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net.hasor.dataql.parser.DefaultDataQLVisitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2008-2009 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.hasor.dataql.parser;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.DataQLParser.*;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.DataQLParserVisitor;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.Expression;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.RouteVariable;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.Variable;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.expr.*;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.fmt.ListFormat;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.fmt.ObjectFormat;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.inst.*;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.inst.ImportInst.ImportType;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.token.IntegerToken;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.token.StringToken;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.token.SymbolToken;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.value.*;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.value.EnterRouteVariable.RouteType;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.value.EnterRouteVariable.SpecialType;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.ast.value.PrimitiveVariable.ValueType;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.location.BlockLocation;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.location.CodeLocation;
import net.hasor.dataql.parser.location.Location;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.AbstractParseTreeVisitor;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
* This class provides an empty implementation of {@link DataQLParserVisitor},
* which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
* of the available methods.
* @param The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
* operations with no return type.
* @author 赵永春 ([email protected] )
* @version : 2019-11-07
public class DefaultDataQLVisitor extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor implements DataQLParserVisitor {
private final Stack instStack = new Stack<>();
public T code(T location, TerminalNode context) {
Token symbol = context.getSymbol();
location.setStartPosition(new CodeLocation(symbol.getLine(), symbol.getCharPositionInLine()));
location.setEndPosition(new CodeLocation(symbol.getLine(), symbol.getCharPositionInLine() + symbol.getText().length()));
return location;
public T code(T location, ParserRuleContext context) {
Token startToken = context.start;
Token endToken = context.stop;
int endTokenLength = endToken.getText().length();
location.setStartPosition(new CodeLocation(startToken.getLine(), startToken.getCharPositionInLine()));
location.setEndPosition(new CodeLocation(endToken.getLine(), endToken.getCharPositionInLine() + endTokenLength));
return location;
private T code(T location, V other) {
return location;
private T code(T location, List otherList) {
Token firstTerm = otherList.get(0).getSymbol();
Token lastTerm = otherList.get(otherList.size() - 1).getSymbol();
location.setStartPosition(new CodeLocation(firstTerm.getLine(), firstTerm.getCharPositionInLine()));
location.setEndPosition(new CodeLocation(lastTerm.getLine(), lastTerm.getCharPositionInLine() + lastTerm.getText().length()));
return location;
private T code(T location, Token token) {
int endTokenLength = token.getText().length();
location.setStartPosition(new CodeLocation(token.getLine(), token.getCharPositionInLine()));
location.setEndPosition(new CodeLocation(token.getLine(), token.getCharPositionInLine() + endTokenLength));
return location;
private T code(T location, V startPos, V endPos) {
return location;
public T visitRootInstSet(RootInstSetContext ctx) {
this.instStack.push(code(new RootBlockSet(), ctx));
List optionList = ctx.hintInst();
List importList = ctx.importInst();
List blockSetList = ctx.blockSet();
if (optionList != null) {
for (HintInstContext option : optionList) {
if (importList != null) {
for (ImportInstContext option : importList) {
if (blockSetList != null) {
for (BlockSetContext blockSet : blockSetList) {
InstSet instSet = (InstSet) this.instStack.pop();
RootBlockSet rootBlockSet = (RootBlockSet) this.instStack.peek();
if (instSet.isMultipleInst()) {
} else {
return (T) this.instStack.pop();
public T visitHintInst(HintInstContext ctx) {
TerminalNode identifier = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
StringToken stringToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(identifier)), identifier);
PrimitiveVariable optValue = (PrimitiveVariable) this.instStack.pop();
StringToken optKey = (StringToken) this.instStack.pop();
HintInst hintInst = code(new HintInst(optKey, optValue), ctx);
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addOptionInst(hintInst);
return null;
public T visitImportInst(ImportInstContext ctx) {
TerminalNode importResourceTerm = ctx.STRING();
TerminalNode asNameTerm = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
StringToken importResourceToken = code(new StringToken(fixString(importResourceTerm)), importResourceTerm);
StringToken asNameToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(asNameTerm)), asNameTerm);
ImportType importType = ImportType.ClassType;
TerminalNode rouNode = ctx.ROU();
if (rouNode != null) {
if ("@".equals(rouNode.getText())) {
importType = ImportType.Resource;
} else {
throw newParseException(rouNode.getSymbol(), "parser failed -> visitImportInst.");
ImportInst importInst = code(new ImportInst(importType, importResourceToken, asNameToken), ctx);
((RootBlockSet) this.instStack.peek()).addImportInst(importInst);
return null;
public T visitMultipleInst(MultipleInstContext ctx) {
this.instStack.push(code(new InstSet(true), ctx));
return null;
public T visitSingleInst(SingleInstContext ctx) {
this.instStack.push(code(new InstSet(false), ctx));
return null;
public T visitVarInst(VarInstContext ctx) {
TerminalNode identifier = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
StringToken stringToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(identifier)), identifier);
VarInst varInst = code(new VarInst(stringToken, (Variable) this.instStack.pop()), ctx);
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(varInst);
return null;
public T visitRunInst(RunInstContext ctx) {
RunInst varInst = code(new RunInst((Variable) this.instStack.pop()), ctx);
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(varInst);
return null;
public T visitAssertInst(AssertInstContext ctx) {
AssertInst varInst = code(new AssertInst((Variable) this.instStack.pop()), ctx);
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(varInst);
return null;
public T visitAnyObject(AnyObjectContext ctx) {
return visitChildren(ctx);
public T visitIfInst(IfInstContext ctx) {
List exprList = ctx.expr();
List ifBlocks = ctx.blockSet();
SwitchInst switchInst = code(new SwitchInst(), ctx);
for (int i = 0; i < ifBlocks.size(); i++) {
if (i < exprList.size()) {
// if and elseif
InstSet instSet = (InstSet) this.instStack.pop();
Variable expr = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
if (expr instanceof Expression) {
switchInst.addElseif((Expression) expr, instSet);
} else {
switchInst.addElseif(code(new AtomExpression(expr), expr), instSet);
} else {
// else
InstSet instSet = (InstSet) this.instStack.pop();
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(switchInst);
return null;
public T visitBreakInst(BreakInstContext ctx) {
TerminalNode breakCodeNode = ctx.INTEGER_NUM();
IntegerToken breakCodeToken = null;
if (breakCodeNode != null) {
int breakCode = Integer.parseInt(breakCodeNode.getText());
breakCodeToken = code(new IntegerToken(breakCode), breakCodeNode);
} else {
breakCodeToken = code(new IntegerToken(0), ctx.start);
AnyObjectContext anyObject = ctx.anyObject();
Variable variable = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
if (ctx.EXIT() != null) {
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(code(new ExitInst(breakCodeToken, variable), ctx));
return null;
if (ctx.THROW() != null) {
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(code(new ThrowInst(breakCodeToken, variable), ctx));
return null;
if (ctx.RETURN() != null) {
((InstSet) this.instStack.peek()).addInst(code(new ReturnInst(breakCodeToken, variable), ctx));
return null;
throw newParseException(ctx.start, "missing exit statement.");
public T visitLambdaDef(LambdaDefContext ctx) {
LambdaVariable lambdaVariable = code(new LambdaVariable(), ctx);
List identifierList = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
if (identifierList != null) {
for (TerminalNode terminalNode : identifierList) {
String paramName = fixIdentifier(terminalNode);
StringToken paramToken = code(new StringToken(paramName), terminalNode);
InstSet instSet = (InstSet) this.instStack.pop();
((LambdaVariable) this.instStack.peek()).setMultipleInst(instSet.isMultipleInst());
((LambdaVariable) this.instStack.peek()).addInstSet(instSet);
return null;
public T visitObjectValue(ObjectValueContext ctx) {
ObjectVariable objectVariable = code(new ObjectVariable(), ctx);
return visitChildren(ctx);
public T visitObjectKeyValue(ObjectKeyValueContext ctx) {
TerminalNode fieldKeyTerm = ctx.STRING();
String fieldKey = fixString(fieldKeyTerm);
StringToken fieldKeyToken = code(new StringToken(fieldKey), fieldKeyTerm);
ObjectVariable objectVariable = (ObjectVariable) this.instStack.peek();
AnyObjectContext polymericObject = ctx.anyObject();
if (polymericObject != null) {
Variable valueExp = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
objectVariable.addField(fieldKeyToken, valueExp);
} else {
EnterRouteVariable enterRoute = code(new EnterRouteVariable(RouteType.Expr, null), fieldKeyTerm);
NameRouteVariable nameRoute = code(new NameRouteVariable(enterRoute, fieldKeyToken), fieldKeyTerm);
objectVariable.addField(fieldKeyToken, nameRoute);
return null;
public T visitListValue(ListValueContext ctx) {
ListVariable listVariable = code(new ListVariable(), ctx);
List polymericList = ctx.anyObject();
if (polymericList != null) {
for (AnyObjectContext polymeric : polymericList) {
Variable variable = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
return null;
public T visitStringValue(StringValueContext ctx) {
String text = fixString(ctx.STRING());
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(text, ValueType.String), ctx));
return null;
public T visitNullValue(NullValueContext ctx) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(null, ValueType.Null), ctx));
return null;
public T visitBooleanValue(BooleanValueContext ctx) {
boolean boolValue = ctx.TRUE() != null;
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(boolValue, ValueType.Boolean), ctx));
return null;
public T visitNumberValue(NumberValueContext ctx) {
TerminalNode bitNode = ctx.BIT_NUM();
TerminalNode octNode = ctx.OCT_NUM();
TerminalNode intNode = ctx.INTEGER_NUM();
TerminalNode hexNode = ctx.HEX_NUM();
TerminalNode decimalNode = ctx.DECIMAL_NUM();
int radix = 10;
String radixNumber = null;
TerminalNode atTerm = null;
if (bitNode != null) {
radix = 2;
radixNumber = bitNode.getText();
radixNumber = (radixNumber.charAt(0) == '-') ? ("-" + radixNumber.substring(3)) : radixNumber.substring(2);
atTerm = bitNode;
if (octNode != null) {
radix = 8;
radixNumber = octNode.getText();
radixNumber = (radixNumber.charAt(0) == '-') ? ("-" + radixNumber.substring(3)) : radixNumber.substring(2);
atTerm = octNode;
if (intNode != null) {
radix = 10;
radixNumber = intNode.getText();
atTerm = intNode;
if (hexNode != null) {
radix = 16;
radixNumber = hexNode.getText();
radixNumber = (radixNumber.charAt(0) == '-') ? ("-" + radixNumber.substring(3)) : radixNumber.substring(2);
atTerm = hexNode;
if (radixNumber != null) {
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(radixNumber, radix);
int bitLength = bigInt.bitLength();
if (bitLength < 8) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigInt.byteValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
if (bitLength < 16) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigInt.shortValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
if (bitLength < 32) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigInt.intValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
if (bitLength < 64) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigInt.longValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigInt, ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
} else {
BigDecimal bigDec = new BigDecimal(decimalNode.getText());
atTerm = decimalNode;
int precisionLength = bigDec.precision();
if (precisionLength < 8 && !Float.isInfinite(bigDec.floatValue())) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigDec.floatValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
if (precisionLength < 16 && !Double.isInfinite(bigDec.doubleValue())) {
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigDec.doubleValue(), ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
this.instStack.push(code(new PrimitiveVariable(bigDec, ValueType.Number, radix), atTerm));
return null;
public T visitFuncCall(FuncCallContext ctx) {
RouteVariable routeVariable = (RouteVariable) this.instStack.pop();
CodeLocation startPos = routeVariable.getStartPosition();
if (routeVariable.getParent() instanceof EnterRouteVariable) {
startPos = routeVariable.getParent().getStartPosition();
CodeLocation endPos = code(new BlockLocation(), ctx.RBT()).getEndPosition();
FunCallRouteVariable funCall = code(new FunCallRouteVariable(routeVariable), startPos, endPos);
List paramLists = ctx.anyObject();
if (paramLists != null) {
for (AnyObjectContext param : paramLists) {
Variable paramVar = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
FuncCallResultContext funcCallResult = ctx.funcCallResult();
if (funcCallResult != null) {
return null;
public T visitFuncCallResult_route1(FuncCallResult_route1Context ctx) {
List subscriptList = ctx.routeSubscript();
if (subscriptList != null) {
for (RouteSubscriptContext context : subscriptList) {
FuncCallResultContext funcCallResult = ctx.funcCallResult();
if (funcCallResult != null) {
return null;
public T visitFuncCallResult_route2(FuncCallResult_route2Context ctx) {
List subscriptList = ctx.routeSubscript();
for (RouteSubscriptContext context : subscriptList) {
RouteNameSetContext routeNameSet = ctx.routeNameSet();
if (routeNameSet != null) {
FuncCallResultContext funcCallResult = ctx.funcCallResult();
if (funcCallResult != null) {
return null;
public T visitFuncCallResult_convert(FuncCallResult_convertContext ctx) {
RouteVariable routeVariable = (RouteVariable) this.instStack.pop();
ListValueContext listValue = ctx.listValue();
ObjectValueContext objectValue = ctx.objectValue();
if (listValue != null) {
ListVariable listVariable = (ListVariable) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new ListFormat(routeVariable, listVariable), listValue));
} else {
ObjectVariable objectVariable = (ObjectVariable) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new ObjectFormat(routeVariable, objectVariable), objectValue));
return null;
public T visitFuncCallResult_call(FuncCallResult_callContext ctx) {
RouteVariable routeVariable = (RouteVariable) this.instStack.pop();
CodeLocation startPos = routeVariable.getStartPosition();
CodeLocation endPos = code(new BlockLocation(), ctx.RBT()).getEndPosition();
FunCallRouteVariable funCall = code(new FunCallRouteVariable(routeVariable), startPos, endPos);
List paramLists = ctx.anyObject();
if (paramLists != null) {
for (AnyObjectContext param : paramLists) {
Variable paramVar = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
FuncCallResultContext funcCallResult = ctx.funcCallResult();
if (funcCallResult != null) {
return null;
public T visitParamRoute(ParamRouteContext ctx) {
// .根
TerminalNode rouTerm = ctx.ROU();
SpecialType special = specialType(rouTerm, SpecialType.Special_B);
TerminalNode identifier = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
TerminalNode string = ctx.STRING();
StringToken rouNameToken = null;
Token enterToken = rouTerm != null ? rouTerm.getSymbol() : ctx.start;
EnterRouteVariable enter = code(new EnterRouteVariable(RouteType.Params, special), enterToken);
if (identifier != null) {
rouNameToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(identifier)), identifier);
} else {
rouNameToken = code(new StringToken(string.getText()), string);
this.instStack.push(code(new NameRouteVariable(enter, rouNameToken), rouNameToken));
// .x{} 后面的继续路由
RouteSubscriptContext routeSubscript = ctx.routeSubscript();
if (routeSubscript != null) {
RouteNameSetContext routeNameSet = ctx.routeNameSet();
if (routeNameSet != null) {
return null;
public T visitSubExprRoute(SubExprRouteContext ctx) {
TerminalNode rouTerm = ctx.ROU();
SpecialType special = specialType(rouTerm, SpecialType.Special_B);
Token enterToken = rouTerm != null ? rouTerm.getSymbol() : ctx.start;
EnterRouteVariable enter = code(new EnterRouteVariable(RouteType.Expr, special), enterToken);
List subscriptContexts = ctx.routeSubscript();
for (RouteSubscriptContext subContext : subscriptContexts) {
RouteNameSetContext routeNameSet = ctx.routeNameSet();
if (routeNameSet != null) {
return null;
public T visitNameExprRoute(NameExprRouteContext ctx) {
TerminalNode rouTerm = ctx.ROU();
SpecialType special = specialType(rouTerm, SpecialType.Special_B);
Token enterToken = rouTerm != null ? rouTerm.getSymbol() : ctx.start;
EnterRouteVariable enter = code(new EnterRouteVariable(RouteType.Expr, special), enterToken);
if (ctx.DOT() != null) {
StringToken stringToken = code(new StringToken(""), rouTerm);
this.instStack.push(code(new NameRouteVariable(enter, stringToken), ctx));
} else {
RouteNameSetContext routeNameSet = ctx.routeNameSet();
if (routeNameSet != null) {
return null;
public T visitExprRoute(ExprRouteContext ctx) {
TerminalNode rouTerm = ctx.ROU();
SpecialType specialType = specialType(rouTerm, SpecialType.Special_A);
Token enterToken = rouTerm != null ? rouTerm.getSymbol() : ctx.start;
EnterRouteVariable enter = code(new EnterRouteVariable(RouteType.Expr, specialType), enterToken);
RouteNameSetContext routeNameSet = ctx.routeNameSet();
if (routeNameSet != null) {
return null;
public T visitExprFmtRoute(ExprFmtRouteContext ctx) {
RouteVariable routeVariable = (RouteVariable) this.instStack.pop();
ListValueContext listValue = ctx.listValue();
ObjectValueContext objectValue = ctx.objectValue();
if (listValue != null) {
ListVariable listVariable = (ListVariable) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new ListFormat(routeVariable, listVariable), listValue));
} else {
ObjectVariable objectVariable = (ObjectVariable) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new ObjectFormat(routeVariable, objectVariable), objectValue));
return null;
public T visitRouteNameSet(RouteNameSetContext ctx) {
return visitChildren(ctx);
public T visitRouteName(RouteNameContext ctx) {
Object peek = this.instStack.peek();
RouteVariable parent = null;
if (peek instanceof RouteVariable) {
parent = (RouteVariable) peek;
TerminalNode itemNameTerm = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
StringToken itemNameToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(itemNameTerm)), itemNameTerm);
this.instStack.push(code(new NameRouteVariable(parent, itemNameToken), itemNameToken));
List subList = ctx.routeSubscript();
if (subList != null) {
for (RouteSubscriptContext subItem : subList) {
return null;
public T visitRouteSubscript(RouteSubscriptContext ctx) {
RouteVariable atNode = (RouteVariable) this.instStack.pop();
TerminalNode intNode = ctx.INTEGER_NUM();
TerminalNode stringNode = ctx.STRING();
ExprContext exprContext = ctx.expr();
BlockLocation locationInfo = code(new BlockLocation(), ctx);
CodeLocation startPos = locationInfo.getStartPosition();
CodeLocation endPos = locationInfo.getEndPosition();
if (atNode instanceof EnterRouteVariable) {
startPos = atNode.getStartPosition();
if (intNode != null) {
IntegerToken subscriptToken = code(new IntegerToken(Integer.parseInt(intNode.getText())), intNode);
this.instStack.push(code(new SubscriptRouteVariable(atNode, subscriptToken), startPos, endPos));
return null;
if (stringNode != null) {
StringToken subscriptToken = code(new StringToken(fixString(stringNode)), stringNode);
this.instStack.push(code(new SubscriptRouteVariable(atNode, subscriptToken), startPos, endPos));
return null;
if (exprContext != null) {
Expression expr = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new SubscriptRouteVariable(atNode, expr), startPos, endPos));
return null;
throw newParseException(ctx.start, "parser failed -> visitRouteSubscript.");
public T visitPrivilegeExpr(PrivilegeExprContext ctx) {
// .先处理优先级
ExprContext expr = ctx.expr();
this.instStack.push(code(new PrivilegeExpression((Expression) this.instStack.pop()), ctx));
return null;
public T visitUnaryExpr(UnaryExprContext ctx) {
TerminalNode unaryOper = null;
unaryOper = operSwitch(unaryOper, ctx.NOT());
unaryOper = operSwitch(unaryOper, ctx.MINUS());
unaryOper = operSwitch(unaryOper, ctx.PLUS());
Expression expr = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(unaryOper.getText()), unaryOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new UnaryExpression(expr, symbolToken), ctx));
return null;
public T visitDyadicExpr_A(DyadicExpr_AContext ctx) {
TerminalNode dyadicOper = null;
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.MUL());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.DIV());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.DIV2());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.MOD());
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(dyadicOper.getText()), dyadicOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new DyadicExpression(expr1, symbolToken, expr2), ctx));
return null;
public T visitDyadicExpr_B(DyadicExpr_BContext ctx) {
TerminalNode dyadicOper = null;
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.PLUS());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.MINUS());
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(dyadicOper.getText()), dyadicOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new DyadicExpression(expr1, symbolToken, expr2), ctx));
return null;
public T visitDyadicExpr_C(DyadicExpr_CContext ctx) {
TerminalNode dyadicOper = null;
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.AND());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.OR());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.XOR());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.LSHIFT());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.RSHIFT());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.RSHIFT2());
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(dyadicOper.getText()), dyadicOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new DyadicExpression(expr1, symbolToken, expr2), ctx));
return null;
public T visitDyadicExpr_D(DyadicExpr_DContext ctx) {
TerminalNode dyadicOper = null;
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.GT());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.GE());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.NE());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.EQ());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.LE());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.LT());
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(dyadicOper.getText()), dyadicOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new DyadicExpression(expr1, symbolToken, expr2), ctx));
return null;
public T visitDyadicExpr_E(DyadicExpr_EContext ctx) {
TerminalNode dyadicOper = null;
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.SC_OR());
dyadicOper = operSwitch(dyadicOper, ctx.SC_AND());
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
SymbolToken symbolToken = code(new SymbolToken(dyadicOper.getText()), dyadicOper);
this.instStack.push(code(new DyadicExpression(expr1, symbolToken, expr2), ctx));
return null;
public T visitTernaryExpr(TernaryExprContext ctx) {
Expression expr3 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr2 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
Expression expr1 = (Expression) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new TernaryExpression(expr1, expr2, expr3), ctx));
return null;
public T visitAtomExpr(AtomExprContext ctx) {
if (this.instStack.peek() instanceof Expression) {
return null;
} else {
Variable var = (Variable) this.instStack.pop();
this.instStack.push(code(new AtomExpression(var), ctx));
return null;
public T visitExtBlock(ExtBlockContext ctx) {
TerminalNode fragmentNameToke = ctx.IDENTIFIER();
String fragmentName = fixIdentifier(fragmentNameToke);
StringBuilder fragmentString = new StringBuilder();
List chars = ctx.CHAR();
chars.forEach(terminalNode -> {
boolean isBatch = ctx.LSBT() != null;
StringToken fragmentNameToken = code(new StringToken(fragmentName), fragmentNameToke);
StringToken fragmentStringToken = code(new StringToken(fragmentString.toString()), chars);
FragmentVariable fragmentVariable = code(new FragmentVariable(fragmentNameToken, fragmentStringToken, isBatch), ctx);
ExtParamsContext paramsContext = ctx.extParams();
if (paramsContext != null) {
for (TerminalNode terminalNode : paramsContext.IDENTIFIER()) {
StringToken paramNameToken = code(new StringToken(fixIdentifier(terminalNode)), terminalNode);
return null;
public T visitExtParams(ExtParamsContext ctx) {
return null;
private SpecialType specialType(TerminalNode rou, SpecialType defaultType) {
if (rou == null) {
return defaultType;
String rouType = rou.getText();
if ("#".equals(rouType)) {
return SpecialType.Special_A;
if ("$".equals(rouType)) {
return SpecialType.Special_B;
if ("@".equals(rouType)) {
return SpecialType.Special_C;
throw newParseException(rou.getSymbol(), "rouType '" + rouType + "' is not supported");
private TerminalNode operSwitch(TerminalNode first, TerminalNode second) {
return first != null ? first : second;
private QueryParseException newParseException(Token token, String errorMessage) {
return new QueryParseException(token.getLine(), token.getStartIndex(), errorMessage);
private String fixIdentifier(TerminalNode identifierNode) {
String string = identifierNode.getText();
if (string.charAt(0) == '`') {
string = string.substring(1, string.length() - 1);
return string;
private String fixString(TerminalNode stringNode) {
String nodeText = stringNode.getText();
return nodeText.substring(1, nodeText.length() - 1);