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i18n.lift-core_cs.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# (c) 2011 Tomas Dvorak (dvtomas gmail.com)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
invalid.email.address = Neplatn\u00e1 emailov\u00e1 adresa
password.must.be.set = Heslo mus\u00ed b\u00fdt vypln\u011bn\u00e9
password.too.short = Heslo je p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 kr\u00e1tk\u00e9
passwords.do.not.match = Hesla nesouhlas\u00ed
number.required = Po\u017eadov\u00e1na \u010d\u00edseln\u00e1 hodnota
ajax.error=Nelze se p\u0159ipojit k serveru
invalid.zip.code = Neplatn\u00e9 po\u0161tovn\u00ed sm\u011brovac\u00ed \u010d\u00edslo ZIP
invalid.postal.code = Neplatn\u00e9 po\u0161tovn\u00ed sm\u011brovac\u00ed \u010d\u00edslo
unique.email.address = Adresa mus\u00ed b\u00fdt jedine\u010dn\u00e1
must.be.logged.in = Je t\u0159eba b\u00fdt p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en
already.logged.in = Nejprve je t\u0159eba se odhl\u00e1sit
login = P\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed
logout = Odhl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed
log.in = P\u0159ihl\u00e1sit se
log.out = Odhl\u00e1sit se
sign.up = Zaregistrovat se
logged.in = P\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en
logout.first = Nejprve je t\u0159eba se odhl\u00e1sit
lost.password = Zapomenut\u00e9 heslo
reset.password = Reset hesla
change.password = Zm\u011bnit heslo
password.changed = Heslo \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b zm\u011bn\u011bno
edit.user = Upravit nastaven\u00ed u\u017eivatele
validate.user = Ov\u011b\u0159it u\u017eivatele
edit.profile = Upravit u\u017eivatelsk\u00fd profil
sign.up.confirmation = Potvrzen\u00ed o registraci
sign.up.message = Registrace prob\u011bhla \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b. Byl v\u00e1m zasl\u00e1n ov\u011b\u0159ovac\u00ed email, pros\u00edm pod\u00edvejte se do sv\u00e9 emailov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky.
sign.up.validation.link=Klikn\u011bte na tento odkaz pro dokon\u010den\u00ed registrace.
welcome = V\u00edtejte
account.validated = \u00da\u010det byl \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b ov\u011b\u0159en
invalid.validation.link = Ov\u011b\u0159ovac\u00ed odkaz je neplatn\u00fd.
account.validation.error = V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det je\u0161t\u011b nebyl ov\u011b\u0159en. M\u011bl by v\u00e1m p\u0159ij\u00edt email pot\u0159ebn\u00fd pro potvrzen\u00ed \u00fa\u010dtu.
invalid.credentials = Neplatn\u00e9 u\u017eivatelsk\u00e9 jm\u00e9no/heslo
enter.email = Zadejte svoji emailovou adresu, a my v\u00e1m za\u0161leme odkaz pro zm\u011bnu hesla.
email.address = Emailov\u00e1 adresa
reset.password.confirmation = Potvrzen\u00ed resetu hesla
dear = V\u00e1\u017een\u00fd/\u00e1
click.reset.link = Kliknut\u00edm na tento odkaz resetujete sv\u00e9 heslo
thank.you = D\u011bkujeme
reset.password.request = Po\u017eadavek o reset hesla
password.reset.email.sent = Email pro reset hesla byl odesl\u00e1n
account.validation.resent = Ov\u011b\u0159en\u00ed \u00fa\u010dtu znovu zasl\u00e1no
email.address.not.found = Emailov\u00e1 adresa nebyla nalezena
send.it = Odeslat
reset.your.password = Reset va\u0161eho hesla
enter.your.new.password = Zadejte nov\u00e9 heslo
repeat.your.new.password = Potvr\u010fte nov\u00e9 heslo
set.password = Nastavit heslo
password.link.invalid = Odkaz pro reset hesla nen\u00ed platn\u00fd
wrong.old.password = Chybn\u00e9 star\u00e9 heslo
old.password = Star\u00e9 heslo
new.password = Nov\u00e9 heslo
repeat.password = Potvr\u010fte nov\u00e9 heslo
repeat = Zopakovat
edit = Upravit
cancel = Zru\u0161it
ok = OK
change = Zm\u011bnit
password = Heslo
recover.password = Obnovit ztracen\u00e9 heslo
profile.updated = V\u00e1\u0161 profil byl aktualizov\u00e1n
male = Mu\u017e
female = \u017dena
first.name = Jm\u00e9no
last.name = P\u0159\u00edjmen\u00ed
locale = N\u00e1rodn\u00ed prost\u0159ed\u00ed
time.zone = \u010casov\u00e9 p\u00e1smo
msg.notice = Pozn\u00e1mka
msg.warning = Varov\u00e1n\u00ed
msg.error = Chyba
crudify.menu.view.displayName=Zobrazit %s
crudify.menu.edit.displayName=Upravit %s
crudify.menu.delete.displayName=Smazat %s
paginator.norecords = Seznam je pr\u00e1zdn\u00fd
paginator.displayingrecords = Zobrazeno %s-%s of %s
# Country names
country_1 = Spojen\u00e9 st\u00e1ty americk\u00e9
country_2 = Afgh\u00e1nist\u00e1n
country_3 = Alb\u00e1nie
country_4 = Al\u017e\u00edrsko
country_5 = Andorra
country_6 = Angola
country_7 = Antigua a Barbuda
country_8 = Argentina
country_9 = Arm\u00e9nie
country_10 = Austr\u00e1lie
country_11 = Rakousko
country_12 = \u00c1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1n
country_13 = Bahamy
country_14 = Bahrajn
country_15 = Banglad\u00e9\u0161
country_16 = Barbados
country_17 = B\u011blorusko
country_18 = Belgie
country_19 = Belize
country_20 = Benin
country_21 = Bh\u00fat\u00e1n
country_22 = Bol\u00edvie
country_23 = Bosna a Hercegovina
country_24 = Botswana
country_25 = Braz\u00edlie
country_26 = Brunej
country_27 = Bulharsko
country_28 = Burkina Faso
country_29 = Burundi
country_30 = Kambod\u017ea
country_31 = Kamerun
country_32 = Kanada
country_33 = Kapverdy
country_34 = St\u0159edoafrick\u00e1 republika
country_35 = \u010cad
country_36 = Chile
country_37 = \u010c\u00edna
country_38 = Kolumbie
country_39 = Komory
country_40 = Demokratick\u00e1 republika Kongo
country_41 = Kongo
country_42 = Kostarika
country_43 = Pob\u0159e\u017e\u00ed slonoviny
country_44 = Chorvatsko
country_45 = Kuba
country_46 = Kypr
country_47 = \u010cesk\u00e1 republika
country_48 = D\u00e1nsko
country_49 = D\u017eibutsko
country_50 = Dominika
country_51 = Dominik\u00e1nsk\u00e1 republika
country_52 = Ekv\u00e1dor
country_53 = Egypt
country_54 = Salvador
country_55 = Rovn\u00edkov\u00e1 Guinea
country_56 = Eritrea
country_57 = Estonsko
country_58 = Etiopie
country_59 = Fid\u017ei
country_60 = Finsko
country_61 = Francie
country_62 = Gabon
country_63 = Gambie
country_64 = Gruzie
country_65 = N\u011bmecko
country_66 = Ghana
country_67 = \u0158ecko
country_68 = Grenada
country_69 = Guatemala
country_70 = Guinea
country_71 = Guinea-Bissau
country_72 = Guyana
country_73 = Haiti
country_74 = Honduras
country_75 = Ma\u010farsko
country_76 = Island
country_77 = Indie
country_78 = Indon\u00e9sie
country_79 = \u00cdr\u00e1n
country_80 = Ir\u00e1k
country_81 = Irsko
country_82 = Izrael
country_83 = It\u00e1lie
country_84 = Jamajka
country_85 = Japonsko
country_86 = Jord\u00e1nsko
country_87 = Kazachst\u00e1n
country_88 = Ke\u0148a
country_89 = Kiribati
country_90 = Severn\u00ed Korea
country_91 = Ji\u017en\u00ed Korea
country_92 = Kuvajt
country_93 = Kyrgyzst\u00e1n
country_94 = Laos
country_95 = Loty\u0161sko
country_96 = Libanon
country_97 = Lesotho
country_98 = Lib\u00e9rie
country_99 = Libye
country_100 = Lichten\u0161tejnsko
country_101 = Litva
country_102 = Lucembursko
country_103 = Makedonie
country_104 = Madagaskar
country_105 = Malawi
country_106 = Malajsie
country_107 = Maledivy
country_108 = Mali
country_109 = Malta
country_110 = Marshallovy ostrovy
country_111 = Maurit\u00e1nie
country_112 = Mauricius
country_113 = Mexiko
country_114 = Mikron\u00e9sie
country_115 = Moldavsko
country_116 = Monako
country_117 = Mongolsko
country_118 = \u010cern\u00e1 Hora
country_119 = Maroko
country_120 = Mosambik
country_121 = Myanmar
country_122 = Namibie
country_123 = Nauru
country_124 = Nep\u00e1l
country_125 = Nizozemsko
country_126 = Nov\u00fd Z\u00e9land
country_127 = Nikaragua
country_128 = Niger
country_129 = Nig\u00e9rie
country_130 = Norsko
country_131 = Om\u00e1n
country_132 = P\u00e1kist\u00e1n
country_133 = Palau
country_134 = Panama
country_135 = Papua-Nov\u00e1 Guinea
country_136 = Paraguay
country_137 = Peru
country_138 = Filip\u00edny
country_139 = Polsko
country_140 = Portugalsko
country_141 = Katar
country_142 = Rumunsko
country_143 = Rusko
country_144 = Rwanda
country_145 = Svat\u00fd Kry\u0161tof a Nevis
country_146 = Svat\u00e1 Lucie
country_147 = Svat\u00fd Vincenc a Grenadiny
country_148 = Samoa
country_149 = San Marino
country_150 = Svat\u00fd Tom\u00e1\u0161 a Princ\u016fv ostrov
country_151 = Sa\u00fadsk\u00e1 Ar\u00e1bie
country_152 = Senegal
country_153 = Srbsko
country_154 = Seychely
country_155 = Sierra Leone
country_156 = Singapur
country_157 = Slovensko
country_158 = Slovinsko
country_159 = \u0160alamounovy ostrovy
country_160 = Som\u00e1lsko
country_161 = Jihoafrick\u00e1 republika
country_162 = \u0160pan\u011blsko
country_163 = \u0160r\u00ed Lanka
country_164 = S\u00fad\u00e1n
country_165 = Surinam
country_166 = Svazijsko
country_167 = \u0160v\u00e9dsko
country_168 = \u0160v\u00fdcarsko
country_169 = S\u00fdrie
country_170 = T\u00e1d\u017eikist\u00e1n
country_171 = Tanzanie
country_172 = Thajsko
country_173 = Timor-Leste
country_174 = Togo
country_175 = Tonga
country_176 = Trinidad a Tobago
country_177 = Tunisko
country_178 = Turecko
country_179 = Turkmenist\u00e1n
country_180 = Tuvalu
country_181 = Uganda
country_182 = Ukrajina
country_183 = Spojen\u00e9 arabsk\u00e9 emir\u00e1ty
country_184 = Spojen\u00e9 kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed
country_185 = Uruguay
country_186 = Uzbekist\u00e1n
country_187 = Vanuatu
country_188 = Vatik\u00e1n
country_189 = Venezuela
country_190 = Vietnam
country_191 = Jemen
country_192 = Zambie
country_193 = Zimbabwe
country_194 = Abch\u00e1zie
country_195 = Tchaj-wan
country_196 = N\u00e1horn\u00ed Karabach
country_197 = Severn\u00ed Kypr
country_198 = Podn\u011bstersk\u00e1 moldavsk\u00e1 republika
country_199 = Som\u00e1lsko
country_200 = Ji\u017en\u00ed Osetie
country_201 = Ashmore a Cartier
country_202 = V\u00e1no\u010dn\u00ed ostrov
country_203 = Kokosov\u00e9 ostrovy
country_204 = Ostrovy Kor\u00e1lov\u00e9ho mo\u0159e
country_205 = Heard\u016fv ostrov a McDonaldovy ostrovy
country_206 = Norfolk
country_207 = Nov\u00e1 Kaledonie
country_208 = Francouzsk\u00e1 Polyn\u00e9sie
country_209 = Mayotte
country_210 = Saint-Barth\u00e9lemy
country_211 = Saint-Martin
country_212 = Saint-Pierre a Miquelon
country_213 = Wallis a Futuna
country_214 = Francouzsk\u00e1 ji\u017en\u00ed a antarktick\u00e1 \u00fazem\u00ed
country_215 = Clipperton\u016fv ostrov
country_216 = Bouvet\u016fv ostrov
country_217 = Cookovy ostrovy
country_218 = Niue
country_219 = Tokelau
country_220 = Guernsey
country_221 = Ostrov Man
country_222 = Jersey
country_223 = Anguilla
country_224 = Bermudy
country_225 = Britsk\u00e9 indickooce\u00e1nsk\u00e9 \u00fazem\u00ed
country_226 = Vojensk\u00e9 z\u00e1kladny Akrotiri a Dhekelia
country_227 = Britsk\u00e9 Panensk\u00e9 ostrovy
country_228 = Kajmansk\u00e9 ostrovy
country_229 = Falklandy (Malv\u00edny)
country_230 = Gibraltar
country_231 = Montserrat
country_232 = Pitcairnovy ostrovy
country_233 = Svat\u00e1 Helena
country_234 = Ji\u017en\u00ed Georgie a Ji\u017en\u00ed Sandwichovy ostrovy
country_235 = Turks a Caicos
country_236 = Severn\u00ed Mariany
country_237 = Portoriko
country_238 = Americk\u00e1 Samoa
country_239 = Baker\u016fv ostrov
country_240 = Guam
country_241 = Howland\u016fv ostrov
country_242 = Jarvis\u016fv ostrov
country_243 = Johnston\u016fv atol
country_244 = Kingman\u016fv \u00fates
country_245 = Ostrovy Midway
country_246 = Ostrov Navassa
country_247 = Atol Palmyra
country_248 = Americk\u00e9 Panensk\u00e9 ostrovy
country_249 = Ostrov Wake
country_250 = Hongkong
country_251 = Macao
country_252 = Faersk\u00e9 ostrovy
country_253 = Gr\u00f3nsko
country_254 = Francouzsk\u00e1 Guyana
country_255 = Guadeloupe
country_256 = Martinik
country_257 = R\u00e9union
country_258 = \u00c5landy
country_259 = Aruba
country_260 = Nizozemsk\u00e9 Antily
country_261 = \u0160picberky
country_262 = Ascension
country_263 = Tristan da Cunha
country_264 = Antarktida
country_265 = Kosovo
country_266 = Palestinsk\u00e1 autonomie
country_267 = Z\u00e1padn\u00ed Sahara
country_268 = Australsk\u00e9 antarktick\u00e9 teritorium
country_269 = Rossova dependence
country_270 = Ostrov Petra I.
country_271 = Zem\u011b kr\u00e1lovny Maud
country_272 = Britsk\u00e9 antarktick\u00e9 \u00fazem\u00ed
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