net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.buttons.Button Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2015 Austin Keener, Michael Ritter, Florian Spieß, and the JDA contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.buttons;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.emoji.Emoji;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.emoji.EmojiUnion;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.ActionComponent;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.ActionRow;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.ItemComponent;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.LayoutComponent;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.restaction.interactions.ReplyCallbackAction;
import net.dv8tion.jda.internal.interactions.component.ButtonImpl;
import net.dv8tion.jda.internal.utils.Checks;
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Represents a Message Button.
These buttons are located below the message in {@link ActionRow ActionRows}.
* Each button has either a {@code custom_id} or URL attached.
* The id has to be provided by the user and can be used to identify the button in the {@link ButtonInteractionEvent ButtonInteractionEvent}.
Example Usage
* public class HelloBot extends ListenerAdapter {
* public void onSlashCommandInteraction(SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
* if (event.getName().equals("hello")) {
* event.reply("Click the button to say hello")
* .addActionRow(
* Button.primary("hello", "Click Me"), // Button with only a label
* Button.success("emoji", Emoji.fromMarkdown("<:minn:245267426227388416>"))) // Button with only an emoji
* .queue();
* } else if (event.getName().equals("info")) {
* event.reply("Click the buttons for more info")
* .addActionRow( // link buttons don't send events, they just open a link in the browser when clicked
*"", "GitHub")
* .withEmoji(Emoji.fromMarkdown("<:github:849286315580719104>")), // Link Button with label and emoji
*"", "Javadocs")) // Link Button with only a label
* .queue();
* }
* }
* public void onButtonInteraction(ButtonInteractionEvent event) {
* if (event.getComponentId().equals("hello")) {
* event.reply("Hello :)").queue();
* }
* }
* }
* }
* To see what each button looks like here is an example cheatsheet:
* @see ReplyCallbackAction#addActionRow(ItemComponent...)
* @see ReplyCallbackAction#addComponents(LayoutComponent...)
public interface Button extends ActionComponent
* The maximum length a button label can have
* The maximum length a button id can have
int ID_MAX_LENGTH = 100;
* The maximum length a button url can have
int URL_MAX_LENGTH = 512;
* The visible text on the button.
* @return The button label
String getLabel();
* The style of this button.
* @return {@link ButtonStyle}
ButtonStyle getStyle();
* The target URL for this button, if it is a {@link ButtonStyle#LINK LINK}-Style Button.
* @return The target URL or null
String getUrl();
* The emoji attached to this button.
This can be either {@link Emoji.Type#UNICODE unicode} or {@link Emoji.Type#CUSTOM custom}.
* You can use {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to create a button with an Emoji.
* @return {@link Emoji} for this button
EmojiUnion getEmoji();
default Button asDisabled()
return withDisabled(true);
default Button asEnabled()
return withDisabled(false);
default Button withDisabled(boolean disabled)
return new ButtonImpl(getId(), getLabel(), getStyle(), getUrl(), disabled, getEmoji());
* Returns a copy of this button with the attached Emoji.
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use
* @return New button with emoji
default Button withEmoji(@Nullable Emoji emoji)
return new ButtonImpl(getId(), getLabel(), getStyle(), getUrl(), isDisabled(), emoji);
* Returns a copy of this button with the provided label.
* @param label
* The label to use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If the provided {@code label} is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return New button with the changed label
default Button withLabel(@Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(getId(), label, getStyle(), getUrl(), isDisabled(), getEmoji());
* Returns a copy of this button with the provided id.
* @param id
* The id to use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If the provided {@code id} is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return New button with the changed id
default Button withId(@Nonnull String id)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "ID");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "ID");
return new ButtonImpl(id, getLabel(), getStyle(), null, isDisabled(), getEmoji());
* Returns a copy of this button with the provided url.
* @param url
* The url to use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If the provided {@code url} is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code url}, defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return New button with the changed url
default Button withUrl(@Nonnull String url)
Checks.notEmpty(url, "URL");
Checks.notLonger(url, URL_MAX_LENGTH, "URL");
return new ButtonImpl(null, getLabel(), ButtonStyle.LINK, url, isDisabled(), getEmoji());
* Returns a copy of this button with the provided style.
* You cannot use this convert link buttons.
* @param style
* The style to use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If the provided {@code style} is null.
* - If the provided {@code style} tries to change whether this button is a {@link ButtonStyle#LINK LINK} button.
* @return New button with the changed style
default Button withStyle(@Nonnull ButtonStyle style)
Checks.notNull(style, "Style");
Checks.check(style != ButtonStyle.UNKNOWN, "Cannot make button with unknown style!");
if (getStyle() == ButtonStyle.LINK && style != ButtonStyle.LINK)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot change a link button to another style!");
if (getStyle() != ButtonStyle.LINK && style == ButtonStyle.LINK)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot change a styled button to a link button!");
return new ButtonImpl(getId(), getLabel(), style, getUrl(), isDisabled(), getEmoji());
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#PRIMARY PRIMARY} Style.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button primary(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(id, label, ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, false, null);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#PRIMARY PRIMARY} Style.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code primary(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* To disable the button you can use {@link #asDisabled()}.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button primary(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(id, "", ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, false, emoji);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#SECONDARY SECONDARY} Style.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button secondary(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(id, label, ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, false, null);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#SECONDARY SECONDARY} Style.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code secondary(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* To disable the button you can use {@link #asDisabled()}.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button secondary(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(id, "", ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, false, emoji);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#SUCCESS SUCCESS} Style.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button success(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(id, label, ButtonStyle.SUCCESS, false, null);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#SUCCESS SUCCESS} Style.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code success(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* To disable the button you can use {@link #asDisabled()}.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button success(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(id, "", ButtonStyle.SUCCESS, false, emoji);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#DANGER DANGER} Style.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button danger(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(id, label, ButtonStyle.DANGER, false, null);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#DANGER DANGER} Style.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code danger(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* To disable the button you can use {@link #asDisabled()}.
* @param id
* The custom button ID
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code id}, defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button danger(@Nonnull String id, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.notEmpty(id, "Id");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
Checks.notLonger(id, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(id, "", ButtonStyle.DANGER, false, emoji);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#LINK LINK} Style.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* Note that link buttons never send a {@link ButtonInteractionEvent ButtonInteractionEvent}.
* These buttons only open a link for the user.
* @param url
* The target URL for this button
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code url}, defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button link(@Nonnull String url, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.notEmpty(url, "URL");
Checks.notEmpty(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(url, URL_MAX_LENGTH, "URL");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
return new ButtonImpl(null, label, ButtonStyle.LINK, url, false, null);
* Creates a button with {@link ButtonStyle#LINK LINK} Style.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code link(url, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* To disable the button you can use {@link #asDisabled()}.
Note that link buttons never send a {@link ButtonInteractionEvent ButtonInteractionEvent}.
* These buttons only open a link for the user.
* @param url
* The target URL for this button
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the character limit for {@code url}, defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button link(@Nonnull String url, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.notEmpty(url, "URL");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
Checks.notLonger(url, URL_MAX_LENGTH, "URL");
return new ButtonImpl(null, "", ButtonStyle.LINK, url, false, emoji);
* Create a button with the provided {@link ButtonStyle style}, URL or ID, and label.
The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} and {@link #withEmoji(Emoji)} to further configure it.
* See {@link #link(String, String)} or {@link #primary(String, String)} for more details.
* @param style
* The button style
* @param idOrUrl
* Either the ID or URL for this button
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the id is longer than {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH}, as defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH}.
* - If the url is longer than {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH}, as defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH}.
* - If the character limit for {@code label}, defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} as {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH},
* is exceeded.
* @return The button instance
static Button of(@Nonnull ButtonStyle style, @Nonnull String idOrUrl, @Nonnull String label)
Checks.check(style != ButtonStyle.UNKNOWN, "Cannot make button with unknown style!");
Checks.notNull(style, "Style");
Checks.notNull(label, "Label");
Checks.notLonger(label, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH, "Label");
if (style == ButtonStyle.LINK)
return link(idOrUrl, label);
Checks.notEmpty(idOrUrl, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(idOrUrl, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(idOrUrl, label, style, false, null);
* Create a button with the provided {@link ButtonStyle style}, URL or ID, and {@link Emoji}.
The button is enabled and has no text label.
* To use labels you can use {@code of(style, idOrUrl, label).withEmoji(emoji)}
* See {@link #link(String, Emoji)} or {@link #primary(String, Emoji)} for more details.
* @param style
* The button style
* @param idOrUrl
* Either the ID or URL for this button
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - If any provided argument is null or empty.
* - If the id is longer than {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH}, as defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH}.
* - If the url is longer than {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH}, as defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH}.
* @return The button instance
static Button of(@Nonnull ButtonStyle style, @Nonnull String idOrUrl, @Nonnull Emoji emoji)
Checks.check(style != ButtonStyle.UNKNOWN, "Cannot make button with unknown style!");
Checks.notNull(style, "Style");
Checks.notNull(emoji, "Emoji");
if (style == ButtonStyle.LINK)
return link(idOrUrl, emoji);
Checks.notEmpty(idOrUrl, "Id");
Checks.notLonger(idOrUrl, ID_MAX_LENGTH, "Id");
return new ButtonImpl(idOrUrl, "", style, false, emoji);
* Create an enabled button with the provided {@link ButtonStyle style}, URL or ID, label and {@link Emoji}.
* You can use {@link #asDisabled()} to disable it.
See {@link #link(String, String)} or {@link #primary(String, String)} for more details.
* @param style
* The button style
* @param idOrUrl
* Either the ID or URL for this button
* @param label
* The text to display on the button
* @param emoji
* The emoji to use as the button label
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If any of the following scenarios occurs:
* - The style is null
* - You provide a URL that is null, empty or longer than {@value #URL_MAX_LENGTH} characters, as defined by {@link #URL_MAX_LENGTH}
* or you provide an ID that is null, empty or longer than {@value #ID_MAX_LENGTH} characters, as defined by {@link #ID_MAX_LENGTH}.
* - The {@code label} is non-null and longer than {@value #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH} characters, as defined by {@link #LABEL_MAX_LENGTH}.
* - The {@code label} is null/empty, and the {@code emoji} is also null.
* @return The button instance
static Button of(@Nonnull ButtonStyle style, @Nonnull String idOrUrl, @Nullable String label, @Nullable Emoji emoji)
if (label != null)
return of(style, idOrUrl, label).withEmoji(emoji);
else if (emoji != null)
return of(style, idOrUrl, emoji);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build a button without a label and emoji. At least one has to be provided as non-null.");