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* free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others
* Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain
* with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
* It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat
* your children, but it might. Use at your own risk.
* Base interface for all I2NP messages
* Note: No longer extends DataStructure as of 0.9.48
* @author jrandom
public interface I2NPMessage {
/** 4 bytes unsigned */
public static final long MAX_ID_VALUE = (1l << 32) - 1l;
* Nominal limit, actual max is much less.
* See website docs for further restrictions due to
* various overhead and limitations in encryption,
* fragmentation, and the transports.
public static final int MAX_SIZE = 64*1024;
* Read the body into the data structures, after the initial type byte, using
* the current class's format as defined by the I2NP specification
* @param data the data
* @param type I2NP message type. If less than zero, read the type from data
* @param offset where to start
* starting at type if type is < 0 (16 byte header)
* starting at ID if type is >= 0 (15 byte header)
* @return size of the message read (including headers)
* @throws I2NPMessageException if there is no valid message
public int readBytes(byte data[], int type, int offset) throws I2NPMessageException;
* Read the body into the data structures, after the initial type byte, using
* the current class's format as defined by the I2NP specification
* @param data the data, may or may not include the type
* @param type I2NP message type. If less than zero, read the type from data
* @param offset where to start
* starting at type if type is < 0 (16 byte header)
* starting at ID if type is >= 0 (15 byte header)
* @param maxLen read no more than this many bytes from data starting at offset, even if it is longer
* This includes the type byte only if type < 0
* @return size of the message read (including headers)
* @throws I2NPMessageException if there is no valid message
* @since 0.8.12
public int readBytes(byte data[], int type, int offset, int maxLen) throws I2NPMessageException;
* Read the body into the data structures, after the initial type byte and
* the uniqueId / expiration, using the current class's format as defined by
* the I2NP specification
* @param data data to read from
* @param offset where to start in the data array
* @param dataSize how long into the data to read
* @param type I2NP message type
* @throws I2NPMessageException if the stream doesn't contain a valid message
* that this class can read.
public void readMessage(byte data[], int offset, int dataSize, int type) throws I2NPMessageException;
public void readMessage(byte data[], int offset, int dataSize, int type, I2NPMessageHandler handler) throws I2NPMessageException;
* Return the unique identifier for this type of I2NP message, as defined in
* the I2NP spec
public int getType();
* Replay resistant message ID
* optionally, the caller may pass a msgIDBloomXor value, and the
* return value will be Xor'ed with that value. Passing a msgIDBloomXor
* value of 0 will result in the original ID being returned, instead of
* passing 0 use the no-arg version.
public long getUniqueId(long msgIDBloomXor);
public long getUniqueId();
public void setUniqueId(long id);
* Date after which the message should be dropped (and the associated uniqueId forgotten)
public long getMessageExpiration();
public void setMessageExpiration(long exp);
/** How large the message is, including any checksums, i.e. full 16 byte header */
public int getMessageSize();
/** How large the raw message is with the short 5 byte header */
public int getRawMessageSize();
* @since 0.9.48 from DataStructure
public byte[] toByteArray();
* Write the message to the buffer, returning the new offset (NOT the length).
* the data is formatted so as to be self contained, with the type, size,
* expiration, unique id, as well as a checksum bundled along.
* Full 16 byte header for NTCP 1.
* @return the new offset (NOT the length)
public int toByteArray(byte buffer[]);
* Write the message to the buffer, returning the new offset (NOT the length).
* the data is formatted so as to be self contained, with the type, size,
* expiration, unique id, as well as a checksum bundled along.
* Full 16 byte header for NTCP 1.
* @param off the offset to start writing at
* @return the new offset (NOT the length)
* @since 0.9.36
public int toByteArray(byte buffer[], int off);
* Write the message to the buffer, returning the new offset (NOT the length).
* the data is is not self contained - it does not include the size,
* unique id, or any checksum, but does include the type and expiration.
* Short 5 byte header for SSU.
* @return the length written
public int toRawByteArray(byte buffer[]);
* Write the message to the buffer, returning the new offset (NOT the length).
* the data is is not self contained - it does not include the size,
* unique id, or any checksum, but does include the type and expiration.
* Short 9 byte header for NTCP 2.
* @param off the offset to start writing at
* @return the new offset (NOT the length)
* @since 0.9.36
public int toRawByteArrayNTCP2(byte buffer[], int off);