Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 LibRec
* This file is part of LibRec.
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import net.librec.annotation.ModelData;
import net.librec.common.LibrecException;
import net.librec.math.structure.*;
import net.librec.recommender.MatrixFactorizationRecommender;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
WRMF: Weighted Regularized Matrix Factorization.
* This implementation refers to the method proposed by Hu et al. at ICDM 2008.
* - Binary ratings: Pan et al., One-class Collaborative Filtering, ICDM 2008.
* - Real ratings: Hu et al., Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback datasets, ICDM 2008.
* @author guoguibing and Keqiang Wang
@ModelData({"isRanking", "wrmf", "userFactors", "itemFactors", "trainMatrix"})
public class WRMFRecommender extends MatrixFactorizationRecommender {
* confidence weight coefficient
protected float weightCoefficient;
* confindence Minus Identity Matrix{ui} = confidenceMatrix_{ui} - 1 =alpha * r_{ui} or log(1+10^alpha * r_{ui})
protected SparseMatrix confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix;
* preferenceMatrix_{ui} = 1 if {@code r_{ui}>0 or preferenceMatrix_{ui} = 0}
protected SparseMatrix preferenceMatrix;
protected void setup() throws LibrecException {
weightCoefficient = conf.getFloat("rec.wrmf.weight.coefficient", 4.0f);
confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix = new SparseMatrix(trainMatrix);
preferenceMatrix = new SparseMatrix(trainMatrix);
for (MatrixEntry matrixEntry : trainMatrix) {
int userIdx = matrixEntry.row();
int itemIdx = matrixEntry.column();
// confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix.set(userIdx, itemIdx, weightCoefficient * matrixEntry.get());
confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix.set(userIdx, itemIdx, Math.log(1.0 + Math.pow(10, weightCoefficient) * matrixEntry.get())); //maybe better for poi recommender
preferenceMatrix.set(userIdx, itemIdx, 1.0d);
protected void trainModel() throws LibrecException {
SparseMatrix userIdentityMatrix = DiagMatrix.eye(numFactors).scale(regUser);
SparseMatrix itemIdentityMatrix = DiagMatrix.eye(numFactors).scale(regItem);
// To be consistent with the symbols in the paper
DenseMatrix X = userFactors, Y = itemFactors;
// Updating by using alternative least square (ALS)
// due to large amount of entries to be processed (SGD will be too slow)
for (int iter = 1; iter <= numIterations; iter++) {
// Step 1: update user factors;
DenseMatrix Yt = Y.transpose();
DenseMatrix YtY = Yt.mult(Y);
for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < numUsers; userIdx++) {
DenseMatrix YtCuI = new DenseMatrix(numFactors, numItems);//actually YtCuI is a sparse matrix
//Yt * (Cu-itemIdx)
List itemList = trainMatrix.getColumns(userIdx);
for (int itemIdx : itemList) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
YtCuI.set(factorIdx, itemIdx, Y.get(itemIdx, factorIdx) * confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix.get(userIdx, itemIdx));
// YtY + Yt * (Cu - itemIdx) * Y
DenseMatrix YtCuY = new DenseMatrix(numFactors, numFactors);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int factorIdxIn = 0; factorIdxIn < numFactors; factorIdxIn++) {
double value = 0.0;
for (int itemIdx : itemList) {
value += YtCuI.get(factorIdx, itemIdx) * Y.get(itemIdx, factorIdxIn);
YtCuY.set(factorIdx, factorIdxIn, value);
// (YtCuY + lambda * itemIdx)^-1
//lambda * itemIdx can be pre-difined because every time is the same.
DenseMatrix Wu = (YtCuY.add(userIdentityMatrix)).inv();
// Yt * (Cu - itemIdx) * Pu + Yt * Pu
DenseVector YtCuPu = new DenseVector(numFactors);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int itemIdx : itemList) {
YtCuPu.add(factorIdx, preferenceMatrix.get(userIdx, itemIdx) * (YtCuI.get(factorIdx, itemIdx) + Yt.get(factorIdx, itemIdx)));
DenseVector xu = Wu.mult(YtCuPu);
// udpate user factors
X.setRow(userIdx, xu);
// Step 2: update item factors;
DenseMatrix Xt = X.transpose();
DenseMatrix XtX = Xt.mult(X);
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
DenseMatrix XtCiI = new DenseMatrix(numFactors, numUsers);
//actually XtCiI is a sparse matrix
//Xt * (Ci-itemIdx)
List userList = trainMatrix.getRows(itemIdx);
for (int userIdx : userList) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
XtCiI.set(factorIdx, userIdx, X.get(userIdx, factorIdx) * confindenceMinusIdentityMatrix.get(userIdx, itemIdx));
// XtX + Xt * (Ci - itemIdx) * X
DenseMatrix XtCiX = new DenseMatrix(numFactors, numFactors);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int factorIdxIn = 0; factorIdxIn < numFactors; factorIdxIn++) {
double value = 0.0;
for (int userIdx : userList) {
value += XtCiI.get(factorIdx, userIdx) * X.get(userIdx, factorIdxIn);
XtCiX.set(factorIdx, factorIdxIn, value);
// (XtCuX + lambda * itemIdx)^-1
//lambda * itemIdx can be pre-difined because every time is the same.
DenseMatrix Wi = (XtCiX.add(itemIdentityMatrix)).inv();
// Xt * (Ci - itemIdx) * Pu + Xt * Pu
DenseVector XtCiPu = new DenseVector(numFactors);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int userIdx : userList) {
XtCiPu.add(factorIdx, preferenceMatrix.get(userIdx, itemIdx) * (XtCiI.get(factorIdx, userIdx) + Xt.get(factorIdx, userIdx)));
DenseVector yi = Wi.mult(XtCiPu);
// udpate item factors
Y.setRow(itemIdx, yi);
if (verbose) {" runs at iteration = "+iter+" "+new Date());