Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import net.liftweb.common.{Loggable, Full, Box}
import net.liftweb.http.LiftRules.SplitSuffixPF
import net.liftweb.http._
object AngularJsRest extends RestHelper with Loggable {
def init() {
val version = AngularJsRest.webjar.openOrThrowException(
"lift-ng has been initialized with includeAngularJs==true but it appears you do not have the angularjs webjar configured in your classpath"
).version"Serving angular version "+version)
case class WebJarInfo(version:String, angularDir:String, modulesAreInSeparateJars:Boolean)
lazy val version = webjar.openOrThrowException(
"lift-ng has been initialized with includeAngularJs==true but it appears you do not have the angularjs webjar configured in your classpath"
private [ng] lazy val webjar:Box[WebJarInfo] = {
val VersionRegex = """^\Qversion=\E(.*)$""".r
def webJarInfo(pkg:String, angular:String, modulesAreInSeparateJars:Boolean):Box[WebJarInfo] = for {
props <- LiftRules.loadResourceAsString("/META-INF/maven/"+pkg+"/"+angular+"/")
version <- props.lines.collectFirst { case VersionRegex(v) => v }
_ <- LiftRules.loadResourceAsString("/META-INF/resources/webjars/"+angular+"/"+version+"/angular.js")
} yield { WebJarInfo(version, angular, modulesAreInSeparateJars) }
lazy val classicWebJar:Box[WebJarInfo] = webJarInfo("org.webjars", "angularjs", false)
lazy val bowerWebJar1:Box[WebJarInfo] = webJarInfo("org.webjars.bower", "angularjs", true)
lazy val bowerWebJar2:Box[WebJarInfo] = webJarInfo("org.webjars.bower", "angular", true)
lazy val npmWebJar:Box[WebJarInfo] = webJarInfo("org.webjars.npm", "angular", true)
Stream(classicWebJar, bowerWebJar1, bowerWebJar2, npmWebJar).collectFirst { case Full(info) => info }
private def pathFor(assetName:String):Box[String] = for {
info <- webjar
} yield {
import info._
val beforeExtension = assetName.split('.').head
// Either use angular/angularjs in the path if...
val useAngularInPath = !modulesAreInSeparateJars ||
beforeExtension == "angular" ||
beforeExtension == "angular-csp"
val pkg = if(useAngularInPath) angularDir else beforeExtension
val path = "/META-INF/resources/webjars/"+pkg+"/"+info.version+"/"+assetName
private def response(assetName:String):LiftResponse = (for {
path <- pathFor(assetName)
asset <- LiftRules.loadResourceAsString(path)
} yield {
val cType = assetName.split("\\.").last match {
case "js" => "application/javascript"
case "map" | "json" => "application/json"
case "css" => "text/css"
case _ => "text/plain"
data = asset.getBytes("utf-8"),
headers = List(("Content-type", cType)),
cookies = List(),
code = 200
val path = "/net/liftmodules/ng/angular-js/"
// Don't split the file suffix out for our assets
private val splitter:SplitSuffixPF = {
case parts @ ("net" :: "liftmodules" :: "ng" :: "angular-js" :: _) => (parts, "")
serve {
// The reason for having version is the path is to ensure proper cache behavior
case "net" :: "liftmodules" :: "ng" :: "angular-js" :: version :: name :: Nil Get _ =>
if( == Full(version)) response(name)
else NotFoundResponse()
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