Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import Angular.NgModel
import js.JsonDeltaFuncs._
import net.liftweb._
import net.liftweb.json.{DefaultFormats, Formats, JsonParser, parse}
import json.Serialization._
import json.JsonAST._
import common._
import http.SHtml._
import http.js._
import http.S
import JE._
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds._
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE.JsEq
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE.JsNotEq
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JString
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds.JsCrVar
import net.liftweb.common.Full
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE.JsVar
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE.JsRaw
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE.Call
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds.SetExp
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JInt
* Simple binding actor for creating a binding actor in one line
* @param bindTo The client `\$scope` element to bind to
* @param initialValue Initial value on session initialization
* @param onClientUpdate Callback to execute on each update from the client
* @param clientSendDelay Milliseconds for the client to delay sending updates, allowing them to batch into one request. Defaults to 1 second (1000)
* @tparam M The type of the model to be used in this actor
abstract class SimpleNgModelBinder[M <: NgModel : Manifest] (
val bindTo:String,
val initialValue:M,
override val onClientUpdate:M=>M = { m:M => m },
override val clientSendDelay:Int = 1000,
override val formats:Formats = DefaultFormats
) extends NgModelBinder[M]{
direction:BindDirection =>
private [ng] sealed trait BindingBase {
/** The client `\$scope` element to bind to */
def bindTo: String
def formats:Formats
/** The server-side state of the binder */
private [ng] var stateJson: JValue
/** Builds the $JsCmd to mutate the client state on server update */
private [ng] def buildMutator(id:String, newState:JValue):JsCmd =
JsCrVar("m", newState) & // Name the state 'm'
Call("e('"+id+"').injector().get('plumbing').inject", JsVar("m")) & // Inject promises
SetExp(JsVar("s('"+id+"')." + bindTo), JsVar("m")) // Update the scope
/** Builds the client-side update variable to send to the server on client-side update */
private [ng] def buildClientUpdateVar:JsCmd = JsCrVar("u", Call("JSON.stringify", JsVar("n")))
/** Converts the $JValue sent from the client to the server into the respective $NgModel */
private [ng] def jValueToState[M <: NgModel](update:JValue, current:M)(implicit mf:Manifest[M]):M = {
update.extract(formats, mf)
private [ng] def retainState:Boolean = false
/** Base trait for the two binding direction mixins */
sealed trait BindDirection {
private [ng] def toClient = false
private [ng] def toServer = false
/** Mix with your NgModelBinder to bind state from the server to the client */
trait BindingToClient extends BindDirection {
private [ng] override val toClient = true
/** Mix with your NgModelBinder to bind state from the client to the server */
trait BindingToServer extends BindDirection {
private [ng] override val toServer = true
/** Base trait for the scope of binding, either request (i.e. per page load) or session. Default is request */
sealed trait BindingScope extends BindingBase {
private [ng] def sessionScope = false
/** Mix with your NgModelBinder to extend the scope of the binder to the entire user session */
trait SessionScope extends BindingScope {
private [ng] override def sessionScope = true
private [ng] override def retainState = true
/** Mix with your NgModelBinder to optimize the binding and attempt to send the least amount of data needed. Regard this as incomplete and experimental. */
trait BindingOptimizations extends BindingBase {
private [ng] override def buildMutator(id:String, newState: JValue) = {
val diff = stateJson dfn newState
diff(JsVar("s('"+id+"')." + bindTo)) // Send the diff
private [ng] override def buildClientUpdateVar:JsCmd = JsCrVar("u", Call("JSON.stringify", JsVar("{add:n}")))
private [ng] override def jValueToState[M <: NgModel](update:JValue, current:M)(implicit mf:Manifest[M]):M = {
import js.ToWithExtractMerged
val added = Json.slash(update, "add")
added.extractMerged(current)(mf, formats)
private [ng] override def retainState = true
* CometActor which implements binding to a model in the target \$scope.
* While a trait would be preferable, we need the type constraint in order
* for lift-json to deserialize messages from the client.
* @tparam M The type of the model to be used in this actor
abstract class NgModelBinder[M <: NgModel : Manifest] extends AngularActor with BindingBase with BindingScope {
self:BindDirection =>
import Angular._
private [ng] def buildMutator(newState:JValue):JsCmd = buildMutator(id, newState)
private [ng] val jsScope = "s('"+id+"')"
/** Initial value on session initialization */
def initialValue: M
/** Milliseconds for the client to delay sending updates, allowing them to batch into one request */
def clientSendDelay: Int = 1000
/** Callback to execute on each update from the client */
def onClientUpdate: M => M = {m:M => m}
// This must be lazy so that it is invoked only after name is set.
private lazy val guts =
if(toServer && toClient && sessionScope)
if(name.isDefined) new TwoWaySessionNamed else new TwoWaySessionUnnamed
else if(toServer && toClient && !sessionScope)
new TwoWayRequestScoped
else if(toClient)
new ToClientGuts
new ToServerGuts
override def fixedRender = nodesToRender ++ guts.render
override def lowPriority = guts.receive
/** Abstracting the guts of our actor. */
private[ng] trait BindingGuts {
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
def render: NodeSeq
/** Called after an update from Client. Input is the client ID where the update originated from */
private type AfterUpdateFn = Box[String] => Unit
/** Called to send a JsCmd to the client */
private type SendCmdFn = JsCmd => Unit
/** Called to handle JSON from the client */
private type JsonHandlerFn = String => Unit
private class ToServerGuts extends BindingGuts with ScalaUtils {
override def render = Script(buildCmd(root = false,
renderCurrentState &
renderThrottleCount &
// TODO: Figure out how to ignore initial $watch
private def handleJson:JsonHandlerFn = { json =>
fromClient(json, Empty, afterUpdate)
override def receive = empty_pf
private def afterUpdate:AfterUpdateFn = id => {}
private class ToClientGuts extends BindingGuts {
override def render = Script(buildCmd(root = false, renderCurrentState))
override def receive = receiveFromServer(sendToClient) orElse receiveToClient
private def sendToClient:SendCmdFn = cmd => self ! ToClient(cmd)
private class TwoWayRequestScoped extends BindingGuts {
override def render = Script(buildCmd(root = false,
renderCurrentState &
renderThrottleCount &
SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + lastServerVal + bindTo), JsVar(jsScope+"." + bindTo)) & // This prevents us from sending a server-sent value back to the server when doing 2-way binding
private def handleJson:JsonHandlerFn = { json =>
fromClient(json, Empty, afterUpdate)
private def afterUpdate:AfterUpdateFn = id => {}
override def receive = receiveFromServer(sendToClient) orElse receiveToClient
private def sendToClient:SendCmdFn = cmd => self ! ToClient(cmd)
/** Guts for the unnamed binding actor which exits per session and allows the models to be bound together */
private class TwoWaySessionUnnamed extends BindingGuts {
override def render = Script(buildCmd(root = false,
renderCurrentState &
renderThrottleCount &
SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + lastServerVal + bindTo), JsVar(jsScope+"." + bindTo)) // This prevents us from sending a server-sent value back to the server when doing 2-way binding
override def receive = receiveFromServer(sendToClient(Empty)) orElse receiveFromClient(afterUpdate)
private def sendToClient(exclude:Box[String]):SendCmdFn = { cmd =>
for {
t <- theType
session <- S.session
comet <- session.findComet(t)
if // Never send to unnamed comet. It doesn't handle these messages.
if != exclude // Send to all clients but the originating client (if not Empty)
} { comet ! ToClient(cmd) }
// If we don't poke, then next time we are rendered, it won't contain the latest state
private def afterUpdate(exclude:Box[String]): Unit = {
val cmd = buildMutator(stateJson) &
SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + lastServerVal + bindTo), JsVar(jsScope+"." + bindTo)) // And remember what we sent so we can ignore it later
/** Guts for the named binding actor which exists per page and facilitates models to a given rendering of the page */
private class TwoWaySessionNamed extends BindingGuts {
override def render = Script(buildCmd(root = false, watch(ifNotServerEcho(timeThrottledCall(sendToServer(sendToSession))))))
override def receive = receiveToClient
private def sendToSession:JsonHandlerFn = json => for {
session <- S.session
cometType <- theType
comet <- session.findComet(cometType, Empty)
clientId <- name
} { comet ! FromClient(json, Full(clientId)) }
private val lastServerVal = "net_liftmodules_ng_last_val_"
private val queueCount = "net_liftmodules_ng_queue_count_"
private var stateModel: M = initialValue
private [ng] var stateJson = toJValue(stateModel)
private def receiveFromClient(afterUpdate: AfterUpdateFn): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case FromClient(json, id) => fromClient(json, id, afterUpdate)
private def receiveFromServer(sendFn: SendCmdFn): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case m: M => fromServer(m, sendFn)
private def receiveToClient: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case ToClient(cmd) => partialUpdate(buildCmd(root = false, cmd))
private def fromServer(m: M, sendFn: SendCmdFn) = {
val mJs = toJValue(m)
val cmd = buildMutator(mJs)
if(retainState) {
stateJson = mJs
stateModel = m
private def fromClient(json: String, clientId:Box[String], afterUpdate: AfterUpdateFn) = {
val parsed = JsonParser.parse(json)
val updated = jValueToState(parsed, stateModel)
logger.debug("From Client: " + updated)
// TODO: Do something with the return value, or change it to return unit?
if(retainState) {
// TODO: When jUpdate becomes a diff, make sure we have the whole thing
stateModel = updated
stateJson = toJValue(updated)
private def toJValue(m: M): JValue = {
m match {
case m: NgModel if m != null => parse(stringify(m)(formats))
case e => JNull
private def renderCurrentState = SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + bindTo), stateJson) & // Send the current state with the page
Call("e('"+id+"').injector().get('plumbing').inject", JsVar(jsScope+"." + bindTo)) // Inject any promises we're sending
private val renderThrottleCount = SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + queueCount + bindTo), JInt(0)) // Set the last server val to avoid echoing it back
private def watch(f:JsCmd):JsCmd = Call(jsScope+".$watch", JString(bindTo), AnonFunc("n,o", f), JsTrue) // True => Deep comparison
private def ifNotServerEcho(f:JsCmd):JsCmd =
// If the new value, n, is not equal to the last server val, send it.
JsIf(JsNotEq(JsVar("n"), JsRaw(jsScope+"." + lastServerVal + bindTo)),
// else remove our last saved value so we can forget about it
SetExp(JsVar(jsScope+"." + lastServerVal + bindTo), JsNull)
private def timeThrottledCall(f:JsCmd):JsCmd =
JsCrVar("c", JsVar(jsScope + "." + queueCount + bindTo + "++")) &
Call("setTimeout", AnonFunc(
JsIf(JsEq(JsVar("c+1"), JsVar(jsScope + "." + queueCount + bindTo)), f)
), JInt(clientSendDelay))
private def sendToServer(handler: JsonHandlerFn):JsCmd = buildClientUpdateVar &
ajaxCall(JsVar("u"), jsonStr => {
logger.debug("Received string: "+jsonStr)
private[ng] case class FromClient(json: String, clientId: Box[String])
private[ng] case class ToClient(cmd: JsCmd)
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