com.redis.protocol.SortedSetCommands.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.redis.protocol
import com.redis.serialization._
object SortedSetCommands {
import DefaultWriters._
final val `+Inf` = Double.PositiveInfinity
final val `-Inf` = Double.NegativeInfinity
final val `+LexInf` = "+"
final val `-LexInf` = "-"
case class ZAdd(key: String, scoreMembers: Seq[ScoredValue]) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZADD") {
require(scoreMembers.nonEmpty, "Score members should not be empty")
def params = key +: scoreMembers.foldRight (ANil) { (x, acc) => x.score +: x.value +: acc }
object ZAdd {
def apply(key: String, score: Double, member: Stringified): ZAdd =
ZAdd(key, Seq(ScoredValue(score, member)))
def apply(key: String, scoreMember: ScoredValue, scoreMembers: ScoredValue*): ZAdd =
ZAdd(key, scoreMember +: scoreMembers)
case class ZRem(key: String, members: Seq[Stringified]) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZREM") {
require(members.nonEmpty, "Members should not be empty")
def params = key +: members.toArgs
object ZRem {
def apply(key: String, member: Stringified, members: Stringified*): ZRem = ZRem(key, member +: members)
case class ZIncrby(key: String, incr: Double, member: Stringified) extends RedisCommand[Option[Double]]("ZINCRBY") {
def params = key +: incr +: member +: ANil
case class ZCard(key: String) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZCARD") {
def params = key +: ANil
case class ZScore(key: String, element: Stringified) extends RedisCommand[Option[Double]]("ZSCORE") {
def params = key +: element +: ANil
case class ZRange[A](key: String, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[A]]("ZRANGE") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: ANil
def reverse = ZRevRange(key, start, end)(reader)
def withScores = ZRangeWithScores[A](key, start, end)(reader)
case class ZRangeWithScores[A](key: String, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[(A, Double)]]("ZRANGE") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: "WITHSCORES" +: ANil
def reverse = ZRangeWithScores(key, start, end)(reader)
case class ZRevRange[A](key: String, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[A]]("ZREVRANGE") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: ANil
def withScores = ZRevRangeWithScores[A](key, start, end)(reader)
case class ZRevRangeWithScores[A: Reader](key: String, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1)
extends RedisCommand[List[(A, Double)]]("ZREVRANGE") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: "WITHSCORES" +: ANil
case class ZRangeByScore[A](key: String,
min: Double = `-Inf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: Double = `+Inf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[A]]("ZRANGEBYSCORE") {
def params = key +: scoreParams(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit, false)
def reverse = ZRevRangeByScore(key, min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit)(reader)
def withScores = ZRangeByScoreWithScores[A](key, min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit)(reader)
case class ZRangeByScoreWithScores[A](key: String,
min: Double = `-Inf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: Double = `+Inf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[(A, Double)]]("ZRANGEBYSCORE") {
def params = key +: scoreParams(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit, true)
def reverse = ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit)(reader)
case class ZRevRangeByScore[A](key: String,
max: Double = `+Inf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
min: Double = `-Inf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[A]]("ZREVRANGEBYSCORE") {
def params = key +: scoreParams(max, maxInclusive, min, minInclusive, limit, false)
def withScores = ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit)(reader)
case class ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores[A: Reader](key: String,
max: Double = `+Inf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
min: Double = `-Inf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None)
extends RedisCommand[List[(A, Double)]]("ZREVRANGEBYSCORE") {
def params = key +: scoreParams(max, maxInclusive, min, minInclusive, limit, true)
private def scoreParams(from: Double, fromInclusive: Boolean, to: Double, toInclusive: Boolean,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)], withScores: Boolean): Args = {
formatDouble(from, fromInclusive) +: formatDouble(to, toInclusive) +: (
(if (withScores) Seq("WITHSCORES") else Nil) ++:
(limit match {
case Some((from, to)) => "LIMIT" +: from +: to +: ANil
case _ => ANil
case class ZRank(key: String, member: Stringified)
extends RedisCommand[Option[Long]]("ZRANK")(PartialDeserializer.liftOptionPD[Long]) {
def params = key +: member +: ANil
def reverse = ZRevRank(key, member)
case class ZRevRank(key: String, member: Stringified)
extends RedisCommand[Option[Long]]("ZREVRANK")(PartialDeserializer.liftOptionPD[Long]) {
def params = key +: member +: ANil
case class ZRemRangeByRank(key: String, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZREMRANGEBYRANK") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: ANil
case class ZRemRangeByScore(key: String, start: Double = `-Inf`, end: Double = `+Inf`) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE") {
def params = key +: start +: end +: ANil
sealed trait Aggregate
case object SUM extends Aggregate
case object MIN extends Aggregate
case object MAX extends Aggregate
case class ZInterStore(dstKey: String, keys: Iterable[String],
aggregate: Aggregate = SUM) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZINTERSTORE") {
def params =
(Iterator(dstKey, keys.size.toString) ++ keys.iterator ++ Iterator("AGGREGATE", aggregate.toString)).toSeq.toArgs
case class ZUnionStore(dstKey: String, keys: Iterable[String],
aggregate: Aggregate = SUM) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZUNIONSTORE") {
def params =
(Iterator(dstKey, keys.size.toString) ++ keys.iterator ++ Iterator("AGGREGATE", aggregate.toString)).toSeq.toArgs
case class ZInterStoreWeighted(dstKey: String, kws: Iterable[Product2[String, Double]],
aggregate: Aggregate = SUM) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZINTERSTORE") {
def params =
(Iterator(dstKey, kws.size.toString) ++ ++ Iterator.single("WEIGHTS") ++ ++ Iterator("AGGREGATE", aggregate.toString)).toSeq.toArgs
case class ZUnionStoreWeighted(dstKey: String, kws: Iterable[Product2[String, Double]],
aggregate: Aggregate = SUM) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZUNIONSTORE") {
def params =
(Iterator(dstKey, kws.size.toString) ++ ++ Iterator.single("WEIGHTS") ++ ++ Iterator("AGGREGATE", aggregate.toString)).toSeq.toArgs
case class ZCount(key: String,
min: Double = `-Inf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: Double = `+Inf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZCOUNT") {
def params = key +: formatDouble(min, minInclusive) +: formatDouble(max, maxInclusive) +: ANil
case class ZLexCount(key: String,
minKey: String = `-LexInf`, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
maxKey: String = `+LexInf`, maxInclusive: Boolean = true) extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZLEXCOUNT") {
def params = key +: formatLex(minKey, minInclusive) +: formatLex(maxKey, maxInclusive) +: ANil
case class ZRangeByLex[A](key: String,
min: String, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: String, maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None)(implicit reader: Reader[A])
extends RedisCommand[List[A]]("ZRANGEBYLEX") {
def params = key +: lexParams(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive, limit)
case class ZRemRangeByLex[A](key: String,
min: String, minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: String, maxInclusive: Boolean = true)
extends RedisCommand[Long]("ZREMRANGEBYLEX") {
def params = key +: lexParams(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive)
private def lexParams(min: String, minInclusive: Boolean, max: String, maxInclusive: Boolean,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)] = None): Args = {
formatLex(min, minInclusive) +: formatLex(max, maxInclusive) +:
limit match {
case Some((from, to)) => "LIMIT" +: from +: to +: ANil
case _ => ANil
private def formatLex(key: String, inclusive: Boolean) = Stringified(
if (key == `+LexInf` || key == `-LexInf`) key
else {
if (inclusive) s"[$key" else s"($key"
private def formatDouble(d: Double, inclusive: Boolean = true) = Stringified(
(if (inclusive) ("") else ("(")) + {
if (d.isInfinity) {
if (d > 0.0) "+inf" else "-inf"
} else {
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