en.final_fantasy_xiv.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This library is a improved port of JavaFaker (as well as Ruby's stympy/faker gem and Perl's Data::Faker library) that
generates fake data.
It's useful when you're developing a new project and need some pretty data for showcase.
- "Alphinaud Leveilleur"
- "Alisaie Leveilleur"
- "Y'shtola Rhul"
- "Thancred Waters"
- "Lyse Hext"
- "Urianger Augurelt"
- "G'raha Tia"
- "Estinien Wyrmblood"
- "Tataru Taru"
- "Krile Mayer Baldesion"
- "Minfilia Warde"
- "Louisoix Leveilleur"
- "Papalymo Totolymo"
- "Yda Hext"
- "F'lhaminn Qesh"
- "Unukalhai"
- "Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn"
- "Arenvald Lentinus"
- "Riol Forrest"
- "Alianne Vellegrance"
- "Aenor Cockburne"
- "Aergmhus Saehstymmsyn"
- "Bluomwyda"
- "Clemence"
- "Coultenet Dailebaure"
- "Ephemie Giphelmont"
- "Hoary Boulder"
- "Ocher Boulder"
- "Una Tayuun"
- "V'mah Tia"
- "Noraxia"
- "Kan-E-Senna"
- "Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn"
- "Raubahn Aldynn"
- "Nanamo Ul Namo"
- "Aymeric de Borel"
- "Cid nan Garlond"
- "Biggs"
- "Wedge"
- "Jessie Jaye"
- "Alpha"
- "Cato Mammula"
- "Lilja Sjasaris"
- "Emet-Selch"
- "Elidibus"
- "Lahabrea"
- "Igeyorhm"
- "Nabriales"
- "Fandaniel"
- "Pashtarot"
- "Loghrif"
- "Mitron"
- "Travanchet"
- "Hythlodaeus"
- "Venat"
- "Erichthonios"
- "Solus zos Galvus"
- "Varis zos Galvus"
- "Zenos yae Galvus"
- "Gaius van Baelsar"
- "Nael van Darnus"
- "Asahi sas Brutus"
- "Aulus mal Asina"
- "Basch van Gabranth"
- "Fordola rem Lupis"
- "Grynewaht pyr Arvina"
- "Lambard Calowise"
- "Livia sas Junius"
- "Maxima quo Priscus"
- "Midas nan Garlond"
- "Nero tol Scaeva"
- "Noah van Gabranth"
- "Regula van Hydrus"
- "Rhitahtyn sas Arvina"
- "Vitus quo Messalla"
- "Allie"
- "Clarricie Priscus"
- "Drusilla"
- "Dyunbu Potitus"
- "Fabineau Soranus"
- "Gilbrisbert Buteo"
- "Hernais Longus"
- "Jullus Norbanus"
- "Llofii Potitus"
- "Lyon Helsos"
- "Menenius Lanatus"
- "Milisandia"
- "Pagaga Vochstein"
- "Quintus Cinna"
- "Rex"
- "Ricon"
- "Sadr Albeleo"
- "Sartauvoir Soranus"
- "Sicinius Vellutus"
- "Valens Varro"
- "Vergilia Corculum"
- "Yamatsumi Urabe"
- "A-Ruhn-Senna"
- "A-Towa-Cant"
- "Buscarron Stacks"
- "Cicely"
- "Drake Rhodes"
- "E-Sumi-Yan"
- "Eschiva Keyes"
- "Foulques"
- "Fufucha Fucha"
- "Gerolt Blackthorn"
- "Geva Storke"
- "Guydelot Thildonnet"
- "Isildaure Vellegrance"
- "Janremi Blackheart"
- "Jehantel Fointeaume"
- "Joacin"
- "Landenel Peaumasquier"
- "Laurentius Daye"
- "Leih Aliapoh"
- "Lina Mewrilah"
- "Luciane Corne"
- "Millith Ironheart"
- "Miounne"
- "Nolanel"
- "O-App-Pesi"
- "Pawah Mujuuk"
- "Raya-O-Senna"
- "Sanson Smyth"
- "Silvairre"
- "Swethyna Brookstone"
- "Sylphie Webb"
- "Tatabaru"
- "Tataramu"
- "Sezul Totoloc"
- "Voyce"
- "Wulfiue"
- "Ywain Deepwell"
- "Zhai'a Nelhah"
- "Frixio'"
- "Adalberta Sterne"
- "Aldis"
- "Chuchuto Chuto"
- "Cocobani"
- "Cocobezi"
- "Cocoboha"
- "Cocobuki Lolobuki"
- "Cocobusi"
- "Cocobygo"
- "Colbernoux"
- "Dancing Wolf"
- "Deep Canyon"
- "Dewlala Dewla"
- "Eline Roaille"
- "Erik"
- "F'hobhas"
- "Fyrgeiss Loetkilbsyn"
- "Gagaruna"
- "Greinfarr Redblade"
- "Hamon Holyfist"
- "Iliud"
- "Jenlyns Aesc"
- "Kikipu Kipu"
- "Lalai Lai"
- "Leavold"
- "Lewena"
- "Lolorito Nanarito"
- "Loonh Gah"
- "Martyn"
- "Memeriga"
- "Momodi Modi"
- "Mumuepo"
- "Mylla Swordsong"
- "Nenekko Nekko"
- "Niellefresne Thaudour"
- "Nutiba Buntiba"
- "Pipin Tarupin"
- "Popokkuli and Seserukka"
- "P'yandih"
- "Qhota Nbolo"
- "Ququruka Tataruka"
- "Redolent Rose"
- "Royse"
- "Rurukuta"
- "Serendipity"
- "Severian Lyctor"
- "Solkzagyl Keltnaglsyn"
- "Teledji Adeledji"
- "Tristan Lowe"
- "U'odh Nunh"
- "Valiant Hart"
- "Waldeve"
- "Whastrach"
- "Weggfarr"
- "Wide Gulley"
- "Yayake Yake"
- "Yuyuhase Luluhase"
- "Zirnberk"
- "Dozol Meloc"
- "Kazagg Chah"
- "Mutamix Bubblypots"
- "Alka Zolka"
- "Arya Gastaurknan"
- "Baderon Tenfingers"
- "Brithael Spade"
- "Broken Mountain"
- "Carvallain de Gorgagne"
- "Curious Gorge"
- "Doesmaga Poisonheart"
- "Eynzahr Slafyrsyn"
- "H'mhasi Tia"
- "H'naanza Esi"
- "Hyllfyr Faezmoensyn"
- "Jacke Swallow"
- "K'lyhia"
- "K'rhid Tia"
- "Latisha"
- "Lorens"
- "Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn"
- "Madison"
- "Melkoko Melko"
- "Mimidoa Nanadoa"
- "Perimu Haurimu"
- "R'ashaht Rhiki"
- "Reyner Hansred"
- "Rhoswen Leach"
- "Rostnsthal"
- "Shamani Lohmani"
- "Sisipu Sipu"
- "Solkwyb Saelsmyndsyn"
- "Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn"
- "V'kebbe"
- "Wawalago Momolago"
- "Wheiskaet Rysswoerdsyn"
- "Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn"
- "13th Order Fugleman Zo Ga"
- "175th Order Alchemist Bi Bi"
- "789th Order Pickman Gi Gu"
- "Ga Bu"
- "Brayflox Alltalks"
- "Govv"
- "Surito Carito"
- "Setoto Seto"
- "Talan"
- "Rowena"
- "Ysayle Dangoulain"
- "Thordan VII"
- "Edmont de Fortemps"
- "Artoirel de Fortemps"
- "Emmanellain de Fortemps"
- "Haurchefant Greystone"
- "Alberic Bale"
- "Ansaulme de Rougecarpe"
- "Audaine"
- "Augebert"
- "Aurvael de Haillenarte"
- "Ayleth"
- "Baurendouin de Haillenarte"
- "Charlemend de Durendaire"
- "Constaint"
- "Dominiac"
- "Drillemont de Lasserrant"
- "Forlemort"
- "Foncrineau"
- "Elaisse Poole"
- "Francel de Haillenarte"
- "Fray Myste"
- "Gontrandoix"
- "Guillaime"
- "Guillefresne"
- "Haldrath"
- "Handeloup de Daimbaux"
- "Hautdlong"
- "Heustienne de Vimaroix"
- "Hilda Ware"
- "Honoroit Banlardois"
- "Hourlinet"
- "Jannequinard de Durendaire"
- "Jantellot de Thelomaire"
- "Joye"
- "Julchiezain"
- "Laniaitte de Haillenarte"
- "Lucia goe Junius"
- "Lycelle"
- "Marcelloix"
- "Muscadain de Citenrond"
- "Noalle"
- "Pehainel"
- "Peyraquile"
- "Quimperain Evertrue"
- "Rasequin"
- "Redwald Younge"
- "Rielle de Caulignont"
- "Saintrelmaux"
- "Ser Adelphel de Chevraudan"
- "Ser Charibert de Leusignac"
- "Ser Grinnaux de Dzemael"
- "Ser Guerrique de Montrohain"
- "Ser Haumeric de Peulagnon"
- "Ser Hermenost de la Treaumaille"
- "Ser Janlenoux de Courcillant"
- "Ser Ignasse de Vesnaint"
- "Ser Noudenet de Jaimberd"
- "Ser Paulecrain de Fanouilley"
- "Ser Zephirin de Valhourdin"
- "Ser Vellguine de Bourbagne"
- "Sidurgu Orl"
- "Sigan"
- "Stephanivien de Haillenarte"
- "Sylvetrel de Dzemael"
- "Tedalgrinche"
- "Thomelin"
- "Thordan I"
- "Ystride de Caulignont"
- "Midgardsormr"
- "Bahamut"
- "Hraesvelgr"
- "Nidhogg"
- "Ratatoskr"
- "Tiamat"
- "Vrtra"
- "Azdaja"
- "Ehll Tou"
- "Faunehm"
- "Orn Khai"
- "Twintania"
- "Vedrfolnir"
- "Vidofnir"
- "Vishap"
- "Adri Westwoode"
- "Conrad Kemp"
- "Curtis Hext"
- "D'zentsa"
- "Gundobald"
- "H'raha Tia"
- "Hewerald"
- "Ilberd Feare"
- "J'moldva"
- "M'naago Rahz"
- "Meffrid Noward"
- "O'tchakha"
- "Raulf Redhill"
- "The Griffin"
- "Ulger Ironheart"
- "Widargelt Beake"
- "Wilred Glasse"
- "X'rhun Tia"
- "Slowfix Cointoss"
- "Adkiragh"
- "Khloe Aliapoh"
- "Mide Hotogo"
- "Midnight Dew"
- "T'kebbe Morh"
- "Zhloe Aliapoh"
- "Loifa"
- "Quickthinx Allthoughts"
- "Chieftain Moglin"
- "Master Mogzin"
- "Leofard Myste"
- "Stacia Myste"
- "Radlia Keene"
- "Cait Sith"
- "Ejika Tsunjika"
- "Faldrinet"
- "Fourchenault Leveilleur"
- "Koh Rabntah"
- "Lalah Jinjahl"
- "Leveva Byrde"
- "Matoya"
- "Mikoto Jinba"
- "Rammbroes Zasertylsyn"
- "Rhesh Polaali"
- "Y'mhitra Rhul"
- "Hien Rijin"
- "Yugiri Mistwalker"
- "Gosetsu Everfall"
- "Yotsuyu goe Brutus"
- "Azami Shibunuri"
- "Anzu Zenbu"
- "Gekkai"
- "Ginko"
- "Gogo"
- "Hakuro Gunji"
- "Hozan Nagae"
- "Isse Shibunuri"
- "Karasu Kanshi"
- "Kinko"
- "Kurobana"
- "Mikuzume"
- "Oboro Torioi"
- "Tsubame Oshidari"
- "Yozan Nagae"
- "Tenzen"
- "Seiryu"
- "Suzaku"
- "Byakko"
- "Genbu"
- "Ramza Beoulve"
- "Delita Heiral"
- "Alma Beoulve"
- "Agrias Oaks"
- "Fran Eruyt"
- "Montblanc"
- "Ashelia"
- "Rasler"
- "Ba'Gamnan"
- "Rofocale"
- "Sophie"
- "Alma bas Lexentale"
- "Jenomis cen Lexentale"
- "Ramza bas Lexentale"
- "Wandering Dramaturge"
- "Akagi"
- "Hanzo"
- "Hancock Fitzgerald"
- "Kikimo Kimo"
- "Kotokaze Benitoki"
- "Kyokuho Moribe"
- "Makoto Obinata"
- "Yatsurugi no Yuki"
- "Hansaku Ushikai"
- "Hisui Sui"
- "Kurenai Shisui"
- "Rasho Mastbreaker"
- "Shiosai Sui"
- "Soroban"
- "Suzume Kaisuri"
- "Tansui"
- "Tsukikage Urabe"
- "Cirina Mol"
- "Magnai Oronir"
- "Sadu Dotharl"
- "Alaqa"
- "Altani Dataq"
- "Anarba Dataq"
- "Chambui Dazkar"
- "Dorgono Qerel"
- "Gurbesu Goro"
- "Khalja Dataq"
- "Nayaga"
- "Ogul Khatayin"
- "Sokhatai Dataq"
- "Bajsaljen Ulgasch"
- "Marsak Apella"
- "Misija Votyasch"
- "Rostik Liubasch"
- "Blaz Azetina"
- "Isolde Covey"
- "Lovro Slanasch"
- "Meryall Miller"
- "Stanik Alubov"
- "Velibor Azetina"
- "Xeven Svanasch"
- "Dabog Inivisch"
- "Radovan"
- "Ardashir Balyk"
- "Jalzahn Daemir"
- "Nashmeira"
- "Pasareen"
- "Ranaa Mihgo"
- "Yezahn"
- "Nidhana"
- "Ardbert"
- "Branden"
- "Cylva"
- "Lamitt"
- "Nyelbert"
- "Renda-Rae"
- "The Crystal Exarch"
- "Ryne"
- "Beq Lugg"
- "Callea"
- "Cerigg"
- "Gaia"
- "Giott"
- "Granson"
- "Lue-Reeq"
- "Lyna"
- "Mauwyl"
- "Nielden"
- "Taynor"
- "Tolas"
- "Tesleen"
- "Halric"
- "Vauthry"
- "Ran'jit"
- "Jongleurs of Eulmore"
- "Chai-Nuzz"
- "Dulia-Chai"
- "Tista-Bie"
- "Anogg and Konogg"
- "Eueliss"
- "Kai-Shirr"
- "Lanbyrd"
- "Olvara"
- "Sai-Lewq"
- "Tristol"
- "Feo Ul"
- "An Lad"
- "Ezel II"
- "Seto"
- "Sul Oul"
- "Tonatiuh"
- "Titania"
- "Tyr Beq"
- "Sauldia"
- "Tadric"
- "Almet"
- "Cymet"
- "Uimet"
- "Ciuna"
- "Phyna"
- "Quinfort"
- "Valan"
- "Runar"
- "Xande"
- "Doga"
- "Unei"
- "Amon"
- "Phlegethon"
- "Scylla"
- "Glasya Labolas"
- "Ultima Weapon"
- "Halone"
- "Menphina"
- "Nymeia"
- "Byregot"
- "Rhalgr"
- "Azeyma"
- "Nald"
- "Thal"
- "Nophica"
- "Althyk"
- "Hydaelyn, Divine Light"
- "Zodiark, Eternal Darkness"
- "Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno"
- "Titan, Lord of Crags"
- "Garuda, Lady of the Vortex"
- "Good King Moggle Mog XII"
- "Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl"
- "Ramuh, Lord of Levin"
- "Shiva, Lady of Frost"
- "Phoenix, Mythical Bird of Rebirth"
- "Odin, The Dark Divinity"
- "Bismarck, Lord of the Mists"
- "Ravana, Lord of the Hive"
- "King Thordan"
- "Sephirot, the Fiend"
- "Sophia, the Goddess"
- "Zurvan, the Demon"
- "Alexander, the Colossus"
- "Susano, Lord of the Revel"
- "Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss"
- "Shinryu, Dragon God of Vengeance"
- "Tsukuyomi"
- "Enkidu"
- "Eureka"
- "The Twelve"
- "The Queen, Vengeful Eikon"
- "Diabolos"
- "Cloud of Darkness"
- "Ferdiad"
- "Scathach"
- "Zero"
- "Scarmiglione, Blighted Despot"
- "Barbariccia, Empress of the Winds"
- "Cagnazzo, Drowned King"
- "Rubicante, Autarch of Flame"
- "Golbez"
- "Hildibrand Manderville"
- "Godbert Manderville"
- "Julyan Manderville"
- "Nashu Mhakaracca"
- "Briardien de Manseauguel"
- "Cyr Blyme"
- "Ellie Ryse"
- "Gigi"
- "Gilgamesh"
- "Typhon and Ultros"
- "Yojimbo"
- "Edda Pureheart"
- "Jandelaine"
- "Nhaza'a Jaab"
- "Reyna Breakhook"
- "Wandering Minstrel"
- "Naoki Yoshida"
- "Nohi"
- "Aldiytha Thorne"
- "Amh Garanjy"
- "Damielliot"
- "Impresario"
- "Jihli Aliapoh"
- "Kipih Jakkya"
- "Laurenssen"
- "Lorie"
- "Momoru"
- "Nanapasi"
- "Ninimo"
- "Rodolph"
- "Royal seneschal"
- "Songbirds"
- "Unsavory Imp"
- "Omega"
- "N-7000"
- "Livingway"
- "Jammingway"
- "Puddingway"
- "Shantotto"
- "Iroha"
- "Lightning"
- "Odin"
- "Garuda"
- "Noctis Lucis Caelum"
- "Lunafreya Nox Fleuret"
- "Nybeth Obdilord"
- "2B"
- "2P"
- "9S"
- "Paladin"
- "Gladiator"
- "Warrior"
- "Marauder"
- "Dark Knight"
- "Gunbreaker"
- "White Mage"
- "Scholar"
- "Astrologian"
- "Sage"
- "Arcanist"
- "Red Mage"
- "Black Mage"
- "Blue Mage"
- "Thaumaturge"
- "Summoner"
- "Lancer"
- "Dragoon"
- "Monk"
- "Ninja"
- "Rogue"
- "Samurai"
- "Reaper"
- "Bard"
- "Archer"
- "Machinist"
- "Dancer"
- "Fisher"
- "Botanist"
- "Miner"
- "Carpenter"
- "Blacksmith"
- "Armorer"
- "Goldsmith"
- "Leatherworker"
- "Weaver"
- "Alchemist"
- "Culinarian"
- "Au Ra"
- "Viera"
- "Miqo'te"
- "Hrothgar"
- "Lalafell"
- "Elezen"
- "Roegadyn"
- "Hyur"
- "Aether"
- "Crystal"
- "Dynamis"
- "Primal"
- "Chaos"
- "Light"
- "Materia"
- "Elemental"
- "Gaia"
- "Mana"
- "Meteor"
- "Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks"
- "Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks"
- "Mist"
- "Wolves' Den Pier"
- "Middle La Noscea"
- "Lower La Noscea"
- "Eastern La Noscea"
- "Western La Noscea"
- "Upper La Noscea"
- "Outer La Noscea"
- "New Gridania"
- "Old Gridania"
- "The Lavender Beds"
- "Central Shroud"
- "East Shroud"
- "South Shroud"
- "North Shroud"
- "Ul'dah - Steps of Nald"
- "Ul'dah - Steps of Thal"
- "The Goblet"
- "The Gold Saucer"
- "Western Thanalan"
- "Central Thanalan"
- "Eastern Thanalan"
- "Southern Thanalan"
- "Northern Thanalan"
- "Foundation"
- "The Pillars"
- "Empyreum"
- "Coerthas Central Highlands"
- "Coerthas Western Highlands"
- "Mor Dhona"
- "The Sea of Clouds"
- "Azys Lla"
- "Idyllshire"
- "The Dravanian Forelands"
- "The Dravanian Hinterlands"
- "The Churning Mists"
- "Rhalgr's Reach"
- "The Fringes"
- "The Peaks"
- "The Lochs"
- "Kugane"
- "Shirogane"
- "The Ruby Sea"
- "Yanxia"
- "The Azim Steppe"
- "The Crystarium"
- "Lakeland"
- "Eulmore"
- "Kholusia"
- "Amh Araeng"
- "Il Mheg"
- "The Rak'tika Greatwood"
- "The Tempest"
- "Old Sharlayan"
- "Labyrinthos"
- "Garlemald"
- "Radz-at-Han"
- "Thavnair"
- "Mare Lamentorum"
- "Ultima Thule"
- "Elpis"
- "Gangos"
- "The Omphalos"
- "Unnamed Island"
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