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net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.models.HullWhiteModelWithConstantCoeff Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * (c) Copyright Christian P. Fries, Germany. Contact: [email protected].
 * Created on 09.02.2004
package net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.models;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import net.finmath.exception.CalculationException;
import net.finmath.marketdata.model.AnalyticModel;
import net.finmath.marketdata.model.curves.DiscountCurve;
import net.finmath.marketdata.model.curves.DiscountCurveFromForwardCurve;
import net.finmath.marketdata.model.curves.ForwardCurve;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.RandomVariableFactory;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.RandomVariableFromArrayFactory;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.RandomVariableFromDoubleArray;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.LIBORMarketModel;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.LIBORModel;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.model.AbstractProcessModel;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.process.MonteCarloProcess;
import net.finmath.stochastic.RandomVariable;
import net.finmath.time.TimeDiscretization;

 * Implements a Hull-White model with constant coefficients.
 * A more general implementation of the Hull-White model can be found in {@link net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.models.HullWhiteModel}.
 * For details and documentation please see {@link net.finmath.montecarlo.interestrate.models.HullWhiteModel} for real applications.
 * @author Christian Fries
 * @version 1.0
public class HullWhiteModelWithConstantCoeff extends AbstractProcessModel implements LIBORModel {

	private final TimeDiscretization		liborPeriodDiscretization;

	private String							forwardCurveName;
	private final AnalyticModel			analyticModel;

	private final ForwardCurve			forwardRateCurve;
	private final DiscountCurve			discountCurve;
	private final DiscountCurve			discountCurveFromForwardCurve;

	private final RandomVariableFactory	randomVariableFactory = new RandomVariableFromArrayFactory();

	private final double meanReversion;
	private final double volatility;

	// Cache for the numeraires, needs to be invalidated if process changes
	private final ConcurrentHashMap	numeraires;
	private MonteCarloProcess									numerairesProcess = null;

	// Initialized lazily using process time discretization
	private RandomVariable[] initialState;

	 * Creates a Hull-White model which implements LIBORMarketModel.
	 * @param liborPeriodDiscretization The forward rate discretization to be used in the getLIBOR method.
	 * @param analyticModel The analytic model to be used (currently not used, may be null).
	 * @param forwardRateCurve The forward curve to be used (currently not used, - the model uses disocuntCurve only.
	 * @param discountCurve The disocuntCurve (currently also used to determine the forward curve).
	 * @param meanReversion The mean reversion speed parameter a.
	 * @param volatility The short rate volatility \( \sigma \).
	 * @param properties A map specifying model properties (currently not used, may be null).
	public HullWhiteModelWithConstantCoeff(
			final TimeDiscretization			liborPeriodDiscretization,
			final AnalyticModel				analyticModel,
			final ForwardCurve				forwardRateCurve,
			final DiscountCurve				discountCurve,
			final double 								meanReversion,
			final double								volatility,
			final Map						properties
			) {

		this.liborPeriodDiscretization	= liborPeriodDiscretization;
		this.analyticModel					= analyticModel;
		this.forwardRateCurve	= forwardRateCurve;
		this.discountCurve		= discountCurve;
		this.meanReversion		= meanReversion;
		this.volatility			= volatility;

		discountCurveFromForwardCurve = new DiscountCurveFromForwardCurve(forwardRateCurve);

		numeraires = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	public int getNumberOfComponents() {
		return 1;

	public int getNumberOfFactors()
		return 1;

	public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransform(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int componentIndex, final RandomVariable randomVariable) {
		return randomVariable;

	public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransformInverse(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int componentIndex, final RandomVariable randomVariable) {
		return randomVariable;

	public RandomVariable[] getInitialState(MonteCarloProcess process) {
		if(initialState == null) {
			final double dt = process.getTimeDiscretization().getTimeStep(0);
			initialState = new RandomVariable[] { new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(Math.log(discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(0.0)/discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(dt))/dt) };

		return initialState;

	public RandomVariable getNumeraire(final MonteCarloProcess process, final double time) throws CalculationException {
		if(time < 0) {
			return randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, time));

		if(time == process.getTime(0)) {
			// Initial value of numeraire is one - BrownianMotion serves as a factory here.
			final RandomVariable one = randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(1.0);
			return one;

		final int timeIndex = process.getTimeIndex(time);
		if(timeIndex < 0) {
			 * time is not part of the time discretization.

			// Find the time index prior to the current time (note: if time does not match a discretization point, we get a negative value, such that -index is next point).
			int previousTimeIndex = process.getTimeIndex(time);
			if(previousTimeIndex < 0) {
				previousTimeIndex = -previousTimeIndex-1;
			final double previousTime = process.getTime(previousTimeIndex);

			// Get value of short rate for period from previousTime to time.
			final RandomVariable value = getShortRate(process, previousTimeIndex);

			// Piecewise constant rate for the increment
			final RandomVariable integratedRate = value.mult(time-previousTime);

			return getNumeraire(process, previousTime).mult(integratedRate.exp());

		 * Check if numeraire cache is values (i.e. process did not change)
		if(process != numerairesProcess) {
			numerairesProcess = process;

		 * Check if numeraire is part of the cache
		RandomVariable numeraire = numeraires.get(timeIndex);
		if(numeraire == null) {
			 * Calculate the numeraire for timeIndex
			final RandomVariable zero = process.getStochasticDriver().getRandomVariableForConstant(0.0);
			RandomVariable integratedRate = zero;
			// Add r(t_{i}) (t_{i+1}-t_{i}) for i = 0 to previousTimeIndex-1
			for(int i=0; i 0 ? - Math.log(df1/df0) / (t1-t0) : getInitialState(process)[0].get(0);
		final double forwardNext = - Math.log(df2/df1) / (t2-t1);
		final double forwardChange = (forwardNext-forward) / ((t1-t0));

		final double meanReversionEffective = meanReversion*getB(time,timeNext)/(timeNext-time);

		final double shortRateVariance = getShortRateConditionalVariance(0, time);

		 * The +meanReversionEffective * forwardPrev removes the previous forward from the mean-reversion part.
		 * The +forwardChange updates the forward to the next period.
		final double theta = forwardChange + meanReversionEffective * forward + shortRateVariance*getB(time,t1)/(t1-time);

		return new RandomVariable[] { realizationAtTimeIndex[0].mult(-meanReversionEffective).add(theta) };

	public RandomVariable[] getFactorLoading(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int componentIndex, final RandomVariable[] realizationAtTimeIndex) {
		final double time = process.getTime(timeIndex);
		final double timeNext = process.getTime(timeIndex+1);

		final double scaling = Math.sqrt((1.0-Math.exp(-2.0 * meanReversion * (timeNext-time)))/(2.0 * meanReversion * (timeNext-time)));
		final double volatilityEffective = scaling*volatility;

		return new RandomVariable[] { new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(volatilityEffective) };

	public RandomVariable getRandomVariableForConstant(final double value) {
		return randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(value);

	public RandomVariable getForwardRate(final MonteCarloProcess process, final double time, final double periodStart, final double periodEnd) throws CalculationException
		return getZeroCouponBond(process, time, periodStart).div(getZeroCouponBond(process, time, periodEnd)).sub(1.0).div(periodEnd-periodStart);

	public RandomVariable getLIBOR(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int liborIndex) throws CalculationException {
		return getZeroCouponBond(process, process.getTime(timeIndex), getLiborPeriod(liborIndex)).div(getZeroCouponBond(process, process.getTime(timeIndex), getLiborPeriod(liborIndex+1))).sub(1.0).div(getLiborPeriodDiscretization().getTimeStep(liborIndex));

	public TimeDiscretization getLiborPeriodDiscretization() {
		return liborPeriodDiscretization;

	public int getNumberOfLibors() {
		return liborPeriodDiscretization.getNumberOfTimeSteps();

	public double getLiborPeriod(final int timeIndex) {
		return liborPeriodDiscretization.getTime(timeIndex);

	public int getLiborPeriodIndex(final double time) {
		return liborPeriodDiscretization.getTimeIndex(time);

	public AnalyticModel getAnalyticModel() {
		return analyticModel;

	public DiscountCurve getDiscountCurve() {
		return discountCurve;

	public ForwardCurve getForwardRateCurve() {
		return forwardRateCurve;

	public LIBORMarketModel getCloneWithModifiedData(final Map dataModified) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	private RandomVariable getShortRate(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex) throws CalculationException {
		final RandomVariable value = process.getProcessValue(timeIndex, 0);
		return value;

	private RandomVariable getZeroCouponBond(final MonteCarloProcess process, final double time, final double maturity) throws CalculationException {
		final RandomVariable shortRate = getShortRate(process, process.getTimeIndex(time));
		return shortRate.mult(-getB(time,maturity)).exp().mult(getA(process, time, maturity));

	 * Returns A(t,T) where
	 * \( A(t,T) = P(T)/P(t) \cdot exp(B(t,T) \cdot f(0,t) - \frac{1}{2} \phi(0,t) * B(t,T)^{2} ) \)
	 * and
	 * \( \phi(t,T) \) is the value calculated from integrating \( ( \sigma(s) B(s,T) )^{2} \) with respect to s from t to T
	 * in getShortRateConditionalVariance.
	 * @param time The parameter t.
	 * @param maturity The parameter T.
	 * @return The value A(t,T).
	private double getA(final MonteCarloProcess process, final double time, final double maturity) {
		final int timeIndex = process.getTimeIndex(time);
		final double timeStep = process.getTimeDiscretization().getTimeStep(timeIndex);

		final double dt = timeStep;
		final double zeroRate = -Math.log(discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(time+dt)/discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(time)) / dt;

		final double B = getB(time,maturity);

		final double lnA = Math.log(discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(maturity)/discountCurveFromForwardCurve.getDiscountFactor(time))
				+ B * zeroRate - 0.5 * getShortRateConditionalVariance(0,time) * B * B;

		return Math.exp(lnA);

	 * Calculates \( B(t,T) = \int_{t}^{T} \exp(-\int_{s}^{T} a(\tau) \mathrm{d}\tau) \mathrm{d}s \), where a is the mean reversion parameter.
	 * For a constant \( a \) this results in \( \frac{1-\exp(-a (T-t)}{a} \), but the method also supports piecewise constant \( a \)'s.
	 * @param time The parameter t.
	 * @param maturity The parameter T.
	 * @return The value of B(t,T).
	private double getB(final double time, final double maturity) {
		return (1-Math.exp(-meanReversion * (maturity-time)))/meanReversion;

	 * Calculates the variance \( \mathop{Var}(r(t) \vert r(s) ) \), that is
	 * \(
	 * \int_{s}^{t} \sigma^{2}(\tau) \exp(-2 \cdot a \cdot (t-\tau)) \ \mathrm{d}\tau
	 * \) where \( a \) is the meanReversion and \( \sigma \) is the short rate instantaneous volatility.
	 * @param time The parameter s in \( \int_{s}^{t} \sigma^{2}(\tau) \exp(-2 \cdot a \cdot (t-\tau)) \ \mathrm{d}\tau \)
	 * @param maturity The parameter t in \( \int_{s}^{t} \sigma^{2}(\tau) \exp(-2 \cdot a \cdot (t-\tau)) \ \mathrm{d}\tau \)
	 * @return The integrated square volatility.
	public double getShortRateConditionalVariance(final double time, final double maturity) {
		return volatility*volatility * (1 - Math.exp(-2*meanReversion*(maturity-time))) / (2*meanReversion);


	public double getIntegratedBondSquaredVolatility(final double time, final double maturity) {
		return getShortRateConditionalVariance(0, time) * getB(time,maturity) * getB(time,maturity);

	public Map getModelParameters() {
		// TODO Add implementation
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

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