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en.pokemon.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This library is a improved port of JavaFaker (as well as Ruby's stympy/faker gem and Perl's Data::Faker library) that generates fake data. It's useful when you're developing a new project and need some pretty data for showcase.

There is a newer version: 2.4.2
Show newest version
        - "Bulbasaur"
        - "Ivysaur"
        - "Venusaur"
        - "Charmander"
        - "Charmeleon"
        - "Charizard"
        - "Squirtle"
        - "Wartortle"
        - "Blastoise"
        - "Caterpie"
        - "Metapod"
        - "Butterfree"
        - "Weedle"
        - "Kakuna"
        - "Beedrill"
        - "Pidgey"
        - "Pidgeotto"
        - "Pidgeot"
        - "Rattata"
        - "Raticate"
        - "Spearow"
        - "Fearow"
        - "Ekans"
        - "Arbok"
        - "Pikachu"
        - "Raichu"
        - "Sandshrew"
        - "Sandslash"
        - "Nidoran"
        - "Nidorina"
        - "Nidoqueen"
        - "Nidorino"
        - "Nidoking"
        - "Clefairy"
        - "Clefable"
        - "Vulpix"
        - "Ninetales"
        - "Jigglypuff"
        - "Wigglytuff"
        - "Zubat"
        - "Golbat"
        - "Oddish"
        - "Gloom"
        - "Vileplume"
        - "Paras"
        - "Parasect"
        - "Venonat"
        - "Venomoth"
        - "Diglett"
        - "Dugtrio"
        - "Meowth"
        - "Persian"
        - "Psyduck"
        - "Golduck"
        - "Mankey"
        - "Primeape"
        - "Growlithe"
        - "Arcanine"
        - "Poliwag"
        - "Poliwhirl"
        - "Poliwrath"
        - "Abra"
        - "Kadabra"
        - "Alakazam"
        - "Machop"
        - "Machoke"
        - "Machamp"
        - "Bellsprout"
        - "Weepinbell"
        - "Victreebel"
        - "Tentacool"
        - "Tentacruel"
        - "Geodude"
        - "Graveler"
        - "Golem"
        - "Ponyta"
        - "Rapidash"
        - "Slowpoke"
        - "Slowbro"
        - "Magnemite"
        - "Magneton"
        - "Farfetch'd"
        - "Doduo"
        - "Dodrio"
        - "Seel"
        - "Dewgong"
        - "Grimer"
        - "Muk"
        - "Shellder"
        - "Cloyster"
        - "Gastly"
        - "Haunter"
        - "Gengar"
        - "Onix"
        - "Drowzee"
        - "Hypno"
        - "Krabby"
        - "Kingler"
        - "Voltorb"
        - "Electrode"
        - "Exeggcute"
        - "Exeggutor"
        - "Cubone"
        - "Marowak"
        - "Hitmonlee"
        - "Hitmonchan"
        - "Lickitung"
        - "Koffing"
        - "Weezing"
        - "Rhyhorn"
        - "Rhydon"
        - "Chansey"
        - "Tangela"
        - "Kangaskhan"
        - "Horsea"
        - "Seadra"
        - "Goldeen"
        - "Seaking"
        - "Staryu"
        - "Starmie"
        - "Mr. Mime"
        - "Scyther"
        - "Jynx"
        - "Electabuzz"
        - "Magmar"
        - "Pinsir"
        - "Tauros"
        - "Magikarp"
        - "Gyarados"
        - "Lapras"
        - "Ditto"
        - "Eevee"
        - "Vaporeon"
        - "Jolteon"
        - "Flareon"
        - "Porygon"
        - "Omanyte"
        - "Omastar"
        - "Kabuto"
        - "Kabutops"
        - "Aerodactyl"
        - "Snorlax"
        - "Articuno"
        - "Zapdos"
        - "Moltres"
        - "Dratini"
        - "Dragonair"
        - "Dragonite"
        - "Mewtwo"
        - "Mew"
        - "Accumula Town"
        - "Ambrette Town"
        - "Anistar City"
        - "Anville Town"
        - "Aquacorde Town"
        - "Aspertia City"
        - "Azalea Town"
        - "Black City"
        - "Blackthorn City"
        - "Camphrier Town"
        - "Canalave City"
        - "Castelia City"
        - "Celadon City"
        - "Celestic Town"
        - "Cerulean City"
        - "Cherrygrove City"
        - "Cianwood City"
        - "Cinnabar Island"
        - "Coumarine City"
        - "Couriway Town"
        - "Cyllage City"
        - "Dendemille Town"
        - "Dewford Town"
        - "Driftveil City"
        - "Ecruteak City"
        - "Eterna City"
        - "Ever Grande City"
        - "Fallarbor Town"
        - "Fight Area"
        - "Five Island"
        - "Floaroma Town"
        - "Floccesy Town"
        - "Fortree City"
        - "Four Island"
        - "Frontier Access"
        - "Fuchsia City"
        - "Geosenge Town"
        - "Goldenrod City"
        - "Hearthome City"
        - "Humilau City"
        - "Icirrus City"
        - "Jubilife City"
        - "Kiloude City"
        - "Lacunosa Town"
        - "Lavaridge Town"
        - "Lavender Town"
        - "Laverre City"
        - "Lentimas Town"
        - "Littleroot Town"
        - "Lilycove City"
        - "Lumiose City"
        - "Mahogany Town"
        - "Mauville City"
        - "Mistralton City"
        - "Mossdeep City"
        - "Nacrene City"
        - "New Bark Town"
        - "Nimbasa City"
        - "Nuvema Town"
        - "Oldale Town"
        - "Olivine City"
        - "One Island"
        - "Opelucid City"
        - "Oreburgh City"
        - "Pacifidlog Town"
        - "Pallet Town"
        - "Pastoria City"
        - "Petalburg City"
        - "Pewter City"
        - "Resort Area"
        - "Rustboro City"
        - "Safari Zone Gate"
        - "Saffron City"
        - "Sandgem Town"
        - "Santalune City"
        - "Striaton City"
        - "Seven Island"
        - "Shalour City"
        - "Six Island"
        - "Slateport City"
        - "Snowbelle City"
        - "Snowpoint City"
        - "Solaceon Town"
        - "Sootopolis City"
        - "Sunyshore City"
        - "Survival Area"
        - "Three Island"
        - "Twinleaf Town"
        - "Two Island"
        - "Undella Town"
        - "Vaniville Town"
        - "Veilstone City"
        - "Verdanturf Town"
        - "Vermilion City"
        - "Violet City"
        - "Virbank City"
        - "Viridian City"
        - "White Forest"
        - "Absorb"
        - "Acid"
        - "Acid Armor"
        - "Agility"
        - "Amnesia"
        - "Aurora Beam"
        - "Barrage"
        - "Barrier"
        - "Bide"
        - "Bind"
        - "Bite"
        - "Blizzard"
        - "Body Slam"
        - "Bone Club"
        - "Bonemerang"
        - "Bubble"
        - "Bubble Beam"
        - "Clamp"
        - "Comet Punch"
        - "Confuse Ray"
        - "Confusion"
        - "Constrict"
        - "Conversion"
        - "Counter"
        - "Crabhammer"
        - "Cut"
        - "Defense Curl"
        - "Dig"
        - "Disable"
        - "Dizzy Punch"
        - "Double Kick"
        - "Double Slap"
        - "Double Team"
        - "Double-Edge"
        - "Dragon Rage"
        - "Dream Eater"
        - "Drill Peck"
        - "Earthquake"
        - "Egg Bomb"
        - "Ember"
        - "Explosion"
        - "Fire Blast"
        - "Fire Punch"
        - "Fire Spin"
        - "Fissure"
        - "Flamethrower"
        - "Flash"
        - "Fly"
        - "Focus Energy"
        - "Fury Attack"
        - "Fury Swipes"
        - "Glare"
        - "Growl"
        - "Growth"
        - "Guillotine"
        - "Gust"
        - "Harden"
        - "Haze"
        - "Headbutt"
        - "High Jump Kick"
        - "Horn Attack"
        - "Horn Drill"
        - "Hydro Pump"
        - "Hyper Beam"
        - "Hyper Fang"
        - "Hypnosis"
        - "Ice Beam"
        - "Ice Punch"
        - "Jump Kick"
        - "Karate Chop"
        - "Kinesis"
        - "Leech Life"
        - "Leech Seed"
        - "Leer"
        - "Lick"
        - "Light Screen"
        - "Lovely Kiss"
        - "Low Kick"
        - "Meditate"
        - "Mega Drain"
        - "Mega Kick"
        - "Mega Punch"
        - "Metronome"
        - "Mimic"
        - "Minimize"
        - "Mirror Move"
        - "Mist"
        - "Night Shade"
        - "Pay Day"
        - "Peck"
        - "Petal Dance"
        - "Pin Missile"
        - "Poison Gas"
        - "Poison Powder"
        - "Poison Sting"
        - "Pound"
        - "Psybeam"
        - "Psychic"
        - "Psywave"
        - "Quick Attack"
        - "Rage"
        - "Razor Leaf"
        - "Razor Wind"
        - "Recover"
        - "Reflect"
        - "Rest"
        - "Roar"
        - "Rock Slide"
        - "Rock Throw"
        - "Rolling Kick"
        - "Sand Attack"
        - "Scratch"
        - "Screech"
        - "Seismic Toss"
        - "Self-Destruct"
        - "Sharpen"
        - "Sing"
        - "Skull Bash"
        - "Sky Attack"
        - "Slam"
        - "Slash"
        - "Sleep Powder"
        - "Sludge"
        - "Smog"
        - "Smokescreen"
        - "Soft-Boiled"
        - "Solar Beam"
        - "Sonic Boom"
        - "Spike Cannon"
        - "Splash"
        - "Spore"
        - "Stomp"
        - "Strength"
        - "String Shot"
        - "Struggle"
        - "Stun Spore"
        - "Submission"
        - "Substitute"
        - "Super Fang"
        - "Supersonic"
        - "Surf"
        - "Swift"
        - "Swords Dance"
        - "Tackle"
        - "Tail Whip"
        - "Take Down"
        - "Teleport"
        - "Thrash"
        - "Thunder"
        - "Thunder Punch"
        - "Thunder Shock"
        - "Thunder Wave"
        - "Thunderbolt"
        - "Toxic"
        - "Transform"
        - "Tri Attack"
        - "Twineedle"
        - "Vice Grip"
        - "Vine Whip"
        - "Water Gun"
        - "Waterfall"
        - "Whirlwind"
        - "Wing Attack"
        - "Withdraw"
        - "Wrap"
        - "Normal"
        - "Fighting"
        - "Flying"
        - "Poison"
        - "Ground"
        - "Rock"
        - "Bug"
        - "Ghost"
        - "Steel"
        - "Fire"
        - "Water"
        - "Grass"
        - "Electric"
        - "Psychic"
        - "Ice"
        - "Dragon"
        - "Dark"
        - "Fairy"

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