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package net.i2p.router.startup;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import net.i2p.I2PAppContext;
import net.i2p.router.RouterContext;
import net.i2p.util.FileSuffixFilter;
import net.i2p.util.FileUtil;
import net.i2p.util.Log;
import net.i2p.util.ObjectCounterUnsafe;
import net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties;
import net.i2p.util.SecureDirectory;
import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion;
* Contains a really simple ClientApp "structure" and some static methods
* so they can be used both by LoadClientAppsJob and by the configuration
* page in the router console.
* clients.config format:
* Lines are of the form clientApp.x.prop=val, where x is the app number.
* App numbers MUST start with 0 and be consecutive.
* Properties are as follows:
* main: Full class name. Required. The main() method in this
* class will be run.
* name: Name to be displayed on console.
* args: Arguments to the main class, separated by spaces or tabs.
* Arguments containing spaces or tabs may be quoted with ' or "
* delay: Seconds before starting, default 120
* onBoot: {true|false}, default false, forces a delay of 0,
* overrides delay setting
* startOnLoad: {true|false} Is the client to be run at all?
* Default true
* The following additional properties are used only by plugins:
* stopargs: Arguments to stop the client.
* uninstallargs: Arguments to stop the client.
* classpath: Additional classpath elements for the client,
* separated by commas.
* The following substitutions are made in the args, stopargs,
* uninstallargs, and classpath lines, for plugins only:
* $I2P: The base I2P install directory
* $CONFIG: The user's configuration directory (e.g. ~/.i2p)
* $PLUGIN: This plugin's directory (e.g. ~/.i2p/plugins/foo)
* All properties except "main" are optional.
* Lines starting with "#" are comments.
* If the delay is less than zero, the client is run immediately,
* in the same thread, so that exceptions may be propagated to the console.
* In this case, the client should either throw an exception, return quickly,
* or spawn its own thread.
* If the delay is greater than or equal to zero, it will be run
* in a new thread, and exceptions will be logged but not propagated
* to the console.
public class ClientAppConfig {
/** wait 2 minutes before starting up client apps */
private final static long DEFAULT_STARTUP_DELAY = 2*60*1000;
/** speed up i2ptunnel without rewriting clients.config */
private final static long I2PTUNNEL_STARTUP_DELAY = -1000;
private static final String PROP_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "router.clientConfigFile";
private static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "clients.config";
private static final String CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR = "clients.config.d";
private static final String PREFIX = "clientApp.";
// let's keep this really simple
// Following 4 may be edited in router console
public String className;
public String clientName;
public String args;
public boolean disabled;
public final long delay;
/** @since 0.7.12 */
public final String classpath;
/** @since 0.7.12 */
public final String stopargs;
/** @since 0.7.12 */
public final String uninstallargs;
/** @since 0.9.42 */
File configFile;
public ClientAppConfig(String cl, String client, String a, long d, boolean dis) {
this(cl, client, a, d, dis, null, null, null);
/** @since 0.7.12 */
public ClientAppConfig(String cl, String client, String a, long d, boolean dis, String cp, String sa, String ua) {
className = cl;
clientName = client;
args = a;
delay = d;
disabled = dis;
classpath = cp;
stopargs = sa;
uninstallargs = ua;
* Only valid for the router's clients (not plugins).
* Only valid after getClientApps(ctx) has been called.
* @since 0.9.42
public synchronized static boolean isSplitConfig(I2PAppContext ctx) {
File dir = new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR);
return dir.exists() && !configFile(ctx).exists();
* This is the old config file. Only valid if not a split config.
public static File configFile(I2PAppContext ctx) {
File cfgFile = new File(clientConfigFile);
if (!cfgFile.isAbsolute())
cfgFile = new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), clientConfigFile);
return cfgFile;
* This is the config dir. Only valid if a split config.
* @since 0.9.48
public static File configDir(I2PAppContext ctx) {
return new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR);
* Go through the files, and return a List of ClientAppConfig structures
* This is for the router.
public synchronized static List getClientApps(RouterContext ctx) {
File dir = new SecureDirectory(ctx.getConfigDir(), CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR);
// clients.config
List rv = new ArrayList(8);
File cf = configFile(ctx);
try {
List cacs = getClientApps(cf);
if (!cacs.isEmpty()) {
if (!SystemVersion.isAndroid())
MigrateJetty.migrate(ctx, cacs);
boolean ok = migrate(ctx, cacs, cf, dir);
if (!ok)
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ctx.logManager().getLog(ClientAppConfig.class).error("Error loading the client app properties from " + cf, ioe);
System.out.println("Error loading the client app properties from " + cf + ' ' + ioe);
// clients.config.d
if (dir.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FileSuffixFilter(".config"));
if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
// sort so the returned order is consistent
for (File f : files) {
if (!f.getName().endsWith(".config"))
if (!f.isFile())
try {
List cacs = getClientApps(f);
if (!cacs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
ctx.logManager().getLog(ClientAppConfig.class).error("Error loading the client app properties from " + f);
System.out.println("Error loading the client app properties from " + f);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ctx.logManager().getLog(ClientAppConfig.class).error("Error loading the client app properties from " + f, ioe);
System.out.println("Error loading the client app properties from " + f + ' ' + ioe);
return rv;
* Go through the file, and return a List of ClientAppConfig structures
* @since 0.7.12
public synchronized static List getClientApps(File cfgFile) throws IOException {
if (!cfgFile.isFile())
return new ArrayList();
Properties clientApps = new Properties();
DataHelper.loadProps(clientApps, cfgFile);
List rv = getClientApps(clientApps);
for (ClientAppConfig cac : rv) {
cac.configFile = cfgFile;
return rv;
* Migrate apps from file to individual files in dir
* @return success
* @since 0.9.42
private static boolean migrate(I2PAppContext ctx, List apps, File from, File dir) {
// don't migrate Android
if (SystemVersion.isAndroid())
return false;
// don't migrate portable
try {
if (ctx.getConfigDir().getCanonicalPath().equals(ctx.getBaseDir().getCanonicalPath()))
return false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs())
return false;
boolean ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < apps.size(); i++) {
ClientAppConfig cac = apps.get(i);
String name = i + "-" + cac.className + "-clients.config";
if (i < 10)
name = '0' + name;
File f = new File(dir, name);
cac.configFile = f;
try {
writeClientAppConfig(ctx, cac);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ctx.logManager().getLog(ClientAppConfig.class).error("Error migrating the client app properties to " + f, ioe);
System.out.println("Error migrating the client app properties to " + f + ' ' + ioe);
cac.configFile = from;
ok = false;
if (ok) {
if (!FileUtil.rename(from, new File(from.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak")))
return ok;
* Go through the properties, and return a List of ClientAppConfig structures
* @since 0.7.12
private static List getClientApps(Properties clientApps) {
List rv = new ArrayList(8);
int i = 0;
while (true) {
ClientAppConfig cac = getClientApp(clientApps, PREFIX + i);
if (cac == null)
return rv;
* Go through the properties, and get a single ClientAppConfig structure
* with this prefix
* @return null if none
* @since 0.9.42 split out from above
private static ClientAppConfig getClientApp(Properties clientApps, String prefix) {
String className = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".main");
if (className == null)
return null;
String clientName = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".name");
String args = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".args");
String delayStr = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".delay");
String onBoot = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".onBoot");
String disabled = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".startOnLoad");
String classpath = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".classpath");
String stopargs = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".stopargs");
String uninstallargs = clientApps.getProperty(prefix + ".uninstallargs");
boolean dis = disabled != null && "false".equals(disabled);
boolean onStartup = false;
if (onBoot != null)
onStartup = "true".equals(onBoot) || "yes".equals(onBoot);
long delay;
if (onStartup) {
delay = 0;
} else if (className.equals("net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup")) {
// speed up the start of i2ptunnel for everybody without rewriting clients.config
} else {
if (delayStr != null)
try { delay = 1000*Integer.parseInt(delayStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
return new ClientAppConfig(className, clientName, args, delay, dis,
classpath, stopargs, uninstallargs);
* Classpath and stopargs not supported.
* All other apps in the file will be deleted.
* Do not use if multiple apps in a single file - use writeClientAppConfig(ctx, apps).
* If app.configFile is null, a new file will be created and assigned.
* @since 0.9.42
public synchronized static void writeClientAppConfig(I2PAppContext ctx, ClientAppConfig app) throws IOException {
if (app.configFile == null) {
File dir = new SecureDirectory(ctx.getConfigDir(), CLIENT_CONFIG_DIR);
if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs())
throw new IOException("Can't create " + dir);
int i = 0;
String[] files = dir.list();
if (files != null)
i = files.length;
File f;
do {
String name = i + "-" + app.className + "-clients.config";
if (i < 10)
name = '0' + name;
f = new File(dir, name);
} while (f.exists());
app.configFile = f;
writeClientAppConfig(Collections.singletonList(app), app.configFile);
* Classpath and stopargs not supported.
* All other apps in the files will be deleted.
* Do not add apps with this method - use writeClientAppConfig(ctx, app).
* Do not delete apps with this method - use deleteClientAppConfig().
* @since 0.9.42 split out from above
public synchronized static void writeClientAppConfig(I2PAppContext ctx, List apps) throws IOException {
// Gather the set of config files
ObjectCounterUnsafe counter = new ObjectCounterUnsafe();
for (ClientAppConfig cac : apps) {
File f = cac.configFile;
if (f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No file for " + cac.className);
IOException e = null;
// Write the config files
Set files = counter.objects();
// For each file, write all the configs for that file
for (File f : files) {
// Gather configs for this file
List cacs = new ArrayList(8);
for (ClientAppConfig cac : apps) {
if (cac.configFile.equals(f))
try {
writeClientAppConfig(cacs, f);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (e == null)
e = ioe;
if (e != null)
throw e;
* All to a single file, apps.configFile ignored
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if null cfgFile
* @since 0.9.42 split out from above
private static void writeClientAppConfig(List apps, File cfgFile) throws IOException {
if (cfgFile == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No file");
Properties props = new OrderedProperties();
for(int i = 0; i < apps.size(); i++) {
ClientAppConfig app = apps.get(i);
String pfx = PREFIX + i;
props.setProperty(pfx + ".main", app.className);
props.setProperty(pfx + ".name", app.clientName);
if (app.args != null)
props.setProperty(pfx + ".args", app.args);
props.setProperty(pfx + ".delay", Long.toString(app.delay / 1000));
props.setProperty(pfx + ".startOnLoad", Boolean.toString(!app.disabled));
DataHelper.storeProps(props, cfgFile);
* This works for both split and non-split config.
* If this is the only config in the file, the file will be deleted;
* otherwise the file will be saved with the remaining configs.
* @return success
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if cac has a null configfile
* @since 0.9.42
public synchronized static boolean deleteClientAppConfig(ClientAppConfig cac) throws IOException {
File f = cac.configFile;
if (f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No file for " + cac.className);
List cacs = getClientApps(f);
if (cacs.remove(cac)) {
if (cacs.isEmpty())
return f.delete();
writeClientAppConfig(cacs, f);
return true;
return false;
* @since 0.9.42
public int hashCode() {
return DataHelper.hashCode(className);
* Matches on class, args, and name only
* @since 0.9.42
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null) return false;
if (o instanceof ClientAppConfig) {
ClientAppConfig cac = (ClientAppConfig) o;
return DataHelper.eq(className, cac.className) &&
DataHelper.eq(clientName, cac.clientName) &&
DataHelper.eq(args, cac.args);
return false;