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* free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others
* Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain
* with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
* It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat
* your children, but it might. Use at your own risk.
import net.i2p.I2PAppContext;
import net.i2p.util.ByteCache;
* Defines the message sent between routers as part of the tunnel delivery
* The tunnel ID is changed in-place by TunnelParticipant.send(), so
* we can't reuse the checksum on output, but we still subclass
* FastI2NPMessageImpl so we don't verify the checksum on input...
* because this is a high-usage class.
public class TunnelDataMessage extends FastI2NPMessageImpl {
private long _tunnelId;
private TunnelId _tunnelIdObj;
private byte[] _data;
private ByteArray _dataBuf;
public final static int MESSAGE_TYPE = 18;
public static final int DATA_SIZE = 1024;
/** if we can't deliver a tunnel message in 10s, forget it */
private static final int EXPIRATION_PERIOD = 10*1000;
private static final ByteCache _cache;
* When true, it means this tunnelDataMessage is being used as part of a tunnel
* processing pipeline, where the byte array is acquired during the TunnelDataMessage's
* creation (per readMessage), held onto through several transitions (updating and
* moving that array between different TunnelDataMessage instances or the fragment
* handler's cache, etc), until it is finally released back into the cache when written
* to the next peer (or explicitly by the fragment handler's completion).
* Setting this to false just increases memory churn
* Well, this is tricky to get right and avoid data corruption,
* here's an example after checks were put in:
10:57:05.197 CRIT [NTCP read 1 ] TDM boom TDM data buf use after free
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.bufferedPrepare(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.send(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPTransport.outboundMessageReady(
at net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl.send(
at net.i2p.router.transport.GetBidsJob.getBids(
at net.i2p.router.transport.CommSystemFacadeImpl.processMessage(
at net.i2p.router.OutNetMessagePool.add(
at net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl.afterSend(
at net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl.afterSend(
at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport.failed(
at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState.add(
at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageFragments.add(
at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport.send(
at net.i2p.router.transport.GetBidsJob.getBids(
at net.i2p.router.transport.CommSystemFacadeImpl.processMessage(
at net.i2p.router.OutNetMessagePool.add(
at net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelParticipant.send(
at net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelParticipant.dispatch(
at net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelDispatcher.dispatch(
at net.i2p.router.InNetMessagePool.doShortCircuitTunnelData(
at net.i2p.router.InNetMessagePool.shortCircuitTunnelData(
at net.i2p.router.InNetMessagePool.add(
at net.i2p.router.transport.TransportManager.messageReceived(
at net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl.messageReceived(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection$ReadState.receiveLastBlock(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection$ReadState.receiveSubsequent(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection$ReadState.receiveBlock(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.recvUnencryptedI2NP(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPConnection.recvEncryptedI2NP(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.Reader.processRead(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.Reader.access$400(
at net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.Reader$
private static final boolean PIPELINED_CACHE = true;
static {
_cache = ByteCache.getInstance(512, DATA_SIZE);
_cache = null;
/** For use-after-free checks. Always false if PIPELINED_CACHE is false. */
private boolean _hadCache;
public TunnelDataMessage(I2PAppContext context) {
setMessageExpiration(context.clock().now() + EXPIRATION_PERIOD);
public long getTunnelId() { return _tunnelId; }
* (correctly) Invalidates stored checksum
public void setTunnelId(long id) {
_hasChecksum = false;
_tunnelId = id;
public TunnelId getTunnelIdObj() {
if (_tunnelIdObj == null)
_tunnelIdObj = new TunnelId(_tunnelId); // not thread safe, but immutable, so who cares
return _tunnelIdObj;
* (correctly) Invalidates stored checksum
public void setTunnelId(TunnelId id) {
_hasChecksum = false;
_tunnelIdObj = id;
_tunnelId = id.getTunnelId();
public byte[] getData() {
if (_hadCache && _dataBuf == null) {
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("TDM data buf use after free");
_log.error("TDM boom", e);
throw e;
return _data;
* @throws IllegalStateException if data previously set, to protect saved checksum
public void setData(byte data[]) {
if (_data != null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
if ( (data == null) || (data.length <= 0) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty tunnel payload?");
_data = data;
public void readMessage(byte data[], int offset, int dataSize, int type) throws I2NPMessageException {
if (type != MESSAGE_TYPE) throw new I2NPMessageException("Message type is incorrect for this message");
int curIndex = offset;
_tunnelId = DataHelper.fromLong(data, curIndex, 4);
curIndex += 4;
if (_tunnelId <= 0)
throw new I2NPMessageException("Invalid tunnel Id " + _tunnelId);
// we cant cache it in trivial form, as other components (e.g. HopProcessor)
// call getData() and use it as the buffer to write with. it is then used
// again to pass to the 'receiver', which may even cache it in a FragmentMessage.
_dataBuf = _cache.acquire();
_data = _dataBuf.getData();
_hadCache = true;
} else {
_data = new byte[DATA_SIZE];
System.arraycopy(data, curIndex, _data, 0, DATA_SIZE);
/** calculate the message body's length (not including the header and footer */
protected int calculateWrittenLength() { return 4 + DATA_SIZE; }
/** write the message body to the output array, starting at the given index */
protected int writeMessageBody(byte out[], int curIndex) throws I2NPMessageException {
if ( (_tunnelId <= 0) || (_data == null) )
throw new I2NPMessageException("Not enough data to write out (id=" + _tunnelId + ")");
if (_data.length <= 0)
throw new I2NPMessageException("Not enough data to write out (data.length=" + _data.length + ")");
if (_hadCache && _dataBuf == null) {
I2NPMessageException e = new I2NPMessageException("TDM data buf use after free");
_log.error("TDM boom", e);
throw e;
DataHelper.toLong(out, curIndex, 4, _tunnelId);
curIndex += 4;
System.arraycopy(_data, 0, out, curIndex, DATA_SIZE);
curIndex += _data.length;
// We can use from the cache, we just can't release to the cache, due to the bug
// noted above. In effect, this means that transmitted TDMs don't get their
// dataBufs released - but received TDMs do (via FragmentHandler)
//if (_hadCache) {
// _cache.release(_dataBuf);
// _dataBuf = null;
return curIndex;
public int getType() { return MESSAGE_TYPE; }
public int hashCode() {
return (int)_tunnelId +
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if ( (object != null) && (object instanceof TunnelDataMessage) ) {
TunnelDataMessage msg = (TunnelDataMessage)object;
return _tunnelId == msg.getTunnelId() &&
} else {
return false;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
byte rv[] = super.toByteArray();
if (rv == null)
throw new RuntimeException("unable to toByteArray(): " + toString());
return rv;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append(" MessageId: ").append(getUniqueId());
buf.append(" Tunnel ID: ").append(_tunnelId);
return buf.toString();