net.liftmodules.FoBoTB.snippet.FoBo.BootstrapNav.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.liftmodules.FoBoTB.snippet.FoBo
import scala.xml._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import scala.xml.transform._
import net.liftweb.common.Logger
import net.liftweb.util.IterableFunc
* ==BootstrapNav v2.x Snippet==
* This snippet object transforms lift sitemap menu with specified loc group name into Bootsrap nav menu items including dropdown menu items.
* This work is originally contributed to the FoBo module by community member Damian Helme.
* '''Example''' Invoke with
* {{{
* }}}
* @since v0.7
@deprecated("For Lift >= v2.5 use the newer TB***Menu snippets","0.7.3")
object BootstrapNav extends Logger {
/* Transforms the XML produced by such that any menus defined as:
Menu("Test") / "test" >> LocGroup("test") >> PlaceHolder submenus (
Menu("Test 2") / "test2",
Menu("Test 3") / "test3"
Menu("Test") / "test" >> LocGroup("test") >> submenus (
Menu("Test 2") / "test2",
Menu("Test 3") / "test3"
will be transformed into Twitter Bootstrap dropdown menus
* This method will transform the enclosed menu builder call adding provided bootstrap attributes
* for declared items in lift sitemap loc locgroup.
* '''Example'''
* {{{
* }}}
* '''Result:''' Depending on the items in and the structure of the net.liftweb.sitemap.loc.LocGroup
* matching the value specified by the group parameter a nodeSeq formated as a "bootstrap navigation
* menu" containing the declared sitemap items will be returned.
def menuToTBNav(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
object t1 extends RewriteRule {
override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
// removes the white space which appears between elements
case Text(text) if (text.matches("\\s+")) => NodeSeq.Empty
/* matches xml of the format:
and transforms it to:
case li @ Elem(liPrefix, "li", liAttribs, liScope,
span @ Elem(spanPrefix, "span", spanAttribs, spanScope, spanChildren @ _*),
ul @ Elem(ulPrefix, "ul", ulAttribs, ulScope, ulChildren @ _*),
other @ _*) => {
// create a new node seq with modified attributes
Elem(liPrefix, "li", newLiAttribs(liAttribs), liScope,
Elem(spanPrefix, "a", newAAttribs(spanAttribs), spanScope, newAChildren(spanChildren): _*) ++
Elem(ulPrefix, "ul", newUlAttribs(ulAttribs), ulScope, ulChildren: _*) ++
other: _*)
/* matches xml of the format:
and transforms it to:
case li @ Elem(liPrefix, "li", liAttribs, liScope,
a @ Elem(aPrefix, "a", aAttribs, aScope, aChildren @ _*),
ul @ Elem(ulPrefix, "ul", ulAttribs, ulScope, ulChildren @ _*),
other @ _*) => {
// create a new node seq with modified attributes
Elem(liPrefix, "li", newLiAttribs(liAttribs), liScope,
Elem(aPrefix, "a", newAAttribs(aAttribs), aScope, newAChildren(aChildren): _*) ++
Elem(ulPrefix, "ul", newUlAttribs(ulAttribs), ulScope, ulChildren: _*) ++
other: _*)
case other @ _ => other
// debug("menuToTBNav received: " + new PrettyPrinter(80,3).formatNodes(in))
object rt1 extends RuleTransformer(t1)
val out = rt1.transform(in)
// debug("menuToTBNav out: " + new PrettyPrinter(80,3).formatNodes(out))
* an attempt at using CSS selectors rather than XML Transform - TBC
def menuToTBNav(in: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
def testNode(ns: NodeSeq, cssSel: String): Boolean = {
var ret = false // does the NodeSeq have any nodes that match the CSS Selector
(cssSel #> ((ignore: NodeSeq) => {ret = true; NodeSeq.Empty}))(ns)
def childHasUI(ns: NodeSeq) : Boolean = {
val f = "li [class+]" #>
(((ns: NodeSeq) => Some("dropdown").filter(ignore => childHasUI(ns))): IterableFunc )
// utility methods to add the Bootstrap classes to existing attributes
private def newLiAttribs(oldAttribs: MetaData) = appendToClass(oldAttribs, "dropdown")
private def newAAttribs(oldAttribs: MetaData) = appendToClass(oldAttribs, "dropdown-toggle")
.append("data-toggle" -> "dropdown")
private def newUlAttribs(oldAttribs: MetaData) = appendToClass(oldAttribs, "dropdown-menu")
private def newAChildren(oldChildren: NodeSeq) = oldChildren ++
// append a new value to the class attribute if one already exists, otherwise create a new class
// with the given value
private def appendToClass(attribs: MetaData, newClass: String): MetaData = {
// Note that MetaData.get("class") returns a Option[Seq[Node]] , not Option[Node] as might be expected
// for an explanation of why see the scala-xml book:
val oldClass: Option[String] = attribs.get("class").map(_.mkString).filterNot(_ == "")
val resultingClass = + " ").getOrElse("") + newClass
attribs.append("class" -> resultingClass)
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