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* Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package net.liftweb
package proto
import sitemap._
import Loc._
import http._
import util._
import common._
import Helpers._
import scala.xml._
* This trait automatically adds CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) operations
* to an existing persistence mechanism.
* Various methods can be overridden to
* customize which operations are available to a user and how things are displayed.
* For example, you can disable deletion of entities by overriding deleteMenuLoc to Empty.
trait Crudify {
* The type of records we're manipulating
type TheCrudType
* A generic representation of a field. For example, this represents the
* abstract "name" field and is used along with an instance of TheCrudType
* to compute the BaseField that is the "name" field on the specific instance
* of TheCrudType
type FieldPointerType
* This trait represents a Bridge between TheCrudType
* and the Crudify trait. It's not necessary to mix this
* trait into TheCrudType, but instead provide a mechanism
* for promoting a TheCrudType to CrudBridge
protected trait CrudBridge {
* Delete the instance of TheCrudType from the backing store
def delete_! : Boolean
* Save an instance of TheCrudType in backing store
def save : Boolean
* Validate the fields in TheCrudType and return a List[FieldError]
* representing the errors.
def validate: List[FieldError]
* Return a string representation of the primary key field
def primaryKeyFieldAsString: String
* This method will instantiate a bridge from TheCrudType so
* that the appropriate logical operations can be performed
* on TheCrudType
protected implicit def buildBridge(from: TheCrudType): CrudBridge
protected trait FieldPointerBridge {
* What is the display name of this field?
def displayHtml: NodeSeq
* Based on a FieldPointer, build a FieldPointerBridge
protected implicit def buildFieldBridge(from: FieldPointerType): FieldPointerBridge
lazy val Prefix = calcPrefix
lazy val ListItems = calcListItems
lazy val ViewItem = calcViewItem
lazy val CreateItem = calcCreateItem
lazy val EditItem = calcEditItem
lazy val DeleteItem = calcDeleteItem
* What's the prefix for this CRUD. Typically the table name.
def calcPrefix: List[String]
* Vend a new instance of TheCrudType
def create: TheCrudType
def calcListItems = "list"
def calcViewItem = "view"
def calcCreateItem = "create"
def calcEditItem = "edit"
def calcDeleteItem = "delete"
def displayName = displayHtml.text
def displayHtml: NodeSeq = Text(calcPrefix.head)
* The fields displayed on the list page. By default all
* the displayed fields, but this list
* can be shortened.
def fieldsForList: List[FieldPointerType] = fieldsForDisplay
* When displaying a record, what fields do we display
def fieldsForDisplay: List[FieldPointerType]
* The list of fields to present on a form form editing
def fieldsForEditing: List[FieldPointerType] = fieldsForDisplay
def pageWrapper(body: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
* The menu item for listing items (make this "Empty" to disable)
def showAllMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
Full(Menu(Loc("List "+Prefix, listPath, showAllMenuName,
addlMenuLocParams ::: (
locSnippets :: Loc.Template(showAllTemplate) ::
* Override to include new Params for the show all menu
def showAllMenuLocParams: List[Loc.AnyLocParam] = Nil
* The menu item for creating items (make this "Empty" to disable)
def createMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
Full(Menu(Loc("Create "+Prefix, createPath, createMenuName,
(addlMenuLocParams ::: (
locSnippets :: Loc.Template(createTemplate) ::
* Override to include new Params for the create menu
def createMenuLocParams: List[Loc.AnyLocParam] = Nil
* If there are any Loc.LocParams that need to be
* added to every menu (e.g., a guard for access control
* of the Crudify screens)
protected def addlMenuLocParams: List[Loc.AnyLocParam] = Nil
* Customize the display of a row for displayRecord
protected def doDisplayRecordRow(entry: TheCrudType): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
"^" #> {
for {
pointer <- fieldsForDisplay
field <- computeFieldFromPointer(entry, pointer).toList
if field.shouldDisplay_?
} yield {
".name *" #> field.displayHtml &
".value *" #> field.asHtml
* Customize the display of records for view menu loc
protected def displayRecord(entry: TheCrudType): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
".row" #> doDisplayRecordRow(entry)
* The menu item for viewing an item (make this "Empty" to disable)
def viewMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
Full(Menu(new Loc[TheCrudType]{
// the name of the page
def name = "View "+Prefix
override val snippets: SnippetTest = {
case ("crud.view", Full(wp)) => displayRecord(wp.asInstanceOf[TheCrudType])
def defaultValue = Empty
lazy val params = addlMenuLocParams ::: viewMenuLocParams
* What's the text of the link?
val text = new Loc.LinkText(calcLinkText _)
def calcLinkText(in: TheCrudType): NodeSeq = Text(S.?("", displayName))
* Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter
override val rewrite: LocRewrite =
Full(NamedPF(name) {
case RewriteRequest(pp , _, _) if hasParamFor(pp, viewPath) =>
(RewriteResponse(viewPath), findForParam(pp.wholePath.last))
override def calcTemplate = Full(viewTemplate)
val link =
new Loc.Link[TheCrudType](viewPath, false) {
override def createLink(in: TheCrudType) =
* Override to include new Params for the view menu
def viewMenuLocParams: List[Loc.LocParam[TheCrudType]] = Nil
* The menu item for editing an item (make this "Empty" to disable)
def editMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = {
Full(Menu(new Loc[TheCrudType]{
// the name of the page
def name = "Edit "+Prefix
override val snippets: SnippetTest = {
case ("crud.edit", Full(wp)) => crudDoForm(wp.asInstanceOf[TheCrudType], S.?("Save"))
def defaultValue = Empty
lazy val params = addlMenuLocParams ::: editMenuLocParams
* What's the text of the link?
val text = new Loc.LinkText(calcLinkText _)
def calcLinkText(in: TheCrudType): NodeSeq = Text(S.?("", displayName))
* Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter
override val rewrite: LocRewrite =
Full(NamedPF(name) {
case RewriteRequest(pp , _, _) if hasParamFor(pp, editPath) =>
(RewriteResponse(editPath), findForParam(pp.wholePath.last))
override def calcTemplate = Full(editTemplate)
val link =
new Loc.Link[TheCrudType](editPath, false) {
override def createLink(in: TheCrudType) =
* Override to include new Params for the edit menu
def editMenuLocParams: List[Loc.LocParam[TheCrudType]] = Nil
* The String displayed for menu editing
def editMenuName = S.?("Edit")+" "+displayName
* This is the template that's used to render the page after the
* optional wrapping of the template in the page wrapper
def editTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_editTemplate)
def editId = "edit_page"
def editClass = "edit_class"
def editErrorClass = "edit_error_class"
* The core template for editing. Does not include any
* page wrapping.
protected def _editTemplate = {
def editButton = S.?("Save")
* Override this method to change how fields are displayed for delete
protected def doDeleteFields(item: TheCrudType): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
"^" #> {
for {
pointer <- fieldsForDisplay
field <- computeFieldFromPointer(item, pointer).toList
if field.shouldDisplay_?
} yield {
".name *" #> field.displayHtml &
".value *" #> field.asHtml
* Override this method to change the behavior of deleting an item
protected def doDeleteSubmit(item: TheCrudType, from: String)() = {
S.notice(S ? "Deleted")
* Override this method to change how the delete screen is built
protected def crudyDelete(item: TheCrudType): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
val from = referer
".field" #> doDeleteFields(item) &
"type=submit" #> SHtml.onSubmitUnit(doDeleteSubmit(item, from) _)
* The menu item for deleting an item (make this "Empty" to disable)
def deleteMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = {
Full(Menu(new Loc[TheCrudType]{
// the name of the page
def name = "Delete "+Prefix
override val snippets: SnippetTest = {
case ("crud.delete", Full(wp)) => crudyDelete(wp.asInstanceOf[TheCrudType])
def defaultValue = Empty
lazy val params = addlMenuLocParams ::: deleteMenuLocParams
* What's the text of the link?
val text = new Loc.LinkText(calcLinkText _)
def calcLinkText(in: TheCrudType): NodeSeq = Text(S.?("", displayName))
* Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter
override val rewrite: LocRewrite =
Full(NamedPF(name) {
case RewriteRequest(pp , _, _) if hasParamFor(pp, deletePath) =>
(RewriteResponse(deletePath), findForParam(pp.wholePath.last))
override def calcTemplate = Full(deleteTemplate)
val link =
new Loc.Link[TheCrudType](deletePath, false) {
override def createLink(in: TheCrudType) =
private def hasParamFor(pp: ParsePath, toTest: List[String]): Boolean = {
pp.wholePath.startsWith(toTest) &&
pp.wholePath.length == (toTest.length + 1) &&
* Override to include new Params for the delete menu
def deleteMenuLocParams: List[Loc.LocParam[TheCrudType]] = Nil
def deleteMenuName = S.?("Delete")+" "+displayName
* This is the template that's used to render the page after the
* optional wrapping of the template in the page wrapper
def deleteTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_deleteTemplate)
def deleteId = "delete_page"
def deleteClass = "delete_class"
* The core template for deleting. Does not include any
* page wrapping.
def _deleteTemplate = {
def deleteButton = S.?("Delete")
def createMenuName = S.?("Create")+" "+displayName
* This is the template that's used to render the page after the
* optional wrapping of the template in the page wrapper.
def createTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_createTemplate)
def createId = "create_page"
def createClass = "create_class"
* The core template for creating. Does not include any
* page wrapping.
def _createTemplate = {
def createButton = S.?("Create")
def viewMenuName = S.?("View")+" "+displayName
* This is the template that's used to render the page after the
* optional wrapping of the template in the page wrapper
def viewTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_viewTemplate)
def viewId = "view_page"
def viewClass = "view_class"
* The core template for viewing. Does not include any
* page wrapping.
def _viewTemplate = {
def showAllMenuName = S.?("List", displayName)
* This is the template that's used to render the page after the
* optional wrapping of the template in the page wrapper
def showAllTemplate(): NodeSeq = pageWrapper(_showAllTemplate)
def showAllId = "show_all"
def showAllClass = "show_all"
* The core template for showing record. Does not include any
* page wrapping
def _showAllTemplate = {
def nextWord = S.?("Next")
def previousWord = S.?("Previous")
lazy val listPath = Prefix ::: List(ListItems)
lazy val listPathString: String = mp(listPath)
lazy val createPath = Prefix ::: List(CreateItem)
lazy val createPathString: String = mp(createPath)
lazy val viewPath = Prefix ::: List(ViewItem)
lazy val viewPathString: String = mp(viewPath)
lazy val editPath = Prefix ::: List(EditItem)
lazy val editPathString: String = mp(editPath)
lazy val deletePath = Prefix ::: List(DeleteItem)
lazy val deletePathString: String = mp(deletePath)
private def mp(in: List[String]) = in.mkString("/", "/", "")
def menus: List[Menu] =
List(showAllMenuLoc, createMenuLoc, viewMenuLoc,
editMenuLoc, deleteMenuLoc).flatMap(x => x)
* Given a range, find the records. Your implementation of this
* method should enforce ordering (e.g., on primary key).
def findForList(start: Long, count: Int): List[TheCrudType]
* Given a String that represents the primary key, find an instance of
* TheCrudType
def findForParam(in: String): Box[TheCrudType]
* Given an instance of TheCrudType and FieldPointerType, convert
* that to an actual instance of a BaseField on the instance of TheCrudType
protected def computeFieldFromPointer(instance: TheCrudType, pointer: FieldPointerType): Box[BaseField]
* This method defines how many rows are displayed per page. By
* default, it's hard coded at 20, but you can make it session specific
* or change the default by overriding this method.
protected def rowsPerPage: Int = 20
* Override this method to customize how header items are treated
protected def doCrudAllHeaderItems: (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
"^ *" #>
* Override this method to customize how a crudAll line is generated
protected def doCrudAllRowItem(c: TheCrudType): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
"^" #> {
for {
pointer <- fieldsForList
field <- computeFieldFromPointer(c, pointer).toList
} yield {
".value *" #> field.asHtml
* Override this method to determine how all the rows on a crud
* page are displayed
protected def doCrudAllRows(list: List[TheCrudType]): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
"^" #> list.take(rowsPerPage).map { rowItem =>
".row-item" #> doCrudAllRowItem(rowItem) &
".view [href]" #> (s"$viewPathString/${obscurePrimaryKey(rowItem)}") &
".edit [href]" #> (s"$editPathString/${obscurePrimaryKey(rowItem)}") &
".delete [href]" #> (s"$deletePathString/${obscurePrimaryKey(rowItem)}")
* Override this method to change how the previous link is
* generated
protected def crudAllPrev(first: Long): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
if (first < rowsPerPage) {
} else {
"^ <*>" #>
* Override this method to change how the next link is generated
protected def crudAllNext(first: Long, list: List[TheCrudType]): (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
if (first < rowsPerPage) {
} else {
"^ <*>" #>
* Override this method if you want to change the behavior
* of displaying records via the crud.all snippet
protected def doCrudAll: (NodeSeq)=>NodeSeq = {
val first = S.param("first").map(toLong) openOr 0L
val list = findForList(first, rowsPerPage)
".header-item" #> doCrudAllHeaderItems &
".row" #> doCrudAllRows(list) &
".previous" #> crudAllPrev(first) &
".next" #> crudAllNext(first, list)
lazy val locSnippets = new DispatchLocSnippets {
val dispatch: PartialFunction[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq] = {
case "crud.all" => doCrudAll
case "crud.create" => crudDoForm(create, S.?("Created"))
* This method can be used to obscure the primary key. This is more secure
* because end users will not have access to the primary key.
def obscurePrimaryKey(in: TheCrudType): String = obscurePrimaryKey(in.primaryKeyFieldAsString)
* This method can be used to obscure the primary key. This is more secure
* because end users will not have access to the primary key. This method
* actually does the obfuscation. You can use Mapper's KeyObfuscator class
* to implement a nice implementation of this method for session-by-session
* obfuscation.
* By default, there's no obfuscation. Note that if you obfuscate the
* primary key, you need to update the findForParam method to accept
* the obfuscated keys (and translate them back.)
def obscurePrimaryKey(in: String): String = in
def referer: String = S.referer openOr listPathString
* As the field names are being displayed for editing, this method
* is called with the XHTML that will be displayed as the field name
* and a flag indicating whether the field is required. You
* can wrap the fieldName in a span with a css class indicating that
* the field is required or otherwise do something to update the field
* name indicating to the user that the field is required. By default
* the method wraps the fieldName in a span with the class attribute set
* to "required_field".
def wrapNameInRequired(fieldName: NodeSeq, required: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
if (required) {
} else {
def crudDoForm(item: TheCrudType, noticeMsg: String)(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
val from = referer
val snipName = S.currentSnippet
def loop(html:NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
def error(field: BaseField): NodeSeq = {
field.uniqueFieldId match {
case fid @ Full(id) => S.getNotices.filter(_._3 == fid).flatMap(err =>
List(Text(" "), {err._2}) )
case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
def doFields(html: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
for {
pointer <- fieldsForEditing
field <- computeFieldFromPointer(item, pointer).toList
if field.show_?
form <- field.toForm.toList
bindNode =
".name *" #> {
wrapNameInRequired(field.displayHtml, field.required_?) ++
} &
".form *" #> form
node <- bindNode(html)
} yield node
def doSubmit() = item.validate match {
case Nil =>
case xs =>
snipName.foreach(S.mapSnippet(_, loop))
val bind =
".field" #> doFields _ &
"type=submit" #> SHtml.onSubmitUnit(doSubmit _)