Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 LibRec
* This file is part of LibRec.
* LibRec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LibRec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LibRec. If not, see .
import net.librec.annotation.ModelData;
import net.librec.common.LibrecException;
import net.librec.math.algorithm.Maths;
import net.librec.math.algorithm.Randoms;
import net.librec.math.structure.DenseMatrix;
import net.librec.math.structure.DenseVector;
import net.librec.recommender.MatrixFactorizationRecommender;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
* Pan and Chen, GBPR: Group Preference Based Bayesian Personalized Ranking for One-Class Collaborative
* Filtering, IJCAI 2013.
* @author guoguibing and Keqiang Wang
@ModelData({"isRanking", "gbpr", "userFactors", "itemFactors", "trainMatrix"})
public class GBPRRecommender extends MatrixFactorizationRecommender {
private float rho;
private int gLen;
* bias regularization
protected double regBias;
* items biases vector
private DenseVector itemBiases;
* user-items cache, item-users cache
protected LoadingCache> userItemsCache, itemUsersCache;
* Guava cache configuration
protected static String cacheSpec;
protected void setup() throws LibrecException {
itemBiases = new DenseVector(numItems);
rho = conf.getFloat("rec.gpbr.rho",1.5f);
gLen = conf.getInt("rec.gpbr.gsize",2);
cacheSpec = conf.get("guava.cache.spec", "maximumSize=200,expireAfterAccess=2m");
userItemsCache = trainMatrix.rowColumnsCache(cacheSpec);
itemUsersCache = trainMatrix.columnRowsCache(cacheSpec);
protected void trainModel() throws LibrecException {
for (int iter = 1; iter <= numIterations; iter++) {
loss = 0.0d;
DenseMatrix tempUserFactors = new DenseMatrix(numUsers, numFactors);
DenseMatrix tempItemFactors = new DenseMatrix(numItems, numFactors);
for (int sample = 0, smax = numUsers * 100; sample < smax; sample++) {
// uniformly draw (userIdx, posItemIdx, userGroupSet, negItemIdx)
int userIdx, posItemIdx, negItemIdx;
// userIdx
List ratedItems = null; // row userIdx itemList
do {
userIdx = Randoms.uniform(trainMatrix.numRows());
try {
ratedItems = userItemsCache.get(userIdx);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
} while (ratedItems.size() == 0);
// positive item
posItemIdx = Randoms.random(ratedItems);
// users group Set
List posRatedUserList = null; // column i
try {
posRatedUserList = itemUsersCache.get(posItemIdx);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Set groupSet = new HashSet<>();
if (posRatedUserList.size() <= gLen) {
} else {
groupSet.add(userIdx); // u in G
while (groupSet.size() < gLen) {
int tempUserIdx = Randoms.random(posRatedUserList);
if (!groupSet.contains(tempUserIdx))
double posPredictRating = predict(userIdx, posItemIdx, groupSet);
// negative item index
do {
negItemIdx = Randoms.uniform(numItems);
} while (ratedItems.contains(negItemIdx));
double negPredictRating = predict(userIdx, negItemIdx);
double diffValue = posPredictRating - negPredictRating;
double lossValue = -Math.log(Maths.logistic(diffValue));
loss += lossValue;
double deriValue = Maths.logistic(-diffValue);
// update bi, bj
double posBiasValue = itemBiases.get(posItemIdx);
itemBiases.add(posItemIdx, learnRate * (deriValue - regBias * posBiasValue));
double negBiasValue = itemBiases.get(negItemIdx);
itemBiases.add(negItemIdx, learnRate * (-deriValue - regBias * negBiasValue));
// update Pw
double averageWeight = 1.0 / groupSet.size();
double sumGroup[] = new double[numFactors];
for (int groupUserIdx : groupSet) {
double delta = groupUserIdx == userIdx ? 1 : 0;
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
double groupUserFactorValue = userFactors.get(groupUserIdx, factorIdx);
double posItemFactorValue = itemFactors.get(posItemIdx, factorIdx);
double negItemFactorValue = itemFactors.get(negItemIdx, factorIdx);
double deltaGroup = rho * averageWeight * posItemFactorValue + (1 - rho) * delta * posItemFactorValue - delta * negItemFactorValue;
tempUserFactors.add(groupUserIdx, factorIdx, learnRate * (deriValue * deltaGroup - regUser * groupUserFactorValue));
sumGroup[factorIdx] += groupUserFactorValue;
// update itemFactors
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
double userFactorValue = userFactors.get(userIdx, factorIdx);
double posItemFactorValue = itemFactors.get(posItemIdx, factorIdx);
double negItemFactorValue = itemFactors.get(negItemIdx, factorIdx);
double posDelta = rho * averageWeight * sumGroup[factorIdx] + (1 - rho) * userFactorValue;
tempItemFactors.add(posItemIdx, factorIdx, learnRate * (deriValue * posDelta - regItem * posItemFactorValue));
double negDelta = -userFactorValue;
tempItemFactors.add(negItemIdx, factorIdx, learnRate * (deriValue * negDelta - regItem * negItemFactorValue));
if (isConverged(iter) && earlyStop) {
protected double predict(int userIdx, int itemIdx, Set groupSet) throws LibrecException {
double predictRating = predict(userIdx, itemIdx);
double sum = 0;
for (int groupUserIdx : groupSet)
sum += DenseMatrix.rowMult(userFactors, groupUserIdx, itemFactors, itemIdx);
double groupRating = sum / groupSet.size() + itemBiases.get(itemIdx);
return rho * groupRating + (1 - rho) * predictRating;
protected double predict(int userIdx, int itemIdx){
return itemBiases.get(itemIdx) + DenseMatrix.rowMult(userFactors, userIdx, itemFactors, itemIdx);