hydra.Flows Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hydra;
import hydra.compute.Flow;
import hydra.compute.FlowState;
import hydra.compute.Trace;
import hydra.core.Unit;
import hydra.tier1.Tier1;
import hydra.tools.FlowException;
import hydra.tools.Function3;
import hydra.tools.Function4;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* A collection of convenience methods for constructing and composing flows, or stateful computations.
public interface Flows {
= new Trace(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyMap());
* Apply a function flow to a domain value flow.
static Flow apply(Flow> mapping, Flow input) {
return new Flow<>(s0 -> t0 -> {
FlowState> fs1 = mapping.value.apply(s0).apply(t0);
Optional> mf = fs1.value;
return mf.isPresent()
? map(mf.get(), input).value.apply(fs1.state).apply(fs1.trace)
: new FlowState<>(Optional.empty(), fs1.state, fs1.trace);
* Monadic bind function for flows.
static Flow bind(Flow p, Function> f) {
return new Flow<>(s0 -> t0 -> {
FlowState fs1 = p.value.apply(s0).apply(t0);
Optional a = fs1.value;
return a.isPresent()
? f.apply(a.get()).value.apply(fs1.state).apply(fs1.trace)
: new FlowState<>(Optional.empty(), fs1.state, fs1.trace);
* Monadic bind with reversed arguments.
static Flow bind(Function> f, Flow p) {
return bind(f, p);
* Variant of monadic bind which takes two monadic arguments and a binary function.
static Flow bind2(Flow p1, Flow p2, BiFunction> f) {
return Flows.bind(p1, a -> Flows.bind(p2, b -> f.apply(a, b)));
* Two-argument monadic bind with reversed arguments.
static Flow bind2(BiFunction> f, Flow p1, Flow p2) {
return Flows.bind2(p1, p2, f);
* Variant of monadic bind which takes three monadic arguments and an arity-3 function.
static Flow bind3(Flow p1,
Flow p2,
Flow p3,
Function3> f) {
return Flows.bind(p1, a -> Flows.bind2(p2, p3, (b, c) -> f.apply(a, b, c)));
* Three-argument monadic bind with reversed arguments.
static Flow bind3(Function3> f,
Flow p1,
Flow p2,
Flow p3) {
return Flows.bind3(p1, p2, p3, f);
* Check whether a given value satisfies a list of predicates, returning the value itself if all checks are
* successful, or a failure flow for the first predicate that fails.
static Flow check(A input, Function>... predicates) {
for (Function> predicate : predicates) {
Optional msg = predicate.apply(input);
if (msg.isPresent()) {
return Flows.fail(msg.get());
return pure(input);
* Compose two monadic functions, feeding the output of the first into the second.
static Function> compose(Function> f, Function> g) {
return a -> Flows.bind(f.apply(a), g);
* Evaluate a flow and consume the result.
static Flow consume(Flow x, Consumer consumer) {
return map(x, a -> {
return new Unit();
* Produce a failure flow with the provided message.
static Flow fail(String msg) {
return new Flow<>(s -> trace -> {
String errMsg = "Error: " + msg; // TODO: include stack trace
List messages = new ArrayList<>(trace.messages);
return new FlowState<>(Optional.empty(), s, trace.withMessages(messages));
* Produce a failure flow with the provided message and additional information from a Throwable.
static Flow fail(String msg, Throwable cause) {
return fail(msg + ": " + cause.getMessage());
* Extract the value from a flow, returning a default value instead if the flow failed.
static A fromFlow(A dflt, S state, Flow flow) {
Function, A>> helper = Tier1.fromFlow(dflt);
return helper.apply(state).apply(flow);
* Extract the value from a flow, throwing an exception if the flow failed.
static A fromFlow(S state, Flow flow) throws FlowException {
FlowState result = flow.value.apply(state).apply(EMPTY_TRACE);
if (result.value.isPresent()) {
return result.value.get();
} else {
throw new FlowException(result.trace);
* Extract the value from a stateless flow, throwing an exception if the flow failed.
static A fromFlow(Flow flow) throws FlowException {
return fromFlow(new Unit(), flow);
* Extract the state from a flow.
static Flow getState() {
return new Flow<>(s0 -> t0 -> new FlowState<>(Optional.of(s0), s0, t0));
* Map a function over a flow.
static Flow map(Function f, Flow x) {
return new Flow<>(s -> trace -> {
FlowState result = x.value.apply(s).apply(trace);
return new FlowState<>(result.value.map(f), result.state, result.trace);
* Map a function over a flow, with reversed arguments.
static Flow map(Flow x, Function f) {
return map(f, x);
* Map a monadic function over a list, producing a flow of lists.
static Flow> mapM(List as, Function> f) {
Flow> result = pure(new ArrayList<>());
for (A a : as) {
result = bind(result, ys -> map(f.apply(a), b -> {
ys.add(b); // Modify in place
return ys;
return result;
* Map a monadic function over an array, producing a flow of lists.
static Flow> mapM(A[] xs, Function> f) {
return mapM(Arrays.asList(xs), f);
* Map a monadic function over the keys of a map, and another monadic function over the values of a map,
* producing a flow of maps.
static Flow> mapM(Map xs,
Function> kf,
Function> vf) {
Set> entries1 = xs.entrySet();
Flow>> entries2 = mapM(entries1,
e -> bind(kf.apply(e.getKey()), k2 -> map(vf.apply(e.getValue()),
v2 -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(k2, v2))));
return map(entries2, entries -> entries.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)));
* Map a monadic function over an optional value, producing a flow of optionals.
static Flow> mapM(Optional xs, Function> f) {
return xs.map(a -> map(f.apply(a), Optional::of)).orElseGet(() -> pure(Optional.empty()));
* Map a monadic function over a set, producing a flow of sets.
static Flow> mapM(Set as, Function> f) {
Flow> result = pure(new HashSet<>(as.size()));
for (A a : as) {
result = bind(result, ys -> map(f.apply(a), b -> {
ys.add(b); // Modify in place
return ys;
return result;
* Map a bifunction over two flows, producing a flow.
static Flow map2(Flow x, Flow y, BiFunction f) {
return Flows.bind(x, a1 -> Flows.bind(y, b1 -> Flows.pure(f.apply(a1, b1))));
* Map an arity-3 function over three flows, producing a flow.
static Flow map3(Flow a, Flow b, Flow c, Function3 f) {
return Flows.bind(a,
a1 -> Flows.bind(b,
b1 -> Flows.bind(c,
c1 -> Flows.pure(f.apply(a1, b1, c1)))));
* Map an arity-4 function over four flows, producing a flow.
static Flow map4(Flow a,
Flow b,
Flow c,
Flow d,
Function4 f) {
return Flows.bind(a,
a1 -> Flows.bind(b,
b1 -> Flows.bind(c,
c1 -> Flows.bind(d,
d1 -> Flows.pure(f.apply(a1, b1, c1, d1))))));
* Produce a given object as a pure flow; the value is guaranteed to be present,
* and neither state nor trace are modified.
static Flow pure(A obj) {
return new Flow<>(s -> trace -> new FlowState<>(Optional.of(obj), s, trace));
* Modify the state of a flow.
static Flow putState(S snew) {
// Note: for lack of a unit value other than null,
// we use use a boolean as the ignorable value output of putState()
return new Flow<>(s0 -> t0 -> new FlowState<>(Optional.of(true), snew, t0));
* Test an optional value, producing a flow with the value if present, or an error flow if absent.
static Flow require(Optional optValue, String category) {
return optValue.isPresent()
? Flows.pure(optValue.get())
: Flows.fail("require " + category + " is missing/null");
* Evaluate each flow from left to right, and produce a flow of the resulting list.
* Analogous to the sequence function in Haskell.
static Flow> sequence(List> elements) {
Flow> result = Flows.pure(new ArrayList<>(elements.size()));
for (Flow element : elements) {
result = Flows.bind(result, xs -> Flows.map(element, x -> {
xs.add(x); // Modify in place
return xs;
return result;
* Produce an error flow indicating an unexpected value.
* For example, if you expect a string but find an integer, use unexpected("string", myInt).
static Flow unexpected(String cat, Object obj) {
return fail("expected " + cat + " but found: " + obj);
* Produce an error flow indicating an unexpected class of value.
static Flow unexpectedClass(String cat, Object obj) {
return fail("expected " + cat + " but found an instance of " + obj.getClass().getName());
* Continue a flow after adding a warning message.
static Flow warn(String message, Flow flow) {
Function, Flow> f = Tier1.warn(message);
return f.apply(flow);
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