net.liftmodules.widgets.flot.Flot.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftmodules
package widgets
package flot
import xml.{NodeSeq, Unparsed}
import net.liftweb._
import common._
import util._
import Helpers._
import http.LiftRules
import http.js._
import jquery._
import JsCmds._
import JE._
import JqJE._
* renders a flot graph using jQuery widget
* See the sites/flotDemo webapp for examples.
object Flot {
* register the resources with lift (typically in boot)
def init() {
import net.liftweb.http.ResourceServer
case "flot" :: "jquery.flot.css" :: Nil => true
case "flot" :: "jquery.flot.js" :: Nil => true
case "flot" :: "jquery.flot.navigate.js" :: Nil => true
case "flot" :: "excanvas.js" :: Nil => true
def script(xml: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
(xml \ "script").map(x => JsRaw(x.text).cmd).foldLeft(Noop)(_ & _)
* render a flot graph
* a comet actor should use this version
def render(idPlaceholder: String,
datas: List[FlotSerie],
options: FlotOptions,
script: JsCmd,
caps: FlotCapability*
): NodeSeq = {
renderHead() ++ Script(_renderJs(idPlaceholder, datas, options, script, caps :_*))
def renderHead(): NodeSeq = {
val ieExcanvasPackJs = Unparsed("")
{List("flot.js", "flot.navigate.js") map(name =>
def renderCss (idPlaceholder : String) = {
JqId(idPlaceholder) ~> new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "addClass(\"flot_lww\")"
def renderCapability (fRender: FlotCapability => JsCmd, caps: FlotCapability *): JsCmd =
caps.foldLeft(Noop)((js, cap) => js & fRender(cap))
* can be used to generate AJAX response
def renderJs (
idPlaceholder : String,
datas : List [FlotSerie],
options : FlotOptions,
script: JsCmd,
caps : FlotCapability *): JsCmd =
datas match {
case Nil => renderFlotHide(idPlaceholder, caps: _*)
case _ => renderVars(idPlaceholder, datas, options) &
renderFlotShow(idPlaceholder, datas, options, script, caps :_*)
def renderFlotHide (idPlaceholder: String, caps: FlotCapability *): JsCmd =
JsHideId(idPlaceholder) &
renderCapability (c => c.renderHide(), caps :_*)
// part that belongs to jQuery "document ready" function
def renderFlotShow (
idPlaceholder: String,
datas: List [FlotSerie],
options: FlotOptions,
script: JsCmd,
caps: FlotCapability *): JsCmd = {
val main = FlotInfo (idPlaceholder, datas, options)
renderCss (idPlaceholder) &
JsShowId(idPlaceholder) &
renderCapability (c => c.renderShow (), caps :_*) &
"var plot_" + idPlaceholder +
" = jQuery.plot(jQuery(" + ("#"+idPlaceholder).encJs +
"), datas_" + idPlaceholder +
", options_" + idPlaceholder + ")") &
renderCapability (c => c.render (main), caps :_*) &
// generate Javascript inside "document ready" event
def callPlotFunction(idPlaceholder: String): JsCmd = JsRaw("flot_plot_"+idPlaceholder+"();")
private def _renderJs (
idPlaceholder : String,
datas : List [FlotSerie],
options : FlotOptions,
script: JsCmd,
caps : FlotCapability*): JsCmd = {
renderVars (idPlaceholder, datas, options) &
Function("flot_plot_"+idPlaceholder, Nil, (datas match {
case Nil => renderFlotHide(idPlaceholder, caps : _*)
case _ => renderFlotShow(idPlaceholder, datas, options, script,
caps : _*)
})) &
* render a data value:
* [2, 10]
def renderOneValue (one: (Double, Double)) : JsExp =
one match {
case (Double.NaN, _) => JsNull
case (_, Double.NaN) => JsNull
case (a, b) => JsArray(a, b)
* render serie of data:
* [2, 10], [5, 12], [11, 2]
def renderValues(values: List[(Double, Double)]): JsExp =
JsArray( :_*)
def renderDataSerie(idPlaceholder: String)(data: (FlotSerie, Int)): JsCmd =
JsCrVar("data_"+idPlaceholder+"_"+(data._2 + 1), renderValues(
* render all variables that can be modified via Javascript after first page load (for example using Ajax or comet)
def renderVars (idPlaceholder : String,
datas: List[FlotSerie],
options: FlotOptions): JsCmd =
datas match {
case Nil => Noop
case _ =>
reduceLeft(_ & _) &
JsCrVar("datas_"+idPlaceholder, renderSeries(datas, idPlaceholder)) &
JsCrVar("options_"+idPlaceholder, options.asJsObj)
* render one serie:
* (
* label: ""
* lines: { show: true, fill: true }
* bars: { show: true }
* points: { show: true }
* data: data_[ph]_[x] where ph is the placeholder id and {x} serie's the id
* )
def renderOneSerie(data: FlotSerie, idPlaceholder: String, idSerie: Int): JsObj = {
val info: List[Box[(String, JsExp)]] =
List( => ("label", v)), => ("lines", v.asJsObj)), => ("points", v.asJsObj)), => ("bars", v.asJsObj)), {
case Left(c) => ("color", c)
case Right(c) => ("color", c)
}, => ("shadowSize", s)),
Full(("data", JsVar("data_"+idPlaceholder + "_" + idSerie))))
JsObj(info.flatten(_.toList) :_*)
* render all series:
* (
* label: ""
* lines: ...
* data: [[2, 10], [5, 12], [11, 2]]
* ),
* (
* label: ""
* data: [[2, 14], [6, 4], [11, 17]]
* )
def renderSeries(datas: List[FlotSerie], idPlaceholder: String): JsArray =
case (d, idx) => renderOneSerie(d, idPlaceholder, idx + 1)
} :_*)
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