net.goui.flogger.testing.truth.LogMatcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023, David Beaumont (https://github.com/hagbard).
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
package net.goui.flogger.testing.truth;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.toImmutableList;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import net.goui.flogger.testing.LogEntry;
* A named matcher which can be used by {@link
* net.goui.flogger.testing.api.TestingApi#assertLogs(LogMatcher...) assertLogs()} to filter log
* entries.
* {@code
* LogEntry debugStart = ...;
* logs.assertLogs(after(debugStart).inSameThread())).always().haveMetadataKey("debug_id");
* }
public class LogMatcher {
public interface LogEntryFilter extends UnaryOperator> {
static LogEntryFilter combine(LogEntryFilter before, LogEntryFilter after) {
// Note: We cannot use andThen() here because we want to return a LogEntryFilter.
return logs -> after.apply(before.apply(logs));
private final String label;
private final LogEntryFilter filter;
public static LogMatcher of(String label, LogEntryFilter filter) {
return new LogMatcher(label, filter);
public static LogMatcher simple(String name, Predicate predicate) {
return of(name + "()", logs -> logs.filter(predicate));
* Matches the subsequence of logs before the specified entry, in any thread. To restrict the
* results to logs in the same thread as the target log, call {@link
* ComparativeLogMatcher#inSameThread()} on the result.
* Note that when logs are captured in different threads, the order in which they appear may
* not be the same at the order or their timestamps. This method does not attempt to examine
* timestamps, and adheres only to the order in which logs are captured.
If the given log entry does not exist in the sequence of captured logs being filtered, then
* {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown during filtering.
public static ComparativeLogMatcher before(LogEntry entry) {
return new ComparativeLogMatcher(label("before", entry), entry, LogMatcher::filterBefore);
* Matches the subsequence of logs after the specified entry, in any thread. To restrict the
* results to logs in the same thread as the target log, call {@link
* ComparativeLogMatcher#inSameThread()} on the result.
Note that when logs are captured in different threads, the order in which they appear may
* not be the same at the order or their timestamps. This method does not attempt to examine
* timestamps, and adheres only to the order in which logs are captured.
If the given log entry does not exist in the sequence of captured logs being filtered, then
* {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown during filtering.
public static ComparativeLogMatcher after(LogEntry entry) {
return new ComparativeLogMatcher(label("after", entry), entry, LogMatcher::filterAfter);
* Matches the subsequence of logs in the same thread as the specified entry.
This method can be combined with matchers such as {@link #after(LogEntry)}, and called via:
* logs.assertLogs(after(entry), inSameThreadAs(entry))...
* }
* but for comparative testing, you may find it more readable to use {@link
* ComparativeLogMatcher#inSameThread()}:
* {@code
* logs.assertLogs(after(entry).inSameThread())...
* }
public static LogMatcher inSameThreadAs(LogEntry entry) {
return simple(label("inSameThreadAs", entry), e -> e.hasSameThreadAs(entry));
* Matches the subsequence of logs from the same outer class as the specified entry.
* This is the default recommended way to test for logs "from the same source file" as other
* logs, and while you can test for exact class matching (distinguishing nested and inner classes)
* or even exact method matching, these risk making your tests more brittle than necessary.
Log entries with unknown class names are never considered equal (even to themselves).
public static LogMatcher fromSameOuterClassAs(LogEntry entry) {
return simple(
label("fromSameOuterClassAs", entry), e -> LogFilters.hasSameOuterClass(e, entry));
* Matches the subsequence of logs from the same class as the specified entry. Log statements
* executed in lambdas or anonymous inner classes are considered to come from the first
* non-synthetic (i.e. named) containing class, which can itself be a nested or inner class.
Warning: Using this matcher may make some tests more brittle than necessary in the face of
* normal refactoring, so you may prefer to use {@link #fromSameOuterClassAs(LogEntry)} instead.
Log entries with unknown class names are never considered equal (even to themselves).
public static LogMatcher fromSameClassAs(LogEntry entry) {
return simple(label("fromSameClassAs", entry), e -> LogFilters.hasSameClass(e, entry));
* Matches the subsequence of logs from the same class and method as the specified entry. Log
* statements executed in lambdas or anonymous inner classes are considered to come from the first
* non-synthetic (i.e. named) containing method.
Warning: Using this matcher may make some tests more brittle than necessary in the face of
* normal refactoring, so you may prefer to use {@link #fromSameOuterClassAs(LogEntry)} instead.
Log entries with unknown class/method names are never considered equal (even to themselves).
public static LogMatcher fromSameMethodAs(LogEntry entry) {
return simple(
label("fromSameMethodAs", entry), e -> LogFilters.hasSameClassAndMethod(e, entry));
* Orders log entries for subsequent match operations in timestamp order. Note that if log entries
* have identical timestamps, no guarantees are made about their eventual relative ordering.
If this method is combined with other matchers, the reordering of log entries will occur in
* the same order as the matchers were listed.
Note that using this method in NOT guaranteed to result in log entries being seen in the
* order that the log statements were invoked. In particular:
* - Log entries with identical timestamps due to time granularity may be reordered.
- Reentrant logging may cause logs to be output in a different order to the acquisition of
* the timestamps.
* Over testing things like the precise order of log entries between different threads, may
* result in brittle tests, and this method should be used only when necessary. Testing logs in
* the default order they were captured by the test harness should almost always be sufficient,
* and if multiple threads are being tested, consider using {@link #inSameThreadAs(LogEntry)
* inSameThreadAs(entry)} or a comparative matcher such as {@link
* ComparativeLogMatcher#after(LogEntry) after(entry)}.{@link ComparativeLogMatcher#inSameThread()
* inSameThread()}
public static LogMatcher orderedByTimestamp() {
return of("orderedByTimestamp()", logs -> logs.sorted(comparing(LogEntry::timeStamp)));
private static String label(String name, LogEntry entry) {
return name + "(" + entry.snippet() + ")";
protected LogMatcher(String label, LogEntryFilter filter) {
this.label = checkNotNull(label);
this.filter = checkNotNull(filter);
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public LogEntryFilter getFilter() {
return filter;
private static Stream filterBefore(Stream logs, LogEntry entry) {
ImmutableList copy = logs.collect(toImmutableList());
int index = copy.indexOf(entry);
checkArgument(index >= 0, "Provided log entry does not exist: %s", entry);
return copy.stream().limit(index);
private static Stream filterAfter(Stream logs, LogEntry entry) {
ImmutableList copy = logs.collect(toImmutableList());
int index = copy.indexOf(entry);
checkArgument(index >= 0, "Provided log entry does not exist: %s", entry);
return copy.stream().skip(index + 1);