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net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package json
import scala.annotation.switch
/** JSON parser.
object JsonParser {
import java.io._
class ParseException(message: String, cause: Exception) extends Exception(message, cause)
/** Parsed tokens from low level pull parser.
sealed abstract class Token
case object OpenObj extends Token
case object CloseObj extends Token
case class FieldStart(name: String) extends Token
case object End extends Token
case class StringVal(value: String) extends Token
case class IntVal(value: BigInt) extends Token
case class DoubleVal(value: Double) extends Token
case class BoolVal(value: Boolean) extends Token
case object NullVal extends Token
case object OpenArr extends Token
case object CloseArr extends Token
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: String): JValue = parse(new Buffer(new StringReader(s), false))
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): JValue =
parse(new Buffer(s, closeAutomatically))
/** Return parsed JSON.
def parseOpt(s: String): Option[JValue] =
try { parse(s).toOpt } catch { case e: Exception => None }
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
def parseOpt(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): Option[JValue] =
try { parse(s, closeAutomatically).toOpt } catch { case e: Exception => None }
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a string.
* @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: String, p: Parser => A): A = parse(new StringReader(s), p)
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a stream.
* The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped.
* @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A): A = p(new Parser(new Buffer(s, false)))
private[json] def parse(buf: Buffer): JValue = {
try {
astParser(new Parser(buf))
} catch {
case e: ParseException => throw e
case e: Exception => throw new ParseException("parsing failed", e)
} finally { buf.release }
// JSON hex unicode strings (\u12AF) are translated into characters through
// this array. Each number in the array corresponds to the 4-bit value that
// one number in the hex string will represent. These are combined when
// reading the unicode string.
private[this] final val HexChars: Array[Int] = {
val chars = new Array[Int](128)
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
chars(i + '0') = i
i += 1
i = 0
while (i < 16) {
chars(i + 'a') = 10 + i
chars(i + 'A') = 10 + i
i += 1
// The size of one hex character in bits.
private[this] final val hexCharSize = 4 // in bits
private[json] def unquote(string: String): String =
unquote(new JsonParser.Buffer(new java.io.StringReader(string), false))
private[this] def unquote(buf: JsonParser.Buffer): String = {
def unquote0(buf: JsonParser.Buffer): String = {
val builder = buf.builder
builder.delete(0, builder.length())
var c = '\\'
while (c != '"') {
if (c == '\\') {
buf.substring(intoBuilder = true)
(buf.next: @switch) match {
case '"' => builder.append('"')
case '\\' => builder.append('\\')
case '/' => builder.append('/')
case 'b' => builder.append('\b')
case 'f' => builder.append('\f')
case 'n' => builder.append('\n')
case 'r' => builder.append('\r')
case 't' => builder.append('\t')
case 'u' =>
var byte = 0
var finalChar = 0
val chars = Array(buf.next, buf.next, buf.next, buf.next)
while (byte < chars.length) {
finalChar = (finalChar << hexCharSize) | HexChars(chars(byte).toInt)
byte += 1
case _ =>
c = buf.next
buf.substring(intoBuilder = true)
buf.eofIsFailure = true
var c = buf.next
var forcedReturn: String = null
while (c != '"') {
(c: @switch) match {
case '\\' =>
forcedReturn = unquote0(buf)
c = '"'
case _ =>
c = buf.next
buf.eofIsFailure = false
if (forcedReturn == null) {
new String(buf.substring())
} else {
private[json] def parseDouble(s: String) = {
// Intermediate objects and arrays which can be grown mutably for performance.
// These are finalized into immutable JObject and JArray.
private[this] case class IntermediateJObject(fields: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[JField])
private[this] case class IntermediateJArray(bits: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[JValue])
private val astParser = (p: Parser) => {
val vals = new ValStack(p)
var token: Token = null
var root: Option[JValue] = None
// At the end of an object, if we're looking at an intermediate form of an
// object or array, gather up all their component parts and create the final
// object or array.
def closeBlock(v: Any): Unit = {
def toJValue(x: Any) = x match {
case json: JValue => json
case other: IntermediateJObject => JObject(other.fields.result())
case other: IntermediateJArray => JArray(other.bits.result())
case _ => p.fail("unexpected field " + x)
vals.peekOption match {
case Some(JField(name: String, value)) =>
val obj = vals.peek(classOf[IntermediateJObject])
obj.fields.append(JField(name, toJValue(v)))
case Some(o: IntermediateJObject) =>
case Some(a: IntermediateJArray) => a.bits.append(toJValue(v))
case Some(x) => p.fail("expected field, array or object but got " + x)
case None => root = Some(toJValue(v))
def newValue(v: JValue): Unit = {
if (!vals.isEmpty)
vals.peekAny match {
case JField(name, value) =>
val obj = vals.peek(classOf[IntermediateJObject])
obj.fields += (JField(name,v))
case a: IntermediateJArray => a.bits += v
case other => p.fail("expected field or array but got " + other)
} else {
root = Some(v)
do {
token = p.nextToken
token match {
case OpenObj => vals.push(IntermediateJObject(scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer()))
case FieldStart(name) => vals.push(JField(name, null))
case StringVal(x) => newValue(JString(x))
case IntVal(x) => newValue(JInt(x))
case DoubleVal(x) => newValue(JDouble(x))
case BoolVal(x) => newValue(JBool(x))
case NullVal => newValue(JNull)
case CloseObj => closeBlock(vals.popAny)
case OpenArr => vals.push(IntermediateJArray(scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer()))
case CloseArr => closeBlock(vals.popAny)
case End =>
} while (token != End)
root getOrElse JNothing
private[this] final val EOF: Char = (-1).asInstanceOf[Char]
private class ValStack(parser: Parser) {
import java.util.ArrayDeque
private[this] val stack = new ArrayDeque[Any](32)
def popAny = stack.poll
def pop[A](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.poll, expectedType)
def push(v: Any) = stack.addFirst(v)
def peekAny = stack.peek
def peek[A](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.peek, expectedType)
def replace[A](newTop: Any) = {
private def convert[A](x: Any, expectedType: Class[A]): A = {
if (x == null) parser.fail("expected object or array")
try {
} catch {
case cce: ClassCastException =>
parser.fail(s"failure during class conversion. I got $x but needed a type of $expectedType", cce)
def peekOption = if (stack.isEmpty) None else Some(stack.peek)
def isEmpty = stack.isEmpty
class Parser(buf: Buffer) {
import java.util.ArrayDeque
// Maintains our current nesting context in the form of BlockMode, which
// indicates if each context is an array or object.
private[this] val blocks = new ArrayDeque[BlockMode](32)
private[this] var fieldNameMode = true
def fail(msg: String, cause: Exception = null) = throw new ParseException(msg + "\nNear: " + buf.near, cause)
/** Parse next Token from stream.
def nextToken: Token = {
def parseString: String =
try {
} catch {
case p: ParseException => throw p
case cause: Exception => fail("unexpected string end", cause)
def parseValue(first: Char) = {
var wasInt = true
var doubleVal = false
val buf = this.buf
// Back up and mark the buffer so that we can extract a substring after
// that contains the whole value.
while (wasInt) {
val c = buf.next
(c: @switch) match {
case '.' | 'e' | 'E' =>
doubleVal = true
case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | '-' | '+' =>
// continue
case _ =>
wasInt = false
if (c != EOF) {
buf.back // don't include the last character
buf.forward // substring is exclusive to the last index
val value = buf.substring()
buf.back // back up so our current pointer is in the right place
(doubleVal: @switch) match {
case true =>
DoubleVal(parseDouble(new String(value)))
case false =>
IntVal(BigInt(new String(value)))
while (true) {
(buf.next: @switch) match {
case '{' =>
fieldNameMode = true
return OpenObj
case '}' =>
return CloseObj
case '"' =>
if (fieldNameMode && blocks.peek == OBJECT) return FieldStart(parseString)
else {
fieldNameMode = true
return StringVal(parseString)
case 't' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'r' && buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'e') {
return BoolVal(true)
fail("expected boolean")
case 'f' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'a' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 's' && buf.next == 'e') {
return BoolVal(false)
fail("expected boolean")
case 'n' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 'l') {
return NullVal
fail("expected null")
case ':' =>
if (blocks.peek == ARRAY) fail("Colon in an invalid position")
fieldNameMode = false
case '[' =>
return OpenArr
case ']' =>
fieldNameMode = true
return CloseArr
case c @ ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | '-') =>
fieldNameMode = true
return parseValue(c)
case ' ' | '\n' | ',' | '\r' | '\t' =>
// ignore
case c =>
c match {
case `EOF` =>
return End
case _ =>
fail("unknown token " + c)
sealed abstract class BlockMode
case object ARRAY extends BlockMode
case object OBJECT extends BlockMode
/* Buffer used to parse JSON.
* Buffer is divided to one or more segments (preallocated in segmentPool).
private[json] final class Buffer(in: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean, segmentPool: SegmentPool = Segments) {
// Reused by the parser when appropriate, allows for a single builder to be
// used throughout the parse process, and to be written to directly from the
// substring method, so as to avoid allocating new builders when avoidable.
private[json] final val builder = new java.lang.StringBuilder(32)
var offset = 0 // how far into the current segment we've read data
var curMark = -1
var curMarkSegment = -1
var eofIsFailure = false
private[this] var segments = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(segmentPool.apply())
private[this] var segment: Array[Char] = segments.head.seg
private[this] var cur = 0 // Pointer which points current parsing location
private[this] var curSegmentIdx = 0 // Pointer which points current segment
// Mark the current point so that future substring calls will extract the
// value from this point to whatever point the buffer has advanced to.
def mark = {
if (curSegmentIdx > 0) {
segments(0) = segments.remove(curSegmentIdx)
curSegmentIdx = 0
curMark = cur
curMarkSegment = curSegmentIdx
def back = cur = cur-1
def forward = cur = cur+1
// Read the next character; reads new data from the reader if necessary.
def next: Char = {
if (cur >= offset && read < 0) {
if (eofIsFailure) throw new ParseException("unexpected eof", null) else EOF
} else {
val c = segment(cur)
cur += 1
private[this] final val emptyArray = new Array[Char](0)
// Slices from the last marked point to the current index. If intoBuilder is
// true, appends it to the buffer's builder and returns an empty array. If
// false, slices it into a new array and returns that array.
final def substring(intoBuilder: Boolean = false) = {
if (curSegmentIdx == curMarkSegment) {
val substringLength = cur - curMark - 1
if (intoBuilder) {
builder.append(segment, curMark, substringLength)
} else if (substringLength == 0) {
} else {
val array = new Array[Char](substringLength)
System.arraycopy(segment, curMark, array, 0, substringLength)
} else { // slower path for case when string is in two or more segments
val segmentCount = curSegmentIdx - curMarkSegment + 1
val substringLength = segmentCount * segmentPool.segmentSize - curMark - (segmentPool.segmentSize - cur) - 1
val chars =
if (intoBuilder) {
} else {
new Array[Char](substringLength)
var i = curMarkSegment
var offset = 0
while (i <= curSegmentIdx) {
val s = segments(i).seg
val start = if (i == curMarkSegment) curMark else 0
val end = if (i == curSegmentIdx) cur else s.length+1
val partLen = end-start-1
if (intoBuilder) {
builder.append(s, start, partLen)
} else {
System.arraycopy(s, start, chars, offset, partLen)
offset += partLen
i = i+1
curMarkSegment = -1
curMark = -1
def near = {
val start = (cur - 20) max 0
val len = ((cur + 1) min segmentPool.segmentSize) - start
new String(segment, start, len)
def release = segments.foreach(segmentPool.release)
private[JsonParser] def automaticClose = if (closeAutomatically) in.close
// Reads the next available block from the reader. Returns -1 if there's
// nothing more to read.
private[this] def read = {
if (offset >= segment.length) {
offset = 0
val segmentToUse =
(curMarkSegment: @scala.annotation.switch) match {
case -1 =>
curSegmentIdx = 0
case _ =>
curSegmentIdx += 1
if (curSegmentIdx < segments.length) {
} else {
val segment = segmentPool.apply()
segment = segmentToUse.seg
val length = in.read(segment, offset, segment.length-offset)
if (length != -1) {
cur = offset
offset += length
} else -1
private[json] trait SegmentPool {
def apply(): Segment
def release(segment: Segment): Unit
def segmentSize: Int
private[json] class ArrayBlockingSegmentPool(override val segmentSize: Int) extends SegmentPool {
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
private[this] val maxNumOfSegments = 10000
private[this] var segmentCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
private[this] val segments = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Segment](maxNumOfSegments)
private[json] def clear = segments.clear
def apply(): Segment = {
val s = acquire
// Give back a disposable segment if pool is exhausted.
if (s != null) s else DisposableSegment(new Array(segmentSize))
private[this] def acquire: Segment = {
val curCount = segmentCount.get
val createNew =
if (segments.size == 0 && curCount < maxNumOfSegments)
segmentCount.compareAndSet(curCount, curCount + 1)
else false
if (createNew) RecycledSegment(new Array(segmentSize)) else segments.poll
def release(s: Segment) = s match {
case _: RecycledSegment => segments.offer(s)
case _ =>
* A pool of preallocated char arrays.
private object Segments extends ArrayBlockingSegmentPool(1000)
sealed trait Segment {
val seg: Array[Char]
case class RecycledSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment
case class DisposableSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment
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