net.liftmodules.messagebus.MessageBus.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.liftmodules.messagebus
sealed trait MessageBusMessage
* `Subscribe` is a message that should be sent to `[[MessageBus]]` when `LiftActor` wants to subscribe
* to the given `[[Topic]]`. For example:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(this, topic)
* }}}
* For `CometActor`s this will usually take place in the `localSetup` method.
* @param actor reference to `LiftActor` that wants to subscribe to `topic`
* @param topic reference to `Topic` to which the `actor` should be subscribed
case class Subscribe(actor: LiftActor, topic: Topic) extends MessageBusMessage
* `Unsubscribe` is a message that should be sent to `[[MessageBus]]` when `LiftActor` wants to unsubscribe
* from the given `[[Topic]]`. For example:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! Unsubscribe(this, topic)
* }}}
* For `CometActor`s this will usually take place in the `localShutdown` method.
* @param actor reference to `LiftActor` that wants to unsubscribe from `topic`
* @param topic reference to `Topic` from which the `actor` should be unsubscribed
case class Unsubscribe(actor: LiftActor, topic: Topic) extends MessageBusMessage
* The `payload` of `For` message will be delivered by `[[MessageBus]]` to all `LiftActor`s that subscribed
* to the given `[[Topic]]`. For example:
* {{{
* case object WombatPhotosTopic extends Topic {
* val name = "wombat-photos"
* }
* MessageBus ! For(WombatPhotosTopic, WombatPhoto('wombat.jpg'))
* }}}
* The `WombatPhoto('wombat.jpg')` message will be delivered to all `LiftActor`s that previously subscribed to
* `WombatPhotosTopic` sending `[[Subscribe]]` to `[[MessageBus]]`.
* Actors should listen for messages delivered from `[[MessageBus]]` as an effect of `[[For]]` sent by sender in the
* same way as for any other message types (e.g. implementing `messageHandler` method or `low`/`medium`/`highPriority`
* method).
* @param topic reference to `Topic` to which the message should be sent
* @param payload message that should be sent to `Topic`
case class For(topic: Topic, payload: Any) extends MessageBusMessage
* The `payload` of `ForAll` message will be delivered by `[[MessageBus]]` to all `LiftActor`s that subscribed
* to the given `[[Topic]]` type. For example:
* {{{
* case class WombatPhotosTopic(wombatId: String) extends Topic {
* val name = "wombat-topic-" + wombatId
* }
* case class BeaverPhotosTopic(beaverId: String) extends Topic {
* val name = "beaver-topic-" + beaverId
* }
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(listener1, WombatPhotosTopic("1"))
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(listener2, WombatPhotosTopic("2"))
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(listener3, BeaverPhotosTopic("1"))
* MessageBus ! ForAll[WombatPhotosTopic](WombatPhoto('wombat.jpg'))
* }}}
* the `WombatPhoto('wombat.jpg')` message will be sent to `listener1` and `listener2` because they are both subscribed
* to topic of type `WombatPhotosTopic`. `listener3` will not receive this message because it's not subscribed
* to topic of type `WombatPhotosTopic'.`
* @param payload message that should be sent to `Topic`
* @tparam T the type of `Topic`. Message will be sent to all `Topic`s of this type.
case class ForAll[T <: Topic](payload: Any)(implicit manifest: Manifest[T]) extends MessageBusMessage {
val topicClass = manifest.runtimeClass
* `MessageBus` allows to send messages between `LiftActor`s even if they live in separate user sessions.
* All `LiftActor`s that subscribed to the given `[[Topic]]` will receive messages sent to this `Topic`.
* If you want your actor to subscribe to the given `Topic`, you need to send the `Subscribe` message:
* {{{
* case class BeaverPhotosTopic(beaverId: String) extends Topic {
* val name = "beaver-photos-" + beaverId
* }
* val topic = BeaverPhotosTopic("1")
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(this, topic)
* }}}
* from this point, all messages sent to this topic will be received by the actor.
* There are two ways to send a message to `Topic`: `For` and `ForAll`.
* The `For` class takes a `Topic` instance and sends a payload only to actors subscribed to this particular `Topic`.
* The `ForAll` class takes a `Topic` type and sends a payload to all actors subscribed to all `Topic`s of the given type.
* Let's consider two listeners:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(listener1, BeaverTopic("1"))
* MessageBus ! Subscribe(listener2, BeaverTopic("2"))
* }}}
* If we send a message in the following way:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! For(BeaverTopic("1"), message)
* }}}
* only `listener1` will receive it.
* However, if we send a message in the following way:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! ForAll[BeaverTopic](message)
* }}}
* Both `listener1` and `listener2` will receive it.
* `LiftActor` can unsubscribe from the given `Topic` by sending `Unsubscribe` message:
* {{{
* MessageBus ! Unsubscribe(this, BeaverTopic("1"))
* }}}
* In case of `CometActor`s, the `Subscribe`/`Unsubscribe` actions should usually take place in `localSetup`
* and `localShutdown` methods.
* There are no limitations in a number of `Topic`s to which a given `LiftActor` can be subscribed.
* Actors subscribed to `Topic`s should listen for messages in the same way as they listen
* for any other message types (e.g. implementing `messageHandler` method or `low`/`medium`/`highPriority` method).
object MessageBus extends LiftActor {
private var topicPublishers = scala.collection.immutable.Map[Topic, PublisherActor]()
def messageHandler = {
case Subscribe(actor, topic) =>
publisherFor(topic) ! AddListener(actor)
case Unsubscribe(actor, topic) =>
if (hasPublisherFor_?(topic)) {
publisherFor(topic) ! RemoveListener(actor)
case For(topic, payload) =>
publisherFor(topic) ! payload
case forAll @ ForAll(payload) =>
publishersFor(forAll.topicClass).foreach { publisher =>
publisher ! payload
private def hasPublisherFor_?(topic: Topic): Boolean = {
private def publisherFor(topic: Topic): PublisherActor = {
topicPublishers.get(topic) match {
case Some(publisher) =>
case None =>
val publisher = new PublisherActor()
topicPublishers += (topic -> publisher)
private def publishersFor(topicClass: Class[_]): Seq[PublisherActor] = {
topicPublishers.filterKeys(_.getClass == topicClass).values.toSeq
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