perspective.derivation.HKDSumGeneric.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package perspective.derivation
import cats.Applicative
import perspective._
trait HKDSumGeneric[A] { self =>
type Gen[_[_]]
type Index[X]
def typeName: String
def names: Gen[Const[String, *]]
// Preferably we would say type Index[X <: A], but we can't
def upcastIndexed[X](idx: Index[X], x: X): A = x.asInstanceOf[A]
def upcastIndex[X](idx: Index[X]): Index[_ <: A] = idx.asInstanceOf[Index[_ <: A]]
def nameToIndexMap: Map[String, Index[_ <: A]]
def indexToNameMap: Map[Index[_ <: A], String]
def indexOf[X <: A](x: X): Index[X]
def to(a: A): Gen[Option] = {
val index = indexOf(a)
representable.tabulateK(new FunctionK[Index, Option] {
override def apply[Z](i: Index[Z]): Option[Z] =
if (i == index) Some(a.asInstanceOf[Z]) // This is safe as we know A = Z
else None
def from(a: Gen[Option]): Option[A] = {
// This is safe. We can't use the widen method as it can't know about the contents of Gen, we do
val aWiden = a.asInstanceOf[Gen[Const[Option[A], *]]]
val asList = traverse.toListK[Option[A], Nothing](aWiden).flatten
asList match {
case Nil => None // No values present
case a :: Nil => Some(a) // One value present
case _ => None // More than one value present
def tabulateFoldLeft[B](start: B)(f: B => Index ~>: Const[B, *]): B
def tabulateTraverseK[G[_], B[_]](f: Index ~>: Compose2[G, B, *])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[Gen[B]]
def tabulateTraverseKOption[B[_]](f: Index ~>: Compose2[Option, B, *]): Option[Gen[B]]
def tabulateTraverseKEither[E, B[_]](f: Index ~>: Compose2[Either[E, *], B, *]): Either[E, Gen[B]]
def representable: RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index]
def traverse: TraverseKC[Gen]
object implicits extends SumImplicitsLowPriority[A, Gen, Index] {
implicit def representable: RepresentableKC.Aux[Gen, Index] = self.representable
override private[derivation] def sumInstance: HKDSumGeneric.Aux[A, Gen] { type Index[A] = self.Index[A] } = self
abstract private[derivation] class SumImplicitsLowPriority[A, Gen[_[_]], Index0[_]] {
private[derivation] def sumInstance: HKDSumGeneric.Aux[A, Gen] { type Index[A] = Index0[A] }
implicit def traverse: TraverseKC[Gen] = sumInstance.traverse
object HKDSumGeneric extends HKDSumGenericMacros {
def apply[A](implicit gen: HKDSumGeneric[A]): HKDSumGeneric.Aux[A, gen.Gen] = gen
type Aux[A, Gen0[_[_]]] = HKDSumGeneric[A] {
type Gen[B[_]] = Gen0[B]