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perspective.derivation.HKDProductGenericMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package perspective.derivation
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
trait HKDProductGenericMacros {
implicit def materializeHKDProduct[A <: Product]: HKDProductGeneric[A] =
macro HKDProductGenericMacrosImpl.materializeHKDProduct[A]
class HKDProductGenericMacrosImpl(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
def materializeHKDProduct[A <: Product: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val tpe = weakTypeOf[A]
val tpeSym = tpe.typeSymbol
if (tpe =:= typeOf[AnyRef] || !tpeSym.isClass || !tpeSym.asClass.isCaseClass) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$tpe is not a valid product type")
val classTpeSym = tpeSym.asClass
val paramss = classTpeSym.primaryConstructor.asMethod.paramLists
val flatParams = paramss.flatten
val n = flatParams.length
for {
param <- flatParams
} {
val field = tpe.decl(
if (field == NoSymbol) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"No field for ${param.fullName} found")
if (!field.asMethod.isAccessor) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"No accessor for ${param.fullName} found")
val names = => q"${}")
val types = => tpe.decl(
val toValues = => q"a.${}")
val fromValues = paramss
.foldLeft((1, Nil: List[List[Tree]])) { case ((n, acc), params) =>
val (n2, acc2) = params.foldLeft((n, Nil: List[Tree])) { case ((n, acc), _) =>
(n + 1) -> (q"a.${TermName(s"p$n")}" :: acc)
n2 -> (acc2.reverse :: acc)
val string = typeOf[String]
def constructObj(paramss: List[List[Tree]]) =
q"new $classTpeSym(...$paramss)"
if (n > 99) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "perspective does not support classes with more than 99 fields")
} else if (n > 22) {
val fromValuesArr = paramss
.foldLeft((1, types, Nil: List[List[Tree]])) { case ((n, topRemainingTypes, acc), params) =>
val (n2, newRemainingTypes, acc2) = params.foldLeft((n, topRemainingTypes, Nil: List[Tree])) {
case ((n, remainingTypes, acc), _) =>
(n + 1, remainingTypes.tail, q"aArr(${n - 1}).asInstanceOf[${remainingTypes.head}]" :: acc)
(n2, newRemainingTypes, acc2.reverse :: acc)
new _root_.perspective.derivation.HKDProductGeneric[$tpe] {
import _root_.scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import _root_.perspective.derivation.ArrayProductK
import _root_.perspective.{~>:, Finite}
private def makeG[F[_]](product: ArrayProductK[F, $n]): Gen[F] = product.asInstanceOf[Gen[F]]
private def fromG[F[_]](product: Gen[F]): ArrayProductK[F, $n] = product.asInstanceOf[ArrayProductK[F, $n]]
override type Gen[A[_]] = ArrayProductK.NewTypes.${TypeName(s"G$n")}[A, ..$types]
override type Index[A] = _root_.perspective.Finite[$n]
override def typeName: $string = ${tpeSym.fullName}
override def names: Gen[({type L[A] = $string})#L] =
makeG[({type L[A] = $string})#L](ArrayProductK[({type L[A] = $string})#L, $n](ArraySeq(..$names)))
override def to(a: $tpe): Gen[_root_.cats.Id] =
makeG[({type L[A] = A})#L](ArrayProductK[({type L[A] = A})#L, $n](ArraySeq(..$toValues)))
override def from(a: Gen[_root_.cats.Id]): $tpe = {
val aArr = fromG(a).arr
override def tabulateFoldLeft[B](start: B)(f: B => Index ~>: ({type L[X] = B})#L): B = {
var i: Int = 0
var res: B = start
while (i < $n) {
res = f(res)(Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
i += 1
override def tabulateTraverseK[G[_], B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = G[B[X]]})#L)(implicit G: _root_.cats.Applicative[G]): G[Gen[B]] = {
var acc: G[List[B[Any]]] = G.pure(List.empty[B[Any]])
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
acc = G.map2(f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i)), acc)((v, a) => v :: a)
i += 1
} { a =>
makeG(ArrayProductK[B, $n](ArraySeq.from(a: List[Any]).asInstanceOf[ArraySeq[B[Any]]]))
override def tabulateTraverseKOption[B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = Option[B[X]]})#L): Option[Gen[B]] = {
val arr = new Array[Any]($n).asInstanceOf[Array[B[Any]]]
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
val res = f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
if (res.isEmpty)
// Early return
return None
else arr(i) = res.get
i += 1
Some(makeG(ArrayProductK[B, $n](ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(arr))))
override def tabulateTraverseKEither[E, B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = Either[E, B[X]]})#L): Either[E, Gen[B]] = {
val arr = new Array[Any]($n).asInstanceOf[Array[B[Any]]]
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
val res = f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
res match {
case Right(v) =>
arr(i) = v
case Left(e) =>
// Early return
return Left(e)
i += 1
Right(makeG(ArrayProductK[B, $n](ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(arr))))
override def productElementId[X](a: $tpe, index: Index[X]): X =
private val instance: _root_.perspective.RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index] with _root_.perspective.TraverseKC[Gen] =
ArrayProductK.instance[$n].asInstanceOf[_root_.perspective.RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index] with _root_.perspective.TraverseKC[Gen]]
override val representable: _root_.perspective.RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index] = instance
override val traverse: _root_.perspective.TraverseKC[Gen] = instance
} else {
val productKTermName = q"_root_.perspective.derivation.${TermName("Product" + n + "K")}"
def constructGen(hkType: Tree, params: List[Tree]): Tree =
q"$productKTermName[$hkType, ..$types](..$params)"
new _root_.perspective.derivation.HKDProductGeneric[$tpe] {
import _root_.perspective.{~>:, Finite}
override type Gen[A[_]] = _root_.perspective.derivation.${TypeName("Product" + n + "K")}[A, ..$types]
override type Index[A] = _root_.perspective.Finite[$n]
override def typeName: $string = ${tpeSym.fullName}
override def names: Gen[({type L[A] = $string})#L] =
${constructGen(tq"({type L[A] = $string})#L", names)}
override def to(a: $tpe): Gen[_root_.cats.Id] = ${constructGen(tq"({type L[A] = A})#L", toValues)}
override def from(a: Gen[_root_.cats.Id]): $tpe = ${constructObj(fromValues)}
override def tabulateFoldLeft[B](start: B)(f: B => Index ~>: ({type L[X] = B})#L): B = {
var i: Int = 0
var res: B = start
while (i < $n) {
res = f(res)(Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
i += 1
override def tabulateTraverseK[G[_], B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = G[B[X]]})#L)(implicit G: _root_.cats.Applicative[G]): G[Gen[B]] = {
var acc: G[List[B[Any]]] = G.pure(List.empty[B[Any]])
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
acc = G.map2(f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i)), acc)((v, a) => v :: a)
i += 1
} { a =>
val vec = a.toIndexedSeq
${constructGen(tq"B", => q"vec(${t._2}).asInstanceOf[B[${t._1}]]"))}
override def tabulateTraverseKOption[B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = Option[B[X]]})#L): Option[Gen[B]] = {
val arr = new Array[Any]($n)
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
val res = f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
if (res.isEmpty)
// Early return
return None
else arr(i) = res.get.asInstanceOf[Any]
i += 1
Some(${constructGen(tq"B", => q"arr(${t._2}).asInstanceOf[B[${t._1}]]"))})
override def tabulateTraverseKEither[E, B[_]](f: Index ~>: ({type L[X] = Either[E, B[X]]})#L): Either[E, Gen[B]] = {
val arr = new Array[Any]($n)
var i: Int = 0
while (i < $n) {
val res = f[Any](Finite.applyUnsage[$n](i))
res match {
case Right(v) =>
arr(i) = v.asInstanceOf[Any]
case Left(e) =>
// Early return
return Left(e)
i += 1
Right(${constructGen(tq"B", => q"arr(${t._2}).asInstanceOf[B[${t._1}]]"))})
override def productElementId[X](a: $tpe, index: Index[X]): X =
override val representable: _root_.perspective.RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index] =
override val traverse: _root_.perspective.TraverseKC[Gen] =