com.amazonaws.mws.MarketplaceWebServiceClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2009 Amazon Services.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* *****************************************************************************
* Marketplace Web Service Java Library
* API Version: 2009-01-01
* Generated: Tue Feb 17 13:31:26 PST 2009
package com.amazonaws.mws;
import com.amazonaws.mws.model.*;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.http.*;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.protocol.ClientContext;
import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnRoutePNames;
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.CoreProtocolPNames;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* The Amazon Marketplace Web Service contain APIs for inventory and order management.
* MarketplaceWebServiceClient is implementation of MarketplaceWebService based on the
* Apache HttpClient.
public class MarketplaceWebServiceClient implements MarketplaceWebService {
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MarketplaceWebServiceClient.class);
private String awsAccessKeyId = null;
private String awsSecretAccessKey = null;
private MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = null;
private HttpClient httpClient = null;
private CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
private HttpContext httpContext= null;
private ExecutorService asyncExecutor;
private List defaultHeaders = new ArrayList();
private static JAXBContext jaxbContext;
private static ThreadLocal unmarshaller;
private static Pattern ERROR_PATTERN_ONE = Pattern.compile(".*\\(.*)\\ .*\\" +
\\(.*)\\ \\ .*(\\)?.*",
Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
private static Pattern ERROR_PATTERN_TWO = Pattern.compile(".*\\\\(.*)\\
\\(.*)" +
"\\ \\ .*(\\)?.*\\(.*)\\ .*",
Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
private static String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
/** Initialize JAXBContext and Unmarshaller **/
static {
try {
jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.amazonaws.mws.model", MarketplaceWebService.class.getClassLoader());
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
unmarshaller = new ThreadLocal() {
protected synchronized Unmarshaller initialValue() {
try {
return jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
} catch(JAXBException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
* Constructs MarketplaceWebServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
* @param awsAccessKeyId
* AWS Access Key ID
* @param awsSecretAccessKey
* AWS Secret Access Key
public MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
String awsAccessKeyId,
String awsSecretAccessKey,
String applicationName,
String applicationVersion) {
this( awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey,
applicationName, applicationVersion,
new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig());
* Constructs MarketplaceWebServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key
* and max number of threads to spawn for async operations
* @param awsAccessKeyId
* AWS Access Key ID
* @param awsSecretAccessKey
* AWS Secret Access Key
* @param maxAsyncThreads
* Max number of threads to spawn for async operation.
public MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
String awsAccessKeyId,
String awsSecretAccessKey,
String applicationName,
String applicationVersion,
int maxAsyncThreads) {
this( awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey,
applicationName, applicationVersion,
new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig().withMaxAsyncThreads(maxAsyncThreads));
* Constructs MarketplaceWebServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key
* and MarketplaceWebServiceConfig. Use MarketplaceWebServiceConfig to pass additional
* configuration that affects how service is being called.
* @param awsAccessKeyId
* AWS Access Key ID
* @param awsSecretAccessKey
* AWS Secret Access Key
* @param config
* Additional configuration options
public MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
String awsAccessKeyId,
String awsSecretAccessKey,
String applicationName,
String applicationVersion,
MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config) {
this.awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId;
this.awsSecretAccessKey = awsSecretAccessKey;
this.config = config;
this.httpClient = configureHttpClient(applicationName, applicationVersion);
this.asyncExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(config.getMaxAsyncThreads(),
config.getMaxAsyncThreads(), 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new ArrayBlockingQueue(config.getMaxAsyncQueueSize()) {
public boolean offer(Runnable task) {
log.debug("Maximum number of concurrent threads reached, queuing task...");
return super.offer(task);
new ThreadFactory() {
private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
public Thread newThread(Runnable task) {
Thread thread = new Thread(task, "MarketplaceWebServiceClient-Thread-" +
if (thread.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {
log.debug("ThreadFactory created new thread: " + thread.getName());
return thread;
new RejectedExecutionHandler() {
public void rejectedExecution(Runnable task, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
log.debug("Maximum number of concurrent threads reached, and queue is full. " +
"Running task in the calling thread..." + Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (!executor.isShutdown()) {;
// Public API ------------------------------------------------------------//
* Get Report
* The GetReport operation returns the contents of a report. Reports can potentially be
* very large (>100MB) which is why we only return one report at a time, and in a
* streaming fashion.
* @param request
* GetReportRequest request
* @return
* GetReport Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportResponse getReport(GetReportRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportResponse.class, convertGetReport(request), request);
* Non-blocking Get Report
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportResponse>>();
* for (GetReportRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportResponse> future pointer to GetReportResponse
public Future getReportAsync(final GetReportRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReport(request);
return response;
* Get Report Schedule Count
* returns the number of report schedules
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleCountRequest request
* @return
* GetReportScheduleCount Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportScheduleCountResponse getReportScheduleCount(GetReportScheduleCountRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportScheduleCountResponse.class, convertGetReportScheduleCount(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Schedule Count
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportScheduleCountResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportScheduleCountResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportScheduleCountResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportScheduleCountResponse>>();
* for (GetReportScheduleCountRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportScheduleCountAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportScheduleCountResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportScheduleCountResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleCountRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportScheduleCountResponse> future pointer to GetReportScheduleCountResponse
public Future getReportScheduleCountAsync(final GetReportScheduleCountRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportScheduleCountResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportScheduleCount(request);
return response;
* Get Report Request List By Next Token
* retrieve the next batch of list items and if there are more items to retrieve
* @param request
* GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return
* GetReportRequestListByNextToken Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse getReportRequestListByNextToken(GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse.class, convertGetReportRequestListByNextToken(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Request List By Next Token
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse>>();
* for (GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportRequestListByNextTokenAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse> future pointer to GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse
public Future getReportRequestListByNextTokenAsync(final GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportRequestListByNextTokenResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportRequestListByNextToken(request);
return response;
* Update Report Acknowledgements
* The UpdateReportAcknowledgements operation updates the acknowledged status of one or more reports.
* @param request
* UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request
* @return
* UpdateReportAcknowledgements Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse updateReportAcknowledgements(UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse.class, convertUpdateReportAcknowledgements(request));
* Non-blocking Update Report Acknowledgements
* Returns future
pointer to UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse>>();
* for (UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.updateReportAcknowledgementsAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request
* @return Future<UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse> future pointer to UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse
public Future updateReportAcknowledgementsAsync(final UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public UpdateReportAcknowledgementsResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return updateReportAcknowledgements(request);
return response;
* Submit Feed
* Uploads a file for processing together with the necessary
* metadata to process the file, such as which type of feed it is.
* PurgeAndReplace if true means that your existing e.g. inventory is
* wiped out and replace with the contents of this feed - use with
* caution (the default is false).
* @param request
* SubmitFeedRequest request
* @return
* SubmitFeed Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public SubmitFeedResponse submitFeed(SubmitFeedRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(SubmitFeedResponse.class, convertSubmitFeed(request), request);
* Non-blocking Submit Feed
* Returns future
pointer to SubmitFeedResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return SubmitFeedResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<SubmitFeedResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<SubmitFeedResponse>>();
* for (SubmitFeedRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.submitFeedAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<SubmitFeedResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* SubmitFeedResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* SubmitFeedRequest request
* @return Future<SubmitFeedResponse> future pointer to SubmitFeedResponse
public Future submitFeedAsync(final SubmitFeedRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public SubmitFeedResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return submitFeed(request);
return response;
* Submit Feed From File
* Uploads a file from disk for processing together with the necessary
* metadata to process the file, such as which type of feed it is.
* PurgeAndReplace if true means that your existing e.g. inventory is
* wiped out and replace with the contents of this feed - use with
* caution (the default is false).
* This function assumes the Content MD5 value is unset in the request, and will
* set it before making the Submit Feed request. The Feed Content must be stored
* on disk, as the assumption is that the content is accessed through
* a FileInputStream.
* @param request
* SubmitFeedRequest request without the contentMd5 field set.
* @return
* SubmitFeed Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public SubmitFeedResponse submitFeedFromFile( SubmitFeedRequest request )
throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
try {
String contentMd5 = computeContentMD5HeaderValue( (FileInputStream)request.getFeedContent() );
request.setContentMD5( contentMd5 );
catch( Throwable t ) {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException( t );
return submitFeed( request );
* Non-blocking Submit Feed From File
* Returns future
pointer to SubmitFeedResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return SubmitFeedResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<SubmitFeedResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<SubmitFeedResponse>>();
* for (SubmitFeedRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.submitFeedFromFileAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<SubmitFeedResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* SubmitFeedResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* SubmitFeedRequest request
* @return Future<SubmitFeedResponse> future pointer to SubmitFeedResponse
public Future submitFeedFromFileAsync(final SubmitFeedRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public SubmitFeedResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return submitFeedFromFile( request );
return response;
* Get Report Count
* returns a count of reports matching your criteria;
* by default, the number of reports generated in the last 90 days,
* regardless of acknowledgment status
* @param request
* GetReportCountRequest request
* @return
* GetReportCount Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportCountResponse getReportCount(GetReportCountRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportCountResponse.class, convertGetReportCount(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Count
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportCountResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportCountResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportCountResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportCountResponse>>();
* for (GetReportCountRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportCountAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportCountResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportCountResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportCountRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportCountResponse> future pointer to GetReportCountResponse
public Future getReportCountAsync(final GetReportCountRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportCountResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportCount(request);
return response;
* Get Feed Submission List By Next Token
* retrieve the next batch of list items and if there are more items to retrieve
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return
* GetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse getFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse.class, convertGetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(request));
* Non-blocking Get Feed Submission List By Next Token
* Returns future
pointer to GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse>>();
* for (GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return Future<GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse> future pointer to GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse
public Future getFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenAsync(final GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(request);
return response;
* Cancel Feed Submissions
* cancels feed submissions - by default all of the submissions of the
* last 30 days that have not started processing
* @param request
* CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request
* @return
* CancelFeedSubmissions Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse cancelFeedSubmissions(CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse.class, convertCancelFeedSubmissions(request));
* Non-blocking Cancel Feed Submissions
* Returns future
pointer to CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse>>();
* for (CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.cancelFeedSubmissionsAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request
* @return Future<CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse> future pointer to CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse
public Future cancelFeedSubmissionsAsync(final CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public CancelFeedSubmissionsResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return cancelFeedSubmissions(request);
return response;
* Request Report
* requests the generation of a report
* @param request
* RequestReportRequest request
* @return
* RequestReport Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public RequestReportResponse requestReport(RequestReportRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(RequestReportResponse.class, convertRequestReport(request));
* Non-blocking Request Report
* Returns future
pointer to RequestReportResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return RequestReportResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<RequestReportResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<RequestReportResponse>>();
* for (RequestReportRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.requestReportAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<RequestReportResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* RequestReportResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* RequestReportRequest request
* @return Future<RequestReportResponse> future pointer to RequestReportResponse
public Future requestReportAsync(final RequestReportRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public RequestReportResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return requestReport(request);
return response;
* Get Feed Submission Count
* returns the number of feeds matching all of the specified criteria
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request
* @return
* GetFeedSubmissionCount Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse getFeedSubmissionCount(GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse.class, convertGetFeedSubmissionCount(request));
* Non-blocking Get Feed Submission Count
* Returns future
pointer to GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse>>();
* for (GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getFeedSubmissionCountAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request
* @return Future<GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse> future pointer to GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse
public Future getFeedSubmissionCountAsync(final GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetFeedSubmissionCountResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getFeedSubmissionCount(request);
return response;
* Cancel Report Requests
* cancels report request that have not yet started processing,
* by default all those within the last 90 days
* @param request
* CancelReportRequestsRequest request
* @return
* CancelReportRequests Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public CancelReportRequestsResponse cancelReportRequests(CancelReportRequestsRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(CancelReportRequestsResponse.class, convertCancelReportRequests(request));
* Non-blocking Cancel Report Requests
* Returns future
pointer to CancelReportRequestsResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return CancelReportRequestsResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<CancelReportRequestsResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<CancelReportRequestsResponse>>();
* for (CancelReportRequestsRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.cancelReportRequestsAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<CancelReportRequestsResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* CancelReportRequestsResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* CancelReportRequestsRequest request
* @return Future<CancelReportRequestsResponse> future pointer to CancelReportRequestsResponse
public Future cancelReportRequestsAsync(final CancelReportRequestsRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public CancelReportRequestsResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return cancelReportRequests(request);
return response;
* Get Report List
* returns a list of reports; by default the most recent ten reports,
* regardless of their acknowledgment status
* @param request
* GetReportListRequest request
* @return
* GetReportList Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportListResponse getReportList(GetReportListRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportListResponse.class, convertGetReportList(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report List
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportListResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportListResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportListResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportListResponse>>();
* for (GetReportListRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportListAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportListResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportListResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportListRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportListResponse> future pointer to GetReportListResponse
public Future getReportListAsync(final GetReportListRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportListResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportList(request);
return response;
* Get Feed Submission Result
* retrieves the feed processing report
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request
* @return
* GetFeedSubmissionResult Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse getFeedSubmissionResult(GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse.class, convertGetFeedSubmissionResult(request), request);
* Non-blocking Get Feed Submission Result
* Returns future
pointer to GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse>>();
* for (GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getFeedSubmissionResultAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request
* @return Future<GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse> future pointer to GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse
public Future getFeedSubmissionResultAsync(final GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getFeedSubmissionResult(request);
return response;
* Get Feed Submission List
* returns a list of feed submission identifiers and their associated metadata
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request
* @return
* GetFeedSubmissionList Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetFeedSubmissionListResponse getFeedSubmissionList(GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetFeedSubmissionListResponse.class, convertGetFeedSubmissionList(request));
* Non-blocking Get Feed Submission List
* Returns future
pointer to GetFeedSubmissionListResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetFeedSubmissionListResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetFeedSubmissionListResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetFeedSubmissionListResponse>>();
* for (GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getFeedSubmissionListAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetFeedSubmissionListResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetFeedSubmissionListResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request
* @return Future<GetFeedSubmissionListResponse> future pointer to GetFeedSubmissionListResponse
public Future getFeedSubmissionListAsync(final GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetFeedSubmissionListResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getFeedSubmissionList(request);
return response;
* Get Report Request List
* returns a list of report requests ids and their associated metadata
* @param request
* GetReportRequestListRequest request
* @return
* GetReportRequestList Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportRequestListResponse getReportRequestList(GetReportRequestListRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportRequestListResponse.class, convertGetReportRequestList(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Request List
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportRequestListResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportRequestListResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportRequestListResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportRequestListResponse>>();
* for (GetReportRequestListRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportRequestListAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportRequestListResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportRequestListResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportRequestListRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportRequestListResponse> future pointer to GetReportRequestListResponse
public Future getReportRequestListAsync(final GetReportRequestListRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportRequestListResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportRequestList(request);
return response;
* Get Report Schedule List By Next Token
* retrieve the next batch of list items and if there are more items to retrieve
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return
* GetReportScheduleListByNextToken Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse getReportScheduleListByNextToken(GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse.class, convertGetReportScheduleListByNextToken(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Schedule List By Next Token
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse>>();
* for (GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportScheduleListByNextTokenAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse> future pointer to GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse
public Future getReportScheduleListByNextTokenAsync(final GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportScheduleListByNextToken(request);
return response;
* Get Report List By Next Token
* retrieve the next batch of list items and if there are more items to retrieve
* @param request
* GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return
* GetReportListByNextToken Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportListByNextTokenResponse getReportListByNextToken(GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportListByNextTokenResponse.class, convertGetReportListByNextToken(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report List By Next Token
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportListByNextTokenResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportListByNextTokenResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportListByNextTokenResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportListByNextTokenResponse>>();
* for (GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportListByNextTokenAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportListByNextTokenResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportListByNextTokenResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportListByNextTokenResponse> future pointer to GetReportListByNextTokenResponse
public Future getReportListByNextTokenAsync(final GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportListByNextTokenResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportListByNextToken(request);
return response;
* Manage Report Schedule
* Creates, updates, or deletes a report schedule
* for a given report type, such as order reports in particular.
* @param request
* ManageReportScheduleRequest request
* @return
* ManageReportSchedule Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public ManageReportScheduleResponse manageReportSchedule(ManageReportScheduleRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(ManageReportScheduleResponse.class, convertManageReportSchedule(request));
* Non-blocking Manage Report Schedule
* Returns future
pointer to ManageReportScheduleResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return ManageReportScheduleResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<ManageReportScheduleResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<ManageReportScheduleResponse>>();
* for (ManageReportScheduleRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.manageReportScheduleAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<ManageReportScheduleResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* ManageReportScheduleResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* ManageReportScheduleRequest request
* @return Future<ManageReportScheduleResponse> future pointer to ManageReportScheduleResponse
public Future manageReportScheduleAsync(final ManageReportScheduleRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public ManageReportScheduleResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return manageReportSchedule(request);
return response;
* Get Report Request Count
* returns a count of report requests; by default all the report
* requests in the last 90 days
* @param request
* GetReportRequestCountRequest request
* @return
* GetReportRequestCount Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportRequestCountResponse getReportRequestCount(GetReportRequestCountRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportRequestCountResponse.class, convertGetReportRequestCount(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Request Count
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportRequestCountResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportRequestCountResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportRequestCountResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportRequestCountResponse>>();
* for (GetReportRequestCountRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportRequestCountAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportRequestCountResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportRequestCountResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportRequestCountRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportRequestCountResponse> future pointer to GetReportRequestCountResponse
public Future getReportRequestCountAsync(final GetReportRequestCountRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportRequestCountResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportRequestCount(request);
return response;
* Get Report Schedule List
* returns the list of report schedules
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleListRequest request
* @return
* GetReportScheduleList Response from the service
* @throws MarketplaceWebServiceException
public GetReportScheduleListResponse getReportScheduleList(GetReportScheduleListRequest request) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke(GetReportScheduleListResponse.class, convertGetReportScheduleList(request));
* Non-blocking Get Report Schedule List
* Returns future
pointer to GetReportScheduleListResponse
* If response is ready, call to future.get()
* will return GetReportScheduleListResponse.
* If response is not ready, call to future.get()
will block the
* calling thread until response is returned.
* Note, future.get()
will throw wrapped runtime exception.
* If service error has occured, MarketplaceWebServiceException can be extracted with
* exception.getCause()
* Usage example for parallel processing:
* List<Future<GetReportScheduleListResponse>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<GetReportScheduleListResponse>>();
* for (GetReportScheduleListRequest request : requests) {
* responses.add(client.getReportScheduleListAsync(request));
* }
* for (Future<GetReportScheduleListResponse> future : responses) {
* while (!future.isDone()) {
* Thread.yield();
* }
* try {
* GetReportScheduleListResponse response = future.get();
* // use response
* } catch (Exception e) {
* if (e instanceof MarketplaceWebServiceException) {
* MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = MarketplaceWebServiceException.class.cast(e);
* // handle MarketplaceWebServiceException
* } else {
* // handle other exceptions
* }
* }
* }
* @param request
* GetReportScheduleListRequest request
* @return Future<GetReportScheduleListResponse> future pointer to GetReportScheduleListResponse
public Future getReportScheduleListAsync(final GetReportScheduleListRequest request) {
Future response = asyncExecutor.submit(new Callable() {
public GetReportScheduleListResponse call() throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return getReportScheduleList(request);
return response;
* Remove all leading whitespace, trailing whitespace, repeated whitespace
* and replace any interior whitespace with a single space
private static String clean(String s) {
return s
.replaceAll("\\s", " ")
.replaceAll(" {2,}", " ")
public static String quoteAppName(String s) {
return clean(s)
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("/", "\\/");
public static String quoteAppVersion(String s) {
return clean(s)
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("(", "\\(");
public static String quoteAttributeName(String s) {
return clean(s)
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("=", "\\=");
public static String quoteAttributeValue(String s) {
return clean(s)
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace(";", "\\;")
.replace(")", "\\)");
private static final String mwsClientLibraryVersion = "2016-09-21";
// Private API ------------------------------------------------------------//
* Configure HttpClient with set of defaults as well as configuration
* from MarketplaceWebServiceConfig instance
private HttpClient configureHttpClient(
String applicationName,
String applicationVersion) {
// respect a user-provided User-Agent header as-is, but if none is provided
// then generate one satisfying the MWS User-Agent requirements
if(config.getUserAgent()==null) {
defaultHeaders.add(new BasicHeader("X-Amazon-User-Agent", config.getUserAgent()));
/* Set http client parameters */
BasicHttpParams httpParams = new BasicHttpParams();
httpParams.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT, config.getUserAgent());
/* Set connection parameters */
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, config.getConnectionTimeout());
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParams, config.getSoTimeout());
HttpConnectionParams.setStaleCheckingEnabled(httpParams, true);
HttpConnectionParams.setTcpNoDelay(httpParams, true);
/* Set connection manager */
PoolingClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingClientConnectionManager();
/* Set http client */
httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(connectionManager, httpParams);
httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();
/* Set proxy if configured */
if (config.isSetProxyHost() && config.isSetProxyPort()) {
String proxyProtocol = null;
if (config.isSetProxyProtocol()) {
//User explicitly set how to talk to proxy
proxyProtocol = config.getProxyProtocol().toString().toLowerCase();
else {
// assume that the mws endpoint url determines the protocol
// for the proxy as well
proxyProtocol = usesHttps(config.getServiceURL()) ? "https" : "http";
}"Configuring Proxy. Proxy Host: " + config.getProxyHost() +
" Proxy Port: " + config.getProxyPort() + " Proxy protocol: "+ proxyProtocol);
final HttpHost hostConfiguration = new HttpHost(config.getProxyHost(), config.getProxyPort(), proxyProtocol );
httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();
httpClient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, hostConfiguration);
if (config.isSetProxyUsername() && config.isSetProxyPassword()) {
credentialsProvider.setCredentials (new AuthScope(
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(
httpContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.CREDS_PROVIDER, credentialsProvider);
return httpClient;
* Stream the response into an output stream.
private void copyResponseToOutputStream(InputStream from, OutputStream to) throws IOException {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1048576]; // 1024*1024
int read = 0;
while ((read = > 0) {
to.write(buffer, 0, read);
private void addRequiredParameters(Map< String, String > parameters) throws SignatureException {
parameters.put("Version", config.getServiceVersion());
parameters.put("SignatureVersion", "2");
parameters.put("Timestamp", getFormattedTimestamp());
parameters.put("AWSAccessKeyId", this.awsAccessKeyId);
parameters.put("Signature", signParameters(parameters, this.awsSecretAccessKey));
private String getSubmitFeedUrlParameters( Map< String, String > parameters ) throws SignatureException, MarketplaceWebServiceException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( Entry< String, String > entry : parameters.entrySet() ) {
if( sb.length() != 0 ) {
sb.append( "&" );
try {
String key = URLEncoder.encode( entry.getKey(), "UTF-8" );
String value = URLEncoder.encode( entry.getValue(), "UTF-8" );
sb.append( key + "=" + value );
catch( Throwable t ) {
log.error("Caught Exception", t);
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);
return sb.toString();
private T invoke(Class clazz, Map parameters)
throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
return invoke( clazz, parameters, null );
private T invoke(Class clazz, Map parameters, U request ) throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {
String actionName = parameters.get("Action");
T response = null;
String responseBodyString = null;
ResponseHeaderMetadata responseHeaderMetadata = null;
Method responseHeaderMetadataSetter = null;
HttpPost method = null;
try {
responseHeaderMetadataSetter = clazz.getMethod("setResponseHeaderMetadata", ResponseHeaderMetadata.class);
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Missing serviceUrl configuration value. You may obtain a list of valid MWS URLs by consulting the MWS Developer's Guide, or reviewing the sample code published along side this library.", -1, "InvalidServiceUrl", "Sender", null, null, null) {
// SubmitFeed will be the only MWS API function that will stream requests to the server.
if( request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest ) {
// For SubmitFeed, HTTP body is reserved for the Feed Content and the function parameters
// are contained within the HTTP header
SubmitFeedRequest sfr = (SubmitFeedRequest)request;
method = new HttpPost( config.getServiceURL() + "?" + getSubmitFeedUrlParameters( parameters ) );
method.setEntity( new InputStreamEntity(sfr.getFeedContent() , -1) );
/* Set content type and encoding - encoding and charset are ignored right now because
* octet-stream is the only supported transport of MWS feeds. */
method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", sfr.getContentType().toString()));
else {
method = new HttpPost(config.getServiceURL());
log.debug("Adding required parameters...");
addRequiredParametersToRequest(method, parameters);
/* Set content type and encoding */
log.debug("Setting content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase());
method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase()));
log.debug("Done adding additional required parameters. Parameters now: " + parameters);
for(Header head: defaultHeaders) {
catch( Throwable t ) {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException( t );
int status = -1;
log.debug("Invoking" + actionName + " request. Current parameters: " + parameters);
try {
boolean shouldRetry = true;
int retries = 0;
do {
log.debug("Sending Request to host: " + config.getServiceURL());
try {
/* Submit request */
HttpResponse postResponse;
postResponse = httpClient.execute(method, httpContext);
status = postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
responseHeaderMetadata = getResponseHeaderMetadata(postResponse);
// GetFeedSubmissionResult and GetReport will be the only MWS API functions that will stream
// server responses.
boolean isStreamingResponse = (request instanceof GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest || request instanceof GetReportRequest);
if( !isStreamingResponse ) {
// SubmitFeed
responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());
assert( responseBodyString != null );
/* Successful response. Attempting to unmarshal into the Response type */
if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && responseBodyString != null) {
shouldRetry = false;
log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + ". " +
"Response Body: " + responseBodyString);
log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the " + actionName + "Response type...");
response = clazz.cast(getUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString))));
responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);
log.debug("Unmarshalled response into " + actionName + "Response type.");
else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && isStreamingResponse ) {
Method outputStreamGetter = null;
for( Method m : request.getClass().getMethods() ) {
if( m.getName().matches( "get.+OutputStream$" ) ) {
outputStreamGetter = m;
OutputStream originalOs = (OutputStream)outputStreamGetter.invoke( request, new Object[0] );
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
DigestOutputStream os = new DigestOutputStream(originalOs, messageDigest);
// Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
// must carry the generated unique request id as a HTTP
// header (x-amz-request-id) as it cannot be passed in a
// wrapper to the XML response.
String requestIdFromHeader = null;
requestIdFromHeader = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "x-amz-request-id").getValue();
// Avoid use of the JDK-1.6-only isEmpty() call.
if(requestIdFromHeader==null || requestIdFromHeader.length()==0) {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
"no request id returned in the x-amz-request-id HTTP header " +
"for a streaming response call - please contact Amazon");
String returnedContentMD5 = null;
returnedContentMD5 = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "Content-MD5").getValue();
copyResponseToOutputStream(postResponse.getEntity().getContent(), os);
// Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
// must also carry a Content-MD5 header and it must
// match the calculated MD5 for the body.
String calculatedContentMD5 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(messageDigest.digest()), "UTF-8");
if(!calculatedContentMD5.equals(returnedContentMD5)) {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
"Content-MD5 HTTP header transmitted by MWS ("+returnedContentMD5+") " +
"does not match the calculated MD5 ("+calculatedContentMD5+") " +
"in request id "+requestIdFromHeader+" - please contact Amazon");
response = clazz.newInstance();
responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);
if( clazz == GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse.class ) {
GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse r = (GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse)response;
r.setGetFeedSubmissionResultResult( new GetFeedSubmissionResultResult( returnedContentMD5 ) );
r.setResponseMetadata( new ResponseMetadata( requestIdFromHeader ) );
else if( clazz == GetReportResponse.class ) {
GetReportResponse r = (GetReportResponse)response;
r.setGetReportResult( new GetReportResult( returnedContentMD5 ) );
r.setResponseMetadata( new ResponseMetadata( requestIdFromHeader ) );
} else {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
"unexpected streaming-response class "+clazz.getName()
+" - please contact Amazon");
shouldRetry = false;
log.debug( "Received streaming response." );
} else { /* Unsucessful response. Attempting to unmarshall into ErrorResponse type */
if( isStreamingResponse ) {
// Response body contains error message.
responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());
log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + "." );
if (status == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
&& !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
&& pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)){
shouldRetry = true;
}else {
log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the ErrorResponse type...");
ErrorResponse errorResponse = (ErrorResponse) getUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString)));
log.debug("Unmarshalled response into the ErrorResponse type.");
com.amazonaws.mws.model.Error error = errorResponse.getError().get(0);
if(status == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
&& !(error.getCode().equals("RequestThrottled"))
&& !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
&& pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)) {
shouldRetry = true;
} else {
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
(((request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest) && (error.getType().equals("Receiver")))?
error.getMessage() + " [Cannot retry SubmitFeed request: must reset InputStream to retry.]" :
} catch (JAXBException je) {
/* Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as Response or ErrorResponse types.
Checking for other possible errors. */
log.debug ("Caught JAXBException", je);
log.debug("Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as " + actionName + "Response or ErrorResponse types." +
"Checking for other possible errors.");
MarketplaceWebServiceException awse = processErrors(responseBodyString, status, responseHeaderMetadata);
throw awse;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log.error("Caught IOException exception", ioe);
if (config.isSetProxyHost() && config.isSetProxyPort() && ioe instanceof {
String error = "\n*****\n* Perhaps you are attempting to use https protocol to communicate with the proxy that does not support it.\n* If so either enable https on the proxy, or configure the client to use http communications with the proxy.\n* See MarketplaceWebServiceClientConfig.setProxyProtocol for details.\n*****";
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Internal Error", ioe);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Caught Exception", e);
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(e);
} finally {
} while (shouldRetry);
} catch (MarketplaceWebServiceException se) {
log.error("Caught MarketplaceWebServiceException", se);
throw se;
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Caught Exception", t);
throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);
return response;
private Header getFirstHeader(HttpResponse response, String headerName)
Header[] responseHeaders = response.getHeaders(headerName);
if (responseHeaders.length > 0)
return responseHeaders[0];
return null;
private ResponseHeaderMetadata getResponseHeaderMetadata(HttpResponse response) {
Header requestId = null;
Header responseContext = null;
Header timestamp = null;
requestId = getFirstHeader(response, "x-mws-request-id");
responseContext = getFirstHeader(response, "x-mws-response-context");
timestamp = getFirstHeader(response, "x-mws-timestamp");
return new ResponseHeaderMetadata(
requestId != null ? requestId.getValue() : null,
responseContext != null ? responseContext.getValue() : null,
timestamp != null ? timestamp.getValue() : null);
* Calculate content MD5 header values for feeds stored on disk.
private String computeContentMD5HeaderValue( FileInputStream fis )
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream( fis, MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ));
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
while( buffer ) > 0 );
String md5Content = new String( org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64(dis.getMessageDigest().digest()) );
// Effectively resets the stream to be beginning of the file via a FileChannel.
fis.getChannel().position( 0 );
return md5Content;
* Read stream into string
* @param input stream to read
private String getResponsBodyAsString(InputStream input) throws IOException {
String responsBodyString = null;
try {
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
char[] c = new char[1024];
int len;
while (0 < (len = {
b.append(c, 0, len);
responsBodyString = b.toString();
} finally {
return responsBodyString;
* Exponential sleep on failed request. Sleeps and returns true if retry needed
* @param retries current retry
* @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
private boolean pauseIfRetryNeeded(int retries)
throws InterruptedException {
if (retries <= config.getMaxErrorRetry()) {
long delay = (long) (Math.pow(4, retries) * 100L);
log.debug("Retriable error detected, will retry in " + delay + "ms, attempt numer: " + retries);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Add authentication related and version parameter and set request body
* with all of the parameters
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private void addRequiredParametersToRequest(HttpPost method, Map parameters)
throws SignatureException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
List parameterList = new ArrayList ();
for (Entry entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey()==null ? "" : entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue()==null ? "" : entry.getValue();
parameterList.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, value));
method.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(parameterList, HTTP.UTF_8));
private MarketplaceWebServiceException processErrors(String responseString, int status, ResponseHeaderMetadata metadata) {
MarketplaceWebServiceException ex = null;
Matcher matcher = null;
if (responseString != null && responseString.startsWith("<")) {
matcher = ERROR_PATTERN_ONE.matcher(responseString);
if (matcher.matches()) {
ex = new MarketplaceWebServiceException(, status,, "Unknown",, responseString, metadata);
} else {
matcher = ERROR_PATTERN_TWO.matcher(responseString);
if (matcher.matches()) {
ex = new MarketplaceWebServiceException(, status,, "Unknown",, responseString, metadata);
} else {
ex = new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Internal Error", status, metadata);
log.error("Service Error. Response Status: " + status + ". Received message: " + responseString);
} else {
ex = new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Internal Error", status, metadata);
log.error("Service Error. Response Status: " + status + ". Received message: " + responseString);
return ex;
* Formats date as ISO 8601 timestamp
private String getFormattedTimestamp() {
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
return df.format(new Date());
* Computes RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature for request parameters
* Implements AWS Signature, as per following spec:
* If Signature Version is 1, it performs the following:
* Sorts all parameters (including SignatureVersion and excluding Signature,
* the value of which is being created), ignoring case.
* Iterate over the sorted list and append the parameter name (in original case)
* and then its value. It will not URL-encode the parameter values before
* constructing this string. There are no separators.
* If Signature Version is 2, string to sign is based on following:
* 1. The HTTP Request Method followed by an ASCII newline (%0A)
* 2. The HTTP Host header in the form of lowercase host, followed by an ASCII newline.
* 3. The URL encoded HTTP absolute path component of the URI
* (up to but not including the query string parameters);
* if this is empty use a forward '/'. This parameter is followed by an ASCII newline.
* 4. The concatenation of all query string components (names and values)
* as UTF-8 characters which are URL encoded as per RFC 3986
* (hex characters MUST be uppercase), sorted using lexicographic byte ordering.
* Parameter names are separated from their values by the '=' character
* (ASCII character 61), even if the value is empty.
* Pairs of parameter and values are separated by the '&' character (ASCII code 38).
private String signParameters(Map parameters, String key)
throws SignatureException {
String signatureVersion = parameters.get("SignatureVersion");
String algorithm = "HmacSHA1";
String stringToSign = null;
if ("2".equals(signatureVersion)) {
algorithm = config.getSignatureMethod();
parameters.put("SignatureMethod", algorithm);
stringToSign = calculateStringToSignV2(parameters);
} else {
throw new SignatureException("Invalid Signature Version specified");
log.debug("Calculated string to sign: " + stringToSign);
return sign(stringToSign, key, algorithm);
* Calculate String to Sign for SignatureVersion 2
* @param parameters request parameters
* @return String to Sign
* @throws
private String calculateStringToSignV2(Map parameters)
throws SignatureException {
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
URI endpoint = null;
try {
endpoint = new URI(config.getServiceURL().toLowerCase());
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
log.error("URI Syntax Exception", ex);
throw new SignatureException("URI Syntax Exception thrown " +
"while constructing string to sign", ex);
if (!usesAStandardPort(config.getServiceURL())) {
String uri = endpoint.getPath();
if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) {
uri = "/";
Map sorted = new TreeMap();
Iterator> pairs = sorted.entrySet().iterator();
while (pairs.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry pair =;
String key = pair.getKey();
String value = pair.getValue();
if (pairs.hasNext()) {
return data.toString();
private static boolean usesHttps(String url){
URL urlToCheck;
try {
urlToCheck = new URL(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return false;
if (urlToCheck.getProtocol().equals("https")){
return true;
return false;
private static int extractPortNumber(String url, boolean usesHttps) {
URL urlToCheck;
try {
urlToCheck = new URL(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("not a URL", e);
int portNumber = urlToCheck.getPort();
if (portNumber == -1){
// no port was specified
if (usesHttps){
// it uses https, so we should return the standard https port number
return 443;
// it uses http, so we should return the standard http port number
return 80;
return portNumber;
private static boolean usesAStandardPort(String url) {
boolean usesHttps = usesHttps(url);
int portNumber = extractPortNumber(url, usesHttps);
return usesHttps && portNumber == 443
|| !usesHttps && portNumber == 80;
private String urlEncode(String rawValue) {
String value = rawValue==null ? "" : rawValue;
String encoded = null;
try {
encoded = URLEncoder.encode(value, DEFAULT_ENCODING)
.replace("+", "%20")
.replace("*", "%2A")
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
log.error("Unsupported Encoding Exception", ex);
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return encoded;
* Computes RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature.
private String sign(String data, String key, String algorithm) throws SignatureException {
byte [] signature;
try {
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(algorithm);
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), algorithm));
signature = Base64.encodeBase64(mac.doFinal(data.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING)));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SignatureException("Failed to generate signature: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return new String(signature);
* Get unmarshaller for current thread
private Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller() {
return unmarshaller.get();
* Convert GetReportRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReport(GetReportRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReport");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportId()) {
params.put("ReportId", request.getReportId());
return params;
* Convert GetReportScheduleCountRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportScheduleCount(GetReportScheduleCountRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportScheduleCount");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
return params;
* Convert GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportRequestListByNextToken(GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportRequestListByNextToken");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetNextToken()) {
params.put("NextToken", request.getNextToken());
return params;
* Convert UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertUpdateReportAcknowledgements(UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "UpdateReportAcknowledgements");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportIdList()) {
IdList reportIdList = request.getReportIdList();
java.util.List idList = reportIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("ReportIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
if (request.isSetAcknowledged()) {
params.put("Acknowledged", request.isAcknowledged() + "");
return params;
* Convert SubmitFeedRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertSubmitFeed(SubmitFeedRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "SubmitFeed");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMarketplaceIdList()) {
IdList marketplaceIdList = request.getMarketplaceIdList();
List idList = marketplaceIdList.getId();
for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) {
params.put("MarketplaceIdList.Id." + (i + 1), idList.get(i));
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetFeedType()) {
params.put("FeedType", request.getFeedType());
if (request.isSetPurgeAndReplace()) {
params.put("PurgeAndReplace", request.isPurgeAndReplace() + "");
if (request.isSetContentMD5()) {
params.put("ContentMD5Value", request.getContentMD5());
if (request.isSetFeedOptions()) {
params.put("FeedOptions", request.getFeedOptions());
return params;
* Convert GetReportCountRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportCount(GetReportCountRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportCount");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetAcknowledged()) {
params.put("Acknowledged", request.isAcknowledged() + "");
if (request.isSetAvailableFromDate()) {
params.put("AvailableFromDate", request.getAvailableFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetAvailableToDate()) {
params.put("AvailableToDate", request.getAvailableToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetNextToken()) {
params.put("NextToken", request.getNextToken());
return params;
* Convert CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertCancelFeedSubmissions(CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "CancelFeedSubmissions");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetFeedSubmissionIdList()) {
IdList feedSubmissionIdList = request.getFeedSubmissionIdList();
java.util.List idList = feedSubmissionIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("FeedSubmissionIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
if (request.isSetFeedTypeList()) {
TypeList feedTypeList = request.getFeedTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = feedTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("FeedTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetSubmittedFromDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedFromDate", request.getSubmittedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetSubmittedToDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedToDate", request.getSubmittedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert RequestReportRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertRequestReport(RequestReportRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "RequestReport");
if (request.isSetMarketplaceIdList()) {
IdList marketplaceIdList = request.getMarketplaceIdList();
List idList = marketplaceIdList.getId();
for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) {
params.put("MarketplaceIdList.Id." + (i + 1), idList.get(i));
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportType()) {
params.put("ReportType", request.getReportType());
if (request.isSetStartDate()) {
params.put("StartDate", request.getStartDate() + "");
if (request.isSetEndDate()) {
params.put("EndDate", request.getEndDate() + "");
if (request.isSetReportOptions()) {
params.put("ReportOptions", request.getReportOptions());
return params;
* Convert GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetFeedSubmissionCount(GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetFeedSubmissionCount");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetFeedTypeList()) {
TypeList feedTypeList = request.getFeedTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = feedTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("FeedTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetFeedProcessingStatusList()) {
StatusList feedProcessingStatusList = request.getFeedProcessingStatusList();
java.util.List statusList = feedProcessingStatusList.getStatus();
for (String status : statusList) {
params.put("FeedProcessingStatusList" + "." + "Status" + "." + (statusList.indexOf(status) + 1), status);
if (request.isSetSubmittedFromDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedFromDate", request.getSubmittedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetSubmittedToDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedToDate", request.getSubmittedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert CancelReportRequestsRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertCancelReportRequests(CancelReportRequestsRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "CancelReportRequests");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportRequestIdList()) {
IdList reportRequestIdList = request.getReportRequestIdList();
java.util.List idList = reportRequestIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("ReportRequestIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetReportProcessingStatusList()) {
StatusList reportProcessingStatusList = request.getReportProcessingStatusList();
java.util.List statusList = reportProcessingStatusList.getStatus();
for (String status : statusList) {
params.put("ReportProcessingStatusList" + "." + "Status" + "." + (statusList.indexOf(status) + 1), status);
if (request.isSetRequestedFromDate()) {
params.put("RequestedFromDate", request.getRequestedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetRequestedToDate()) {
params.put("RequestedToDate", request.getRequestedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetReportListRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportList(GetReportListRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportList");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetMaxCount()) {
params.put("MaxCount", request.getMaxCount() + "");
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetAcknowledged()) {
params.put("Acknowledged", request.isAcknowledged() + "");
if (request.isSetAvailableFromDate()) {
params.put("AvailableFromDate", request.getAvailableFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetAvailableToDate()) {
params.put("AvailableToDate", request.getAvailableToDate() + "");
if (request.isSetReportRequestIdList()) {
IdList reportRequestIdList = request.getReportRequestIdList();
java.util.List idList = reportRequestIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("ReportRequestIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
return params;
* Convert GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetFeedSubmissionResult(GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetFeedSubmissionResult");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetFeedSubmissionId()) {
params.put("FeedSubmissionId", request.getFeedSubmissionId());
return params;
* Convert GetFeedSubmissionListRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetFeedSubmissionList(GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetFeedSubmissionList");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetFeedSubmissionIdList()) {
IdList feedSubmissionIdList = request.getFeedSubmissionIdList();
java.util.List idList = feedSubmissionIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("FeedSubmissionIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
if (request.isSetMaxCount()) {
params.put("MaxCount", request.getMaxCount() + "");
if (request.isSetFeedTypeList()) {
TypeList feedTypeList = request.getFeedTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = feedTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("FeedTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetFeedProcessingStatusList()) {
StatusList feedProcessingStatusList = request.getFeedProcessingStatusList();
java.util.List statusList = feedProcessingStatusList.getStatus();
for (String status : statusList) {
params.put("FeedProcessingStatusList" + "." + "Status" + "." + (statusList.indexOf(status) + 1), status);
if (request.isSetSubmittedFromDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedFromDate", request.getSubmittedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetSubmittedToDate()) {
params.put("SubmittedToDate", request.getSubmittedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetReportRequestListRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportRequestList(GetReportRequestListRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportRequestList");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportRequestIdList()) {
IdList reportRequestIdList = request.getReportRequestIdList();
java.util.List idList = reportRequestIdList.getId();
for (String id : idList) {
params.put("ReportRequestIdList" + "." + "Id" + "." + (idList.indexOf(id) + 1), id);
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetReportProcessingStatusList()) {
StatusList reportProcessingStatusList = request.getReportProcessingStatusList();
java.util.List statusList = reportProcessingStatusList.getStatus();
for (String status : statusList) {
params.put("ReportProcessingStatusList" + "." + "Status" + "." + (statusList.indexOf(status) + 1), status);
if (request.isSetMaxCount()) {
params.put("MaxCount", request.getMaxCount() + "");
if (request.isSetRequestedFromDate()) {
params.put("RequestedFromDate", request.getRequestedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetRequestedToDate()) {
params.put("RequestedToDate", request.getRequestedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportScheduleListByNextToken(GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportScheduleListByNextToken");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetNextToken()) {
params.put("NextToken", request.getNextToken());
return params;
* Convert GetReportListByNextTokenRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportListByNextToken(GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportListByNextToken");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetNextToken()) {
params.put("NextToken", request.getNextToken());
return params;
* Convert ManageReportScheduleRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertManageReportSchedule(ManageReportScheduleRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "ManageReportSchedule");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportType()) {
params.put("ReportType", request.getReportType());
if (request.isSetSchedule()) {
params.put("Schedule", request.getSchedule());
if (request.isSetScheduleDate()) {
params.put("ScheduleDate", request.getScheduleDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetReportRequestCountRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportRequestCount(GetReportRequestCountRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportRequestCount");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
if (request.isSetReportProcessingStatusList()) {
StatusList reportProcessingStatusList = request.getReportProcessingStatusList();
java.util.List statusList = reportProcessingStatusList.getStatus();
for (String status : statusList) {
params.put("ReportProcessingStatusList" + "." + "Status" + "." + (statusList.indexOf(status) + 1), status);
if (request.isSetRequestedFromDate()) {
params.put("RequestedFromDate", request.getRequestedFromDate() + "");
if (request.isSetRequestedToDate()) {
params.put("RequestedToDate", request.getRequestedToDate() + "");
return params;
* Convert GetReportScheduleListRequest to name value pairs
private Map convertGetReportScheduleList(GetReportScheduleListRequest request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("Action", "GetReportScheduleList");
if (request.isSetMarketplace()) {
params.put("Marketplace", request.getMarketplace());
if (request.isSetMerchant()) {
params.put("Merchant", request.getMerchant());
if(request.isSetMWSAuthToken()) {
params.put("MWSAuthToken", request.getMWSAuthToken());
if (request.isSetReportTypeList()) {
TypeList reportTypeList = request.getReportTypeList();
java.util.List typeList = reportTypeList.getType();
for (String type : typeList) {
params.put("ReportTypeList" + "." + "Type" + "." + (typeList.indexOf(type) + 1), type);
return params;
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