org.eigenbase.resgen.ResourceDef Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// This java file was automatically generated
// from XOM model 'resource'
// on Mon Nov 14 16:56:43 PST 2016
// Do not edit this file by hand.
package org.eigenbase.resgen;
* This model specifies the elements which make up a resource file. See
* {@link ResourceGenTask} for more information.
* This class was generated from XOM model 'resource' on Mon Nov 14 16:56:43 PST 2016
public class ResourceDef {
public static java.lang.Class getXMLDefClass()
return ResourceDef.class;
public static String[] _elements = {
* A ResourceBundle is a collection of resources.
* The resource generator generates a class from a resource bundle
* which has an accessor method for each resource.
public static class ResourceBundle extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public ResourceBundle()
public ResourceBundle(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
locale = (String)_parser.getAttribute("locale", "String", null, null, true);
exceptionClassName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("exceptionClassName", "String", null, null, false);
cppNamespace = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppNamespace", "String", null, null, false);
cppCommonInclude = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppCommonInclude", "String", null, null, false);
cppExceptionClassName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppExceptionClassName", "String", null, null, false);
cppExceptionClassLocation = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppExceptionClassLocation", "String", null, null, false);
_tempArray = _parser.getArray(Factory.class, 0, 0);
factories = new Factory[_tempArray.length];
for (int _i = 0; _i < factories.length; _i++)
factories[_i] = (Factory)_tempArray[_i];
_tempArray = _parser.getArray(Resource.class, 0, 0);
resources = new Resource[_tempArray.length];
for (int _i = 0; _i < resources.length; _i++)
resources[_i] = (Resource)_tempArray[_i];
code = (Code)_parser.getElement(Code.class, false);
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String locale; // required attribute
public String exceptionClassName; // optional attribute
public String cppNamespace; // optional attribute
public String cppCommonInclude; // optional attribute
public String cppExceptionClassName; // optional attribute
public String cppExceptionClassLocation; // optional attribute
public Factory[] factories; //optional array
public Resource[] resources; //optional array
* Text within this element is included in the generated class.
public Code code; //optional element
public String getName()
return "ResourceBundle";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "locale", locale, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "exceptionClassName", exceptionClassName, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppNamespace", cppNamespace, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppCommonInclude", cppCommonInclude, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppExceptionClassName", cppExceptionClassName, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppExceptionClassLocation", cppExceptionClassLocation, _indent+1);
displayElementArray(_out, "factories", factories, _indent+1);
displayElementArray(_out, "resources", resources, _indent+1);
displayElement(_out, "code", (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) code, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("resourceBundle", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("locale", locale)
.add("exceptionClassName", exceptionClassName)
.add("cppNamespace", cppNamespace)
.add("cppCommonInclude", cppCommonInclude)
.add("cppExceptionClassName", cppExceptionClassName)
.add("cppExceptionClassLocation", cppExceptionClassLocation)
displayXMLElementArray(_out, factories);
displayXMLElementArray(_out, resources);
displayXMLElement(_out, (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) code);
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
ResourceBundle _cother = (ResourceBundle)_other;
boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("locale", locale, _cother.locale, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("exceptionClassName", exceptionClassName, _cother.exceptionClassName, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppNamespace", cppNamespace, _cother.cppNamespace, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppCommonInclude", cppCommonInclude, _cother.cppCommonInclude, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppExceptionClassName", cppExceptionClassName, _cother.cppExceptionClassName, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppExceptionClassLocation", cppExceptionClassLocation, _cother.cppExceptionClassLocation, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("factories", factories, _cother.factories, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("resources", resources, _cother.resources, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("code", code, _cother.code, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
public static class Code extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public Code()
public Code(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
cdata = _parser.getText();
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String cdata; // All text goes here
public String getName()
return "Code";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayString(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("Code", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Code _cother = (Code)_other;
boolean _diff = displayStringDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
public static abstract class Resource extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public Resource()
public Resource(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
this._def = _def;
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
_tempArray = _parser.getArray(Property.class, 0, 0);
properties = new Property[_tempArray.length];
for (int _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++)
properties[_i] = (Property)_tempArray[_i];
text = (Text)_parser.getElement(Text.class, false);
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String name; // required attribute
public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
public Property[] properties; //optional array
public Text text; //optional element
public String getName()
return "Resource";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
displayElementArray(_out, "properties", properties, _indent+1);
displayElement(_out, "text", (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("resource", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("name", name)
displayXMLElementArray(_out, properties);
displayXMLElement(_out, (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text);
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Resource _cother = (Resource)_other;
boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name,, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("properties", properties,, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("text", text, _cother.text, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
// BEGIN pass-through code block ---
abstract org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper getDef();
// END pass-through code block ---
* A message.
public static class Message extends Resource
public Message()
public Message(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
this._def = _def;
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
_tempArray = _parser.getArray(Property.class, 0, 0);
properties = new Property[_tempArray.length];
for (int _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++)
properties[_i] = (Property)_tempArray[_i];
text = (Text)_parser.getElement(Text.class, false);
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
public String getName()
return "Message";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
displayElementArray(_out, "properties", properties, _indent+1);
displayElement(_out, "text", (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("message", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("name", name)
displayXMLElementArray(_out, properties);
displayXMLElement(_out, (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text);
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Message _cother = (Message)_other;
boolean _diff = displayElementArrayDiff("properties", properties,, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("text", text, _cother.text, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
// BEGIN pass-through code block ---
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper getDef() { return _def; }
// END pass-through code block ---
public static class Text extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public Text()
public Text(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
cdata = _parser.getText();
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String cdata; // All text goes here
public String getName()
return "Text";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayString(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("text", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Text _cother = (Text)_other;
boolean _diff = displayStringDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
* An exception defines a message which is issued in response
* to some invalid condition. It has a type, which must be derived from
* {@link Throwable}. The generated newExceptionName
* method creates an instance of this exception with the appropriate
* parameters.
public static class Exception extends Resource
public Exception()
public Exception(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
this._def = _def;
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
className = (String)_parser.getAttribute("className", "String", null, null, false);
cppClassName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppClassName", "String", null, null, false);
cppClassLocation = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppClassLocation", "String", null, null, false);
cppChainExceptions = (String)_parser.getAttribute("cppChainExceptions", "String", null, null, false);
name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
_tempArray = _parser.getArray(Property.class, 0, 0);
properties = new Property[_tempArray.length];
for (int _i = 0; _i < properties.length; _i++)
properties[_i] = (Property)_tempArray[_i];
text = (Text)_parser.getElement(Text.class, false);
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String className; // optional attribute
public String cppClassName; // optional attribute
public String cppClassLocation; // optional attribute
public String cppChainExceptions; // optional attribute
public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
public String getName()
return "Exception";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "className", className, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppClassName", cppClassName, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppClassLocation", cppClassLocation, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "cppChainExceptions", cppChainExceptions, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
displayElementArray(_out, "properties", properties, _indent+1);
displayElement(_out, "text", (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("exception", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("className", className)
.add("cppClassName", cppClassName)
.add("cppClassLocation", cppClassLocation)
.add("cppChainExceptions", cppChainExceptions)
.add("name", name)
displayXMLElementArray(_out, properties);
displayXMLElement(_out, (org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef) text);
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Exception _cother = (Exception)_other;
boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("className", className, _cother.className, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppClassName", cppClassName, _cother.cppClassName, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppClassLocation", cppClassLocation, _cother.cppClassLocation, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("cppChainExceptions", cppChainExceptions, _cother.cppChainExceptions, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("properties", properties,, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("text", text, _cother.text, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
// BEGIN pass-through code block ---
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper getDef() { return _def; }
// END pass-through code block ---
public static class Property extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public Property()
public Property(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
cdata = _parser.getText();
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String name; // required attribute
public String cdata; // All text goes here
public String getName()
return "Property";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
displayString(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("property", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("name", name)
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Property _cother = (Property)_other;
boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name,, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;
public static class Factory extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
public Factory()
public Factory(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
try {
org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", ResourceDef.class);
className = (String)_parser.getAttribute("className", "String", null, null, true);
signature = (String)_parser.getAttribute("signature", "String", null, null, true);
} catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
public String className; // required attribute
public String signature; // required attribute
public String getName()
return "Factory";
public void display( _out, int _indent)
displayAttribute(_out, "className", className, _indent+1);
displayAttribute(_out, "signature", signature, _indent+1);
public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
_out.beginTag("factory", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
.add("className", className)
.add("signature", signature)
public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, _out, int _indent)
Factory _cother = (Factory)_other;
boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("className", className, _cother.className, _out, _indent+1);
_diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("signature", signature, _cother.signature, _out, _indent+1);
return _diff;