Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (c) Copyright Christian P. Fries, Germany. Contact: [email protected].
* Created on 6 Oct 2018
import net.finmath.exception.CalculationException;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.MonteCarloAssetModel;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.models.BlackScholesModel;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.process.EulerSchemeFromProcessModel;
import net.finmath.stochastic.RandomVariable;
import net.finmath.time.FloatingpointDate;
import net.finmath.time.TimeDiscretization;
import net.finmath.time.TimeDiscretizationFromArray;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A dummy oracle which generates values using a geometric Brownian motion.
* @author Christian Fries
public class GeometricBrownianMotionOracle implements StochasticValuationOracle {
private final TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization;
private final LocalDateTime initialTime;
private final double initialValue;
private final double riskFreeRate;
private final double volatility;
private final int numberOfPaths;
private transient MonteCarloAssetModel simulation;
private final Object simulationLazyInitLock = new Object();
* A dummy oracle which generates values using a geometric Brownian motion.
* Using default parameters.
* Caution: The object is initialized with This will result in different
* Oracles each time the object is instantiated.
public GeometricBrownianMotionOracle() {
* A dummy oracle which generates values using a geometric Brownian motion.
* Using a given initial time and default parameters.
* @param initialTime The date corresponding to the initial time of the oracle. Valuation prior this time is not provided.
public GeometricBrownianMotionOracle(final LocalDateTime initialTime) {
1.0 /* initialValue */,
20.0 /* timeHorizon */,
0.02 /* riskFreeRate */,
0.10 /* volatility */,
1000 /* numberOfPaths */);
* A dummy oracle which generates values using a geometric Brownian motion.
* Using a given initial time and default parameters.
* @param initialTime The date corresponding to the initial time of the oracle. Valuation prior this time is not provided.
* @param initialValue The initial value.
* @param timeHorizon The time horizon in ACT/365 from initialTime.
* @param riskFreeRate The drift.
* @param volatility The volatility.
* @param numberOfPaths The number of simulation path to generate.
public GeometricBrownianMotionOracle(final LocalDateTime initialTime, final double initialValue, final double timeHorizon, final double riskFreeRate, final double volatility, final int numberOfPaths) {
this(new TimeDiscretizationFromArray(0.0, timeHorizon, 1.0 / 365.0, TimeDiscretizationFromArray.ShortPeriodLocation.SHORT_PERIOD_AT_END),
public GeometricBrownianMotionOracle(final TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization, final LocalDateTime initialTime,
final double initialValue, final double riskFreeRate, final double volatility, final int numberOfPaths) {
this.timeDiscretization = timeDiscretization;
this.initialTime = initialTime;
this.initialValue = initialValue;
this.riskFreeRate = riskFreeRate;
this.volatility = volatility;
this.numberOfPaths = numberOfPaths;
private void init() {
final int numberOfFactors = 1;
final int seed = 31415;
simulation = new MonteCarloAssetModel(
new EulerSchemeFromProcessModel(new BlackScholesModel(initialValue, riskFreeRate, volatility), new BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers(timeDiscretization, numberOfFactors, numberOfPaths, seed)));
public RandomVariable getValue(final LocalDateTime evaluationTime, final LocalDateTime marketDataTime) {
synchronized (simulationLazyInitLock) {
if (simulation == null) {
final double time = FloatingpointDate.getFloatingPointDateFromDate(initialTime, marketDataTime);
final int timeIndexOfLastFixing = timeDiscretization.getTimeIndexNearestLessOrEqual(time);
final double timeOfLastFixing = timeDiscretization.getTime(timeIndexOfLastFixing);
RandomVariable value = null;
try {
value = simulation.getAssetValue(timeOfLastFixing, 0);
} catch (final CalculationException e) {
Logger.getLogger("net.finmath.smartcontract").warning("Oracle valuation failed with " + e.getCause());
return value;