ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.event.Tree4Deltas Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Glazed Lists (c) 2003-2006 */
/* O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
package ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.event;
import java.util.Arrays;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.adt.barcode2.Element;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.adt.barcode2.FourColorTree;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.adt.barcode2.FourColorTreeIterator;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.adt.barcode2.ListToByteCoder;
* Manage and describe the differences between two revisions of the
* same List, assuming either one can change at any time.
* Initially, the source and target lists are equal. Over time, the
* target list changes. It's also possible that the source list can change,
* which is necessary for long-lived buffered changes.
* @author Jesse Wilson
public class Tree4Deltas {
/** all the names of the index sets are with respect to the target */
private static final ListToByteCoder BYTE_CODER = new ListToByteCoder(Arrays.asList("+", "U", "X", "_"));
public static final byte INSERT = BYTE_CODER.colorToByte("+");
public static final byte UPDATE = BYTE_CODER.colorToByte("U");
public static final byte DELETE = BYTE_CODER.colorToByte("X");
public static final byte NO_CHANGE = BYTE_CODER.colorToByte("_");
private static final byte SOURCE_INDICES = BYTE_CODER.colorsToByte(Arrays.asList("U", "X", "_"));
private static final byte TARGET_INDICES = BYTE_CODER.colorsToByte(Arrays.asList("U", "+", "_"));
private static final byte ALL_INDICES = BYTE_CODER.colorsToByte(Arrays.asList("U", "X", "+", "_"));
private static final byte CHANGE_INDICES = BYTE_CODER.colorsToByte(Arrays.asList("U", "X", "+"));
/** the trees values include removed elements */
private FourColorTree tree = new FourColorTree(BYTE_CODER);
private boolean allowContradictingEvents = false;
* When the first change to a list happens, we need to guess what the list's
* capacity is. After that change, we reliably know the list's capacity, so
* we don't need to keep testing the capacity one index at a time.
private boolean initialCapacityKnown = false;
public boolean horribleHackPreferMostRecentValue = false;
public boolean getAllowContradictingEvents() {
return allowContradictingEvents;
public void setAllowContradictingEvents(boolean allowContradictingEvents) {
this.allowContradictingEvents = allowContradictingEvents;
public int targetToSource(int targetIndex) {
if(!initialCapacityKnown) ensureCapacity(targetIndex + 1);
return tree.convertIndexColor(targetIndex, TARGET_INDICES, SOURCE_INDICES);
public int sourceToTarget(int sourceIndex) {
if(!initialCapacityKnown) ensureCapacity(sourceIndex + 1);
return tree.convertIndexColor(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES, TARGET_INDICES);
* We should consider removing the loop by only setting on removed elements.
* @param oldValue the previous value being replaced
* @param newValue the new value
* @param startIndex the first updated element, inclusive
* @param endIndex the last index, exclusive
public void targetUpdate(int startIndex, int endIndex, E oldValue, E newValue) {
if(!initialCapacityKnown) ensureCapacity(endIndex);
for(int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
int overallIndex = tree.convertIndexColor(i, TARGET_INDICES, ALL_INDICES);
Element standingChangeToIndex = tree.get(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES);
if(horribleHackPreferMostRecentValue) {
byte newColor = standingChangeToIndex.getColor() == INSERT ? INSERT : UPDATE;
tree.set(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES, newColor, oldValue, 1);
// don't bother updating an inserted element
if(standingChangeToIndex.getColor() == INSERT) {
// if we're updating an update, the original replaced value stands.
if(standingChangeToIndex.getColor() == UPDATE) {
oldValue = standingChangeToIndex.get();
// apply the update to our change description
tree.set(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES, UPDATE, oldValue, 1);
* Add a value to the target only.
* Since this method takes a value parameter, is is only needed
* when the target doesn't store its value, for example with buffered
* changes.
* @param startIndex the first inserted element, inclusive
* @param endIndex the last index, exclusive
* @param newValue the inserted value
public void targetInsert(int startIndex, int endIndex, E newValue) {
if(!initialCapacityKnown) ensureCapacity(endIndex);
tree.add(startIndex, TARGET_INDICES, INSERT, newValue, endIndex - startIndex);
We should consider removing the loop from this method by counting
* the inserted elements between startIndex and endIndex, removing those,
* then removing everything else...
* @param startIndex the index of the first element to remove
* @param endIndex the last index, exclusive
* @param value the removed value
public void targetDelete(int startIndex, int endIndex, E value) {
if(!initialCapacityKnown) ensureCapacity(endIndex);
for(int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if(startIndex > 0 && startIndex > tree.size(TARGET_INDICES)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int overallIndex = tree.convertIndexColor(startIndex, TARGET_INDICES, ALL_INDICES);
Element standingChangeToIndex = tree.get(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES);
// if we're deleting an insert, remove that insert
if(standingChangeToIndex.getColor() == INSERT) {
if(!allowContradictingEvents) throw new IllegalStateException("Remove " + i + " undoes prior insert at the same index! Consider enabling contradicting events.");
tree.remove(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES, 1);
// if we're deleting an update, the original replaced value stands.
if(standingChangeToIndex.getColor() == UPDATE) {
value = standingChangeToIndex.get();
tree.set(overallIndex, ALL_INDICES, DELETE, value, 1);
public void sourceInsert(int sourceIndex) {
tree.add(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES, NO_CHANGE, ListEvent.unknownValue(), 1);
public void sourceDelete(int sourceIndex) {
tree.remove(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES, 1);
public void sourceRevert(int sourceIndex) {
tree.set(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES, NO_CHANGE, ListEvent.unknownValue(), 1);
public int targetSize() {
return tree.size(TARGET_INDICES);
public int sourceSize() {
return tree.size(SOURCE_INDICES);
public byte getChangeType(int sourceIndex) {
return tree.get(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES).getColor();
* Get the value at the specified target index.
* @return the value, or {@link ListEvent#UNKNOWN_VALUE} if this index
* holds a value that hasn't been buffered. In this case, the value
* can be obtained from the source list.
public E getTargetValue(int targetIndex) {
return tree.get(targetIndex, TARGET_INDICES).get();
public E getSourceValue(int sourceIndex) {
return tree.get(sourceIndex, SOURCE_INDICES).get();
public void reset(int size) {
initialCapacityKnown = true;
private void ensureCapacity(int size) {
int currentSize = tree.size(TARGET_INDICES);
int delta = size - currentSize;
if(delta > 0) {
int endOfTree = tree.size(ALL_INDICES);
tree.add(endOfTree, ALL_INDICES, NO_CHANGE, ListEvent.unknownValue(), delta);
* Add all the specified changes to this.
public void addAll(BlockSequence blocks) {
for(BlockSequence.Iterator i = blocks.iterator(); i.nextBlock(); ) {
int blockStart = i.getBlockStart();
int blockEnd = i.getBlockEnd();
int type = i.getType();
E oldValue = i.getOldValue();
E newValue = i.getNewValue();
if(type == ListEvent.INSERT) {
targetInsert(blockStart, blockEnd, newValue);
} else if(type == ListEvent.UPDATE) {
targetUpdate(blockStart, blockEnd, oldValue, newValue);
} else if(type == ListEvent.DELETE) {
targetDelete(blockStart, blockEnd, oldValue);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* @return true
if this event contains no changes.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return tree.size(CHANGE_INDICES) == 0;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator(tree);
public String toString() {
return tree.asSequenceOfColors();
* Iterate through the list of changes in this tree.
public static class Iterator {
private final FourColorTree tree;
private final FourColorTreeIterator treeIterator;
private Iterator(FourColorTree tree) {
this.tree = tree;
this.treeIterator = new FourColorTreeIterator(tree);
private Iterator(FourColorTree tree, FourColorTreeIterator treeIterator) {
this.tree = tree;
this.treeIterator = treeIterator;
public Iterator copy() {
return new Iterator(tree, treeIterator.copy());
public int getIndex() {
return treeIterator.index(TARGET_INDICES);
public int getEndIndex() {
// this is peculiar. We add mixed types - an index of current indices
// plus the size of "all indices". . . this is because we describe the
// range of deleted indices from its start to finish, although it's
// finish will ultimately go to zero once the change is applied.
return treeIterator.nodeStartIndex(TARGET_INDICES) + treeIterator.nodeSize(ALL_INDICES);
public int getType() {
byte color = treeIterator.color();
if(color == INSERT) return ListEvent.INSERT;
else if(color == UPDATE) return ListEvent.UPDATE;
else if(color == DELETE) return ListEvent.DELETE;
else throw new IllegalStateException();
public boolean next() {
if(!hasNext()) return false;;
return true;
public boolean nextNode() {
if(!hasNextNode()) return false;
return true;
public boolean hasNext() {
return treeIterator.hasNext(CHANGE_INDICES);
public boolean hasNextNode() {
return treeIterator.hasNextNode(CHANGE_INDICES);
public E getOldValue() {
return treeIterator.node().get();