net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ExploratoryPeerSelector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import net.i2p.data.DataHelper;
import net.i2p.data.Hash;
import net.i2p.router.RouterContext;
import net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo;
import net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade;
import net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings;
import net.i2p.stat.Rate;
import net.i2p.stat.RateStat;
import net.i2p.util.Log;
import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion;
* Pick peers randomly out of the not-failing pool, and put them into a tunnel
* ordered by XOR distance from a random key.
class ExploratoryPeerSelector extends TunnelPeerSelector {
public ExploratoryPeerSelector(RouterContext context) {
* In: us .. closest .. middle .. IBGW
* Out: OBGW .. middle .. closest .. us
* @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order
* they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST). This includes
* the local router in the list. If there are no tunnels or peers
* to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will
* return null.
public List selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings) {
int length = getLength(settings);
if (length < 0) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
log.debug("Length requested is zero: " + settings);
return null;
//if (false && shouldSelectExplicit(settings)) {
// List rv = selectExplicit(settings, length);
// if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
// l.debug("Explicit peers selected: " + rv);
// return rv;
boolean isInbound = settings.isInbound();
Set exclude = getExclude(isInbound, true);
// special cases
boolean nonzero = length > 0;
boolean exploreHighCap = nonzero && shouldPickHighCap();
boolean v6Only = nonzero && isIPv6Only();
boolean ntcpDisabled = nonzero && isNTCPDisabled();
boolean ssuDisabled = nonzero && isSSUDisabled();
boolean checkClosestHop = v6Only || ntcpDisabled || ssuDisabled;
boolean hidden = nonzero && (ctx.router().isHidden() ||
ctx.router().getRouterInfo().getAddressCount() <= 0);
boolean hiddenInbound = hidden && isInbound;
boolean hiddenOutbound = hidden && !isInbound;
boolean lowOutbound = nonzero && !isInbound && !ctx.commSystem().haveHighOutboundCapacity();
// closest-hop restrictions
// Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
// which will be the closest hop, so select the closest one here if necessary.
Hash closestHop = null;
if (v6Only || hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
Set closestExclude;
if (checkClosestHop) {
closestExclude = getClosestHopExclude(isInbound);
if (closestExclude != null)
closestExclude = exclude;
} else {
closestExclude = exclude;
Set closest = new HashSet(1);
if (hiddenInbound || lowOutbound) {
// If hidden and inbound, use fast peers - that we probably have recently
// connected to and so they have our real RI - to maximize the chance
// that the adjacent hop can connect to us.
// use only connected peers so we don't make more connections
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SANFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
// SANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
Set SANFPExclude = new HashSet(closestExclude);
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, closest);
if (closest.isEmpty()) {
// ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
} else if (exploreHighCap) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SHCP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(1, closestExclude, closest);
} else {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SNFP closest " + (isInbound ? "IB" : "OB") + " exclude " + closestExclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(1, closestExclude, closest, false);
if (!closest.isEmpty()) {
closestHop = closest.iterator().next();
// furthest-hop restrictions
// Since we're applying orderPeers() later, we don't know
// which will be the furthest hop, so select the furthest one here if necessary.
Hash furthestHop = null;
if (hiddenOutbound && length > 0) {
// check for hidden and outbound, and the paired (inbound) tunnel is zero-hop
// if so, we need the OBEP to be connected to us, so we get the build reply back
// This should be rare except at startup
TunnelManagerFacade tmf = ctx.tunnelManager();
TunnelPool tp = tmf.getInboundExploratoryPool();
TunnelPoolSettings tps = tp.getSettings();
int len = tps.getLength();
boolean pickFurthest = true;
if (len <= 0 ||
tps.getLengthOverride() == 0 ||
len + tps.getLengthVariance() <= 0) {
// leave it true
} else {
for (TunnelInfo ti : tp.listTunnels()) {
if (ti.getLength() > 1) {
pickFurthest = false;
if (pickFurthest) {
Set furthest = new HashSet(1);
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SANFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
// ANFP adds all not-connected to exclude, so make a copy
Set SANFPExclude = new HashSet(exclude);
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectActiveNotFailingPeers(1, SANFPExclude, furthest);
if (furthest.isEmpty()) {
// ANFP does not fall back to non-connected
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SFP furthest OB exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectFastPeers(1, exclude, furthest);
if (!furthest.isEmpty()) {
furthestHop = furthest.iterator().next();
// Don't use ff peers for exploratory tunnels to lessen exposure to netDb searches and stores
// Hmm if they don't get explored they don't get a speed/capacity rating
// so they don't get used for client tunnels either.
// FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb();
// exclude.addAll(fac.getFloodfillPeers());
HashSet matches = new HashSet(length);
if (length > 0) {
// We don't honor IP Restriction here, to be fixed
if (exploreHighCap) {
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SHCP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length, exclude, matches);
} else {
// As of 0.9.23, we include a max of 2 not failing peers,
// to improve build success on 3-hop tunnels.
// Peer org credits existing items in matches
if (length > 2)
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectHighCapacityPeers(length - 2, exclude, matches);
if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
log.info("EPS SNFP " + length + (isInbound ? " IB" : " OB") + " exclude " + exclude.size());
ctx.profileOrganizer().selectNotFailingPeers(length, exclude, matches, false);
ArrayList rv = new ArrayList(matches);
if (rv.size() > 1)
orderPeers(rv, settings.getRandomKey());
if (closestHop != null) {
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, closestHop);
if (furthestHop != null) {
// always OBEP for now, nothing special for IBGW
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, furthestHop);
//if (length != rv.size() && log.shouldWarn())
// log.warn("EPS requested " + length + " got " + rv.size() + ": " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
//else if (log.shouldDebug())
// log.debug("EPS result: " + DataHelper.toString(rv));
if (isInbound)
rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash());
if (rv.size() > 1) {
if (!checkTunnel(isInbound, rv))
rv = null;
return rv;
private static final int MIN_NONFAILING_PCT = 15;
private static final int MIN_ACTIVE_PEERS_STARTUP = 6;
private static final int MIN_ACTIVE_PEERS = 12;
* Should we pick from the high cap pool instead of the larger not failing pool?
* This should return false most of the time, but if the not-failing pool's
* build success rate is much worse, return true so that reliability
* is maintained.
private boolean shouldPickHighCap() {
if (ctx.getBooleanProperty("router.exploreHighCapacity"))
return true;
// If we don't have enough connected peers, use exploratory
// tunnel building to get us better-connected.
// This is a tradeoff, we could easily lose our exploratory tunnels,
// but with so few connected peers, anonymity suffers and reliability
// will decline also, as we repeatedly try to build tunnels
// through the same few peers.
int active = ctx.commSystem().countActivePeers();
return false;
// no need to explore too wildly at first (if we have enough connected peers)
if (ctx.router().getUptime() <= (SystemVersion.isAndroid() ? 15*60*1000 : 5*60*1000))
return true;
// or at the end
if (ctx.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress())
return true;
// see above
if (active < MIN_ACTIVE_PEERS)
return false;
// ok, if we aren't explicitly asking for it, we should try to pick peers
// randomly from the 'not failing' pool. However, if we are having a
// hard time building exploratory tunnels, lets fall back again on the
// high capacity peers, at least for a little bit.
int failPct;
// getEvents() will be 0 for first 10 minutes
if (ctx.router().getUptime() <= 11*60*1000) {
failPct = 100 - MIN_NONFAILING_PCT;
} else {
failPct = getExploratoryFailPercentage();
//Log l = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass());
//if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
// l.debug("Normalized Fail pct: " + failPct);
// always try a little, this helps keep the failPct stat accurate too
if (failPct > 100 - MIN_NONFAILING_PCT)
failPct = 100 - MIN_NONFAILING_PCT;
return (failPct >= ctx.random().nextInt(100));
* We should really use the difference between the exploratory fail rate
* and the high capacity fail rate - but we don't have a stat for high cap,
* so use the fast (== client) fail rate, it should be close
* if the expl. and client tunnel lengths aren't too different.
* So calculate the difference between the exploratory fail rate
* and the client fail rate, normalized to 100:
* 100 * ((Efail - Cfail) / (100 - Cfail))
* Even this isn't the "true" rate for the NonFailingPeers pool, since we
* are often building exploratory tunnels using the HighCapacity pool.
private int getExploratoryFailPercentage() {
int c = getFailPercentage("Client");
int e = getFailPercentage("Exploratory");
//Log l = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass());
//if (l.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
// l.debug("Client, Expl. Fail pct: " + c + ", " + e);
if (e <= c || e <= 25) // doing very well (unlikely)
return 0;
// Doing very badly? This is important to prevent network congestion collapse
if (c >= 70 || e >= 75)
return 100 - MIN_NONFAILING_PCT;
return (100 * (e-c)) / (100-c);
private int getFailPercentage(String t) {
String pfx = "tunnel.build" + t;
int timeout = getEvents(pfx + "Expire", 10*60*1000);
int reject = getEvents(pfx + "Reject", 10*60*1000);
int accept = getEvents(pfx + "Success", 10*60*1000);
if (accept + reject + timeout <= 0)
return 0;
double pct = (double)(reject + timeout) / (accept + reject + timeout);
return (int)(100 * pct);
/** Use current + last to get more recent and smoother data */
private int getEvents(String stat, long period) {
RateStat rs = ctx.statManager().getRate(stat);
if (rs == null)
return 0;
Rate r = rs.getRate(period);
if (r == null)
return 0;
return (int) (r.computeAverages().getTotalEventCount());
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