ca.odell.glazedlists.swing.GlazedListsSwing Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Glazed Lists (c) 2003-2013 */
/* O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
package ca.odell.glazedlists.swing;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.GlazedLists;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.ThresholdList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransformedList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.gui.TableFormat;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.DefaultTableModelEventAdapterFactory;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.LowerThresholdRangeModel;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.ManyToOneTableModelEventAdapterFactory;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.SwingThreadProxyEventList;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.swing.UpperThresholdRangeModel;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.swing.TableModelEventAdapter.Factory;
import javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
* A factory for creating all sorts of objects to be used with Glazed Lists.
* @author Jesse Wilson
public final class GlazedListsSwing {
* A dummy constructor to prevent instantiation of this class
private GlazedListsSwing() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// EventLists // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
* Wraps the source in an {@link EventList} that fires all of its update
* events from the Swing event dispatch thread.
public static TransformedList swingThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
return new SwingThreadProxyEventList(source);
* Returns true iff list
is an {@link EventList} that fires
* all of its update events from the Swing event dispatch thread.
public static boolean isSwingThreadProxyList(EventList list) {
return list instanceof SwingThreadProxyEventList;
// ThresholdRangeModels // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
* Creates a model that manipulates the lower bound of the specified
* ThresholdList. The ThresholdList linked to this model type will contain
* a range of Objects between the results of getValue() and getMaximum()
* on the BoundedRangeModel.
public static BoundedRangeModel lowerRangeModel(ThresholdList target) {
return new LowerThresholdRangeModel(target);
* Creates a model that manipulates the upper bound of the specified
* ThresholdList. The ThresholdList linked to this model type will contain
* a range of Objects between the results of getMinimum() and getValue()
* on the BoundedRangeModel.
public static BoundedRangeModel upperRangeModel(ThresholdList target) {
return new UpperThresholdRangeModel(target);
// TableModel convenience creators
* Creates a new table model that extracts column data from the given
* source
using the the given tableFormat
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param tableFormat the object responsible for extracting column data
* from the row objects
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModel(EventList source, TableFormat super E> tableFormat) {
return new DefaultEventTableModel(source, tableFormat);
* Creates a new table model that extracts column data from the given source
* using the the given tableFormat
. While holding a read lock,
* this method wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise noted, all
* methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param tableFormat the object responsible for extracting column data from the row objects
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source, TableFormat super E> tableFormat) {
final EventList proxySource = createSwingThreadProxyList(source);
return new DefaultEventTableModel(proxySource, true, tableFormat);
* Creates a new table model that extracts column data from the given
* source
using the the given tableFormat
* The eventAdapterFactory
is used to create a {@link TableModelEventAdapter},
* which is then used by the created table model to convert list events to table model events.
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param tableFormat the object responsible for extracting column data
* from the row objects
* @param eventAdapterFactory factory for creating a {@link TableModelEventAdapter}
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModel(EventList source, TableFormat super E> tableFormat, TableModelEventAdapter.Factory eventAdapterFactory) {
final DefaultEventTableModel result = new DefaultEventTableModel(source, tableFormat);
final TableModelEventAdapter eventAdapter = eventAdapterFactory.create(result);
return result;
* Creates a new table model that extracts column data from the given source
* using the the given tableFormat
* While holding a read lock, this method wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* The eventAdapterFactory
is used to create a {@link TableModelEventAdapter},
* which is then used by the created table model to convert list events to table model events.
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise noted, all
* methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param tableFormat the object responsible for extracting column data from the row objects
* @param eventAdapterFactory factory for creating a {@link TableModelEventAdapter}
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source, TableFormat super E> tableFormat, TableModelEventAdapter.Factory eventAdapterFactory) {
final EventList proxySource = createSwingThreadProxyList(source);
final DefaultEventTableModel result = new DefaultEventTableModel(proxySource, true, tableFormat);
final TableModelEventAdapter eventAdapter = eventAdapterFactory.create(result);
return result;
* Creates a new table model that renders the specified list with an automatically
* generated {@link TableFormat}. It uses JavaBeans and reflection to create
* a {@link TableFormat} as specified.
* Note that classes that will be obfuscated may not work with
* reflection. In this case, implement a {@link TableFormat} manually.
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param propertyNames an array of property names in the JavaBeans format.
* For example, if your list contains Objects with the methods getFirstName(),
* setFirstName(String), getAge(), setAge(Integer), then this array should
* contain the two strings "firstName" and "age". This format is specified
* by the JavaBeans {@link java.beans.PropertyDescriptor}.
* @param columnLabels the corresponding column names for the listed property
* names. For example, if your columns are "firstName" and "age", then
* your labels might be "First Name" and "Age".
* @param writable an array of booleans specifying which of the columns in
* your table are writable.
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModel(EventList source, String[] propertyNames, String[] columnLabels, boolean[] writable) {
return eventTableModel(source, GlazedLists.tableFormat(propertyNames, columnLabels, writable));
* Creates a new table model that renders the specified list with an automatically
* generated {@link TableFormat}. It uses JavaBeans and reflection to create
* a {@link TableFormat} as specified. While holding a read lock,
* this method wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* Note that classes that will be obfuscated may not work with
* reflection. In this case, implement a {@link TableFormat} manually.
* The returned table model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the EventList that provides the row objects
* @param propertyNames an array of property names in the JavaBeans format.
* For example, if your list contains Objects with the methods getFirstName(),
* setFirstName(String), getAge(), setAge(Integer), then this array should
* contain the two strings "firstName" and "age". This format is specified
* by the JavaBeans {@link java.beans.PropertyDescriptor}.
* @param columnLabels the corresponding column names for the listed property
* names. For example, if your columns are "firstName" and "age", then
* your labels might be "First Name" and "Age".
* @param writable an array of booleans specifying which of the columns in
* your table are writable.
public static AdvancedTableModel eventTableModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source, String[] propertyNames, String[] columnLabels, boolean[] writable) {
return eventTableModelWithThreadProxyList(source, GlazedLists.tableFormat(propertyNames, columnLabels, writable));
// event adapter factories
* Gets a factory for creating a default {@link TableModelEventAdapter}.
* The default strategy to convert list events to table model events is to be as accurate as possible.
* In particular, each list event block as converted to and fired as a separate {@link TableModelEvent}.
* So, one list event can cause multiple table model events.
* In some cases, this conversion strategy can lead to undesirable effects, such as table repainting issues.
* One known case is when the table property {@link JTable#getFillsViewportHeight() fillsViewportHeight} is true
* Using the {@link #manyToOneEventAdapterFactory() other standard factory} is then recommended.
* @return the factory for creating a default {@link TableModelEventAdapter}
* @see #manyToOneEventAdapterFactory()
* @see Factory
* @see ListEvent
* @see TableModelEvent
public static Factory defaultEventAdapterFactory() {
return DefaultTableModelEventAdapterFactory.getInstance();
* Gets a factory for creating a non-default {@link TableModelEventAdapter}.
* Whereas the default TableModelEventAdapter converts each ListEvent block to a
* TableModelEvent, this strategy tries to create only one TableModelEvent
* for a ListEvent, if it does not represent a reorder. If the ListEvent
* contains multiple blocks, a special data changed TableModelEvent
* will be fired, indicating that all row data has changed. Note, that such
* a data changed TableModelEvent can lead to a loss of the table
* selection.
* Therefore you should use this strategy only, when the
* {@link #defaultEventAdapterFactory() default strategy} doesn't fit your
* needs or causes undesirable effects/behaviour.
* @return the factory for creating a non-default {@link TableModelEventAdapter}
* @see #defaultEventAdapterFactory()
* @see Factory
* @see ListEvent
* @see TableModelEvent
public static Factory manyToOneEventAdapterFactory() {
return ManyToOneTableModelEventAdapterFactory.getInstance();
// ListSelectionModel convenience creators
* Creates a new selection model that also presents a list of the selection.
* The {@link AdvancedListSelectionModel} listens to this {@link EventList} in order
* to adjust selection when the {@link EventList} is modified. For example,
* when an element is added to the {@link EventList}, this may offset the
* selection of the following elements.
* The returned selection model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the {@link EventList} whose selection will be managed. This should
* be the same {@link EventList} passed to the constructor of your
* {@link AdvancedTableModel} or {@link EventListModel}.
public static AdvancedListSelectionModel eventSelectionModel(EventList source) {
return new DefaultEventSelectionModel(source);
* Creates a new selection model that also presents a list of the selection.
* While holding a read lock, it wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}. The
* {@link AdvancedListSelectionModel} listens to this {@link EventList} in order to adjust
* selection when the {@link EventList} is modified. For example, when an element is added to
* the {@link EventList}, this may offset the selection of the following elements.
* The returned selection model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise noted,
* all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the {@link EventList} whose selection will be managed. This should be the
* same {@link EventList} passed to the constructor of your
* {@link AdvancedTableModel} or {@link EventListModel}.
public static AdvancedListSelectionModel eventSelectionModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
final EventList proxySource = createSwingThreadProxyList(source);
return new DefaultEventSelectionModel(proxySource, true);
// EventListModel convenience creators
* Creates a new list model that contains all objects located in the given
* source
and reacts to any changes in the given source
* The returned selection model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the EventList that provides the elements
public static DefaultEventListModel eventListModel(EventList source) {
return new DefaultEventListModel(source);
* Creates a new list model that contains all objects located in the given
* source
and reacts to any changes in the given source
* While holding a read lock, it wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* The returned selection model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the EventList that provides the elements
public static DefaultEventListModel eventListModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
final EventList proxySource = createSwingThreadProxyList(source);
return new DefaultEventListModel(proxySource, true);
// EventComboBoxModel convenience creators
* Creates a new combobox model that contains all objects located in the given
* source
and reacts to any changes in the given source
* The returned combobox model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* To do this programmatically, use {@link SwingUtilities#invokeAndWait(Runnable)} and
* wrap the source list (or some part of the source list's pipeline) using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* @param source the EventList that provides the elements
public static DefaultEventComboBoxModel eventComboBoxModel(EventList source) {
return new DefaultEventComboBoxModel(source);
* Creates a new combobox model that contains all objects located in the given
* source
and reacts to any changes in the given source
* While holding a read lock, it wraps the source list using
* {@link GlazedListsSwing#swingThreadProxyList(EventList)}.
* The returned combobox model is not thread-safe. Unless otherwise
* noted, all methods are only safe to be called from the event dispatch thread.
* @param source the EventList that provides the elements
public static DefaultEventComboBoxModel eventComboBoxModelWithThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
final EventList proxySource = createSwingThreadProxyList(source);
return new DefaultEventComboBoxModel(proxySource, true);
/** Helper method to create a SwingThreadProxyList with read locks. */
private static EventList createSwingThreadProxyList(EventList source) {
final EventList result;
try {
result = GlazedListsSwing.swingThreadProxyList(source);
} finally {
return result;