com.publicobject.glazedlists.japex.adt.IndexedTreeNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Glazed Lists (c) 2003-2006 */
/* O'Dell Engineering Ltd.*/
package com.publicobject.glazedlists.japex.adt;
// for specifying a sorting order
import java.util.*;
* A tree node that can be accessed either in sorted order or by
* index.
* This tree-node uses AVL-Trees to ensure that access is always
* logarithmic in terms of the size of the tree. AVL Trees use
* rotations (single and double) when the height of a pair of
* subtrees do not match in order to guarantee a bound on the
* difference in their height. This bound can be shown to provide
* an overall bound on the access time on the tree.
As of October 9, 2005, this class can be used to create
* partially sorted trees. This means that some subset of the nodes
* are not considered when sorting. The purpose of this is to provide a
* reasonable data store when new elements should be added in sorted order,
* but old elements are not to be moved once added. To mark a node as unsorted,
* use the
* @deprecated, replaced with {@link ca.odell.glazedlists.impl.adt.barcode2.BciiTree BC2}
* @author Jesse Wilson
public final class IndexedTreeNode {
/** a token node */
public static final IndexedTreeNode EMPTY_NODE = new IndexedTreeNode(null, "EMPTY_NODE");
/** the parent node, used to delete from leaf up */
IndexedTreeNode parent;
/** the left and right child nodes */
IndexedTreeNode left = null;
IndexedTreeNode right = null;
/** the size of the left and right subtrees */
int leftSize = 0;
int rightSize = 0;
/** the height of this subtree */
private int height = 0;
* The value of this node, which should be greater than all values in
* the left subtree but less than all values in the right subtree.
private V value;
* Whether to use the node's value when doing comparisons. Otherwise
* the node value is a placeholder for a value and should not
* be used when doing comparisons on operations like
* {@link #getShallowestNodeWithValue} or {@link #insert}.
private boolean sorted = true;
* Creates a new IndexedTreeNode with the specified parent node.
IndexedTreeNode(IndexedTreeNode parent, V value) {
this.parent = parent;
this.value = value;
* Gets the value of this tree node.
public V getValue() {
return value;
* Sets the value of this tree node. Warning: changing
* the value of a node in a sorted tree may cause sorting to break
* miserably.
public void setValue(V value) {
this.value = value;
* Set this node to be used or ignored when sorting other values in the
* tree. Unsorted nodes are useful when it is necessary to keep elements
* in place even after their sort-order may have changed.
public void setSorted(boolean sorted) {
this.sorted = sorted;
* Whether this node is sorted.
public boolean isSorted() {
return sorted;
* Gets the object with the specified index in the tree.
IndexedTreeNode getNodeWithIndex(int index) {
// recurse to the left
if(index < leftSize) {
return left.getNodeWithIndex(index);
// recurse on the right side
} else if(index > leftSize) {
return right.getNodeWithIndex(index - (leftSize + 1));
// return this node's root
} else {
return this;
* @return true
if this is on the left side of its parent.
private boolean isRightChild() {
return parent != null && parent.right == this;
* @return true
if this is on the right side of its parent.
private boolean isLeftChild() {
return parent != null && parent.left == this;
* Whether the search value sorts on the left, right or center.
* @return 0 if this element equals the search value, a negative number if
* the search value belongs on the left and a positive number if the
* search value belongs on the right.
private int getSortSide(Comparator comparator, Object searchValue) {
IndexedTreeNode currentFollower = this;
while(true) {
// we've hit the end of the list, assume the element is on the left hand side
if(currentFollower == null) {
return -1;
// we've found a comparable element, use this!
} else if(currentFollower.sorted) {
return, currentFollower.value);
// we failed to find a comparable element, try the next element after
currentFollower =;
* @return the node whose index is one greater than this node, or null
* if this is the last node in the tree.
public IndexedTreeNode next() {
IndexedTreeNode result;
// go to the leftmost child in the right subtree
if(right != null) {
result = right;
while(result.left != null) {
result = result.left;
// we're a root node with no right child, we have no follower
} else if(parent == null) {
result = null;
// we're the top child on the left hand side, parent is next
} else if(isLeftChild()) {
result = parent;
// we're in a right subtree, go all the way up to the parent of a left child
} else if(isRightChild()) {
IndexedTreeNode parentOfRightChild = this.parent;
while(parentOfRightChild.isRightChild()) {
parentOfRightChild = parentOfRightChild.parent;
result = parentOfRightChild.parent;
// we should have handled all cases already
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
return result;
* @return the node whose index is one less than this node, or null
* if this is the first node in the tree.
public IndexedTreeNode previous() {
IndexedTreeNode result;
// go into the rightmost child in the left subtree
if(left != null) {
result = left;
while(result.right != null) {
result = result.right;
// we're a root node with no left child, we have no predecessor
} else if(parent == null) {
result = null;
// we're the top child on the right hand side, parent is next
} else if(isRightChild()) {
result = parent;
// we're in a left subtree, go all the way up to the parent of a right child
} else if(isLeftChild()) {
IndexedTreeNode parentOfLeftChild = this.parent;
while(parentOfLeftChild.isLeftChild()) {
parentOfLeftChild = parentOfLeftChild.parent;
result = parentOfLeftChild.parent;
// we should have handled all cases already
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
return result;
* Return the first node found such that {@link Comparator#compare} ranks
* the specified object equal to that node's value. It is up to the caller
* to narrow in on a more specific node to be used by methods like
* {@link List#indexOf} etc.
IndexedTreeNode getShallowestNodeWithValue(Comparator comparator, Object object, boolean approximate) {
int sortSide = getSortSide(comparator, object);
// we're found a matching node
if(sortSide == 0) {
return this;
// recurse on the left or the right, depending on the sort
IndexedTreeNode recurseNode = (sortSide < 0) ? left : right;
if(recurseNode != null) {
return recurseNode.getShallowestNodeWithValue(comparator, object, approximate);
// no result was found, but return 'this' as an approximation if requested
return approximate ? this : null;
* Retrieves the size of this subtree.
int size() {
return leftSize + 1 + rightSize;
* Retrieves the height of this subtree.
int height() {
return height;
* Retrieves the subtree node with the largest value.
IndexedTreeNode getLargestChildNode() {
if(rightSize > 0) return right.getLargestChildNode();
else return this;
* Retrieves the subtree node with the smallest value.
IndexedTreeNode getSmallestChildNode() {
if(leftSize > 0) return left.getSmallestChildNode();
else return this;
* Gets the index of the current node, based on a recurrsive
* path up the tree.
public int getIndex() {
return getIndex(null);
private int getIndex(IndexedTreeNode child) {
// if the child is on the left, return the index recursively
if(child == left) {
if(parent != null) return parent.getIndex(this);
return 0;
// if there is no child, get the index of the current node
} else if(child == null) {
if(parent != null) return parent.getIndex(this) + leftSize;
return leftSize;
// if the child is on the right, return the index recursively
} else if(child == right) {
if(parent != null) return parent.getIndex(this) + leftSize + 1;
return leftSize + 1;
// if no child is found, we have a problem
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(this + " cannot get the index of a subtree that does not exist on this node!");
* Inserts the specified object into the tree in sorted order.
* @return the IndexedTreeNode node where the object was inserted. This
* node can be used to call the deleteUp() method, which will
* delete the node from it's parent tree. It is also possible to
* use the getIndex() method on the node to discover what the sorted
* index of the value is.
IndexedTreeNode insert(IndexedTree host, V value) {
boolean insertOnLeft = getSortSide(host.getComparator(), value) < 0;
IndexedTreeNode subtree = insertOnLeft ? left : right;
final IndexedTreeNode inserted;
// update the size of the appropriate side
if(insertOnLeft) this.leftSize++;
else this.rightSize++;
// if we need to create a new subtree, do that
if(subtree == null) {
inserted = new IndexedTreeNode(this, value);
// assign a member value to the subtree
if(insertOnLeft) this.left = inserted;
else this.right = inserted;
// do the necessary rotations
// recurse on our subtree
} else {
inserted = subtree.insert(host, value);
return inserted;
* Inserts the specified object into the tree with the specified index.
* @return the IndexedTreeNode node where the object was inserted. This
* node can be used to call the deleteUp() method, which will
* delete the node from it's parent tree. It is also possible to call
* the getIndex() method on the node. As new nodes are inserted, the
* index will shift. The getIndex() method can be used to get the
* current index of the node at any time.
IndexedTreeNode insert(IndexedTree host, int index, V value) {
boolean insertOnLeft = index <= leftSize;
IndexedTreeNode subtree = insertOnLeft ? left : right;
final IndexedTreeNode inserted;
// update the size of the appropriate side
if(insertOnLeft) this.leftSize++;
else this.rightSize++;
// we need to create a new subtree, do that
if(subtree == null) {
inserted = new IndexedTreeNode(this, value);
// assign a member value to the subtree
if(insertOnLeft) this.left = inserted;
else this.right = inserted;
// do the necessary rotations
// recurse on our selected subtree
} else {
int recurseIndex = insertOnLeft ? index : index - leftSize - 1;
inserted = subtree.insert(host, recurseIndex, value);
return inserted;
* Recurses down from the root and removes the node at the given index.
IndexedTreeNode removeNode(IndexedTree host, int index) {
// recurse to the left
if(index < leftSize) {
return left.removeNode(host, index);
// recurse on the right side
} else if(index > leftSize) {
return right.removeNode(host, index - (leftSize + 1));
// if this is a leaf, we can delete it outright
if(leftSize == 0 && rightSize == 0) {
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, null);
} else {
// if this node has only a left child, we can replace this with that child
} else if(leftSize > 0 && rightSize == 0) {
// update the left child
left.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, left);
} else {
// if this node has only a right child, we can replace this with that child
} else if(leftSize == 0 && rightSize > 0) {
// update the right child
right.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, right);
} else {
// if this node has two children, replace this node with the best of the biggest
} else {
IndexedTreeNode replacement = null;
// if the left side is larger, use a left side node
if(leftSize > rightSize) {
replacement = left.pruneLargestChild(host);
// otherwise use a right side node
} else {
replacement = right.pruneSmallestChild(host);
// update the left child
replacement.left = left;
replacement.leftSize = leftSize;
if(left != null) left.parent = replacement;
// update the right child
replacement.right = right;
replacement.rightSize = rightSize;
if(right != null) right.parent = replacement;
// update the height
replacement.height = height;
// update the parent
replacement.parent = parent;
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, replacement);
} else {
// clear all the linking and size values
return this;
* Removes the smallest child of the subtree rooted at this and returns it.
IndexedTreeNode pruneSmallestChild(IndexedTree host) {
// recurse down the tree
if(leftSize > 0) {
return left.pruneSmallestChild(host);
IndexedTreeNode replacement = null;
// this node has a right child
if(rightSize != 0) {
replacement = right;
right.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, replacement);
} else {
// clear all the linking and size values
return this;
* Removes the largest child of the subtree rooted at this and returns it.
IndexedTreeNode pruneLargestChild(IndexedTree host) {
// recurse down the tree
if(rightSize > 0) {
return right.pruneLargestChild(host);
IndexedTreeNode replacement = null;
// this node has a left child
if(leftSize != 0) {
replacement = left;
left.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, replacement);
} else {
// clear all the linking and size values
return this;
* Unlinks this node from the sorted tree. This may cause the tree to
* rotate nodes using AVL rotations.
public void removeFromTree(IndexedTree host) {
// if this node has no value, we have a problem!
assert(value != null);
// if this is a leaf, we can delete it outright
if(leftSize == 0 && rightSize == 0) {
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, null);
} else {
// if this node has only a left child, we can replace this with that child
} else if(leftSize > 0 && rightSize == 0) {
// update the left child
left.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, left);
} else {
// if this node has only a right child, we can replace this with that child
} else if(leftSize == 0 && rightSize > 0) {
// update the right child
right.parent = parent;
// update the parent
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, right);
} else {
// if this node has two children, replace this node with the best of the biggest
} else {
IndexedTreeNode middle = null;
// if the left side is larger, use a left side node
if(leftSize > rightSize) {
middle = left.getLargestChildNode();
// otherwise use a right side node
} else {
middle = right.getSmallestChildNode();
// cannot have new middle with leaves
assert(middle.leftSize == 0 && middle.rightSize == 0);
// update the left child
middle.left = left;
middle.leftSize = leftSize;
if(left != null) left.parent = middle;
// update the right child
middle.right = right;
middle.rightSize = rightSize;
if(right != null) right.parent = middle;
// update the height
middle.height = height;
// update the parent
middle.parent = parent;
if(parent != null) {
parent.replaceChildNode(this, middle);
} else {
// clear all the linking and size values
* Clears all values related to how this node is linked in the tree, but
* does NOT clear the value of the node available via setValue().
private void clearNodeValues() {
// clear the parent
parent = null;
// clear the left child
left = null;
leftSize = 0;
// clear the right child
right = null;
rightSize = 0;
* Notifies that a node has been removed from the specified subtree.
* This simply decrements the count on that subtree.
private void notifyChildNodeRemoved(IndexedTreeNode subtree) {
if(subtree == left) leftSize--;
else if(subtree == right) rightSize--;
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot remove a subtree that does not exist on this node!");
if(parent != null) parent.notifyChildNodeRemoved(this);
* Replaces the specified child with a new child.
private void replaceChildNode(IndexedTreeNode original, IndexedTreeNode replacement) {
if(original == left) left = replacement;
else if(original == right) right = replacement;
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot replace a non-existant child");
* A primitive way to validate that nodes are stored in sorted
* order and that their sizes are consistent. This throws a
* IllegalStateException if any infraction is found.
void validate(IndexedTree host) {
// first validate the children
if(left != null) left.validate(host);
if(right != null) right.validate(host);
// validate sort order
if(host.getComparator() != null && sorted) {
if(leftSize > 0 && left.sorted && host.getComparator().compare(left.value, value) > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("" + this + "left node, \"" + left + "\" larger than middle node, \"" + this + "\"");
if(rightSize > 0 && right.sorted && host.getComparator().compare(value, right.value) > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("" + this + " middle node, \"" + this + "\" larger than right node, \"" + right + "\"");
// validate left size
if((left == null && leftSize != 0) || (left != null && leftSize != left.size())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cached leftSize " + leftSize + " != reported left.size() " + left.size());
// validate right size
if((right == null && rightSize != 0) || (right != null && rightSize != right.size())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cached rightSize " + rightSize + " != reported right.size() " + right.size());
* Ensures that the tree satisfies the AVL property. It is sufficient to
* recurse up the tree only as long as height recalculations are needed.
* As such, this method is intended to be called only on a node whose height
* may be out of sync due to an insertion or deletion.
private void ensureAVL(IndexedTree host) {
int oldHeight = height;
// If adjustments were made, recurse up the tree
if(height != oldHeight && parent != null) parent.ensureAVL(host);
* Recalculates the cached height at this level.
private void recalculateHeight() {
int leftHeight = left == null ? 0 : left.height;
int rightHeight = right == null ? 0 : right.height;
height = 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
* Determines if AVL rotations are required and performs them if they are.
private void avlRotate(IndexedTree host) {
// look up the left and right heights
int leftHeight = (left != null ? left.height : 0);
int rightHeight = (right != null ? right.height : 0);
// rotations will be on the left
if(leftHeight - rightHeight >= 2) {
// determine if a double rotation is necessary
int leftLeftHeight = (left.left != null ? left.left.height : 0);
int leftRightHeight = (left.right != null ? left.right.height : 0);
// Perform first half of double rotation if necessary
if(leftRightHeight > leftLeftHeight) left.rotateRight(host);
// Do the rotation for this node
// rotations will be on the right
} else if(rightHeight - leftHeight >= 2) {
// determine if a double rotation is necessary
int rightLeftHeight = (right.left != null ? right.left.height : 0);
int rightRightHeight = (right.right != null ? right.right.height : 0);
// Perform first half of double rotation if necessary
if(rightLeftHeight > rightRightHeight) right.rotateLeft(host);
// Do the rotation for this node
* AVL-Rotates this subtree with its left child.
* For every link (left, right, parent), there are up to three
* updates to be made. We need to set the new value on the
* replacement, the new value on this, and the new value on the
* other node.
private void rotateLeft(IndexedTree host) {
// The replacement node is on the left
IndexedTreeNode replacement = left;
// take the right child of the replacement as my left child
left = replacement.right;
leftSize = replacement.rightSize;
if(replacement.right != null) replacement.right.parent = this;
// set the right child of the replacement to this
replacement.right = this;
replacement.rightSize = size();
// set the replacement's parent to my parent and mine to the replacement
if(parent != null) parent.replaceChildNode(this, replacement);
// set a new tree root
else host.setRootNode(replacement);
// fix parent links on this and the replacement
replacement.parent = parent;
parent = replacement;
// recalculate height at this node
// require height to be recalculated on the replacement node
replacement.height = 0;
* AVL-Rotates this subtree with its right child.
* For every link (left, right, parent), there are up to three
* updates to be made. We need to set the new value on the
* replacement, the new value on this, and the new value on the
* other node.
private void rotateRight(IndexedTree host) {
// The replacement node is on the right
IndexedTreeNode replacement = right;
// take the right child of the replacement as my left child
right = replacement.left;
rightSize = replacement.leftSize;
if(replacement.left != null) replacement.left.parent = this;
// set the right child of the replacement to this
replacement.left = this;
replacement.leftSize = size();
// set the replacement's parent to my parent and mine to the replacement
if(parent != null) parent.replaceChildNode(this, replacement);
// set a new tree root
else host.setRootNode(replacement);
//fix parent links on this and the replacement
replacement.parent = parent;
parent = replacement;
// recalculate height at this node
// require height to be recalculated on the replacement node
replacement.height = 0;
* Prints the tree by its contents.
public String toString() {
// String leftString = left == null ? "." : left.toString();
String valueString = value instanceof IndexedTreeNode ? "NODE " + ((IndexedTreeNode)value).getIndex() : value.toString();
// String rightString = right == null ? "." : right.toString();
// return valueString;
// return "(" + leftString + " " + valueString + " " + rightString + ")";
int index = getIndex();
return "[" + index + "] " + valueString;