net.i2p.router.RouterClock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.i2p.router;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import net.i2p.data.DataHelper;
import net.i2p.router.time.RouterTimestamper;
import net.i2p.time.BuildTime;
import net.i2p.time.Timestamper;
import net.i2p.util.Clock;
import net.i2p.util.Log;
* Alternate location for determining the time which takes into account an offset.
* This offset will ideally be periodically updated so as to serve as the difference
* between the local computer's current time and the time as known by some reference
* (such as an NTP synchronized clock).
* RouterClock is a subclass of Clock with access to router transports.
* Configuration permitting, it will block clock offset changes
* which would increase peer clock skew.
public class RouterClock extends Clock {
* How often we will slew the clock
* i.e. ppm = 1000000/MAX_SLEW
* We should be able to slew really fast,
* this is probably a lot faster than what NTP does
* 1/50 is 12s in a 10m tunnel lifetime, that should be fine.
* All of this is @since 0.7.12
private static final long MAX_SLEW = 25;
public static final int DEFAULT_STRATUM = 8;
private static final int WORST_STRATUM = 16;
/** the max NTP Timestamper delay is 30m right now, make this longer than that */
private static final long MIN_DELAY_FOR_WORSE_STRATUM = 45*60*1000;
private volatile long _desiredOffset;
private volatile long _lastSlewed;
/** use system time for this */
private long _lastChanged;
private int _lastStratum;
private long _lastProposedOffset;
private final RouterTimestamper _timeStamper;
* If the system clock shifts by this much,
* call the callback, we probably need a soft restart.
* @since 0.8.8
private static final long MASSIVE_SHIFT_FORWARD = 150*1000;
private static final long MASSIVE_SHIFT_BACKWARD = 61*1000;
/** testing only */
private static final String PROP_DISABLE_ADJUSTMENT = "time.disableOffset";
private final Set _shiftListeners;
private volatile long _lastShiftNanos;
* Does not start. Caller MUST call start()
public RouterClock(RouterContext context) {
_lastStratum = WORST_STRATUM;
_lastSlewed = System.currentTimeMillis();
_shiftListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet();
_lastShiftNanos = System.nanoTime();
_timeStamper = new RouterTimestamper(context, this);
* Cannot be stopped, but RouterTimestamper registers a shutdown task.
* @since 0.9.20
public void start() {
* The RouterTimestamper
public Timestamper getTimestamper() { return _timeStamper; }
* Specify how far away from the "correct" time the computer is - a positive
* value means that the system time is slow, while a negative value means the system time is fast.
* @param offsetMs the delta from System.currentTimeMillis() (NOT the delta from now())
public void setOffset(long offsetMs, boolean force) {
setOffset(offsetMs, force, DEFAULT_STRATUM);
* @since 0.7.12
* @param offsetMs the delta from System.currentTimeMillis() (NOT the delta from now())
private void setOffset(long offsetMs, int stratum) {
setOffset(offsetMs, false, stratum);
* @since 0.7.12
* @param offsetMs the delta from System.currentTimeMillis() (NOT the delta from now())
private synchronized void setOffset(long offsetMs, boolean force, int stratum) {
long delta = offsetMs - _offset;
long systemNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (!force) {
if (!_isSystemClockBad && (offsetMs > MAX_OFFSET || offsetMs < 0 - MAX_OFFSET)) {
Log log = getLog();
if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
log.warn("Maximum offset shift exceeded [" + offsetMs + "], NOT HONORING IT");
// only allow substantial modifications before the first 10 minutes
if (_alreadyChanged && (systemNow - _startedOn > 10 * 60 * 1000)) {
if ( (delta > MAX_LIVE_OFFSET) || (delta < 0 - MAX_LIVE_OFFSET) ) {
Log log = getLog();
if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
log.warn("The clock has already been updated, ignoring request to change it by "
+ delta + " to " + offsetMs, new Exception());
// let's be perfect
if (delta == 0) {
getLog().debug("Not changing offset, delta=0");
_alreadyChanged = true;
// only listen to a worse stratum if it's been a while
if (_alreadyChanged && stratum > _lastStratum &&
systemNow - _lastChanged < MIN_DELAY_FOR_WORSE_STRATUM) {
Log log = getLog();
if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
log.debug("Ignoring update from a stratum " + stratum +
" clock, we recently had an update from a stratum " + _lastStratum + " clock");
// If so configured, check sanity of proposed clock offset
if (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue("router.clockOffsetSanityCheck") &&
_alreadyChanged) {
// Try calculating peer clock skew
// This may get called very early at startup, before RouterContext.initAll() is completed,
// so the comm system may be null. Avoid NPE.
CommSystemFacade csf = ((RouterContext)_context).commSystem();
long currentPeerClockSkew = (csf != null) ? csf.getFramedAveragePeerClockSkew(10) : 0;
// Predict the effect of applying the proposed clock offset
long predictedPeerClockSkew = currentPeerClockSkew + delta;
// Fail sanity check if applying the offset would increase peer clock skew
Log log = getLog();
if ((Math.abs(predictedPeerClockSkew) > (Math.abs(currentPeerClockSkew) + 5*1000)) ||
(Math.abs(predictedPeerClockSkew) > 20*1000)) {
if (log.shouldWarn())
log.warn("Ignoring clock offset " + offsetMs + "ms (current " + _offset +
"ms) since it would increase peer clock skew from " + currentPeerClockSkew +
"ms to " + predictedPeerClockSkew + "ms. Stratum: " + stratum);
} else {
if (log.shouldInfo())
log.info("Approving clock offset " + offsetMs + "ms (current " + _offset +
"ms) since it would decrease peer clock skew from " + currentPeerClockSkew +
"ms to " + predictedPeerClockSkew + "ms. Stratum: " + stratum);
} // check sanity
// In first minute, allow a lower (better) stratum to do a step adjustment after
// a previous step adjustment.
// This allows NTP to trump a peer offset after a soft restart
if (_alreadyChanged &&
(stratum >= _lastStratum || systemNow - _startedOn > 60*1000)) {
// Update the target offset, slewing will take care of the rest
if (delta > 15*1000)
getLog().logAlways(Log.WARN, "Warning - Updating target clock offset to " + offsetMs + "ms from " + _offset + "ms, Stratum " + stratum);
else if (getLog().shouldLog(Log.INFO))
getLog().info("Updating target clock offset to " + offsetMs + "ms from " + _offset + "ms, Stratum " + stratum);
if (!_statCreated) {
_context.statManager().createRateStat("clock.skew", "Clock step adjustment (ms)", "Clock", new long[] { 60*60*1000 });
_statCreated = true;
_context.statManager().addRateData("clock.skew", delta);
if (_context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DISABLE_ADJUSTMENT)) {
getLog().error("Clock adjustment disabled", new Exception());
} else {
_desiredOffset = offsetMs;
} else {
Log log = getLog();
// For setting the clock based on peer skew (DEFAULT_STRATUM)
// we require a simple consensus of two consecutive peers
// to be within 1 minute of each other, and take the average.
if (stratum < DEFAULT_STRATUM ||
(_lastProposedOffset != 0 && Math.abs(_lastProposedOffset - offsetMs) < 60*1000)) {
if (stratum >= DEFAULT_STRATUM && _lastProposedOffset != 0) {
// within 30 sec of each other, take the average
offsetMs = (_lastProposedOffset + offsetMs) / 2;
delta = offsetMs - _offset;
if (log.shouldInfo())
log.info("Initializing clock offset to " + offsetMs + "ms, Stratum " + stratum, new Exception());
_alreadyChanged = true;
_lastProposedOffset = 0;
if (_context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DISABLE_ADJUSTMENT)) {
log.error("Clock adjustment disabled", new Exception());
} else {
_offset = offsetMs;
_desiredOffset = offsetMs;
// this is used by the JobQueue
} else {
if (log.shouldInfo())
log.info("Pending clock offset " + offsetMs + "ms, Stratum " + stratum, new Exception());
// so we know we were here
if (offsetMs == 0)
_lastProposedOffset = 1;
_lastProposedOffset = offsetMs;
_lastChanged = systemNow;
_lastStratum = stratum;
* @param stratum used to determine whether we should ignore
* @since 0.7.12
public void setNow(long realTime, int stratum) {
if (realTime < BuildTime.getEarliestTime() || realTime > BuildTime.getLatestTime()) {
Log log = getLog();
String msg = "Invalid time received: " + new Date(realTime);
if (log.shouldWarn())
log.warn(msg, new Exception());
log.logAlways(Log.WARN, msg);
long diff = realTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
setOffset(diff, stratum);
* Retrieve the current time synchronized with whatever reference clock is in use.
* Do really simple clock slewing, like NTP but without jitter prevention.
* Slew the clock toward the desired offset, but only up to a maximum slew rate,
* and never let the clock go backwards because of slewing.
* Take care to only access the volatile variables once for speed and to
* avoid having another thread change them
* This is called about a zillion times a second, so we can do the slewing right
* here rather than in some separate thread to keep it simple.
* Avoiding backwards clocks when updating in a thread would be hard too.
public long now() {
long systemNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
// copy the global, so two threads don't both increment or decrement _offset
long offset = _offset;
long sinceLastSlewed = systemNow - _lastSlewed;
if (sinceLastSlewed >= MASSIVE_SHIFT_FORWARD ||
sinceLastSlewed <= 0 - MASSIVE_SHIFT_BACKWARD) {
_lastSlewed = systemNow;
} else if (sinceLastSlewed >= MAX_SLEW) {
// copy the global
long desiredOffset = _desiredOffset;
if (desiredOffset > offset) {
// slew forward
offset += Math.min(10, sinceLastSlewed / MAX_SLEW);
_offset = offset;
} else if (desiredOffset < offset) {
// slew backward, but don't let the clock go backward
// this should be the first call since systemNow
// was greater than lastSled + MAX_SLEW, i.e. different
// from the last systemNow, thus we won't let the clock go backward,
// no need to track when we were last called.
_offset = --offset;
_lastSlewed = systemNow;
return offset + systemNow;
* A large system clock shift happened. Tell people about it.
* @since 0.8.8
private synchronized void notifyMassive(long shift) {
long nowNanos = System.nanoTime();
// try to prevent dups, not guaranteed
// nanoTime() isn't guaranteed to be monotonic either :(
if (nowNanos < _lastShiftNanos + (MASSIVE_SHIFT_FORWARD * 1000*1000L))
_lastShiftNanos = nowNanos;
// reset these so the offset can be reset by the timestamper again
_startedOn = System.currentTimeMillis();
_alreadyChanged = false;
if (shift > 0)
getLog().log(Log.CRIT, "Large clock shift forward by " + DataHelper.formatDuration(shift));
getLog().log(Log.CRIT, "Large clock shift backward by " + DataHelper.formatDuration(0 - shift));
for (ClockShiftListener lsnr : _shiftListeners) {
* Get notified of massive System clock shifts, positive or negative -
* generally a minute or more.
* The adjusted (offset) clock changes by the same amount.
* The offset itself did not change.
* Warning - duplicate notifications may occur.
* @since 0.8.8
public void addShiftListener(ClockShiftListener lsnr) {
* @since 0.8.8
public void removeShiftListener(ClockShiftListener lsnr) {
* @since 0.8.8
public interface ClockShiftListener {
* @param delta The system clock and adjusted clock just changed by this much,
* in milliseconds (approximately)
public void clockShift(long delta);
* How far we still have to slew, for diagnostics
* @since 0.7.12
* @deprecated for debugging only
public long getDeltaOffset() {
return _desiredOffset - _offset;
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