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net.liftweb.db.DB.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2006-2014 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package db

import common._
import util._
import Helpers._

import net.liftweb.http.S

import javax.sql.{DataSource}
import java.sql.{ResultSetMetaData, SQLException}
import java.sql.{Statement, ResultSet, Types, PreparedStatement, Connection, DriverManager}
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
import javax.naming.{Context, InitialContext}

trait DB1

object DB1 {
  implicit def db1ToDb(in: DB1): DB = DB.theDB

object DB extends DB1 {

  private[db] lazy val theDB = new DB{}

trait DB extends Loggable {
  private val threadStore = new ThreadLocal[HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder]]
  private val _postCommitFuncs = new ThreadLocal[List[() => Unit]]

  var globalDefaultSchemaName: Box[String] = Empty

  var queryTimeout: Box[Int] = Empty

  type LogFunc = (DBLog, Long) => Any
  private var logFuncs: List[LogFunc] = Nil

  def addLogFunc(f: LogFunc): List[LogFunc] = {
    logFuncs = logFuncs ::: List(f)

  def loggingEnabled_? = !logFuncs.isEmpty

   * queryCollector can be used to collect all statements executed in a single request when passed to addLogFunc
   * Use S.queryLog to get the list of (statement, duration) entries or set an analyzer function using
   * S.addAnalyzer
  @volatile var queryCollector: LogFunc = {
    case (query:DBLog, time) =>

   * Try to obtain a Connection using the jndiName of the ConnectionIdentifier
  private def jndiConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier) : Box[Connection] = {
    val toTry: List[() => Connection] = List(
      () => {
        logger.trace("Trying JNDI lookup on java:/comp/env followed by lookup on %s".format(name.jndiName))
        (new InitialContext).lookup("java:/comp/env").asInstanceOf[Context].lookup(name.jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection
      () => {
        logger.trace("Trying JNDI lookup on java:/comp/env/%s".format(name.jndiName))
        (new InitialContext).lookup("java:/comp/env/" + name.jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection

      () => {
        logger.trace("Trying JNDI lookup on %s".format(name.jndiName))
        (new InitialContext).lookup(name.jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection


    first(toTry) (f => tryo{t:Throwable => logger.trace("JNDI Lookup failed: "+t)}(f())) or {
      logger.trace("Unable to obtain Connection for JNDI name %s".format(name.jndiName))

   * can we get a JDBC connection from JNDI?
  def jndiJdbcConnAvailable_? : Boolean = jndiConnection(DefaultConnectionIdentifier).isDefined

  private val connectionManagers = new HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager]

  private val threadLocalConnectionManagers = new ThreadGlobal[Map[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager]]

  def defineConnectionManager(name: ConnectionIdentifier, mgr: ConnectionManager) {
    connectionManagers(name) = mgr

  * Allows you to override the connection manager associated with particular connection identifiers for the duration
  * of the call.
  def doWithConnectionManagers[T](mgrs: (ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionManager)*)(f: => T): T = {
    val newMap = mgrs.foldLeft( openOr Map())(_ + _)

  case class ConnectionHolder(conn: SuperConnection, cnt: Int, postTransaction: List[Boolean => Unit], rolledBack: Boolean)

  private def info: HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder] = {
    threadStore.get match {
      case null =>
        val tinfo = new HashMap[ConnectionIdentifier, ConnectionHolder]

      case v => v

  private def postCommit: List[() => Unit] =
    _postCommitFuncs.get match {
      case null =>

      case v => v

  private def postCommit_=(lst: List[() => Unit]): Unit = _postCommitFuncs.set(lst)

  // remove thread-local association
  private def clearThread(success: Boolean): Unit = {
    val ks = info.keySet
    if (ks.isEmpty) {
      postCommit.foreach(f => tryo(f.apply()))

    } else {
      ks.foreach(n => releaseConnectionNamed(n, !success))

  private def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): SuperConnection = {
    def cmSuperConnection(cm: ConnectionManager): Box[SuperConnection] =
      cm.newSuperConnection(name) or cm.newConnection(name).map(c => new SuperConnection(c, () => cm.releaseConnection(c)))

    def jndiSuperConnection: Box[SuperConnection] = jndiConnection(name).map(c => {
      val uniqueId = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) Helpers.nextNum.toString else ""
      logger.debug("Connection ID " + uniqueId + " for JNDI connection " + name.jndiName + " opened")
      new SuperConnection(c, () => {logger.debug("Connection ID " + uniqueId + " for JNDI connection " + name.jndiName + " closed"); c.close})

    val cmConn = for {
      connectionManager <- or Box(connectionManagers.get(name))
      connection <- cmSuperConnection(connectionManager)
    } yield connection

    val ret = cmConn or jndiSuperConnection

    ret.foreach (_.setAutoCommit(false))

    ret openOr {
      throw new NullPointerException("Looking for Connection Identifier " + name + " but failed to find either a JNDI data source " +
                                       "with the name " + name.jndiName + " or a lift connection manager with the correct name")

  private class ThreadBasedConnectionManager(connections: List[ConnectionIdentifier]) {
    private var used: Set[ConnectionIdentifier] = Set()

    def use(conn: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = if (connections.contains(conn)) {
      used += conn
    } else 0

  private object CurrentConnectionSet extends DynoVar[ThreadBasedConnectionManager]

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the DefaultConnectionIdentifier transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(): LoanWrapper =

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the List of ConnectionIdentifiers transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(in: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): LoanWrapper =
  buildLoanWrapper(true, in)

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the DefaultConnectionIdentifier transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(eager: Boolean): LoanWrapper =
  buildLoanWrapper(eager, List(DefaultConnectionIdentifier))

   * Build a LoanWrapper to pass into S.addAround() to make requests for
   * the List of ConnectionIdentifiers transactional for the complete HTTP request
  def buildLoanWrapper(eager: Boolean, in: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): LoanWrapper =
    new LoanWrapper {
      private object DepthCnt extends DynoVar[Boolean]

      def apply[T](f: => T): T = if ( == Full(true)) f
      else {

        var success = false
        if (eager) {
          def recurseMe(lst: List[ConnectionIdentifier]): T = lst match {
            case Nil =>
              try {
                try {
                  val ret = f
                  success = !S.exceptionThrown_?
                } catch {
                  // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
                  // but continue to throw the exception
                  case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
                    success = !S.exceptionThrown_?
                    throw e

              } finally {

            case x :: xs => DB.use(x) {ignore => recurseMe(xs)}
        } else {
 ThreadBasedConnectionManager(in)) {
            try {
              try {
                val ret = f
                success = !S.exceptionThrown_?
              } catch {
                // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
                // but continue to throw the exception
                case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
                  success = !S.exceptionThrown_?
                  throw e
            } finally {


  private def releaseConnection(conn: SuperConnection): Unit = conn.close

  private def calcBaseCount(conn: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = openOr 0

  private def getConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): SuperConnection = {
    logger.trace("Acquiring " + name + " On thread " + Thread.currentThread)
    var ret = info.get(name) match {
      case None => ConnectionHolder(newConnection(name), calcBaseCount(name) + 1, Nil, false)
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(conn, cnt, post, rb)) => ConnectionHolder(conn, cnt + 1, post, rb)
    info(name) = ret
    logger.trace("Acquired " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread +
              " count " + ret.cnt)

  private def releaseConnectionNamed(name: ConnectionIdentifier, rollback: Boolean) {
    logger.trace("Request to release %s on thread %s, auto rollback=%s".format(name,Thread.currentThread, rollback))

    (info.get(name): @unchecked) match {
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, 1, post, manualRollback)) => {
        // stale and unexpectedly closed connections may throw here
        try {
          if (! (c.getAutoCommit() || manualRollback)) {
            if (rollback) c.rollback
            else c.commit
        } catch {
          case e: SQLException =>
            logger.error("Swallowed exception during connection release. ", e)
        } finally {
          info -= name
          val rolledback = rollback | manualRollback
          logger.trace("Invoking %d postTransaction functions. rollback=%s".format(post.size, rolledback))
          post.reverse.foreach(f => tryo(f(!rolledback)))
          logger.trace("Released %s on thread %s".format(name,Thread.currentThread))
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, n, post, rb)) =>
        logger.trace("Did not release " + name + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread + " count " + (n - 1))
        info(name) = ConnectionHolder(c, n - 1, post, rb)
      case x =>
        // ignore

   * Append a function to be invoked after the transaction on the specified connection identifier has ended.
   * The value passed to the function indicates true for success/commit or false for failure/rollback.
   * Note: the function will only be called when automatic transaction management is in effect, either by executing within
   * the context of a buildLoanWrapper or a DB.use {}
  def appendPostTransaction(name: ConnectionIdentifier, func: Boolean => Unit) {
    info.get(name) match {
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, n, post, rb)) =>
        info(name) = ConnectionHolder(c, n, func :: post, rb)
        logger.trace("Appended postTransaction function on %s, new count=%d".format(name, post.size+1))
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to append postTransaction function on illegal ConnectionIdentifer or outside transaction context")

   * Append function to be invoked after the current transaction on DefaultConnectionIdentifier has ended
  def appendPostTransaction(func: Boolean => Unit):Unit = appendPostTransaction(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, func)

  private def runLogger(logged: Statement, time: Long) = logged match {
    case st: DBLog => logFuncs.foreach(_(st, time))
    case _ => // NOP

  def statement[T](db: SuperConnection)(f: (Statement) => T): T = {
    Helpers.calcTime {
      val st =
      if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      } else {

      queryTimeout.foreach(to => st.setQueryTimeout(to))
      try {
        (st, f(st))
      } finally {
    } match {
      case (time, (query, res)) => runLogger(query, time); res

  def exec[T](db: SuperConnection, query: String)(f: (ResultSet) => T): T =
  statement(db) {
    st =>

  private def asString(pos: Int, rs: ResultSet, md: ResultSetMetaData): String = {
    import java.sql.Types._
    md.getColumnType(pos) match {
        case null => null
        case s => s.toString

      case DECIMAL | NUMERIC =>
        rs.getBigDecimal(pos) match {
          case null => null
          case x => x.toString

      case BIGINT | INTEGER | /* DECIMAL | NUMERIC | */ SMALLINT | TINYINT => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getLong(pos).toString)

      case BIT | BOOLEAN => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getBoolean(pos).toString)

      case VARCHAR | CHAR | CLOB | LONGVARCHAR => rs.getString(pos)

      case DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP => rs.getTimestamp(pos) match {
        case null => null
        case x => x.toString

      case DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getDouble(pos).toString)

   If the column is null, return null rather than the boxed primitive
  def checkNull[T](rs: ResultSet, pos: Int, res: => T): T = {
    if (null eq rs.getObject(pos)) null.asInstanceOf[T]
    else res

  private def asAny(pos: Int, rs: ResultSet, md: ResultSetMetaData): Any = {
    import java.sql.Types._
    md.getColumnType(pos) match {

      case DECIMAL | NUMERIC => rs.getBigDecimal(pos)

      case BIGINT | INTEGER | /* DECIMAL | NUMERIC | */ SMALLINT | TINYINT => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getLong(pos))

      case BIT | BOOLEAN => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getBoolean(pos))

      case VARCHAR | CHAR | CLOB | LONGVARCHAR => rs.getString(pos)

      case DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP => rs.getTimestamp(pos)

      case DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL => checkNull(rs, pos, rs.getDouble(pos))

  def resultSetTo(rs: ResultSet): (List[String], List[List[String]]) = {
    val md = rs.getMetaData
    val cnt = md.getColumnCount
    val cntList = (1 to cnt).toList
    val colNames = => md.getColumnName(i))

    val lb = new ListBuffer[List[String]]()

    while ( {
      lb += => asString(i, rs, md))

    (colNames, lb.toList)

  def resultSetToAny(rs: ResultSet): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) = {
    val md = rs.getMetaData
    val cnt = md.getColumnCount
    val cntList = (1 to cnt).toList
    val colNames = => md.getColumnName(i))

    val lb = new ListBuffer[List[Any]]()

    while ( {
      lb += => asAny(i, rs, md))

    (colNames, lb.toList)

   * This method handles the common task of setting arguments on a prepared
   * statement based on argument type. Returns the properly updated PreparedStatement.
  private def setPreparedParams(ps : PreparedStatement, params: List[Any]): PreparedStatement = {
    params.zipWithIndex.foreach {
      case (null, idx) => ps.setNull(idx + 1, Types.VARCHAR)
      case (i: Int, idx) => ps.setInt(idx + 1, i)
      case (l: Long, idx) => ps.setLong(idx + 1, l)
      case (d: Double, idx) => ps.setDouble(idx + 1, d)
      case (f: Float, idx) => ps.setFloat(idx + 1, f)
      // Allow the user to specify how they want the Date handled based on the input type
      case (t: java.sql.Timestamp, idx) => ps.setTimestamp(idx + 1, t)
      case (d: java.sql.Date, idx) => ps.setDate(idx + 1, d)
      case (t: java.sql.Time, idx) => ps.setTime(idx + 1, t)
      /* java.util.Date has to go last, since the java.sql date/time classes subclass it. By default we
       * assume a Timestamp value */
      case (d: java.util.Date, idx) => ps.setTimestamp(idx + 1, new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime))
      case (b: Boolean, idx) => ps.setBoolean(idx + 1, b)
      case (s: String, idx) => ps.setString(idx + 1, s)
      case (bn: java.math.BigDecimal, idx) => ps.setBigDecimal(idx + 1, bn)
      case (obj, idx) => ps.setObject(idx + 1, obj)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runQuery(query: String, params: List[Any]): (List[String], List[List[String]]) =
  runQuery(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runQuery(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): (List[String], List[List[String]]) = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => resultSetTo(setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeQuery)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def performQuery(query: String, params: List[Any]): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) =
  performQuery(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized query string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def performQuery(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => resultSetToAny(setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeQuery)

   * Executes the given parameterized update string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runUpdate(query: String, params: List[Any]): Int =
  runUpdate(query, params, DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes the given parameterized update string with the given parameters.
   * Parameters are substituted in order. For Date/Time types, passing a java.util.Date will result in a
   * Timestamp parameter. If you want a specific SQL Date/Time type, use the corresponding
   * java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp classes.
  def runUpdate(query: String, params: List[Any], connectionIdentifier: ConnectionIdentifier): Int = {
    use(connectionIdentifier)(conn => prepareStatement(query, conn) {
        ps => setPreparedParams(ps, params).executeUpdate

  def runQuery(query: String): (List[String], List[List[String]]) =
    use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn => exec(conn, query)(resultSetTo))

  def performQuery(query: String): (List[String], List[List[Any]]) =
    use(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)(conn => exec(conn, query)(resultSetToAny))

  def rollback(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Unit = {
    info.get(name) match {
      case Some(ConnectionHolder(c, n, post, _)) =>
        info(name) = ConnectionHolder(c, n, post, true)
        logger.trace("Manual rollback on %s".format(name))
        use(name)(conn => conn.rollback)
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to rollback transaction on illegal ConnectionIdentifer or outside transaction context")

  def rollback: Unit = rollback(DefaultConnectionIdentifier)

   * Executes  { @code statement } and converts the  { @code ResultSet } to model
   * instance  { @code T } using  { @code f }
  def exec[T](statement: PreparedStatement)(f: (ResultSet) => T): T = {
    queryTimeout.foreach(to => statement.setQueryTimeout(to))
    val rs = statement.executeQuery
    try {
    } finally {

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement)
    } else {

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * Retrieval of generated keys is controlled with the autokeys parameter, corresponding to the
   * constants defined on java.sql.Statement: RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS or NO_GENERATED_KEYS
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autokeys: Int, conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autokeys)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autokeys)

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * If the driver supports it, generated keys for the given column indices can be retrieved.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autoColumns: Array[Int], conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autoColumns)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autoColumns)

   * Prepares the given statement and then passes it to the given function for use. This method
   * represents a loan pattern, and will automatically handle creation and closing of the
   * PreparedStatement.
   * If the driver supports it, generated keys for the given column names can be retrieved.
  def prepareStatement[T](statement: String, autoColumns: Array[String], conn: SuperConnection)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    val st =
    if (loggingEnabled_?) {
      DBLog.prepareStatement(conn.connection, statement, autoColumns)
    } else {
      conn.prepareStatement(statement, autoColumns)

  private def runPreparedStatement[T](st: PreparedStatement)(f: (PreparedStatement) => T): T = {
    queryTimeout.foreach(to => st.setQueryTimeout(to))
    Helpers.calcTime {
      try {
      } finally {
    } match {
      case (time, (query, res)) => runLogger(query, time); res

  private object currentConn extends DynoVar[SuperConnection]

  def currentConnection: Box[SuperConnection] =

   * Executes function  { @code f } with the connection named  { @code name }. Releases the connection
   * before returning.
   * Only use within a stateful request
  def use[T](name: ConnectionIdentifier)(f: (SuperConnection) => T): T = {
    val conn = getConnection(name) {
      var rollback = true
      try {
        val ret = f(conn)
        rollback = S.exceptionThrown_?
      } catch {
        // this is the case when we want to commit the transaction
        // but continue to throw the exception
        case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => {
          rollback = S.exceptionThrown_?
          throw e
      } finally {
        releaseConnectionNamed(name, rollback)

  * The SQL reserved words.  These words will be changed if they are used for column or table names.
  def reservedWords:  scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = userReservedWords openOr defaultReservedWords

  *  If you need to change some of the reserved word, you can supply your own set in Boot.scala:
  * DB.userReservedWords = Full(Set("foo", "bar"))
  @volatile var userReservedWords: Box[ scala.collection.immutable.Set[String]] = Empty

  * The default reserved words.
  * TODO : Maybe this should be refactored to allow for driver-specific reserved words
  lazy val defaultReservedWords:  scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = scala.collection.immutable.HashSet("abort",
       "notnull", // reserved word for PostgreSQL
       "limit", // reserved word for PostgreSQL
       "show", // MySQL reserved word
       "timestamp", // reserved in Oracle

class SuperConnection(val connection: Connection, val releaseFunc: () => Unit, val schemaName: Box[String]) {
  def this(c: Connection, rf: () => Unit) = this (c, rf, Empty)

  lazy val brokenLimit_? = driverType.brokenLimit_?

  def createTablePostpend: String = driverType.createTablePostpend

  def supportsForeignKeys_? : Boolean = driverType.supportsForeignKeys_?

  lazy val driverType: DriverType = DriverType.calcDriver(connection)

  lazy val metaData = connection.getMetaData

object SuperConnection {
  implicit def superToConn(in: SuperConnection): Connection = in.connection

 * The standard DB vendor.
 * @param driverName the name of the database driver
 * @param dbUrl the URL for the JDBC data connection
 * @param dbUser the optional username
 * @param dbPassword the optional db password
class StandardDBVendor(driverName: String,
                       dbUrl: String,
                       dbUser: Box[String],
                       dbPassword: Box[String]) extends ProtoDBVendor {

  private val logger = Logger(classOf[StandardDBVendor])

  protected def createOne: Box[Connection] =  {
    tryo{t:Throwable => logger.error("Cannot load database driver: %s".format(driverName), t)}{Class.forName(driverName);()}

    (dbUser, dbPassword) match {
      case (Full(user), Full(pwd)) =>
        tryo{t:Throwable => logger.error("Unable to get database connection. url=%s, user=%s".format(dbUrl, user),t)}(DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, user, pwd))
      case _ =>
        tryo{t:Throwable => logger.error("Unable to get database connection. url=%s".format(dbUrl),t)}(DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl))

trait ProtoDBVendor extends ConnectionManager {
  private val logger = Logger(classOf[ProtoDBVendor])
  private var pool: List[Connection] = Nil
  private var poolSize = 0
  private var tempMaxSize = maxPoolSize

   * Override and set to false if the maximum pool size can temporarilly be expanded to avoid pool starvation
  protected def allowTemporaryPoolExpansion = true

   *  Override this method if you want something other than
   * 4 connections in the pool
  protected def maxPoolSize = 4

   * The absolute maximum that this pool can extend to
   * The default is 20.  Override this method to change.
  protected def doNotExpandBeyond = 20

   * The logic for whether we can expand the pool beyond the current size.  By
   * default, the logic tests allowTemporaryPoolExpansion && poolSize <= doNotExpandBeyond
  protected def canExpand_? : Boolean = allowTemporaryPoolExpansion && poolSize <= doNotExpandBeyond

   *   How is a connection created?
  protected def createOne: Box[Connection]

   * Test the connection.  By default, setAutoCommit(false),
   * but you can do a real query on your RDBMS to see if the connection is alive
  protected def testConnection(conn: Connection) {

  def newConnection(name: ConnectionIdentifier): Box[Connection] =
    synchronized {
      pool match {
        case Nil if poolSize < tempMaxSize =>
          val ret = createOne
          poolSize = poolSize + 1
          logger.debug("Created new pool entry. name=%s, poolSize=%d".format(name, poolSize))

        case Nil =>
          val curSize = poolSize
          logger.trace("No connection left in pool, waiting...")
          // if we've waited 50 ms and the pool is still empty, temporarily expand it
          if (pool.isEmpty && poolSize == curSize && canExpand_?) {
            tempMaxSize += 1
            logger.debug("Temporarily expanding pool. name=%s, tempMaxSize=%d".format(name, tempMaxSize))

        case x :: xs =>
          logger.trace("Found connection in pool, name=%s".format(name))
          pool = xs
          try {
          } catch {
            case e: Exception => try {
              logger.debug("Test connection failed, removing connection from pool, name=%s".format(name))
              poolSize = poolSize - 1
            } catch {
              case e: Exception => newConnection(name)

  def releaseConnection(conn: Connection): Unit = synchronized {
    if (tempMaxSize > maxPoolSize) {
      tryo {conn.close()}
      tempMaxSize -= 1
      poolSize -= 1
    } else {
      pool = conn :: pool
    logger.debug("Released connection. poolSize=%d".format(poolSize))

  def closeAllConnections_!(): Unit = _closeAllConnections_!(0)

  private def _closeAllConnections_!(cnt: Int): Unit = synchronized {"Closing all connections")
    if (poolSize <= 0 || cnt > 10) ()
    else {
      pool.foreach {c => tryo(c.close); poolSize -= 1}
      pool = Nil

      if (poolSize > 0) wait(250)

      _closeAllConnections_!(cnt + 1)

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