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* Copyright 2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package net.liftweb {
package common {
import{MDC => SLF4JMDC, Marker, Logger => SLF4JLogger, LoggerFactory}
object Logger {
private[common] lazy val checkConfig: Boolean = {
setup.foreach {_()};
* This function, if set, will be called before any loggers are created
* Useful for initializing the logging backend with a non-default configuration
* Helpers exists for log4j & logback:
* Logger.setup = Full(Log4j.withFile(url)
* or
* Logger.setup = Full(Logback.withFile(url))
var setup: Box[() => Unit] = Empty
def loggerNameFor(cls: Class[_]) = {
val className = cls.getName
if (className endsWith "$")
className.substring(0, className.length - 1)
def apply(cls: Class[_]): Logger = if (checkConfig) new WrappedLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(loggerNameFor(cls))) else null
def apply(name: String): Logger = if (checkConfig) new WrappedLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(name)) else null
* Set the Mapped Diagnostic Context for the thread and execute
* the function f
* Upon return, the MDC is cleared of the values passed (any
* MDC values that existed prior to this call remains)
def logWith[F](mdcValues: (String,Any)*)(f: => F): F = {
val old = SLF4JMDC.getCopyOfContextMap
try {
} finally {
if (old eq null)
* The Mapped Diagnostics Context can hold values per thread and output them
* with each logged output.
* The logging backend needs to be configured to log these values
object MDC {
* Put a (key,value) pair into the Mapped Diagnostic Context
def put(kvs: (String,Any)*) = {
kvs foreach {v => SLF4JMDC.put(v._1, v._2.toString)}
* Clear key from the Mapped Diagnostic Context
def remove(keys: String*) = {
keys foreach {k => SLF4JMDC.remove(k)}
* Clear all entries from the Mapped Diagnostic Context
def clear() = org.slf4j.MDC.clear
* Logger is a thin wrapper on top of an SLF4J Logger
* The main purpose is to utilize Scala features for logging
* Note that the dynamic type of "this" is used when this trait is
* mixed in.
* This may not always be what you want. If you need the static type, you have to declare your
* own Logger:
* class MyClass {
* val logger = Logger(classOf[MyClass])
* }
trait Logger {
private lazy val logger: SLF4JLogger = _logger // removed @transient 'cause there's no reason for transient on val
// changed to lazy val so it only gets initialized on use rather than on instantiation
protected def _logger = if (Logger.checkConfig) LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.loggerNameFor(this.getClass)) else null
def assertLog(assertion: Boolean, msg: => String) = if (assertion) info(msg)
* Log the value of v with trace and return v. Useful for tracing values in expressions
def trace[T](msg: String, v: T): T = {
logger.trace(msg+": "+v.toString)
def trace(msg: => AnyRef) = if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(String.valueOf(msg))
def trace(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable) = if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(String.valueOf(msg), t)
def trace(msg: => AnyRef, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(marker,String.valueOf(msg))
def trace(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable, marker: => Marker) = if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(marker,String.valueOf(msg), t)
def isTraceEnabled = logger.isTraceEnabled
def debug(msg: => AnyRef) = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(String.valueOf(msg))
def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable) = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(String.valueOf(msg), t)
def debug(msg: => AnyRef, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(marker, String.valueOf(msg))
def debug(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(marker, String.valueOf(msg), t)
def isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled
def info(msg: => AnyRef) = if (logger.isInfoEnabled)
def info(msg: => AnyRef, t: => Throwable) = if (logger.isInfoEnabled), t)
def info(msg: => AnyRef, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isInfoEnabled),String.valueOf(msg))
def info(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isInfoEnabled),String.valueOf(msg), t)
def isInfoEnabled = logger.isInfoEnabled
def warn(msg: => AnyRef) = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(String.valueOf(msg))
def warn(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable) = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(String.valueOf(msg), t)
def warn(msg: => AnyRef, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(marker,String.valueOf(msg))
def warn(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(marker,String.valueOf(msg), t)
def isWarnEnabled = logger.isWarnEnabled
def error(msg: => AnyRef) = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(String.valueOf(msg))
def error(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable) = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(String.valueOf(msg), t)
def error(msg: => AnyRef, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(marker,String.valueOf(msg))
def error(msg: => AnyRef, t: Throwable, marker: Marker) = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(marker,String.valueOf(msg), t)
def isErrorEnabled = logger.isErrorEnabled
class WrappedLogger(l: SLF4JLogger) extends Logger {
override def _logger = l
* Mixin with a nested Logger
trait Loggable {
@transient protected val logger = Logger(this.getClass)
* Mixin with a nested lazy Logger
* Useful for mixin to objects that are created before Lift has booted (and thus Logging is not yet configured)
trait LazyLoggable {
@transient protected lazy val logger = Logger(this.getClass)
* Configuration helpers for the log4j logging backend
object Log4j {
import org.apache.log4j.{LogManager,PropertyConfigurator}
import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator
val defaultProps =
* Configure with contents of the specified filed (either .xml or .properties)
def withFile(url: = {
if (url.getPath.endsWith(".xml")) {
val domConf = new DOMConfigurator
domConf.doConfigure(url, LogManager.getLoggerRepository())
} else
* Configure with the specified configuration. config must contain a valid XML document
def withConfig(config: String)() = {
val domConf = new DOMConfigurator
val is = new"UTF-8"))
domConf.doConfigure(is, LogManager.getLoggerRepository())
* Configure with simple defaults
def withDefault() = withConfig(defaultProps)
* Configuration helpers for the Logback logging backend
object Logback {
import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext;
import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator;
* Configure with contents of the specified XML filed
def withFile(url: = {
val lc = LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory().asInstanceOf[LoggerContext];
val configurator = new JoranConfigurator();
// the context was probably already configured by default configuration rules