Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Glazed Lists (c) 2003-2006 */
/* O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
// the core Glazed Lists packages
import ca.odell.glazedlists.BasicEventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.rbp.Peer;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.rbp.ResourceStatus;
* A {@link ListPeer} manages the network resources for publishing and subscribing
* to {@link NetworkList}s.
* A {@link ListPeer} must have its {@link #start()} method complete successfully
* before it can be used to {@link #publish(EventList,String,ByteCoder) publish()} and
* {@link #subscribe(String,int,String,ByteCoder) subscribe()} {@link EventList}s.
When a {@link ListPeer} is started, it listens for incoming connections on
* the specified port. When it is stopped, all active {@link NetworkList}s are
* {@link NetworkList#disconnect() disconnected}, and the port is closed.
To bring and individual {@link NetworkList} online or offline, use its
* {@link NetworkList#disconnect() disconnect()} and {@link NetworkList#connect() connect()}
* methods.
* @author Jesse Wilson
public class ListPeer {
/** the peer manages the actual resources */
private Peer peer;
* Creates a new ListPeer that binds to the specified port.
public ListPeer(int listenPort) {
this.peer = new Peer(listenPort);
* Starts the peer. This binds to the listen port and allows connections to
* be sent and received.
* @throws IOException if the listen port cannot be binded to. This will be due
* to the port being in use or as a consequence of insufficient privileges.
public void start() throws IOException {
* Stops the peer. This disconnects all active {@link EventList}s and releases
* the listen port.
public void stop() {
* Prints the full state of this ListPeer.
void print() {
* Publish the specified EventList with the specified name.
* @param source the {@link EventList} to publish. Each change to this {@link EventList}
* will be immediately published to all subscribers.
* @param path the address that the {@link EventList} shall be published under.
* The path must start with a slash character. This must be unique among
* all {@link EventList}s published on this {@link ListPeer}.
* @param byteCoder a helper that can convert the elements of the {@link EventList}
* into binary network-transmittable form. Some general purpose {@link ByteCoder}s
* are available in the {@link ca.odell.glazedlists.GlazedLists GlazedLists}
* factory class.
* @return a simple decorator of the published {@link EventList}
* with additional methods to bring the list offline. This list is writable.
public NetworkList publish(EventList source, String path, ByteCoder byteCoder) {
NetworkList published = new NetworkList(source, byteCoder);
ResourceStatus resourceStatus = peer.publish(published.getResource(), path);
return published;
* Subscribe to the EventList with the specified name.
* @param host the network hostname of the machine serving the original copy
* of the data of interest. Together with the port, this should map
* to a proper {@link InetSocketAddress}.
* @param port the port the {@link EventList} of interest is being published on.
* @param path the address that the {@link EventList} is published under.
* @param byteCoder a helper that can convert the binary data from the network
* into list elements for this {@link EventList}. Some general purpose {@link ByteCoder}s
* are available in the {@link ca.odell.glazedlists.GlazedLists GlazedLists}
* factory class.
* @return the {@link EventList} that gets its data from the specified remote
* source. This {@link EventList} will contain no data until the connection
* completes. This list is not writable.
public NetworkList subscribe(String host, int port, String path, ByteCoder byteCoder) {
NetworkList subscribed = new NetworkList(new BasicEventList(), byteCoder);
ResourceStatus resourceStatus = peer.subscribe(subscribed.getResource(), host, port, path);
return subscribed;