org.jdesktop.swingbinding.package.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Provides support for binding to complex Swing components, and
documentation on the interesting Swing properties to bind to.
Interesting Swing Properties
Any Swing component property that conforms to the Java Beans specification
is an excellent candidate for use by {@code BeanProperty}, {@code ELProperty}
and other {@code Property} implementations that resolve properties in a
similar manner. In addition, adapters have been pre-registered for a handful
of properties that don't correctly conform to the specification
(in this case, don't fire property change notificiation), and a handful
of synthetic properties, so that they can be used in the same way.
The complete list of adapted and synthetic properties is below:
Component Property Description
{@code AbstractButton}
{@code "selected"}
The selected state of a button.
{@code JComboBox}
{@code "selectedItem"}
The selected item of a {@code JComboBox}.
{@code JSpinner}
{@code "value"}
The value of a {@code JSpinner}.
{@code JSlider}
{@code "value"}
The value of a {@code JSlider}; notifies of all changes.
{@code "value_IGNORE_ADJUSTING"}
Same as {@code "value"} but does not notify of change while the slider is adjusting its value.
{@code JList}
{@code "selectedElement"}
(Currently read-only)
The selected element of a {@code JList}; notifies of all changes.
If there is a {@code JListBinding}
with the {@code JList} as the target, the selected element is reported as an element
from the binding's source list. Otherwise, the selected element is reported as an
object from the list's model. If nothing is selected, the property evaluates to
{@code null}.
{@code "selectedElements"}
(Currently read-only)
A list containing the selected elements of a {@code JList}; notifies of all changes.
If there is a {@code JListBinding} with the {@code JList} as the target, the
selected elements are reported as elements from the binding's source list.
Otherwise, the selected elements are reported as objects from the list's
model. If nothing is selected, the property evaluates to an empty list.
{@code "selectedElement_IGNORE_ADJUSTING"}
(Currently read-only)
Same as "selectedElement" but does not notify of change while the list selection
is being updated.
{@code "selectedElements_IGNORE_ADJUSTING"}
(Currently read-only)
Same as "selectedElements" but does not notify of change while the list selection
is being updated.
{@code JTable}
{@code "selectedElement"}
(Currently read-only)
The selected element of a {@code JTable}; notifies of all changes.
If there is a {@code JTableBinding}
with the {@code JTable} as the target, the selected element is reported as an element
from the binding's source list. Otherwise, the selected element is reported as a map
where the keys are composed of the string "column" plus the column index and the values
are the model values for that column.
Example: {@code {column0=column0value, column1=column1value, ...}}
If nothing is selected, the property evaluates to {@code null}.
{@code "selectedElements"}
(Currently read-only)
A list containing the selected elements of a {@code JTable};
notifies of all changes.
If there is a {@code JTableBinding} with the {@code JTable} as the target, the
selected elements are reported as elements from the binding's source list.
Otherwise, each selected element is reported as a map where the keys are composed
of the string "column" plus the column index and the values are the model values
for that column.
Example: {@code {column0=column0value, column1=column1value, ...}}
If nothing is selected, the property evaluates to an empty list.
{@code "selectedElement_IGNORE_ADJUSTING"}
(Currently read-only)
Same as "selectedElement" but does notify of change while the table selection
is being updated.
{@code "selectedElements_IGNORE_ADJUSTING"}
(Currently read-only)
Same as "selectedElements" but does not notify of change while the table selection
is being updated.
{@code JTextComponent}
{@code "text"}
The text property of a {@code JTextComponent}; notifies of all changes (including typing).
{@code "text_ON_FOCUS_LOST"}
The text property of a {@code JTextComponent}; notifies of change only when focus is lost on the component.
{@code "text_ON_ACTION_OR_FOCUS_LOST"}
The text property of a {@code JTextComponent}; notifies of change only when
the component notifies of {@code actionPerformed} or when focus is lost on the
Swing Binding Subclasses
This package supports binding to the more complex Swing components by providing
custom {@code Binding} subclasses tailored to the needs of these components.
These subclasses are:
Binding class Description
{@link org.jdesktop.swingbinding.JComboBoxBinding}
Bind a {@code java.util.List} of items to be used as the
items in a {@code JComboBox}.
{@link org.jdesktop.swingbinding.JListBinding}
Bind a {@code java.util.List} of elements to be the elements
of a {@code JList}, and specify how the elements are displayed.
{@link org.jdesktop.swingbinding.JTableBinding}
Bind a {@code java.util.List} of elements to be the elements
of a {@code JTable}, and specify how properties of the elements
are mapped to columns.
more to come...
Instances of these classes are obtained by invoking the static {@code create}
methods provided by the {@link org.jdesktop.swingbinding.SwingBindings} class.
Bind a list of {@code Person} beans to a {@code JTable} and have it show
the {@code "firstName"} property of each bean in column 0 and the {@code "lastName"}
property in column 1:
// create the person list
List people = createPersonList();
// create the binding from list to table
JTableBinding tb = SwingBindings.createJTableBinding(READ, people, table);
// configure how the properties map to columns
// realize the binding
Given the binding above, create a second set of bindings that bind
the {@code "firstName"} property of the table's selected element to one
{@code JTextField} and the {@code "lastName"} property of the selected
element to another. Furthermore, specify that we want the text fields to
report change (and therefore have their values committed back to the
selected element) only on when focus is lost from the field:
// create properties representing the selected person's first name and last name
Property selectedFirstP = BeanProperty.create("selectedElement.firstName");
Property selectedLastP = BeanProperty.create("selectedElement.lastName");
// create a property representing a text field's text with change reported only on focus lost
Property textP = BeanProperty.create("text_ON_FOCUS_LOST");
// bind the selected first name and last name to the two text fields
Binding b1 = Bindings.createAutoBinding(READ_WRITE, table, selectedFirstP, field1, textP);
Binding b2 = Bindings.createAutoBinding(READ_WRITE, table, selectedLastP, field2, textP);
// realize the bindings
What you've seen above is actually the simple building blocks of a typical master-detail application.