akka.io.Pipelines.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Borrowed from Akka 2.2.4 due to the removal of pipeline in Akka 2.3
* TODO Remove after migrating to Akka 2.4 reactive stream
* https://github.com/debasishg/scala-redis-nb/issues/65
* https://github.com/debasishg/scala-redis-nb/issues/66
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.io
import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import akka.util.ByteString
import scala.collection.mutable
import akka.actor.{ NoSerializationVerificationNeeded, ActorContext }
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import scala.concurrent.duration.Deadline
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
* Scala API: A pair of pipes, one for commands and one for events, plus a
* management port. Commands travel from top to bottom, events from bottom to
* top. All messages which need to be handled “in-order” (e.g. top-down or
* bottom-up) need to be either events or commands; management messages are
* processed in no particular order.
* Java base classes are provided in the form of [[AbstractPipePair]]
* and [[AbstractSymmetricPipePair]] since the Scala function types can be
* awkward to handle in Java.
* @see [[PipelineStage]]
* @see [[AbstractPipePair]]
* @see [[AbstractSymmetricPipePair]]
* @see [[PipePairFactory]]
trait PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
type Result = Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]
type Mgmt = PartialFunction[AnyRef, Iterable[Result]]
* The command pipeline transforms injected commands from the upper stage
* into commands for the stage below, but it can also emit events for the
* upper stage. Any number of each can be generated.
def commandPipeline: CmdAbove ⇒ Iterable[Result]
* The event pipeline transforms injected event from the lower stage
* into event for the stage above, but it can also emit commands for the
* stage below. Any number of each can be generated.
def eventPipeline: EvtBelow ⇒ Iterable[Result]
* The management port allows sending broadcast messages to all stages
* within this pipeline. This can be used to communicate with stages in the
* middle without having to thread those messages through the surrounding
* stages. Each stage can generate events and commands in response to a
* command, and the aggregation of all those is returned.
* The default implementation ignores all management commands.
def managementPort: Mgmt = PartialFunction.empty
* A convenience type for expressing a [[PipePair]] which has the same types
* for commands and events.
trait SymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] extends PipePair[Above, Below, Above, Below]
* Java API: A pair of pipes, one for commands and one for events. Commands travel from
* top to bottom, events from bottom to top.
* @see [[PipelineStage]]
* @see [[AbstractSymmetricPipePair]]
* @see [[PipePairFactory]]
abstract class AbstractPipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
* Commands reaching this pipe pair are transformed into a sequence of
* commands for the next or events for the previous stage.
* Throwing exceptions within this method will abort processing of the whole
* pipeline which this pipe pair is part of.
* @param cmd the incoming command
* @return an Iterable of elements which are either events or commands
* @see [[#makeCommand]]
* @see [[#makeEvent]]
def onCommand(cmd: CmdAbove): JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]
* Events reaching this pipe pair are transformed into a sequence of
* commands for the next or events for the previous stage.
* Throwing exceptions within this method will abort processing of the whole
* pipeline which this pipe pair is part of.
* @param cmd the incoming command
* @return an Iterable of elements which are either events or commands
* @see [[#makeCommand]]
* @see [[#makeEvent]]
def onEvent(event: EvtBelow): JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]
* Management commands are sent to all stages in a broadcast fashion,
* conceptually in parallel (but not actually executing a stage
* reentrantly in case of events or commands being generated in response
* to a management command).
def onManagementCommand(cmd: AnyRef): JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]] =
* Helper method for wrapping a command which shall be emitted.
def makeCommand(cmd: CmdBelow): Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow] = Right(cmd)
* Helper method for wrapping an event which shall be emitted.
def makeEvent(event: EvtAbove): Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow] = Left(event)
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private[io] val _internal$cmd = {
val l = new java.util.ArrayList[AnyRef](1)
l add null
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private[io] val _internal$evt = {
val l = new java.util.ArrayList[AnyRef](1)
l add null
* Wrap a single command for efficient return to the pipeline’s machinery.
* This method avoids allocating a [[scala.util.Right]] and an [[java.lang.Iterable]] by reusing
* one such instance within the AbstractPipePair, hence it can be used ONLY ONCE by
* each pipeline stage. Prototypic and safe usage looks like this:
* {{{
* final MyResult result = ... ;
* return singleCommand(result);
* }}}
* @see PipelineContext#singleCommand
def singleCommand(cmd: CmdBelow): JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]] = {
_internal$cmd.set(0, cmd.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
_internal$cmd.asInstanceOf[JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]]
* Wrap a single event for efficient return to the pipeline’s machinery.
* This method avoids allocating a [[scala.util.Left]] and an [[java.lang.Iterable]] by reusing
* one such instance within the AbstractPipePair, hence it can be used ONLY ONCE by
* each pipeline stage. Prototypic and safe usage looks like this:
* {{{
* final MyResult result = ... ;
* return singleEvent(result);
* }}}
* @see PipelineContext#singleEvent
def singleEvent(evt: EvtAbove): JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]] = {
_internal$evt.set(0, evt.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
_internal$evt.asInstanceOf[JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]]
* INTERNAL API: Dealias a possibly optimized return value such that it can
* be safely used; this is never needed when only using public API.
def dealias[Cmd, Evt](msg: JIterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]]): JIterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]] = {
import java.util.Collections.singletonList
if (msg eq _internal$cmd) singletonList(Right(_internal$cmd.get(0).asInstanceOf[Cmd]))
else if (msg eq _internal$evt) singletonList(Left(_internal$evt.get(0).asInstanceOf[Evt]))
else msg
* A convenience type for expressing a [[AbstractPipePair]] which has the same types
* for commands and events.
abstract class AbstractSymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] extends AbstractPipePair[Above, Below, Above, Below]
* This class contains static factory methods which produce [[PipePair]]
* instances; those are needed within the implementation of [[PipelineStage#apply]].
object PipePairFactory {
* Scala API: construct a [[PipePair]] from the two given functions; useful for not capturing `$outer` references.
def apply[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] //
(commandPL: CmdAbove ⇒ Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]],
eventPL: EvtBelow ⇒ Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]],
management: PartialFunction[AnyRef, Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]] = PartialFunction.empty) =
new PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
override def commandPipeline = commandPL
override def eventPipeline = eventPL
override def managementPort = management
private abstract class Converter[CmdAbove <: AnyRef, CmdBelow <: AnyRef, EvtAbove <: AnyRef, EvtBelow <: AnyRef] //
(val ap: AbstractPipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow], ctx: PipelineContext) {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
protected def normalize(output: JIterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]): Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]] =
if (output == java.util.Collections.EMPTY_LIST) Nil
else if (output eq ap._internal$cmd) ctx.singleCommand(ap._internal$cmd.get(0).asInstanceOf[CmdBelow])
else if (output eq ap._internal$evt) ctx.singleEvent(ap._internal$evt.get(0).asInstanceOf[EvtAbove])
else output.asScala
* Java API: construct a [[PipePair]] from the given [[AbstractPipePair]].
def create[CmdAbove <: AnyRef, CmdBelow <: AnyRef, EvtAbove <: AnyRef, EvtBelow <: AnyRef] //
(ctx: PipelineContext, ap: AbstractPipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow]) //
: PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] =
new Converter(ap, ctx) with PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
override val commandPipeline = { cmd: CmdAbove ⇒ normalize(ap.onCommand(cmd)) }
override val eventPipeline = { evt: EvtBelow ⇒ normalize(ap.onEvent(evt)) }
override val managementPort: Mgmt = { case x ⇒ normalize(ap.onManagementCommand(x)) }
* Java API: construct a [[PipePair]] from the given [[AbstractSymmetricPipePair]].
def create[Above <: AnyRef, Below <: AnyRef] //
(ctx: PipelineContext, ap: AbstractSymmetricPipePair[Above, Below]): SymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] =
new Converter(ap, ctx) with SymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] {
override val commandPipeline = { cmd: Above ⇒ normalize(ap.onCommand(cmd)) }
override val eventPipeline = { evt: Below ⇒ normalize(ap.onEvent(evt)) }
override val managementPort: Mgmt = { case x ⇒ normalize(ap.onManagementCommand(x)) }
case class PipelinePorts[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow](
commands: CmdAbove ⇒ (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow]),
events: EvtBelow ⇒ (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow]),
management: PartialFunction[AnyRef, (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow])])
* This class contains static factory methods which turn a pipeline context
* and a [[PipelineStage]] into readily usable pipelines.
object PipelineFactory {
* Scala API: build the pipeline and return a pair of functions representing
* the command and event pipelines. Each function returns the commands and
* events resulting from running the pipeline on the given input, where the
* the sequence of events is the first element of the returned pair and the
* sequence of commands the second element.
* Exceptions thrown by the pipeline stages will not be caught.
* @param ctx The context object for this pipeline
* @param stage The (composite) pipeline stage from whcih to build the pipeline
* @return a pair of command and event pipeline functions
def buildFunctionTriple[Ctx <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] //
(ctx: Ctx, stage: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow]) //
: PipelinePorts[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] = {
val pp = stage apply ctx
val split: (Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]) ⇒ (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow]) = { in ⇒
if (in.isEmpty) (Nil, Nil)
else if (in eq ctx.cmd) (Nil, Seq[CmdBelow](ctx.cmd(0)))
else if (in eq ctx.evt) (Seq[EvtAbove](ctx.evt(0)), Nil)
else {
val cmds = Vector.newBuilder[CmdBelow]
val evts = Vector.newBuilder[EvtAbove]
in foreach {
case Right(cmd) ⇒ cmds += cmd
case Left(evt) ⇒ evts += evt
(evts.result, cmds.result)
PipelinePorts(pp.commandPipeline andThen split, pp.eventPipeline andThen split, pp.managementPort andThen split)
* Scala API: build the pipeline attaching the given command and event sinks
* to its outputs. Exceptions thrown within the pipeline stages will abort
* processing (i.e. will not be processed in following stages) but will be
* caught and passed as [[scala.util.Failure]] into the respective sink.
* Exceptions thrown while processing management commands are not caught.
* @param ctx The context object for this pipeline
* @param stage The (composite) pipeline stage from whcih to build the pipeline
* @param commandSink The function to invoke for commands or command failures
* @param eventSink The function to invoke for events or event failures
* @return a handle for injecting events or commands into the pipeline
def buildWithSinkFunctions[Ctx <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] //
(ctx: Ctx,
stage: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow])(
commandSink: Try[CmdBelow] ⇒ Unit,
eventSink: Try[EvtAbove] ⇒ Unit): PipelineInjector[CmdAbove, EvtBelow] =
new PipelineInjector[CmdAbove, EvtBelow] {
val pl = stage(ctx)
override def injectCommand(cmd: CmdAbove): Unit = {
Try(pl.commandPipeline(cmd)) match {
case f: Failure[_] ⇒ commandSink(f.asInstanceOf[Try[CmdBelow]])
case Success(out) ⇒
if (out.isEmpty) () // nothing
else if (out eq ctx.cmd) commandSink(Success(ctx.cmd(0)))
else if (out eq ctx.evt) eventSink(Success(ctx.evt(0)))
else out foreach {
case Right(cmd) ⇒ commandSink(Success(cmd))
case Left(evt) ⇒ eventSink(Success(evt))
override def injectEvent(evt: EvtBelow): Unit = {
Try(pl.eventPipeline(evt)) match {
case f: Failure[_] ⇒ eventSink(f.asInstanceOf[Try[EvtAbove]])
case Success(out) ⇒
if (out.isEmpty) () // nothing
else if (out eq ctx.cmd) commandSink(Success(ctx.cmd(0)))
else if (out eq ctx.evt) eventSink(Success(ctx.evt(0)))
else out foreach {
case Right(cmd) ⇒ commandSink(Success(cmd))
case Left(evt) ⇒ eventSink(Success(evt))
override def managementCommand(cmd: AnyRef): Unit = {
val out = pl.managementPort(cmd)
if (out.isEmpty) () // nothing
else if (out eq ctx.cmd) commandSink(Success(ctx.cmd(0)))
else if (out eq ctx.evt) eventSink(Success(ctx.evt(0)))
else out foreach {
case Right(cmd) ⇒ commandSink(Success(cmd))
case Left(evt) ⇒ eventSink(Success(evt))
* Java API: build the pipeline attaching the given callback object to its
* outputs. Exceptions thrown within the pipeline stages will abort
* processing (i.e. will not be processed in following stages) but will be
* caught and passed as [[scala.util.Failure]] into the respective sink.
* Exceptions thrown while processing management commands are not caught.
* @param ctx The context object for this pipeline
* @param stage The (composite) pipeline stage from whcih to build the pipeline
* @param callback The [[PipelineSink]] to attach to the built pipeline
* @return a handle for injecting events or commands into the pipeline
def buildWithSink[Ctx <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] //
(ctx: Ctx,
stage: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow],
callback: PipelineSink[CmdBelow, EvtAbove]): PipelineInjector[CmdAbove, EvtBelow] =
buildWithSinkFunctions[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow](ctx, stage)({
case Failure(thr) ⇒ callback.onCommandFailure(thr)
case Success(cmd) ⇒ callback.onCommand(cmd)
}, {
case Failure(thr) ⇒ callback.onEventFailure(thr)
case Success(evt) ⇒ callback.onEvent(evt)
* A handle for injecting commands and events into a pipeline. Commands travel
* down (or to the right) through the stages, events travel in the opposite
* direction.
* @see [[PipelineFactory#buildWithSinkFunctions]]
* @see [[PipelineFactory#buildWithSink]]
trait PipelineInjector[Cmd, Evt] {
* Inject the given command into the connected pipeline.
def injectCommand(cmd: Cmd): Unit
* Inject the given event into the connected pipeline.
def injectEvent(event: Evt): Unit
* Send a management command to all stages (in an unspecified order).
def managementCommand(cmd: AnyRef): Unit
* A sink which can be attached by [[PipelineFactory#buildWithSink]] to a
* pipeline when it is being built. The methods are called when commands,
* events or their failures occur during evaluation of the pipeline (i.e.
* when injection is triggered using the associated [[PipelineInjector]]).
abstract class PipelineSink[Cmd, Evt] {
* This callback is invoked for every command generated by the pipeline.
* By default this does nothing.
def onCommand(cmd: Cmd): Unit = ()
* This callback is invoked if an exception occurred while processing an
* injected command. If this callback is invoked that no other callbacks will
* be invoked for the same injection.
* By default this will just throw the exception.
def onCommandFailure(thr: Throwable): Unit = throw thr
* This callback is invoked for every event generated by the pipeline.
* By default this does nothing.
def onEvent(event: Evt): Unit = ()
* This callback is invoked if an exception occurred while processing an
* injected event. If this callback is invoked that no other callbacks will
* be invoked for the same injection.
* By default this will just throw the exception.
def onEventFailure(thr: Throwable): Unit = throw thr
* This base trait of each pipeline’s context provides optimized facilities
* for generating single commands or events (i.e. the fast common case of 1:1
* message transformations).
* A PipelineContext MUST NOT be shared between multiple pipelines, it contains mutable
* state without synchronization. You have been warned!
* @see AbstractPipelineContext see AbstractPipelineContext for a default implementation (Java)
trait PipelineContext {
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private val cmdHolder = new Array[AnyRef](1)
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private val evtHolder = new Array[AnyRef](1)
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private[io] val cmd = WrappedArray.make(cmdHolder)
* INTERNAL API: do not touch!
private[io] val evt = WrappedArray.make(evtHolder)
* Scala API: Wrap a single command for efficient return to the pipeline’s machinery.
* This method avoids allocating a [[scala.util.Right]] and an [[scala.collection.Iterable]] by reusing
* one such instance within the PipelineContext, hence it can be used ONLY ONCE by
* each pipeline stage. Prototypic and safe usage looks like this:
* {{{
* override val commandPipeline = { cmd =>
* val myResult = ...
* ctx.singleCommand(myResult)
* }
* }}}
* @see AbstractPipePair#singleCommand see AbstractPipePair for the Java API
def singleCommand[Cmd <: AnyRef, Evt <: AnyRef](cmd: Cmd): Iterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]] = {
cmdHolder(0) = cmd
* Scala API: Wrap a single event for efficient return to the pipeline’s machinery.
* This method avoids allocating a [[scala.util.Left]] and an [[scala.collection.Iterable]] by reusing
* one such instance within the context, hence it can be used ONLY ONCE by
* each pipeline stage. Prototypic and safe usage looks like this:
* {{{
* override val eventPipeline = { cmd =>
* val myResult = ...
* ctx.singleEvent(myResult)
* }
* }}}
* @see AbstractPipePair#singleEvent see AbstractPipePair for the Java API
def singleEvent[Cmd <: AnyRef, Evt <: AnyRef](evt: Evt): Iterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]] = {
evtHolder(0) = evt
* A shared (and shareable) instance of an empty `Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]`.
* Use this when processing does not yield any commands or events as result.
def nothing[Cmd, Evt]: Iterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]] = Nil
* INTERNAL API: Dealias a possibly optimized return value such that it can
* be safely used; this is never needed when only using public API.
def dealias[Cmd, Evt](msg: Iterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]]): Iterable[Either[Evt, Cmd]] = {
if (msg.isEmpty) Nil
else if (msg eq cmd) Seq(Right(cmd(0)))
else if (msg eq evt) Seq(Left(evt(0)))
else msg
* This base trait of each pipeline’s context provides optimized facilities
* for generating single commands or events (i.e. the fast common case of 1:1
* message transformations).
* A PipelineContext MUST NOT be shared between multiple pipelines, it contains mutable
* state without synchronization. You have been warned!
abstract class AbstractPipelineContext extends PipelineContext
object PipelineStage {
* Java API: attach the two given stages such that the command output of the
* first is fed into the command input of the second, and the event output of
* the second is fed into the event input of the first. In other words:
* sequence the stages such that the left one is on top of the right one.
* @param left the left or upper pipeline stage
* @param right the right or lower pipeline stage
* @return a pipeline stage representing the sequence of the two stages
def sequence[Ctx <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow, EvtBelowBelow] //
(left: PipelineStage[_ >: Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow],
right: PipelineStage[_ >: Ctx, CmdBelow, CmdBelowBelow, EvtBelow, EvtBelowBelow]) //
: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelowBelow] =
left >> right
* Java API: combine the two stages such that the command pipeline of the
* left stage is used and the event pipeline of the right, discarding the
* other two sub-pipelines.
* @param left the command pipeline
* @param right the event pipeline
* @return a pipeline stage using the left command pipeline and the right event pipeline
def combine[Ctx <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] //
(left: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow],
right: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow]) //
: PipelineStage[Ctx, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] =
left | right
* A [[PipelineStage]] which is symmetric in command and event types, i.e. it only
* has one command and event type above and one below.
abstract class SymmetricPipelineStage[Context <: PipelineContext, Above, Below] extends PipelineStage[Context, Above, Below, Above, Below]
* A pipeline stage which can be combined with other stages to build a
* protocol stack. The main function of this class is to serve as a factory
* for the actual [[PipePair]] generated by the [[#apply]] method so that a
* context object can be passed in.
* @see [[PipelineFactory]]
abstract class PipelineStage[Context <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] { left ⇒
* Implement this method to generate this stage’s pair of command and event
* functions.
* INTERNAL API: do not use this method to instantiate a pipeline!
* @see [[PipelineFactory]]
* @see [[AbstractPipePair]]
* @see [[AbstractSymmetricPipePair]]
protected[io] def apply(ctx: Context): PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow]
* Scala API: attach the two given stages such that the command output of the
* first is fed into the command input of the second, and the event output of
* the second is fed into the event input of the first. In other words:
* sequence the stages such that the left one is on top of the right one.
* @param right the right or lower pipeline stage
* @return a pipeline stage representing the sequence of the two stages
def >>[CmdBelowBelow, EvtBelowBelow, BelowContext <: Context] //
(right: PipelineStage[_ >: BelowContext, CmdBelow, CmdBelowBelow, EvtBelow, EvtBelowBelow]) //
: PipelineStage[BelowContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelowBelow] =
new PipelineStage[BelowContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelowBelow] {
protected[io] override def apply(ctx: BelowContext): PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelowBelow] = {
val leftPL = left(ctx)
val rightPL = right(ctx)
new PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelowBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelowBelow] {
type Output = Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelowBelow]
import language.implicitConversions
@inline implicit def narrowRight[A, B, C](in: Right[A, B]): Right[C, B] = in.asInstanceOf[Right[C, B]]
@inline implicit def narrowLeft[A, B, C](in: Left[A, B]): Left[A, C] = in.asInstanceOf[Left[A, C]]
def loopLeft(input: Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]): Iterable[Output] = {
if (input.isEmpty) Nil
else if (input eq ctx.cmd) loopRight(rightPL.commandPipeline(ctx.cmd(0)))
else if (input eq ctx.evt) ctx.evt
else {
val output = Vector.newBuilder[Output]
input foreach {
case Right(cmd) ⇒ output ++= ctx.dealias(loopRight(rightPL.commandPipeline(cmd)))
case l @ Left(_) ⇒ output += l
def loopRight(input: Iterable[Either[EvtBelow, CmdBelowBelow]]): Iterable[Output] = {
if (input.isEmpty) Nil
else if (input eq ctx.cmd) ctx.cmd
else if (input eq ctx.evt) loopLeft(leftPL.eventPipeline(ctx.evt(0)))
else {
val output = Vector.newBuilder[Output]
input foreach {
case r @ Right(_) ⇒ output += r
case Left(evt) ⇒ output ++= ctx.dealias(loopLeft(leftPL.eventPipeline(evt)))
override val commandPipeline = { a: CmdAbove ⇒ loopLeft(leftPL.commandPipeline(a)) }
override val eventPipeline = { b: EvtBelowBelow ⇒ loopRight(rightPL.eventPipeline(b)) }
override val managementPort: PartialFunction[AnyRef, Iterable[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelowBelow]]] = {
case x ⇒
val output = Vector.newBuilder[Output]
output ++= ctx.dealias(loopLeft(leftPL.managementPort.applyOrElse(x, (_: AnyRef) ⇒ Nil)))
output ++= ctx.dealias(loopRight(rightPL.managementPort.applyOrElse(x, (_: AnyRef) ⇒ Nil)))
* Scala API: combine the two stages such that the command pipeline of the
* left stage is used and the event pipeline of the right, discarding the
* other two sub-pipelines.
* @param right the event pipeline
* @return a pipeline stage using the left command pipeline and the right event pipeline
def |[RightContext <: Context] //
(right: PipelineStage[_ >: RightContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow]) //
: PipelineStage[RightContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] =
new PipelineStage[RightContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
override def apply(ctx: RightContext): PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] =
new PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] {
val leftPL = left(ctx)
val rightPL = right(ctx)
override val commandPipeline = leftPL.commandPipeline
override val eventPipeline = rightPL.eventPipeline
override val managementPort: Mgmt = {
case x ⇒
val output = Vector.newBuilder[Either[EvtAbove, CmdBelow]]
output ++= ctx.dealias(leftPL.managementPort(x))
output ++= ctx.dealias(rightPL.managementPort(x))
object BackpressureBuffer {
* Message type which is sent when the buffer’s high watermark has been
* reached, which means that further write requests should not be sent
* until the low watermark has been reached again.
trait HighWatermarkReached extends Tcp.Event
case object HighWatermarkReached extends HighWatermarkReached
* Message type which is sent when the buffer’s fill level falls below
* the low watermark, which means that writing can commence again.
trait LowWatermarkReached extends Tcp.Event
case object LowWatermarkReached extends LowWatermarkReached
* This pipeline stage implements a configurable buffer for transforming the
* per-write ACK/NACK-based backpressure model of a TCP connection actor into
* an edge-triggered back-pressure model: the upper stages will receive
* notification when the buffer runs full ([[BackpressureBuffer.HighWatermarkReached]]) and when
* it subsequently empties ([[BackpressureBuffer.LowWatermarkReached]]). The upper layers should
* respond by not generating more writes when the buffer is full. There is also
* a hard limit upon which this buffer will abort the connection.
* All limits are configurable and are given in number of bytes.
* The `highWatermark` should be set such that the
* amount of data generated before reception of the asynchronous
* [[BackpressureBuffer.HighWatermarkReached]] notification does not lead to exceeding the
* `maxCapacity` hard limit; if the writes may arrive in bursts then the
* difference between these two should allow for at least one burst to be sent
* after the high watermark has been reached. The `lowWatermark` must be less
* than or equal to the `highWatermark`, where the difference between these two
* defines the hysteresis, i.e. how often these notifications are sent out (i.e.
* if the difference is rather large then it will take some time for the buffer
* to empty below the low watermark, and that room is then available for data
* sent in response to the [[BackpressureBuffer.LowWatermarkReached]] notification; if the
* difference was small then the buffer would more quickly oscillate between
* these two limits).
class BackpressureBuffer(lowBytes: Long, highBytes: Long, maxBytes: Long)
extends PipelineStage[HasLogging, Tcp.Command, Tcp.Command, Tcp.Event, Tcp.Event] {
require(lowBytes >= 0, "lowWatermark needs to be non-negative")
require(highBytes >= lowBytes, "highWatermark needs to be at least as large as lowWatermark")
require(maxBytes >= highBytes, "maxCapacity needs to be at least as large as highWatermark")
// WARNING: Closes over enclosing class -- cannot moved outside because of backwards binary compatibility
// Fixed in 2.3
case class Ack(num: Int, ack: Tcp.Event) extends Tcp.Event with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
override def apply(ctx: HasLogging) = new PipePair[Tcp.Command, Tcp.Command, Tcp.Event, Tcp.Event] {
import Tcp._
import BackpressureBuffer._
private val log = ctx.getLogger
private var storageOffset = 0
private var storage = Vector.empty[Write]
private def currentOffset = storageOffset + storage.size
private var stored = 0L
private var suspended = false
private var behavior = writing
override def commandPipeline = behavior
override def eventPipeline = behavior
private def become(f: Message ⇒ Iterable[Result]) { behavior = f }
private lazy val writing: Message ⇒ Iterable[Result] = {
case Write(data, ack) ⇒
buffer(Write(data, Ack(currentOffset, ack)), doWrite = true)
case CommandFailed(Write(_, Ack(offset, _))) ⇒
case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ cmd match {
case _ if storage.isEmpty ⇒
case Abort ⇒
storage = Vector.empty
case _ ⇒
case Ack(seq, ack) ⇒ acknowledge(seq, ack)
case cmd: Command ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
case evt: Event ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
private def buffering(nack: Int): Message ⇒ Iterable[Result] = {
var toAck = 10
var closed: CloseCommand = null
case Write(data, ack) ⇒
buffer(Write(data, Ack(currentOffset, ack)), doWrite = false)
case WritingResumed ⇒
case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ cmd match {
case Abort ⇒
storage = Vector.empty
case _ ⇒
closed = cmd
case Ack(seq, ack) if seq < nack ⇒ acknowledge(seq, ack)
case Ack(seq, ack) ⇒
val ackMsg = acknowledge(seq, ack)
if (storage.nonEmpty) {
if (toAck > 0) {
toAck -= 1
ctx.dealias(ackMsg) ++ Seq(Right(storage(0)))
} else {
become(if (closed != null) closing(closed) else writing)
ctx.dealias(ackMsg) ++ storage.map(Right(_))
} else if (closed != null) {
ctx.dealias(ackMsg) ++ Seq(Right(closed))
} else {
case CommandFailed(_: Write) ⇒ ctx.nothing
case cmd: Command ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
case evt: Event ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
private def closing(cmd: CloseCommand): Message ⇒ Iterable[Result] = {
case Ack(seq, ack) ⇒
val result = acknowledge(seq, ack)
if (storage.isEmpty) {
ctx.dealias(result) ++ Seq(Right(cmd))
} else result
case CommandFailed(_: Write) ⇒
case WritingResumed ⇒
case CommandFailed(_: Write) ⇒ ctx.nothing
case cmd: Command ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
case evt: Event ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
case cmd: Command ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
case evt: Event ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
private val finished: Message ⇒ Iterable[Result] = {
case _: Write ⇒ ctx.nothing
case CommandFailed(_: Write) ⇒ ctx.nothing
case cmd: Command ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
case evt: Event ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
private def buffer(w: Write, doWrite: Boolean): Iterable[Result] = {
storage :+= w
stored += w.data.size
if (stored > maxBytes) {
log.warning("aborting connection (buffer overrun)")
} else if (stored > highBytes && !suspended) {
log.debug("suspending writes")
suspended = true
if (doWrite) {
Seq(Right(w), Left(HighWatermarkReached))
} else {
} else if (doWrite) {
} else Nil
private def acknowledge(seq: Int, ack: Event): Iterable[Result] = {
require(seq == storageOffset, s"received ack $seq at $storageOffset")
require(storage.nonEmpty, s"storage was empty at ack $seq")
val size = storage(0).data.size
stored -= size
storageOffset += 1
storage = storage drop 1
if (suspended && stored < lowBytes) {
log.debug("resuming writes")
suspended = false
if (ack == NoAck) ctx.singleEvent(LowWatermarkReached)
else Vector(Left(ack), Left(LowWatermarkReached))
} else if (ack == NoAck) ctx.nothing
else ctx.singleEvent(ack)
* Pipeline stage for length-field encoded framing. It will prepend a
* four-byte length header to the message; the header contains the length of
* the resulting frame including header in big-endian representation.
* The `maxSize` argument is used to protect the communication channel sanity:
* larger frames will not be sent (silently dropped) or received (in which case
* stream decoding would be broken, hence throwing an IllegalArgumentException).
class LengthFieldFrame(maxSize: Int,
byteOrder: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN,
headerSize: Int = 4,
lengthIncludesHeader: Boolean = true)
extends SymmetricPipelineStage[PipelineContext, ByteString, ByteString] {
require(byteOrder ne null, "byteOrder must not be null")
require(headerSize > 0 && headerSize <= 4, "headerSize must be in (0, 4]")
require(maxSize > 0, "maxSize must be positive")
require(maxSize <= (Int.MaxValue >> (4 - headerSize) * 8) * (if (headerSize == 4) 1 else 2),
"maxSize cannot exceed 256**headerSize")
override def apply(ctx: PipelineContext) =
new SymmetricPipePair[ByteString, ByteString] {
var buffer = None: Option[ByteString]
implicit val byteOrder = LengthFieldFrame.this.byteOrder
* Extract as many complete frames as possible from the given ByteString
* and return the remainder together with the extracted frames in reverse
* order.
def extractFrames(bs: ByteString, acc: List[ByteString]) //
: (Option[ByteString], Seq[ByteString]) = {
if (bs.isEmpty) {
(None, acc)
} else if (bs.length < headerSize) {
(Some(bs.compact), acc)
} else {
val length = bs.iterator.getLongPart(headerSize).toInt
if (length < 0 || length > maxSize)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"received too large frame of size $length (max = $maxSize)")
val total = if (lengthIncludesHeader) length else length + headerSize
if (bs.length >= total) {
extractFrames(bs drop total, bs.slice(headerSize, total) :: acc)
} else {
(Some(bs.compact), acc)
* This is how commands (writes) are transformed: calculate length
* including header, write that to a ByteStringBuilder and append the
* payload data. The result is a single command (i.e. `Right(...)`).
override def commandPipeline =
{ bs: ByteString ⇒
val length =
if (lengthIncludesHeader) bs.length + headerSize else bs.length
if (length > maxSize) Seq()
else {
val bb = ByteString.newBuilder
bb.putLongPart(length, headerSize)
bb ++= bs
* This is how events (reads) are transformed: append the received
* ByteString to the buffer (if any) and extract the frames from the
* result. In the end store the new buffer contents and return the
* list of events (i.e. `Left(...)`).
override def eventPipeline =
{ bs: ByteString ⇒
val data = if (buffer.isEmpty) bs else buffer.get ++ bs
val (nb, frames) = extractFrames(data, Nil)
buffer = nb
* please note the specialized (optimized) facility for emitting
* just a single event
frames match {
case Nil ⇒ Nil
case one :: Nil ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(one)
case many ⇒ many reverseMap (Left(_))
* Pipeline stage for delimiter byte based framing and de-framing. Useful for string oriented protocol using '\n'
* or 0 as delimiter values.
* @param maxSize The maximum size of the frame the pipeline is willing to decode. Not checked for encoding, as the
* sender might decide to pass through multiple chunks in one go (multiple lines in case of a line-based
* protocol)
* @param delimiter The sequence of bytes that will be used as the delimiter for decoding.
* @param includeDelimiter If enabled, the delmiter bytes will be part of the decoded messages. In the case of sends
* the delimiter has to be appended to the end of frames by the user. It is also possible
* to send multiple frames by embedding multiple delimiters in the passed ByteString
class DelimiterFraming(maxSize: Int, delimiter: ByteString = ByteString('\n'), includeDelimiter: Boolean = false)
extends SymmetricPipelineStage[PipelineContext, ByteString, ByteString] {
require(maxSize > 0, "maxSize must be positive")
require(delimiter.nonEmpty, "delimiter must not be empty")
override def apply(ctx: PipelineContext) = new SymmetricPipePair[ByteString, ByteString] {
val singleByteDelimiter: Boolean = delimiter.size == 1
var buffer: ByteString = ByteString.empty
var delimiterFragment: Option[ByteString] = None
val firstByteOfDelimiter = delimiter.head
private def extractParts(nextChunk: ByteString, acc: List[ByteString]): List[ByteString] = delimiterFragment match {
case Some(fragment) if nextChunk.size < fragment.size && fragment.startsWith(nextChunk) ⇒
buffer ++= nextChunk
delimiterFragment = Some(fragment.drop(nextChunk.size))
// We got the missing parts of the delimiter
case Some(fragment) if nextChunk.startsWith(fragment) ⇒
val decoded = if (includeDelimiter) buffer ++ fragment else buffer.take(buffer.size - delimiter.size + fragment.size)
buffer = ByteString.empty
delimiterFragment = None
extractParts(nextChunk.drop(fragment.size), decoded :: acc)
case _ ⇒
val matchPosition = nextChunk.indexOf(firstByteOfDelimiter)
if (matchPosition == -1) {
delimiterFragment = None
val minSize = buffer.size + nextChunk.size
if (minSize > maxSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Received too large frame of size $minSize (max = $maxSize)")
buffer ++= nextChunk
} else if (matchPosition + delimiter.size > nextChunk.size) {
val delimiterMatchLength = nextChunk.size - matchPosition
if (nextChunk.drop(matchPosition) == delimiter.take(delimiterMatchLength)) {
buffer ++= nextChunk
// we are expecting the other parts of the delimiter
delimiterFragment = Some(delimiter.drop(nextChunk.size - matchPosition))
} else {
// false positive
delimiterFragment = None
buffer ++= nextChunk.take(matchPosition + 1)
extractParts(nextChunk.drop(matchPosition + 1), acc)
} else {
delimiterFragment = None
val missingBytes: Int = if (includeDelimiter) matchPosition + delimiter.size else matchPosition
val expectedSize = buffer.size + missingBytes
if (expectedSize > maxSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Received frame already of size $expectedSize (max = $maxSize)")
if (singleByteDelimiter || nextChunk.slice(matchPosition, matchPosition + delimiter.size) == delimiter) {
val decoded = buffer ++ nextChunk.take(missingBytes)
buffer = ByteString.empty
extractParts(nextChunk.drop(matchPosition + delimiter.size), decoded :: acc)
} else {
buffer ++= nextChunk.take(matchPosition + 1)
extractParts(nextChunk.drop(matchPosition + 1), acc)
override val eventPipeline = {
bs: ByteString ⇒
val parts = extractParts(bs, Nil)
buffer = buffer.compact // TODO: This should be properly benchmarked and memory profiled
parts match {
case Nil ⇒ Nil
case one :: Nil ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(one.compact)
case many ⇒ many reverseMap { frame ⇒ Left(frame.compact) }
override val commandPipeline = {
bs: ByteString ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(bs)
* Simple convenience pipeline stage for turning Strings into ByteStrings and vice versa.
* @param charset The character set to be used for encoding and decoding the raw byte representation of the strings.
class StringByteStringAdapter(charset: String = "utf-8")
extends PipelineStage[PipelineContext, String, ByteString, String, ByteString] {
override def apply(ctx: PipelineContext) = new PipePair[String, ByteString, String, ByteString] {
val commandPipeline = (str: String) ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(ByteString(str, charset))
val eventPipeline = (bs: ByteString) ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(bs.decodeString(charset))
* This trait expresses that the pipeline’s context needs to provide a logging
* facility.
trait HasLogging extends PipelineContext {
* Retrieve the [[akka.event.LoggingAdapter]] for this pipeline’s context.
def getLogger: LoggingAdapter
* This trait expresses that the pipeline’s context needs to live within an
* actor and provide its ActorContext.
trait HasActorContext extends PipelineContext {
* Retrieve the [[akka.actor.ActorContext]] for this pipeline’s context.
def getContext: ActorContext
object TickGenerator {
* This message type is used by the TickGenerator to trigger
* the rescheduling of the next Tick. The actor hosting the pipeline
* which includes a TickGenerator must arrange for messages of this
* type to be injected into the management port of the pipeline.
trait Trigger
* This message type is emitted by the TickGenerator to the whole
* pipeline, informing all stages about the time at which this Tick
* was emitted (relative to some arbitrary epoch).
case class Tick(@BeanProperty timestamp: FiniteDuration) extends Trigger
* This pipeline stage does not alter the events or commands
class TickGenerator[Cmd <: AnyRef, Evt <: AnyRef](interval: FiniteDuration)
extends PipelineStage[HasActorContext, Cmd, Cmd, Evt, Evt] {
import TickGenerator._
override def apply(ctx: HasActorContext) =
new PipePair[Cmd, Cmd, Evt, Evt] {
// use unique object to avoid double-activation on actor restart
private val trigger: Trigger = {
val path = ctx.getContext.self.path
new Trigger {
override def toString = s"Tick[$path]"
private def schedule() =
interval, ctx.getContext.self, trigger)(ctx.getContext.dispatcher)
// automatically activate this generator
override val commandPipeline = (cmd: Cmd) ⇒ ctx.singleCommand(cmd)
override val eventPipeline = (evt: Evt) ⇒ ctx.singleEvent(evt)
override val managementPort: Mgmt = {
case `trigger` ⇒
ctx.getContext.self ! Tick(Deadline.now.time)
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