnitude. But none of the governments here could've done it. Which left only two possibilites: a new race, or an old race. A very old race.\" -- G'Kar to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"G'Quan spoke of a great war long ago, against an enemy so terrible it nearly overwhelmed the stars themselves. G'Quan said that before the enemy was thrown down, it dwelled in a system at the rim of known space. I searched for days, going from one system to another. Then, on dark deserted worlds, where there should be no life, where no living thing has walked in over thousand years, something is moving, gathering its forces, quietly, quietly, hoping to go unnoticed. We must warn the others, Na'Toth. After a thousand years, the darkness has come again.\" -- G'Kar to Na'Toth in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Mollari, the grievances between my people and yours will never be resolved except with Centauri blood. Accept that as a given.\" \"Well it's good to know we're appreciated.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"But there may be some dangers that threaten both our peoples, not to mention the Minbari, the Earthers, the League and everyone else around here. Except possibly the Vorlons, I don't know what could threaten them, really.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Is she still alive?\" \"*That* is a very good question.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"I am not ill, doctor. What I .. have become, what I suffer, requires you .. alone.\" -- Delenn to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"What .. am I? What *am* I?\" -- Delenn to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"I trusted you. I taught you everything I knew. I gave you every break. I even treated you like my own brother. Why? My god.\" \"I got my instructions.\" \"From who?\" \"There's a new order coming back home, Garibaldi. You can either be part of it or you can be stepped on; a winner or a loser. I'm with the side that's going to win.\" \"Homeguard?\" \"Homeguard? They're a bunch of misfits. You really don't have a clue, do you, Garibaldi?\" \"Look, if I were you, I'd start talking straight, because right now you're in a whole world of trouble.\" \"You don't even know what trouble is. But you're going to find out, real soon.\" -- Garibaldi and Jack in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Hey, Garibaldi. Be seeing you.\" -- Jack to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"Ambassador Sinclair has been allowed to live on my world as an act of good faith to create a greater understanding between the Minbari and humans. In return I have undergone this .. change with the blessings of my government so that I may become a bridge between our worlds in the hope that we will never know war between us again.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Revelations\""
- "\"What the hell kind of a security chief am I supposed to be if I can't see something like that?\" \"You can't be expected to know everything.\" \"Yes I can. I could've known and I should've known. And now, I .. I just don't know if I'm any damn use to anybody anymore. I keep asking myself what qualifies me to take back my job and .. I haven't got an answer. I wish the hell I did.\" -- Garibaldi and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"What you are asking could be considered treason.\" \"Or the first step in restoring our people to their rightful place in the galaxy. Depending on who writes the history books. I think it will be us.\" -- Londo and Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I've decided that it is time for you to start learning the fine art of diplomacy. You can handle the low priority conflicts. It would help me focus on the other problems. Besides, added responsibility comes with any promotion. I know it's annoying and inconvenient, but--\" \"Did you say 'promotion'?\" \"Yes, would you like some juice? It's fresh from the hydroponic garden. I told them to leave the pulp in. That's the best part. Don't you think, *Commander*?\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Vir, do you believe in fate?\" \"Well, actually, I believe there are currents in the Universe. Eddies and tides that pull us one way or the other. Some we have to fight, some we have to embrace. Unfortunately, the currents that we have to fight look exactly like the currents we have to embrace. The currents that we *think* are the one that's gonna make us stronger, they are the ones that are going to destroy us. And the ones that we think are going to destroy us, they are the ones that are going to make us stronger. Now, the other current--\" \"*Vir*! Yes or no?\" \"Yes! You know, somewhat, why?\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"The Universe doesn't give you any points for doing things that are easy.\" -- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"You don't frighten easily.\" \"I work for Ambassador Mollari. After a while nothing bothers you.\" -- Elric and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"There's an old saying: 'Do not try the patience of wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger.'\" -- Elric to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"You will have to wear a cast. And it's gonna hurt.\" \"Swell. Ouch.\" \"I can give you something for the pain.\" \"Oh, great, *now* you can give me something for the pain. Where were you when I was going through puberty?\" -- Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I have absolute trust in your abilities, Commander.\" \"Well, that's a hell of a thing to tell someone. Hah! No pressure, fine. Fine.\" -- Sheridan and Cmdr Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Londo, they are going away. Money doesn't matter to them. Power doesn't matter to them.\" \"Money and power always matter.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Look, we bought a cake, al'right. It's been sitting there for two days now.\" \"Are you kidding me? You pass up a cake for two days? What's the deal? What've you done with the real Lou Welch, huh? Hey, security! Security, over here! We've got another guy with a changeling net.\" -- Lou Welch and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I do think there are some things we don't understand. If we'd be back in time a thousand years, trying to explain this place to people, they could only accept it in terms of magic.\" \"Then perhaps it *is* magic. The magic of the human heart, focused and made manifest by technology. Every day you here create greater miracles than a burning bush.\" -- Captain Sheridan and Elric in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ and we know many things.\" -- Elric to Captain Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"The true secrets, the important things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever. Seven words to make them go without pain, or to say goodbye to a friend who is dying. How to be poor, how to be rich, how to rediscover dream the world has stolen from you.\" -- Elric to Captain Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"There is a storm coming up, black and terrible storm.\" -- Elric to Captain Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I'm here to sell you something to make your life easier, cleaner, and all-around happier. Yes, sir, the ACME handy, dandy, micro helper, right here in this box.\" -- Garibaldi to a Drazi guard in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I have to find a way to *stop* this.\" \"You could always .. apologize.\" \"Apologize? *Never*!\" \"Congratulations. You are now the owner of 500'000 shares of Fireflies Incorporated.\" \"On the other hand..\" -- Londo, Vir and Computer in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Rules of combat older than contact with other races. Did not mention aliens. Rules change caught up in committee. Not come through yet.\" -- Former Green Leader in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"I don't trust anybody. When somebody tells me we've got a message from Ivanova, I don't believe until I get it from her point blank.\" \"So, in other words you are perfect for the job. Because you are paranoid and compulsive.\" \"Or compulsively paranoid.\" \"Who told you to say that?\" -- Garibaldi,Sheridan,Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Now, if I may ask, does this torment end when you leave, or am I going to have to spend the rest of my life paying for one little mistake?\" \"Oh, I'm afraid you have to spend the rest of your life paying for your mistakes. *Not* this one of course, it's trivial, I have withdrawn the spell, but there will be others.\" \"What are you talking about?\" \"You are touched by darkness, Ambassador. I see it as a blemish that will grow with time. I could warn you of course, but you would not listen. I could kill you, but someone would take your place. So I do the only thing I can, I go.\" -- Londo and Elric in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"Well take this for what little it will profit you. As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds, the sounds of billions of people calling your name.\" \"My followers?\" \"Your victims.\" -- Elric and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Geometry of Shadows\""
- "\"John, she's Minbari?\" \"A-ha.\" \"She doesn't look like one. I mean, she does, but she doesn't. I mean, what's the deal?\" \"We're still trying to figure that one out. There's the story she told us, but then, the Minbari never tell you the whole truth.\" -- Captain Jack Maynard and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"People don't eat right. Skipped meals, eat strange things at odd hours. I mean, *someone* has to look after your health.\" \"Okay, fine. Diet.\" \"No no no no. Food plan.\" \"Got it.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"Well, it wasn't in hyperspace though. But you know, things can get kind of weird out on the Rim too. It's funny. You never know what you're gonna find when you look over the edge of what's known and into what's not. We were in sector 857, and I took my nav. officer, Lt. Patrick with me for a lookaround in one of our scoutships.\" \"And?\" \"Well, I noticed that we'd gotten out of sight of the Cortez and I was .. I was just about ready to turn back when I saw something. Maybe a thousand kilometers away, black against space. Now, the reason that I know it was there is that it blotted out the stars behind it. I don't know the exact shape of it, but .. it was *big*. I turned to Pat, asked if he could see it, and when I looked back, it had vanished.\" -- Captain Jack Maynard and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"10 pounds?\" \"Well, a 10-pound gain isn't too bad, but you could afford to lose it. Here's a list of foods I want you to avoid. No meat, low fat. Lots of vegetables.\" \"Rabbit food.\" \"Well, it's only for a little while, Captain. We'll get those 10 pounds off in no time.\" \"Who's 'we'?\" \"Well, a doctor and his patient are a team, Captain, don't you agree?\" \"Sure. And since we're a team, why don't you do the diet part.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"I am more 'one of us' at this moment than I have ever been. More than you will ever know.\" -- Delenn to Teronn in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"If everything is satisfactory, Doctor, I'll be returning to my duties.\" \"Just one last thing, Commander. I worked out this food plan for you.\" \"Are you telling me to go on a diet? I'll have you know I don't have an ounce of fat in my body. I exercise vigorously once a day despite my injury, and--\" \"When you do eat, you don't eat enough of the right things. You have deficiencies in calsium, iron and several other minerals. And it's hampering your recovery. Now, I recommend iron supplements, and an increased diet.. food plan, to replenish you system.\" \"I'll gain weight!\" \"Well, briefly, yes.\" \"Figures. All my life I've fought against imperialism. Now, suddenly I *am* the expanding Russian frontier.\" \"But with very nice borders.\" -- Ivanova and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"An old friend of mine once quoted me an ancient Egyptian blessing: 'God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.'\" -- Sheridan to Zeta Squadron in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"Universe puts us in places where we can learn. They are never easy places, but they are right. Wherever we are, it's the right place .. and the right time. Pain that sometimes comes is part of the process of constantly being born.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station and the nebula outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are starstuff, we are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out. As we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"Ever had a long talk with ambassador Delenn, Commander?\" \"Yes, from time to time. Why?\" \"She and the universe .. seem to have a special relationship.\" \"Don't we all?\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Distant Star\""
- "\"Judgement Day is coming and it don't care what you look like and I have seen it. An army of darkness, soldiers of the devil, or something like that. We are all in great *danger*, that barks upon this station.\" -- Amis in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"Now, unless you have a class C missionary license, it's time for little R&R.\" -- Garibaldi to Amis in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"You were about to accuse the Centauri Ambassador of being in league with the devil, which may not be far from the truth.\" -- Garibaldi to Amis in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"What else have I missed?\" \"Noh. The usual. The good times, and the bad times, the revelations, the revolutions. Outbreaks of hysteria, the parade of scandals, promises, constitutions, and the occasional war. The last big ones were against the Dilgar, which we won, and against the Minbari, which.. Well, that's a long story.\" -- Mariah Cirrus and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"And we still haven't outgrown violence?\" \"No. It's gonna take a lot more than a hundred years to evolve a better human.\" -- Mariah Cirrus and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"Take my advice and go back to the time you came from. The future isn't what it used to be.\" -- G'Kar to Mariah Cirrus in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"You are all gonna die. A soldier of darkness has come on that ship from the past. I have seen it. Don't close your eyes, don't sleep, it will find you.\" -- Amis in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"The forces of darkness do not move openly. They work *through* others, *use* others. When the darkness was defeated long ago, they scattered, hid themselves away in secret places and waited. Now, the dark hand is reaching out and recalling them from their sleep.\" -- Markab Ambassador in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"You've got a plan?\" \"Try not to get killed.\" \"Brilliant.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"These PPG's don't do much more than sting it. Prowls around hurt for a while and comes back stronger.\" \"Well, one bee sting may be an annoyance, but a hundred of them can kill you.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- "\"You said the ship was reprogrammed to a new destination. So where was it going?\" \"It was heading for the Rim. To the exact place where ambassador G'Kar told us an ancient enemy was gathering its forces.\" \"Z'ha'dum.\" \"You think it's a coincidence?\" \"A few weeks ago I probably would've said 'yes'. But now, 'no'. Something is going on, Commander.\" \"I know. Between you and me, it's scaring the hell out of me.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Long Dark\""
- " [a problem in the ambassadorial section] \"I'll handle it.\" \"Help is on the way. Hah! It's good to be the Captain.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"These are volatile times, Captain. Practicalities are more important than principles if lives are to be saved.\" -- Sen. Elise Voudreau to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Someone's been lying to you, Captain.\" \"Or to you.\" \"I'm a telepath.\" \"Telepaths are human beings.\" -- Winters and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"I'll arrange for an escort.\" \"One escort, at your service.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi to Winters in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Command?\" \"Code Alfa 66 Zeta 3.\" -- Abel Horn in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Control states Ms. Winters could jeopardize mission. Eliminate her, then continue with phase 2.\" -- Control? to Abel Horn in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Well, you know how I feel about telepaths.\" \"Do I ever. You threw one out of a third story window on Io.\" \"There was an ample pool below the window.\" \"Alas, I assume you knew that.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"And you don't trust Psi Corps?\" \"No. Do you?\" \"Telepaths are gifted and cursed in ways I can never hope to understand. They are still human beings, good, bad, or indifferent. No. I trust in individuals, not organizations.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Captain, I sure would like to know where you are going with this?\" \"Someplace very dark. I hope to God I'm wrong.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Earthforce Intelligence I/6538\" \"Criminal Record Confirmed\" \"Abel Horn is a suspect in over 75 such incidents. In 2252 he was sentenced to Phobos maximum security outpost for involvement in the computer theft of over 50 million conglomerate credits. Served 1 year. Then was transferred to Lunis Planum prison base. He then served 3 months and escaped April 16, 2253.\" \"Current Status: Deceased 2258\" \"Cause: Died in Mars rebellion\" \"Circumstances of Death: Destroyed in outer atmosphere combat skirmish Beta-5 as a result of plasma burst from Earthforce Star Cruiser Pournelle.\" \"Death Recorded: by Phobos Outpost 20\" -- Earthforce Intelligence File in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"It's trickier than you thought.\" \"Thanks. Mr. Wizard.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"You hurt that lady, I'll see that it takes you ten days to die.\" \"I'm already dead, mister security-man.\" -- Garibaldi and Abel Horn in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"Is there something?\" \"There's a whole list, but let's start with how you knew about the Lazarus project.\" \"Some people .. collect coins or art. I collect secrets: black projects, conspiracies, secret organizations. They fascinate me.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"For the past six years there've been rumours about a rogue agency operating deep inside EarthGov. A dirty-trick-squad, dealing in black projects, and star-chamber justice. It took me three years just to get a name: Bureau 13. And the man who gave me that name died soon after. I'm convinced they exist and they are behind this incident.\" -- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"There's a spider in the web, Mr. Garibaldi. And I intend to find it .. and kill it.\" -- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"13.\" \"Report from Babylon5 control. Mission only partly successful. Isogi terminated but unit was destroyed before he could leave station for Mars.\" \"Is the Bureau at hazard?\" \"Control does not believe so.\" \"Belief is not enough. He is to follow up until he is certain. 13 out.\" -- 13 and Control in Babylon 5:\"Spider in the Web\""
- "\"It is a *pleasure* to *meet* you. It *is* a pleasure to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you.\" -- Vir in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"So, what's the problem?\" \"I don't know. *That's* the problem.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"What's he hiding, Vir? Tell me. I won't bite, Vir.\" \"With all due respect, Madam, that's not what I have heard.\" \"All right. That *one* time.\" \"Twice.\" -- Timov and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Believe me, Vir, if you knew her as I do, you wouldn't miss her a bit.\" \"Oh, Timov, Timov. Why do you always try to draw me into your little *verbal* fencing matches?\" \"Because I don't have a real sword handy.\" -- Timov and Daggair in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Commander, I want you to understand. I aqcuired human characteristics to bring your people and mine closer together. To symbolise our mutuality. It is supposed to be a dignified and inspiring position for both Humans and Minbari. So, will you please explain to me why this.. *this* ..!\" \"Hair.\" \"..refuses to co-operate!\" -- Delenn and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"I'm sorry. I guess I'm reading too much into it, but people seem to be implying that .. I shouldn't get too comfortable.\" \"Oh nonsense. It's not as if anyone expects you to, oh, vanish overnight under mysterious circumstances to a strange Minbari post. Why, that would be unprecedented in the station's history.\" -- Sheridan and G'kar in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"The secret of our marriage's success, Londo, is our lack of communication. You've jeopardised that success and I would know why.\" -- Timov in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Petulant, isn't she? Oh well, breeding will tell.\" \"A bitch like you would know about breeding.\" -- Daggair and Timov in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"And you are?\" \"Garibaldi, head of security.\" \"Oh, so if I'm feeling insecure, hugging you will make me feel better.\" -- Matt Stoner and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Certification of my participation in an authorized archaeological dig. List of contents are there. You'll find this little item among them. It's all quite legitimate, officer. I can help you with the big words, if you're having trouble.\" -- Matt Stoner to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Would you like me to tell you all about her? Is that it? Would you like to hear where she likes to be touched?\" \"*Don't* push it.\" \"The little noises she makes. Does she cry out or sigh softly?\" -- Stoner and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"If Talia Winters so much as breaths a word that you've been harassing her, you'll be spaced so fast you'll think you were born in a vacuum.\" -- Garibaldi to Stoner in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"I'll be keeping an eye on you.\" \"Use both eyes. You'll need them.\" -- Garibaldi and Stoner in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"You seriously expect me to become involved in your sexual olympics?\" \"They are merely expressing their feelings for me.\" \"I can do that.\" [slaps Londo in the face] \"You haven't changed.\" \"You have. You've *devolved*.\" -- Timov and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Ahh! A deck of cards! From my dear friend Lennier.\" \"And I marked them exactly as you requested..\" \"Shhs!\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Hey, how about I call you an idiot in public and you can convict me for revealing state secrets.\" -- Stoner to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Are you okay? Londo, do you know where you are?\" \"Either in Medlab, or in Hell. Either way, the decor needs work.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Stick it!\" \"How odd. I didn't even know *we* were married.\" -- Dr. Franklin and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"You know, the problem with mysteries is that in order to get rid of the headaches I have to figure them out.\" -- G'Kar to Mariel in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"I warn you, Mariel, do not be overconfident. If I were married to Londo Mollari I'd be concerned.\" \"G'kar, if *you* were married to Londo Mollari, we'd all be concerned.\" -- G'kar and Mariel in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Ladies, it's been a *pleasure* meeting you.\" -- Vir to Londo's wifes in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"Commander. Susan. I wish to thank you again for your patience and understanding.\" \"No, not a problem.\" \"Taking on human characteristics has been something of an education for both of us.\" \"Well, if you've any other problems, any other questions at all, just ask.\" \"Well, now that you mention it. Do you have any idea why I suddenly started getting these .. odd cramps?\" -- Delenn and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Soul Mates\""
- "\"You were raised by the Corp, clothed by the Corp. We are your father and your mother.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"Are you sure you know what you are doing?\" \"Absolutely. Those paper pushers back home probably figured that since I'm new here, I'll go along with the whole rent idea, just to make everybody happy. That's how it starts, believe me. They nibble a little bit here, little bit there. Next thing you know you are not even in charge of your own command anymore.\" \"No taxation without representation. Get me liberty or get me death!\" \"Abso-fraggin-lutely. A bunch of .. butt-scratching, hand-wringing, penny-pinching, lets-stick-it-to-the-new-guy pin-heads, all of them. 30 credits a week! I say let them cut back on those expense-account lunches, *then* come talk to me, right?\" -- Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"We do not have cats on Minbar, we have gogs.\" \"Gogs?\" \"Gogs. Such creatures are an attempt by the universe to make sure that we never take ourselves too seriously.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"Mary had a little lamb\" \"her fleece was white as snow\" \"and everywhere that Mary went\" \"the lamb was sure to go.\" -- Rogue Telepaths in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"I heard a good one today. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?\" \"I don't know, sir. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?\" \"None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and they never tell you why.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"Knock, knock.\" \"Who's there?\" \"Kosh.\" \"Kosh who?\" \"Gesundheit.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"Then what *are* you saying?\" \"I'm not saying what I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm thinking. As a matter of fact, I'm not thinking what I'm thinking. There's only one thing in my mind right now.\" \"What's that?\" \"I need a drink.\" -- Dr.Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"You are more than you think you are.\" \"Then what am I?\" \"The future.\" -- Lurker and Winters in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"Item two. You snore.\" \"No, I don't.\" \"Yes, you do.\" \"*No*, I don't.\" \"Captain, either you snore or last night we had a hell of a breach in the hull.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"They gave in?\" \"Ahem, no.\" \"You gave in?\" \"Not exactly. I'm deducting 60 credits per week from the budget set aside to maintaining combat readyness and applying it against the rent.\" \"On what grounds?\" \"On the grounds that I'm not ready to fight anybody until I've had a decent nights sleep in my own damn bed. You got a problem with that?\" \"No, none whatsoever. I rather like the idea of Earth Central paying rent to itself. There's a certain symmetry.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Race Through Dark Places\""
- "\"You have always served me well, old friend. And sometimes I think I do not thank you as much as I should. .. Goodbye.\" -- Emperor to Prime Minister in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"So, you are going to allow this, even over my objections?\" \"What? Did I somehow turn invisible or something? Yes, Ambassador. The Emperor is allowed to come aboard. Now, if this bothers you, I suggest you stay in your quarters, stick your fingers in your ears and hum real loud until its over. Unless you'd like to try something as breathtakingly rational as trying to open up a *dialogue*. G'Kar, you are in a position to negotiate directly with the head of the Centauri Republic, and you are wasting it on a .. tantrum.\" -- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"We've taken the liberty of writing your speech for you. I've had experts in psycholinguistics working on it for weeks. It's perfect; fiery, but dignified; elegant, but strong.\" -- Refa to Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Yes. It's a strange feeling, Kha'Mak, to know suddenly that all the decisions in your life have brought you to this place. There is no longer doubt or uncertainty. The future now consists of only three probabilities. .. In the moment that I strike, the Emperor and I will both die. Or he will die and I will spend my life in prison. Or I will fail and be killed. For the first time in my life, the path is clear.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"It has occurred to me recently that *I* have never chosen anything. I was born into a role that had been prepared for me. I did everything I was asked to do, because it never *occurred* to me to choose otherwise. And now, at the end of my life, I wonder what might've been.\" \"That's why my father taught me to live each second as though it would be the last moment of my life. He said: 'If you love, love without reservation. If you fight, fight without fear.' He called it the way of the warrior.\" \"No regrets then?\" \"A few. But just a few. You?\" \"Oh, enough to fill a lifetime. So much has been lost, so much forgotten. So much pain, so much blood. And for what, I wonder. The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast terrible inbetween. But there is still time to seize that one last fragile moment. To choose something better, to make a difference, as you say. And I intend to do just that.\" -- Centauri Emperor and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Londo, *don't* *do* *this*.\" \"I have no choice.\" \"Yes, you do. Londo, please, please, please, I *know* you don't listen to me, but I'm asking you just this one time. *Don't* *do* *this*. There is no turning back once you start down that road.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"I understand .. just fine. .. By this time tomorrow we will be at war with the Narn. May the Great Maker forgive me.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"I was ready. I had prepared myself. I had made my peace with the universe, put all my affairs in order. I had the *dagger* in my *hand*! And he has the indecency to start dying on his own. Never in my life have I seen a worse case of timing.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Maybe it's good news. With luck he's feeling better. All they have to do is to prop him up for two minutes and-- I'll call you back.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Hello, old friend. It's been a while. I'm entrusting this message to an associate of mine who has sworn to bring it to you at any cost, including his own life. My job on the Minbari homeworld is more than just representing Earth. The president doesn't know about that part yet and .. I don't think it would be wise of you to tell him. There's a great darkness coming, Michael. Some of the Minbari have been waiting for it a long time.\" \"The bearer of this message is one of my Rangers. Some are Minbari, most are humans. They've been drawn here to learn to work together and prepare for the fight ahead.\" \"Their job for now is to patrol the frontier, to listen, to watch, and return with reports too sensitive to entrust to regular channels. They are my eyes and ears. Where you see them, you see me.\" \"In the name of our friendship I ask that you give them every courtesy and co-operation. I wish I could tell you more. I wish I could warn you, but the others don't think it's time yet. Stay close to the Vorlon and watch out for the shadows. They move .. when you are not looking at them.\" -- Sinclair to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"How will this end?\" \"In fire.\" -- Centauri Emperor and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Sheridan's rule number 29: Always make your opponent think you know more than you really know.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Mollari. What did he say, really?\" \"He said .. that we are both *damned*.\" \"Well. It's a small enough price to pay for immortality.\" -- Refa and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"For a hundred years the Centauri occupied our world, devastating it. We swore we would never let that happen again. This attack on our largest civilian colony has inflicted terrible damage and loss of life. They've crossed the line we can not allow them to cross. As a result two hours ago my government officially declared war against the Centauri Republic. Our hope for peace is over. We are now at war. .. We are now at war.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"No, I have no desire to become Emperor. No, I prefer to work behind the scenes. The reward is nearly as great .. and the risk far, far less.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"Hello, old friend.\" -- Sinclair to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Coming of Shadows\""
- "\"No traffic, no complaints, no noise. Traders, troublemakers, and ambassadors, all tugged snuggly in their little beds. I love this time of night.\" \"There is no night in deep space. And time is a meaningless concept when you stop to think about it.\" -- Ivanova and Corwin in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"I had an Alfredo Garibaldi under my command during the Dilgar invasion. Excellent soldier.\" \"That's my dad.\" \"So much for genetics.\" -- General Richard Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"Few days, long enough for us to get our gifts in place.\" \"Gifts?\" \"New weapon systems for your defense grid. The very latest of Earth Force R&D. When they are on line, Babylon 5 will have enough firepower to take on a warship.\" -- General Richard Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"The galaxy is changing and Babylon 5 must change with it.\" -- General Franklin in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"I'm a doctor. My duty is to heal.\" \"Then heal humans. Stephen, I know you are fascinated by these alien creatures, but they are a threat to humanity. And they always will be. Help your own kind.\" \"Life is life. Whether it's wrapped in skins, scales, or feathers. Now, if you *respected* these beings instead of constantly trying to murder them, you would appreciate that.\" -- Stephen Franklin and Gen. Richard Franklin in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"We are all slaves to our histories. If there is to be a .. bright future, we must learn to break those chains.\" -- Delenn to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"If you'll excuse me, the natives are restless.\" -- Garibaldi to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"A man who won't stand up for his own principles is not really a man at all.\" -- General Richard Franklin in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"For a security-slug you are a lousy liar.\" -- Dodger to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"GROPOS\""
- "\"Being asked to serve on the Council is a matter of soul, not of flesh. The change that you have gone through.. it shouldn't matter.\" \"But it does, Lennier. I've made a decision and now I must face the consequences.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Lennier, for the first time .. I feel very much .. alone.\" \"No. Never alone, Delenn. Never alone.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"This isn't a clear and present danger, Commander. Just a quick look around to see what the problem is. I haven't felt space beneath me since I got here in January and I miss it. Besides, if I don't put some flight time in soon, I'll lose my flight pay.\" \"Very well, but you'll take a full escort.\" \"All right, all right. I'll be in and out in an hour. What could go wrong?\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"I'm not worried about that.\" \"Of course not. You are young. And youth is both foolish and vulnerable.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Your diagnosis, Doctor?\" \"Well, the patient is confused, delusional. Unable to separate his natural sense of loyalty for his home team from the reality that they *stink*, and only got to the playoffs on a *technicality*.\" -- Garibaldi and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Helen Keller?\" \"Heat of the moment.\" -- Garibaldi and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Until later, *Satai* Delenn.\" -- Lennier to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Summoned, I take the place that has been prepared for me. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light.\" \"They will not come, Delenn.\" \"But I was summoned.\" \"To receive judgement, yes. Not to appear as one of the Nine.\" \"I am entitled to a hearing. I'm allowed to defend myself.\" \"That was before you disobeyed us. You were told to wait before taking this action. Before becoming .. alien to us. You've been away from us for too long, Delenn. Your contact with the humans have changed more than your appearance. If you are no longer one of us, how can you be one of the Nine?\" \"My heart has not changed.\" \"We no longer know your heart, Delenn. The Council has voted to remove you from our presence. From this day forth you are no longer a member of the Grey Council, no longer Satai. I'm sorry, Delenn.\" -- Delenn and Hedronn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Why are you doing this? Why are you torturing me? You can at least tell me what you want.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Twenty cycles I stood beside you as one of the Nine. I called many of you friends. And now you call me outcast. You know me. You know I believe in the task that is before us, the Great War that is coming. I have not turned my back on you. In trying to help I have sacrificed all that I was, and all that I am. We can no longer allow ourselves to be separated by names and borders. Our two sides must unite .. or be destroyed. Do not make my sacrifice a vain one. Allow me to finish what I started. In the name of our friendship, for the future of our people, let me remain in Babylon 5.\" -- Delenn to the Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"When Valen called the Nine together he chose 3 from the worker caste, 3 from the religious caste and 3 from the warrior caste. My replacement should've been from the religious caste. Four from the warrior caste gives them unprecedented power.\" -- Delenn to the Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"And your belief that you are satisfying prophesy is a presumption of the highest order. And yet .. it is true that you are now the perfect liaison between us and the Earthers. You have no home with either of us. So, please, act out your fantasy, be our go-between. return to Babylon 5, and *stay* there.\" -- Neroon to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"The first obligation of a prisoner is to escape, right?\" -- Sheridan to a Narn in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Shhh! Do you know who I am?\" \"The man in-between is searching for you.\" \"You are the hand.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Why are you here?\" \"We were never away. For the first time your mind is quiet enough to hear me.\" \"Why am I here?\" \"You have *always* been here.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"It's not fair.\" \"No. It's not. Death never is.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"You have *always* been here.\" -- Kosh to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"Santiago understood the importance of Babylon 5. He knew that if anything happened to him, president Clark will appoint some hard-nosed jar-head to run this place. Well, we both know you are not that. But, from your record you look like that.\" -- General Hague to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"A soldier's record tells a lot about a person. Not just what he's done, but how he's done it and why. And you have an uncommon failing for someone in your position, Captain. You are a *patriot*. You believe as I do that when we put on this uniform we took a solemn vow to protect Earth against threats from outside and from within.\" -- General Hague to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"But it's time we stopped reacting and started acting.\" -- General Hague to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"All Alone in the Night\""
- "\"G'Kar, everyone in this room knows too well that the first casualty of war is always the truth.\" -- Sheridan to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Do whatever you have to. Just get them to sign on.\" \"Will do. Thank you, sir.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"The war is young, the Centauri are still in the process of committing their forces. Some in their government are unsure about the entire affair. They only need a reason not to fight. If the Minbari intervened, you could provide that reason. You could save hundreds of thousands of lives.\" -- G'Kar to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"You must know .. your actions in the recent past, the things you've said, make it difficult for anyone to come to your aid now.\" \"I know. But what else could I do?\" -- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"I was there when our war against Earth begun, and our ship encountered an Earth vessel for the first time. Afraid of us, the unknown, they fired. I saw our leader die, I heard the cries for revenge, for blood, for death. In return we nearly exterminated an entire species. Our people are tired of war, G'Kar. You can not ask them to go through all that again.\" -- Delenn to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Transport 32A\" -- Docking Elevator Designation in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Six months ago they were hardly aware of me. Now, *suddenly* everyone is my friend, everyone wants something. I wanted respect. Instead I've turned to a wishing-well with legs.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"I do not understand. Why go through all this to save the lives of potentially inferior species? Evolution is driven by blood. The weak die, and the strong survive. By preserving the sick and wounded of other races you pollute the genetic pool. It does not serve evolution.\" -- Taq (for Correlilmurzon) in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"I don't believe that any form of sentient life is inferior to any other.\" \"Yes, we often hear that argument from inferior species and their sympathizers.\" -- Franklin and Taq (Correlilmurzon) in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"No, I don't want a receipt.\" \"Then what do you want?\" \"I want you to stay! And have a little drink for me. I want you to be happy, I want *me* to be happy. I want you to be happy for me and me to be happy for you. Is that so much to ask around here? Why is everyone here walking around like they are afraid of me?\" \"Maybe we are.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Most impressive.\" \"Excuse me?\" \"We have isolated ourselves from inferior species but you.. you've shown the will and the strength to isolate the genetically inferior parts of your own species as an evolutionary protection.\" \"I don't think you understand. This wasn't intentional.\" \"You're too modest, you're too modest. It's a brilliant move, Commander.\" -- Taq (Correlilmurzon) and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Ambassador, I have learned the hard way that governments deal in matters of convenience, not conscience. If they fall behind, it is up to the rest of us to make up the difference. If *we* don't, who will?\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"I .. do not have the same resources I once had, Captain. But .. what I have is at your disposal.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Well, you could put a bag over his head and do it for Babylon 5. .. Maybe not.\" \"I'm doomed.\" \"I could inject you with something, make you sick. After all, he doesn't know a thing about anybody's biology but his own. He'd probably fall for it.\" \"That's it!\" \"I'll get a needle.\" -- Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Next time: *My* way.\" -- Note to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"It is good to have frieds, is it not, Mr. Garibaldi? Even if maybe .. only for a little while.\" \"Even if only for a little while.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Acts of Sacrifice\""
- "\"Bay 13? Nobody goes to bay 13.\" \"That's what the Commander tried to tell him.\" -- Garibaldi and Corwin in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Commander, I want all outgoing ships checked out before they leave. Slow down jump clearances as much as you can. Tell them we are having .. mechanical problems.\" \"That they'll believe.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"He is the best there is.\" \"Stephen. The last time you vouched for a doctor friend of yours we had three dead bodies, half the station was trashed and an Ikarran war machine was burning through decks and shooting at everything.\" -- Doctor Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"I found myself near bay 13 earlier and had look on your ship. It's an amazing piece of work. It made me realize just how much we still don't know about you, your culture, your people. And I was thinking, maybe we should spend some time together soon. Build some bridges, work toward a greater understanding of one another.\" \"Why?\" \"You tell me. You're the one who popped in my dream when I was in that alien ship a few weeks ago. It felt like.. I don't know.. like you called me.\" \"I sought understanding. I listened to the song. Your thoughts became a song.\" \"Has this ever happened before?\" \"Once.\" -- Kosh and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"These guys are about as subtle as a brick through a glass window, but they know their stuff. I'd hate to be on the wrong side with this bunch against me.\" -- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"We need to accumulate as much evidence as we can so *when* we go public with this we'll hit the target. Because in this game, Captain, we only get one shot.\" -- Aide to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"I don't believe anybody.\" \"What a wonderful world you live in.\" \"Yeah, well, the rent is cheap, the pay is decent and I get to make my own hours.\" -- Garibaldi and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Won't you be recognized?\" \"Are you kidding? First, I don't get into down-below a lot. Second, when I do they don't see me, they see the badge. And third, I have an excellent disguise. Lets go.\" \"Why is my life suddenly passing before my eyes?\" -- Doctor Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Good. The sooner we get him out of here into a nice, comfortable interrogation room, the happier I'll be about the whole thing. Yep. You're right. He's gotta be in down-below.\" \"Well, sir, you don't know that for sure.\" \"Commander, where else could he be? I mean, come on, next thing you'll say he's in down-town.\" \"I didn't see anything called 'down-town'.\" \"Well, it's sort of an unofficial name for this area right in here. It's between the hull and the water reclamation system. It's pretty much the most unpleasent part of the station, not counting the methane bathrooms. It's full of heavy machinery, lead walls and pipe all over the place.\" \"Lead? That is just the kind of thing he'd use to block the scanners.\" \"You think so?\" \"Cranston here. Take the search team out of down-below for now. Check levels fifty and fifty-one between the blue and grey sectors. And post guards at all the entrances and exits to down-below.\" -- Sheridan, Ivanova and Agent Cranston in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Maybe somebody should've labeled the future: some assembly required.\" -- Garibaldi to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"You wanted to see me?\" \"You wanted to see me.\" \"Oh, I guess everybody does. To see what you really are, inside that encounter suit.\" \"They are not ready. They would not understand.\" \"Am I ready?\" \"No. You do not even understand yourself.\" \"Could you help me to understand you?\" \"Can you help me to understand *you*?\" \"Well, I can try. Is that what you want? In exchange of information I tell you something about me and you tell me something about you.\" \"No. You do not understand. Go.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Dammit, what do you want? What do you want from me? You know, ever since I got here I've had the feeling that .. that you've been watching me. The record shows you hardly ever went to council meetings until I showed up. When I was captured, it was you .. reached out and .. touched my mind. And now you call me here. Why? Just to throw me out? Are we just toys to you, huh? What do you want?\" \"Never ask that question.\" \"At least I got a response out of you. So, what will it be, Ambassador?\" \"I will teach you.\" \"About yourself?\" \"About *you*. Until you are ready.\" \"For what?\" \"To fight legends.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"You were his teacher, what did he get in first-aid class?\" \"4.0\" \"*3.7*!\" -- Garibaldi, Dr. Franklin and Dr. Jacobs in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"It's what we suspected all along, but could never prove. The Vorlons use organic technology. It's a living ship. Conscious, aware.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"While I was asleep. The .. the ship, it .. it *sang* to me.\" -- Dr. Jacobs in Babylon 5:\"Hunter, Prey\""
- "\"Merchandising? We'll be merchandised? You can't be serious, sir.\" \"I heard this was in the works a few weeks ago. I fought against it. And lost.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"'Welcome to Babylon 5, the last best hope for a quick buck.'\" \"Commander.\" \"But it's just demeaning. We're not just some .. deep space franchise. This station is *about* something.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Find that Minbari witness I mentioned in my report. He will back me up, I am absolutely sure.\" \"Ah. Description?\" \"Bald, with a bone on his head.\" \"We are gonna need a real big line-up room.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I answer to other Minbari, not freaks.\" -- Ashan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Now, I want to talk with your witness, he is lying!\" \"For your sake, I did not hear that. Nor did you Lennier.\" \"What are you talking about?\" \"Minbari do not lie, Captain. It would be a stain upon honor and soul.\" -- Sheridan, Delenn & Lennier in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"For someone of other species to make such an accusation, it would require an *immediate* and *fatal* response from the accused.\" \"Then he is in .. *error* where the truth is involved and I want to speak with him *now*.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Are you expected?\" \"No. Dreaded.\" -- Zack Allan, Guinevere Corey in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Whose side are you on?\" \"We are on the side of the truth. Is there another?\" -- Ashan and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I don't appreciate being called ignorant in front of others.\" \"I'm sorry. Is naive better?\" \"And I don't need a lawyer.\" \"Now we're back to ignorant.\" -- Sheridan and Corey in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I'll never forget what you once said to me: 'Never fear answers, only fear running out of questions.'\" \"Ivanova, I never said that.\" \"You didn't?\" \"No.\" \"Oh, well, I'll let you know who did.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Why? What's inside there?\" \"One moment of perfect beauty.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Oh, yes, I'm keeping your secrets. Londo, I feel like I'm falling in a pit and there's no way of climbing out.\" \"Do you want to leave, is that it? I can arrange it. You can go back home to--\" \"To what? To my family? Do you think that if they wanted me around I would even be here. They just wanted me anywhere, anywhere away. They had me sent here two years ago because, frankly, there wasn't much competition for the job. This was a joke to them. Before I left, my uncle said to me you and I deserve each other.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I had no idea. *No* idea at all.\" \"Yes.\" \"Thank you.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Another lesson? What this time?\" \".. Beauty. .. In the dark.\" \"Must be working. You begin to talk *just* like a Vorlon.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"It's a mockery. It doesn't even have any .. ahhem .. attributes.\" \"Attributes?\" \"Do I have to spell it out for you?\" -- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I see. So, you feel like you've been symbolically cast.. in a bad light.\" \"Well put.\" -- Ivanova & Sheridan to Londo in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Who said the Minbari don't lie?\" -- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"I never forget the feeling of helplessness. I never thought there could be anything worse than being all alone in the night.\" \"But there is. Being all alone in a crowd.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Their honor? We've had plenty of that ourselves. Conspiracies of silence because the larger ideals have to be protected. But you can't have larger ideals if the smaller ones get compromised.\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"Babylon control to Theta One. Can you trace that unidentified object?\" \"Negative, Babylon control. I don't see a .. [thud]\" \"Theta one, have you encountered unidentified object? Can you describe it?\" \"Negative, Babylon control. I don't think so. Not on a bet. Heading back to the barn.\" -- Babylon control and Keffer in Babylon 5:\"There All the Honor Lies\""
- "\"In the process of putting this report together, it didn't take us long to learn the most important rule of survival aboard Babylon 5: 'Expect the unexpected.'\" -- Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"36 Hours, sponsored by Interplanetary Expeditions -- Exploring the past to create a better future.\" -- Voiceover in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"We are already in far greater jeopardy than you can possibly imagine.\" -- G'Kar to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Overall I've found this to be a good working environment and a valuable experience. I've learned a lot while I've been here.\" \"And you have never felt that your safety was compromised?\" \"No, Ma'm.\" \"So, this has been a positive experience for you. You enjoy working with everyone?\" \"Yes. It's a calm, pleasant environment. I don't think I have ever seen anyone get upset here.\" -- Lt. Corwin and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"I guess it's the old joke. You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps. I suppose there is a .. certain attraction to being out here on the edge like this, a new frontier.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Babylon 5 has been through some dramatic changes in administration since it became operational. Would you attribute these changes to .. bad management? Or to quote former Senator Hidoshi, 'Is this horse just too big for anybody to ride?'\" \"Changes are part of the military life. Everybody goes into this knowing that tomorrow you could be someplace that you hadn't even heard of 24 hours ago.\" -- Cynthia Torqueman and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"He must have hit the wrong button because the air doors slammed shut, the space doors opened, and he .. just flew out into space. And the one thing they never tell you is that you don't die instantly in vacuum. He just hung there against the black like a puppet with his strings all tangled up.. or one of those old cartoons where you run off the edge of the cliff and your legs keep going. You could see that he was trying to breathe, but there was nothing. The one thing I remember when they pulled in his body.. his eyes were frozen. A lot of people make jokes about spacing somebody, about shoving somebody out an airlock. I don't think it's funny. Never will.\" -- Franklin to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"According to figures released by the newly formed Office of Public Morale, President William Clark has risen to dramatic new levels of popularity because of his administration's emphasis on addressing the needs of earth.\" -- Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Anytime you lose a war, you just .. you just wait a few years, and you'll hear from everyone who thought that we could've won if they had done the fighting.\" \"Except, of course, Captain, we didn't lose the war. The Minbari *did* surrender.\" \"Of course.\" -- Sheridan and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Every day I get up, and I hope nothing will happen. I'd love to be just bored out of my skull for 24 hours, and .. I guess I keep hoping that someday, somewhere I'll make a difference, that at the end of the day everything we've gone through here for the past few years will mean something.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"I volunteered for this change in the hope that it would lead to a better understanding between our peoples.\" \"Over 1/4 of a million humans were killed in the war with your people. How do you think the families of those victims will feel about your .. change?\" \"I, .. I don't know. I, . I would hope ..\" \"I think they would feel hurt .. betrayed .. that by assuming a human face, you are taking a part of us you're not entitled to. What would you say to them, to all the husbands and wives and children and brothers and sisters of the people who were killed in the war with your people and *now* see a Minbari with a *human* face?\" -- Delenn and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"An inspection of the destroyed Centauri has found conclusive proof that she was carrying fusion bombs and support equipment for ion cannons, mass drivers, and heavy-energy weapons.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Roughly 150 of your years ago, the Centauri came to our world. Narn was a green and fertile place then. We greeted them in peace and spent the next 100 years in chains, but we never gave up hope. We formed a resistance, learned their secrets, turned their own machines against them, and finally drove them from our world.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy a less advanced one? Because the land is strategically valuable, because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited, but most of all, simply because they can.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Please. The Narn have rewritten history enough, don't you think? If they wanted us gone, we were hardly going to force the issue, but ever since, they have grown more and more irrational, have gone out of their way to harm us, to seize Centauri territory. Finally, we had to take a stand. They were the ones who declared war, remember. Not us. We want only peace.\" -- Londo to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"You're right, Johnny. You know, there are a lot of other kids who feel just the same way you do. They're confused and afraid, but they don't have to be. The problem isn't that other kids don't like you, it's that they don't understand you, but we do. You're special. You're a latent telepath about to come into full bloom.\" \"My Johnny, a telepath?\" \"Probably, but to be sure, take him down to the Psi-Corps testing centre first thing tomorrow.\" \"How do I find them?\" \"We're everywhere, for your convenience.\" -- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"If you know someone who might be a telepath, or think you might be one yourself, help them get the help they need. Call the Corps.\" \"Call government information for more on a Psi-Corps center near you. This message has been brought to you by the Ministry for Public Information and your local Psi-Corps recruitment office.\" -- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.\" -- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"We learn. That's what humans do.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"Of course it is, for the simple reason that no one else would've ever built a place like this. Humans share one unique quality. They build communities. If the Narns or the Centauri or any other race built a station like this, it would be used only by their own people, but everywhere humans go, they create communities out of diverse and sometimes hostile populations. It is a great gift and a terrible responsibility, one that cannot be abandoned.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"The job of Babylon 5 is not to enforce the peace. It's to create the peace. And this place was built on the assumption that we could work out our problems and build a better future, and that, to me, is the key issue. See, in the last few years .. we've stumbled. We stumbled at the death of the president, the war, and on and on. And when you stumble a lot, you .. you start looking at your feet. We have to make people .. lift their eyes back to the horizon and see the line of ancestors behind us saying, 'Make my life have meaning.' And to our inheritors before us saying, 'Create the world we will live in.' I mean, we're not just holding jobs and having dinner. We are in the process of building the future. That's what Babylon 5 is all about. Only by making people understand that can we hope to create a better world for ourselves and our posterity.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And Now For a Word\""
- "\"What do *you* want?\" \"I'd like to live *just* long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next *ten* generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like *this*. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?\" -- Morden and Vir in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"That's him, all right. I never forget a face. Morden. Same ID as on the Icarus.\" \"He's supposed to be dead. Why didn't the security net catch him?\" \"Captain, come on. We don't get every death certificate from every Earth Alliance ship and colony.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"So, what can I do for you?\" \"Well, actually it's more a question of what I can do for you, really, and what we can together do for Earth. I'm regional director of the newly-formed Ministry of Peace, or Minipax, as we like to call it around the office. We're trying to round up support for a series of new programs we're launching.\" \"What kind of programs?\" \"Folks back home are awfully nervous about all the fighting going on out here. They need reassurance, you see? They need an environment dedicated to peace, not war. But we can never have peace with our neighbours until we're at peace with ourselves, so we at the Ministry of Peace are trying to find new ways to do just that, ways we can better help each other, work with each other.\" -- Winters and Pierce Macabee in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Nice shoes. I'll admit my knowledge of the law is somewhat limited, but .. I believe it's tradition if you're going to hold someone, you should at least .. charge him .. with something.\" -- Morden to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"When a patient starts to slip away .. when he looks at you .. and his eyes grab hold of you the way a drowning man grabs hold of anything to keep him from sinking.. I mean, afraid .. so afraid .. and then, just at the last, it's as if they look past you to something else, and the look on their face, it's like nothing you can describe. And then .. just as they look past you, the moment that they look past you, you can't help but meet their gaze and, just for an instant, you see God reflected in their eyes. I've seen a lot of reflected Gods today, Susan .. and I'm wondering how we can keep believing in them when they've stopped believing in us.\" -- Franklin to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"As the name implies, you must also be watchful. Peace can be made or broken with a gun, a word, an idea, even a thought. Now, those who work *against* peace sow the seeds of discontent. They plant false stories, they undermine the public good. It's not because they are necessarily evil. It's because they don't know any better. They're rejected, they're unhappy, and they lash out in the only way they can. So, If we could be made aware of these problems as they occur, then we can find these people, we can talk to these people, we can embrace them again in the arms of society, while, at the same time, protecting society from misinformation and harmful ideas. We're less interested in actions than we are in attitudes. We must help protect society against its own worst instincts. And by taking these bold steps, we *will* help to ensure a better future for everyone. I'm proud to be a part of it, and I hope you'll all join me in becoming part of the Night Watch.\" -- Pierce Macabee in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Psi-Corps rules prohibit unauthorized scans in civil or criminal investigations.\" \"How can it be unauthorized? According to Earth Central records, *he* is supposed to be dead. Can a dead man object?\" \"Captain, you're trying to use the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law.\" -- Winters and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"It was terrible, like falling into a bottomless well. And cold, so cold. And just for a second I thought I saw this ..\" \"What? What did you see?\" \".. A shape. I don't know. It was probably nothing.\" -- Winters and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"This is the only way. And we will tell you those answers. But be warned. Once you know his secret, once you know what we have known the last three years, you'll never sleep well again. Come, Captain, the greatest nightmare of our time is waiting for you.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"There are beings in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. Once, long ago, they walked among the stars like giants, vast, timeless. Taught the younger races, explored beyond the rim, created great empires, but to all things, there is an end. Slowly, over a million years, the First Ones went away. Some passed beyond the stars never to return. Some simply disappeared.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Not all of the First Ones have gone away. A few stayed behind, hidden, or asleep, waiting for the day when they may be needed. When the Shadows come again.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Shadows?\" \"We have no other name for them. The Shadows were old when even the Ancients were young. They battled one another over and over, across a million years. The last great war against the Shadows was 10000 years ago. It was the last time the Ancients walked openly among us. But the Shadows were only defeated .. not destroyed. 1000 years ago, the Shadows returned to their places of power, rebuilt them, and began to stretch forth their hand. Before they could strike, they were defeated by an alliance of worlds, including the Minbari .. and the few remaining First Ones who have not yet passed beyond the veil. When they had finished, the First Ones went away .. all .. but one.\" \"There's still one of them left. Where?\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Recognized? By whom?\" \"Everyone.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"'Yes' was the answer. What was the question?\" \"Have the Shadows returned to Z'ha'dum?\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Once awakened, the Shadows could not allow them to leave, in case they might warn others. Those who would not serve were killed.\" \"But were they all killed? Delenn, maybe .. maybe some of them were kept alive as prisoners. Anna might still be alive! Morden--\" \"Must be released.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"What? What did you see?\" \"Nothing. Shadows.\" -- Zack and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"You've been trying to help me so we can understand each other. It's not what I want anymore. I want you to teach me .. how to fight them, how to beat them. Because sooner or later I'm going to Z'ha'dum. And I'm going to stop them.\" \"If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die.\" \"Then I die. But I will not go down easily, and I will not go down alone. You'll teach me?\" \"Yes.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"At least you don't have to spend your day in the Triangle.\" \"Triangle?\" \"Grey sector. Ever since B5 went online, there've been all kind of stories about the place. Strange lights, weird noises, people vanishing. Maintenance nicknamed it the B5 Triangle. Now they swear that something's making their scanners go haywire.\" \"Anything to the stories?\" \"Nah, every station has its phantoms.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"I have been attacked by aliens before, but never by dead ones.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Every generation of Centauri mourns for the golden days when their power was like unto the gods. It's counterproductive. I mean, why make history if you fail to learn by it?\" \"You know, Vir, you have what the earthers call a negative personality.\" \"No, I don't.\" \"There. You see?\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Centauri have bowed to the whims of other races for too long. Now we will show the galaxy our true spirit, beginning with those .. those thrice-damned Narn.\" \"Emperor Turhan, may the gods comfort him, never wanted another war with the Narn.\" \"The emperor was a good man, but he was wrong about the Narn. War with them was inevitable. They have given us little choice in the matter.\" \"The Narn did not start this conflict. They were forced into it by a faction within our own midst, the same faction who murdered Prime Minister Malachi and put that infantile puppet Cartagia on the throne!\" -- Londo and Urza in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Commander, everything in order?\" \"Remarkably so. It is beginning to worry me.\" \"Do you always worry when things are going well?\" \"I don't have time to worry about them when they are not.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"I thought you said the .. records were all confiscated.\" \"I made a copy. You never know when I might want to write my memoirs.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Knowledge is a basic tool of politics. Mine is considerable.\" -- Urza Jaddo to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"You cannot build an empire based on slaughter .. and deceit.\" -- Urza Jaddo to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Disgrace is preferable to death.\" \"There was a time when I would've agreed with you. That time has passed.\" \"Londo, this is insane.\" \"Insanity is part of the times! You must learn to embrace the madness, let it fire you.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"Londo.. You had no choice. He would've killed you.\" \"He could've killed me any time. He was right, you know. I never could best him with a kutari. But my death would not have saved his family.\" \"I don't understand.\" \"By the laws of the morago, the victor must accept the loser's family as part of his own. They're House Mollari now. They cannot be harmed by the resolution passed against Urza. He sacrificed himself. I have made many choices lately, Vir. And today, for the first time.. I'm not sure those choices were right.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"It's not too late to make some new choices.\" \"No. The blood is already on my hands. Right or wrong, .. I must follow the path .. to its end.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Knives\""
- "\"I thought Zeta squadron was on break.\" \"It is, but some time ago, Keffer saw or thought he saw something in hyperspace, a ship of some kind, unknown configuration. He's been spending some of his free time looking for it.\" \"Tell Lieutenant Keffer to return to base. I want all freelance expeditions curbed from now on. His fighter's to be recharged and ready to go within the hour.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Something here doesn't add up. And unlike Mr. Garibaldi, I don't like mysteries.\" -- Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"For a meal with such an honored guest, there are rituals and traditions. The food must be sanctified during each of the fifteen stages of cooking. For instance, the spices must be blessed and a specific prayer spoken when they are used, each spice can only be used once, of course, and in the correct order. If an error is made, entire meal must be abandoned and you must begin again from scratch.\" \"So, when do you sleep?\" \"One does not sleep during the cooking. It could lead to error. So, for two days Lennier has not slept. In order to remain pure, he has taken only water and bread.\" -- Lennier,Sheridan,Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"As there are rituals to follow in preparing the meal of this nature, there are other rituals that must be observed when eating the meal. Otherwise the food is no longer sanctified and .. Lennier must begin all over again.\" \"Heh. Well, we certainly wouldn't want that, would we?\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"It is then tradition for the guest to set aside one piece of flarn in the memory of Valen in the place that is set aside for his return.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"We must now wait for a few moments before eating again. In between, we meditate upon food.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"In the memory of the nine and the one.\" -- Sheridan waking up in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"No, no, I was not. I .. I was meditating.\" \"The sound you were making is part of human meditation?\" \"I don't snore.\" -- Sheridan and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Now, I want to know how terminal and how contagious.\" \"It is one hundred percent terminal. And one hundred percent .. contagious.\" -- Franklin & Dr. Lazarenn in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"The disease only appeared once before, centuries ago on a small island on our world noted for certain excesses. When it was struck down, the rest of my people believed it was a punishment by the gods for their lack of morality. They even named the disease after the island devastated by it: Drafa.\" -- Lazarenn to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"We are the pure. If we believe, then the dark angel of Drafa will pass over us. Hurry. Inside now, everyone inside.\" -- Ambassador F'shara in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"They're in pain, frightened, dying. Minbari are taught that at such a time, the afflicted should be ministered to, comforted.\" \"They're not your own people, Delenn.\" \"I didn't know that similarity was required for the exercise of compassion. They are afraid. We wish to do what little we can.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Don't look away, Captain. All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you, in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"You should get some sleep.\" \"Can't. Too much to do.\" \"That's your third stim tonight. Too much isn't good for you.\" \"If we don't figure this out, it's really not going to matter, now, is it?\" -- Lazarenn and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Faith manages.\" -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Faith .. manages.\" -- Lennier to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"You were very funny. Everything to you was a problem to be solved, a test to be passed. But you know, Stephen, sometimes the test is not to find the answer. It's to see how you react when you realize there is no answer.\" -- Lazarenn to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"When I was a child, I once visited the city with my family and became separated from my parents. The more I looked for them, the more lost I became. The streets became smaller, narrower, darker. I was so afraid. Then .. I found myself in an old temple. And .. I thought .. I will wait here. I will be safe here .. and they will come, they will come for me.\" \"Did they?\" \"Not at first. Hours passed. The temple was cold and deserted. I fell asleep. When I woke up, there was someone standing over me. He looked down and smiled, and .. my fear went away. He stood there, bright against the darkness, and said that I was going to be all right, that if I .. believed .. then my parents will come for me. He said, 'I will not allow harm to come to my little ones here, in my great house.' Just then .. the door opened, and my parents came running in.\" -- Delenn and Sh'naal in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Faith manages.\" -- Lennier to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"Lennier, is there anyone? Anyone at all?\" \".. No. No one.\" -- Dr.Franklin and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"What do you call two billion dead Markabs? Planetary redecorating.\" -- Bartender in Babylon 5:\"Confessions and Lamentations\""
- "\"I didn't know you read Universe Today.\" \"Aah. After my last encounter with your reporters, I felt that I should be more prepared in the future. I find this notion of the press .. a fascinating, sometimes troubling concept.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Back home, if there is something you need to know, you are told just what you require and no more. It's tradition.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"You know, ah, while this incessant curiosity may seem necessary to you, Minbari respect the privacy of others by not prying into their affairs. To express *undue* *curiosity*--\" \"Unable to insert 'Eye on Minbari' section. Do you wish to accept edition anyway?\" \"Uh. Yes, yes I do.\" \"'Eye on Minbari'?\" \"It is good to know what your people are thinking and saying about my people. .. And, uh, I often learn things about my own world before I'm told what 'I need to know and no more'.\" -- Delenn, Computer and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Pakmara use only. Do not enter.\" -- Toilet sign in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"I have been nothing but compassionate and understanding. I mean, all you had to do was to admit you were wrong and I was right and everything would've been fine.\" -- Ivanova to Winters in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Lyta Alexander. She was the first commercial telepath assigned to Babylon 5 little over two years ago. She arrived January 3, 2257. She left about six weeks later.\" -- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Tell him that someone here, one of you, is a traitor. And I can prove it.\" -- Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"What I'm about to tell you cost two good men their lives. It nearly cost mine. This place is important to a lot of people. More important than you could possibly know. So, I had to come back, to warn you.\" -- Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Seven days ago .. One of our best people was murdered on his way back from an intelligence-gathering operation in Syria Planum.\" \"That's interesting. Psi-corps has a research center there.\" \"Our agent found out about a secret Psi-corps program, a sleeper program.\" -- Lyta Alexander and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Our guess is that it's someone on the command staff, or close to it, since the mole would be looking for vital information. All we have is a code name: *Control*.\" -- Lyta Alexander in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Why is it, every time you finally get things calmed down and everything is going great, life decides to .. kick you in the butt.\" \"But what?\" \"What?\" \"You said that life decides to kick you, *but*?\" \"No, no. It's a .. it's a part of the body. It's a .. Oh, you have the damnest gaps in your vocabulary.\" \"Preparing to come here, I was not taught the more .. *colorful* aspects of your language. It was considered inappropriate for one of the religious caste.\" \"You're missing out on a lot.\" \"So I gather. Butt. *Butt*. I butt, you butt, he or she butts.\" \"No. No, it's--\" \"Butt butt. Butt butt?\" \"You sound like a motor boat.\" \"Motor-butt? I don't think I like the sound of that.\" \"Well, I don't blame you. I'm against the whole idea.\" \"Then we are in agreement.\" \"Abso-fraggin'-lutely.\" \"Well, there you see.\" \"What?\" \"Something's gone your way today. It's the way the universe works. Wait just a little while, and the wheel turns.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"That's one cabinet that will never threaten us again.\" \"I'm sorry, I just-- it's been one of those days.\" -- Talia and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"You said you both interned with the corps. Which department did she intern with?\" \"Psi-cops. When she found out she didn't like it, she changed departments and became a commercial teep like me. Oh, 'teep'. It's sort of an in-joke around the corps. Teeps for telepaths, teeks for telekinetics.\" -- Ivanova and Talia in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"I told you that my mother was a telepath, and ever since I was born she could slip into my thoughts in a way that I could never even describe to you. What I didn't tell you .. is that I learned how to keep her out when I wanted to and that every once in a while .. I was the one who touched her mind. .. I'm a latent telepath.\" -- Ivanova to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Garibaldi believes her.\" \"Garibaldi doesn't believe anyone.\" \"Exactly.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"That's enough! Now, look at us. This is exactly what Psi-corps wants. They want us paranoid and afraid of each other. 'Divide and conquer.' It's the oldest rule in the book, you know that.\" \"I guess this wouldn't be a good time for me to suggest we all join hands and sing Kumbaya?\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"The corps is mother! The corps is father! You're dead, Lyta Alexander! We'll find you! The corps will find you!\" -- Talia Winters in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"And what was on that data crystal he gave you?\" \"Reflection. Surprise. Terror. For the future.\" -- Talia Winters and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Always the romantic. The program is complete. The Talia you knew no longer exists. There's just me. .. You don't know what it's like living only in the shadows of her mind, watching, laughing at all of you out here: foolish, petty, *stupid*. There I was, trapped inside, able to come out only at night when she was asleep. Her invisible sister. And you believed *everything* she said to you, all the things you wanted to hear, all the words I whispered in her thoughts while she lay sleeping, the words that would get her closer to you .. and to what you knew. You should see the look on your face .. my *good* .. and *dear* friend Susan.\" -- Talia Winters to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Only at night .. alone .. would I open that small door in my mind where I kept the memory of you and listen to your voice, listen to you sing me to sleep. I hope I can come back again .. but I don't know. Until then .. Kosh .. I want to see you again .. just one more time before I go.\" -- Lyta Alexander to Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Divided Loyalties\""
- "\"Oh, and you can bring one other. You know who.\" -- Draal to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"Mass drivers! They have been outlawed by every civilized planet!\" \"These are uncivilized times.\" \"We have treaties.\" \"Ink on a page.\" -- Londo and Refa in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"Sure you know where you are going?\" \"Of course. I have an excellent memory.\" \"Positive?\" \"Abso-fragging-lutely-dammit. Since our last discussion I have been studying your use of language. Do you approve?\" \"Well, we'll talk about that later. Left or right?\" \"Left. .. I believe.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"You have changed. .. I like it.\" -- Draal to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"I know Delenn has told you about the coming darkness. And, lately, I've learned about your role in shall we say .. a conspiracy of light aimed at your own government.\" -- Draal to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"I said a year ago that this place was to be left alone until the time was right. That time has arrived. Now that I know the full capabilities of this place, I am prepared to place them at your disposal.\" -- Draal to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"It might be helpful for you to know that you are not alone. And that in the long, twilight struggle, which lies ahead of us, there is the possibility of hope.\" -- Draal to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"I'm never alone. My thoughts are always among the stars. And I've learned that there are a few others living here who maintain the great machine. I speak with them from time to time. They are quite .. interesting. There is one particular who..\" -- Draal in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"So much to do, so little time. We must get to work! Zathras! *Zathras*! Grrr, never around when he is needed!\" -- Draal in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"You are the only one of the Kha'Ri who is still safe.\" -- A Narn to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be *free*.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"Tell them, that from this place we will deliver notice to the parliaments of conquerors that a line has been drawn against the darkness. And we will hold that line, .. no matter the cost.\" -- Sheridan to Rangers in Babylon 5:\"The Long, Twilight Struggle\""
- "\"Lennier said you were calling for me.\" \"Yes.\" \"Is there something wrong?\" \"You, perhaps. We have sent for you an inquisitor.\" \"An inquisitor? Why?\" \"To be sure, about you. You will submit to his authority.\" \"How will I know who it is?\" \"You will know, *if* you survive.\" -- Delenn and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Kosh must be certain that my choice was correct and made for the right reasons.\" \"If you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, the work becomes corrupted, impure, and ultimately self-destructive. Ambassador Kosh wishes confirmation that the right people are in the right place at the right time.\" -- Delenn and Lennier to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Nothing changes. Corruption, immorality, chaos.\" -- Sebastian in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"The truth? You are not ready for the truth. The facts? If that's the only way to get to my work. Yes, the Vorlons have been to Earth. The Vorlons have been everywhere. The Vorlons are.\" -- Sebastian to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"I was found by the Vorlons, taken, transported, and brought into their service. They told me everything about everything and the scales fell off my eyes and they were opened to universe of majesty and terror that you could never imagine. They call upon me when I'm needed, and preserve me when I'm not. And they have called upon me now for this interrogation.\" -- Sebastian to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Mr. Garibaldi. I have been on this station long enough to know that you don't ask leading questions unless you already know the answers. So, why don't we just pretend I've lied about it, you've caught me in your web of ineluctable logic and cut to the point.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"We are already, as you so quaintly put it, going straight to hell. We can not escape what's coming.\" \"Maybe not, but there's nothing wrong with taking a good ahead start.\" -- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"I meant, why are you doing this?\" \"Because you didn't lie to me.\" \"But you must have known that ahead of time.\" \"Like you said, I never start a conversation unless I know where it's going, but I always leave a little room for someone to disappoint me. Thanks for not doing it.\" -- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Unacceptable! What a sad thing you are. Unable to answer even such a simple question without falling back on references, and genialities and what *other* people call you. Have you *nothing* of your own? Nothing to stand on that is not provided, defined, delineated, stamped, sanctioned, numbered, and approved by others? How can you expected to fight for someone else when you haven't the fairest idea who you are?\" -- Sebastian to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"We all have a destiny.\" \"Do we? How magnanimous of you.\" \"Sometimes we do not see it, because we have been taught to believe that we are not important.\" -- Delenn and Sebastian in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Why are you here, now, in this place, in this life?\" \"I was meant to be here.\" \"Meant?\" \"Yes.\" \"By whom?\" \"I do not know.\" \"Then how can you be sure?\" \"I don't know.\" \"No, you don't?\" \"Does it matter? \"What do you mean?\" \"If I believe I'm here now for a reason--\" \"And if the world says otherwise?\" \"Then the world is wrong!\" \"And Delenn is right? Perhaps the world is right and *Delenn* is wrong? Have you ever considered that? Have you?\" \"Yes. Sometimes.\" \"Then there may yet be hope for you.\" -- Sebastian and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Do you know what your problem is, Delenn? You are a piece of the machine that thinks it is the whole of the machine. The flute that believes itself a symphony. You have malfunctioned. Admit it, and you'll feel better. Your only destiny is to be a nail that is hammered down. Bang, bang, bang.\" -- Sebastian to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"No. Be a nice Minbari, conform, be quiet, admit that you are inadequate.\" \"No!\" \"Bang!\" -- Sebastian and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"You are linked at the hip. Just as bad as she is. But you are not just a dreamer, you are a soldier. How far are you prepared to go? How much are you prepared to risk? How many people are you prepared to sacrifice for victory? Are you willing to die friendless, alone, deserted by everyone? Because that's what may be required of you in the war that is to come.\" -- Sebastian to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"What about the people you work with, the people you call friends? Are you willing to sacrifice them? What about your *family*, what about your God, what about truth, what about blood, what about right, what about wrong, what about your future, what about faith, what about sin, what about hell, what about death, what about life?\" -- Sebastian to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"*Stop*! Your quarrel is with *me*. You were sent to investigate *me*. Let him go. If you want to take someone, take me.\" \"Well, well. A mutual admiration and sacrificial society.\" -- Delenn and Sebastian in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"This body is only a shell. You can not touch me. You can not harm me. I'm not afraid.\" -- Delenn to Sebastian in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"At last, my job is finished. *Yours* is just beginning. When the darkness comes, know this: you *are* the right people, in the right place at the right time.\" -- Sebastian to Delenn & Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"The city was drowning in decay, .. chaos, immorality. A message needed to be sent, etched in blood, for all the world to see: a warning. In the pursuit of my .. holy cause, I .. did things, terrible things, unspeakable things. The world condemned me, but it didn't matter, because I believed I was right and the world was wrong. I believed I was the divine messenger. I believed I was--\" \"Chosen?\" \".. I was .. *found* by the Vorlons. They showed me the terrible depth of my mistake, .. my crimes, my .. *presumption*. I have done 400 years of penance in their service. A job, for which they said I was ideally suited. Now, perhaps, they will finally let me die.\" \"I think that *might* be wise.\" \"Good luck to you in *your* holy cause, Captain Sheridan. May *your* choices have better results than mine. Remembered, *not* as a messenger, remembered not as a reformer, not as a prophet, not as a hero, not even as Sebastian. Remembered only .. as *Jack*.\" -- Sebastian to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Comes the Inquisitor\""
- "\"Sometimes, I get so close and .. it seems I am shut off the important things.\" \"The useless feeling. The ambassador is definitely going through some changes, he even looks different.\" \"Indeed. And now with the military starting a stampede over everyone and everything ..\" \".. people coming and going, and secret meetings ..\" \".. you never know what it's all about, until later, when its too late.\" \"And they never listen to us.\" \"Makes me nervous.\" [together] \"Same time tomorrow?\" \"Sure.\" -- Lennier and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"I'm here to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Centauri. Before I leave here there will be an Earth-Centauri alliance that will guarantee peace for Earth. We will, at last, know peace in our time.\" -- Frederick Lantz in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"I remember the first time I put on this uniform. I felt ten feet tall. Like I could take on the *whole* galaxy before breakfast. Now I look at it, and it's just cloth. I don't know what it means anymore, what it stands for.\" \"You know, it's going to be newyear in little over a week. Maybe 2260 is the year that we redefine it, make it mean something again.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Everyone said it was impossible to take out a Minbari warcruiser, but you did it. The way things are going, I figured out that it might be nice to have a remainder that impossible is possible.\" -- Ivanova to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"This isn't a request, Captain. It's a direct order from the joint chiefs *and* the president. And you have two choices. Apologize, or disobey a direct order from your superiors. As this would be an act of insubordination, you will be removed from your position and someone more .. reasonable will be installed to replace you.\" -- Mr. Welles to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"I apologize. I'm .. sorry. I'm sorry we had to *defend* ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was *stupid* enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. .. As with everything else, it's the thought that counts.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Automatic door. Keep clear.\" -- Sign on a shuttle in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"The whole station is talking about what happened. Every race that was in the garden saw something different, yet .. the same. Being of light.\" \"Yes, each according to his or her type.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Millions of years the Vorlons have visited other worlds. Guided them and..\" \"Manipulated us? Programmed us, so that when we saw them we would react the right way?\" \"It is, as you say, a matter of perspective. What matters is that he has revealed himself to those who understand. You, me, and those who have been watching. The Shadows will know what Kosh has done, they will worry, afraid, that he will not reveal himself unless the Vorlons were prepared to stand against them.\" \"Are they?\" \"I do not think so. But as long as the Shadows believe that the rest of us are unaware of their existence, we have time to prepare.\" \"Then I just hope no one finds about them until ..\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Nothing. I saw .. nothing.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"It was the end of the year 2259 and the war was upon us. As anticipated, a few days after the Earth-Centauri treaty was announced, the Centauri widened their war to include many of the Non-Aligned Worlds. And there was another war brewing closer to home. A personal one, whose cost would be higher than any of us could imagine.\" \"We came to this place, because Babylon 5 was out last, best hope for peace. By the end of 2259, we knew that it had failed. But in so doing it became something greater. As the war expanded, it became our last, best hope for victory, because sometimes peace is another word for surrender, and because secrets have a way of getting out.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Strategic analysts in Earthdome have indicated they don't know who this new race might be, but promise to find out.\" -- ISN in Babylon 5:\"The Fall of Night\""
- "\"Ambassador. I've been looking for you. Last week, after you saved my life, I didn't really get a chance to thank you properly. I've tried to reach you since then, but .. you haven't answered my calls. Is everything all right?\" \"Being seen by so many at once was a great strain. I returned to my ship to rest. You have a question?\" \"Nobody knows it was you. Everyone saw something .. different, something from the legends of their own world. But it was still a terrible risk. After taking such .. such care to hide what you really are, why take that chance?\" \"It was necessary.\" \"Well, as answers go, short to the point, utterly useless and totally consistent, what I've come to expect from a Vorlon.\" \"Good.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"You know, I just had a thought. You've been back and forth to your homeworld so many times since you got here, how do I know you are the same Vorlon? Inside that encounter-suit you could be anyone.\" \"I have *always* been here.\" \"Oh yeah, you said that about me too.\" \"Yes.\" \"I really hate it when you do that.\" \"Good.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"The Babylon project was our last, best hope for peace. .. It failed. .. But in the year of the Shadow war it became something greater: our last, best hope .. for victory. The year is 2260, the place: Babylon 5.\" -- Commander Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"You know, I'm getting little tired of these unannounced visits by VIPs who will not tell us why they are coming or what they are going to do when they get here.\" \"I'll leave it to you to try take all the fun out of life. I mean, come on, where's your sense of mystery, adventure?\" \"Are you trying to cheer me up?\" \"No, sir. Wouldn't dream of it.\" \"Good. I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.\" \"Well, in that case, we all are going to die horrible, painful, bleeding deaths.\" \"Thank you, I feel so much better now.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"We have danced our last little dance, Mr. Morden. Now it is time for *you* to *go* *away*.\" -- Londo to Morden in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"It's hard to gauge size in hyperspace, but it's big and it's powerful, and it's totally unknown to us. It attacked and killed one of our pilots. It's clearly from a highly-advanced civilization. We are down-playing this at home, trying to convince the public we know what it is, where it's from and that we are not worried. We don't have a clue.\" -- David Endawi in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"These ships, once they target you, they never stop, never slow down, never give up, until they have destroyed you. They are nearly invincible.\" \"I don't believe that. Every ship has a weakness.\" \"Believe what you will, then experience changes your mind. Take a good look, John, and remember it well. That is the face of our enemy.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"Can you tell me if you have seen this before?\" \"Yes. In a dream.\" \"In a dream?\" \"I'm standing .. somewhere, on Centauri Prime, I think. And I am .. looking up. And there are ships, just like this, passing .. overhead. First a few, and then more, a thousand, two thousand, so many that they blot out the sun. Terrible sight, terrible.\" \"That's all?\" \"It is enough. .. No, that's all I know.\" -- David Endawi and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"I haven't had chance to fill you in on everything until now. And I apologize for that. But from what I've just heard we don't have a lot of time. This is Marcus, he's a--\" \"A Ranger. They've been trained to fight the Shadows and keep an eye on what is happening outside Babylon 5. The Rangers in this area are in the direct control of you, Ambassador Delenn, and Garibaldi is functioning as your liaison. Did I leave anything out?\" \"When did you..? How did you..?\" \"Captain, the day something happens around here and I *don't* know about it, worry.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"I thought the Rangers will be trained on Minbar.\" \"Many of them are, yes. But there is a wisdom in, as you say, not putting all of your eggs in one basket.\" -- Garibaldi and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"We've spent too much time reacting when we should have been acting. Let's take the offensive for a change. Fire up the shuttle, Commander, we've got work to do.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"What guarantee do we have that your forces do not decide to turn around and attack us?\" \"None. Ambassador, we both know what promises and treaties mean. All I can say is that we have what we want. The rest is no concern to us.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"I'm not authorized for that kind of information.\" \"But you are the head of security.\" \"Then what kind of head of security would I be if I let people like me know things that I'm not supposed to know? I know what I know because I have to know it. And if I don't have to know it, I don't tell me, and I don't let anyone else tell me either. Now look, we have tried most of the other ambassadors, why don't you speak to G'Kar, maybe he knows something about this ship.\" \"Under the terms of our recent treaty, I am not authorized to have any official conversation with the Narn without Centauri approval.\" \"So you'll ask unofficially. And I can give you reasonable assurances that the head of security will not report you for doing so.\" \"Because you won't tell yourself about it?\" \"That's right. I never get involved with my own life. It's too much trouble.\" \"This is a very strange place you have here, Mr. Garibaldi.\" \"Thank you.\" -- Garibaldi and David Endawi in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"They came to our world over a thousand of your years ago, long before we went to the stars ourselves. They set up a base in one of our southern continents. They took little interest in us. G'Quan believed they were engaged in a war far outside our own world.\" \"G'Quan?\" \"One of our greatest spiritual leaders. The book of G'Quan is copied by hand from the original with every note and line precisely drawn. This ship and your ship are the same. I tried to warn the others that the ancient enemy was returning, but no one listened. Perhaps now they will.\" \"But if this is correct, why would they just disappear for a thousand years?\" \"To all things there is a time, Mr. Endawi. Perhaps this is theirs.\" -- G'Kar and David Endawi in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"They missed!? They never miss!\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"Not that I can see. The ship is a complete mystery to all of them.\" \"Good. My associates will be very happy to hear that. There's no need to *rush* things. Your government can dismiss this as an isolated incident.\" \"I don't know. There's something about this idea of a threat to planetary security I find very appealing. As long as we keep the real truth to ourselves, there's no reason we can't use this situation to speed up the program here at home.\" -- a Senator, Morden and a Psi Cop in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"Well, then, I have a question. Been granted, I am stuck at medlab most of the time, and granted, I'm usually the last one to know anything around here, and granted, we've all been pretty busy lately, but would someone *please* tell me what the hell these Shadows are?\" -- Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"There are beings in the universe billions of years older than any of our races. They walked among the stars like giants, vast, timeless. They created great empires, taught the new races, explored beyond the rim. The oldest of the ancients are the Shadows. We have no other name for them.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Matters of Honor\""
- "\"God goes by many names, perhaps some alien sounding, different faces, and history, but all describing the same Creator. We've come here to learn *all* those names, in hopes of better understanding the One who's behind them.\" -- Brother Theo to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"I heard a joke today. I probably shouldn't repeat it, but .. who are you going to tell? How many Centauri does it take to .. ahem screw in a lightbulb? .. Just one, *but* in the great old days of Republic hundreds of servants would change a thousand lightbulbs at our slightest whim.\" -- Londo to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"This is insane! We *must* work together!\" \"No. As the humans say: Up yours, guy!\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"*We're* *in* *here*! *Can* *anyone* *hear* *us*?\" \"I hear you.\" [giggle, laugh] \"*In* *here*!\" \"We are here.\" [giggle, laugh] -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"Not many fishes left in the sea. Not many fishes, just Londo and me. *Not* many fishes left in the sea. Not many fishes, just Londo and me.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"Now look, we play this one by the book.\" [Lights go out.] \"Somebody just rewrote to book.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"As long as the trigger keeps transmitting, no *boom*.\" -- Robert J. Carlson to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"These are *chaotic* *times*, Captain. I'm simply an instrument of my time. People need to understand fear. Do you understand fear? Do you?\" -- Robert J. Carlson to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"It's nothing personal, Captain. It's just the times.\" -- Robert J. Carlson to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"No. It didn't. It's not fair. It's not fair!\" \"What can I say? Life's tough sometimes.\" -- Robert J. Carlson and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"How do you feel?\" \"As though great many heavy objects had fallen on me. But I suspect I will live.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"I did what I did because all life is sacred. But when the object of your actions does not share that belief.. I fear I have served the present by sacrificing the future.\" -- Lennier about Londo in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"There, you see! I'm going to live.\" \"So it would seem. Well, it's an imperfect universe.\" \"Bastard.\" \"Monster.\" \"Fanatic.\" \"Murderer.\" \"You are *insane*!\" \"And that is why we'll win.\" \"Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5 they say. Will be an *easy* assignment. Ah, I *hate* my life.\" \"So do I.\" \"*Shut* *up*!\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Convictions\""
- "\"You have the gun. All I've got is .. what I've got.\" \"No way. I drop you and your guards will kill me.\" \"Maybe. Maybe not, hell, anything happens to me, everyone gets an *instant* promotion. You've got the gun, go ahead, go for it. I'll wait for you.\" -- Sheridan and Troublemaker in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Energy-cap. I palmed it when I shoved the gun in his pocket.\" \"You are going to give *me* an ulcer.\" \"Okay, okay, next time I'll give him a live gun. You really do want that promotion, don't you?\" \"Next time you gonna ..?!\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Hey, did I ever tell you I looked through the Captain's personnel file?\" \"You *what*?!\" \"Shhh!\" \"Michael, that information is strictly off limits.\" \"I did it when he first came aboard. I like to know who I'm dealing with. And who knew he turn out to be okay, huh? Right now, according to his file, Sheridan is a good tactical thinker. He can take an inferior defensive force and turn it into an offensive force capable of taking on a better-equipped enemy. Now, he did it with the Black Star, he did it during the Mars riots. Now, you ask me, he is the one chance we've got to make it through this thing alive.\" \"Maybe. .. Did you look through *my* files when I came onboard?\" \"Commander, that information is strictly off limits.\" -- Garibaldi and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"So is that what it's about, pride? It's not enough that we have beaten them, we have to break them?\" \"Yes, I'm sorry, I thought you understood that. I don't want our people to go through this again in another hundred years. There's a way things are done, Vir, nothing personal.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Sort of like an inter-stellar gardener, plucking out all of the weeds so that the flowers can grow.\" \"Basically, yes.\" \"Well, let's just hope that High-IQ boys back home give us all the right answers to this test. Otherwise we're gonna get hit with a 500000-megaton weedwhacker.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"I want to *protect* you.\" \"I don't want to be protected!\" \"Well, I'm afraid it's not your decision. It's already done. You've been promoted. You'll earn more money, receive more attention, women may even come to find you attractive .. in time.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Londo, if I leave, you'll be alone.\" \"Pah, I've always been alone.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"I don't want to get killed because of a typo, it would be embarrassing.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Always finding good in every situation, Captain?\" \"Absolutely. If I didn't, I might end up like you.\" \"*Hey*, what's that supposed to mean? Did anybody else hear that?\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"I swear, if we'll live through this, someone is going to find their automatic shower-preferences reprogrammed for ice-water.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"15 seconds. Captain, send or no send?\" \"No send.\" \"Oh boy.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Captain, are you all right?\" \"Nuts.\" \"What's wrong? I mean, we've survived.\" \"Right, which means that I have to go to that stupid transport association meeting. Oh, well.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"If I'll live through this job .. without completely losing my mind, it will be a miracle of biblical proportions.\" \"Well, there goes my faith in the Almighty.\" -- Ivanova and Lt. Corwin in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"If I stay here, your families are in jeopardy. Is anything more important than their safety?\" \"Yes, their freedom.\" -- G'Kar and a Narn in Babylon 5:\"A Day in the Strife\""
- "\"Your Ambassador Delenn has a wonderful phrase: 'Faith *manages*.'\" -- Brother Theo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Ambassador, you wanted to see me?\" \"Yes. Formality. Ritual. You should be informed.\" \"Informed of what?\" \"Returning.\" -- Ivanova and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"The next thing I remember I was on the Vorlon Homeworld.\" \"Well, come on. Tell us about it.\" \"I can't. I wish I could, but I'm not allowed to talk about most of what I saw. The rest, .. you wouldn't believe anyway.\" -- Lyta Alexander & Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"It said: 'Death walks among you.' I know what I saw.\" -- Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"I was just surprised to see you, that's all. Do you know, that I was thinking about you *just* the other day. My *extremely* overpaid sources told me that you have been seen arriving here in a *Vorlon* transport. Now, they are profoundly unreliable pool of information on the best of days, so I said: 'No, it can not be her. The Vorlons do not pick up hitch-hikers. Not even one as attractive as you. Besides, if it were you, *surely* you would come by and say hello to your old friend, Londo.'\" -- Londo to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"*Fine*! And keep your threats to yourself! Nightmares. The way my life has been going lately, who'd notice?\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Among my people it is considered an honor to aid any true seeker in his quest.\" -- Delenn to Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"It is a.. it is very hard to explain. We do not believe in any individual god or gods. But rather, we believe that the soul is a -- what is a good term -- a non-localized phenomenon.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Well, if I project a beam of light at the wall, you see the light on the wall, but the wall is not the source of the light. It comes in from somewhere else. The soul is also a projection. It does not exist inside us any more than the light exists inside the wall. But this .. shell is the only way we can perceive it.\" -- Lennier to Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"We believe that the universe itself is conscious in a way we can never truly understand. It is engaged in a search for meaning. So it .. breaks itself apart, investing its own consciousness in every form of life.\" -- Delenn to Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"*We* are the universe, trying to understand itself.\" -- Delenn to Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Valen was the greatest of us. A thousand years ago he came from nowhere, formed the Grey Council, and brought peace to our people. They say he was a Minbari, not born of Minbari.\" -- Lennier to Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Why would an uneasy conscience show up in a lab report?\" -- Brother Edward in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Where does revenge end, and justice begin?\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Passing Through Gethsemane\""
- "\"Wars are won or lost before they are fought. The preparation, attitude, strategy, and the selection of proper allies. In the growing war against the Shadows, maybe there are some allies we have not approached yet. Many times over the last million years the Shadows were fought to a stand-still by the First Ones, races immeasurable older than our own. After the last war, a thousand years ago, we believed the first ones went away forever, passing beyond the galactic rim, where no human or minbari has ever ventured. But the vorlons remained, it is possible that some of the others may still be around.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"According to legend, some went to sleep in secret places, deep beneath their ancient cities, where no one can bother them. The rest walk among the stars, on errands we never hope to understand, barely aware of our existance.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"Delenn tells me that you are going to try contacting the First Ones. It is a *magnificent* idea. A *daring*, and *splendid* idea. In doing so you will see things no human has seen before. It will be *fun*. Assuming you are not vaporised, dissected, or otherwise killed in an assortment of supremely horrible and painful ways. *Exciting*, isn't it?\" -- Draal to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I asked for Captain Sheridan.\" \"He's busy.\" \"I don't like surprises.\" \"Really? I love them myself. I mean, to me everything is a surprise. You're a surprise, this place is a surprise. You see this? Paper-cut, hurts like hell. Anybody else would be upset, but to me it's just one more wonderful surprise. I mean, I even surprise myself sometimes. Now, I guess there's nothing wrong me surprising you? Right?\" \"Hahhahaha. I *like* you. You're trouble.\" \"Well, thank you. It's the nicest thing anybody has said about me in days.\" -- Draal and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"Earth doesn't have homeless. We don't have the problem. Well, yes, there are *some* displaced people, here and there, but they've chosen to be in their position. They're either lazy or they're criminal or they're mentally unstable.\" \"They can't get a job.\" \"Earth-gov has promised a job to everyone that wants one. So, if someone doesn't have a job, they must not want one.\" -- Julie Musante and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"Poverty?\" \"It's the same.\" \"Crime?\" \"Yes, there is some, but it's all caused by the mentally unstable. And we've *just* instituted correctional centers to filter them out at an early age.\" \"Prejudice?\" \"No, we are just one happy planet.\" -- Julie Musante and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I'm here to protect you.\" -- Julie Musante to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"Well, here we are. If you just plug yourself in to the matrix, we'll take it from there.\" \"Ahm, it's .. ahm .. occupied.\" \"Oh, yes, of course, my mistake. I spend so much time out of my body, I sometimes forget where it is. If you'll excuse me.\" -- Draal and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"All life forms are connected. Look for the path. Look for the path.\" -- Draal to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I can't leave without an explanation. She'll be all over me.\" \"Looks to me she's already all over you.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"Good luck, Captain. I think you are about to go where everyone has gone before.\" -- Ivanova to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"With our basic freedom in stake, no response can be too extreme. There maybe some minor and *temporary* abridgments in the traditionally protected areas, such as speech and association, but only until this crisis is over.\" -- Julie Musante in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I think you just hit a nerve. Vorlons must owe them money or something.\" \"This also tells they understand our language. They are just not willing to speak to us using that.\" \"Who knew they were French?\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"The Minbari taught me: 'Claim victory in your heart and the Universe will follow.'\" \"Fine, great. Claim victory in your heart and up your--\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I told you I could help. The book of G'Quan. Read it. We'll talk afterwards.\" \"I don't read Narn.\" \"Learn.\" -- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Voices of Authority\""
- "\"I will not support murder. We can *not* kill him.\" \"Can we wound him? Just a little?\" -- Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Far be it from me to try and talk you out of your paranoia, Captain. You choose not to trust me. Well, that's sad, and unfortunate. But unlike the rest of you, I have no intention of letting it get into the way of my work. Doctor. Trust, Captain. You should try it sometime.\" -- Bester to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"I'm here to save your butts. Next time, show a little gratitude.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"A darkness carried in the heart can not be cured by moving the body from one place to another.\" -- Lennier to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"My blood is the same color as yours. And what I do, I do to protect Earth, same as you. You don't like how I do it, that's your prerogative. But there are things going on out there that you know nothing about. Threats to the human race that no one never hears about, because we stopped them. There are dangers all around us. And whether you like us or not, we may be all that stands between you and the abyss.\" -- Bester to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"I thought the sleepers keep you from scanning anyone.\" \"That's right.\" \"So, how did you know he was lying?\" \"Well, the odds were good that he was lying about *something*. Liars are always afraid that somebody is going to see through them. So, I just provided him with a vehicle for his paranoia. Your captain's opinions non-withstanding, the badge and a uniform do have certain.. advantages.\" \"Like intimidation?\" \"Absolutely. Just like.. *your* badge and .. *your* uniform.\" -- Garibaldi and Bester in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Londo, the Minbari are very lovely people, interested in culture, and art..\" \"Decorative, and soft. Probably out to impose their views on everyone else.\" \"But their cities are thousands of years old.\" \"The lack of new construction is a sure sign of a faltering economy. This could make them very aggressive.\" \"They are deeply spiritual people, Londo.\" \"*That* you can leave in. It always scares people.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"If I had my talent working, I could've warned you when he was coming.\" \"And if I had a baseball bat, we could hang you from the ceiling and play pinjata. I still think I should've gone straight to G'Kar.\" \"We have no evidence that he made the sale yet. Why annoy the Narn without cause if we are wrong? Shut off the problem at the source and the rest attends to itself. A pinjata, huh? So, you think of me as something bright and cheerful full of toys and candy for young children. Thank you! That makes me feel.. much better about our relationship.\" -- Bester and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Who would believe it? The great and powerful Londo Mollari got his job because no one else was stupid enough to take it.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Who are you?\" \"I am .. who I have always been.\" -- G'Kar and 'his father' in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"We are a dying people, G'Kar. So are the Centauri. Obsessed with each other's death until death is all we can see, and death is all we deserve.\" -- Narn Image to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"What is there left for Narn if all of creation falls around us? There's *nothing*. No hope, no dream, no future, no life. Unless we turn from the cycle of death toward something greater. If we *are* a dying people, then let us die with honor, by helping the others as no one else can.\" \"I don't understand.\" \"Because you have let them distract you. Blind you with hate. You cannot see the battle for what it is. We are fighting to save one another, we must realize we are not alone. We rise and fall together. And some of us must be sacrificed if all are to be saved. Because, if we fail in this, then none of us will be saved. And the Narn will be only a memory.\" -- Narn Image and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Why now? Why not earlier? All this time, where have you been?\" \"I have always been here.\" -- G'Kar and Narn Image in Babylon 5:\"Dust to Dust\""
- "\"Shadow vessels. They were sighted in sector 800 two days ago. Seems they're gathering, creating a border on the edge of the Centauri space.\" -- A ranger to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"Listen, now that you have been promoted, I was thinking. We spend a lot of time up here together, but we never really get a chance to talk. So I was thinking maybe we could get together and talk about what you see yourself doing down the road, just .. you know, get to know each other a bit better.\" \"Well. Ah. Sure. We could, .. I don't know, meet in the mess hall for breakfast?\" \"No, you can't have a private conversation up there. The dishes cluttering, people talking.. So, why don't you come by my quarters later in the day and we can have a cup of coffee. Real coffee. Just don't ask me where I got it.\" -- Ivanova and Lt. Corwin in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"Hi! Something I can help you with?\" \"I don't know, I was thinking .. flowers.\" \"Thinking flowers is good, giving flowers is better. What's the occasion?\" \"I'm not sure, but I think I have a date.\" \"She asked you out?\" \"She asked me *in*, her place.\" \"Works fast. Is she agressive?\" \"You could say that.\" \"Hah. Lucky guy.\" \"It's not like that. Well, it's not like that *yet*. .. I think.\" -- Flower salesman and David Corwin in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"There are three of them with guns against two of us with *nothing*. They'll gun us down before we get half across the room.\" \"All we need is one of them to leave the room. Then there will be only one man with the gun.\" \"Excuse me, where I come from, one man from three leaves two.\" \"Where I come from is a far more interesting place.\" -- Franklin and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"I sense in her a key, as yet unturned.\" \"And what exactly does that mean?\" \"I don't know. But I should think it would be *fascinating* to find out.\" -- Marcus and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"You see that tube on the corner of the table there? That's a medical scanner, the Copeland J5000, very advanced. I was bringing it to him. You need to get it to him immediately. I know, I know, why should you believe me, it could be a weapon or something. Check it out yourself. Just look at the open end, yeah, then shake, shake it twice firmly to activate the scanner.\" -- Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"It says we were created half a million years ago. Bred to be living records of all those we have seen and touched. For all that time we have travelled through the galaxy in our host bodies. We have seen double sunset on worlds so far away you have no name for them. We remember music that was played before your kind learned to speak. Within us is the living memory, deeds and stories, civilizations and passions, wars and struggle, great beauty. But in time even we die, unless we find shelter within other living beings. So, we seek out those who have nothing to look forward to, those whose lives are at an end, those who know they will be never more than they are now, those who will never know beauty, or peace, or purpose and we give them that. Through us they are born to a new life.\" -- Vindrizi to Marcus and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Exogenesis\""
- "\"I've taken the opportunity provided by my incarceration to meditate, to think. Sometimes, I even sing.\" \"I know, we got a petition.\" \"For or against?\" \"Based on the sound, they think we are torturing you in here.\" -- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"In here, Mr Garibaldi, you can not hide from yourself. Everything out there has only one purpose. To distract us from ourselves, what is truly important. There are no distractions in here. We can learn much from silence.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"Seven years ago I was stationed on Mars. We were always getting false leads on artifacts supposedly buried beneath the Martian soil for thousands of years. Nothing ever came of it. And then one day our sonic probes picked up something three hundred feet below the surface of Syria Planum. We didn't know what it was. Except that it wasn't a natural formation. And given it's depth, it had been there at least a thousand years. It was in the middle of Martian winter, so it took weeks to dig half of it from the ground. But that much was enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life. It's the same ship we have seen on the news lately. That one looks like it came straight from hell.\" -- Dr. Mary Kirkish in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"But back home they are saying they have never seen ships like this before.\" \"They are lying. I was there.\" -- Sheridan and Dr. Mary Kirkish in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"How can you sleep in these things?\" \"It's quite simple with proper meditation. Because we consider sleeping in horizontal to be tempting death.\" \"Yeah, if I'm sleeping in this, I'm tempting fate .. all night.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"And according to one of our units on the border of Centauri space, they've continued massing their fleet. We don't know why. Maybe they expect a counter attack, it's hard to say. And they have much to be concerned about. There's always the threat of an attack by say, a giant space dragon, the kind that leaves the sun every thirty days. It's a nuisance, but what would you expect from reptiles. Did I mention that my nose was on fire? That I have fifteen wild badgers living in my trousers? I'm sorry, would you prefer ferrets?\" -- Marcus to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"The shadow vessels use living creatures as their central core. Whoever steps inside merges with it, becomes one with the ship. After that it's fully functional. They must be sending one in right now.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"In Valen's name. It's awake.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Messages from Earth\""
- "\"No. No, this report is totally inappropriate. You have to do it again.\" \"But Londo, why? I've spent weeks working on this report. I didn't even sleep on the flight back from Minbar so I could go over it again. I've checked *every* *single* *detail* myself. It's absolutely accurate.\" \"Yes, Vir, I'm sure it is. And that is the problem. Here, you say: 'The Minbari have carefully preserved their cities over the course of centuries'.\" \"That's right, absolutely.\" \"No, what you should say instead is: 'Their cities are very old indicating a decaying culture.'\" \"*What*?\" \"And here: 'The Minbari put great emphasis on art, literature and music.' Say instead: 'They are decadent people, interested only in the pursuit of .. of dubious pleasures.' Dubious-part is very important. It doesn't *mean* anything, but it *scares* people every time. All right?\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"I thought the purpose of filing these reports was to provide accurate intelligence.\" \"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"Here, 'They are tolerant of differences among other cultures.'\" \"Yes.\" \"No, make that: 'They have no well-defined sense of morality.' They'll *love* that back home.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"'Everything's gone to hell, John. God help us all. You're on your own.'\" -- Gen. Hague's message to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"Emergency evac pod access way.\" -- Sign outside C&C in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"Captain, how did this happen? What did we do wrong?\" \"I don't know, Lieutenant. I don't know.\" -- Lt. Corwin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"I might have something for you in a little while, Mr. Garibaldi. When the time is right.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"I need to know if the grand destiny I see before me is what is, or what might be.\" \"So you want her to tell you it's all going to happen the way you see it?\" \"No, I want her to tell me it won't.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"I believe that I have been touched. That I am meant for something greater. A greater darkness or a greater good, I can no longer say. All I have ever wanted is to serve our people. I need to see what is before me. If I should escape it, or embrace it. If there is any longer a choice.\" \"There is always choice. We say there is no choice only to comfort ourselves with the decision we have already made. If you understand that, there's hope. If not ..\" -- Londo and Lady Morella in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"You must understand, Ta'Lon, I have had a revelation.\" \"What kind of revelation?\" \"Most profound and substantial one, Ta'Lon. The kind of revelation that transforms your mind, .. your soul, .. your heart, .. even your flesh. So that you are a new creature. We born in the instant of understanding.\" -- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"What do you understand now that you did not understand before?\" \"It's all here, in these pages. I have tried to write down what I have seen. It may take the rest of my life to explain what I *saw* in that one singular instant. To save our people, we must sacrifice our people, sacrifice ourselves, pride our vengeance, be willing to die by the thousands, by the millions. For one another. The more we fight for ourselves, the more we will lose ourselves. We are linked, Ta'Lon. Our fate is like an image caught in a mirror. If we deny the other, we deny *ourselves*. And we will cease to exist.\" \"And who or what is this 'other'?\" \"The universe itself, Ta'Lon. But the Humans, they are the key. And together, you and I, and the rest, we will turn that key. Because on the other side, there's salvation for all of us.\" -- Ta'Lon and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"G'Kar, what are you doing here?\" \"[whispering] Saving all of us. I've had .. an idea.\" -- Ivanova and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"Always plant a lie inside a truth, makes it easier to swallow.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You've already wasted two others. You must save the eye that does not see. You must not kill the one who is already dead. And at the last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear, knowing that it will destroy you. Now, if you fail all the others, that is your final chance for redemption.\" \"I .. don't understand.\" \"The future reveals itself only reluctantly, Ambassador. Take the sign for what it is. Look for it when it appears.\" \"I will, thank you.\" -- Lady Morella and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"One more thing. You *will* be Emperor. That part of your destiny can not be avoided.\" \"I see.\" \"[to Vir] You will also be Emperor.\" -- Lady Morella and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"Lady Morella, please. We can not *both* be Emperor.\" \"Correct. One of you will become Emperor .. after the other is dead. That is all we see and all we wish to see.\" -- Londo and Lady Morella in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"I have time. All the time in the world. Do you?\" -- G'Kar to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Point of No Return\""
- "\"He has a wife back home, three small children, an abessinian cat named Max. That's what makes this war different from anything we have ever gone through before. This time we *know* everyone we kill.\" -- Major Ed Ryan in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"Delenn, please be careful. The Grey Council is not what it was. They may not receive you well, if they will see you at all.\" \"They *will* see me whether they like it or not. It's time someone made them face reality.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"Three years. For three years I warned you this day was coming. But you would not listen. *Pride*, you said, *presumption*. And now the Shadows are on the move. The Centauri and the younger worlds are at war, the Narns have fallen. Even the Humans are fighting one another. The *pride* was yours, the presumption was yours. For a thousand years we have been awaiting for fulfilment of prophecy, and when it finally happens, you scorn it, you reject it. Because you no longer believe it yourselves. 'We stand between the candle and the star, between the darkness and the light.' You say the words, but your hearts are empty, your ears closed to the truth. You stand for nothing but your own petty interests. 'Problems of others are not our concern.' I do not blame you for standing silent in your shame. You, who knew what was coming, but refused to take up the burden of this war. If the warrior caste will not fight, then the rest of us will. If the Council has lost its way, if it will not lead, if we have abandoned our covenant with Valen, the Council should be broken, as was prophecied. We must stand with the others *now*, before it's too late. Between the worker caste and the religious caste we control two thirds of our forces. Do you, I say, listen to the voice of your conscience? Break the Council, and come with we. Our time of isolation is over. We move *now*, together, or not at all.\" -- Delenn to Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"What was the first lesson I ever taught you?\" \"Never start a fight, but always finish it.\" -- David Sheridan to John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw, .. or be destroyed.\" [in the White Star!] \"Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.\" \"Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.\" -- Delenn and Captain Drake in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"Traitors can't hide.\" -- Nightwatch banner in Babylon 5:\"Severed Dreams\""
- "\"So once we open up all the comm channels, they can send a message out to override the system, erase our passwords and lock us out. Cute. They can shut down the defense grid, life support..\" \"No problem. I have got the access codes locked away. Shouldn't be too much trouble to go and change the passwords.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"We have to reassure everyone that we are in control of the situation. We can't do that hiding in our offices.\" \"I still think you should have an armed escort.\" \"Kind of defeats the purpose, Mr. Garibaldi. I can take care of myself.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Opinion doesn't enter into it. What is, is. Prophecy said one day we would unite with the other half of our soul in a war with the ancient enemy. This we have done.\" \"Prophecies are poor guide to the future. You only understand it when the events are already upon you. And .. not all of the prophecies are good ones. There's darkness and fire still ahead of us. There are no guarantees that any of us will survive it.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I told you to wait!\" \"I had a clear shot.\" \"You had *nothing*! You take him down, he's a martyr. 500 men will stand up where he fell. Now, we do this by the numbers, or not at all. Don't worry, before this is over, we'll have our pound of flesh.\" -- Boggs and Sniper in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts.\" \"We can handle it. Our resources are greater than you think.\" -- Londo and Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I have gotten into the habit of recording important meetings. One never know when an inconvenient truth would fall between the cracks and vanish.\" -- Londo to Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Mr. Morden and his associates worry me. After the Narns were defeated, I took steps to put some distance between us. Refa, I have the feeling that he and his associates are carving a great, dark hole in the middle of the universe. And when they go down, anyone nearby will go with them.\" \"That will not happen. You don't appreciate their strength.\" \"I appreciate their strength all right. And that is why this unfocused aggression worries me. By drawing our forces into dozen smaller wars you have effectively weakened our main line of defense, should they turn an eye to Centauri Prime.\" \"They will not do that.\" \"No, they will not, because you are going to take steps to prevent it. And you start by breaking off your relationship with Mr. Morden.\" -- Londo to Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Oh, Londo, you are a *fool*. You walk away from the greatest power I have even seen, and now you expect *me* to do the same. They are the *key* to my eventual rise to the throne. Why would I abandon them?\" \"Because I have asked you. And because your loyalty to our people should be greater than your ambition. And because I have poisoned your drink.\" -- Lord Refa and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Yes, and it is *very* interesting poison. It comes in two parts. Both are harmless on their own, but when combined, quite lethal. The first settles into the blood stream and the intestinal wounds. It stays there for years, silent, dormant, waiting. When the other half of the poison enters the body, the two meet, have a little party in your cardiovascular system. And suddenly, you .. are .. quite .. dead.\" -- Londo to Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Your drink contained the first half of the poison.\" \"Why? Why did you do this?\" \"To guarantee your co-operation. And because, sooner or later you would do it to me. Yes, we are returning to the old ways, Refa. And poison was always the instrument of choice in the old Republic. Being something of an sentimentalist, I got here *first*.\" \"What do you want me to do?\" \"You have encouraged that fool Cartagia to attack worlds that have no value to us. You will now encourage him otherwise. You will bolster our lines of defense around Centauri Prime. And you have nothing more to do with Mr. Morden. If you do not comply, one of my agents in the royal palace will introduce you to the second half of the poison. To your health, Lord Refa.\" -- Londo and Lord Refa in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"We have gone through so much pain, John. If we do not put it behind us, if we are not sworn into new possibilities, it will surely destroy us.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Toebone's connected to the footbone, footbone's connected to the anklebone, the anklebone's connected to the legbone, legbone's connected to the hipbone, now hear the word of the Lord.\" -- Sniper in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"You've been nervous about this ever since I mentioned it. What are you afraid of?\" \"Nothing. Well, spiders.\" \"Marcus, the rebirth ceremony was part of your training on Minbar.\" \"I missed it, overslept.\" \"It lasts all day.\" \"Oh, that's right, I was ill. Wanted to go, .. couldn't. Same as now. Loved to, can't really, next time. Ah, someone I have been waiting for.\" -- Delenn and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Could you tell me a little more about what is involved in this rebirth ceremony?\" \"Reflection, meditation upon what has gone before, what is now, and what is to come.\" -- Londo and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Ah, for a moment I was thinking women, drinking and debauchery. I forgot I was speaking to a Minbari. This, by you, is a good time, is it? What else?\" \"You must tell someone a secret that you have never told anyone else before. And you must give away something that is of great value to you.\" \"Ah, how positively festive!\" -- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"It is time for us to come together, to restore that which has been torn apart, and to heal the wounds we have suffered.\" \"With everything that has been going on, I'm surprised you invited me.\" \"In the matter of confessions, meditation and the closing of past wounds, Ambassador, you were at the top of my list.\" \"I'm already attending to my past, my present and what remains of my future. I do not require your assistance. Or your *approval*. Enjoy your ceremony, Delenn. I intend to have other plans.\" -- Delenn and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I'll try and stop by for the closing ceremonies.\" \"What matters is everything leading up to that point. Leaving behind the old, preparing to be reborn.\" \"I have already been born once, and quite sufficiently, I think.\" -- G'Kar and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Well, it was a good idea while it lasted.\" \"It *still* *is* a good idea. We will hold the ceremony. If some choose not to attend, the loss is theirs.\" -- Marcus and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Everything I was, everything I had, all of it died that night. I don't have anything left to give.\" \"And that is exactly what you must give up. Yes, you have lost much, endured much, sacrificed greatly, but you cling to the memory of your sacrifices, of all the things you have lost or left behind. They *drag* behind you, like chains of your own making. They can have a terrible power over you, Marcus. The power of grief, and loss, and regret. Yes, you have let go of the people, the places, the things, but you have not let go of the pain. You have not forgiven yourself.\" \"For what?\" \"Being alive.\" -- Marcus and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Hello. I'll deal myself in.\" \"I thought we had an understanding. We don't bother you, you don't bother us.\" \"That was before a close friend of mine was abducted by some very bad people. Being rather bad people yourselves, it occurs to me one of you might know where she is.\" \"We don't talk to security, why should we talk to you?\" \"Because if you don't, then in five minutes I'll be the only person of this table still standing. Five minutes after that, I'll be the only person in this room still standing. So, who's in?\" -- Marcus and a 'bad boy' in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Among Minbari, one individual leads, but we move as one. We are at our best when we move together, and we are at our worst when we move together. When our leader was killed by your people, we went mad together. We stayed mad for a very long time, a maddness that almost consumed your world, until finally, before it was too late, we woke up together. But you, you are alone, you have no one to awaken you from your madness. For this, and nothing else, I feel pity for you.\" -- Delenn to Sniper in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Oh bugger, now I have to wait for someone to wake up.\" -- Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I see they trained you well back home.\" \"Yeah, they always said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.\" \"And?\" \"I'm not repressed anymore.\" -- Lennier and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I know that Delenn is fated for another, and I have accepted that, in my heart. But I have vowed to stay at her side through all things for as long as I live.\" -- Lennier to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"You see, it's like I've always said: 'You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word.' Please, continue.\" -- Marcus to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Always bet on stupidity.\" -- Sniper in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"No more! No more of you! No more Nightwatch, no more hostages, no more lies. Not on my station, not on my watch. *No* *more*! No more.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"Hello Delenn. Now, I was thinking, you couldn't come to the ceremony, the ceremony should come to you. I've given up something that really mattered to me, the uniform and everything that goes with it. I've never told anyone before now.. When you were hurt, when you were in my arms, I was ready to kill that guy with my bare hands. I realized I have never told you how much I cared about you, how much you mean to me. I think it's time you knew that. I can no longer imagine my world .. without you in it. I don't .. know exactly when or how it happened, .. but I'm glad it did.\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"No one knows, but .. I'm afraid all the time .. what I might do if I ever let go.\" -- Garibaldi to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I think I loved Talia.\" -- Ivanova to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"I .. think I have a problem.\" -- Franklin to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen someone who's been reborn before? The crisis, for now, is over. Tell the ships .. we are open for business.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ceremonies of Light and Dark\""
- "\"What do you mean, 100 credits?\" \"I mean, more than 99, less than 101. What, do you have a hearing problem, or a math problem? Look, I can't get into conceptual arguments with you, I've got people waiting.\" \"That's three times the delivery charge for package this size.\" \"That was before we had a revolution around here. Now, in my little corner of Earth Force the mail still gets delivered. If I've got to use trapdoors, alien transports and back channels to get the mail in and out of here, that's what I do, because that's my job. Neither rain, nor snow, nor meteors, nor alien invasion nor..\" \"Look, this is extortion.\" \"It's business. You see, when my costs go up, I have to pass it down along to the consumer. That's *you*, in case that's another one of those concepts you've got a problem with.\" -- Garibaldi and the mailman in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.\" -- Marcus to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"Two figures on either side, one Human, the other Minbari. They blend together in the middle to signify the two halves of our souls uniting against the common enemy.\" -- Marcus to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"By G'Quan, I can't recall the last time I was in a fight like that. No moral ambiguity, no .. hopeless battle against ancient and overwhelming forces. *They* were the bad guys, as you say, we were the good guys. And they made a very satisfying *thump* when they hit the floor.\" \"It's wrong for the strong to prey on the weak. That idea was the very heart of the Round Table. To correct injustice, to promote a society of laws, not arms.\" \"*Well* *said*!\" \"*That* is the purpose which God and the Crown have set before me. I can not achieve that locked away in some room.\" \"*No*, of course not! What room?\" \"I sense in you a warrior born.\" -- G'Kar and Arthur in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"But this is the *post* *office*. This could get us in *real* trouble.\" -- A Sec.Guard to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"I will vouch for his character! I saw the *entire* thing .. because I was there. I was in it. I was .. And they made a very agreeable thump. Or did I mention that?\" -- G'Kar to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"I'll miss him.\" \"Even if he wasn't Arthur?\" \"Now, now. Next thing you'll be saying he's [Kosh] not Merlin. Merlin was a great teacher, you know.\" \"I'm not hearing this.\" \"They say he aged backwards. That was how he was able to foretell the future by remembering it. Which means he came *from* the future. Maybe he had Arthur form the round table by remembering us.\" -- Marcus and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A Late Delivery from Avalon\""
- "\"The Emperor has just finished reviewing your reports from Minbar. He asked me to convey his *compliments* on your hard work, even if some parts of it do read as if they were written by Ambassador Mollari.\" \"He advised me on a few things.\" \"I thought as much. Londo belongs to the old school. He thinks we must be protected from the truth. But these are perilous times. We must have accurate information about what other worlds are doing. You would do well to follow your *own* judgement in the future.\" -- Centauri Minister and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Oh, I heard a new joke. Hehahaahhh. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?\" \"Heh, I don't know. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?\" \"One angry Narn with a key.\" -- Centauri Minister and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Same thing night after night, one bad dream after another. You know, I get the one where your teeth are breaking off or falling out and you wake up going aaah!\" \"Oh yeah, I know that one.\" \"Or you are lost in a maze somewhere, or you're someplace I have never been before. This morning I dreamt that I walked into C&C totally .. unprepared for my work.\" \"Oh. Interested in little time-honored psychoanalysis?\" \"No, I'll just bury my soul in the breakfast and ask you to give me some silver-ware.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"I have already dealt with all that.\" \"Consciously, but from what you are saying, subconsciously you are still trying to work it all through. You don't know where you fit anymore, how to define yourself, you are feeling vulnerable, lost, and exposed. It's all perfectly obvious and completely understandable.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"It'll pass. Your subconscious just needs to work it all through. Hey, it could be worse, you could be having dreams where you are showing up to work naked. You would be in real trouble.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Yes, you can help me. Two hours ago. *Two* hours ago I called you. I told you that there is .. a bug, an insect in my quarters.\" \"Well, we've been a little busy.\" \"Now, listen to me. I do not like insects. I do not like little *brown* *things* with eight legs. I do not like *anything* with eight legs. Well, except for the Vinzini, but only because they are terrible at cards. Something to do with compound eyes, I think. I want this thing *dead*! -- Londo and B5 Maintenance in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"I would like to see you tonight.\" \"Are you not seeing me now? I would think that you see me every time we meet, unless I have become translucent or .. insubstantial and nobody has stopped to inform me until now.\" \"Let me say I would like to see you in a *different* light, candlelight for instance. Over dinner.\" \"Tonight?\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Humans can be a very depressing people.\" \"Only if we get turned down for dinner.\" \"Well, we can't have that, now can we?\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"And how are things at the royal court?\" \"You know, collusion, politicking, scheming, innuendo, gossip. The same old thing.\" \"Good. Good. And your reports? I assume they went over well.\" \"Yes, sir. Very well.\" \"Did you tell them I helped with our reports?\" \"No, there was no need to, they noticed it right off.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"When I marry, I want it to be for love.\" \"Ah, a radical?\" -- Vir and Lyndisty in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Wow. It's quite a view, isn't it?\" \"I know, I can never get enough of it.\" \"Standing here in front of the stars like this, looking out, down, up, all at once, kind of makes you feel naked in front of the universe.\" -- Zack and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Mr. Cotto, you're late.\" \"I'm sorry. I was otherwise engaged. Engaged and married, as it is. Not that I knew about it or anything..\" \"You are not making sense.\" \"I imagine I'm not, but that's the kind of day I'm having.\" -- Ivanova and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Is she all right?\" \"Yes, Lyndisty, my wife. Well, soon to be. You know, it's .. it's done, but it's not *really* done .. but it's .. phew .. a long, long story. But, you know, at first, you know, I didn't think, but now .. oh, she's .. well. Oh, can I ask you a question as long as you are here?\" -- Ivanova and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"There were other women, but I never got past one.\" \"You mean first base.\" \"No, no, I mean one. You see, we have six a .. we have *six*, you see, and each one is a different level of intimacy and pleasure. So, you know, first you have one, and that's naa-naa. Then there's two .. and by you get to five it's a heehaa-heehaa.\" -- Vir and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"All I can say is that enthusiasm, sincerity, genuine compassion, and humor can carry you through any .. lack of .. prior experience with .. high numerical value.\" \"Wow, I'm gonna remember that. Thank you, *thank* you.\" -- Ivanova and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"*Six*! Huh!\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"Back home nobody cares about dead Narns, only living ones.\" -- Vir in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"And to tell you the truth.. I hate to say this, but .. I think I really enjoy being a sneak.\" \"Then I hereby appoint you the official Babylon 5 sneak in residence.\" \"Oh, thank you.\" \"Now get the hell out of my chair.\" \"Yes, sir.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Sic Transit Vir\""
- "\"ISN, the galaxy's most important network.\" -- ISN announcer in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"I can only wait so long.\" \"I thought your patience was infinite.\" \"Since space and time are curved, the infinite sooner or later bends back upon itself and ends up where it begun. And so have I.\" -- G'Kar and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"You know, if this keeps up, I'm gonna start thinking that people around here .. just don't like me.\" -- Bester to a welcome party in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"I was expecting the captain.\" \"He sent me.\" \"Did he? He has a better sense of humor than I thought.\" -- Bester and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"You know, it's come to my attention lately that we have a common enemy. There's an old saying: 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' President Clark isn't calling the shots back home, there're others whispering in his ear. I don't know who they are or where they are from, but do I know they are not human. I have only heard one name for them: Shadows. My guess is you know more about them than I do, but you are probably not interested in sharing that information. Are you?\" -- Bester to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"You know the real reason you don't like me, Commander? It's the jealousy of evolution. Normals like you are obsolete. The future belongs to telepaths .. and I intend to make sure that future happens. One way or another.\" -- Bester to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"But we can't be on top if the aliens get there first and some of them have. Through Clark they infiltrated the Psi Corps. And apparently they have their own plans for my telepaths. Whoever these aliens are, they are interfering with *my* plans for the future. I won't have it! And so, I need someone who feels the same way I do. .. Which brings me to you. You'd like to hurt them, Commander? Because I think I know how. If you are up for it. -- Bester to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"So, how did you find about all of this?\" \"I'm .. a telepath. .. Work it out.\" -- Sheridan and Bester in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"We knew that the Shadows, the ancient enemies, as you call them, had returned. We knew they were rebuilding their forces preparing to strike. We knew that they were seeking allies and that the Centauri were the first to enlist. When you came back from the area near Z'ha'dum, and warned us about the enemies' return, we could've spoken out. We could've confirmed your story. We chose to remain silent.\" \"Who is 'we'?\" \"The Grey Council. I was still a part of them at that time. Once the decision was made, I could not disobey.\" \"So you stayed silent. And with the help of these .. Shadows, the Centauri destroyed my world. Enslaved or killed millions of my people.\" \"G'Kar, if we *had* spoken out, if we *had* come public with what we knew, most of the other worlds would never have believed us. It would have changed *nothing*. Your world would still have fallen. With one critical difference. There are billions of Narns still surviving on your world. If we had exposed the Shadows, they could have struck openly before we had time to prepare, and *none* of your people would have survived. G'Kar, under the Centauri there is at least the hope of survival. With the Shadows, there is no hope at all. We had to choose between the death of millions and the death of *billions*, whole planets.\" -- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"'Some must be sacrificed for all to be saved.' First I took that as a revelation for the future. Now I see that it is as much about how we got here as about where we are going. I think that one sentence is the greatest burden I have ever known.\" -- G'Kar to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"You are right, nothing would've been changed. Except that my people would now be a dead race.\" \"You have come a long way, G'Kar. Further than I would've guessed. Sheridan's promise binds me as well it does him. We will take you into the Council, G'Kar. And someday, when all this is over, perhaps you will find it in your heart to forgive me.\" \"Perhaps, but not today.\" -- G'Kar and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"Can we intercept?\" \"The White Star is powered by a magnetic and gravitational system like all Minbari cruisers. You can use a magnetic discharge to capture the escaped vessel.\" \"A simple 'yes' would've sufficed, Mr. Lennier. Grab it.\" -- Sheridan and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"The machine says: 'kill, to protect.' The sign hurts us. We can not hear the machine.\" \"What machine?\" \"*Live*. In my mind. I am the machine. We join, we flight. It is dark. Terrible. Help me, please, make it stop talking in my mind.\" -- Carolyn and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"What did you see inside her mind before she passed out?\" \"Those things. Those *Shadow* vessels. How much do you know about them?\" \"Delenn said they are some kind of organic technology and they use living beings as .. as their central operating system.\" -- Sheridan, Bester and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"Your war .. is now my war.\" -- Bester to Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'\" \"You sound dubious?\" \"He's still a Psi-Cop. I don't trust him, never will. He has invested interest in helping us for now, but once this is all over, he'll turn on us. You do know that?\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"Hello, hello, hello, and .. hello.\" \"Michael, you look like the proverbial cat that ate the equally proverbial canary.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. It's right here. It's right here.\" \"Do not thump the book of G'Quan. It is disrespectful.\" -- Garibaldi and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"We have a weapon. My God, people, we have a weapon.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"The Shadows have just started attacking Brakiri space, openly, they are not hiding anymore. They are finally on the move.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Ship of Tears\""
- "\"August third, 2260. Personal diary. 10 days ago, for the first time, the Shadows began attacking openly.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Nobody has seen Kosh in almost a week. When the Vorlon goes to ground, I worry. What's going through his .. its .. mind? I can't even guess.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"It's not about value. It's .. I don't know what it is. I don't know what the Shadows want exactly, but they are not on anybody's side but their own.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"I thought we had a deal. We carved up the galaxy, you and I.\" \"Yes, we did. And what you do in your half is your business. What I do in mine is mine.\" \"We need your government to continue its campaign.\" \"Yes. And why is that, huh? I don't think you have any interest in restoring the glory of the Centauri Republic. No. I think you are *using* us as .. shall we say, agents of chaos. Convenient distraction making it easier for your associates to do whatever they wish to do. Yes?\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Yes, I *have* ideas, some possibilities, but at this moment the stone cold fact is that none of us can stand up to those ships. If we could just score *one* victory against the Shadows, it'd be enough to make some of the others come around.\" \"Perhaps we should give them a victory.\" \"Oh, just like that?\" \"Just like that.\" \"And how do you suggest we do that?\" \"I'm sure you'll think of something.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"You can never go wrong with garters. .. Hmm, *you* might.\" -- Vendor to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Anything I can do to help?\" \"Hmm. Short of dying, no, can't think of a thing.\" -- Morden and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Nobody wants to fight a war unless they know there is at least a chance of winning. You can give them that hope. As one of the older races your technology has to be at last as good as the Shadows'. If you can convince your government to send out an expedition to engage one or two of their ships..\" \"*No*.\" \"I know you can't take the entire Shadow fleet by yourselves. But if you could beat them in just one fight, it could be the break we need to get everyone organized. Then we would have a real chance. You could do it, couldn't you? \"Perhaps. But there are still few of us. It is not our time. It is yours. We are not prepared yet.\" \"Don't turn your back on me. Don't you ever try to walk away from me! Just who the hell do you think you are? Wait, I know what you think you are, what you want us to believe. But I don't buy it. For three years now you've been pulling everyones strings, getting us to do all the work, and you haven't done a damn thing but stand there and look cryptic. It's about time you started pulling your own weight around here.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"I hear you've got a saying: 'Understanding is a three-edged sword.' Well, we've got a saying too: 'Put your money where your mouth is.'\" \"Impudent.\" \"Yeah? Well, maybe that's the only way to get through to you. You said you wanted to teach me to fight legends. Well, you are a legend too, and I am not going away until you agree.\" \"Incorrect. Leave now.\" \"No.\" \"Disobedient.\" \"Up yours!\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"So, the real Kosh shows his colors at last, huh? You angry now? Angry enough to kill me, because that's the only way I'm leaving, unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something. I've got nothing to lose. My own government wants to kill me, and if we lose this war I'm just as dead. Our only chance is to get the other races on board for this fight and right now you are the key to doing that.\" \"It is not yet time.\" \"And who decides that time? You? You put me in this position, you asked me to fight this damn war. Well, it's about time you let me fight it my way.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"I will do as you ask. .. But there is a price to pay. I will not be there to help you when you go to Z'ha'dum.\" \"You already said if I go to Z'ha'dum, I'll die.\" \"Yes. Now.\" \"Right. If that's the tradeoff, if you want to withhold your help when the time comes, that's fine. I'll go there alone.\" \"You do not understand. But you will.\" -- Kosh and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"My grandfather had a saying: 'Good news can wait. Bad news will refuse to leave.'\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"I don't have much time, son. I want you to know you were right. I didn't want to admit that. Just .. pride, I guess. Yet, my age, you get kind of set in your ways. That *had* to be done, don't blame yourself .. for what happened later.\" \"Dad? Are you .. all right?\" \"It's too late for me. I'm sorry for what I did before. I knew what was ahead. I guess .. I guess I was afraid. When you have lived as long as I have, you kind of get used to it. I wish I could've done more for you. There is so much I should've said, and .. now it's too late. You're right, it's time you begin fighting this war your way. .. Aah, I gotta go now, John.\" -- his 'father' to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"No, no. Don't leave.\" \"It's all right, son. See, as long as you're here, I'll always be here.\" -- Sheridan to his 'father' in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Everybody around me dies, Mr. Morden, except the ones that most deserve it. That is about to *change*. You said that you would go away for as long as *I* wanted. I no longer want that. All I want now is revenge. They took from me .. the one thing that I have .. have ever *truly* loved. And you will help me, Mr. Morden, to strike them down. Give me this, and the safety of my people, and let the rest of the galaxy *burn*. I don't care anymore. Will you help me, Mr. Morden?\" \"Of course, Ambassador. As ever I'm always in your service.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"I've got a lot to figure out, it's time I got started.\" -- Franklin to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Interludes and Examinations\""
- "\"Tell the others to continue their work in my absence, nothing must interfere with that.\" -- Sinclair to Rathenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Well, with your help we created something bigger than we are. It has a life of its own. Come what may, the rangers will finish the work ahead.\" -- Sinclair to Rathenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"I have the strangest feeling I will never see him again.\" \"He is the closed circle. He is returning to the beginning.\" \"The beginning of what?\" -- Rathenn and a Vorlon in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"They're coming through! Repeat, they're coming through! This is Earth Alliance station Babylon 5. They're all over the place. .. They're killing us. Can anyone hear me? They're killing us.\" -- Future Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Well, it's a fake. I have never sent out a distress-call like that.\" \"Or, you just haven't sent it yet.\" -- Ivanova and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Will you be staying long?\" \"*That* is a far more interesting question than you might suspect.\" -- Zack and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"He's here, isn't he?\" \"Yes.\" \"Then it's time. We are Grey, we stand between the candle and the star. .. He's my friend, Lennier.\" \"I know. But it *must* be done, or the dream will die, and countless others will die with it.\" \"I wish I had more time, but now, *time* is all we have.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"We haven't had a Shadow attack in nearly eight days. My guess is they are reconsidering their strategy after the Vorlons got involved.\" \"They're worried. That means they'll hit us twice as hard when they come back.\" \"Assuming a worst-case scenario.\" \"The way things have been going lately, I've decided to take Ivanova-lessons.\" -- Marcus and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Just as Zathras said. Not good. Definitely not good.\" \"We must tell Draal.\" \"No! It's taking all of Draal's concentration to control Great Machine. If we distract, very bad. He'd drop the time field. *Everyone* dies. Draal told Zathras what to do. So Zathras will do. Or much, much dying.\" -- Zathras and Caretaker #2 in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"There are no coincidencies, Captain.\" -- Sinclair to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Captain. If I were you, I would quit while I was ahead. Back on Minbar, there was a saying among the other rangers. Only way to get a straight answer from Ranger One was to look every reply in a mirror while hanging upside-down from the ceiling.\" \"Did it work?\" \"Oddly enough, yes. Or, after a while you passed out and had a vision. Either one, the result was pretty much the same.\" -- Marcus and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Can anyone help us? This is commander Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5. To any ships in grid epsilon. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack. The captain is dead, defense grid is down, they are boarding us, they are coming in all over the place. We've tried to evacuate as many as we can, and Garibaldi has rigged the fusion reactor, but.. my god, here they come. Switch to external cameras. They've got weapons lock. Here comes. Here comes. Aahg.\" -- Future Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"So, you are saying the Minbari .. that *you* stole Babylon 4?\" \"Not quite.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Delenn, are you saying we stole Babylon 4?\" -- Marcus in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Delenn, the question of who stole Babylon 4 is the biggest mystery of the last decade. Now you are telling me that it was .. *me*? Is me, is going to be me? You can't be serious.\" \"John, with Babylon 4 we will be able to save my people and yours. It is history, it's already been done. All we have to do now is make sure that we do it then.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"I believe it.\" \"If Entil'Zha believes it, I believe it.\" \"I'll be in the car.\" -- Sinclair, Marcus & Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Sorry, sorry, sorry, much apologizings. Zathras has great responsibilities, was thinking great thoughts, did not see you. Was looking for the One. Was thinking great thoughts, very sorry. Very sorry.\" -- Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"There you are. Being very honored to meet you. I'm being called..\" \"Zathras. We've met before on Babylon 4.\" \"No. .. Zathras does not..\" \"It was my past, your future. Zathras, this is very important. When you meet me again, it will be me, but it won't be me now. So, you are not say anything that may change the past. Do you understand?\" \"Zathras understand. .. No. Zathras not understand, but Zathras do. Zathras good at doings, not understandings. Zathras honored to meet you for *many* reasons.\" -- Zathras and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Zathras also honored to meet *you* .. for other reasons.\" \"Oh, such as?\" \"Oh, no, Draal give Zathras list of things not to say. This was one. No, not good. Not supposed to mention one, or the One or .. You never heard that.\" \"What else is on this list of things you are not supposed to mention?\" \"Zathras does not remember. But if Zathras remember later, Zathras tells you.\" -- Zathras and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Stop. Display message from Sinclair.\" \"Unable to comply. Password required for access.\" \"Password? What password?\" \"Unable to comply.\" -- Garibaldi and Computer in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"The White Star is based on Vorlon organic technology, it learns from experience, changes, evolves. The skin of the ship now uses the Vorlon defense system. Most of the energy is reflected away, leaving only the physical impact.\" \"Well, as my great grandfather used to say: 'Cool.'\" -- Lennier and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Time stabilizer damaged. He's unstuck in time. Zathras warned, but no one listen to Zathras, no.\" \"What do you mean unstuck in time? Where is he? In the past? In the future?\" \"Cannot say. Saying I would know. Do not know, so can not say. *Very* damaged. Zathras can never have anything nice.\" -- Zathras and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Welcome back from the abyss, Sheridan. Your timing, as always is quite exceptional. Just in time to die.\" -- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"This was not part of the plan. I did not expect this. We can not even know where in time Sheridan has gone.\" \"He'll be all right. /I know what's coming. Are you alright?/\" \"/No. I'm sorry./\" \"/Don't be./ All my life, I've had doubts about who I am, where I belonged. Now, I'm like the arrow that springs from the bow. No hesitations, no doubts. The path is clear.\" -- Delenn and Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"What I am doing is what someone should've done a long time ago. Putting *you* out of *my* misery. Fitting punishment for your *crimes*.\" \"What crimes? I'm not..\" \"The crime of neglect, the crime of convenience. During your little war, you drove away the Shadows, oh yes, but you did not think to clean up your mess. The few of their dominions, their dock servants, came to Centauri Prime, well, where is the harm in that, yes? You want to see the harm? *Do* *you*? There is the legacy of your war!\" -- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Yes, yes, Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. Go, go, Zathras take care.\" -- Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"Ready?\" \"Why do your people always ask if someone is ready right before you are going to do something massively unwise?\" \"Tradition.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #1\""
- "\"There's the legacy of your war. The price *we* paid, when you abandoned us to the enemies you escaped from.\" \"But this couldn't happen, not in this amount of time. What year is this?\" \"This is the *last* year, and the last day, and the last hour of *your* life. *Seventeen* *years* since you began your great crusade. *Seventeen*!\" -- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Sheridan. Make your peace with whatever gods you worship. You will meet them next time I send for you. I can't recall my world from what it has become, but I can thank you, *properly*, for your role in it.\" -- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"We need to find an access panel. Usually they're sealed up once the station goes operational, but this place just went online, so with any luck, there should be a couple still open.\" \"Sorry, don't believe in luck.\" \"Well, luck is about the only thing we've got on our side right now. Sure as hell we don't have much of anything else.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Great move, how did you know they were coming?\" \"Didn't. But right now would be the worst time to be discovered, so it was logical it happened now. Like I said, I don't believe in luck. .. Well, on the other hand..\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Carry this, Zathras. Fix this, Zathras. Poor Zathras, no one listen .. to Zathras, but no one..\" -- Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"What is it?\" \"I'm not sure, it was the strangest feeling. I think the way you describe it is .. as if someone had just walked over my grave.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"From what Londo said, I get the impression that we won the war. But not completely.\" \"The war is never completely won. There are always new battles to be fought against the darkness. Only the names change. But we, we achieved everything we set out to achieve. We created something that will endure for a thousand years. But the *price*, John, the terrible, terrible price.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"No, this future can only be changed by surrendering to the Shadows. And that price is too high to pay.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"You will excuse me if I do not stand. I have had considerable to drink. It is .. the only way that we can be alone. We do not wish to wake it.\" \"Wake what?\" \"Didn't you two not know? You can not see it while it is awake. We all have our keepers, you see. I gave a very good performance. Yes, it was satisfied. Doesn't care why I do what I do, as long as I do it, as long as you are dead.\" -- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"My life is almost over. My world, all I hoped for, gone. You two are my last chance, for this place, for my people, for my own redemption. There is a ship, hidden behind the palace, my guard will take you there. In exchange for your lives, all I ask is that you and your allies help to free my people. I can do nothing more for them.\" -- Londo to Sheridan & Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"We have unfinished business between us, G'Kar. Let us make an end of it, quickly, before it stops me. I am as tired of my life as you are.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"He's quite mad, you know. He actually thinks that Sheridan is going to materialize in there.\" \"Marcus, we are stealing a station to fight in a war that was almost a thousand years ago. We are all mad.\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"No one *ever* listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes.\" -- Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"What happened?\" \"Time-device activated prematurely. Not good. Malfunction.\" -- Delenn and Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Danger though. Time system is not stable. Very delicate. Must adjust before we try again. Or we come *forever* lost in time. *Very* dangerous.\" \"Great, doesn't anything come under warranty anymore?\" -- Zathras and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"No. No. No. No-no. Not good. No, no.\" \"Come on, find what you need and lets get away from here. We are running out of time.\" \"Can not run out of time, there is infinite time. *You* are finite, *Zathras* is finite. This is wrong tool. No. No. Not good. No. No. Never use this.\" -- Zathras and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Observation Dome: Unauthorized persons in the OBS DOME will be forcibly removed from this sector.\" -- Sign outside Babylon 4 C&C in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"This isn't my stabilizer. There's no sign of damage. Someone must have put this on me, switch places.\" \"But if you are here, then who's running around out there in the blue suit?\" -- Marcus and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Go now, leave me.\" \"I can't.\" \"Go. You must. Listen to Zathras. You have a destiny. Go, please. Go for Zathras.\" -- Zathras and past Sinclair in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Babylon 4 to Garibaldi. Babylon 4 to shuttle one. Garibaldi, do you read me? Watch your back, Michael, watch your back.\" \"Target is outside of communication range. Unable to make contact.\" -- Sinclair and Computer in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"I tried. I tried to warn them. But it all happened, just the way I remembered.\" \"I know. It's time. We have to go. They are waiting for us.\" -- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Zathras, something I don't understand. You said you follow the one, but the one you pointed to was ..\" \"Was Delenn. Hehe, yes, Zathras knew. Zathras is oldest living caretaker of great machine, 110 years old. Zathras has studied the great machine, knows things even *Draal* does not know yet. And I know you [Sinclair]. And I know *you* [Delenn]. And I know *you* [Sheridan]. All Minbari belief is around three. Three castes, worker, warrior, religious. Three languages, Light, Dark, Grey. The Nine of the Grey Council, three times three. All is three. As you are three. As you are one. As you are *the* *One*. You are the one who was [Sinclair]. You are the one who is [Delenn]. You are the one who will be [Sheridan]. You are the beginning of the story, and the middle of the story, and the end of the story. That creates the next great story. Ah, in your heart, you know what Zathras says is true. Go now, Zathras' place is with the one who was. We have a destiny.\" -- Sinclair and Zathras in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Yes. That door is closed forever. And it is not the only one. Lennier told you that a thousand years ago, human and Minbari souls begun to merge. Minbari souls were being born in human bodies. Something happened that opened that door between us. My change was in part to even the scales and restore balance between our races, using the device my people discovered a thousand years ago. You see, if my people had found Babylon 4 with a human aboard, they would never have accepted it.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"Dear God, a Minbari not born of Minbari.\" -- Marcus in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"I welcome you and present this place to you as a gift. I am called Valen, and we have much work ahead of us.\" -- Valen to two Minbari in Babylon 5:\"War Without End #2\""
- "\"What guarantees will you give me that the crews will not open fire on a Centauri vessel as it approaches Babylon 5?\" \"It's the same guarantee I gave when I said that none of the other Narns would break into your quarters in the middle of the night and slit your throat.\" \"Mr. Garibaldi, you have never given me that promise.\" \"You're right. Sleep tight.\" -- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"With everything that has been going around here lately he just needed to get out a little, stretch his legs a bit, so he took a walk. Outside. On the forward cargo stabilizers.\" -- Garibaldi to Ivanova about Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\".. MAG-STRIP AT ALL TIMES UNLESS ANCHORED\" -- Text in the forward cargo stabilizers in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Breen. You've managed to import breen from homeworld. How?\" \"It .. isn't actually breen.\" \"But the smell, the taste..\" \"It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It's a strange thing, but *every* sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs. I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never get explained or which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.\" -- Na'kal and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Your government neglected to tell me your name. How should I refer to you when we are alone?\" \"Kosh.\" \"Oh, yes, I understand that's how we are to refer to you publically, but .. privately?\" \"Kosh.\" -- Sheridan and Kosh #2 in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"We are all Kosh.\" -- Kosh #2 in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Well, he's a Vorlon all right.\" \"Yep!\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Why is everything around here always a long story? Why isn't anything ever a short story? A paragraph? Look, just give me the short version, okay?\" \"All right. Walkabout.\" \"That's it?\" \"That or the long version, so, you make your pick.\" -- Garibaldi and Dr. Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"The theory is: if you are separated from yourself, you start walking and you keep walking until you meet yourself. Then you sit down and have a long talk. You talk about everything that you've learned, everything that you .. felt. And you talk until you run out of words. Now, that's vital, because the real important things can't be said. And then, if you are lucky, you look up and there's just you, and you can go home.\" -- Dr. Franklin to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Where?\" \"I'm sorry. I wasn't here. I was doing what he told me to do. He wasn't with me when he left. Not even a piece of him. I swear.\" \"Failed. Gone.\" \"No, I'm sorry. It's my fault.\" \"There was no other?\" \"No. Not that I knew of. I'm sorry. He's gone.\" \"Follow.\" -- Kosh #2 and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Despite their strength the Vorlons are delicate people. They do not react well to change, and they are not very forgiving of mistakes. It's been a long time since one of them died, they are taking it pretty hard.\" -- Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Is there a problem?\" -- Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"As you know, Mr. Garibaldi recently uncovered information which seems to indicate the Shadows have a weakness. Their ships are based on organic technology which may be vulnerable to telepathic interference. In theory a telepath might be able to jam their central operating system leaving them vulnerable to an attack.\" \"I noticed a number of conditional phrases in that: 'seems to indicate a weakness', 'maybe vulnerable', 'in theory'.\" \"Exactly. Maybe we are right, maybe we ain't. Unfortunately war doesn't tolerate ambiguities. We have to find out if we are right.\" -- Sheridan and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Of course he doesn't! It's easy to fight when you've got a lot of ships to work with. The real crunch comes when you are down to almost nothing. Then you either play it safe and you probably lose it all or you take a chance. After everything we've been through with your people, Sheridan was crazy to send our pilots out to fight for your ship. They didn't want to go, they didn't want to get blown out of the sky and leave B5 defenseless, and they sure as hell didn't want to die. But they did it because Sheridan *told* them to do it, and because it was *right*.\" \"This time it is possible he could be wrong.\" \"Yeah, it's possible. But you don't follow an order because you know for sure it's gonna work out. You do what you are told, because your CO has the moral authority that says you *may* *not* *come* *back*. But the cause is just, and fair, and necessary. That's why Sheridan is out there, and dammit, that's where the cruiser should be too! It's not Na'kal's decision, G'Kar, he doesn't see the big picture. You do, so in my book, and *your* book, that makes it your responsibility. Deal with it!\" -- Garibaldi and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"They killed him. They tore him apart!\" -- Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Can you tell me what you felt?\" \"I could feel it shifting around in my mind trying to slip away. I almost lost it *twice*.\" \"It's all right now, we found out what we came to find out.\" \"No, it's not all right. I tried to stop it, but I think it got off a distress call before we killed it.\" -- Sheridan and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"They ran?\" \"Yes they did, Mr. Lennier. They did indeed.\" -- Lennier and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"And so it begins.\" -- Kosh to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Before, I told you I don't have a piece of Kosh. But it's possible, I don't know for sure, but it may be, someone else does.\" -- Lyta to Kosh #2 in Babylon 5:\"Walkabout\""
- "\"Name?\" \"Harry, Harry Sanders.\" \"Are you a telepath?\" \"Sure, what does the job pay?\" \"Well, it's not a job, it's more like an adventure. Chance to help fight the bad guys.\" \"Good. Look, are we talking about hourly or weekly salary, because I've got expenses to cover.\" \"Well, one thing at a time. If you are a telepath, are you Psi Corps?\" \"No, they missed me.\" \"No, Psi Corps doesn't miss anybody.\" \"Well, some things just fall through the cracks.\" \"Psi Corps doesn't have any cracks.\" \"I escaped, okay? Now, where do I sign?\" \"What am I thinking?\" \"I don't work for free.\" \"*What* *am* *I* *thinking*?\" \"Right. .. Got it. And I think you are real cute too. Look, I *really* need this job.\" \"But you are not a telepath.\" \"I can learn. I'm a quick study.\" \"Out.\" \"I'll be an intern. I work cheap.\" \"*Out*!\" \"Great, see, it's not what you can do, it's who you know. *Typical*!\" -- Zack and a 'telepath' in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"The Rangers were here because he was here. Where you are, the Rangers will be. We are coming into a critical time, Delenn, they will need you. Please, say 'yes'.\" -- Rathenn to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Did they fix it?\" \"Yeah.\" \"You are right, it *is* unusual.\" -- Garibaldi and Zack in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Thin air? Why is it always thin air? Never fat air, chubby air, mostly-fit-could-stand-lose-a-few-pounds air?\" -- Garibaldi to a Supervisor in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"You chose not to act. Someone had to.\" \"Perhaps. That is why we let you have them in the beginning. Even allowed Sinclair to train them. Even though it meant diluting their purity by allowing humans to join alongside our own people. We were quite tolerant of your activities. But now that their training is complete they require new leadership. By right of tradition, the warrior caste should be given command of the Rangers. That was the law, as set down by Valen. Three castes: worker, religious, warrior. They build, you pray, we fight.\" -- Delenn and Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Out of respect I give you this opportunity to walk away from the path you have taken. Refuse the position of Ranger One, and turn control of the Rangers to the warrior caste, where it belongs.\" \"Or?\" \"I'm sworn to stop you, Delenn. By any and all means necessary.\" -- Neroon and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"We knew the Warrior caste was unhappy with our activities.\" \"Unhappy? Delenn, he's planning to kill you.\" \"That is .. one interpretation.\" \"He said he would use any and all means necessary. I respectfully suggest that he intends to go far beyond harsh language.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"You shouldn't be here. You're in trouble.\" -- A Dummy to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"I'm trying to avoid breaking a promise by .. breaking a promise. I promised Delenn that I would not speak of this to the Captain or let him know. She did not mention you by name, but that was implicit. If I tell the others in the chain of command, then Sheridan will find out and I will have broken the promise. But if I break my promise by telling you, since you are not in the chain of command, he may not find out about this and I will have not broken the promise.\" \"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical preposition and turned it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?\" -- Lennier and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One.\" -- Marcus to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"There is now blood between us, and there is blood between the warrior caste and the humans. I do not think they would die for me. But they would die .. for you. .. *Entil'Zha*.\" -- Neroon to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"This should never have been allowed to happen, not for my sake.\" \"If not for yours, then who elses?\" \"You could've got him killed.\" \"Delenn, all we know is that we will die. It's only a matter of how, when and whether or not it is with honor. He did what any of us would've done. Respectfully, Delenn, I think this is the one thing about your position you do not yet understand. You cherish life, life is your goal. But for the greater part to live, some must die, or be harmed in its defense, and yours. There is no other way.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"He will not hear you.\" \"Then I will speak briefly.\" -- Delenn and Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Denn Shar, you said. To the death. And death there was. The death was mine. To see a human invoke the name of Valen, be willing to die for one of my kind when I was intent upon killing one of my own, the rightness of my cause disappeared. Strange, that a human in his last moments should be more of a Minbari than I. Perhaps it is true what Delenn said. That we are not of the same blood, but we are of the same heart.\" -- Neroon to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"The next time .. the next time .. you want a revelation .. could you possibly find a way .. that isn't .. quite so .. uncomfortable?\" -- Marcus to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Okay. Well, first, there was this missing maintenance man. Only he wasn't missing, he was killed by a Zarg. But I'm getting ahead of myself. That was after I found out that the entire 17th floor grey sector had completely disappeared. Well, not disappeared exactly, this weird cult had taken over the place, see, and there was this dummy that shot tranqs out of his eyes. Very strange, but it was also supposed to be perfect. Now *that* was the thing about it, but there wasn't a way out, but there was, except it was spiritual. You had to die a perfect death, that's where the Zarg came in and either it was going to kill me or I was to kill it and.. Am I going too fast for you?\" -- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Grey 17 is Missing\""
- "\"Londo, has it occurred to you that half the other races are at war? We have to figure out what to do about them. About us. And you are worried about G'Kar. We have a lot bigger concerns here.\" \"Big concerns grow from small concerns. You plant them, water them with tears, fertilize them with unconcern. If you ignore them, they grow. I have ignored this problem long enough.\" -- Vir & Londo in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Temporary? Nice word, isn't it?\" -- Theo in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Ivanova sent me to find you. She said you haven't been sleeping, that you've barely been eating. She said that you have been, in her words, carrying on 'cranky'. I looked up the word cranky, it said 'grouchy'. I looked up grouchy, it said 'crotchety'. No wonder you have such an eccentric culture. None of your words have their own meanings, you have to look up one word to understand another. It never ends.\" \"Something here doesn't make sense.\" \"That's what I thought when I came across 'crotchety'. This can not be a real word, I said.\" \"The Shadows keep attacking random targets, *very* illogical. On the other hand, once engaged, their tactics are *very* successful, *very* logical. It's a contradiction.\" \"Unless the random attacks *are* logical in some way we haven't yet determined.\" \"Exactly.\" \"So, you have been sitting here trying to think illogically about logical possibilities or logically about illogical possibilities.\" \"Huh? Yes, yes.\" \"No wonder you are cranky. Grouchy. .. Never mind. Your face just broke the language barrier.\" \"I'm tired, I haven't had a good nights sleep since Kosh died. Having the kind of nightmares that make your hair stand on end.\" \"Well, that would explain the Centauri. You need food and rest. The humans, who you've been waiting for have arrived and would like to have dinner with us.\" \"No, no, I don't have time. If they want to come here..\" \"So, I told them 'yes'.\" \"Delenn!\" \"Since Minbari do not lie, except to save another, my reputation is now at stake. If you say 'no', I will be publically dishonored.\" \"You don't fight fair.\" \"True. Dinner is in two standard hours. I will see you there.\" \"Pain in the butt.\" \"Grouch.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"You are young, Vir. You don't understand. But you will.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"I didn't think so, but if I was wrong, I was wrong. I'd rather do something, and make a mistake than be frightened and be doing nothing. That's the problem back home. Folks have been conned to thinking they can't change the world, have to accept what is. I'll tell you something my friends. The world is changing every day, the only question is who's doing it.\" -- Rev. Dexter in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Legs get funny when you get older. You are sitting, they want to stand. You stand, they want to lay down. You lay down, they want to go for a walk.\" -- Rev. Dexter in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Now, I didn't say work. I said responsibility. I've seen people since I came aboard. They all come to you with questions, problems, concerns, so, who do you go to? Who do you talk to?\" \"There isn't anybody. It's my responsibility, I can't put it on anyone else.\" \"I didn't say you should *put* it on anyone else, either. Just talking about it, sharing the burden as much as you can.\" -- Rev. Will Dexter and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Every day, here and at home, we are warned about the enemy. But who is the enemy? Is it the alien? Well, we are all alien to one another. Is it the one who believes differently than we do? No, not at all, my frieds. The enemy is fear. The enemy is ignorance. The enemy is the one who tells you that you must hate that which is different. Because, in the end, that hate will turn on you. And that same hate will destroy you.\" -- Rev. Dexter in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Hello, Refa. If you are seeing this message, it is because in a very few minutes you will be dead. I have made sure that the guards assigned to you are loyal to house Mollari. They will not obey you from this moment forward. You've taken from me, that which I loved, Refa. You also took the life of prime minister Malakai, a good and dear friend. You have inconvenienced me, and threatened my position in the Royal Court, and weakened our defenses by your constant warfare. None of which matters to G'Kar or his associates. But I think they do care about what you have done to them, Refa. Yes, I think they care about that a great deal.\" \"I have given G'Kar documents which prove that *you* are the one who orchestrated the bombing of Narn homeworld against my advice. That you personally were involved in the creation of death camps and genetic cleansing programs. That you are personally responsible of the death of five or six million Narns. And I think that they would like to thank you, personally, for your efforts.\" \"On the off chance that G'Kar might not believe me, I have arranged for two thousand Narns now in custody to be freed. Half in advance, half pending his co-operation. In all a sufficient inducement, I think. You see, it's not enough for me to .. *simply* *kill* *you*, Refa. I could do that at home, or here. But through your death on Narn, I will discredit your house and all opposition in the Royal Court. Goodbye, Refa.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Make sure this is found on his body. Leave his face and head intact. They will be needed later for identification. The rest is yours.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"Londo, they could've killed me.\" \"Nonsense, you are not important enough to kill.\" \"But I'm important enough for you to lie to. At least I thought I knew you, but I never knew you at all, did I.\" -- Vir & Londo in Babylon 5:\"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place\""
- "\"The others have gone to speak with their governments. They have authorized me to speak in their place. .. You will have all the ships we can spare, Delenn. I only hope that you are right, because it will cost us greatly, if you are wrong.\" -- Drazi council member to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"We've got commander Ivanova on channel 4.\" \"Put her through.\" -- Lt. Corwin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"We are ready to go, Captain. Any last minute instructions?\" \"Beside from an old Egyptian blessing, I can't think of a thing.\" \"Then we'll see you .. when we see you.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"An old Egyptian blessing?\" \"'May gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.'\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"You know, I have just been thinking. He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't have to be doing this. I feel like *I* screwed up.\" \"Hey, come on Chief, it's not your fault. I heard what happened. You offered to help, he walked away.\" \"Yeah, I know, but the thing is: sometimes people walk away because they *want* to be alone, and sometimes they walk away because they want to see if you care enough to follow them into hell. I think I went the wrong way.\" \"Look, he's gotta get his head screwed on straight. You can't do that for him.\" \"Yeah, you are right. It's just.. I've had my own problems. I've been where he is. I've walked away from lot of things in my life. I just hope he can find his way back again.\" -- Garibaldi and Zack in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Marcus. Marcus! *Marcus*!\" \"What? I'm awake.\" \"It's your watch.\" \"Right. I knew that, I was just resting my eyes.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"You seem to be pretty fluent in Minbari.\" \"You can't finish your training until you can speak and think in their language.\" \"I'm surprised. When they were training the Rangers I figured they would emphasize infiltration and combat techniques, not language skills.\" \"For them it's all the same thing.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"I'll wake you in four hours.\" \"Thanks. That's assuming I can get any sleep in these. The Captain warned me about these things, but I had *no* idea..\" \"They are wery restful, good for the back.\" \"Well, someday I want to be stationed in somewhere with *big* four-poster bed, canopy, and maybe a window with a view of a garden.\" \"I like gardens, .. and big four-poster beds. .. Right. See you in four hours.\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"John, we've been over this. I should be there, with you, and with the fleet. We are in this together. And .. afterward, when we are finished with this, we will spend the night together.\" \"?!\" \"Not like that. You see, when Minbari become close, as we have become close, it is tradition that they spend three nights together. The male sleeps and the female watches.\" \"Watches what?\" \"During the day, we all put on the face we think will do us the most good. But at certain point in your sleep, as you relax, your true face is revealed. If the female approves of his true face, she will stay two more nights and continue to observe.\" \"Hmm, what if she doesn't like what she sees?\" \"Then they go their seperate ways. If he insists, she'll stay one more night. She can leave when he falls asleep, file a complaint with the elders, even cut off his .. his access to her family.\" \"Oh. What if she *does* like what she sees?\" \"Later. History awaits.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Very stupid.\" \"Yeah. It was that, wasn't it. Always trying to be the hero. Never stopping to think first. Now, look where it got you.\" \"I must be going in shock.\" \"You said you had to keep walking until you met yourself. Well, here I am. So, if we are gonna talk, let's talk, because I don't think you have a lot of time.\" -- Franklin and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"That's a *lot* of ships.\" \"That's a bloody awful lot of ships.\" \"Jump engines back on line yet?\" \"No. If I signal the fleet, they just might pick it up. If they do, we can't get away, ..\" \"Well, who wants to live forever?\" \"I do, actually. But what the hell. Signal away.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"You know what your problem is? All your life you've run away from everything. Home didn't work out, wouldn't talk to your father, so you just .. walked away. You didn't have the patience for a long internship back home, so you just ran out and started hitch-hiking on starships. You didn't want to turn over your *precious* notes on Minbari biology during the war, so you just burned them instead and walked away again. You used work to run away from your personal life and stims to run away from your work. And right now, you are running away from everything. Don't you die on me yet. I'm not through with you. You finally had it all, didn't you? You had a good job, people who cared about you and you messed it up! 'I have to leave before they fire me. I have to go find myself.' What a bunch of mealy-mouthed self-indulgent foundationist crap! Take responsibility for your actions, for crying out loud. You go in there and you *fight* for what matters to you, don't just walk away because it's easier. What did you say? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You are too busy *dying*, aren't you? I guess that's a bit more important to you right now. Well, fine, you do what you want, because you and I, we parted ways a long time ago. So just go ahead and die, because I really don't care anymore.\" -- Franklin to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Blood-pressure is dropping faaast. You should be getting real cold right about now. That's shock and trauma, and the rest will follow soon. You know, so we can get this over with. I mean, you weren't that happy with your life at the first place, were you? I mean, this one has hardly been used.\" \"I .. I want..\" \"You want what? I mean, what do you want? What could you possibly want?\" \"I wanna.. I wanna.. do it all again.\" \"Why, you would just mess it up again. Where do you think you're going?\" \"I wanna do it again. I wanna do it again.\" \"Is that right? Then get up off the damn floor. I don't care how much it hurts. Don't you go passing out on me, because that's just another kind of running away. Now, you take the reponsibility. Show me that you want it. Get up off the damn floor. That's it. Come on. Come on. Get up on your own two feet and stand up, you stand up.\" \"I wanna do it all over again.\" -- Franklin and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"I say there's a big question. Now that we have shown that we can hurt them, how long until they come knocking on our front door?\" \"That's what worries me.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"You know, with all this, I just hope you found what you were looking for out there.\" \"I don't know. I guess I found what I .. what I needed, not what I wanted.\" \"Which was?\" \"Short sharp kick to the head.\" \"Oh hell, I could've done that for you, all you had to do was ask.\" \"Well, you would've enjoyed it too much.\" \"So, you didn't .. meet yourself?\" \"Yeah, I did. Found out I didn't like myself either.\" \"Well, as revelation go, I guess I have heard worse.\" -- Garibaldi and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Signs, portents, dreams, next thing we'll be reading tea leafs and chicken entrails. All we do know is that we are vulnerable now. I want squadrons on fly-by at all times. We should expect something to be coming our way sooner or later. The way our luck works, it will probably be sooner.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"The job is waiting for you, if you want it.\" \"Are you sure you want to do this?\" \"If you are sure you want to take it.\" \"I want it. I think now I can do better. I mean, that was the problem, the stims they .. they let me do more, but what I needed was to do better.\" \"I wish you'd come to talk to me before you made your decision to resign.\" \"I was running away. Same as I have always done. I didn't want to face how I'd feel if you fired me, so I just quit.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"You had to find your own way?\" \"I *ran* away. I realized that I always defined myself in terms what I wasn't. I wasn't a good soldier like my father, I wasn't .. the job.. I wasn't a good prospect for marriage or kids. Always what I wasn't, never what I was. But when you do that, you miss the moments. And the moments are all we've got. When I thought I was going to die, even after everything that's happened, I realized I didn't want to let go. I was willing to do it all over again and this time I could appreciate the moments. I can't go back, but I can appreciate what I have right now, and I can define myself by what I am, instead of what I'm not.\" \"And what are you?\" \"Alive. Everything else is negotiable.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Hello. You must be Delenn. I'm Anna Sheridan, John's wife.\" -- Anna Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Shadow Dancing\""
- "\"Humans have a phrase: 'What is past, is prologue.'\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Minbari also have a phrase: 'What is past, is also sometimes the future.'\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"I know there's a lot that you don't know. I know there's a lot that you don't understand. I'm here to fix that. Don't you want to know what's it all about? What's it *really* all about? I can do that. All you have to do is come with me.\" \"Where?\" \"Where else, to Z'ha'dum.\" -- Anna to John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"So the next time we find out where the Shadows plan to strike, we can mine the area, and as soon as they come out of hyperspace ..\" \"Then, as you so concisely say, *boom*.\" -- Ivanova and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"John, I *do* love you. If you believe nothing else I ever say, please, please believe that.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Another drink!\" \"Londo, you have been like this ever since the diplomatic pouch arrived this morning. At least you can do is tell me what's wrong.\" \"Oh, Vir. I have been promoted. I've been offered a position in the Royal Court as an advisor to Emperor Cartagia in matters of planetary security, very important position.\" \"This is great news, why would you be upset?\" \"*Because*, it should've come to me twenty years ago when I could've appreciated it. Because it wasn't given to me because I *earned* it. They are, I think, afraid of me. Through our friend, Mr. Morden, I have gained influence, money, power and they think I will move against Cartagia.\" \"Then why would they reward you?\" \"It's not a reward, it's a leash. I would need to divide my time between here and the homeworld. They really mean: they watch me very carefully, and if I do anything suspicious, they'll find me in the morning with my throat slit, ear to ear.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"While you are at it, I need a few things taken care of. It's all here. You will of course keep this confidential.\" \"These days, what around here isn't confidential. I'll take care of .. son of a bitch.\" \"It's against regulations to address a senior officer in those terms, Mr. Garibaldi.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die.\" -- Kosh to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"I wish we could've taken a different ship. This one is based partially on Vorlon technology. The aliens believe they'll die if anything remotely vorlon touches Z'ha'dum.\" \"Then we won't risk it. When we get there, we'll take the shuttle down to the surface.\" -- Anna and John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Who are you?\" \"Now, that's really not important.\" \"Who are you?\" \"Who decides that the workday is from 9 to 5, instead of 11 to 4? Who decides that the hemlines will be below the knee this year and short again next year? Who draws up the borders, controls the currency, handles *all* of the decisions that happen transparently around us?\" \"I don't know.\" \"Ah! I'm with them. Same group, different department. Think of me as a sort of middleman, and the name is Justin. Come in, sit, sit. The tea is getting cold.\" -- Sheridan and Justin in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"You see, John, back a million years ago, there were forces prowling around the galaxy beyond *anything* that we could understand. *And*, like anything else, most of them outgrew this little quadrant of the universe and headed off toward greener pastures. Now, two of them stayed behind. Shepherds, you might call them. They wanted to look after the younger races, bring them around, help them *evolve* into something better.\" \"One of these was the Vorlons. The other .. was, what you call, the Shadows.\" -- Justin and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"The Vorlons are like your parents, I suppose. They want you to play nice, clean your room, do it by the rules. I guess you could call them Lords of Order.\" \"The others, the ones who live here, believe that strength only comes from conflict. They want to release our potential, not bottle it up.\" -- Justin and Anna in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"It's really simple. You bring two sides together. They fight. A lot of them die, but those who survive are stronger, smarter and better.\" \"It's like knocking over an ant-hill. Every new generation gets stronger, the ant-hill gets redesigned, made better.\" -- Justin and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Commander, I'm picking up a disturbance.\" \"Location?\" \"All around us.\" -- Lt. Corwin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"It was supposed to be an equal balance between our side and the Vorlons, but the Vorlons decided that their way was the right way. They enlisted the support of other worlds, like the Minbari. They even started interfering with the development of younger races.\" \"When you look at a Vorlon, you see what they want you to see. They've manipulated us so we would respond favourably to them. They've even interfered at a genetic level by taking humans and then .. adjusting them. Why do you think certifiable telepaths came out of nowhere a hundred years ago?\" -- Anna and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"John, there's nowhere to run. Come back inside, we can work this out. I know this isn't the Anna you knew. What I am is what was made in her, a new personality. She can never come back. But I can love you as well as she did.\" -- Anna to John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"Jump. Jump, now!\" -- Kosh to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"What the hell!\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"It was the end of the Earth year 2260, and the war had paused, suddenly and unexpectedly. .. All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath, waiting. All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments .. of revelation. This had the feeling of both.\" \"G'Quan wrote: 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Z'ha'dum\""
- "\"The Shadows have paused in their pursuit of war and everywhere there is a sense of imminent change. Whether it is a change for good or ill, no one can tell. As no one has yet answered two very important questions: where is Mr. Garibaldi and what happened to Captain Sheridan at Z'ha'dum.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"It was the year of fire, the year of destruction, the year we took back what was ours. It was the year of rebirth, the year of great sadness, the year of pain, and the year of joy. It was a new age. It was the end of history. It was the year everything changed. The year is 2261; the place: Babylon 5.\" -- The Main Cast in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"You can not *win* this war, Commander. You can only *survive* it. And we intend to survive it.\" -- Drazi Council Member to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"He did not come, again.\" \"Yes, and I intend to find out why.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Minister, I have met Cartagia three times before, twice when he was an infant. He *drooled* most of the time, I wonder if he's continued the habit, and again when he was 15 trying to peek up the dresses of some young women. I promise you, I will be *just* as impressed by him now as I was then. Yes?\" -- Londo and Minister in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Ah, Mollari. It's wonderful to see you again.\" \"And you, Majesty. I could swear you have not changed since the last few times I saw you.\" \"Oh, you are of course too generous. What do you think, Mollari?\" \"It is .. ahem .. short, Majesty. Shorter than is traditional for someone of your position.\" -- Emperor Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"I suppose there are those that might object, but they remain silent, because the emperor is always .. right. Is he not, Mollari?\" \"That is our tradition.\" -- Emperor Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Hello Mollari.\" \"Mr. Morden?\" \"In the flesh. What's left of it. Sit. We have much to discuss.\" \"Mr. Morden, you are..\" \"Unwell. My associates tell me I will be better soon. I wasn't as near the *incident* as others.\" \"And Sheridan?\" \"Which one? You know what they say: 'What goes up, must come down.' 'Seen one Sheridan, seen them all.' 'Ashes, ashes, and they all fall down.'\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Flesh is transitory, flesh is a prison, flesh is .. an instrument. Flesh can be replaced. And flesh does as it's told. Or they will become *most* annoyed.\" -- Morden to Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"He meant you?\" \"What's left of me. I'm just a .. *shadow* of my former self.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"I don't care. I won't do it!\" \"Of course you will, Mollari. Because you're drawn to power, because you are my friend. Because you are afraid of what someone else might do in your place.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"The stories we've heard about what happened at Z'ha'dum. Are they true?\" \"Yes.\" \"What do you intend to do about them?\" \"Nothing.\" \"But if Sheridan is still alive, if there's even a chance.\" \"Irrelevant.\" \"Irrelevant? How can you say that? You know how much depends on him.\" \"He has opened an unexpected door. We do now what must be *done* now. *His* purpose has been fullfilled.\" \"You have the power to send a force to investigate. If he's alive, he can be rescued.\" \"No one returns from Z'ha'dum.\" \"That's what we thought about Anna Sheridan. You were wrong then, you could be wrong now. Are you afraid to admit that you are capable of another mistake? He pledged for you, worked for you, for me, for everyone here. If you turn away now, if you abandon him to die on Z'ha'dum, I will have no more respect left for you. Do you understand me?\" \"Respect is irrelevant.\" -- Delenn and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Our thoughts form the universe, they always matter.\" -- G'Kar to Zack in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"It takes a rare kind of wisdom to accept change and redemption in another. Many would refuse, seeing only what was, not what is. Mr. Garibaldi gave me that chance. I must repay him.\" -- G'Kar to Zack in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Read the old books, Mollari. They speak of the ancient gods, they speak about *them*. Power, power beyond description.\" \"If their power is so great, why do they need to hide behind us? They are using us as shields. When the war comes here, our people will die first!\" \"Some are always sacrificed for the greater good.\" \"What greater good?\" \"Ah! Mine of course!\" -- Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"What are a few million lives compared to the glory of becoming a living god?\" -- Cartagia in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Is there anywhere else you need me to carry you?\" \"No. Go.\" \"Doesn't feel the same as when I carried Kosh with me, it's darker somehow. Is everything all right?\" \"Yes.\" \"You're planning something, aren't you? Something that you aren't telling me.\" \"You are free for a time. Do not interfere.\" -- Lyta and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Londo?\" \"Vir, I woke you. I'm sorry, I forgot the time difference there.\" \"It's all right, I was just about to get up .. in about six hours.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Is there something wrong?\" \"Something: no. Everything: yes. Conspiracies require more than one person. And there's no one here I trust. Come quickly, Vir, we have much to do.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"They heard us. They know we are here. The eye .. is looking for us.\" \"I've felt this before. I've been here before.\" -- Lyta and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Lennier, get us the hell out of here.\" \"Initiating 'getting the hell out of here' maneuver.\" -- Ivanova and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Of course the others know, but they are afraid to move against him. Whoever does so will almost certainly be killed.\" \"That would be a drawback.\" \"These creatures must be driven away before it's too late. We must stop Cartagia no matter the cost.\" \"The cost? That would be the dying thing, right?\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Vir, there is a terrible truth: As one accumulates power, one loses friends. One only has those who wish to use you, and those you wish to use. And yet, in all of this, *you* have somehow managed to walk through the corridors of power and not be touched. I can only assume you have not been paying attention. And still, the hideous truth is, *you* are the closest thing I have to a friend. I'm as shocked and dismayed by this as you are, but there it is. I need a friend, Vir, and I need a patriot, and you are both. Will you help me, please?\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Commander's personal log. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but I can't keep on denying it. The Captain's dead, and I have to accept that. What matters now is finishing the work that he begun. I have some ideas how to do that, but I'm gonna need some help. I think I know where to go .. to find it. I have to let him go, and just get on with the work. I think .. I *hope* it's what he would've wanted.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Who are you?\" \"Who are *you*?\" \"How did I get here?\" \"You were born.\" \"Why am I alive?\" \"Well, that *is* the question, isn't it?\" -- Sheridan and Lorien in Babylon 5:\"The Hour of the Wolf\""
- "\"Medlab's quiet these days. The League of non-aligned worlds has broken up and everyone's going back to their homeworlds to prepare for the next stage of war. We know the enemy is gonna strike back. Rumour has it that this time's gonna be the last time. This time they're gonna end it. All we can do now is wait for the other shoe to drop or try to find something useful to do before the end. Right now, short of hand holding, or sympathetic ear, I can't think of a one damn thing.\" -- Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? *Who* are *you*?\" -- Sheridan's dream in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"You are thinking about escape again, aren't you? Don't. There is no way off Z'ha'dum. You might as well give up, reconcile yourself as I did.\" \"The first obligation of a prisoner is to escape.\" -- Lorien & Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Words have meaning and names have power. The universe begun with a word, you know. But which came first: the word or the thought behind the word?\" -- Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"What question?\" \"Who are you?\" \"How did you know about it?\" \"It's a dangerous question, isn't it? There's *never* a good answer to it. I suppose, that's the point.\" -- Sheridan & Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"There are only two possibilities. If you hit bottom, then you are dead. If you did not hit bottom, you are still falling and all of this is a dream. Unless .. you are in-between.\" \"Between what?\" \"Between moments.\" -- Lorien & Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Always running out of time. Yours is almost used up. You're between seconds, lost in the infinite possibilities between a tick and tock. Tick, you're alive. Tock.. Well, it was a good life, but a short one. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick--\" -- Lorien to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"You're closer now, aren't you. Yes, I see you are. But closer to tick or closer to tock? I don't know. Only *time* will tell. And here, between the moments, we have all the time in the world.\" -- Lorien to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"The man says he doesn't want to talk to you. Leave him alone.\" \"We're having a private conversation. It is no concern of yours.\" \"It's my bar, I'm making it my concern. Now get out.\" \"I've come a long way. I intend to finish my conversation.\" -- Bartender & G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"I've sometimes heard the humans say: 'Minbari never tell anyone the whole truth.' But I'm no longer a whole Minbari and should've changed my heart more than I did. But I loved him and I wanted to protect him. I should've loved him less and trusted him more.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Doesn't make sense.\" \"You're right, that's the bit that worries me.\" \"If you are going to be worried every time the universe doesn't make sense, you are going to be worried every moment of every day for the rest of your natural life.\" -- G'Kar and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"I was doing fine until you showed up with that .. *thing* in hand.\" \"It's a Minbari fighting pike, several hundred years old. You are just jealous because you don't have one. Bad case of pikal envy, if you ask me.\" -- G'Kar and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"They seem rather eager to find you. Eagerness like that--\" \"--worries you. Hell, I suppose I should appreciate your concern. Compassion is a rare commodity these days.\" \"So, why are you doing this?\" \"He's my friend. I've never had a friend before who wasn't a Narn. And you?\" \"I never had a friend before who *was* a Narn, .. and damn few of any other kind. Most of them are dead.\" -- G'Kar and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"The job now is to turn this around and make it into something positive. My dad always told me that's the only way you deal with pain; you don't surrender, you don't fight it, you turn it into something positive. He used to say: 'If you are falling off a cliff, you may as well try to fly. You've got nothing to lose.'\" -- Sheridan's log in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"As a dear friend said to me: 'If you are falling off a mountain, you may as well try to fly.' Here, the end, I offer you one final chance to fly.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"And you. Have you anything to say?\" \"Do you by any chance happen to know where Mr. Garibaldi might be?\" -- Cartagia & G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"There is a monster on the throne, G'Kar, a well-protected monster. He must be removed, and *you* may be the means I have been waiting for.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"You didn't ask the price .. for my co-operation.\" \"You are not exactly in a position to bargain, G'Kar.\" \"Neither are you. You want my help .. for the sake of your people. I will give it .. for the sake of my own. If I remove the monster from your throne, you will remove the monster .. from my world. Leave Narn, set my world free. Promise me this, and I will do as you ask.\" \"You have my word.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"This is the fire I set when I woke up down here. I've come full circle.\" \"Don't we all?\" -- Sheridan & Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Yes, of course I care. It's a terrible thing when your children fight. I warned the others, but they didn't listen. They *never* listen.\" -- Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"That was you?\" \"Perhaps. We all have secrets and surprises. Did you know you have a Vorlon inside you? Well, a piece of one.\" -- Sheridan & Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Kosh.\" \"Is that its name? I think I met it once long ago.\" -- Sheridan & Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"You must let go. Surrender yourself to death. The death of flesh, the death of fear. Step into the abyss, and let go.\" -- Lorien to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"It's easy to find something worth dying for. Do you have anything worth living for?\" \"I can't see you anymore.\" \"As it should be.\" \"What if I fall off.. How will I know you'll catch me?\" \"I caught you before.\" \"What if I die?\" \"I can not create life, but I can breathe on the remaining embers.. It may not work.\" \"But I can hope.\" \"*Hope* is all we have.\" -- Lorien & Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Do you have anything worth living for?\" \"Sleep now. I will watch and catch you if you should fall.\" \"Delenn!\" -- Lorien, Delenn, Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?\""
- "\"Flak'sha [Engines at full..] Shin'drabi [high power] Hat'rashu [hatrack ratcatcher.] and dolo [to port weapons..] ishi'den [brickbat lingerie.]\" -- Ivanova to Marcus and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Tell the crew: 'Anyone who laughs will answer to me personally.'\" -- Delenn to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"What's next on the list?\" \"Sector 87/20/42. At least a dozen ships have reported seeing something rather godlike in the area, and since neither you nor I were there, it must be one of the First Ones.\" \"You are having delusions of grandeur again.\" \"Well, if you're gonna have delusions, you may as well go for the really *satisfying* ones.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"I can't believe it. Did you see him?\" \"I was right there, Vir. I saw him.\" \"How can you see G'Kar like that and feel *nothing*?\" \"I feel, Vir. I wish that I didn't, it would make this all much easier. We must play along until the time is right.\" \"I don't know if G'Kar can survive that long.\" \"He will survive. He must. For my sake as well as his own.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Damned! Damned! Damned silence. He refuses to bow, he refuses to drink.\" \"Majesty!\" \"Did you know we assigned one of our *best* pain technicians -- pain technicians, they used to be called torturers, ever since they got organized it's 'pain technicians' -- Why are you here? One of our very best torturers, I felt certain he would break him. Two hours he worked, not a sound. I said: 'Give me a cry, rin-tintsy(?). Give me a shout, a whimper, a scream.' Silence! So, I got to it myself. You can't leave these things to others, they never get it right! And well, you can see for yourself. If I didn't know better, I would say he was a mute. Silence! I'm beginning to understand what you're going through with this G'Kar. How you put up with this at all, I have no idea.\" \"He was a small burden.\" -- Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Silence! Silence! Where's the joy in that, really? He's so insubordinate, I can't have him challenging my authority that way.\" -- Cartagia to Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"He can't force you to live like this, can he?\" \"Yes, he can.\" -- Delenn and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"I thought he would welcome the chance to strike at the Shadows.\" \"I think the Vorlons have plans of their own. There's .. there's something going on.. Something they haven't told us yet.\" \"Do you have any idea?\" \"No, and frankly, I'm afraid to ask. I don't think that they care about what happens to us anymore, Delenn. I think their game just got bigger than that.\" -- Delenn and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"While I was carrying you, you felt cold, hard. What are you hiding from me?\" \"Your work for now is done here. Go. Sleep.\" \"I have a right to know. I've done everything you asked. I let your people modify me, enhance my telepathic abilities so I'd be more suited to carry a Vorlon around in my head, because I believed. Kosh, the real Kosh wasn't like this. I think in some level he cared about us, about me. With you it's as if I'm being used and then thrown away when I'm not needed anymore. Dammit! I have earned some respect! And I have earned some answers!\" \"Respect? From whom?\" -- Lyta and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Would you know my thoughts? Would you?\" -- Kosh to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"I'm picking something up.\" \"A unicorn? .. Sorry.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Captain, we're sorry. We thought you were dead.\" \"I was. I'm better now.\" -- Drazi spokesman and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"We can end this. Not just for now, not just for the next thousand years, but forever.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"When most of the First Ones left, two of them, the Shadows and Vorlons, stayed behind. Their job was to keep an eye on the younger races, help them along, but .. they couldn't decide or agree on what had to be done. The Vorlons believed that strength comes through order and discipline, the Shadows believe in promoting evolution through conflict, starting wars.\" \"Those are diametrically opposite positions.\" \"Exactly. Now, at first there was a balance between the two sides. They abided by rules of engagement, respected each others positions, but that changed over time.\" -- Sheridan and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Why the wars? Why the fighting? If each side agreed to respect the other..\" \"I don't know who started it first, Delenn, but somewhere along the line they both decided that their way was the right way, the only way, and we've been caught in the middle ever since.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"This latest incident, everything that's happened lately, it's convinced the Vorlons that their only alternative is to destroy the Shadows and anyone touched by them. Like an infection, you have to .. cut it out.\" \"And any healthy tissue that's cut out along the way.. well, that's okay, because it's all for a good cause.\" -- Lyta and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Since the Shadows are ready to strike back at any time now, we are caught in the middle again.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"We could barely stop the Shadows, how do we stop them *and* the Vorlons?\" \"I don't know. All I know is that unless you do stop them, it won't matter who wins and who loses, because none of us, not a single world in 70 light years in any direction, will live to see it.\" -- Garibaldi and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Summoning\""
- "\"Once again, please remain calm. Right now our greatest enemy is fear.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"You heard?\" \"I heard. \"They need to believe.\" \"Not in me.\" \"You can't save them all.\" \"I'll try.\" \"You'll fail.\" \"We'll see.\" -- Lorien and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"[I see] The stars, Majesty. Nothing more.\" \"Then you are not looking hard enough. Vorlons are out there, Londo. They've gone mad, attacking any world, any base, any colony where my associates have influence.\" -- Londo and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"After the last war my associates hid many of their ships on distant worlds. The Vorlons want to make sure it doesn't happen again.\" \"There are over 100 of those ships here. I assume they will be leaving now.\" \"I'm afraid not.\" \"The Vorlons..\" \"Will never attack Centauri Prime. Small colonies, deep range planets, sure. But to destroy a world as big as this, no. They don't have the will.\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"I call them my shadow cabinet. I think you can appreciate the irony. They certainly can.\" -- Cartagia to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"Minister Dugari. You remember him, don't you? Always coughing, most distressing, but we finally cured it.\" -- Cartagia to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"Don't send the ships. Let it burn, Mollari. Let it all end in fire.\" -- Cartagia to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"Cough. Take a deep breath, and .. exhale. Quack like a duck. Sorry, little med-school humor.\" -- Franklin to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"What do you want me to do?\" \"I want the Vorlon gone.\" \"Fine. I'll just go up to him and ask him to leave, that'll work.\" -- Garibaldi and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"Is it my imagination, or is Mr. Garibaldi crankier than usual?\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"I heard what happened. I came to warn you. Sheridan and the others are going to move against you.\" \"It is done. They are irrelevant.\" \"I know, I know they can't harm you, but I was thinking it can't hurt to have all the information you can about what's going on. To protect yourself and the cause.\" \"How?\" \"I told you I wasn't here when Ambassador Kosh died. I didn't have any of his essence with me, I thought he was gone. But for a while I suspected that someone else here had a piece of him. I think I know who it is, but I can't draw Kosh out of him, he won't let me.\" \"A human?\" \"Yes.\" \"Imprisons one of us?\" \"Yes.\" \"Intolerable.\" \"If there is still a piece of him there, you can draw it out of him. Use what it knows and take it back to Vorlon when this is all over. I cared about Kosh. I'd like to know he finally made it home.\" \"Show me.\" \"But the guards..\" \"They will not bother us again. Show me.\" -- Lyta and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"Your thoughts are troubled.\" \"I'm worried about Kosh, that's all. After everything we've been through, I'd hate to lose the last of him now and..\" \"What are you hiding?\" \"Nothing.\" \"Open your thoughts to me.\" \"We don't have time for this.\" \"*Open*!\" -- Kosh and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"It's Kosh. Kosh was inside him.\" \"Yes. The last of Kosh, and some of him, and some of me.\" -- Delenn and Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"He was gravely wounded at Z'ha'dum. He was dying. He was dead. I did all I could to help him, but I can not create life, only the universe can do that. I can extend, enhance, there is no magic, nothing spiritual about it, only the application of energies, healing and rebuilding cells.\" -- Lorien to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"I wanted you to have this. I got it down at the Zocalo. It's not what I had exactly in mind, but .. It's temporary until I can get you a real engagement ring.\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"I was just thinking. I don't like the way he's looking at me. I'm trying to decide what to do about it. Would you care to make a suggestion?\" \"Oh, no, I'm sure whatever your Majesty decides will be appropriate. I shall go and pack.\" -- Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"No, I don't care at all for the way he looks. Pluck out his eye.\" \"Which one?\" \"I don't know. Doesn't matter. .. *That* one.\" -- Cartagia and a guard in Babylon 5:\"Falling Toward Apotheosis\""
- "\"There is no choice. By the end of this day, either Cartagia is dead or Centauri Prime will be destroyed.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"I've decided to take you with me.\" \"Majesty?\" \"A god must have a high priest, must he not? And when the Shadows rise from the ashes of Centauri Prime and reward my loyalty with godhood, I want *you* to be the *first* one in my temple. I haven't decided where to build it yet, but I..\" \"Then you will not be on Centauri Prime when the Vorlons come?\" \"Of course not. You and I will watch from a distance.\" -- Cartagia and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"G'Kar. Great Maker! Your eye? Cartagia?\" \"My eye.. offended him. Doesn't matter. I can see things now.. that were invisible to me before. An empty eye sees through to an empty heart.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"Humor is such a subjective thing, don't you think, Mollari.\" -- Cartagia to Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"How fast does the poison work?\" \"Very quickly, he said almost instantaneously.\" \"'Almost'? How fast is almost? Time enough for him to stagger back into the main room and cry out: 'Londo killed me'? Or maybe just enough time for him to say: 'Londo kill..aargh'?\" \"And then he won't even get that out, I mean, maybe he just go: 'Lon.. arrgh'. Or maybe he's totally delirious and then say everything backwards and say: 'Kill Londo! Arrgh'. .. I was just making a play on..\" \"Well, it's time.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"The Emperor believed in heeding the wisdom of the gods. Well, twice the Emperor of the Centauri Republic has died while acting in relation to Narn. Emperor Turhan were trying to make peace, and now Cartagia. I believe Cartagia would say that this is a sign from the gods. A sign to leave this place forever.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"We do not have time for games, Vir. The ship is waiting.\" \"I was toasting Emperor Cartagia. And since he was not here, I drank for him. And then I couldn't be rude, so I had to drink with him. And so, first it was me drinking for him. And then him drinking for me. And then I kind of got into this kind of cycle.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"I can not tell you that your pain will ever go away. I can not tell you that you'll ever forget his face. I can only tell you that it *was* necessary. You may have helped to save our people. You did a hard thing. But you still have your heart, and your heart is a good one. You would not be in such great pain otherwise. That means there is still hope for you. And for that.. I find that I *still* envy you.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"Then, G'Kar, you will lead us against our oppressors. You will be the instrument of our vengeance. With you directing us, we will finally destroy the Centauri.\" \"You have just tossed someone off that throne. Would you put another in his place so quickly? The Kha'Ri spoke with many equal voices, not the one voice of a single leader.\" \"We need strength to lead us, *fire* to forge us. We saw that in the Centauri, learned that from them.\" \"Then you have learned the wrong lessons. I will not take the throne. If the Kha'Ri is restored, I will take my place among them, but that's all. I did not fight to remove one dictator just to become another myself.\" \"But the Centauri--\" \"--*are* *a* *lost* *people*! They ought to be pitied. They are already on a course for self-destruction. They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities.\" -- G'Lorn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"We must strike back!\" \"No.\" \"I never thought you were a *coward*, G'Kar. We suffered and died during their occupation. Where were you? What have you endured?\" \"What have I endured? Hahahahaha..\" -- G'Lorn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"Tho' we are not now that strength which in old days\" \"Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are\" \"One equal temper of heroic hearts,\" \"Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will\" \"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Long Night\""
- "\"There is time for one more. This is the last. It's important to have them all. Keep sending the signal.\" -- Lorien to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"He's making a crucible, which he hopes will force out the truth. Quite brave, possibly futile, but .. *very* human.\" -- Lorien to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Vorlon observation post destroyed.\" -- Lennier to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Win or lose, we'll go down fighting. Pour it on, Mr. Lennier. Take us into the fire.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"I was told you were ready to leave.\" \"Almost. You are awfully impatient for someone who's supposed to be immortal.\" \"Not immortal as you mean it. My race can die .. through illness or injury.\" \"Where are the rest of them?\" \"They fell ill and died, were injured and died. The rest went away. I am the last .. and I was the first.\" \"I have to admit I'm a little bit sceptical about that.\" \"Scepticism is the language of the mind. What does your .. heart tell you?\" \"My heart and I don't speak anymore.\" \"Yes, I have noticed that.\" -- Lorien and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"To live on as we have is to leave behind joy, and love, and companionship, because we know it to be transitory, of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those, whose lives are brief can imagine that love .. is eternal. .. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received.\" -- Lorien to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"You misunderstand me, Prime Minister. I was merely being specific. In my experience, if you can not say what you mean, you can never mean what you say. The details are everything.\" -- Drano to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Your patience is also a weapon, when used properly. We will arrive when we arrive and we will have the weapons we have. You can not win this war through force, you must .. understand your way out of this. Sheridan knows. What remains to be seen is whether he *knows* that he knows.\" -- Lorien to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"There are three billion people here. The Vorlons would never attack a civilian population that big. The ships stay.\" \"You are afraid, aren't you? *They're* afraid. And speaking of your associates, we must make sure that we can talk privately. Do not move.\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"You are insane.\" \"On any other day, Mr. Morden, you would be wrong. Today, today is a very different day. One last time: remove your ships.\" \"No. You don't frighten me, Mollari. If you try to attack our forces, you'll lose.\" \"Yes, your ships are very impressive in the air, or in space. But at this moment they are on the ground.\" \"Fine. They're on the ground, but they can sense an approaching ship miles away. So what are you going to do, Mollari? Blow up the island?\" \"Actually, .. now that you mention it.\" \"Noooo!\" -- Morden and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"You just made a mistake, Londo. Even if my associates lose this war they have allies. They'll make sure Centauri Prime pays the price for what you've done here today.\" -- Morden to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Good morning, gentlemen. This is your wakeup call.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"There is nothing to tell. You thought we could not touch you. You were wrong.\" -- 'Vorlon Lyta' to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"And you they have left .. for us.\" -- 'Shadow Lyta' to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Oh, but I *do* understand. But that's what's got you worried, isn't it? A Vorlon said understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side .. and the truth. The truth is we don't need you anymore.\" -- Sheridan to 'Vorlons' in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"You don't want to kill the messenger, you just want to kill the message.\" -- Sheridan to 'Vorlons' in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"After all, if you destroyed the Vorlons, they'll never know you won. They'll never see that you were right and they were wrong. It's about ideology.\" -- Delenn to 'Shadows' in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Will you come with us?\" \"I have been here since the beginning. I will not leave you now. I will go with you beyond the rim. And we will see again all those who went ahead of us, all those who we have missed for so long.\" -- Shadows and Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Then we will not be alone?\" \"No, never alone.\" -- Vorlons and Lorien in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- " [First Ones leaving] \"Did we just win?\" \"Don't jinx it.\" -- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"We are all alone now, just the younger races. We can't blame anyone else from now on. It's a new age, Delenn, a third age.\" \"Why third?\" \"We begun in chaos, too primitive to make our own decisions. Then we were manipulated from outside by forces that thought *they* knew what was best for us. And now .. now we are finally standing on our own. Lorien was right, it's a great responsibility. This is ours now.\" \"Strange. The galaxy seems somehow smaller now that the First Ones are gone forever.\" \"It feels like the magic's gone now.\" \"No, not gone. Now we make our own magic. Now we create our own legends. Now we build the future. Now we stop--\" \"--being afraid of shadows.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Into the Fire\""
- "\"Maybe the doc's right. Embrace the moment. In the end, that's all we have. Trouble will come in its own time, it always does. But that's tomorrow. Give me today, and I *will* be happy.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"The royal bloodline isn't what it used to be. Too much intermarrying I suppose. I always say: 'When you reduce a family tree to a family bush, you just can't hide as much beneath it.'\" -- Minister to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"A regent? Oh my heavens, who would take *that* job? It pays very well, I hear, but it's simply a ceremonial role.\" \"Actually, they've selected you.\" \"It hardly seems worth.. Me?\" -- Minister and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"I'm thinking .. pastels!\" -- Centauri Regent to his court in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"I have seen what power does, and I have seen what power costs. The one is never equal to the other.\" -- G'Kar to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"No one can blame you for feeling a little stressed out. Maybe a few days away..\" \"I don't want a few days away. I don't want a vacation or a leave of absence for a five-day pass to Disney planet. I just want out.\" -- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"Anything unusual gets flagged.\" \"And am I to fall into the category of unusual, Mr. Allan?\" \"Well, I didn't think we'd be seeing you again anytime soon, Ambassador.\" \"Yes, I gathered that from the look of unvarnished joy on your face when you saw me. Perhaps you would like to sit before you are overcome by ecstasy.\" \"Thanks, I'm fine. So, what happened? They got tired of you back home?\" \"Tired? Of course not, don't be absurd. The Emperor himself said I would only be allowed to leave over his dead body. I said: 'Well, how strange, Mr. Allan said I would only be allowed *back* on to Babylon 5 over *his* dead body.' With my very busy schedule I can only accomodate so many requests. I know it's a burden, but you will *simply* *have* to wait your *turn*.\" -- Zack and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"The only reason that guy is still alive is that half the time I don't know what the hell he's talking talking about. The other half, I wish I didn't. But that's why it's important to check in on customs on a regular basis. You never know who's gonna walk in that..\" -- Zack about Londo in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"Just a guess, Mr. Allan, but I suggest the word you are looking for is 'door'. Now, please notify the captain that I'm here, I need to meet with him and the rest of the command staff ASAP. I assume my usual quarters in the brig are available. I have grown so attached to the place.\" \"For you Mr. Bester, always.\" -- Bester and Zack in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry.\" \"Welcome hooome, Mr. Gaaaribaaaldi.\" \"Thank you, G'Kar.\" \"What?\" \"I can't breathe.\" \"Sorry.\" -- Garibaldi and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"All for nothing? Absolutely not! Yes, true, if I hadn't gone after you, the Centauri would never have captured me and yes, it cost me my eye, but it put me into the right place to strike a deal with Mollari. Because of that deal, my world is now free.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"I'm delirious with joy. It proves that if you confront [pat] the universe with good [pat] [pat] intentions in your heart, it will reflect that and reward [pat] your intent. Usually. It just doesn't always do it in the way you expect.\" -- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"Psi-Cops are trained to make everyone nervous, but Bester can make even other Psi-Cops nervous.\" \"Hell, the man can make poison ivy nervous.\" -- Lyta and Zack in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"My world is now free. You longer exist in my universe. Pray that we never notice one another again.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"I want you to know that I object to this, Captain. Ms. Alexander has no business being here. She's a blip. By all right I should arrest her and take back with me.\" \"You could do that. And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra. But it's an imperfect world and we never get exactly what we want. So get used to it.\" \"Captain, this is pointless. She is a P5. If I were really going to try something, she's not powerful enough to block me anyway. You're just embarrassing yourself, and her. Haven't we learned by now to trust each other.\" \"No. Now, sit.\" -- Bester and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"You know, the one thing in life that you can be sure about is that you are going to make mistakes.\" -- Garibaldi to Zack in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"The way I figure it, we are all entitled to one really big, incredibly stupid screw-up in our lives. Maybe this is one of those, we'll see.\" -- Garibaldi to Zack in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"The war's over, we won. We should get a few days off before the next big crisis. It never seems to work out that way.\" \"No. And you wouldn't have it any other way.\" \"I beg your pardon?\" \"You are a problem solver. You are one of these people who'll pick up a rope that's got all tangled up and spend entire day untangling it. Because it's a challenge, because it defies your sense of order in the universe, and because you can. Sometimes I try to picture you sitting on a beach with absolutely nothing to do.\" \"And?\" \"And, the picture always ends with your head imploding.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"Dream! That's all. Just a bad dream.\" -- Centauri Regent in Babylon 5:\"Epiphanies\""
- "\"Commander! Did you threaten to grab hold of this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?\" \"Yes I did.\" \"I'm shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I'd remind you that we are short on supplies here. We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space. *Always* take the jacket off first, I've told you that before. Sorry, she meant to say: 'Stripped naked and thrown out an airlock.' I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"You work for no one but us. You work for no one but us. You *work* for no one but us. You work for no one but us. Us. Us. Us! Us!\" -- A Voice to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean: 'Oh, I think it's a little chilly in here, perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed.' No, I said it was *cold*! As in: 'Oh, look, my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor.' This is highly inappropriate, Captain.\" \"You are right. There are several other parts of your body I much rather see snapped off.\" -- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"With Clark, Anything that gets into the way, disappears.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"There is no force in this galaxy that can stop what we have done here together. Nothing will be able to stop us.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"To celebrate this latest victory against the tyranny of a fanatical few who have endangered the lives of our citizens, Clark proclaimed today a planetary holiday. Curfew has been extended two full hours until 9 PM Earth standard time, so go out and enjoy.\" -- Alison Higgins in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"A struggle against Earth?\" \"Of course. If they don't understand, we will make them understand.\" \"Anything that gets into the way, disappears.\" \"There's a lot of people back home who might be concerned about what you are saying. It sounds as if you are putting the mingling of human and Minbari above the safety of your own world.\" \"There is no force in this galaxy that can stop what we have done here together. Nothing will be able to stop us.\" -- Randall, 'Delenn', 'Sheridan' in Babylon 5:\"The Illusion of Truth\""
- "\"Ouch! She did that on purpose.\" \"Yes, I believe she did. I will deal with this. /Good Work. Give me a moment with the human. And next time .. Use a bigger needle./\" \"Yeah. And don't you forget it!\" -- Zack and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"I think I got it.\" \"Just as long as it isn't in backwards. I've peered into my own soul more than enough lately.\" -- Franklin and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"It's not my proper color!\" -- G'Kar to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"Where did you say you were going?\" \"I was.. I was just going to.. Nowhere that can't wait for a little while.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"It also occurred to me, as I told you, it is tradition for Minbari to spend three nights together. The female--\" \"--watches and the male sleeps until his true face is revealed, I know. Whatever you see in a face mashed against a pillow and drooling, I don't know, but I try not to be judgemental about alien cultures, when they are dressed like *that*.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"Sheridans are survivors, always have been.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"What was your name, child?\" \"Delenn.\" \"Delenn.\" \"Yes.\" \"Of the family of Mir.\" \"Yes, Master.\" \"You have a proud heritage, Delenn of Mir. Prouder than you know. There is nothing to fear in the dreaming. Only that which we bring with us. The dreaming takes us forward and the dreaming takes us back. Walk with me in the dreaming, Delenn.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"For two days we have been debating an issue of some small importance. We have from time to time heard of a race known as humans. The Centauri have had dealings with them for some time. They are reportedly primitive, passionate, .. dangerous. The question: do we establish contact with these humans? They have each said no. All for different reasons. Would you like to hear them?\" \"Perhaps another would be better suited..\" \"The correct answer is 'yes'.\" \"Yes.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"Valen said: 'The greatest enemy is the one you do not know. You can predict the actions of those who are familiar to you. The one you can not predict is the one who can harm you.'\" \"And what do *you* say?\" \"If we do not know these humans, then they are a mystery to us. The universe puts a mystery in front of us as a gift. Politeness requires that we at least *try* to solve it.\" \"A-haa! You are curious, you would like to know, to simply understand. Simple curiosity.\" -- Delenn and Dukhat in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"I could override their decision, but nothing would be served. Authority should never be used as a club, Delenn.\" \"But, then why?\" \"When one of us does a foolish thing, you should tell them it is a foolish thing. They can still continue to do it, but at least the *truth* is where it needs to be.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"Raise your eyes and look at me.\" \"It's disrespectful.\" \"I can not have an aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking into things.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"I am become Grey. I stand between the darkness and the light, .. between the candle and the star.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"There is nothing to fear in the dreaming. Only that which we bring with us. Walk with me in the dreaming, Callenn.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"There was a purpose in my selection. Your heritage.. You are a child of Valen.\" -- Dukhat to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"The guards resisted at first. The Grey council is suspended, but the security remains. I managed to *explain* matters to them. They will recover.. in time.\" -- Lennier to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Atonement\""
- "\"Speaking of which, as of now I'm relieving you of command.\" \"Ivanova, your sense of humor has always been on the edge of good taste, *but*--\" \"I'm serious, John.\" \"On what grounds?\" \"You haven't taken any personal time in over nine months. And in that time we have broken away from earth, fought a war, you have been declared dead at least once, and you know how tiring that can be.\" -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"There isn't much chance of me winning this argument, is there?\" \"None whatsoever. I never give up when I'm right. Your only option is to surrender.\" \"Who taught you to negotiate like that?\" \"You did.\" \"Oh. Well, then I assume this enforced vacation is to begin immediately.\" \"Started when I walked in that door.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Me, I go for insta-heats.\" -- Captain Jack to Marcus and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Entertainment channel unavailable due to jamming. Movie channel unavailable due to jamming. Sports channel unavailable due to jamming. Adult channel unavailable due to jamming. ISN available.\" -- Babylon 5 television selection in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Lyta had a little Vorlon. Her skin was pale as snow. And everywhere that Lyta went, her Vorlon was sure to go.\" -- Captain Jack recites the passphrase in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Just my luck. The first time in my life I am a war hero and nobody knows about it. And worst of all, I'm married to you.\" -- Marcus to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Everyone's entitled to a fresh start.\" \"You're even willing to forget about the business--\" \"Yes, even though it did make Mr. Garibaldi's hair fall out. You had no way of knowing what was in that bottle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, just in case he asks.\" -- Ivanova and a smuggler in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"If you could look any more unhappy, please do not tell me. There are some things I would rather not know.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"He's not what he appears to be! Give it up, will you.\" -- Garibaldi about Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"Woo-hoo?\" -- Lennier to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Racing Mars\""
- "\"With the Grey Council no more, the three castes are mainly concerned with protecting their own interests.\" -- Forell to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Can't you send out Lennier? It might be dangerous.\" \"John! It pleases me that you care for what I have become. But never forget who I was, what I am, and what I can do.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Our job, as always, is simply to state the facts and let the truth attend to itself.\" -- ISN Reporter in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Look, if they want to play games, well fine. We can play games too, only we can play them better, because we have the *truth* on our side. You can't kill the truth. .. Actually, you *can* kill the truth, but it always comes back to haunt you later.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"You have a face people trust.\" \"I'd rather have a face people fear.\" \"That too, but..\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Dukhat says: 'When there is good news we always ask if it's true, because it is so difficult to believe. But when there is bad news we rarely inquire because it's so easy to believe.'\" -- Forell to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Touch passion when it comes your way, Stephen. It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name.\" -- Marcus to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"The Drakh want peaceful relations. They want only a place to have for their own, because--\" \"--because they have just lost their home.\" \"Yes. There was an evacuation. Some kind of natural disaster, they said.\" -- Forell and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Before the war Dukhat wanted to know more about your people, so I began studying your history. I came to the conclusion that of all the races we had encountered humans were the most dangerous. Because humans form communities, and from that diversity comes a strength no single race can withstand. That is your strength and it is *that* which makes you dangerous.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"Fighting a war is easy. Destroying is easy. Building a new world out of what's left of the old, that is what's hard. But that is your strength. So much is falling apart out there. You must help to put it back together.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Lines of Communication\""
- "\"If you're gonna wait for the universe to start making sense, you have a long wait ahead of you.\" -- Sheridan to Zack in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"If we're gonna broadcast all the way back home, we're going to need a helluva lot more power than we've got now. And I don't know where we're gonna get it. I mean, I've been working on this for days, I don't have a clue.\" \"What about Epsilon 3? During the war we evacuated a lot of the wounded down there for safe-keeping. Now, I've spent a lot of time looking around, there's enough power down there to broadcast clear to the Rim.\" \"Or, -- just a crazy thought -- I could try Epsilon 3.\" \"Yeah, you could do that, yeah.\" \"I mean, it's the logical choice. Anybody could see that in about two seconds. I mean, only a complete fool would fail to see that.\" \"Well, I wouldn't..\" \"It's absolutely obvious.\" \"Well, *I* wouldn't have thought of it, that's for sure.\" \"No, you are far too modest, Stephen.\" \"No, no, no. That's why you get paid big bucks, after all.\" \"Yep, that's my job.\" -- Ivanova and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"Excuse me, I need to see Draal.\" \"Oh, Draal is very busy! Have had four ground quakes on other side of planet. Damage to weather control system, to great machine.\" \"Zathras!\" \"Yes?\" \"What the hell are you doing here?\" \"Zathras work here. Zathras were born here. You work up there, Zathras work down here. You dress like that, Zathras dress like this.\" \"That's not--\" \"Just covering *all* possibilities. Zathras does not want you being confoosed. Bye.\" \"Hey! Wait a minute! You are not supposed to be here. We left you a thousand years in the past.\" \"No! We have never met before. But Zathras very pleased to be meeting you.\" \"No, we *have* met.\" \"No. Oh. No, noo. No no. You did not meet Zathras. You met *Zathras*.\" -- Ivanova and Zathras in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"Let's try this again.\" \"As you wish.\" \"Zathras came with us to Babylon 4.\" \"Yes.\" \"Zathras stayed in the past with Valen.\" \"Yes.\" \"*You* are Zathras.\" \"Yes.\" \"Therefore, *you* went into the past.\" \"No, that was not Zathras, that was *Zathras*. There are 10 of us, all of family Zathras, each one named Zathras. Slight differences in how you pronounce. Zathraas, Zathras, Zathras.. You are seeing now?\" \"There are ten of you?\" \"Yes! Well, nine *now*.\" \"And Zathras?\" \"Zathras gone! Zathras *warned* Zathras, but Zathras never listened to Zathras. Zathras was quiet one in family. *SO*! What can Zathras be doing for you?\" -- Ivanova and Zathras in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Great responsibilities. But Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management.\" \"That's great, lets--\" \"But only Zathras have no one to talk to. No one manages poor Zathras, you see. So Zathras talks to dirt. Sometimes talks to walls, or talks to ceilings. But dirt is closer. Dirt is used, through everyone walking on it. Just like Zathras, but we've come to like it. It is our role. It is our *destiny* in the universe. So, you see, sometimes dirt has insects in it. And Zathras likes insects. Not so good for conversation, but much proteine for diet. Ha! Zathras fix now, this way.\" -- Zathras and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"It's easy to come together for a common enemy. Now our job is to come together for a common goal.\" -- Sheridan to G'Kar & Londo in Babylon 5:\"Conflicts of Interest\""
- "\"Yeah, I know. Every time you try to get them do something for their own good, they figure you've got some sort of a hidden agenda.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I am tired of doing things the hard way. There's an easier way to convince them.\" \"And how do we do that?\" \"By *not* convinving them. Ha-ha!\" -- Sheridan and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"When I was a child, my father used to carry me through the city on his shoulders. I've never seen such beauty. The city was eternal, its beauty eternal. We heard of the Grey Council, but the name was always spoken with awe and reverence. They held our world together. They were the peace promised by Valen; thousand years of peace among the three castes.\" -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I think of my beautiful city in flames, Lennier. The streets where I walked, the temples, the great crystal spires .. that sighed music whenever the wind touched them. I think of it, and I cry, Lennier. And I wonder: did I do this when I broke the Grey Council?\" \"Valen always said the Council will be broken in the Great Shadow War.\" \"Lennier, you know the truth as well as I do. Valen only knew what Sinclair knew, could not see beyond that. Once he left us, the future became fluid. I had assumed things would continue on, like some great clockwork mechanism. As long as the war was won, we would be all right. I was wrong.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I need your help, Neroon.\" \"My help? I remind you that not very long ago I fought to keep you from taking control of the Rangers. We have not exactly been friends.\" \"No, but your actions have always been motivated by one desire: to do what is right for our people. The warrior caste can not be allowed to win this war. The religious caste can not be allowed to win. You know as well as I that if either side achieves dominance, the delicate balance of our civilisation will be destroyed.\" \"You should have thought of that before you broke the Grey Council.\" \"What is done is done, Neroon. What matters now is the future.\" -- Delenn and Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"Yes, we've disagreed, even fought, but I would rather have someone who opposed me out of an honest belief in the rightness of his cause than someone who was always on my side because it was expected and required. I've questioned your judgement and wisdom, your temperament, but never your loyalty.\" \"Was that a compliment?\" \"After a fashion.\" \"Then you trust me?\" \"After a fashion.\" -- Delenn and Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"But we are two against a world gone mad. What can we do against that?\" \"Nothing. Until we get their attention. For that I need your help.\" -- Neroon and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I don't really think it's my place to comment.\" \"Captain!\" \"All I can say is we certainly wouldn't be there if we weren't wanted.\" \"Then they asked for the ships?\" \"I can't confirm that.\" \"But you're not denying it either.\" \"But not denying it doesn't make it true any more than not confirming it makes it false. Are you with me so far?\" \"I'm .. not sure.\" \"Ambassador, there are so many things in the universe that are and so many things that aren't. If I were to take the time to deny all the things that aren't, we'd be here for centuries, wouldn't we?\" -- Sheridan and Drazi Amb. in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"Make a big deal out of it .. as much as you can, given nothing happened.\" -- Sheridan to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"First, one brief announcement. I just wanted to mention for those who have asked that *absolutely* nothing whatsoever happened today in sector 83/9/12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"Incredible. Only the warrior caste could actually turn on one of their own. They have always been erratic. And you, .. you are the steady rock beneath my feet. Thank you.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I have been training him, as Dukhat trained me. He has been .. a light for my footsteps. Never asking, only giving. Without him, I would stumble and fall and never get up again. Thank you for looking after him, Neroon.\" -- Delenn about Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"I assumed your behavior was prompted by a sense of your own superiority, your ego, .. the usual fanaticism we have come to expect from the religious caste. In the last year, I've begun to realize that I was wrong. Dukhat chose you above all to follow him. Slowly, dimly, I begin to understand why. I do not know what lays ahead of us, Delenn, but I do know it is *right* that we are here together.\" \"Is that a compliment, Neroon?\" \"After a fashion.\" -- Neroon and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"If I had told her the whole truth, it would've destroyed her belief in the strength and the wisdom of our caste. Delenn does not walk in the same world you and I walk in. She does not see the same world you and I see. In her world we are better than we are, we care more than we care. We act towards each other with compassion. I much prefer her world to that of my own, and I will not allow anything to threaten that.\" -- Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Rumors, Bargains and Lies\""
- "\"Perhaps in the future when you rejoin the Psi Corps, we can discuss this again.\" -- Businesswoman to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"Our people need leadership, not dogma, action, not meditation. We assumed they were our equal in all things. They've now learned otherwise.\" -- Shakiri to Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"And.. Well, there's just no delicate way to say this. I want your body.\" \"*What!* Are you out of your mind?\" \"Heh, that's a very funny question to ask a telepath, .. since we spend so much of our time in other peoples' minds. I don't want it *now*, Lyta, just when you are not .. using it anymore, after .. your passing.\" -- Bester and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"What is your empathic range?\" \"Well, officially, 20-25 meters.\" \"Unofficially?\" \"Further .. *much*.\" -- Garibaldi and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"I said we surrender. I did not say that we gave up our sovereign rights to form a new government. Dukhat said that in every battle one side or the other must surrender eventually. It's the natural order of things, There's no dishonor in that, no shame. We recognize the superior forces of the warrior caste. We have, after all, spent several centuries arming you, helping you learn the art of combat. What threat are we against that?\" \"Then you acknowledge we are stronger?\" \"Stronger, yes. But wiser? For a thousand years we guided our people through wisdom, not arms. Will we set that aside so quick?\" -- Delenn and Shakiri in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"Valen said: 'Will you follow me to fire?' Will you?\" -- Delenn to Shakiri in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"You said that a warrior does not fear death, Shakiri. You said that death is only one of the consequencies, neither valued nor feared above the other. Death is merely a release from our obligations. Why then are you afraid, Shakiri? Have you put your importance above our own people?\" \"Don't take their side!\" \"I speak for my *people*. Who do you speak for? And what are you willing to do? They are waiting for your answer.\" -- Neroon to Shakiri in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"I was born .. warrior caste, but I see now .. the calling of my heart .. is religious. War is over. Listen to her. Listen!\" -- Neroon in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"Today we rebuild what was broken. Today we restore the Grey Council. I summon the nine as Valen called them together long ago.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"In the past it has been our tradition to seek balance. We have called three from each caste: worker, warrior, religious. But now that changes.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"You had forgotten the worker caste, hadn't you? When our two sides fight, they're the ones caught in the middle, forgotten that it's their time to serve to build, and to die. They built the temples we pray in, the ships you fight in. They look to us to guide their hands. But prayers are fleeting and wars forgotten. What is built endures. They do not wish to conquer or convert, only to build the future. And now, they will have that chance. The religious caste and the warrior caste will advise and councel. We will serve, as is proper. Religion and war must act in the *service* of the people, not the other way around. This place.. this place is reserved in memory of Neroon, until the day it is taken by the One who is to come. You are the heart, the hands, and the voice of our people. Judge wisely and well.\" -- Delenn to Grey Council in Babylon 5:\"Moments of Transition\""
- "\"Captain's personal log, September 2nd, 2261. Enough is enough.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"We'll hit them in waves. Try to isolate the ships we need to destroy from the ones who won't fight unless they have to. Then we'll give them a chance to surrender or join up.\" \"And if they don't?\" \"We take them out. Hey, I don't like the idea any more than you do, but either we commit ourselves to this completely or we don't do it. Once we pull the first trigger we can't hesitate to pull the next one, because they sure won't. Now, once we're in, we're in: no surrender, no retreat.\" -- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"I didn't do it! I didn't do it! Thank the Great Maker it was just a dream.\" -- Vir in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"So from now on I guess the operational phrase is 'Trust no one.'\" \"No. Trust Ivanova, trust yourself, anybody else: shoot them.\" -- Corwin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"Hello, G'Kar. I don't believe I have ever been in your quarters before. Unless you count a cell on Centauri Prime.\" \"I apologize for the lack of chains. The cleaning service must have removed them.\" \"It has much the same feeling as your world: dry, .. red, .. and depressing.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"How is the eye?\" \"It sees.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"I have no interest in your thanks.\" \"I did not think that you would, but it is there anyway. [sighs] As I said, a hard year.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"When I saw you in that cell, beaten, chained .. As I said, we have never been friends, we will never be friends. There is too much blood between us, too much history. But I did feel for you, as much as I did not want to. In the beginning, it was little more than sympathy one might feel for any trapped animal. But in time .. I came to respect you. \"Your respect matters to me even less than your thanks.\" \"You are not going to give me even an inch, are you? -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"You may not believe this, G'Kar, but all I ever wanted is what is *right* for my world. I'm a patriot, as you are. I have made some .. very poor choices in the last two years. Because I did not *think*, those choices almost destroyed my world, and yours. That is a humbling realization, G'Kar. If with a single wrong word I can become the enemy, do I any longer really understand who the enemy is?\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"Because, while I do not know who the enemy is any longer, I do know who my friends are, and that I have not done as well by them as I should. I hope to change that. I hope to do better.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"Before war broke out between our governments, you bought me a drink. I wish to return the favor. For the first time in a hundred years, we have something in common beyond hatred. I find that most extraordinary, and so a drink to the humans, and to the bridge that they created between us in the hope for a better future for both our worlds.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"Earth's Last Best Hope\" -- A Poster in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"It looks as if we won.\" \"No, we achieved the mission objective. It is not a victory. Too many on both sides had to die for it.\" -- Marcus and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Surrender, No Retreat\""
- "\"Mars. I can't believe I'm back on Mars. Three times before this place almost killed me. I swore I'd never give it another chance to finish the job. Humans have got no business being here. No business at all.\" -- Garibaldi's Log in Babylon 5:\"The Exercise of Vital Powers\""
- "\"Everything is illusion, Mr. Garibaldi. Concepts [constructs] of language, light, metaphor; nothing is real.\" -- Wade to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Exercise of Vital Powers\""
- "\"Nobody takes power. They're given power by the rest of us, because we are stupid or afraid or both. \" -- William Edgars in Babylon 5:\"The Exercise of Vital Powers\""
- "\"What you just told me, is that the whole truth?\" \"It's as close to the truth as you or anyone else will ever get, Mr. Garibaldi.\" -- Garibaldi and Edgars in Babylon 5:\"The Exercise of Vital Powers\""
- "\"Mars. Three times before this place almost killed me. And now I have finally finished the job. I can't feel anything anymore. I don't know what I care about anymore, except Lise. I screwed up both our lives pretty good. Now I get to make up for it. Assuming any of us can ever make up for anything we have done in the past. Maybe we can't, maybe we just have to live with it and get on with it, and do what we have to, never what we want to. It has to be done. I hope you can see that one day.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Exercise of Vital Powers\""
- "\"Somewhere on Beta colony, there is .. an institution. And one room in that institution .. there is a man, who spends his days and nights screaming at .. things only he can see. Things we planted in his mind.\" -- Lyta to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"They taught me what a telepath was and what we can do. And all that time I had never been afraid of who we were. Until that day .. when we did what we had to do because no one else would fight.\" -- Lyta to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"Do you think the Captain is all right?\" \"He knows what he's doing, he'll be fine. Assuming Mr. Garibaldi can still be trusted.\" -- Lennier and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"What's going on? You all look like a Pak'ma'ra just ate your cat.\" -- Ivanova to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"We interrupt our regular programming for this important announcement. The leader of the renegade fleet that has been trying to destabilize Earth for months has *finally* been located and detained. Captain John Sheridan, formerly of Earth Force, was captured earlier today by forces loyal to president Clark and is now being held in a secure facility. Unlike many of his victims, he is being given proper care and treatment until a hearing can be convened.\" -- ISN Broadcast in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"We're engaged in a very dangerous game, Mr. Garibaldi. In this game you have to pick your target very carefully, because you only have one shot. And this is much, *much* bigger than you suspect.\" \"President Clark isn't the real problem, he's trivial. One way or another he'll be gone in a few years, but the telepaths he put in power, the Psi Corp, those will be with us forever. That's the real danger.\" -- Wade and Edgars in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"I knew there were forces out there with plans for my telepaths, but this.. I had no idea. The sheer scope of it. Well, we'll stop it now, of course, in our own way.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"By nature Mr. Garibaldi is rebellious, stubborn, and suspicious. He has an innate distrust to the authority figures. And he is very good at figuring out when conspiracies are taking place and tracking it back to its source. We need that part of him, so I don't wanna risk tampering with him.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"The Captain once told me: 'The person is expendable, the job is not.' We keep going.\" -- Ivanova to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"The Face of the Enemy\""
- "\"When I ask a question, you will respond at once. You will not hesitate, you will not consider, you will not lie. Co-operation will be rewarded, resistance .. will be punished.\" -- Interrogator to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"There is nothing to be gained by trying to harm me, I am not the enemy. To be the enemy, I must have some personal stake in what happens to you. I am not interested in that at all. I'm here to do a job, nothing more. You are a name, a file, and a case number, that's all.\" -- Interrogator to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"It does prove though how everything is a matter of perspective. You see what you think is daylight, and you assume it's morning. Take it away, you think it's night. Offer you a sandwich, if it's convenient, you'll think it's mid-day. The truth is fluid, the truth is subjective.\" -- Interrogator to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"The truth is sometimes what you believe it to be, and other times what you *decide* it to be. My task is to make you decide to believe differently.\" -- Interrogator to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"You have been interrogated before?\" \"Yes.\" \"Anyone I know?\" \"You'd be surprised.\" -- Interrogator and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"No! *You* have no rights. There's no courtroom here, Captain. No tribunals, no attorneys, no justice, no mercy, no fairness, no hope, no last minute escape. You will walk through that door when you confess and not one second before.\" -- Interrogator to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Intersections in Real Time\""
- "\"It's great to have you back, Captain.\" \"Thanks. It's good to be back. I was starting to think I would never get out of that place.\" -- Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"We don't use names.\" \"Codes then?\" \"Just.. numbers.\" -- Sheridan and Interrogator in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Besides, we don't want co-operation. We want conversion. We want repentance.\" -- Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"It was Bester. It was him all along. He altered me when I was missing, he messed with my mind. He made me turn against everybody I knew because he was trying to find out who was behind a conspiracy against the Psi Corps.\" \"Yeah, and the dog ate your homework.\" -- Garibaldi and #1 in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"You've got any proof? Anything to back up this story of yours? Anything?\" \"Yeah. I've got a receipt from the Psi Corps certifying that my brain was dry cleaned, pressed and starched.\" -- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Now, a headache I can get over. I'm not sure if I'm going to get over being dead anytime soon.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"The truth speaks for itself. I'm just a messenger.\" -- Lyta to #1 in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Look, we have to make them understand that if they target innocent people, they can't run, they can't hide. I mean, President Clark is issuing the orders, but they are pulling the trigger.\" -- Ivanova to Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"During the Shadow War Sheridan risked his life and the lives of every human on this station to help save our worlds. Would the Gaim have done that for the Pak'ma'ra? Would the Drazi have done that for .. for the Narn? No. That sacrifice must be rewarded.\" \"Since the war we have begun working together as never before. In the past we had nothing in common, but now, the humans have become the *glue* that holds us together.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"If Sheridan's forces are defeated, then Earth will turn in upon itself. They will become isolated or they'll turn against the rest of us.\" \"Politically it is very wise.\" \"Morally it is even wiser.\" \"Politics and morality on the same side! That doesn't happen every day, Delenn.\" -- Vir, Londo, G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"We wanted to send a message, that the Council speaks as one for the right reasons, not out of any personal agenda. Sheridan is not alone, and *you* are not alone. The League stands with you. We *all* stand with you.\" -- G'Kar to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Why can't we go anyplace nice?\" -- Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"All right, who gulped? Somebody gulped. Look, we have got a long way to go. We're supposed to sip, not gulp.\" \"I didn't gulp.\" \"No?\" \"I sipped.\" \"You I believe.\" \"Now, why do you believe her and not me?\" \"Because when you lie, it's all over your face. She's a much better liar than you are.\" \"Thank you. .. Wait a minute!\" -- Garibaldi, Franklin, Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"They are loyal to the new order. They won't defect and they won't give up.\" -- David Eisensen in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Rangers never bluff.\" -- Marcus to Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"I don't watch TV. It's a cultural wasteland filled with inappropriate metaphors and an unrealistic portrayal of life created by the liberal media elite.\" -- Guard to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"It's the last time I'll ever trust you.\" \"Also the first.\" -- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"Who am I? I'm Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sofie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is gonna kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart. I'm death incarnate and the last living thing that you're *ever* going to see. *God* sent me.\" -- Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"Between the Darkness and the Light\""
- "\"November 1st, 2261. Doctor's personal log. We're ready.\" -- Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"No, they picked me because I'm from the old school: a soldier doesn't take arms against his own government, no matter how justified you feel doing it. And because Sheridan was one of my students back in the Academy. I taught him everything he knows. I know how he thinks, I know how he fights. To tell you the truth, I've always admired him. And now I'm gonna have to kill him, and his ship and everyone around him. It's a terrible day, Charlie. I wish the hell I'd never live to see it.\" -- General Lefcourt in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"I assume that you worked out that whole longitude-latitude thing. I know you get confused sometimes.\" \"You're right, you're right. I keep mixing them up. .. I got it right. Well, I *think* I got it right. Okay, fine. Which goes vertically, longitude or latitude?\" -- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"But he wouldn't want to go offensive unless .. he has an ace in the hole. But what is it?\" -- General Lefcourt in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"What can one telepath do against an entire destroyer?\" \"Well, these aren't normal telepaths.\" -- EF NCO and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"Engineering, this is General Lefcourt. In case you didn't notice, the enemy just pulled our shorts up over our head and tied them into a knot. You will get the ship under control ASAP, or I will come down there and skin the hide off every last one of you.\" -- General Lefcourt in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"You are not alone anymore. We call upon you to rise up and do what's right. We have drawn their forces away from Earth and disabled them. The time to act is *now*.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"From the office of William Morgan Clark\" \"The a(S)cension of the ordinary man.\" \"The as(C)ension of the ordinary man.\" \"The ascension (O)f the ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of the o(R)dinary man.\" \"The as(C)ension of the ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of t(H)e ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of th(E) ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of the or(D)inary man.\" \"The ascension of the ordinary man.\" \"Th(E) ascension of the ordinary man.\" \"The (A)scension of the ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of the o(R)dinary man.\" \"The ascension of (T)he ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of t(H)e ordinary man.\" \"The ascension of the ordinary man.\" -- Clark's note in Babylon 5:\"Endgame\""
- "\"Only a sane and careful study of the facts will allow us to separate those who were willing partners in President Clark's reign of terror from those who co-operated only in fear of their lives.\" -- President Susanna Luchenko in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"You're late!\" \"No, no, no, *you're* early.\" \"I'm never premature.\" \"Oh, well, *that* is a surprise, given what I've heard. I'm sure it's a matter of perspective, really. But for a Narn, two minutes must be a long time, so if you go the duration, it's an accomplishment. But for the Centauri, *hours* can go by before you even get to the good parts.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"You're going to be Emperor, Londo. Isn't that *wonderful?*\" \"Yes, Vir, wonderful news.\" -- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"I find it amazing that you think that threats still mean anything to me. 'Do this or you're a dead man.' Death: been there, done that.\" -- Sheridan to Bester in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"I know, I know what's it like to lose someone, only to find her and then lose her a second time. I wouldn't wish that to anyone, not even you, as much as I might want to.\" -- Sheridan to Bester in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"I see nothing amusing in this situation, Londo.\" \"No, no. You are right, there isn't. It's just that..[giggle] I'm so rarely in the presence of living history. It.. it thins the atmosphere, makes you giddy. [giggle] You realize that you are quite mad for even considering this?\" \"Perhaps.\" -- Delenn and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"As you were. Well, Captain, you caused quite a stir. Half of Earth Force wants to give you a kiss on the cheek and the medal of honor. The other half wants you taken out and shot. As a politician you learn how to compromise. Which by all right means I should give you the medal of honor then have you shot. I confess the idea had a certain appeal when I mentioned it to the Joint Chiefs two hours ago.\" -- President Susanna Luchenko to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"So, morally I was right, but politically I'm inconvenient.\" \"Inconvenient doesn't even begin to cover it. Now we have to clean up the mess.\" -- Sheridan and President Susanna Luchenko in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"The bitch of it is that you probably did the right thing. But you did it in the wrong way. In the inconvenient way. Now you have to pay the penalty for that. I know it stinks, but that's the way it is.\" -- President Susanna Luchenko to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"I learned about choices and consequences and responsibility. I learned that we all have choices, even when we don't recognize them, and that those choices have consequencies, not just for ourselves, but for others. We must assume responsibility for those consequencies.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"For many years all of us here have priced our good relations with Earth. You have shown through your example that strength comes from a multitude of voices brought together for a common cause. Humans form communities. In that spirit we have voted to dissolve the League of Non-Aligned worlds and create a new alliance, based on mutual co-operation and respect. An alliance, born in the diverse voices of many worlds, joined by their desire to build a better future and their decision to voluntarily recognize a common authority.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"Their [Rangers] goal is to create the peace, not enforce the peace.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"I fully understand, Madame President. No one in this room is more suspicious of these things than I am, no race more prideful than the Centauri. But we are tired of war and believe that this will help to create peace between us.\" \"Peace is a concept. If I'm going to sell this to my Generals and the public, I'm going to need something a little more tangible.\" -- Londo and President Luchenko in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"You!\" \"Funny thing about retiring: you no sooner pick out the places you want to go on vacation and someone comes at you with another job offer.\" -- General Foote and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"Mister President?\" \"It's a--\" \"--another long story.\" -- David and John Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"Don't. Don't do that, no, come on. The sun's almost coming up. I've got to get some sleep .. eventually.\" -- Garibaldi to Lise in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"So, how does it feel to make history?\" \"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it.\" \"G'Kar, you are a depressing person.\" \"Thank you.\" \"And stop eating that. We don't even know what it is.\" \"Something called 'rice'.\" \"Yes, and if it were any good, do you think they would be standing there throwing it at people? As marriage ceremonies go, the humans are very strange indeed. Still, they're quite a couple, aren't they?\" \"Yes, they are.\" \"Almost makes you wish that you could peek in on them. See how's it going. G'Kar, the artificial eye that doctor Franklin gave you. Where is it?\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"It was the end of the Earth year 2261 and it was the dawn of a new age for all of us. It was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. The next 20 years would see great changes, great joy and great sorrow. The telepath war. The Drakh war. The New Alliance would waver and crack, but in the end it will hold, because what is built endures, and what is loved endures. And Babylon 5, .. Babylon 5 endures.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Rising Star\""
- "\"Well, we figured you probably want to come back with as little fanfare as possible, your usual low-key approach.\" \"But there's a time and a place for everything and this is the time and this is *definitely* the place for one hell of a party!\" -- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"So, Doctor, who died?\" \"What are you talking about?\" \"Among my people this is how we celebrate state funerals. Our marriage ceremonies are solemn, sober, moments of reflection, also regret, disagreement, argument and mutual recrimination. Once you know it can't get any worse you can relax and enjoy the marriage. But to *start* with something like this.. No, it is a very bad sign for the future.\" -- Londo and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"What matters is what we did here, together. In a hundred years it won't matter who we were. They probably won't even remember.\" \"That's true.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"What amazes me is the way that everyone is trying to turn Sheridan into some kind of hero. This is the man who resigned his commission in Earth Force under dubious conditions.\" -- Henry Ellis in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"He can barely get along with his own race, and now he's gonna stitch together an alliance of *radically* different aliens and make it work. No, this whole shebang is doomed from the get-go.\" -- Henry Ellis in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Obviously there's a degree of uncertainty in *any* new political situation. This next year will prove critical for Sheridan and the rest of his people. Look what they are up against: he has to ride herd on the dozen or so alien races that have signed on to this alliance and probably don't fully understand what's being required of them. There are still sporadic fighting between many of those members. On top of that, he has supply problems, telepath problems, raiding parties, not to mention distrust among elements of his own government here at home. This man has his work cut out for him, but I *know* that he can handle it.\" -- Senator Elizabeth Metarie in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"The first thing you have to do is separate fantasy from reality. The publicity machine of the Alliance would have you believe that somehow *all* this came about because of what a few people did. But large political movements are rarely the workup of any one person. The individual at the center gives permission for others to act, can *inspire* others. But the individual really can not affect changes on an act of will. *They* did not do, they allowed others to do.\" -- Dr. Barbara Tashaki in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"We all have a profound psychological need to believe in heroes, the shining knight on the white horse. If they don't exist, we create them. Sheridan and Delenn are two classic examples. If you look at the social dynamic around them, they actually didn't do anything. They were the open vessels in which people poured their hopes and their dreams. That sets up sort of a gestalt, where events take on a life of their own.\" -- William Exeter in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"John Sheridan was a good, kind, and decent man.\" \"Delenn, wait! You came all this way just to say *that?*\" \"You came just this far to say less?\" -- Delenn and Dr. Jim Latimere in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"You do not wish to know .. anything. You wish only to speak. That which you know, you ignore, because it is inconvenient. That which you do not know, you invent. But none of that matters, except that he was a good man, a kind man, who cared about the world, even when the world cared nothing for him.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Not propaganda, goodfacts, as opposed to realfacts. Facts the government has endorsed.\" -- Daniel to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Earth needs room to expand. The Rangers and the Alliance prove a hindrance to our plans to expand.\" -- Daniel in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"What we can not take by force, we will *win* by subversion. And in the end we will bury you.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"There must be something we can do.\" \"We're dead, we are not even here, just our memories, our thought patterns.\" \"That must be worth something. What we are is not a matter of flesh, it's a matter of will.\" -- Delenn and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"You see, the thing is, me and Sheridan were close, but *I* was the one who did most of the strategic planning during the war. Now, a resource like that you may not want to wipe it out just yet. I could help you.\" -- Garibaldi to Daniel in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"The funny thing about being a holographic record is that you don't really exist, except in patterns of light, shadow, information.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Holograms do not lie, Danny-boy.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"The ways of Rome are like onto God. They are mysterious and sometimes they transcend understanding. They confess to an inability to see the wisdom of our mission: to keep alive the knowledge of the past. The knowledge that would've been lost forever after the Great Burn 500 years ago. Science and technology, yes, is that really their calling? But it *is* ours.\" -- Brother Alwyn Macomber in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Faith sustains us in the hour when reason tells us that we can not continue, that the whole of our whole lives is without meaning.\" -- Brother Alwyn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Not useless, but it is also not enough. Faith and reason are the shoes on your feet. You can travel further with both than you can with just one.\" -- Brother Alwyn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"That's all that faith requires. That we surrender ourselves to the possibility of hope. For that I'm content.\" -- Brother Alwyn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"We *will* rebuild the Earth, though it may take us another 2000 years. This time we will build it better.\" -- Brother Alwyn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"This is how the world ends, swallowed in fire, but not in darkness. You will live on. The voice of all our ancestors, the voice of our fathers and our mothers to the last generation. We created the world we think you would've wished for us. And now we leave the cradle for the last time.\" -- Man in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"And I was wondering if they will remember us hundred years from now, or a thousand. Then I figured: probably not.\" \"But it doesn't matter. We did what we did because it was right, not to be remembered. History will attend to itself, it always does.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Dedicated to all the people who predicted that the Babylon Project would fail in its mission. Faith manages.\" -- Dedication in Babylon 5:\"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars\""
- "\"Just personalities, any .. internal conflicts I need to be made aware of. Beyond that, I've thoroughly researched Babylon 5's operational procedures, personnel records .. I'm pretty much up to speed on all the reports.\" \"With all due respect, there's a lot that doesn't fit into a report.\" \"Then the report is incomplete.\" -- Captain Lochley and Corwin in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"It's nothing personal, but I need to send a message to Babylon 5. That's what you Rangers are for, right? Getting messages from one place to another. So you're the right person in the right place at the right time. For me anyway.\" -- John to a Ranger in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"And so it begins.\" \"There is a hole in your mind.\" \"What do you want?\" \"No one here is exactly what he appears.\" \"Nothing's the same anymore.\" \"Commander Sinclair .. is being reassigned.\" \"Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld while you're at it?\" \"I see a great hand reaching out of the stars.\" \"Who are you?\" \"President Clark has signed a decree today declaring martial law.\" \"These orders have forced us to declare independence.\" \"Weapons supplies.\" \"Unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something.\" \"You're the one who was.\" \"If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die.\" \"Why are you here?\" \"Do you have anything worth living for?\" \"I think of my beautiful city in flames.\" \"Like giants in a playground.\" \"Get the hell out of our galaxy!\" \"We are here to place president Clark under arrest.\" -- Season Opener in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"The newly elected president of the Interstellar Alliance, about to be officially sworn in, washing his own socks? You're a very strange man, even for a human.\" \"Why, thank you.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"You're good with diplomacy when possible, but you know how to fight when you have to. And you speak your mind. Now, whoever's running B5 for the next year is going to be on the hot seat. I chose you strictly on your background. You are the perfect choice.\" -- Sheridan to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"I want the authority to go with it. I won't be interfered with or second-guessed or micromanaged. .. Sir.\" -- Lochley to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"I'm sorry, but I'm--\" \"Working. Yes, I can see. Books, manuals, directives, regulations, the geometries that circumscribe your awaken life, drawn narrower and narrower until nothing fits inside them anymore. My name is Byron.\" -- Lochley and Byron in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"Well, Mr. Garibaldi says it's very well written.\" \"Well, I .. I'm sorry, there's just the one copy for now, and well .. when I loaned it to Mr. Garibaldi, it came back with coffee stains. I can't--\" -- Sheridan and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"I will not sleep, eat, drink, nothing! The words and I will be locked in mortal combat until one of us surrenders.\" -- G'Kar to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"That's a tall order.\" \"Perhaps. But where is it written that all our dreams must be small ones?\" -- Lochley and Byron in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"As strong as you think you are, the one thing you can't stop is the lone gunman determined to kill you, even if he gets killed in the process. I'm that man, Sheridan.\" -- John in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"On my world, we have learned that an inauguration is simply a signal to assassins that a new target has been set up on the firing range.\" -- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"I'm glad you talked him out of it. I have no desire to be struck blind by the sight of Londo naked.\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"Whoever speaks for the Alliance speaks with one voice for many. Consequently, this contains the first page of every holy book of every race that has joined the new Alliance. Whoever speaks for the Alliance does so with the understanding that it is the inalienable right of every sentient being to live free, to pursue their dreams, to address wrongs within their own society without fear of retribution, to believe as their conscience requires in matters of faith, but also to respect the rights of others to believe differently, or not at all. Do you, John J. Sheridan--\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"You want to be president?\" \"Yes.\" \"Put your hand on the book and say, 'I do.'\" \"I do.\" \"Fine. Done. Let's eat.\" -- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"No Compromises\""
- "\"Do you know what this is, hmm? No, I can see you do not. You have that vacant look in your eyes that says, 'Hold my head into your ear, and you'll hear the sea.' This is bravari, very old bravari, very expensive bravari. Do you understand bravari, hmm?\" -- Londo to Zack in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"I was going to tell you tonight, Delenn, after dinner.\" \".. Why?\" \"Because .. bad news improves on a good meal. Valen said--\" \"Lennier.\" -- Lennier & Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"I don't believe this. What is it with this place? I mean, last week someone tries to assassinate Sheridan, and now someone tries to poison Londo. My God! What is wrong with you people? Don't you have anything else better to do? Why don't you get a hobby? Read a book or something?\" -- Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"You couldn't sleep either.\" \"No. I heard about your .. situation.\" \"I heard about yours. As Mr. Garibaldi would say, it's been one hell of a day.\" \"Yes, a hell of a day.\" \"And a hell of a year.\" \"A hell of a 5 years.\" \"A hell of a life.\" \".. You win.\" -- Vir and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"The dream is prophecy.\" \"Prophecy is a guess that comes true. When it doesn't, it's a metaphor. You could put a gun to your head tomorrow and pull the trigger, and then the dream is *just* a dream, and the prophecy is *just* a metaphor, and so are you. You're out of time, Londo. Turn around.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"You're wrong, Mollari. Whether it was me or my world, whether it was a total stranger or your worst enemy, you were a *witness*! It doesn't matter if they stopped. It doesn't matter if they'd listen. *You* had an obligation to speak out!\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari\""
- "\"I would remind the Drazi ambassador that the Centauri Republic has already signed the declaration. And if the Centauri can sign it, anybody can sign it.\" \"That's right. .. Wait a minute.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"G'Kar is taking it as a personal rejection since he wrote the damn thing.\" \"Oh, writers. They are a sensitive bunch.\" -- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I get my hands on the biggest one I can.\" -- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"You've misspelled this. There's no 'Y' in liberties.\" \"Oh, go away. Repress someone else.\" \"As you wish.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Afternoon. My name's Michael Garibaldi--\" \"Yes, it is. And the answer is no.\" \"Wait a second. You didn't hear what I had to say.\" \"Yes, I did. I heard your proposition, I heard what you thought I would probably say in response, and I heard the counter-arguments you planned to use. I know you're having some discomfort with those shoes and that lunch is not sitting well with you just now.\" -- Garibaldi and Byron in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Do you know what a telepath has to do in order to avoid picking up stray thoughts? We have to kick down our natural abilities, run rhymes and little songs through our heads 'round and 'round. All that to keep from picking up what you're broadcasting loud enough to be heard halfway down the hall. You're one of those people who rehearses everything, Mr. Garibaldi. You never enter a situation until you've gone over it and over it a hundred times, worked out what you will say and what the other person will say, how you'll respond. It's .. quite remarkable and extremely depressing. That little personality quirk must have cost you more than a few relationships. Mundanes want us to fill our heads with noise and babble so we won't hear what you're shouting at the top of your minds.\" -- Byron to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Oh, I can just hear Londo now: I imagine you are finding your principles most inconvenient now, yes?\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Send all of them. Or at least as many as we can afford. Dukhat once told me: 'If you can create sufficient fear in your eemies, you may not have to fight them. Always remember that terror is also a form of communication.'\" \"Oh, he taught you well.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"The rumor around Psi Corps is that's what happened to Mr. Bester. Did you know that? They say he was always volunteering for deathbed scans. I guess he wanted to know what was on the other side. They say he was there inside someone's mind when they died, and .. he went too deep. Saw more than anyone should ever see. And when the door closed .. the rest of him .. maybe the best of him .. never came back.\" -- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Lyta, they believe in this new Alliance. They think they can make a difference, help people. But they're trying, Lyta. They're trying so hard, and they're gonna need all the help they can get, whether they know it or not. I came back because I figured they deserve a fighting chance to make this work, and I'm gonna give it to them. You do this for me, and I swear, I will never ask you for anything ever again. .. Till the next time.\" -- Garibaldi to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice. The language is not narn or human or centauri or gaim or minbari. It speaks in the language of hope.\" \"It speaks in the language of trust. It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion. It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul. But always it is the same voice. It is the voice of our ancestors speaking through us and the voice of our inheritors waiting to be born. The small, still voice that says: 'We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one. No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.' Here, gathered together in common cause, we begin to realize this singular truth and this singular rule that we must be kind to one another. Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each voice lost diminishes us. We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, the fire that will light our way to a better future. We are one.\" \"We are one.\" -- Sheridan / G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Tell me that it matters to you that I help your friend.\" \"It matters to me.\" \"We will find him two among us who are trained beyond reproach. They will find for him all the things that are hidden, all the things that are dark, and all the things that are secret.\" -- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Do you know if they had a chance to send out a distress call?\" \"Oh, no. They were shot right out of the sky with great efficiency.\" -- Drazi Ambassador and Londo in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Ah, Mr. President. Oh, good, good, good. I was looking for these.\" \"What are you doing?\" \"Well, we need to get everyone to sign them again.\" \"What? We .. Do you understand what we went through to get them signed even once?\" \"I revised it again. It's better.\" \"G'Kar!\" \"But look.\" \"It's better.\" -- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"We've got to watch this, Delenn. We've got to watch this very closely. Because we are standing on the proverbial slippery slope, and if we're not careful, there's a big fall out there that's just waiting to happen.\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"The Paragon of Animals\""
- "\"Apparently, wing of a hostile alien force that's scouting out this sector for likely worlds to invade. For 'likely' read 'soft and vulnerable.' Our task is to make sure they either don't leave here, or they leave convined that we are neither soft nor vulnerable and way too much trouble to invade. We win this battle, they go away, we save ourselves a great deal of trouble in the future. We lose, this'll get a hell of a lot worse.\" -- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"You've seen him and Delenn together, right? Now that's true love, my friend. You don't see that very often.\" \"Quite very true. He's a good man.\" \"Yep. A good man.\" \"I heard he was dead once.\" \"Yeah, well, nobody's perfect, Bo.\" -- Mack and Bo in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"Hey, .. Can I ask you a question?\" \"Shoot.\" \"What the hell are these things for?\" \"What do you mean?\" \"I mean, what do they do?\" \"What do you mean what do they do? You run 'em along the floor, like this.\" \"Ok. So what does it do? It's not any cleaner.\" \"Don't know. Maybe it looks for cracks on the floor or it does something to the metal .. makes it stronger. I don't know.\" \"So you don't know either?\" \"No.\" \"Well .. I guess it's time for lunch.\" \"Yep.\" -- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"What does it taste like?\" \"Hard to say, Bo. Um, kind of, um .. spooish, I guess.\" \"No. You're supposed to say chicken.\" \"Huh?\" \"It's a joke. Whenever you eat something strange and someone asks, 'What does it taste like?' you're supposed to say chicken. It's funny that way.\" \"It doesn't *taste* like chicken.\" -- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"So, what happened to the doctor that helped your dad?\" \"Shot and killed by his own men. Said he was a traitor.\" -- Bo and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!\" -- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"At the moment of death, there is a passing of energy. An explosion of consciousness. It permeates everything in close proximity: your clothes, jewelry, .. anything. We can still feel him, .. what he was, .. what he did, .. his hopes, .. and fears, .. and expectations. It's still there for a few minutes. .. Then it will disappear. .. Joining him in silence.\" -- Byron in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"Bringing us into a world that fears us and hates us, nature did not leave us entirely without protection.\" -- Byron in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"I was .. never a child. I had responsibilities. I've had responsibilities for as long as I can remember. Duty. Honor. Family.\" \"Ah. That explains a great deal.\" \"Really? And what exactly does it explain, G'Kar?\" \"I spent my years in one shelter after another. But sooner or later, I was able to leave the shelter and walk out into the daylight. You do not have that luxury. You carry your shelter with you, .. every day. You didn't grow up. You grew old.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"Then, as you said to me once: 'I will see you in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall.'\" -- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"If I'm launched in a life pod and let's say, shortly after the launch, the equipment is accidentally smashed from the inside, what would happen to the pod?\" -- Delenn to Mack & Bo in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"Now .. time being circular .. if we know that this will happen, then we may as well assume that it has happened already and that the life pod is not safe for me to enter.\" -- Delenn to Mack & Bo in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"Suddenly, I think I understand Sheridan a lot better.\" \"How so?\" \"Well, dead or alive I'd claw my way out of hell and straight through 10 miles of solid rock to see that smile again.\" -- Bo and Mack in Babylon 5:\"A View from the Gallery\""
- "\"You are a source of constant annoyance to me, Turval, but only because you're right more often than you're wrong. And why should i keep this joy to myself? I choose to share you with the universe. Valen help them all.\" -- Sech Durhan to Sech Turval in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"It's good to see you down here again. Didn't know whether you'd still hang around with us grunts now that you've been *promoted*.\" \"It's still just little ol' me, Zack. I don't change. I don't have the time.\" -- Zack and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"Now, there have been a lot of rumors about you since you got on board this station, captain. Maybe everybody else is afraid to ask. I don't have that problem. You see, I don't work for you. I answer only to Sheridan. So I want to know, just for me, which side were you on?\" -- Garibaldi to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"You just keep doing what you're doing. Michael will come around, eventually. He's a good man.\" \"I know. I just .. I just never thought I'd meet a second man as strong-willed, stubborn, and annoying as I am. My cup runneth over.\" -- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"We have no idea what to do with the Pak'ma'ra. They're slow, greedy, selfish, not very bright. They refuse to speak anything other than their own language, so we have to use a translator. And they're carrion-eaters. If it's not five days dead and decayed, they won't touch it.\" -- Sech Durhan to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"Our training methods were created by Minbari to serve Minbari. But if there is any lesson to be learned from the humans, it is that we are made stronger by our differences, not weaker. If the Pak'ma'ra cannot learn to be what we think they should be, then perhaps we should learn to use them for what they are.\" -- Delenn to Sech Durhan in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"This may not be a good idea.\" \"We should learn about all the dark places here, since that is where we will do our work. .. In the dark.\" -- Tannier and Rastenn in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"We create the meaning in our lives. It does not exist independently. Being Anla-shok does not mean worrying about what others will think about us. It does not mean deciding what to do based upon whether or not it serves our sense of ego or destiny. It means living each moment as if it were your last one. It means doing each right thing because it is the right thing. The scale doesn't matter. The where, the when, the how, or in what cause .. none of those things matter. In my life, I've discovered very few truths. Here is the greatest truth I know: Your death, Rastenn, will have a meaning if it comes while you're in fullest pursuit of your heart.\" -- Sech Turval to Rastenn in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"As Anla-shok, we choose to do that which frightens us, knowing that there are no guarantees. He may lose. We cannot help him.\" \"Then he will stand alone.\" \"At the end, Captain, .. we all stand alone.\" -- Delenn and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"Attend, students, this is a classic archetype in action. The strong man or 'bully', as the humans call it, essentially a coward whose only skill is convincing others to do what he's afraid to do himself.\" \"Notice the lack of technique, no follow through. Another flaw in this particular personality type. .. all muscle, no brain.\" -- Sech Turval and Sech Durhan in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"You, uh, got the captain's file there?\" \"No. Go away.\" \"I could just peek--\" \"You know, Michael, you and the Minbari have one thing in common: You never know when to leave something *alone*.\" -- Garibaldi and Zack in Babylon 5:\"Learning Curve\""
- "\"That's got to be a great feeling; Emperor Mollari the First.\" \"The Second.\" \"There was one before you?\" \"Yes. Long ago. He, too, ended badly.\" \"Now, come on, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Why would you say a thing like that?\" \"Because I know. My people always know. I don't know why, or how, or where, but I can feel it to the very core of my being, Mr. Allan. This is where it begins to go badly for all of us.\" -- Zack and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"The willow is deceptively strong. It bends, but it does not break. Its roots are deep and can withstand the worst storm. It promises rest, and shade, and cool breezes to those who would find rest beneath it. You have become my willow. and we have all found shelter in your kindness.\" -- Byron to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"I do not feel as if I am doing enough for the Alliance, Delenn.\" \"Be careful, G'Kar. When the universe hears you say something like that, it tends to answer in the most surprising ways.\" -- G'Kar and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"How am I doing so far?\" \"Annoyingly logical.\" \"Thank you.\" \"It wasn't a compliment.\" -- Lochley and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"I'm caught in a web of my own good intentions.\" \"Well, the road to hell is paved with them, sir.\" \"I know, but why does it have to go through this office?\" -- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"Where are you going?\" \"To pound someone, Mr. Allan. Wou win. I just decided if you can't join them, beat them.\" -- Zack and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"Not bad. Tell me, is that really telekinesis, or are you just pushing the nerve endings, making them feel as if they've been slapped? Either way, it's taken a lot out of you, Lyta. You're sweating, flushed. How many times can you do that, Lyta? Can you do just one at a time? Maybe two? How about three? How about a half dozen of us?\" \"I don't know. Like you said, I'm new at this. I could even make a mistake. Maybe even pop a blood vessel in someone's head by accident by pushing too hard. Feel like playing the odds, Mr. Bester?\" -- Bester and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"What the hell is your problem?\" \"For starters, I don't know you, therefore I don't trust you.\" \"The world's full of people you don't know.\" \"I worry about that all the time.\" \"Tough. Get over it.\" -- Lochley and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"Now, I don't actually like him, and I sure as hell don't trust him, but so far he hasn't done anything unpleasant to me. I'm sure he will, because this place seems to bring that out in everyone, but until then, I have an obligation to be courteous.\" \"And I have an obligation to shove his face through a bulkhead.\" \"Your hobbies are your concern, Mr. Garibaldi. Just do it where I can't see it, and do it quietly.\" -- Lochley and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"We met fresh out of officer training school. We hit it off, fell crazy in love, got married, realized we'd made a terrible mistake, fell crazy out of love, and split up.\" -- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"I could hide you.\" \"I believe you could. I believe you would protect me until the stars themselves went cold and dead, but my people need me, and i must go to them.\" -- Lyta and Byron in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"He should have a bodyguard assigned to him at all times while he is there. Someone we can rely on, someone, uh .. someone we can trust. Someone strong .. strong enough to..\" -- Delenn to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"The Alliance is about learning to overcome our distrust and form a new community. Can you think of a better symbol?\" \"No, and I'm trying, believe me.\" \"You would naturally have to accompany him on all state business and be there to guard him. In the palace. In the Royal Court.\" \"A Narn in the Centauri Royal Court? Ha Ha Ha! It is a curiously satisfying image, Delenn.\" -- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"'Earth Alliance medical routine, number 725-IT7.' Dr. Franklin just hit me with the paperwork a couple of hours ago. 'No interstellar traveler who's been in unknown space shall be allowed within the borders of Earth-controlled space until after a 60-day quarantine period.'\" -- Lochley to Bester in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"Just keep an eye on them, Captain. Don't trust them for a second, because, sooner or later, they will turn on you. You know all about that, don't you, Byron?\" -- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"G'Kar? You've assigned G'Kar as my bodyguard?\" \"Yes. I think your generosity in working with him will be an excellent symbol of unity for all the other races who could join the alliance.\" \"A symbol.\" \"Yes.\" \"And you tried this line on G'Kar?\" \"I did.\" \"And did it work?\" \"Completely.\" \"Great Maker.\" -- Londo and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"I want the aisle seat.\" \"Oh, no, no, no. You sit on the inside. I want the aisle.\" \"If you sit on the aisle, I cannot protect you.\" \"But .. I don't like the inside. It's too cramped. I become nauseous.\" \"I'll make sure they have a supply of space sickness bags.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"You don't have to solve every problem all at once. Problems are solved in pieces. If you're on the seventh floor of a burning building, you can either die or jump out the window. Once you're out the window, you're alive for another two seconds, during which time you figure out the solution to the next problem and so on and so on.\" -- Lochley to Corwin in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this\" \"My love will guide you, my love will hold you\" \"And my love will show you the way\" \"There will come a tomorrow where we're free from our sorrows\" \"And our love will show us the way\" \"We are strong in each other, we're sister and brother\" \"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this\" \"My love will guide you, my love will hold you\" \"And my love will show you the way\" \"There will come a tomorrow where we're free from our sorrows\" \"And our love will show us the way\" -- Telepaths Sing in Babylon 5:\"Strange Relations\""
- "\"Pak'ma'ra are chosen of God, very special. We can eat of all the creatures who walk, and fly, and crawl, but not of the fish in the sea.\" \"So you can handle mammals of all kinds, even reptiles, but no fish. Interesting. Your system may be set up to destroy harmful bacteria on a selective basis. I'd like to do an analysis of your upper intestinal system. This .. is a barium compound, perfectly harmless. It'll help me track how your system handles outside material.\" \"Not on approved list.\" \"Well, everything you eat doesn't have to be dead for 5 days. This is a non-organic compound, and it does not fall in the same category, so don't worry, now. You'll be fine. We do this all the time.\" -- Pak'ma'ra and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"That's why we're all here: to better understand one another and treat each other with sympathy and compassion, commodities which are all too often in short supply.\" -- Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the right place, but this is getting out of hand. How many more of you people are coming here?\" \"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? That question baffled religious thinkers for centuries, until someone finally hit upon the answer: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? As many as want to. How many of my brother and sister telepaths are coming? As many as want to.\" -- Zack and Byron in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"You don't understand.\" \"No, I understand, Zack. I understand plenty. You and the others needed my help during the shadow war, and I did that. I put my life on the line, and what did I get? You were going to boot me into smaller quarters because I couldn't afford anything better? The only way I got out of that was to rejoin the Psi-corps, and you don't even want to know the deal I had to make to pull that one off.\" \"Lyta--\" \"I'm not finished. After all that, you had the nerve to ask me to risk my life a second time during the civil war back home, and, stupid me, I did it. And what did I get out of *that*? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. I got no life, no hope, no prospects. Now along comes Byron. And for the first time in a long while, I feel like someone actually cares about what happens to me.\" \"I care what happens to you, Lyta.\" \"Yeah, well, maybe that's true. But talk is cheap, Zack. Byron is putting his life on the line to create something for his people. And I'm one of them. He's given us back a sense of dignity and community. I'm proud of that, and I'm proud of him.\" -- Zack and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"Was one the same as three? Was three the same as one and two?\" \"Wh--?\" \"Was there any difference between one, two, and three?\" \"I..I--\" \"And what would you expect to get out of four, five, and six that you did not get out of one, two, and three? Your anger has nothing to do with me. What will satisfy your anger will never come from me or anyone else here. I'm afraid you must look for it elsewhere.\" -- Byron and a bully in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"No tyranny has ever really lasted. No government based on violence has endured. Sooner or later, they all fall. We're here to build a new life for ourselves, a home among the stars. Would you build a home on a foundation you knew would not last?\" -- Byron to Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"Do you know what you are?\" \"What?\" \"A B.C.F.M.O. A brightly colored fast moving object. You don't just walk into a room. You blaze in and blaze out again, like a comet. There's much more to you than meets the eye.\" \"If you only knew.\" -- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"Byron, the Vorlons changed me. More than you could possibly know. I don't know what it'll do once you get past my barriers and I get past yours. It could burn you.\" \"Then let it burn.\" -- Lyta and Byron in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"It was the Vorlons.\" \"Yes.\" \"They created telepaths on a hundred worlds. Interfered with their genetic development. Took people from their homeworlds and adjusted them over the course of the centuries.\" \"Yes.\" \"Because they needed telepaths in their war against the Shadows. Needed us as cannon fodder.\" \"Yes.\" \"We would be normal. We would have *lives*. We would be able to walk and live and work among normals without fear of persecution if the Vorlons had not interfered with our normal development. We were made for their benefit, to save them. We were told that our abilities were our gift and our curse, and that we were somehow responsible for it. But we're not. We're not.\" -- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Secrets of the Soul\""
- "\"All I know is that they hate comets. Even mentioning a comet to a Brakiri is some kind of, like, awful taboo. Death. It's the symbol of death.\" -- Garibaldi to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"He's hosting a cocktail party for, uh .. Rebo and Zooty. Now, later tonight, we are having dinner with them.\" \"Rebo and Zooty are here? Zoot zoot? This is truly a day of wonders.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"Oh, this is a moment you can tell your children about, Captain.\" \"I'll get on to having some right away.\" \"What?\" \"I said I have an appointment with the Brakiri ambassador. I'm on my way.\" -- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"G'Kar, as you can see, I'm rather busy, but I believe you know Ambassador Kullenbrak. He's here to--\" \"I know! That is why I came. I strongly advise you against this transaction. It is dangerous and foolish and unwise.\" \"Religious toleration is foolish?\" \"This is not a matter of toleration. You do not know what you are doing.\" \"The declaration of principles of the alliance .. You *are* familiar with it, I trust?\" \"I wrote it!\" \"It states that religious belief shall be sacrosanct.\" -- Lochley and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You see, Minbari humor is based not on physical danger or embarrassment or rejection, like human humor, but rather on the failure to obtain, uh .. emotional or spiritual enlightenment.\" -- Rebo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You know, I was really hoping to talk to Zooty, you know, without the machine.\" \"Yeah. He never breaks character, not even around me. In 10 years, I've only heard him say one word without the machine.\" \"Oh. Oh. What's the word?\" \"Why.\" \"Oh, just curious.\" \"No, no. that was the word: 'Why'. In 10 years I haven't figured it out myself.\" -- Sheridan and Rebo in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"So .. When you were emperor, it meant something. Subduer of the Xon and the Shoggren. .. Now .. Ptttp! *Anyone* can be emperor. I can be emperor. *Vir* can be emperor. If Vir can be emperor, a small earth cat can be emperor. .. Come on. Talk to me. It's the day of the dead.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"I thought you'd be pleased to see me.\" \"But I .. I thought you were dead.\" \"Ah. You know, the reports of my death, they weren't even exaggerated a little bit. Yeah, I'm .. I'm dead. But, you know, I missed you, and how often do dead people get second chances?\" -- Garibaldi and Dodger in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You don't party? Jeez, Lizzie, what'd you grow up to be? We had such fun, didn't we? Didn't we have such fun?\" \"No. We were cold, sick, and we were hungry all the time. We did things to survive. I've done my best to forget.\" -- Zoe and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"There seems to be a slight problem, sir. It's kind of hard to explain. We seem to be missing a piece of the station. We can't reach it. We can't communicate with it.\" \"That piece is almost a square mile across. You can't just lose something that big.\" \"I agree, but it's still missing.\" -- Corwin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"Any Emily Dickinson poem can be sung to the tune of the Yellow Rose of Texas.\" -- Dodger to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You don't come to the dead for wisdom, Lennier.\" -- Morden to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"Why did you help me? I know what kind of a man you were.\" \"Give a dog a bad name, and you can hang him with it. You shouldn't listen to everything Sheridan tells you. Actually, I'm surprised he's not here tonight, since he died at Z'ha'dum. Is there any coffee here or not?\" -- Lennier and Morden in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"I'm prophetic, not infallible.\" \"I think you are neither, but at least you have shown me there is truly life beyond death.\" \"Not necessarily, but you'll find that out soon enough.\" -- Morden and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You know, making people laugh is .. is ok. I mean, I .. I enjoy getting a laugh, but, uh, I don't know. We wanna do something more important.\" \"But you two have a real gift. I mean, when things were bad under president Clark, you two said things on your show that no one else would dare to say.\" -- Rebo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"But no one takes comedians seriously.\" \"Isn't that a contradiction?\" -- Rebo and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"No. We say serious things in a funny way, but when the joke comes, people stop listening. The real comedy all happens in the senate. They do .. they do one idiotic thing after another, but people listen because they say it seriously. I don't know whether we're leaving comedy to go into clown school, but all I do know is that, uh .. comedians don't matter.\" \"Well, if you don't matter, nothing matters. I mean, the only reason politics exist is to ensure that people have the freedom to laugh.\" -- Rebo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"So who is this Sheridan guy? .. It doesn't matter. So did you get married?\" \"Married. Um, actually, to that Sheridan guy. Didn't work.\" -- Zoe and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"I think we need a little mystery once in a while. Oh, and, uh, speaking of mysteries, I have a message for you. It's from someone named Kosh.\" \".. What's the message?\" \"'When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning.'\" \"Uh, thank you, Captain.\" -- Lochley and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"You're so funny. From now on, I will always watch you. Zoot zoot. Very funny. I thought perhaps you could perform at my inauguration. however, to make a Centauri laugh, I have to give you a piece of advice.\" -- Londo to Rebo in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"What did he say?\" \"'Because it tells me to.'\" -- G'Kar and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Day of the Dead\""
- "\"Each member race has been hit equally. And the attacks have been totally random, so that rules out border skirmishes or political disagreements. there's no one obvious to blame.\" \"Which means they'll blame each other, randomly. -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"He is my bodyguard.\" \"Well, it's good to know that your excellency's sense of humor is still intact after such a long voyage. Well, now perhaps if we could show you to your room.\" \"Minister Vitari, I wasn't joking. His name is G'Kar, and he .. he *is* my bodyguard. And I can find my room very well on my own, thank you.\" -- Londo & Minister Vitari in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"While some telepaths on other worlds it evolved naturally, the majority were created by the Vorlons through centuries of genetic manipulation. They created us so that we can be used by the other worlds as weapons in their war against the Shadows. That is all we are to them: things to be used and thrown away. All that was bad enough. But to find that we would not even be telepaths, would not be hunted down and caged and controlled, if the Vorlons had not interfered with out genetic makeup, made us into what we are.\" -- Byron in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"Some of the staff have found him wandering the palace late at night. They say he talks to himself, cries, wails, curses, and then falls silent when somebody approaches. Sometimes he tells he has something important to tell you and then a cloud seems to pass over his face and he walks away. Once, before his aides could bring him back to his room he told a guard to kill him, but he was not himself. Of course he was quite drunk at the time.\" -- Lord Jano to Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"Once I would've thought *pastels* for the curtains, but I think we are well beyond pastels now. No, no bright colors anymore, just darkness.\" -- Regent to Lord Jano in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"I so wanted to see you again. .. You do understand, Jano, that if it were my decision, I would never let anyone harm you, I would never let anyone hurt you. If it were my decision. .. But it's not my decision, you see. .. Not my decision at all.\" -- Regent to Lord Jano in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"Besides, everyone knows the true source of pain is neither the hand nor the heart. It is the mouth. Is it not, Minister?\" -- G'Kar to Minister Vole in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"We now have all your secrets. .. Give us a homeworld of our own and you will never hear of us again. Fail to do so and all your secrets will be revealed.\" -- Byron in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"Never, ever, *ever* trust a telepath. I swear to you that I'm gonna have that tattooed inside my eyelids.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"If you were hated by your own race, forced to join the Psi-Corps .. or forced to take drugs to inhibit your talents for the rest of you life, if you had been hunted and enslaved by the others, would you not want a place of your own? A place where others like you could gather safely without fear of persecution.\" \"Okay, I grant you that on a strictly idealistic level it's understandable. But they did it the wrong way, the inconvenient way.\" \"I seem to recall the Earth president said the same thing to you after your civil war.\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"It's bad luck to die on empty stomach.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"Regent Verini!\" \"Hello, Mollari. Beautiful night, isn't it? As nights go, and they go so quickly now.\" \"Are you all right?\" \"Yes, yes. .. No. I, I'm glad we got there in time to save you, Mollari. You know, you were the only one who treated me fairly when Cartagia was here. But he's still here, isn't he? His legacy.\" \"It was you who saved me?\" \"No. Not exactly. It was them. They like you, you know. That's why they saved you. They say you are just like them, they say-- They say you have much in common.\" \"They? Who are they?\" \"Shhh! Quietly Londo, quietly. Will follow me, you will be emperor soon.\" \"Yes.\" \"I'm sorry. I'm so .. so sorry.\" -- Londo and Regent in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"What could they be doing with our ships, I wonder.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Kingdom of the Blind\""
- "\"They have other ways to slow us down.\" -- Zach to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"Would you like some spoo? It's fresh!\" \"Pfah! Get that away from me. Spoo needs to age. It takes time to cultivate its flavor. Fresh spoo would insult a Centauri.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"Why is that we always break up our history by the .. the wars, not the years of peace? The hundred years war, war of 1812, the first three world wars, the Dilgar war, the war of the shining star, the Minbari war, the Shadow war. Why the war and not the peace? Because it's exciting, and because on some level people like to see something big fall apart and explode from the inside out. And right now, John, we're that something.\" -- Garibaldi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"And we have to do it without killing a guard, without raising any alarms, and without anyone noticing that she is gone. My next trick: I shall fly around the room under my own power.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"Khrm.\" \"It's .. animal magnetism, what can I say?\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"How do we avoid being noticed?\" \"We don't. We do everything we can to *be* noticed. And thus become invisible.\" \"I do not understand.\" \"The royal court has been trained not to see what is inappropriate.\" -- Na'Toth and Londo in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"I'll do whatever I can not to hurt them. You forget: we are more same than different. We are all telepaths and we are all on this together.\" -- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"Every great fall begins with a single mistake.\" -- Drazi to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"A Tragedy of Telepaths\""
- "\"We should expect some losses on their side, but let's try to keep it within acceptable limits. The Corps is mother, the Corps is father -- in that way these are our children that've gone astray. We have to at least *try* to bring them in alive so that we can correct their thinking.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"Our job is to protect normals from rogue telepaths. Perhaps now you'll understand why we are necessary. Every race to develop telepaths has had to find some way to control them: through laws, religion, drugs, or extermination. We may not be pretty .. but we're hell of a lot better than your alternatives.\" -- Bester to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"There's only one thing more dangerous than Mr. Garibaldi when he's loud. .. It's when he's dead silent.\" -- Sheridan to Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"No.\" \"This isn't a discussion, Bester.\" \"Yes, it is. You won't shoot.\" -- Bester and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"Let me ask you something, Mr. Garibaldi, purely philosophical question. On a scale of 1 to 10, .. how stupid do you think I am anyway?\" -- Bester to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"I tried to teach them, to show them that there is another way than violence. Did I fail that badly?\" \"You can't change human nature, Byron.\" \"Then there is not much point in living, is there? We can't hope for something better, something nobler, at least something kinder.\" -- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"I'm a strong P12.\" \"But all P12's are automatically designated .. Psi-Cops. You were a Psi-Cop?\" \"Not just a Psi-Cop. Bester's proteg�.\" -- Byron and Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"What do you know about neural blocks?\" -- Garibaldi to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"You say you're doing this for a cause. What kind of sympathy you're gonna get by killing innocent people in cold blood? If you want to send a message, this ain't it.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"Didn't have to end like this.\" \"It still doesn't.\" \"Yes it does. We can't go back now. There's too much blood. We are no longer who we were. We are what we have become, what you [Bester] made us!\" -- Byron and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this..\" -- Byron (sings) in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"You're satisfied, Mr. Bester?\" \"No, not at all. I don't understand it. Despite of it all, I always thought that at the end of the day we're on the same side. They just needed someone to explain it to them .. so they'll understand who the real enemy was.\" \"Us, the mundanes.\" \"We weren't supposed to fight each other, not like this. I don't understand, .. I truly .. don't.\" -- Sheridan and Bester in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"ISN has just learned that the main headquarters for the Psi-Corps was bombed early this morning by unknown parties. The only clues found at the scene were the words 'remember Byron' painted on the side of the building.\" -- ISN news in Babylon 5:\"Phoenix Rising\""
- "\"G'Kar, this is a strange thing. In the past it was a great relief to leave Babylon 5 and a great joy to return home. Now it is a relief to leave Centauri Prime and be anywhere else. I don't know what to call home anymore.\" \"Have you considered the possibility that you are simply not meant to be happy no matter where you are?\" \"No, I haven't. Not until you witched it. I thought you were supposed to be protecting me, looking out for my best interests.\" \"I am. The warrior in me is watching out for your life, but the Narn in me has decided that it's your spririt that's in the greatest need of protection.\" \"Now, is it me, or are people looking at us?\" \"At me, actually.\" \"Why?\" \"I don't know.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"I've always said this about you: Nothing so improves your company like the lack of it. The less they see of you, the more they like you.\" -- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Ta'Lon? Ta'Lon, is it you?\" \"It's me most days, except for those days when I don't feel quite like myself and I suppose that I am someone else, but for now: yes, it's me.\" -- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Where is my book? It is my only copy!\" \"Yes, that is precisely the point. The Kha'Ri felt that if anything happened to you, the book of G'Kar would never see the light of day, so they .. liberated it.\" \"*Liberated* *it?*\" \"We took it home. Those that read it were very moved by it and they made some copies.\" \"*Copies?!*\" \"Just a few, .. for their frieds. A few more, .. later few more copies.\" \"How many?!\" \"That's hard to say, exactly. There was some confusion when it went to the printers.\" \"*Printers?!* I've only been gone for a month, Ta'Lon, there can't be that many copies floating around this quickly. How many?\" \"Five or six .. hundred .. thousand.\" \"*What?*\" \"I've been told that it will out-sell the book of G'Quan. .. Congratulations, citizen G'Kar. You are now a religious icon.\" -- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Michael. You know, if you've ever got a problem, anything at all you want to talk about, you know where to find me, don't you?\" \"I hear you. See ya.\" -- Franklin and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Good morning, G'Kar. Well, this is a delight, I didn't know you had children.\" \"Neither did I.\" \"Yes, most unsettling when that happens, or then in your case most amusing.\" -- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"So, what happened to your hair?\" -- Tafiq Azir to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"It's not about teaching something, it's about unlearning hatred and unlearning fear. As a warrior, I can not teach them these things. But you can.\" -- Ta'Lon to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"All my life .. I have been responsible only for myself. When I risk, I risked alone to avoid making others pay the price for my mistakes. They want me to chose them another way. What if I show then the wrong way? What if they come to me not because of the lesson but because of the teacher? I worry, Ta'Lon, that my shadow may become greater than the message.\" \"If that happens, I give you my word that I will personally kill you.\" \"This is supposed to put my mind at ease?\" \"I'm a warrior. It's what I have to give. You and I both have our burdens to bear, G'Kar. I will carry mine, .. if you will carry yours.\" -- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"From here on out we tell Londo only what he needs to know and that's all.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Keep an eye on him, G'Kar. He may be our only chance to solve this thing. But I'd rather not do it at the cost of his life.\" \"And eyes are all I have these days.\" -- Sheridan and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"In the past we had little to do with other races. Evolution teaches us that we must fight that which is different in order secure land, food, and mates for ourselves, but we must reach a point when the nobility of intellect asserts itself and says: No. We need not be afraid of those we are different, we can embrace that difference and learn from it.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Effective January one, 2263, I will be the new head of xenobiological research at EarthDome.\" -- Franklin to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"The Ragged Edge\""
- "\"Besides, we don't often see a sense of humor in Psi-Cops.\" \"Reports of our depression are wastly exaggerated.\" -- Lauren Ashley and Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\" -- A sign in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Protect the Family\" -- A sign in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"OBEY\" -- A sign in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"BabCom\" \"Stay in touch with family and businesses alike with state of the art communications and delivery services. Let us be your new partner.\" \"Babylon 5 for the business of today and the hope in tomorrow.\" -- Ad in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"TRUST THE CORPS\" -- A sign in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Do you get used to it?\" \"When it's one of ours, no. With mundanes it's easier. They hate it when you say that, but it's true. They kill and slave and abuse each other with efficiency and enthusiasm. Why should we value their lives when they don't? It's a little harder with rogues and blibs. Being a telepath means you're special, and rare, and valuable.\" -- Lauren Ashley and Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Jonathan Harris\" \"Rating: P10\" \"DOB: 4.15.2239 \"Height: 171.5cm\" \"Weight: 70.45kg\" \"Hair: Black\" \"Eyes: Brown\" \"POB: Tucson, Ar\" \"PCI: Age 10\" \"Training:\" \" Basic Psionics\" \" Op Research\" \" Deep Scan 2\" \" Interrogation\" \" Block Dev 2\" \" Field Tech\" \"Education:\" \" Calculus 4b\" \" Psych 4\" \" Languages,\" \" Gn, Ea\" \" History\" \" Ea\" \" Ai\" \" Wr\" \" Economics\" \" Ea\" \" Uni\" \" Politics,\" \" --gional\" \" --obal\" \" --iversal\" \" ---l Interests:\" \" --usical Music\" \" ---try\" \" ---ing\" \" --nery\" \" --ding\" \" ---ing\" \" --uncty\" -- ID File in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Does the mothership ever leave hyperspace?\" \"Only for repairs and we can do so it without being seen. No reason for the rest of the world to know what our resources are. The rest of the time it just sits here in hyperspace for months at a time carrying missions back and forth and waiting until we need it, just like all the others.\" -- Chen Hikaru and Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Don't you ever go away? Haven't you caused enough trouble for one lifetime?\" \"It's a pleasure to see you too, Mr. Allan. Where can I find captain Lochley? I should check in with her.\" \"She's busy, you can check in with me. Card. So what is it this time, Mr. Bester? Hunting out freedom-fighters, pulling wings off flies, annexing Sudetenland.\" -- Zack and Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"You're disobeying instructions.\" \"I'm showing initiative.\" -- Ashley and Hikaru in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"He was dead before we got here.\" \"Yeah, they told me, but I never let the facts get into the way of a good grudge.\" -- Bester and Zack in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"I've seen all kinds, kid. Seen an alien come through here last week with eight compound eyes and a glass stomach. Two fingers of gin, he's down, completely unconscious for a two full hours, and he wants to do it again. I've seen a naked Pak'ma'ra once. You know that hump on their back? It's not a hump at all, it's a--\" -- Bartender in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"These papers, different styles of handwriting, different names, but not different people. The same person, with multiple personalities. That's why we misidentified his rating. One personality *was* a P10, the other was a P12. It's rare, but it has happened before.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Oh, come on, doctor, we have a history here. Tell the truth. You don't want me here a second more than I want to be here.\" \"Personally, no. But as a doctor I have to treat all my patients equally, even the annoying self-righteous arrogant ones with self-important delusions of godhood.\" \"Thank you, I feel far more at home now.\" -- Bester and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"Game, set, match. Be seeing you, doctor.\" -- Bester in Babylon 5:\"The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father\""
- "\"I was beginning to wonder if you're going to make it, Lennier.\" \"I said that I would never leave you, that I would be here when you needed me the most. Tell me what you want done and I will make it happen, no matter the cost.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"I said we had reason, not proof. We can't go public with what we suspect until we can *prove* their involvement.\" -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"As a friend he would need to protect you. As my husband he would need to protect me from anything that might happen to you.\" \"I think, in that respect, he does not know you as well as he should.\" \"He knows me, but he also loves me. And sometimes the one gets in the way of the other.\" \"Yes, I .. imagine it could do that.\" -- Delenn and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"Vir! You are not biologically equipped to handle fast food.\" \"I know, I know, but it .. it tastes so great going down. Coming up again it's not so terrific, but--\" \"Well, you'll have to change that. We can't have someone in your position eating at MacBari's, now can we?\" \"Yes, but-- What position?\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"It's politics, Vir. Never take it personally.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"No, the captain does not believe in indiscreet questions. He believes the only way to get pertinent information is to ask impertinent questions.\" -- Findell to Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"So, Ambassador, how is the wife? Not too tired, I hope.\" -- Londo to Drazi Ambassador in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"He often leaves out important piece of information like that. It is .. frustrating.\" \"It is, I think, the human way of doing things. They try to encourage initiative so that we may better react to sudden changes. Our own techniques tend to be .. rigid.\" -- Findell and Lennier in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"All our holy books are reproduced *exactly* as written. Line for line, word for word, right down to the flaws in the paper.\" -- G'Kar to Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"It is not necessary to know. It is only necessary to try.\" -- Lennier to Findell in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"Ah, yes, but what is truth and what is God?\" \"[sigh] Truth is a .. river.\" \"And what is God?\" \"God is .. the mouth of the river.\" -- Narn Acolyte and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"To be Anla-Shok means understanding that there is nothing to fear in death except the failure to complete our assigned mission. *Death* is not the enemy, *death* simply *is*.\" -- Captain Enrico Montoya in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"What happened to Vir?\" \"Oh, I promoted him. .. Now, *now* he's ready to be the ambassador for Centauri.\" -- Zack and Londoin Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"Sh--Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little -- oh, that's a big drink -- about an hour ago and it went right to my head. .. What did I do .. with that link? You Linky, Linky, Linky? Here, Linky? Ow, the missing link!\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Meditations on the Abyss\""
- "\"You failed me [Sheridan]\" \"Where were you? [Zack]\" -- Blood writings on the floor in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"Don't fight it. No, you're not gonna win. The more you fight it, the stronger it gets.\" -- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"I've decided to stop hiding what the Vorlons did to me. I'm testing to see what I can do, how far I can go. I had no idea. You shouldn't have woken up. This is just a dream. *This* .. *never* .. *happened*.\" -- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"We can get you all the telepaths you need.\" \"But not the ones I want. Look, I understand your desire to create a homeworld for telepaths. I'm not unsymphatetic, but what you're asking is beyond the capabilities of my company, or any others. You need someone with a lot more resources and no contractual obligations to the Psi-Corps. Good luck trying to find him.\" -- Lyta and a business man in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"You would think they don't trust us.\" \"I don't think anyone trusts anyone right now, Londo.\" \"You say it as if it were a bad thing. No one really trusts anyone, Vir. It's the natural order of things. But until now it has never interfered with business. I find this very strange.\" -- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"I'm sorry.\" \"I don't *want* you to be sorry. I don't need your pity. I don't need anybody's pity. All I know is that I'm tired of being controlled. Controlled by others, by fear, by my past, by what everybody else expects of me and it's enough. *Enough.* .. And this. This is my own private little active rebellion, yeah. I may not be able to control what other people do to me, but I can at least be in control what I do to myself.\" -- Lise and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"Now, it is absolutely inappropriate of you to pull a stunt like that without telling me. I can not have you making--\" \"You are right.\" \".. I-- Ow, dammit, Delenn. I've been working up a god mad all day and I am not about to let you undercut it by agreeing with me.\" \"It *was* inappropriate for me to assign Lennier to that part of space without informing you. *Just* as it was inappropriate for you *not* to assign him there. I admitted mine with perfect honesty. Now you can admit yours.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"Further, he will not stop, will not slow down, will not give up until he has proof that the Centauri are behind these attacks.\" -- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"I don't know how long that offer was good for, but I just wanted to tell you that I .. accept your proposition.\" \"Which part?\" \"The part where I give you access to my .. genetic material.\" \"Ow.\" \"Assuming you're still interested.\" -- Lyta and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"I've been told each world's internal affairs are considered private. And this is as internal an affair I can think of.\" -- Lyta to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"Oh, and you mentioned wondering what my pleasure threshold is. I just recently found out. .. I don't have one. Have a very, very nice day, G'Kar.\" -- Lyta to G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"Darkness Ascending\""
- "\"I was not pretending. I went to Centauri Prime as your guest, your protector and perhaps even as your conscience, but not as anyone's eyes and ears. So no, I will not be testifying before the council.\" -- G'Kar to Londo in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"As of right now the Centauri Republic stands alone.\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"If something like this were going on, I would know about it!\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"In *war* these things happen. We are not at war. We do not strike first and we do not blow up cargo transports like pirates or barbarians.\" -- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"He says it's important.\" \"Tell me when it is ever *not* important. All right, please, just tell me when it is ever *not* important. Go ahead, go ahead, take your time, I can wait. Oh, no, that's right, I can't wait because it's important.\" -- Zack and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"You seem awfully cranky, Michael. You've been taking your vitamins?\" -- Zack to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"Michael, this may be our only chance to avoid a shooting war. So it is why it is so important that you get the information to us as fast as you can so that we have time to get the White Stars into position.\" \"You can rely on me, I'll get it done.\" -- Sheridan & Garibaldi in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"Prime Minister, welcome back. I was hoping you returned home, got out of the line of fire.\" \"Thank you, but I rather there wasn't a line of fire.\" \"Is that why you brought .. *it* along, to hear our terms?\" \"No, he is still here as my bodyguard, that's all. Where I go, he goes.\" -- Minister and Londo in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"My condolences.\" \"Thank you. It's a burden, but I've come to accept it.\" -- Minister and G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"He has diplomatic immunity.\" \"We are not diplomats.\" -- Franklin and Brakiri in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"That's enough. I said that's enough! Now, we gave you a promise. And we are bound by that promise. And damn you asking for it. And damn me for agreeing to it. And damn all of us to hell, because that is exactly where we are going. We talked about peace. You didn't want peace. We talked about co-operation. You didn't want co-operation. You want war. Is that it? You want a war? Well, you've got a war!\" -- Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"I told you before: Where I go, he goes. And where he goes, I go.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"What does the candle represent?\" \"Life.\" \"Whose life?\" \"All life, every life. We're all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we, foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps. And pretend our light is better than everyone else's. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: you should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it's gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder\""
- "\"Personal journal, Captain Elizabeth Lochley, addendum. The Centauri war continues to spiral out of control. The thread of retaliation has already reached Babylon 5. Over half dozen Centauri have been murdered in just the last three days.\" -- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"If this continues, we may have no choice but to quarantine the Centauri. We'll have to try and limit them to parts of the station where they won't run into anyone they are currently at war with. Unfortunately, that seems to be just about everyone right now. So, my options seem to be somewhat limited.\" -- Captain Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"The Centauri have begun targeting enemy jumpgates.\" \"But-- It's a violation of every rule of civilized warfare. Wars come and go, but the jumpgates have to go on. Otherwise the entire hyperspace beacon system falls apart. If that happens, it'll hurt them as much as anyone else.\" -- Sheridan and Lochley in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Something's bothering you. What is it?\" \"I need to ask you to do something I don't want to ask you to do.\" \"If it's about me wearing those little-- I appreciate the gift and I didn't say I wouldn't wear them, I just said that .. for me, from a Minbari perspective, I thought that it looked silly.\" \"No, it's not anything to do with that.\" \"[Sigh] Business then?\" -- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"But don't take any unnecessary risks.\" \"People always say that. They want to find lives in which risk is unnecessary. There's only one problem with that: It's impossible.\" -- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"As you know, our ships have been in combat with .. well, just about everyone, really. Our biggest losses have been on the Drazi space. They are real good fighters. Not terrific conversationalists, and their table manners can make you go blind in one eye, but .. really tough behind the weapons consoles. But .. on the occasion that we've destroyed one of their ships, we have always returned their bodies to them. They have not made the same for us in return.\" -- Vir to Lyta & Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"I'm willing to go along and help out Stephen, we've worked well together in the past, but .. considering the risk involved I'm gonna have to ask for a slightly higher fee than usual.\" \"Well, all right, I can--\" \"500'000 credits.\" -- Lyta to Vir in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Has she changed or is it me?\" \"Oh, she's changed. Have you talked to Londo about this? Maybe he could .. pull some strings.\" \"The prime minister is otherwise engaged just now.\" -- Vir and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"I still think you should leave, Mollari.\" \"No. I said where you go, I go. It's become a matter of principle.\" \"You picked a terrible moment in your social evolution to develop principles. Perhaps you can start with something simpler, the moral equivalent of the opposable thumb, for instance.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Who .. who are you? What do they want from me?\" \"Yes. He will be sufficient.\" -- Londo and Drakh in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"You were having a nightmare.\" \"Yes, terrible.\" -- G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Who knew the could make such a .. stench .. Great Maker, I don't even want to thing about it. I couldn't stay there a moment longer. And the smell's not the worst of it, it was the *burning* in my eyes. I think my *buttons* are melting.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Anyway, those are their tactics. What is the overall strategy? They can't just fight a war to fight a war and honk off your neighbors. There have to be definite and to their minds achievable goals. Now what are they? What does it look like they might be? Are they moving toward anything.\" \"Their strategy has not yet become clear.\" \"And this doesn't seem strange to you?\" -- Sheridan and Kulomani in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"--the other way, maybe you could--\" \"Yeah, you're right.\" \"Why don't you just *ask* somebody?\" \"No, no. I've got a map. Don't worry about that.\" \"What is it with you men?\" \"Here we go.\" \"Are you sure you know where we're going?\" \"Yes, it's the .. same hotel that .. Michael stayed at. Said the room service is good and bed is cheap and staff is friendly.\" \"Meaning the food stinks, the rooms are small and the staff will knife you in the back when you're not looking.\" \"Exactly. All right, I think it's .. it's that way.\" -- Lyta and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"We have no Centauri bodies here.\" -- Dr. Varia in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"I know this. I know what this is.\" -- Lyta in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"Hello, Mollari.\" \"Regent?\" \"I told you we would speak again before the end. I always try to keep my promises, especially to those who have been kind to me .. as you have been.\" \"It is no burden. Regent, I have been trying to see you for some time. Our ships--\" \"Yes. .. I know.\" \"Then you gave the order.\" \"After a fashion. I have always tried to do the right thing, *you* know, when circumstances allowed.\" \"We all do, Regent.\" \"Yes. And now it is your time. Mine is almost over. I have to say, I'll be glad of it. I'm so tired of it all, Londo. I'm glad .. I won't live to see what follows.\" \"Why? What is going to follow?\" -- Regent and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"What do you mean there weren't any crew aboard?\" \"Garibaldi said that there were two seperate Centauri fleets engaged in the war: one defensive, one offensive, that no one in the Centauri military knew anything about the attacks, only that they were defending themselves against us. Now we know why.\" -- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"This is leftover Shadow technology, Mr. President. Vorlons gave me information on them in case I ever ran across one of them. And I understand a few years ago one was found by the Psi Corps. It's an organic device used to control a ship from a long distance. You put two or three of these on board a starship and .. you don't even need a crew.\" -- Lyta to Sheridan in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"It's going to be a pretty night, the last one I will ever see.\" \"You shouldn't talk that way, Regent. You still have many years ahead of you. That's why it's important to recall the ships. We can still make peace.\" \"Oh, there will be peace, for a while. It never lasts, really. They said so. They said two things, actually. That there will be peace and that it won't last. They also said I would be dead by morning and that tomorrow .. you will be emperor. They said many, many things. Things I didn't want to hear. Things I didn't understand. And things I didn't *want* to understand.\" \"They? Who are *they*, Regent?\" \"Oh, you will find out for yourself soon enough, Londo. You shouldn't rush your last *free* hours. And there were something else they told me .. to do. And I did it just a few moments before I came to see you. The last thing I will ever have to do for them. And in a way .. I'm glad it's over.\" \"What did they ask you to do?\" \"To send away all the ships .. guarding Centauri Prime on a false emergency and turn off the planetary defense network.\" \"No!\" \"I think I'll stay .. and watch from here. The sky should be lighting up any time now. I imagine .. it will be .. quite beautiful.\" \"*No!*\" -- Regent and Londo in Babylon 5:\"Movements of Fire and Shadow\""
- "\"It is said that the future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world, because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the past.\" -- G'Kar in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"No, she's always quiet. We think maybe there's something wrong with her.\" \"Yes .. or something very right. The quiet ones are the ones that change the universe, Luc Derardi. The loud ones only take the credit.\" -- Luc Derardi and Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"My people can handle themselves. We took care of the Dilgar. We can take care of the Minbari.\" \"Ahh, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you.\" -- General Lefcourt and Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Then let them appear, to give us something to believe in. If the Vorlons do not see the danger, then perhaps the danger does not exist.\" -- Coplann in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Yes, they should, but if the legends surrounding the Vorlons are correct, remember that they do not reveal themselves quickly and never all at once.\" \"What are you saying?\" \"I'm not saying anything. I didn't say anything then, and I'm not saying anything now.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Are you saying I'm being deceived?\" \"I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I'm not saying anything now. Unless you are saying you've seen a Vorlon.\" \"I'm saying even less than you, except for this. When the darkness comes, if you ever have doubt about your actions, all you need do is look into the face of a Vorlon. Once you see that, all doubt is erased forever.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Why do you come here, Delenn?\" \"I come to serve.\" \"Who do you serve?\" \"I serve the truth.\" \"What is the truth?\" \"That we are one people, one voice.\" \"Will you follow me into fire? Will you follow me into darkness? Will you follow me into death?\" \"I will.\" \"Then follow.\" -- Dukhat and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"I am become Grey. I stand between the darkness and the light, .. between the candle and the star.\" -- Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Susan. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the university.\" \"Well, you know me, never where I'm supposed to be.\" -- Ganya and Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"The warrior caste loves to win and hates to lose. It is easier to fight a weaker opponent and be guaranteed victory than to oppose a far more dangerous enemy.\" -- Lenonn to Morann in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"They say we'll need allies. In particular, a race that is so far unknown to us called humans. If we have not already done so by now, it is my hope that you will work with the Vorlons to find these humans and bring them into the battle on our side.\" -- Dukhat recording to Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"Humans?\" \"Yes. They are the key.\" -- Delenn and Kosh in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"And if the only way out is for Earth to surrender?\" \"Officially that's up to the negotiators. Those are my orders. Unofficially.. We're losing this war, John. And if the only way the human race can survive is to surrender.. then we will surrender.\" -- Sheridan and Lefcourt in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. Where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"The truth points to itself.\" \"What?\" \"The truth points to itself.\" \"I do not understand.\" \"You will.\" -- Kosh and Delenn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"We should bring one of them aboard for questioning. If our next step is a final assault on their world, we must know their defenses.\" \"Very well, Delenn. Choose. But quickly. We are fast running out of candidates.\" -- Delenn and Hedronn in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\""
- "\"I need another bottle. I need *several* more bottles. And then .. wait one hour and bring the prisoners here.\" -- Londo in Babylon 5:\"In the Beginning\" "
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