ca.odell.glazedlists.swing.EventSelectionModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Glazed Lists (c) 2003-2006 */
/* O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
package ca.odell.glazedlists.swing;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransformedList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
* An {@link EventSelectionModel} is a class that performs two simulaneous
* services. It is a {@link ListSelectionModel} to provide selection tracking for a
* {@link JTable}. It is also a {@link EventList} that contains the table's selection.
* As elements are selected or deselected, the {@link EventList} aspect of this
* {@link EventSelectionModel} changes. Changes to that {@link List} will change the
* source {@link EventList}. To modify only the selection, use the
* {@link ListSelectionModel}'s methods.
, this {@link ListSelectionModel}
* supports an additional selection mode.
is a new selection mode.
in every way but
* one. When a row is inserted immediately before a selected row in the
mode, it becomes selected. But in
mode, it does not
* become selected. To set this mode, use
* {@link #setSelectionMode(int) setSelectionMode(ListSelection.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION_DEFENSIVE)}.
* @see Bug 39
* @see Bug 61
* @see Bug 76
* @see Bug 108
* @see Bug 110
* @see Bug 112
* @see Bug 222
* @deprecated Use {@link DefaultEventSelectionModel} instead. This class will be removed in the GL
* 2.0 release. The wrapping of the source list with an EDT safe list has been
* determined to be undesirable (it is better for the user to provide their own EDT
* safe list).
* @author Jesse Wilson
public final class EventSelectionModel implements AdvancedListSelectionModel {
/** The DefaultEventSelectionModel this delegates to. */
private DefaultEventSelectionModel delegateSelectionModel;
/** the proxy moves events to the Swing Event Dispatch thread */
protected TransformedList swingThreadSource;
* Creates a new selection model that also presents a list of the selection.
* The {@link EventSelectionModel} listens to this {@link EventList} in order
* to adjust selection when the {@link EventList} is modified. For example,
* when an element is added to the {@link EventList}, this may offset the
* selection of the following elements.
* @param source the {@link EventList} whose selection will be managed. This should
* be the same {@link EventList} passed to the constructor of your
* {@link EventTableModel} or {@link EventListModel}.
public EventSelectionModel(EventList source) {
// lock the source list for reading since we want to prevent writes
// from occurring until we fully initialize this EventSelectionModel
try {
swingThreadSource = GlazedListsSwing.swingThreadProxyList(source);
delegateSelectionModel = new DefaultEventSelectionModel(swingThreadSource);
} finally {
* Add a listener to the list that's notified each time a change to
* the selection occurs.
* Note that the change events fired by this class may include rows
* that have been removed from the table. For this reason it is
* advised not to for()
through the changed range without
* also verifying that each row is still in the table.
public void addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener listener) {
* Change the selection to be the set union of the current selection and the indices between index0 and index1 inclusive
public void addSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) {
delegateSelectionModel.addSelectionInterval(index0, index1);
* Add a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.
* @param validSelectionMatcher returns true if a source element
* can be selected; false otherwise
public void addValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher validSelectionMatcher) {
* Change the selection to the empty set.
public void clearSelection() {
* Releases the resources consumed by this {@link EventSelectionModel} so that it
* may eventually be garbage collected.
* An {@link EventSelectionModel} will be garbage collected without a call to
* {@link #dispose()}, but not before its source {@link EventList} is garbage
* collected. By calling {@link #dispose()}, you allow the {@link EventSelectionModel}
* to be garbage collected before its source {@link EventList}. This is
* necessary for situations where an {@link EventSelectionModel} is short-lived but
* its source {@link EventList} is long-lived.
Warning: It is an error
* to call any method on a {@link EventSelectionModel} after it has been disposed.
public void dispose() {
* Return the first index argument from the most recent call to setSelectionInterval(), addSelectionInterval() or removeSelectionInterval().
public int getAnchorSelectionIndex() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getAnchorSelectionIndex();
* Gets an {@link EventList} that contains only deselected values and
* modifies the source list on mutation.
* Adding and removing items from this list performs the same operation on
* the source list.
public EventList getDeselected() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getDeselected();
* Returns whether the EventSelectionModel is editable or not.
public boolean getEnabled() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getEnabled();
* Gets the event list that always contains the current selection.
* @deprecated As of 2005/02/18, the naming of this method became
* ambiguous. Please use {@link #getSelected()}.
public EventList getEventList() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getSelected();
* Return the second index argument from the most recent call to setSelectionInterval(), addSelectionInterval() or removeSelectionInterval().
public int getLeadSelectionIndex() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getLeadSelectionIndex();
* Gets the selection model that provides selection management for a table.
* @deprecated As of 2004/11/26, the {@link EventSelectionModel} implements
* {@link ListSelectionModel} directly.
public ListSelectionModel getListSelectionModel() {
return delegateSelectionModel;
* Gets the index of the last selected element.
public int getMaxSelectionIndex() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getMaxSelectionIndex();
* Gets the index of the first selected element.
public int getMinSelectionIndex() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getMinSelectionIndex();
* Gets an {@link EventList} that contains only selected
* values and modifies the source list on mutation.
* Adding and removing items from this list performs the same operation on
* the source list.
public EventList getSelected() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getSelected();
* Returns the current selection mode.
public int getSelectionMode() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getSelectionMode();
* Gets an {@link EventList} that contains only deselected values and
* modifies the selection state on mutation.
* Adding an item to this list deselects it and removing an item selects it.
* If an item not in the source list is added an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown
public EventList getTogglingDeselected() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getTogglingDeselected();
* Gets an {@link EventList} that contains only selected
* values and modifies the selection state on mutation.
* Adding an item to this list selects it and removing an item deselects it.
* If an item not in the source list is added an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
public EventList getTogglingSelected() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getTogglingSelected();
* Returns true if the value is undergoing a series of changes.
public boolean getValueIsAdjusting() {
return delegateSelectionModel.getValueIsAdjusting();
* Insert length indices beginning before/after index.
public void insertIndexInterval(int index, int length, boolean before) {
delegateSelectionModel.insertIndexInterval(index, length, before);
* Inverts the current selection.
public void invertSelection() {
* Returns true if the specified index is selected. If the specified
* index has not been seen before, this will return false. This is
* in the case where the table painting and selection have fallen
* out of sync. Usually in this case there is an update event waiting
* in the event queue that notifies this model of the change
* in table size.
public boolean isSelectedIndex(int index) {
return delegateSelectionModel.isSelectedIndex(index);
* Returns true if no indices are selected.
public boolean isSelectionEmpty() {
return delegateSelectionModel.isSelectionEmpty();
* Remove the indices in the interval index0,index1 (inclusive) from the selection model.
public void removeIndexInterval(int index0, int index1) {
delegateSelectionModel.removeIndexInterval(index0, index1);
* Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a change to the selection occurs.
public void removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener listener) {
* Change the selection to be the set difference of the current selection and the indices between index0 and index1 inclusive.
public void removeSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) {
delegateSelectionModel.removeSelectionInterval(index0, index1);
* Remove a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.
* @param validSelectionMatcher returns true if a source element
* can be selected; false otherwise
public void removeValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher validSelectionMatcher) {
* Set the anchor selection index.
public void setAnchorSelectionIndex(int anchorSelectionIndex) {
* Set the EventSelectionModel as editable or not. This means that the user cannot
* manipulate the selection by clicking. The selection can still be changed as
* the source list changes.
* Note that this will also disable the selection from being modified
* programatically. Therefore you must use setEnabled(true) to
* modify the selection in code.
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
* Set the lead selection index.
public void setLeadSelectionIndex(int leadSelectionIndex) {
* Change the selection to be between index0 and index1 inclusive.
First this calculates the smallest range where changes occur. This
* includes the union of the selection range before and the selection
* range specified. It then walks through the change and sets each
* index as selected or not based on whether the index is in the
* new range. Finally it fires events to both the listening lists and
* selection listeners about what changes happened.
If the selection does not change, this will not fire any events.
public void setSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) {
delegateSelectionModel.setSelectionInterval(index0, index1);
* Set the selection mode.
public void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode) {
* This property is true if upcoming changes to the value of the model should be considered a single event.
public void setValueIsAdjusting(boolean valueIsAdjusting) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
return delegateSelectionModel.toString();