net.koofr.api.v2.StorageApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package net.koofr.api.v2;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Bookmark;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Comment;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.ConnectionList;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Device;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.File;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Group;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.JsonBase;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Link;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Mount;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.NotificationSettings;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.PathInfo;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.Permissions;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.SecuritySettings;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.User;
import net.koofr.api.v2.resources.UserInfo;
import net.koofr.api.v2.transfer.ProgressListener;
import net.koofr.api.v2.transfer.upload.MultipartEntityProgress;
import net.koofr.api.v2.transfer.upload.UploadData;
import net.koofr.api.v2.util.CustomClientResource;
import net.koofr.api.v2.util.Https;
import net.koofr.api.v2.util.HttpsClientHelper;
import net.koofr.api.v2.util.Log;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.SingleClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.restlet.Client;
import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.data.ChallengeResponse;
import org.restlet.data.ChallengeScheme;
import org.restlet.data.MediaType;
import org.restlet.data.Protocol;
import org.restlet.data.Reference;
import org.restlet.engine.Engine;
import org.restlet.engine.header.ChallengeWriter;
import org.restlet.engine.header.Header;
import org.restlet.engine.header.HeaderConstants;
import org.restlet.engine.security.AuthenticatorHelper;
import org.restlet.ext.jackson.JacksonConverter;
import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource;
import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException;
import org.restlet.util.Series;
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "deprecation"})
public class StorageApi {
public static final String TAG = StorageApi.class.getName();
public static final int DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
public static final String HEADER_KOOFR_USERNAME = "X-Koofr-Email";
public static final String HEADER_KOOFR_PASSWORD = "X-Koofr-Password";
public static final String HEADER_KOOFR_TOKEN = "X-Koofr-Token";
private String token;
private String baseUrl;
private Client client;
private Log log;
public void setLog(Log log) {
this.log = log;
private void debug(String tag, String msg) {
if(null != log) {
log.debug(tag, msg);
private void debug(String tag, String msg, Throwable t) {
if(null != log) {
log.debug(tag, msg, t);
public StorageApi(String baseUrl, Client client) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.client = client;
this.log = null;
public void setAuthToken(String token) {
this.token = token;
public String getAuthToken() {
return this.token;
public String authenticate(String tokenUrl, String username, String password)
throws StorageApiException {
Reference ref = new Reference(tokenUrl);
ClientResource res = new CustomClientResource(ref);
Series headers = (Series)res.getRequestAttributes().
if(headers == null) {
headers = new Series(Header.class);
headers.set(HEADER_KOOFR_PASSWORD, password);
headers.set(HEADER_KOOFR_USERNAME, username);
try {
headers = (Series)res.getResponseAttributes().
String rv = headers.getValues(HEADER_KOOFR_TOKEN);
return rv;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
protected void setAuthenticationHeader(ClientResource res) {
res.setChallengeResponse(new ChallengeResponse
protected ClientResource getResource(String path) {
debug(TAG, "Resource path: " + path);
Reference ref = new Reference(new Reference(baseUrl), path);
ClientResource res = new CustomClientResource(ref);
return res;
protected ClientResource getResource(String path, String... query) {
debug(TAG, "Resource path: " + path);
Reference ref = new Reference(new Reference(baseUrl), path);
for(int i = 0; i < query.length - 1; i += 2) {
ref = ref.addQueryParameter(query[i], query[i + 1]);
ClientResource res = new CustomClientResource(ref);
return res;
protected ClientResource getResource(Reference ref) {
ClientResource res = new CustomClientResource(ref);
return res;
private HttpClient getHttpClient() {
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", Https.getFactory(), 443));
schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory
.getSocketFactory(), 80));
HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
ClientConnectionManager mgr =
new SingleClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry);
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(mgr, params);
return client;
public UserInfo getUserInfo() throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/user").get(UserInfo.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public ConnectionList getUserConnections() throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/user/connections").get(ConnectionList.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class UserUpdate extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String firstName, lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public void updateUserInfo(String firstName, String lastName)
throws StorageApiException {
UserUpdate uu = new UserUpdate();
try {
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class UserPasswordUpdate extends JsonBase
implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String newPassword;
private String oldPassword;
public String getNewPassword() {
return newPassword;
public void setNewPassword(String newPassword) {
this.newPassword = newPassword;
public String getOldPassword() {
return oldPassword;
public void setOldPassword(String oldPassword) {
this.oldPassword = oldPassword;
public void updateUserPassword(String newPassword, String oldPassword)
throws StorageApiException {
UserPasswordUpdate upu = new UserPasswordUpdate();
try {
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public NotificationSettings getNotificationSettings()
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/user/settings/notifications").
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateNotificationSettings(NotificationSettings s)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
/* TODO: missing settings/branding API */
public SecuritySettings getSecuritySettings()
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/user/settings/security").
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateSecuritySettings(SecuritySettings s)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class BookmarkList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List bookmarks;
public List getBookmarks() {
return bookmarks;
public void setBookmarks(List bookmarks) {
this.bookmarks = bookmarks;
public List getBookmarks() throws StorageApiException {
try {
BookmarkList rv = getResource("/api/v2/user/bookmarks").
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getBookmarks();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void putBookmarks(List bookmarks)
throws StorageApiException {
BookmarkList rv = new BookmarkList();
try {
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) throws StorageApiException {
List bmarks = getBookmarks();
public void addBookmark(String mountId, String path, String name) throws StorageApiException {
Bookmark b = new Bookmark();
List bmarks = getBookmarks();
if(!bmarks.contains(b)) {
public InputStream getProfilePicture(String userId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/content/api/v2/users/" + userId + "/profile-picture")
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class NameRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Group newGroup(String name) throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r = new NameRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/groups").post(r, Group.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class GroupList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List groups;
public List getGroups() {
return groups;
public void setGroups(List groups) {
this.groups = groups;
public List getGroups() throws StorageApiException {
try {
GroupList rv = getResource("/api/v2/groups").get(GroupList.class);
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getGroups();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Group getGroup(String id) throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + id).get(Group.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateGroup(String id, String name) throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r = new NameRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + id).put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class AddUserRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String email;
private Permissions permissions;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public Permissions getPermissions() {
return permissions;
public void setPermissions(Permissions permissions) {
this.permissions = permissions;
public User addUserToGroup(String groupId, String email, Permissions permissions)
throws StorageApiException {
AddUserRequest r = new AddUserRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + groupId + "/users").
post(r, User.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class UpdatePermissionsRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Permissions permissions;
public Permissions getPermissions() {
return permissions;
public void setPermissions(Permissions permissions) {
this.permissions = permissions;
public void updateGroupUser(String groupId, String userId, Permissions perm)
throws StorageApiException {
UpdatePermissionsRequest r = new UpdatePermissionsRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + groupId + "/users/" + userId).put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteGroupUser(String groupId, String userId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + groupId + "/users/" + userId).delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteGroup(String groupId) throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/groups/" + groupId).delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class DeviceList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List devices;
public List getDevices() {
return devices;
public void setDevices(List devices) {
this.devices = devices;
public List getDevices() throws StorageApiException {
try {
DeviceList rv = getResource("/api/v2/devices").get(DeviceList.class);
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getDevices();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class DeviceCreateRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String name;
private String providerName;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getProviderName() {
return providerName;
public void setProviderName(String providerName) {
this.providerName = providerName;
public Device createDevice(String name, String providerName)
throws StorageApiException {
DeviceCreateRequest r = new DeviceCreateRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/devices").post(r, Device.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Device getDevice(String deviceId) throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/devices/" + deviceId).get(Device.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateDevice(String deviceId, String newName)
throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r = new NameRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/devices/" + deviceId).put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteDevice(String deviceId) throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/devices/" + deviceId).delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
/* TODO: missing setting of provider block for cloud devices */
private static class MountList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List mounts;
public List getMounts() {
return mounts;
public void setMounts(List mounts) {
this.mounts = mounts;
public List getMounts() throws StorageApiException {
try {
MountList rv = getResource("/api/v2/mounts").get(MountList.class);
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getMounts();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Mount getMount(String id) throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + id).get(Mount.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class CreateMountRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String path;
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
public Mount createMount(String parentId, String path, String name)
throws StorageApiException {
CreateMountRequest r = new CreateMountRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + parentId + "/submounts").
post(r, Mount.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateMount(String id, String newName)
throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r = new NameRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + id).put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public User addUserToMount(String mountId, String email, Permissions perm)
throws StorageApiException {
AddUserRequest r = new AddUserRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/users").
post(r, User.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateMountUser(String mountId, String userId, Permissions perm)
throws StorageApiException {
UpdatePermissionsRequest r = new UpdatePermissionsRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/users/" + userId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteMountUser(String mountId, String userId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/users/" + userId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void updateMountGroup(String mountId, String groupId, Permissions perm)
throws StorageApiException {
UpdatePermissionsRequest r = new UpdatePermissionsRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/groups/" + groupId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteMountGroup(String mountId, String groupId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/groups/" + groupId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteMount(String mountId) throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId).delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void createFolder(String mountId, String path, String folderName)
throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r;
r = new NameRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/folder",
"path", path).post(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class FileLink extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String link;
public String getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(String link) {
this.link = link;
public String getUploadURL(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
FileLink fl = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId +
"/files/upload", "path", path).get(FileLink.class);
if(null != fl) {
return fl.getLink();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public String getDownloadURL(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
FileLink fl = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId +
"/files/download", "path", path).get(FileLink.class);
if(null != fl) {
return fl.getLink();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class FileList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List files;
public List getFiles() {
return files;
public void setFiles(List files) {
this.files = files;
public List listFiles(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
FileList fl = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId +
"/files/list", "path", path).get(FileList.class);
if(null != fl) {
return fl.getFiles();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public PathInfo getPathInfo(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId +
"/bundle", "path", path).get(PathInfo.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public File getFileInfo(String mountId, String path) throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/info",
"path", path).get(File.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void renamePath(String mountId, String path, String newName)
throws StorageApiException {
NameRequest r = new NameRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/rename",
"path", path).put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void removePath(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/remove",
"path", path).delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class DestinationRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String toMountId;
private String toPath;
public String getToMountId() {
return toMountId;
public void setToMountId(String toMountId) {
this.toMountId = toMountId;
public String getToPath() {
return toPath;
public void setToPath(String toPath) {
this.toPath = toPath;
public String copyPath(String srcMountId, String srcPath,
String dstMountId, String dstPath) throws StorageApiException {
try {
DestinationRequest r = new DestinationRequest();
NameRequest rv = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + srcMountId + "/files/copy",
"path", srcPath).put(r, NameRequest.class);
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getName();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public String movePath(String srcMountId, String srcPath,
String dstMountId, String dstPath) throws StorageApiException {
try {
DestinationRequest r = new DestinationRequest();
NameRequest rv = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + srcMountId + "/files/move",
"path", srcPath).put(r, NameRequest.class);
if(null != rv) {
return rv.getName();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class PostCommentRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String content;
public String getContent() {
return content;
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
public Comment postComment(String mountId, String content)
throws StorageApiException {
PostCommentRequest r = new PostCommentRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/comments").
post(r, Comment.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class CommentList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List comments;
public List getComments() {
return comments;
public void setComments(List comments) {
this.comments = comments;
public List getComments(String mountId)
throws StorageApiException {
return getComments(mountId, -1, -1);
public List getComments(String mountId, int from, int limit)
throws StorageApiException {
ClientResource res;
if(from >= 0 && limit > 0) {
res = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/comments",
"from", String.valueOf(from),
"limit", String.valueOf(limit));
else {
res = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/comments");
try {
CommentList cl = res.get(CommentList.class);
return cl.getComments();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Comment getComment(String mountId, String commentId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/comments/" +
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteComment(String mountId, String commentId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/comments/" +
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class PathRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String path;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
private static class LinkList extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List links;
public List getLinks() {
return links;
public void setLinks(List links) {
this.links = links;
public Link createReceiver(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
PathRequest r = new PathRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers").
post(r, Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public List getReceivers(String mountId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
LinkList ll = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId).
if(null != ll) {
return ll.getLinks();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link getReceiver(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers/" +
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link getReceiverForPath(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers",
"path", path).get(Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public List getReceiversInParent(String mountId, String parent)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
LinkList ll = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers",
"parent", parent).get(LinkList.class);
if(null != ll) {
return ll.getLinks();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
private static class HashRequest extends JsonBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String hash;
public String getHash() {
return hash;
public void setHash(String hash) {
this.hash = hash;
public void setReceiverURLPath(String mountId, String linkId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
HashRequest r = new HashRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers/" +
linkId + "/urlHash").put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link resetReceiverPassword(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers/" +
linkId + "/password/reset").put(null, Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteReceiverPassword(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers/" +
linkId + "/password").delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteReceiver(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/receivers/" + linkId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link createLink(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
PathRequest r = new PathRequest();
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links").
post(r, Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public List getLinks(String mountId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
LinkList ll = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId).
if(null != ll) {
return ll.getLinks();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link getLink(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links/" +
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link getLinkForPath(String mountId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links",
"path", path).get(Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public List getLinksInParent(String mountId, String parent)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
LinkList ll = getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links",
"parent", parent).get(LinkList.class);
if(null != ll) {
return ll.getLinks();
else {
return null;
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void setLinkURLPath(String mountId, String linkId, String path)
throws StorageApiException {
HashRequest r = new HashRequest();
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links/" +
linkId + "/urlHash").put(r);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public Link resetLinkPassword(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links/" +
linkId + "/password/reset").put(null, Link.class);
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteLinkPassword(String mountId, String linkId)
throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links/" +
linkId + "/password").delete();
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public void deleteLink(String mountId, String linkId) throws StorageApiException {
try {
getResource("/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/links/" + linkId).
catch(ResourceException ex) {
throw new StorageApiException(ex);
public boolean checkAuthentication() throws StorageApiException {
try {
return getUserInfo() != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public boolean filesUpload(String mountId, String path, UploadData uploadData,
ProgressListener listener) throws StorageApiException {
try {
String uploadUrl = baseUrl + "/content/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/put?path=";
try {
uploadUrl = uploadUrl + URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8");
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
uploadUrl = uploadUrl + path;
HttpPost upload = new HttpPost(uploadUrl);
if(token != null) {
upload.addHeader("Authorization", "Token token=\"" + token + "\"");
} else {
throw new StorageApiException("No authorization token.");
MultipartEntityProgress form = new MultipartEntityProgress(
HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE, listener);
form.addPart("file", uploadData.getBody());
HttpClient client = getHttpClient();
try {
HttpResponse resp = client.execute(upload);
return resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new StorageApiException(e);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new StorageApiException(e);
public String filesDownload(String mountId, String path,
String downloadLocation, ProgressListener listener)
throws StorageApiException {
return filesDownload(mountId, path, downloadLocation, listener, null);
public String filesDownload(String mountId, String path,
String downloadLocation, ProgressListener listener,
String thumbSize) throws StorageApiException {
return filesDownload(mountId, path, downloadLocation, listener, thumbSize, null);
public String filesDownload(String mountId, String path,
String downloadLocation, ProgressListener listener,
String thumbSize, String destName) throws StorageApiException {
try {
BufferedInputStream inStream;
BufferedOutputStream outStream;
FileOutputStream fileStream;
String[] parts = path.split("/");
String filePath;
if (destName == null) {
destName = parts[parts.length - 1];
String ext = "";
if (path.endsWith("/")) {
ext = ".zip";
} else {
int pos = destName.lastIndexOf('.');
if(pos >= 0) {
ext = destName.substring(pos).toLowerCase();
destName = destName.substring(0, pos);
else {
ext = "";
filePath = downloadLocation + java.io.File.separator + destName + ext;
java.io.File outFile = new java.io.File(filePath);
for (int i = 1; outFile.exists(); i++) {
filePath = downloadLocation + java.io.File.separator + destName + "(" + i + ")"
+ ext;
outFile = new java.io.File(filePath);
else {
filePath = downloadLocation + java.io.File.separator + destName;
String downloadUrl = baseUrl + "/content/api/v2/mounts/" + mountId + "/files/get?path=";
try {
downloadUrl = downloadUrl + URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8");
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
downloadUrl = downloadUrl + path;
if(thumbSize != null) {
downloadUrl += "&thumb=" + thumbSize;
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(downloadUrl);
if(token != null) {
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Token token=\"" + token + "\"");
HttpClient client = getHttpClient();
try {
HttpResponse resp = client.execute(request);
if (resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {
return null;
HttpEntity entity = resp.getEntity();
inStream = new BufferedInputStream(entity.getContent());
fileStream = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileStream,
byte[] data = new byte[DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytesRead = 0;
long totalRead = 0;
while (!listener.isCanceled()
&& (bytesRead = inStream.read(data, 0, data.length)) >= 0) {
outStream.write(data, 0, bytesRead);
totalRead += bytesRead;
if (listener.isCanceled()) {
new java.io.File(filePath).delete();
return null;
} else {
return filePath;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new StorageApiException(e);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new StorageApiException(e);
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