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/* Glazed Lists                                                 (c) 2003-2006 */
/*            ,*/
/*                                                     O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
package ca.odell.glazedlists.swing;

import ca.odell.glazedlists.BasicEventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.DelayList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.FilterList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.GlazedLists;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.ObservableElementList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.SortedList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.ThreadRecorderEventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransformedList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.gui.TableFormat;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.gui.WritableTableFormat;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.testing.GlazedListsTests;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher;

import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * Test EventTableModel from the Swing thread.
 * @author Jesse Wilson
public class EventTableModelTest extends SwingTestCase {

     * Verifies that the new getElementAt() method of EventTableModel works.
    public void guiTestGetElementAt() {
        EventList colors = new BasicEventList();

        TableFormat colorTableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] { "red", "green", "blue" }, new String[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue" });
        EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(colors, colorTableFormat);

        assertEquals(Color.RED, tableModel.getElementAt(0));
        assertEquals(Color.GREEN, tableModel.getElementAt(1));
        assertEquals(Color.BLUE, tableModel.getElementAt(2));

        try {
            fail("failed to receive IndexOutOfBoundsException for invalid index");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // expected

        try {
            fail("failed to receive IndexOutOfBoundsException for invalid index");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // expected

     * Verifies that the getValueAt() method of EventTableModel works.
    public void guiTestGetValueAt() {
        EventList colors = new BasicEventList();

        TableFormat colorTableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] { "red", "green", "blue" }, new String[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue" });
        EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(colors, colorTableFormat);

        assertEquals(new Integer(Color.RED.getRed()), tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals(new Integer(Color.GREEN.getGreen()), tableModel.getValueAt(1, 1));
        assertEquals(new Integer(Color.BLUE.getBlue()), tableModel.getValueAt(2, 2));

        try {
            tableModel.getValueAt(100, 0);
            fail("failed to receive IndexOutOfBoundsException for invalid index");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // expected

        try {
            tableModel.getValueAt(-1, 0);
            fail("failed to receive IndexOutOfBoundsException for invalid index");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // expected

    public void guiTestConstructorLocking() throws InterruptedException {
        // create a list which will record our multithreaded interactions with a list
        final ThreadRecorderEventList atomicList = new ThreadRecorderEventList(new BasicEventList());

        // start a thread which adds new Integers every 50 ms
        final Thread writerThread = new Thread(GlazedListsTests.createJerkyAddRunnable(atomicList, null, 2000, 50), "WriterThread");

        // make sure the writerThread has started writing

        // create a list whose get() method pauses for 50 ms before returning the value
        final EventList delayList = new DelayList(atomicList, 50);

        // the test: creating the EventTableModel should be atomic and pause the writerThread while it initializes its internal state
        new EventTableModel(delayList, GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[0], new String[0]));

        // wait until the writerThread finishes before asserting the recorded state

        // correct locking should have produced a thread log like: WriterThread* AWT-EventQueue-0* WriterThread*
        // correct locking should have produced a read/write pattern like: W...W R...R W...W
        assertEquals(3, atomicList.getReadWriteBlockCount());

    public void guiTestSetValueAt_FilterList() {
        final EventList labels = new BasicEventList();
        labels.add(new JLabel("saskatchewan"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("saskwatch"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("sasky"));

        final ObservableElementList observedLabels = new ObservableElementList(labels, GlazedLists.beanConnector(JLabel.class));

        final FilterList saskLabels = new FilterList(observedLabels, new SaskLabelMatcher());

        final EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(saskLabels, new LabelTableFormat());

        assertEquals(3, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("saskwatch", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));
        assertEquals("sasky", tableModel.getValueAt(2, 0));

        tableModel.setValueAt("maskwatch", 1, 0);
        assertEquals(2, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("sasky", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));

        tableModel.setValueAt("maskwatch", 1, 0);
        assertEquals(1, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));

    public void guiTestSetValueAtWithCopyingTableFormat_FilterList() {
        final EventList labels = new BasicEventList();
        labels.add(new JLabel("saskatchewan"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("saskwatch"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("sasky"));

        final ObservableElementList observedLabels = new ObservableElementList(labels, GlazedLists.beanConnector(JLabel.class));

        final FilterList saskLabels = new FilterList(observedLabels, new SaskLabelMatcher());

        final EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(saskLabels, new CopyingLabelTableFormat());

        assertEquals(3, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("saskwatch", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));
        assertEquals("sasky", tableModel.getValueAt(2, 0));

        tableModel.setValueAt("maskwatch", 1, 0);
        assertEquals(2, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("sasky", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));

        tableModel.setValueAt("maskwatch", 1, 0);
        assertEquals(1, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("saskatchewan", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));

    public void guiTestSetValueAt_SortedList() {
        final EventList labels = new BasicEventList();
        labels.add(new JLabel("banana"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("cherry"));
        labels.add(new JLabel("apple"));

        final ObservableElementList observedLabels = new ObservableElementList(labels, GlazedLists.beanConnector(JLabel.class));

        final SortedList sortedLabels = new SortedList(observedLabels, GlazedLists.beanPropertyComparator(JLabel.class, "text", new String[0]));

        final EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(sortedLabels, new LabelTableFormat());

        assertEquals(3, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("apple", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("banana", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));
        assertEquals("cherry", tableModel.getValueAt(2, 0));

        tableModel.setValueAt("orange", 1, 0);
        assertEquals(3, tableModel.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("apple", tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertEquals("cherry", tableModel.getValueAt(1, 0));
        assertEquals("orange", tableModel.getValueAt(2, 0));

     * This test ensures the compiler allows us to use a TableFormat of a more
     * generic type than the actual EventTableModel.
    public void guiTestGenericTypeRelationships() {
        final EventList source = new BasicEventList();
        final TableFormat tableFormat = new LabelTableFormat();
        new EventTableModel(source, tableFormat);

     * This test ensures subclasses can prevent the building of a
     * SwingThreadProxyEventList by overriding
     * {@link EventTableModel#createSwingThreadProxyList}.
    public void guiTestNoThreadProxyingDesired() {
        final JLabel jamesLabel = new JLabel("James");
        final EventList source = new BasicEventList();
        final TableFormat tableFormat = new LabelTableFormat();

        // 1. test reading and writing with a thread proxy
        final EventTableModel labelModelWithProxy = new EventTableModel(source, tableFormat);
        assertSame(labelModelWithProxy.source, labelModelWithProxy.swingThreadSource);
        assertEquals(1, labelModelWithProxy.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("James", labelModelWithProxy.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertSame(jamesLabel, labelModelWithProxy.getElementAt(0));
        assertTrue(labelModelWithProxy.isCellEditable(0, 0));
        labelModelWithProxy.setValueAt("Thanks Holger", 0, 0);
        assertEquals("Thanks Holger", labelModelWithProxy.getValueAt(0, 0));


        // reset the state

        // 2. test reading and writing without a thread proxy
        final NoProxyingEventTableModel labelModelNoProxy = new NoProxyingEventTableModel(source, tableFormat);
        assertSame(labelModelNoProxy.source, source);
        assertEquals(1, labelModelNoProxy.getRowCount());
        assertEquals("James", labelModelNoProxy.getValueAt(0, 0));
        assertSame(jamesLabel, labelModelNoProxy.getElementAt(0));
        assertTrue(labelModelNoProxy.isCellEditable(0, 0));
        labelModelNoProxy.setValueAt("Thanks Holger", 0, 0);
        assertEquals("Thanks Holger", labelModelNoProxy.getValueAt(0, 0));


     * This TableFormat returns new JLabels from its setValueAt()
     * method rather than modifying the existing one in place.
    private static final class CopyingLabelTableFormat implements WritableTableFormat {
        public boolean isEditable(JLabel baseObject, int column) { return true; }

        public JLabel setColumnValue(JLabel baseObject, Object editedValue, int column) {
            return new JLabel(editedValue == null ? null : editedValue.toString());

        public int getColumnCount() { return 1; }
        public String getColumnName(int column) { return "Label Text"; }
        public Object getColumnValue(JLabel baseObject, int column) { return baseObject.getText(); }

     * This TableFormat modifyies existing JLabels in place.
    private static final class LabelTableFormat implements WritableTableFormat {
        public boolean isEditable(JLabel baseObject, int column) { return true; }

        public JLabel setColumnValue(JLabel baseObject, Object editedValue, int column) {
            baseObject.setText(editedValue == null ? null : editedValue.toString());
            return baseObject;

        public int getColumnCount() { return 1; }
        public String getColumnName(int column) { return "Label Text"; }
        public Object getColumnValue(JLabel baseObject, int column) { return baseObject.getText(); }

    private static final class SaskLabelMatcher implements Matcher {
        public boolean matches(JLabel item) {
            return item.getText().startsWith("sask");

    private static final List rgb = Arrays.asList(new Color[] { Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE });
    private static final List rbg = Arrays.asList(new Color[] { Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN });
    private static final List gbr = Arrays.asList(new Color[] { Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.RED });

     * Perform a quick run through the basics of TableComparatorChooser.
    public void guiTestTableComparatorChooser() {
        // build the data
        EventList colors = GlazedLists.eventList(rgb);
        SortedList sortedColors = new SortedList(colors, null);

        // build a sorted table and model
        TableFormat greenBlueTableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] { "green", "blue" }, new String[] { "Green", "Blue" });
        EventTableModel tableModel = new EventTableModel(colors, greenBlueTableFormat);

        // prepare the table for sorting and rendering its header
        JTable table = new JTable(tableModel);
        TableComparatorChooser tableComparatorChooser = TableComparatorChooser.install(table, sortedColors, TableComparatorChooser.MULTIPLE_COLUMN_KEYBOARD);
        TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();

        // sort by each column in sequence
        clickColumnHeader(table, 0);
        assertEquals(rbg, sortedColors);
        clickColumnHeader(table, 1);
        assertEquals(rgb, sortedColors);

        // make sure we can still paint the header cells
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 0);
        // make sure we can handle negative indexes
        final Component rendered = headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, -1, -1);
        // no sort icon expected
        if (rendered instanceof JLabel) {
            assertNull(((JLabel) rendered).getIcon());

        // uninstall the table comparator chooser and make sure no ill effects are left behind
        headerRenderer = table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();

        // clicking column headers shouldn't change anything after the comparator
        // chooser is disposed
        clickColumnHeader(table, 0);
        assertEquals(rgb, sortedColors);
        clickColumnHeader(table, 1);
        assertEquals(rgb, sortedColors);

        // make sure we can still paint the header cells
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 0);
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 1);

        // now create a three column table
        TableFormat redGreenBlueTableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] { "red", "green", "blue" }, new String[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue" });

        // make sure we can paint all three header cells
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 0);
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 1);
        headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, tableModel.getColumnName(0), false, false, 0, 2);

        // try out the new table for sorting
        TableComparatorChooser.install(table, sortedColors, TableComparatorChooser.MULTIPLE_COLUMN_KEYBOARD);
        assertEquals(rgb, sortedColors);
        clickColumnHeader(table, 0);
        assertEquals(gbr, sortedColors);

     * Ensure correct locking of EventTableModel such that it does not block calls to
     * ListSelectionModel.
    public void guiTestLocking1() {
        final BasicEventList list = new BasicEventList();
        final TableFormat tableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] {"bytes"}, new String[] {"Test"});
        final EventTableModel model = new EventTableModel(list, tableFormat);
        final JTable table = new JTable(model);
        final EventSelectionModel selectionModel = new EventSelectionModel(list);

     * Ensure correct locking of EventTableModel such that it does not block calls to
     * ListSelectionModel.
    public void guiTestLocking2() {
        final BasicEventList list = new BasicEventList();
        final TableFormat tableFormat = GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] {"bytes"}, new String[] {"Test"});
        final EventTableModel model = new EventTableModel(list, tableFormat);
        final JTable table = new JTable(model);
        final EventSelectionModel selectionModel = new EventSelectionModel(list);
        selectionModel.setSelectionInterval(0, 0);

     * Verifies that table selection is preserved, when handling a complex ListEvent with blocks.
    public void guiTestRemoveWithBlocksInListEvent() {
        // setup JTable with EventTableModel and EventSelectionModel
        final EventList list = new BasicEventList();
        list.addAll(GlazedListsTests.delimitedStringToList("A B C D E F"));
        final EventTableModel model = new EventTableModel(list,
                GlazedLists.tableFormat(new String[] {"bytes"}, new String [] {"Bytes"}));
        final TableModelChangeCounter counter = new TableModelChangeCounter();
        final JTable table = new JTable(model);
        final EventSelectionModel selModel = new EventSelectionModel(list);
        // establish a selection
        selModel.setSelectionInterval(1, 1);
        assertEquals(GlazedListsTests.stringToList("B"), selModel.getSelected());
        assertEquals(GlazedListsTests.delimitedStringToList("A C D E F"), selModel.getDeselected());
        list.removeAll(GlazedListsTests.delimitedStringToList("E F"));
        assertEquals(2, counter.getCountAndReset());
        assertEquals(GlazedListsTests.stringToList("B"), selModel.getSelected());
        assertEquals(GlazedListsTests.delimitedStringToList("A C D"), selModel.getDeselected());

     * Fake a click on the specified column. This is useful for tests where the
     * table has not been layed out on screen and may have invalid dimensions.
    private void clickColumnHeader(JTable table, int column) {
        Rectangle columnHeader = table.getTableHeader().getHeaderRect(column);
        MouseEvent mouseEvent = new MouseEvent(table.getTableHeader(), 0, 0, 0, columnHeader.x, columnHeader.y, 1, false, MouseEvent.BUTTON1);
        MouseListener[] listeners = table.getTableHeader().getMouseListeners();
        for(int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {

    private class NoProxyingEventTableModel extends EventTableModel {

        public NoProxyingEventTableModel(EventList source, TableFormat tableFormat) {
            super(source, tableFormat);

         * Returning null implies no ThreadProxyEventList is necessary.
        protected TransformedList createSwingThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
            return null;

     * Counts the number of TableModelEvents fired.
    private static class TableModelChangeCounter implements TableModelListener {
        private int count = 0;
        public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {

        public int getCountAndReset() {
            int result = count;
            count = 0;
            return result;

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